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Why? How? What?

Have you ever watched an ad and wondered what was the purpose of it or what were they
trying to tell you?

Every advertisement that you see, be it on television, newspaper or social media channels like
YouTube has a specific objective to it and its not sales. It could be to create brand awareness or
to build a connect with the audience or anything else. Sales happen because of the successful
completion of these objectives. If you have ever noticed that all great advertisements never talk
about their products upfront. They connect with you, make you relate to them, be it the latest
Doublemint Ad or Cadburys earlier Kuch Meetha Ho Jaye campaign.

Every great advertisement has a certain fixed way of communicating their ideas to the audience.
Its called the Golden Circle. The idea is to move from inside out of this circle.

Why? : Why do you exist? What purpose do you


How? : How are you fulfilling that purpose? What

makes you different from other?

What? : What do you sell?

Most of the marketing efforts move from outside

to inside in their communication and doing so they
fade away into oblivion. Theyll start with what
they sell and how its different, seldom reaching the why. Lets take an example of a taxi
service (Ola, Uber etc). What sounds better?

We provide an excellent taxi service and we do it through a vast network of drivers, wanna ride
with us?


We believe in making travel a convenient experience for you, we will do it because of the vast
network of drivers, we happen to provide taxi services, wanna ride with us?

People dont buy What you do but Why you do it

Dell came up with their MP3 players in the early 2000s, people didnt buy them rationalizing to
themselves that why would you buy an MP3 player from a computer company yet IPod became a
rage. Dell was a bigger company at that time yet people went with the IPod. Its because unlike
Dell, Apple did not advertise what they were selling but why they were selling it ingraining in
minds of people their belief of innovation and how they create innovation through unique design
and simple to use interface prompting people to buy anything that they sell and not just
Scope Exclusions
The following section describes the activities and/or deliverables that Accenture considers as out
of scope or excluded from scope:

1. The verification and validation of the data collected will not be the responsibility of the
company and it expects the data provided to Accenture would be verified before hand to
prevent any time delays.
2. Accenture would not be responsible for updating the data in the event of new teachers
being hired and/or new schools being opened after the go live of the Information System.
However, measures and support would be provided by the company to the client in
regards to updating the data on their own.
3. The company will not collect monthly attendance records of all teachers of each school
and college from district and sub-division levels and to update the same into the system
on a regular basis.

Support Required
Active participation and support from deportment stakeholders and team members in this project
is critical in the success of the project. Following section describes the specific support that
Accenture seeks from the education department during the project.

1. Commitment from the respective stakeholders to support this project with timely and
adequate participation of department personnel during meetings and training workshops.
Timely sharing of information, timely reviews and sign off on interim and final
2. Deputation of a project manager who would serve as the single point of contact (SPOC)
for Accenture project team. Accenture recommends assigning one SPOC at each level of
3. The project manager appointed should validate the discovery questionnaire prepared by
Accenture to prevent any future problems.
4. Validation of the data collected at divisional and sub-divisional level before hand by the
appointed SPOC so as to prevent delays.
Project Risks
This section describes the potential risks that might occur during the course of the project as
predicted by Accenture:

1. Possible delays during data collection phase due to the sheer number of schools and
colleges to be covered and limited manpower availability.
2. Three modules are to be designed at three different levels and hence there could be a lack
of agreement on common template.
3. Appointment of new teachers and/or termination of teachers during the implementation
stage of the project and non communication of the same to the project management team.
4. Disagreements over the mode of implementation of the application, whether it will be a
COTS implementation that suits the system or a bespoke development of the application.

Mitigation Strategy
This section will focus on the mitigation strategies to be adopted by Accenture to tackle the risks
and to prevent them from happening in the first place:

1. Accenture would require the assistance of the Department of Education, GoM to provide
assistance in the same by sensitizing the respective authorities about the same.
2. Emphasis would be laid down on top-down communication to key stakeholders on the
need to have a common template and the benefits of the same.
3. Setting up a communication channel between the SPOCs assigned by the client at each
level with the Accenture project team. It would be the duty of the SPOCs to keep the data
updated and any changes to it are communicated to the team as soon as possible.
4. The implementation strategy would be first discussed with the project manager assigned
by the client and his team before the development of the application and also always
keeping the assigned team in the loop with regards to the direction in which the
application development is heading.

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