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1 FORGES OF THE SPAGE MARINES ~ Ha nepal, This ection vill enable you to forgs Your collect if Warhammer 40,000, sion details background and nthe characters that tery ready to fight battles in Your games o rhe Gladius Strike Force is a special type of Detachment CHOOSING AN ARMY Warhammer that ean be included in any Battle-forged army. Un When choosing an army to playa gaine 0 aa uments shown in Warhammer 40,000: The Re Ce ce are the Unbaund method, which means Farce Organisation Chart whose slots are a ¢ se hicherer units you ike, and the Bate-forged mations and Army List Entries inste ‘thas extra benefits. Both ies, However, it still has compulsory ane hammer 40,000: The Rules ‘optional Benefits, ust like any other Detachment. method, which is more t ents, as well as Restrictions and Come are deseritxed fully in Wa sv are using the Unbound method, simply use the section that correspond to the Althou ‘one Detachment, units fro 1 units cannot normally belong to more thai lection. Ifyou are using the Battle om that is part of a Strike Force is your Primary Detachment section as part of a Battle-forged army. ESTRICTION Detactiment must inelude at least one Gore choice and BATTLE DEMECOMPANY (pg 174) iary choice Ie may include up to one more Core #1 Captain ‘or Chaplain / hhoice, up to three Command choices and any number of 0-1 Command Squad udditional Auxiliary choices, in any combination. Only the ‘© 3 Tactical Squads sshigets fisted here €an be included in this Detachment. ‘= 1 Assault Squad, Bike Squad, Attack Bike Squad. nits i the Detachment must have the Space Marines: of Land Speeders or Centurion Assault Squad clon ail ust be drawn from dhe same Chapter, #1 Devastator Squad or Genturion Devastator Sq #0 unitof Dreadnought, Ironclad Dreadnought .s Venerable Dreadnoughts Codex Astaries: IF your army containg one or more Gladius Sicike Forces, you €an enact each of the Combat Doctrines Devestaior, Assault and Tactical) (pg 189),once per game. ‘When each Combat Doctrine is enactedyall models in your fay with the Chapter Tactics rule Chaya part Of Gladius Strike Force are affected. Company Support: If'a Gladius Strike For Batlle Demi-companies, one ineludi A GLADIUS STRIKE FORCE baittofiekd, Whether you wish peeifc threat, the choices below offer a great way to pic For example, Sophie's Su ‘Kantor, Choplein, a 1. ator Su Pedro Kantor), @ Baitle D a 10th Company Task F Sophie sss to organise he method ~ as deserted Rules ~ all of her unats need t0 Formation. Sophie achieves ths nt and one Combined 140,000: The Rules 1 Benéfit, coil ie ‘The Glades Seite Force in Sophie's army consists of by, Sophie ch gre Core choice, one Command choice and one Aus choice Specifically, it consists of a Strike Force Co Gladius Strike Force De meri ANTI-AIR DEFENCE FORCE (ps #1 unit of Hunter * Lunitof Stalkers STORM V (pg 1 +1 Stormraven Gunshi + 2Stormtalon Gunship SUPPRESSION FORGE (pg 185) #1 unit of Whirlwinds #1 unit of Land Speeders 10TH COMPANY TASK FORCE (pg 179) #3:5 units chosen in any combination from the following list: = Seout Squad - Scout Bike Squad 0:1 Sergeant Telion ENTURION SIEGEBREAKER OHORT (pg 181) LAND RAIDER SPE! #3 units chosen in any combination from the following list: ~ Land Raider ~ Land Raider Crusader Centurion Assault Squads #1 unit of Ironclad Dreadnoughts HEAD (pg 182) Capra WARGEAR: + Plasma pistol + Frag grenades + Krak grenades ‘Iron halo (pz 195) WARLORD TRAIT: * Rites of War (pg 188) SPECIAL RULES: * And They Shall Know No Fear —— Oe CAPTAIN SICARIUS snp COMPANY CAPTAIN Un-TRAMARINES Battle-forged Heroes: During deployment, choose one friendly Ultramarines Tactical Squad. It gains one of the following special rules for the duration of the battle: C attack, [nfiltrate, Tank Hunters, Surprise Attack: Sicarius is alive and on the battlefield, you gain +1 to your Reserve Rolls, Cato Scars iste ve of the light ees fall ous tke: sudden his warriors with a d that borders upon aro Yet there is no intend doastfulness in Sicariu absolute slfconfiden ‘a blade since he enough to grip om: equal. Fis Tempest Bi whips through the air at no fi and parrics long survive. Between as leader and his fe caccomplishmen' Sicarius’ fame exond the borders of ( He leads the 2nd Come victory as easity a8 I ‘every other obstacle set path, and many beliew Si is the obviious success Calgar himself Unit Type Unit Composition Infantry (Character) 1 (Unique) & CHAPTER RELIC ‘Talassarian Tempest Blade: Sivaris’ ancesiral seord possesses a legendary sharpness and has slain many heretics cand xenos, often in a single stroke Ran s ar User «3 ~—~S«CMelee, Coup de Grice Coup de Grice: When Captain Sicarius makes close combat attacks, he can choose instead to make a single de gritce Attack, This Atack has #2 Strength and Death special rule. : = EE CHIEF LIBRARIAN TIGURIUS Unreamarines Masrex oF ARCANA them to barn th would-be asus cently, T ofthe Tyranids, predic their memes iit success that some whisp ray hare tapped into the Hive Mind itself wed WS BSS T WI Ald Sy Unit Type “ChicfLibrarian Tigurivy 5 4 4 1 3 4 2 WS Infantry (Character) WARGEAR: + Bolt pistol When generating psychic + Frag grenades powers, Tigurius may re-roll + Krak grenades any roll of the dice t9 see APTER RELICS which powers he knows WARLORD TRAIT: In adaivion, it your army *Storm of Fire (pg 188) contains Tigurius, ou can choose (0 re-roll any Reserve SPECIAL RULES: Rolls that apply to units Hood of Hellfire: This huad incorporates a psychic amplifies vanting Tigurins unparalleled control aver his mental penser ‘The Hood of Helifite iia psychi hood, Furthermore, it enables Tigurius to re-rll Iailed Psychic tests *And They Shall Know from the same Detachment ‘No Fear Rod of Tigurius: The Rod of Tigurins allows the Chief ‘+ Chapter Tactics PSYKER: Librarian to blast his fs souds from their Bois. (Wliramarinen) (pp 188) Chief Librarian Tigurivs Independent Character ip a 1 his powers Range s ar _— *Peyker Mastery Level 3) 1 Biomaney. > a 7 Melee, Concussive, . Divination, Daemonology, Force, Masiene Pyromancy, Telekinests and Soul Blage ‘Telopathy disciplines, wsBs ST WI A Ld Sy Chaplain Cassius 5446 2 4 2 10 3 WARGEAR: + Bolt pistol + Crozius arcanum (px 193) + Frag grenades + Krak grenades + Rosarius (pg 195: WARLORD TRAIT Angel of Death (px, 155) SPECIAL RULES: *# Chapter Tactics (Ultramarines) (py 189) ‘Feel No Pain. * Independent Character 1 Preferr Enemy (Iyranids) ealot he fer sea of Chaplain Cassius has napind fencnations of Ulrarie toward victory aver the fe, Though ancient sen by Space Marine standards, and alive nls brceas of he exten Tonics that riddles bay, Casinsremaina seen and wibwred Tada, for fo croing hs fab, seer Centuries of atl hae nb sen it baa holler then eve bore Tales of Chola Cassa! heroism are hncun pyide aad bu has inde the Chapters retest hers comm Marneus Cala hina Yet since he ter atta against Five Flt Bebemath ating the Fst Tyan War is belie th the ronstroar net ‘on the Tyranid threat. are Humanity’s punishment for ts lack of vigilance, and that than to ors from the ars once and forall. To this purge these bio end, Cassius leads an ever greater mute of his bnthers Deuthuoatch Kill Teams inthe best techniques fo fighting his Unit Type Infantry (Characier Unig Unit Composition geese ® SERGEANT TELION QO} sath a ofthe Imperium, The Seow Astartes, His talents for 1g atmospherics, graviti disturbance, and the movement patterns of his foes allow him to pace penfet kill-shots at a rage far beyond that officially recorgnsed forthe stalker pattern doliguen. Such is Tolion’s skill, wisdom and courage that he has carned his place in Marneus Calgar’s Honour Guard several times over. Its an accolade that he has turned down every time, for Telion believes his place will always be amongst the command echelon of the 10th Company. Here, the Scout Sergeant puts his three centuries of battlefield experience to best use, training new intakes of recruits for the Chapter. Télion’s skills as a mentor are such that he can coax greatness from even the rawest recruit, guiding their aim and leading them to victory no matter the odds. So does Tovias Telion eschew personal glory in favour of raising up the heres of tomorrow WSES ST WI Ald Sy Unit Type Unit Compesition 5 6 44 2 4 2 9 4 Infantry (Character) 1 (Unique) Eye of Vengea Voice of Experience: IF Sergeant Telion does not mak Bolt pistol fired by Sergeant Telion a shooting *Frag grenades (excliding Snap Shots) Krak grenades + Camo eloak (9 194) ack or Run in the Shooting phase, you € nominate one model in his squad, That moelel ean us ways Precision Shots Sergeant Telion's Ballistic Skill that pha (sce the Precision Shows special rule in Warhammer WARLORD TRAIT: 10,000: The Rute), * Storm of Fire (pg 188) SPECIAL RULE sergeant: Sergeant elion may only join CHAPTER RELIC. * And They Shall Know No Fear 9 of Scouts. Quictus: Tetion’ modified stather pattern boltgun sports a *Independem Character ‘ior * 1 Cover x *Seout ae *Stealih | WARGEAR: * Bolt pistol * Frag gr * Krak = SERGEANT CHRONUS SPEAR OF MACRAGCE Unit Type Infantry (Character SPECIAL RULES Ultramarines Tank Commander: When adding 5 + And They Shall Know No Fear —EEEw" et hy KOR’SARRO KHAN @)it eR oF THE HUN Fi between him and his quarry is mighty blade, Moonfang, bellows his wild challenge and falls upon the tuckless foe Battering aside any atiempt ut defence, Korsarro Khan lops the head from his prey, a single mighty olow fulfilling has oaths lo the Great Khan and wiping away another stain upon his Chapters honour. Swing n long ares, Khan WARGEAR: Master of the Hunt: If ‘Bolt pistol Kor'sarro Khan is your ‘Frag grenades Warlord, friendly White ‘Krak grenades Sears models that have ‘Iron halo (pg 195) the Bike unit type, orare embarked ona Rhino or WARLORD TRAIT: Razorback, have the Scouts *Champion of Humanity special rule, {0% 188) In addition, if Kor’sarro, SPECIAL RULES: Khan slays the enemy ‘And They Shall Know Warlord in a challenge, you ‘score DS extra a (px 190) ieee core —_— CU chat | VULKAN HE’STAN & | an lays dow ned as me can be hi st, Vulkan y father, seeker the to is Chapler's Primarch, and protector of their path through the tars umour and helftruth in the sntainty that, one da, he wil track denen that hick he seeks, Many stand in He'stan’s path, oF foolishly atiempt to interfere with his mission. Sweeping hordes of vemos infest the worlds upon which he and his followers search, Planetary warlords jealously guard troxes of archeotech through which the Forgefather must dig. Few in this dark and violent galaxy will aid Vulkan Heston ingly, or stand. aside for his aquest, Yet all learn to their cost ‘that the Forgefather will fight erough any foe and face down ‘any danger in order to see his ‘oaths fulfilled, With fire and fury does Vulkan Hesan seck the treasures of his grne-sre, ‘and he will mercilessly destroy any who bar his path: A Ld Sy Unit Type ‘Unit Composition Vulkan He'san 310 2+ Infantry (Character) 1 WARGEAR: ‘The Forgefather: If Vulkan + Bolt pistol He'scan is your Warlord all + Frag gre meltaguns, combi-meltas + Krak grenades and muli-meltas fired by CHAPTER RELICS Gauntlet of the Forge: None cam enduse Vulkan’ fry nage The Gauntlet of the Forge isa heavy amer that Incorporates a set of digital weapons (py 194) Kesare’s Mantle: This drakescale cloak was made from the nearinpenarabte hide ofthe infamous salamander Sho Valls models in his Detachment Master-erafted special rule WARLORD TRAIT Iron Resolve (pg 188) SPECIAL RULES * And They Shall Know ea ares Mantle confers a + invulnerable save. * Chapter Tactics Salamanders) (pg 190) Spear of Vulkan: The incandescent blade of this polearm $01 even ceramite ablaze, _ Range ad The SHADOW CAPTAIN SHRIKE HH Raven Guar yap Company Garrat WSBS'S TW I Ald Sv Unit Type Unit Composition Shadow Csptsin Shrike 6 5 4.4 3 5 3. $+ — jumpintanuy(Character) 1 (Unique) WARGEAR: SPECIAL RULES: *Boltpistol ‘+ And They Shall Know Brag grenades No Fear + Krak grenades + Chapter Tactics CHAPTER RELIC ‘ron halo (pg 195) (Raven Guard) (px 190) ‘The Raven's Talons: These exquistelycrafted talons are ‘Jump pack (px 195) Drieepbedint Charectar ijasadiy anbwahable aad com cut Ooch ie touche orp swith ease. WARLORD TRAIT: See, But Remain Unseen: Angel of Death (pg 188) Shrike has the Stealth Bach Raven's Titbn can be used as x Melee weapon Mall il Infiltrate special the following profit. leploving in units of Range s ia * / User Melee, Master-crafied, Captain Lysande WARGEAR: * Terminator armour (pa 196) * Iron halo (pg 195) * Storm shield (pg 196) WARLORD TRAIT * Iron Resolve (pg 148) WsBs s TW 1 A Ld Sy 444-5300 SPECIAL RULES And T) No Fear * Chapter Tacties (Imperial Fists) (pie 190) * Eternal Warrior ‘+ Independent Character Teon of Obstinacy: 11 Lysander is your Warlord, all friendly Imperial Fists units within 12° of him re-roll failed Morale cheeks, Pinning tesis and Fear tests sised high Lysander Joes ike path Bach epi whole h sander stands defl shield simply rebounding from his slablike Terminator armour, Through it i, Lysander’ obstinate scowl lute no matter what horrors beset him, Inspired by their Capiain's exemplary soicism, his battle brothers advance at his side, battle cries ringing pons reaping ‘an eversgrowing tally of joes No warrior more perfect embodies the stubborn strength of the Imperial Fists than this Captain of the Ist, who has led his warriors into hellish battles beyond count and emerged victorious. Dauntless and resolute in the manner of his Primarch, no challenge s insurmountable for this exemplary warrior and his heroic brothers. Unit Type Unit Composition Infantry (Character) 1 (Unique) CHAPTER RELIC Fist of Dorn: This ancient warapon embodies the belligerent wrath for which the Imperial Fists ave famed. Range s AP. 6 T Melee, Concussive, Master-cralted, Specialist Weapon, Unwieldy STS PEDRO KANTOR Crimson Fists Cuarrer Mastir ward hie, whit sowing tx then Sieh f enemy tanks on Unit Composition + Infantry (Character) 1 (Cnique) WARGEAR: Hold the Line: Sterngustd -*Power fist, Veterans that are part of * Frag grenades: Pedro Kantor’s Detachment ‘Krak grenades have the Objectixe Secured CHAPTER RELIG ‘Irom halo (pg 195) special rule. A unit with Dorn's Arrow: This ancient and venerated storm bolter has Orbital strike (pg 192) this special ru. recipe aight tally in the Eroperors name. objectives even WARLORD TRAIT: seoring unit is Range s ar ‘Iron Resolve (py. 1K) a 4 4 Assaulea ‘Oath of Rynn: All models in Kanvor's Detachment have the Preferred Enerny (Orks) special rule, These moclels also add 1 wo their Atacks if / within 12° of Pedro Kantor, ae re HIGH M Ws BS 5. High Marshal Melbrecht 63. 4 WARGEAR: + Combi.melta Frag grenades + Krak grenades ‘Iron halo (pg 195) per game, at the be of your Assault phase, High Marshal Helbrecht ean grantall friendly Black Templars models the Hatred and Fleet special rules until the end of that phase WARLORD TRAIT: +The Imperium’s Sword py 188) SPECIAL RULES: *And They Shall Know No Fear Ch (Black Templars) (py ‘Independent Charac Tactics {ARSHAL HELBRECHT ee)" of heretics and -nannpicn of the faith, Bligh furshal Helorcht is basing d im a galaxy of darkness ng. holy oaths ta the B Destruy mighty Emperor, Helbrecht Nis fos to pees with ie strength oft vet, 1 born, fueled by his he divinaty ofthe Mankind, Helbreche ded ‘expectations id and foe alike at every Helbrecht’s induction to ord Brethren was earnet le the quite inerdie Jas of slaying @ monstrous Dacmon Prince using ony combat blade. Then, ipon the death of his fredecesson, Korthel, Hetbrecht was unanimously elected w the role of High Marshal, and has led his Chapter to victory in one fanatical crusade after another ‘ver since. On the rare occasions when Helbrecht has known defeat, as he did at the hands of Imotekh the Stormlord, he has always risen with renewed strength to sok his revenge. His second encounter with the Necron warlord saw Imetelh flee in abject defeat as is flagship plunged flaming into the heart ofa star Unit Composition. 1 (Unique) & CHAPTER RELIC ‘Sword of the High Marshals: Logends sy that after Sailing protect the Emperor, Rogal Dorn broke his sword th ‘anger. Sigismnn decree tat the Sword ofthe High should incorporate shards of Dorn’s shattered weapon, oninding then of ther duty, Unit Type Infantry (Chavacter) Range sap User Melee, Legacy of Dom, Mastereratted 5 Legacy of Dorn: The Sword of the High High Marshal Hetbreeht a Charge Bonus of D3: instead of one, ela | @ HE EMPEROR sacned Black Swords, oment on, the Emperor's mpion be ‘@ miraculous figure shase wens the strength of the Emperer flows. His vision shinuners with golden light, burning bright to illuminate those foes mast worthy of is wrath. The Emperor's Chanipion engages these heretics in the name of the Emperor, fighting tirelessly with uo thought of withdrawal or defeat, for emus fulfit his sacred duty until the day that death finally toes him, WS BS S TW 1 A Ld Sy Unit Type Unie Composition The Emperors Champion 6 4 4 4 2 5 2 10 % —_ Infaitry Character) 1 (Unique) WARGEAR: Honour or Death: \ model * Bolt pistol with this special rule must * Frag grenades issue and accept a challenge "Krak grenades whenever possible. IFthere CHAPTER RELICS » more than one friendly “Armour of Faith: Crajted ty masier artisans, these sacred SPECIAL RULES: model ina combat with this “suits are inscribed with wards and catechisms of hatred. * Chapter Tacties rule, you may select which (Black Templars) (pg 190) model issues or accepts ‘The Armour of Faith confersa 2+ Armour Save and a Fearless "Independent Character he challeny 4+ invulnerable sive, Slayer of Champions: Whoa [| Black Sword: Fach luck Sw i a mastepiees of jetlark ighting in a challenge selarite with an edge that can shea alaiantivon. ‘s Champion he Expr recrolls failed To Hik and any To Wound ro are resolved with the In Death Range Melee, Mastcr-crafted pecial rule CHAPLAIN GRIMALDUS Biack Teriars Hii CHArLatn WSBSS TW I ALAS Unit Bad 4 4 34 3 10 . is WARGEAR: SPECIAL RULES: PLatn G Cuariaty Grimarnus * Chapter Tacties )PTIONS: WARLORD TRAIT * Rites of War (j WSBS ST WI Ald Sv Uni Type Z 4 3 5 910 nitty (€ OPTIONS: WARGEAR: * Bolt pistol * Force weapon {Frag grenades SPECIAL RULES; * And They Shall Know No Pear 1 Chapter Tactics (pg 180) {Independent Character * Poyker (Mastery Level 1) =A LIBRARIAN wean of reality is theirs to wield 45 a weapon, while even the iecrels ofthe futre can be torn ‘and used to outmanoeicore the foe. Wise and learned in ald things, Librarians oten provide counsel to their Chapter Master. Thongh viewed askance by their wary battle drachers, and frend tobe ever vigilant for the Warp jorne dangers that attend their strange abilities, Librarians ‘are undoubted’y amongst their Chapter’ greatest and most prverful warriors. PSYKER: A Librarian generates powers from the Biomancy, Daemonology, Divination, Pyromancy, ‘Telekinesis snd Telepathy disciplines. OPTIONS: May upgracle to Psyker (Mastery Level 2)... ‘* May take items from the Ranged Weapons, Special Issue \ Chapter Relies lis, *A Librarian in Terminator: ‘and/or Chapter Relies lists: <= oo... a) TECHMARINE 1 WSBS S$ T WI A Ld Sy Teehmarine 4b 2424 £9) Servitor B33 9 9°18 16 4 WARGEAR: SPECIAL RULES: 1 © Bolster Defences: After deployment, but before Scout redeployments and Infiltrate deployments, nominate one Piece of terrain in your deployment zone (this cannot be fe you have purchased as part of your army). The terrain Plece’s cover save i increased by 1 for the duration of the Same (10 2 maximum of 34), Note that a piece of terrain can ‘nly be bolstered once Steviror Mindlock: If it does not contain a Techmarine, an Snengaged unit that contains at least one model with this Special rule must roll « DG at the start of ts turn. Ona 4s this special rule has no effect this turn. On al, 2 or 3, ‘the unit is mindlocked until the start of its following turn. Ami unit may not voluntarily move, shoot or ‘charge, but must sill complete compulsory moves, such as Pile In and Fall Back moves, Teenmarine # May replace servo-arm with one of the following: - Conversion beamer (pg 191) = Servo-harness (pg 19 =e ——— May take itemsfrom the Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons, Special Issue Wargear and/or Chapter Relics lists * May take up to five Servitors.... 10 pis each 20s SeRvrTOR ‘+ Upto owo Servitors may replace their servo-arm with, ‘one of the following ~ Heavy bolter = Multi-metta ~ Plasma cannon, APLAIN ? Bellet words of righterus atved fil the air a the Chaplain strtkes down bis fs WSBS'S TW 1 Ald Sy Unit Type Unit Composition Chaplain 54-4 4 2-4-8 10 8 Infantry (Character) 1 Chaplain Where an objective must be seized, Tactient Squats attack in a storm of gunfire and combat blades. Where the line must be held, these ‘ousngeons warriors plant their fot, raise theis weapons, and fight (he last. Armed with boliguns, grenades, and Codes-approved heway ‘and speci weapons, Tactical Squads are superbly versatile strategic assets. Yet thetr greatest weapons are their indomitable spirit and their decades of combat experience — invaluable virtues that combine with the batle brothers fearsome arsenal and superhuman physiques to ender tiem amongst the greatest warriors in the galaxy. Whether sprinting through the firestorm of no man’s land, fighting toe-to-toe with Valier Maxing or Blasting enemy tons to scrap, Tactical Marines are tireless and steadfast defenders ofthe Imperian. Unit Type Unit Composition Infantry 4 Space Marines: Infantry (Charactes) 1 Space Marine Sergeant Infantry (Character) + May include up to five additional Space Marines... pas/model If the squad numbers less than ten models, one Space Marine may take one item from ist. Charging through the smoke and flame of buttlfeld, the Crusader Spuads of th 2ealos devs ion. With blade and bot, hey drive the enemy buch, their fanatical faith dighty Emprror as they fight, convinced that he laoks dawn wp ther deeds with gr Heagdielt eloaside ther Initiate mentors They learn the crn of war where the fighting is fiercest, each rather tempered by bal, Ut Maret the lain Be of te fee. No matter the tea, be ive xenas, deviant heii hated witch, ew ran stand before the ‘nila of Crusader Squad om the charge, and no heresy ck Templars fall pon th foes with cries of ding them strength fa bellow prise to the squads, the Chapters Neophyte uJ the unpunished in thetr sight Univ Type Unit Composition Infantry 5 Iutiates Infanry: Inlantry (Character) ay inchide up to five additional Initiates senseceneones 1 pevmodet ay include up to one Neophyte for each Initiate in the ep 10 povmodel "Frag grenades May upgrade one Initiate yo a Sword Brother, és som LO pts Krak grenadey #Any model may replace its boligun with 4 chainsword or close o fee Initiate may take one of the fellow SPECIAL RUI *One Initiate may take one of the f Power fish oe Unit Composition 5 Veterans ee HONOUR GUARD The Honors Guard are living exemplars of the ideals for which the Emperor intended the Space Mari farmed with the mast ancient and venerated relics of the Chapte its most ferocious and unyielding warriors in battle, Most Chapters have only a individual Honour Guard 4 5 Chapter Champion WARGEAR: * Bolt pistol *Boligun * Power weapon ‘Frag grenades ‘Krak grenades SPECIAL RULES: *And They Shall Know No Fear * Chapter Tacties (py 189) in repose, ut also some of rons, but itis a rare and terrible day indeed when they all fight as one, In battle, fers personal retinue, reonsible for the safety of ther commander ad for hvisting alaft the Chapter banner, wi ST WI Ald sy Weary 4 i270 © 404 8 10 Honour or Death (C) Champion only): A this special rul issue and accept a challenge whenever possible. Ifthere is more than one friendly ‘a combat with this select which ‘or accepts the challenge. forever known, and are tr accorilingly, They are amongst their Chapter’ most taciturn and solenin handful of these the Honour Guard commonly act ax the ile the Chapter “hallenges enemy leaders to glorious single combat in his lord’s stead. Unit Type Unit Composition Infantry 2 Honour Guard Infantry (Character) 1 Chapter Champion OPTIONS: ‘* May include up to seven additional Honour Guard con: sant 25 psfmodel # The Chapter Champion may replace his bolkgun with arelic blade (pg 193). + One Honour Guard may take an item from the Space Marine Standards list. « The unit may xelect a Drop Pod (pg 188), Rhino (pg 156), Rarorback (pg 157) or Land Raider (pg 170) asa Dedicated Transport, — IAL RULES: xy Shall Know Ws BSS TOW 1 A Ld Sy $455 24 182 foe OPTIONS. oM GUARD VETERAN SQUAD per 5 “| % Rs anual, weapons spitting fiery, Sternguard Veterans fight with methodical determination, Each warrior is an expert pout a round through a weak spot in their target’s armour at several hundred paces. With every roaring volley of fir ferans vend another wave of foes, skulls bursting, legs seythed away, organs pulted. The skill of the Sternguard is further Of specialised bolt shells, ensuring that their faultless accuracy is coupled with their weapons’ ability to fenetnate the arget can and againd the withering fi al extreme range, or shower their vietios in toxic hellfire. Truly, Veteran Squad, and no enemy can hope to breach their heroic defence. WSBS'S TW I ALdSy Unit Type Unit Composition Veteran $4 44 1 4 29 Bt Infamy 4 Veterans Veteran Sergeant $4 4 401 4.29 34) Infantry Characiet) 1 Neteran Sergeant WARGEAR: OPTIONS: + Bolt pistol ‘= May include up to five additional Veterans 7 -. 22 pts/moded *Boltgun * Any model ean replace his boltgun with a storm bolter.. sus 5 pts/nodel * Prag grenades © Any model can replace his boltgun with a combi * Krak grenades -melta, -grav or -plasma . 10 pis/modet * Special issue ‘* Two Veterans may each take one item from either the Special Weapons or the amnion (px 196) Weap Veteran SPECIAL RULE = Chainsword é ee Shall Know = Gray-pistol or plasma pistol alte ~ Lightning claw or power weapor $Ghpter Tate (pg 180), Poe serene tbat Squads (pg 188) The Veteran Sergeant may take melta bombs. e The unit mayselect aDrop Pod (pg 158), Rhino (pg 186) or Razorback (pg 157) asa Dedicated Transport, annie ee ce Haves ein eae a gtr: tae * SR TAHP Noverable Dreadnought $5 6 WAR 10 4 4 WARGEAR: *Multi-melta *Power fist with bui storm boker *Searchlight *Smoke launchers SPECIAL RULES: * Chapter Tactics (pg 189) Venerabl a Venerable Dreadnought suffers a penetrating h make your opponent re-roll the result on the Vehicle Damage table, You must accept the second result, even if it is worse than the first, end clad in mighty bedies of cvamite and adamantium, the Venerable Draidnoughts of the Space Marines are omongg the st powerful war machines fighting on the battlefields of the 41st Millennium. Revered for th ir minds, Venerable Dreadnoughts are also ternfyingly effective warrians, combing vst skilled war heroes with the might and weaponry of a walking tank. Their victims’ armour to send even the mightiest foes crashing tothe ground Meanwh dinamed by their great age. striking doten their enemies with frightening eo alth of lore and history that ing the expertise of one of the Adeptus shot is deadly accurate, blasting through rak ile, in close combat they fight with a natural Unit Type ‘Vebicle (Walker) OPTIONS: ay include up to two additional Venerable Dreadnoughts.. + Any model may take items from the Dreadnought Weapons lis. “Any model may replace its power fist with builcin storm bolter with one of the following: Missile launcher - Twit-linked autocannon ‘Any model may replace its bui with abuilt-in heavy flamer * Any model may take extraarmour 10 pis/model IF the unit includes no additional Venerable Dreadnoughts, it may select a Drop Pod (pg 158) as.a Dedicated Transpart, a ala 125 pis/modet 10 pis/madel = 1S pis/model storm bolter 10 pis/moded Penge ee IRONCLAD DREADNOUGHTS @ hodies wvvithed tn etheveat fine, The hollow bs distance, Sitanty they adoance the Damned, ering sudidenty int vie er or from some gre, at ips the emery as they uppoaeh, for Mee are the L rns seem all bul impervious t» harm, None can say whether the dawned ones are the wengeful wach, or some other, darker thing: Yer mone ean deny that, wherever nun he Emperor w/the Damned fight with cold, silent fury in defence of the Bmyperor’s nab. 1A LA Sy Unittype Unit Composition 4 210 Sy Tfanuy 42 WM Intanny voked For: The Legion of the Damned cannot be jolned by iciers, They always start che game in Deep Strike Reserve, When they arrive by Deep 16 andl the scatter dice, WARGEAR Holt pistol Holy you ean ehoogg 0 reroll ou the, Flaming Projectites: Ranged atiacks made by che Legion of the Danmned have the Ignores Goyor special rule SPECIAL RULES: Fear OPTION: # May include up to ive additional Legionns ‘ . ‘Slow and Purposeful #One Le nay take an iene frome the Spectat Weapons lst # A ditterent Legionnalte say take a slg item tron the Heavy Weapons lst Unylelding Spectrom The «The Legiannaire Sergeant may take items from the Ranged Weapons list, ‘Leghin of the Damned have ‘eglonnaire Sergeant aay replace tis botkguan with ane oF che Fallow 8 invulnerable save, Chatnaword: . ‘i Bower weapon 25 piv/oentet eH IE TERMINATOR ASSAULT SQUAD nhat armaments has seen. countless foes of the Imperium The combination of a Terminator's incredible durability with specialised co Drought lors. Amid oppressive, narrow terrain, where the enemy's heaviest weaponry cannot be brought to bear, the Terminators’ sheer resilience allows them to plough relentlessly through row pion row of ors. Some Assault Terminators bear towering adamantine storm inst which the enemy spend their fury in fruitless desperation, These shields are paired with emackting shields impenetrable bulearks under hammers, whose mighty swings throw the foe trough the ar like broken dels, Other batl-brothers wield pairs of buzzing lightning the, stieaing the air with cackling afteimages asthe tear ther opponents to gory rons ‘omposition 4 Terminators vor Sergeant WARGEAR: ‘Terminator armour inators 35 pis/model wo lightning claws with a (pg 196) odel may replace + Two lightning claws thunder hammer and storm shield (pg 196) # The unit may select a Land Raider (py 170), Land Raider Gre SPECIAL RULES: Land Raider Redeemer (pg 172) as Dedicated Transport 10 pis/modet * Chapter Tactics (jpg 18°) * Combat Squads (py, 188) os ae ae ASSAULT SQUAD ——— ‘Racinig dcvoss the blasted badtlegrou ther foes. Shadowing their enemies of su then seducing shocKed foes to fowntains of flesh and Blood. Into the milling s Once the amy is slaughtered, the ‘Seo Biker | 44 Scout Biker Sergeant 4 Scout Biker Veteran Sgt 44 WARGEAR: = Bolt pistol * Space Marine shotgun ‘*Frag grenades "Krak grenades '*Space Marine bike (pe 196) SPECIAL RULES: *And They Shall Know No Fear * Chapter Taeties (pg 189) * Combat 188) 1 aba Foon 188) *Scout sis guarantee do they strike, roaring suddenly from concealment with guns blasing, The enemy surge 10 reac, onl es ontamgtdin the Scout Bikers careful ai traps. Musitions thump and oom as sare-mines explode wih furious fore en eee SCOUT BIKE SQUAD ands ofthe 41st Millenninam, Scout Bikers use ther seed end manoesiorabilits to ouflank and cuit " maements, the Scout Bikes probe fr weaknesses and assess the foe's intentions. Ory once the element nd rors slam the Scout Bikers, lashing out with their weapon Scout Bikes bogin éheir hunt anexs, searching for another prime target to ambush ancl destroy ST WI Ald Sy Unittype Unit Composition Gomis at Rae Bike Scout Bikers 45 24 TB te Bike (Character 1 Scout Biker Sergeant 48 14 29 4 Bike Character) OPTIONS: # May include up to seven additional Seout Bikers. a 18 pes/model 20 ls @The unit may take cluster mines (pg 194) «Up to three Scout Bikers may replace their bikes! t Astartes grenade launcher (pg 192) : 5 prs/modtel The Scout biker Sergeant may be upgraded to a Scout Biker Veteran Sergeant 10g «The Scout Biker Serge: put Biker Veteran Sergeant may take items from the Melee Weapons and /or Ranged Weapons lists # The Scout Biker Sergeant or Scout Biker ed bolus with Bombs esse F pls sgeant may take melt Srthe Scout Biker Sergeant or Scout Biker Veteran Sergeant may take a locator i a oo 10 pes beacon (pg 195) « BIKE SQUAD 2)" —o Sv Unit Type SST WT ALA 4459428 5 Bike a 44 45 hes 18s Bike (Chi 44451 429% Bike Ch 444 5 24 BORy, Bike Marine bike SPECIAL RULE . Ka ings his pil fills the air as the Attack Bikes op Marines’ de n races around ~ wsBs s TW tack Bike WARGEAR: * Bolt pistol Heavy bolter * Frag grenades + Krak grenades * Space Marine (om 196) SPECIAL RUE * And They Shall Know No Fear Chapter Tacti (pg 189) nied heery weapon to bear, selects his target, and frunches leis ‘accurate shooting hits home Aoing in their ears, the squadron's bikers already preparing. for another ATTACK BIKE SQUAD speed into battle, As the enemy comes rs, The flare and 1 bursting into Marine Atta nks bucking a fire, infantry scythed suddenly off their feet and nto the enemy as their ns of hey hammer shot af sunners' aim never falters, and hrough — the enemy ranks, Then they are away, racing into aly attack run. Unit Composition 1 Attack Bike Ald Sy Unit Type 8 1 $5 294.28 % Bike OPTIONS: * May include up to (wo additional Attack Bikes # Any Attack Bike can replace its heavy bolter with a multi-melta 40 pls/model 10 pis oo @® ‘LAND SPEEDER STORM Armour 9 BSF SR MP ‘Lawd Speed 4 10 Wo tog WARGEAR FRANSPORT rt Capacity OPTIONS: SPECIAL. RULES: + May = LAND SPEEDERS ig hrorgh the billowang dust of battle, spud ut ahewd of the Space Marine advance, they sweep Speeider's swipties p thundering bursts of fie into the raft as tory come under fire, the butfrzone of antigravity. Ther p dare, iid giunviers pick ny boldrs and assault canons scythe through isfaiy tum amber tanks in chs, Some Land Speeders mount heau flamers ox typhoon missile Iaunchers, allowing ther te tomshes ama ruins of infantry with sumthes of flame, or vip. their foes apart in volleys of tactical warheads. Armour " BSF S RHP Unit Type Unit Composition Land Speeder 410 110 2 Vehicle (Fast, Skimmen) 1 Land Specter WARGEAR: ‘Heavy bolter SPECIAL RULI Deep Strike Aniigray Upwas: Whilst Judes three Land £5 pre’muet Wo additional Lanel Spe vwith one of the following: ay replace its heavy bx free 10 pavmoded one of the following: 5 pav/imoded 15 povimodet Speeders, it can move an “As 7 20 pisimontel additional 6° when moving Ayphoon missite launcher (py 198). 25 piv motel Plat Ours, "®@) RHINO Armour BoP S RMP Rrino ai tae s WARGEAR SPECIAL RULES: Repairs If a 8 RAZORBACK =e The Razorback rolls into battle with its weapons ch unechagr, Keeping pace with the Adeplus Astartes’ a tank disgorge 1. As one, transport and pas ring fire oftheir transport's weap and tank-hunting firepower swiftly tearing the enemy apart. ‘ a BSF s "RRP Unit Type ‘Unit Composition Razorback 4-i1 110 8 Vehicle (Tank, Transport) 1 Razorback WARGEAR: OPTIO! Twinlinked heavy bolter + May take items from the Space Marines Vehicle Equipment list * Searchlight * May replace its twin-linked heavy bolter with one ofthe following * Smoke launchers Twin-linked heavy flamer free Tiin-linked lascannon 20 pts TRANSPORT Twit-linked assault cannon 20s “Transport Capacity: Six Lascannon and twin-linked pplasma gun 20s with the Bulky ky or Extremely * Fire Points: None *Access Points: The Razorback has one Access Point on each side of the hull and one at the rear, & £ DROP POD BSF 5 RHP Unit Type Cal ity ag WARGEAR AL RULES: . OPTIONS: Hull Point a STORMTALON GUNSHIP 9s cacrons the be 1m the sky, the Stormtalon Gunship traces.a blazing line of fie and « et and ripped asunder by thes torn apart fy « hail of ordnance; enemies are punched ns the battlefield with his erchanced vision, th both, Shorild a Space Marine force require air superionity jamb tpi sem) fighters, shoot down transport airciaft or destroy bombers. Otheravse id can drop dawn until it 38 mere metres ts wwapons lending fire support to the Space Marine eround forces. targets and skyborne 0 Je flak-chokesd skies nut both geround-boun he craft can p Armour BSF Ss RHP Unit Type Unit Composition Stormtalon Gurships sin 2 Vehicle (Flyer; Hover) 1 Stormtalon Gunship WARGEAR: ‘Vectored Afterburners: OPTION © Twindinked assault cannon + Twindinked heavy bolter * Ceramite plating (jyg 197) When Zooming. « Stormtalon Gunship can ditional 6" if Out. When SPECIAL RULE eccivea 4 to ts * Strafing Run Jink cover saves (other cover saves are unaffected), yy bolter with one of the © May replace twinsinked he following: mer missile launcher (pgr 192) Spec Twincinked lascannon. 15 ps Typhoon missile launcher (pg 193) 20 pis re a WSES ST Wor A La sy ia 44d 4 14441 4? WARGEAR OPTIONS: Ac the Devastator Centurion ‘pacity Emperor and their Primarch. Then, cehicles erupt in flaming ruins ben had charged headlong into a minefi inked heavy bolter ine bolter (pg 192) SPECIAL RULES: And They Shall Know No Fear * Chapter Tacties (px 189) Slow and Purposeful *Very Bulky Decimator Protocols: A iodel with this special rule ‘ean fire up 40 two weapons in iv Shooting phase. a with threat an ‘optimised firing solutions. Raising their weapons with arging to full posver. Swarms of targeting data dance across the pilots triggers and loose furious fire tecth jritte, they depres th ‘ave torn to pieces amid the hail of fre, see ith the Centurions’ gions, a TW A Ld Sy Unittype Unit Composition 52 £ 1 8 2 Infamey 2 Centurions 5 2 4 1 8 Be — Infantry Character) 1 Centurion Se 5 2 4 2.9% Infantry (Character) OPTIONS: * May include up to three additional Centurions 55 pts/modet del may replace its hurricane bolter with 4 missile launcher 10 ptvmodel # Any model may replace its twin-linked heavy bolter with one of the follow 15 pale ~‘Twin-linked lascannon, non and gravamp (pg 19) sna 25 pus/mode nit toa Genturion Veteran Sergeant 10 pes 10 pes omniscope (pg 195) « lee Crusader (pg 171) or +The Centurion ant may take — or THUNDERFIRE CANNONS ————o wens 3 7 WoT ALA Sy ait Type Thunde 2 ra 3+ Anillery Techina 45 44 2 4 £9 By Anuillery WARGEAR: SPECIAL RULES: Ta Cannon TeEHMARINE GUNNER # And They Shall Know + Thunders OPTIONS: Pen Maman GURNEE °M. Whirhwind WARGEAR: ee WHIRLWINDS VINDICATORS ‘he thundler of a Vinedicator squadron openings fire is a truly apocalyptic sound Ax nach cannon lets fly the very air vibrates with the report ofits fury. Yet this is nothing to the cacophany of destruction that accompanies their ammunition’s earthshaking impact. As euch ofthe siogetanks’ shells slams ome, it explodes with enormous force. Barricades are blown shy high andl fortress walls vectuced to so much rubble in an instant. Enemies caught at the heart of the blast simply cease to exis, obliterated utterty by the Vendicaters' fury. By thers the tanks are already advancing, enemy fire ricocheting of their siege shietds as their autoloaders cycle, and their monstrous demolisher cannons prepare to fire again. WARGEAR: SPECIAL RULE OPTIONS: *Demolisher cannon Linebreaker Bombardment: + May include up to two additional Vindicators . 120 pis/model (pg 192) If this unit contains thre * Any Vindicator may take a siege shield. 10 pts/modet Vindicators that ean all ‘# Any Vindicator may take items from the Space Marine fire their demolisher Vehicle Equipment list cannons, the squadron ean fire a single Linebreaker Bombardient instead of firing normally: To do so, nominate one model in th squusdron as the firer's demolisher cannon changes its type from Large Blast to Apocalyptic Blast ancl gains the Ignores Gover special rule a es es ® HUNTERS Unie Type Hunter Vehicle (Tank) WARGEAR: OPTIONS: Eq 7 STALKERS The Stalker's icares stormeanmon array fils the sky with sustained anti-aircraft fire. Lightly armoured targets are peppered z and breaking under the onslaught, while even heavy flyers cannot tarry long in the hostile airspace. The cannons are guided by a servitor conclave, and under their contvol the Stalker can swiftly track multiple largets or focus its guns on 4 single foe for devastating effect. Squadrons of Stalkers become more effective still, loosing a rolling storm of exploding ordnance that prilverises anything foolish enough to attempt to fly through it, The Stalkers obliterate all enemy aircraft, protecting the Space Marines on tlefield below, are dominated by the A their hills buch pus Astartes the ground from aerial assault and ensuring that the skies above, as well as the OPTIONS: * May include up to two additional Stalkers * May take items from the Space Marine Vehicle WARGEAR: * Iearus stormeannon 75 pas/model array (pg 192) * Searchlight *Smoke launchers array has the Ignore special rule. this unit Stalkers, each stormeannon Equipment list. over STORMRAVEN GUNSHIP its armoured passenger compartm: rrminators or battleveady Assault Mayines thunder he B ce (che BSF S RHP Unit Type Unit Composition Stormraven Gunship $12 212 3 Vehicle (Fiver, Hover, Transport) 1 Stormraven Ganship WARGEAR: SPECIAL RULES: Skies of Fury: If the Stormraven has moved more than *Twindinked + Assault Vehicle 6 can still disembark, but they must do 89, assault cannon + Power of the + Twin-linked heavy bolter Machine Spirit + Four stormstrike missiles Nominate any point over which the Stormraven move (pg 193) tuum andl deploy the squad as ifit were Deep Strtk + Ceramite plating (py 197 i = ie te The ground tremble unstoppable, th Armour WSF S RHP nw 4 Land Raider WARGEAR + TWin-linked heavy bolter * Two Uwinclinked laseannons: + Searehtight # Smoke lauiichers SPECIAL RULES: hill and one at the fromt. Unit Type Unit Composition Vehicle (Tank, Transport) 1 Land Raider OPTIONS: © May tak + Ma items from the Space Marine Vehicle Equipment | AND RAIDER CRUS udes with swiftly Packed with Adepius Astartes warriors eager to shed the blood of the foe, the Land Raider Crusader breaches the enemy's Should an armoured target or fortified position bar the Crusader's path, its multi-melta hisses to press of combat does the Land Raider Crusader ng shrapnel from the tank's frag assault launchers, Hull sporting ark its hurricane bolters Ma ‘Masting the obstacle to glowing slag. Only once it has punched its way into the rward behind a barrage of w ‘armour plates, he Crusader continues to vake the foe with fire, sup is passengers, the Space Marines changi Sparking as enemy fire rebounds Irmlessly from its inches-thick ‘the disembarked Space Marines as they weak havoc amongst the enemy lines, Armour BSF S RHP Unit Type Unit Composition Land Raider Crusader WM 4 ile (Tank, te 1 WARGEAR: TRANSPORT *Tvin-linked * Transport Capaci rmalti-melta 10 pe. assault cannon Sixteen mode © iterns from the Space Marine Vehicle * Two hurricane holters * Fire Points: None Equipment list (pa 192) * Access Points: A Land + Frag assault launchers Raider Crusader has one (px, 197) ch side * Searchlight * Smoke launchers SPECIAL RULE * Assault Vehicle * Fower of the Machine Spirit (Armour > BSF S RHP Land Raider Re tu 4 WARGEAR: TRANSPORT “T Pra a SPECIAL RULES: : te =P Unit Type Vehicle (Tank, Transport OPTIONS: WSBS ST WI A Ld Sy Marneus Calgar 65 4445 40% WARGEAR: God of War: If Marneus *Power sword Calgar is your Warlord, he *Prag grenades can choose any Warlord ‘Krak grenades Trait from the Space ne Warlord! Traits table (pg 188). *ron halo (py 195) * Orbital strike (pg 192) SPECIAL RULE: Master Tactician: If Marneus ‘And They Shall Know Galgar is your Warlord, you No Fear can choose to enact a single * Chapter Tacties eh Carat Doesiak (ou (Ultramarines) (pg 189) 189) of any type once per + Eternal Warrior 1 this Combat “Independent Character PIONS. *May replace fray and krak grenades with the Abmour of Antilochus (right a SS MARNEUS CALGAR CHAPTER MASTER OF THE ULTRAMARINES f battle, he The Gauntlets of Ultramar herald his adance with Bolt shells part enthing in a deftness that imininent, he leads his Uloramarines into the enemy's lines, crushing sho Id stand before him Unit Composition 1 (Unique) S CHAPTER RELICS Gauntlets of Ultramar: These masterwork yountlets were ‘acquired by Roboute Guillimaan himself when he defeated a ‘mighty champion of the Dark Gods in single combat, Each Gauntlet of Uhramar can be used as a Melee ‘Weapon with the Melee weapon profile below, The combined pair can also be fired as a ranged weapon, using the ranged weapon profile below, Type Mel Assault 2 Range s Ap 2 4 2 ” “Armour of Antilochus: This exrptiqally ornate war panoply Wa crafted bythe Tech rests of Adema Primus, “This is a sult of Terminator armour (pg 196) that does “hot prevent Sweeping Advances and incluces « teleport 1 (pg 16), When Space Marines adbuance into a war sone their anticirerapl tanks rumble at their side. Using sophisticated tacties and mackineblessed targeting augers, Huiters id Stathers scour the skies overhead. Planetary beackheadls are elearrd of enemy fighters, while Adeptus Astartes ud of booming flak. Exchanging quick binary whispers, Hhe tanks’ machine spints track each savant 96 these brief streams of data, ‘armoured columns advance under a pub shyspoarr missile, the entombed servitar inside sencling back wos burst at the moment of impact. Drier the Stalers sesivel their uns to lack onto fresh targets, their hammering guns lighting up the sky. Any fox foolish enor to try fo breach thes tendo of air defence is swiftly torn apart by sereaminyg stormeannon rounds and sent tuonbling from the sky in lames. Skyspear Autotargeting: Ifa Hunter from this Formation causes a hit on an FORMATION: Greature when firing its skyypenr missile launcher, al J unit of Hunters (pg 166) Stalkers in this Formation add 1 t Ballistic Skill until #1 unit of Stal (pg 167) the end of the phase when fi jat same target unit SPECIAL RULE! RESTRICTION: Hinit of Stalkers must consist of at least 2 models, ee '®) 1ST COMPANY TASK FORCE G SPECIAL RULES: + Fear ase, STRIKE FORCE ULTRA The desruction unleashed by a Strike Force Cltra has been likened to a direc hit from a eyclanic torpedo. Reserve for thase moments when smn the sledgehammer inpact of a Drop Pod assault or armoured spearhead cannot guarantee victory, the Strike Force Ultra is deseribad by the Codex Astares ac Chapter Master's ultimate weepon. Striking tke lightning, the formation's Stormraven and Land Raider slam into the ere lines where they can cause the utmost damage. Las fie and missles blast the enemy te ruin, seconds tefore Terminator batle-brahers ‘charge ito their midst. Supported by the looming jorm of an ancient Dreadnought, the Terminators give no quarter, Nothing can stand befe the xrath of the storm, and any who try are simply annihilated where they stand. Ultra Strike: All units in this Formation must be placed @ in Reserve, Make Reserve Rolls for all units from this FORMATION: Formation at the start of your first turn, Make Reserve 1 #1 Captain 4 (pg 130) Rolls as normal for any units from this Formation that do #2 Terminator Squads (pg 148) not arrive in your first turn #2 Terminator Assault Squads (pg 149) #1 Venerable Dreadnought (pg 145) Fury of the Storm: When a Terminator Squad from this By pormraven Gunship (pg 168) Formation arrives from Deep Strike Reserve or disembarks [4 Land Raider Crusader (pg 171) or Redeemer (pg 172) fF from a Transport vehicle from this Formation for the first MeapinUysinder (py 124) may be taken in face of time, all ranged weapons carried by models in the univadd ig 1 to the number of shots they ake uniil the end of the turn. SPEGIAL RULES: RESTRICTIONS: Force of a Thunderbolts When a Terminator Assault The Captain must be equipped with Terminator from this Formation disembarks from a Transport veh § (pg 196). During deployment, all units from ‘rom this Formation for the first time, all models in the {his Formation other than Transport vehicles must aga nth ‘be ernbarked on a Transport vehicle from this into Deep Sirike Reserve. RECLUSIAM COMMAND SQUAD ee eee FORMATION: RESTRICTIONS: The ¢ Squad must take a R. Stalking silently through cover, the novitiate warrirs of the ailh hunters’ eyes. Sniper rifles and heavy weapons are raised, targeting reticules swarming w nred, ammo clips checked, blades readied. Th t Bikers burst from cover, Heir boltguns thunder ‘ambush, Last catechisms are ‘as the uni i yprung. Engines roar as the roar of explosions and the screams of the dying. The enemy reel, formations shattered, their officers own off their feet and panic spreading fast. This is when the Scouts rise from concealment and, with bellowed war cries, charge in to finish the job = deploys usi Hle and does not have the ; FORMATION: Stealth spe ed. A Concealed unit has 1°85 units chosen in any combination from the the Stealth special rule until it Moves, Runs, Turbo Boosts, following lis Charges or Falls Back, at which point it immediately loses vs into pasition, the The sinister snap of sniper rifles fills the air, 0 SPECIAL RULES: Concealed Positions: the Infiltr: al rule is Gone nit from this Formation that ach Squad (pg 136) the Stealth special rule for the rest of the battle * Scout Bike Squad (pg 151) O41 Sergeant Tetion (py 119) ‘The Trap is Sprungs During the first game turn, all units from this Formation have the Precision Shots special rule 5; RESTRICTIONS: Bike Squads in this Formation must be equipped ___ With cluster mines (pg 194), a STORM WING @ SIEGEBREAKER COHORT yy ; © CENTURION SPECIAL RULES: Demolition Specialists: Units fron contain a model with an omniseo FORMATION: penetr 4 Centurion Assault Squads (pg 40) to rere Unit of onctad Dreadnoughts (pg 146) penetr ailed armor against build choose ancing hits in an at hit — but the second result must be kept Seismic Devastation: If a building or Transport vehicle loses its last Hull Point as the result of attacks mace in the Assault Phase by models in this Formation, any unit embarked in the building or vehicle immediately suffers 2G Strength 6 AP hits with the Ignores Gover special ale, These Wounds are Randomly Allocated, and are in w hits that the unit would normally suffer a a LAND RAIDER SPEARHEAD SPECIAL RULES: 4 2 Armoured Behemoth: M mation ig00% ew ew St Aan FORMATION: bination from the | Bereat whining storm cloud of psychic energy, the Warp-wielding warriors of the Librarius Cone rn rs as. one. Their Cased atone minds tram with ether energy as they intertwine in potent psychic communion. Empowered bythe wisdom of ther trust Seated in yc fire, or burst apart im horrific showers of viscera. Bate tanks and lumbering monsters crumple as though crushed by giant [Pes while nearby Space Marines find thernselies swathed in veils of psychic protection or forewarned of danger by whispers in their minds. Ping asa prychic odesone, the ibrarius Conclave channels the might ofthe Warp into an incredible weapon of wa FORMATION: 1 (pg 133) mi Tipirius (pe 117) mary be taken in place of the start of the Psychic phase, nominate one Librarian from this Formation ianss from this, any psyehic powers known by other Libs Formation within 12" until the end of the phase; however, other Librarians from this Formation w ofthe nominated Librarian cannot manifest psychic powers til the end of the phave Furthermore, when the nominated Libra Psychic tests this phase, he will harness Wa points on a result of 34 Libratian from this Formation within than 4+ if there are two OF more other Formation within 12° than 4+ if there is one other Qs rather rians from this

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