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Emalee Schneider

ENG 101
24 October 2017
Inquiry Blog Reflection

In project two- The Inquiry Blog, I feel like I developed a good number of sources to use

for my upcoming argument essay. I gathered some sources that were based on hard facts and

also had an un-bias opinion. With these sources on hand, I believe I can develop a well-

constructed argument and well-supported evidence about police brutality. One of my sources

that I provided in the Inquiry Blog is primary- my brother. Asking my brother to be a part of this

assignment will enforce the claims that I am preparing because he has personally experienced

situations on his job. Also, my brother guided me with sources like court cases to provide good

hard facts. Including facts into my upcoming essay will make my argument credible and


Moving forward into the assignment, I learned how I can compare and contrast

events/situations related to police brutality. With my main focus on how the media projects

police officers, my purpose of composing this essay is to introduce a new outlook of police

brutality. Not everyone sees the sides I do; the majority of them only focus on the negatives

and I want to expose the positives. I feel like if I continue to cite back to my primary source, it

will make an advancement in my argument. I plan on continuing my research so I can include

quotes and assumptions of the law enforcement and prove them wrong with the facts of the

law. Overall, I want to inform my audience to a new way of viewing police officer more than

persuade them. Everyone has their opinion but not all of them understand the facts behind it.

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