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Dakota State University

College of Education


Name: Lyndsay Pruss, Steph Boersma, Paige Elasser

Grade Level: 6th

Reflection from prior lesson:

We have been talking about the water cycle, states of matter and the students have created a story
of a water molecule on their own.

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards:

MS-ESS2-4 Develop a model to describe the cycling of water through Earths systems driven by
energy from the sun and the force of gravity. (SEP: 2; DCI: ESS2.C; CCC: Energy/Matter)

Lesson Objectives:

Students will be making their own video of the water cycle based off their story they created
previously or they can brainstorm a new idea.

Materials Needed:
Example Video
Props for video
A partner
Some type of recording device

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics:

A. The Lesson

1. Introduction (10 mins)

a. We will do a quick recap of the water cycle and talk about their story.
b. Then we will watch the example video of the water cycle so the students have an
example of what they can do for their own video.
c. I will give them their instructions on how the video should be done, it can be based
off their story or they can come up with a new way to talk about the water cycle.
d. I will pair them up with partners so they have someone to work with in the video.

2. Content Delivery (30 mins)

a. Once the introduction is done and the students have been assigned partners, they will
begin brainstorming what they want to do for their video. I will walk around and help
students who are struggling with coming up ideas. I will talk to students and ask them
how they are doing. I may replay the video of the students want to see it again for

3. Closure
a. Once the students have come up with an idea, they can begin working on their video
for the rest of class. This project will take a couple class periods, so they are not
expected to be very far by the end of class today. Eventually, when the students have
the videos done, they will share them with the class.

B. Assessments Used
The students will show their video to the class once they are completed.

D. Resources

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