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11/7/2017 9:33 PM



Plaintiffs & Counter-Defendants, ) Case No. 17-1187-I
v. )
Defendant & Counter-Plaintiff )


Defendant and Counterclaimant Katie Armiger (Ms. Armiger) hereby answers the

complaint of Plaintiffs and Counter-Defendants Pete OHeeron d/b/a Cold River Records, Cold

River Music, and Cold River Management (Collectively Cold River or Mr. OHeeron). Any

allegation contained in the Complaint that is not expressly admitted is hereby denied.


1. This paragraph contains legal argument and does not require a response.

Nonetheless, Ms. Armiger specifically denies that Mr. Little served as an agent or attorney of

hers on October 31, 2017, when he tweeted that Mr. OHeeron was scum. Nor did Ms.

Armiger encourage Mr. Little to post a tweet calling Mr. OHeeron scum. Mr. Little did so

because he, of his own accord, believed Mr. OHeeron to be scum based on statements the

Plaintiff made to Billboard magazine. After Mr. Little made the referenced statement, Ms.

Armiger contacted him about serving as her attorney.

2. Admitted.

3. Admitted.
4. Admitted.

5. Admitted.

6. Admitted.

7. Denied as written.

8. Denied.

9. Admitted.

10. Admitted.

11. Denied as written.

12. Denied as written.

13. Admitted that Cold River filed a motion in federal court, but denied that it had

any merit.

14. Denied as written. Both parties negotiated and signed the long-form Settlement


15. Admitted as to the body text.

16. Admitted that the Settlement Agreement contains such language, but denied that

the paragraph as written provides all necessary context for that language.

17. Admitted.

18. Admitted that the Settlement Agreement contains such language, but denied that

the paragraph as written provides all necessary context for that language.

19. Admitted.

20. Admitted that counsel wrote a letter, but denied that anything in that letter was

factually or legally accurate.

21. Admitted that counsel for Mr. OHeeron wrote the paragraph quoted, but denied

that counsel proposed anything reasonable.

22. Admitted that the quoted language is correct, but denied that it provides all

necessary context for the statements therein.

23. Admitted that the Settlement Agreement contains such language, but denied that

the paragraph as written provides all necessary context.

24. Admitted that Ms. Armiger came forward about her experience with sexual

harassment as a female artist in country music, but denied that the characterization of her actions

is correct. It is further denied that Plaintiffs were unaware of the harassment.

25. Denied.

26. Denied.

27. Denied as written.

28. Denied as written.

29. Ms. Armiger is without sufficient knowledge to admit or deny whether Cold

River received a death threat at its Houston office. The remaining allegations are denied.

30. Denied.

31. Denied.

32. This paragraph contains legal argument and does not require a response.

33. Admitted.

34. Denied as written. The contract speaks for itself.

35. Denied.

36. Denied.

37. Denied.

38. This paragraph contains legal argument and does not require a response.

39. Admitted that the quoted language is correct, but denied that it provides all

necessary context for the language referenced therein.

40. Denied. It is specifically denied that Mr. Little was Ms. Armigers agent or

attorney on October 31, 2017, when he called Pete OHeeron scum on his personal Twitter

account in response to Mr. OHeerons statements to Billboard.

41. Denied.

42. Denied.

43. This paragraph contains legal argument and does not require a response.

44. Denied.

45. Denied.


46. As to any and all allegations not elsewhere specifically admitted, Ms. Armiger

expressly denies such allegations and demands strict proof thereof.


47. The complaint fails to state a claim upon which relief can be granted.


48. All allegations of breaches by Ms. Armiger relate to actions subsequent to the

initial and persistent material breach of Mr. OHeeron and Cold River Records. Mr. OHeeron

has been in material breach of the Settlement Agreement since the day it was signed by, inter

alia, refusing to deliver certain assets to Ms. Armiger in accordance with the Agreement,

including but not limited to the website and the verified Facebook page

for Ms. Armiger. Mr. OHeeron has never cured theses breaches, thereby excusing performance

by Ms. Armiger.


49. The claims are barred by the doctrines of estoppel and unclean hands.


50. Retweets are not endorsements.


51. Defendants cannot enforce the non-disparagement provisions of the Settlement

Agreement because such enforcement would be contrary to public policy.


52. Defendants cannot enforce the non-disparagement provisions of the Settlement

Agreement as to sexual harassment allegations because such enforcement would be



53. Defendants, through their actions, waived their rights to enforce the non-

disparagement provisions of the Settlement Agreement.


54. Defendants failed to mitigate damages.


55. Defendants failed to exhaust the remedies contemplated by the Settlement



56. The equities do not favor enforcement of the contract against the Defendant.


57. The Plaintiffs breached the implied warranty of good faith and fair dealing by

acting unreasonably, which denied Defendant the benefits she had under the contract.


58. The Plaintiffs did not suffer any damages.


59. All of Ms. Armigers actions were justified and, therefore, cannot be the basis for



60. Defendant reserves all affirmative defenses under Rule 8.03 of the Tennessee

Rules of Civil Procedure and any other defenses at law or in equity that may now exist or in the

future be available based on discovery or further factual investigation in this case.


61. Defendant and Counterclaimant Katie Armiger requests a trial by jury on all

issues so triable.


Defendant requests the Court to enter judgment against the Plaintiffs dismissing the

complaint with prejudice, awarding Defendant reasonable attorney fees and litigation expenses,

taxing non-discretionary and discretionary costs to Plaintiffs, and granting any other necessary or

proper relief.

[Continued on next page]



Plaintiffs & Counter-Defendants, ) Case No. 17-1187-I
v. )
Defendant & Counter-Claimant, )


1. Katie Armiger (Ms. Armiger) pleads the following counterclaim against Pete

OHeeron d/b/a/ Cold River Records, Cold River Music, and Cold River Management

(collectively Cold River or Mr. OHeeron) for breach of the parties Settlement Agreement.


2. Katie Armiger is a songwriter who has been attending school full-time. Prior to

enrolling in college classes, she was a recording artist and songwriter. She is a resident of the

State of Tennessee.

3. Pete OHeeron is a wealthy record executive. He owns and does business as Cold

River Records, Cold River Music, and Cold River Management. He is a resident of the State of



4. Pete OHeeron has repeatedly failed to uphold his promises and, when challenged

on his failures, lashes out with threats and baseless accusations. Time after time, he has said one

thing and done another.

5. Katie Armiger has been subjected to this behavior for years, and she seeks relief

from this Court so that it will finally stop.


6. In 2007, Mr. OHeeron offered to help Ms. Armiger, who is his first cousins

daughter, get her career off the ground. At the time, Mr. OHeeron had been a successful

business person but had no experience in the music or entertainment industry.

7. In the Spring of 2007, Ms. Armiger, who was a minor at the time, entered into an

Exclusive Production and Personal Management Agreement with Mr. OHeeron, who was doing

business as Cold River Records.

8. For approximately the next eight years, Ms. Armiger worked with Mr. OHeeron

to pursue her career as a country music recording artist.

9. During her time as a recording artist for Cold River Records, Ms. Armiger was

subjected to sexual harassment by many individuals in the country music industry.

10. For example, during her time with Cold River Records, Ms. Armiger traveled to a

radio station in Texas, where she performed on air. After the performance, when she was taking

a promo photo with one of the on-air DJs, the DJ sexually assaulted her by grabbing her butt. At

the same time, the man whispered in her ear and said, When are you going to be legal?

11. In addition, during her time with Cold River Records, when Ms. Armiger was

meeting over lunch with a radio programmer and his team to promote her music, the male

program director asked all of the men at the table to share a list of the five women with whom

they most wanted to have sex. One of the radio station employees, after sharing one name, then

looked at Ms. Armiger and said, But you would absolutely be my number two.

12. At that same lunch meeting, the radio station employee quoted in the paragraph

above also asserted to the male musician accompanying Ms. Armiger, in front of Ms. Armiger,

Surely you have been fucking her, and asked Where is she on your list? The male musician

then suggested that the radio station employee talk about a different topic. In response, the radio

station employee later called Ms. Armiger on the telephone and warned that, if she ever brought

the same male musician back to a meeting, he (the radio station employee) would never play her

music on the radio again.

13. Similarly, in 2010, when Ms. Armiger was being interviewed by a radio DJ, the

DJ attempted to grab her legs under the table and stated that her album title, Confessions of a

Nice Girl could not be true because she must be a naughty girl.

14. By the end of 2015, the relationship between Ms. Armiger and Mr. OHeeron had

become strained past the breaking point.

15. On December 28, 2015, Mr. OHeeron and Cold River filed a lawsuit against Ms.

Armiger in federal court, asking the Court to declare that Ms. Armiger remained bound by her

recording and publishing agreements with Cold River. Cold River also claimed that Ms. Armiger

breached those agreements.

16. On January 26, 2016, Ms. Armiger responded with a Counterclaim against Cold

River and Mr. OHeeron asserting claims for sexual harassment, violation of privacy statutes,

defamation, conversion, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, tortious interference,

declaratory judgment, and unjust enrichment.

17. In her Counterclaim, Ms. Armiger asserted, inter alia, the following:

41. Prior to Ms. Armigers most recent Radio Tour [in 2015], OHeeron gave
Ms. Armiger money to purchase hot game changing clothes that
would make their [Radio Program Directors] eyes call [sic] out of their

42. OHeeron requested that Ms. Armiger send him photos of the clothing she
was considering purchasing so that he could make sure the items were
hot enough.

43. OHeeron referred to one of Ms. Armigers outfits as Amish looking.

44. OHeeron frequently told Ms. Armiger, as well as other female Radio
Representatives, to sex it up for Radio Program Directors.

45. OHeeron repeatedly told Ms. Armiger that she needed to make Radio
Program Directors wish you would take them home with you.

46. OHeeron told Ms. Armiger that if they [Radio Program Directors] dont
wanna take you home, theyre not gonna play your music. Period.

47. OHeeron suggested that Ms. Armiger hug, kiss, and flirt with Radio
Program Directors.

48. OHeeron told Ms. Armiger that she needed to play a role with Radio
Program Directors. He described what he meant by saying, Its like an
actress or an actor saying Im not going to go into that brothel on screen
because I dont want people to think that I go into a whorehouse.

49. OHeeron allowed and enabled his employees to comment on Ms.

Armigers sexuality and appearance, and to ask her to hug, kiss, flirt with,
and sit in the laps of Radio Program Directors, despite Ms. Armiger
repeatedly stating that she was uncomfortable with such comments and

50. Jim Dandy, in his role as VP of Promotions at Cold River, told Ms.
Armiger that she needed to hug, kiss, flirt with, and sit in the laps of Radio
Program Directors.

51. Ms. Armiger was uncomfortable with OHeerons and Dandys

suggestions regarding how she should dress and behave with Radio
Program Directors.

52. Ms. Armiger felt humiliated by the things OHeeron and Dandy asked her
to do.

53. Ms. Armiger told OHeeron that she wanted to pursue her career with

54. Ms. Armiger told OHeeron that she felt the work environment at Cold
River was toxic.

55. OHeeron and Dandy created a hostile work environment that interfered
with Ms. Armigers ability to focus at work.

89. OHeeron and Cold River do not have any interest in the revenues
generated by Ms. Armigers live performances.

90. Nevertheless, OHeeron recently contacted Ms. Armigers booking agent,

Ken McMeans, and inappropriately threatened to sue him for tortious
interference for booking live shows on behalf of Ms. Armiger.

91. OHeeron contacted Sirius XM Radio and told them to refrain from
playing Ms. Armigers new Single.

92. OHeeron allowed Ms. Armigers YouTube videos, which had views in
excess of one million, to be taken down.

93. Upon information and belief, OHeeron has contacted numerous music
industry professionals and made false statements that have harmed Ms.

18. In light of these accusations, and other legal claims, the parties reached a

Settlement Agreement to end their litigation. Neither party admitted guilt or responsibility for the

claims asserted.

19. Ms. Armiger and Mr. OHeeron d/b/a Cold River Records, Cold River

Management, Cold River Music, and Placer Creek Investments, LLC, were parties to the

Settlement Agreement. It is not attached to this filing but Defendants have a copy in their

possession, and they have referenced it in their complaint. The Settlement Agreement was

executed and negotiated in Davidson County.

20. The Settlement Agreement required Mr. OHeeron to immediately convey certain

assets to Ms. Armiger, including physical copies of her CDs and digital masters containing the

entirety of her body of work as a recording artist.

21. The Settlement Agreement also required Mr. OHeeron to immediately provide

access to Ms. Armiger to her professional website,, and all of her social

media accounts, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

22. Notwithstanding the clarity of these commands, which Mr. OHeeron accepted by

signing the Settlement Agreement, he failed to follow them. In other words, he made a promise

and immediately broke it.

23. The language of the Settlement Agreement is clear: Upon execution, Mr.

OHeeron agreed to hereby transfer[], assign[], and convey[] to Ms. Armiger all right, title, and

interest in and to any and all master recordings featuring Ms. Armiger as a recording artist or

songwriter. But he did not do so.

24. Upon execution of the Settlement Agreement, Mr. OHeeron agreed to hereby

transfer[], assign[], and convey[] to Ms. Armiger all right, title, and interest in and to any and all

music or promotional videos created by or for Ms. Armiger (the Videos) and any and all

photographs of Ms. Armiger (Photos) and artwork created in connection with Ms. Armigers

career as a performer, model, public figure, songwriter and/or recording artist, whether in

connection with records, t-shirts, other merchandise or otherwise (Artwork). But he did not do


25. Upon execution of the Settlement Agreement, Mr. OHeeron also agreed to

hereby transfer[], assign[], and convey[] to Ms. Armiger all right, title, and interest in and to

any accounts connected with publication, distribution, monetization, or promotion of Ms.

Armiger, the Masters, Videos, Photos or Artwork and agrees to promptly provide Ms. Armiger

with any account information and passwords as needed (the Distribution Accounts) (i.e.

SoundExchange, YouTube, Tunecore, Spotify, iTunes, Google etc.). But he did not do so.

26. Upon execution of the Settlement Agreement, Ms. Armiger own[ed] and

control[led] . . . all of the ownership and administration rights in and to her professional website

located at (the Website) and all of her social media accounts, including

but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

27. Upon execution of the Settlement Agreement, Mr. OHeeron had no rights

whatsoever in all of the ownership and administration rights in and to Ms. Armigers

professional website located at and all of her social media accounts,

including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

28. Accordingly, upon execution of the Settlement Agreement, Mr. OHeeron

agree[d] to cooperate in any such transfers of ownership and control [of the Website and social

media accounts], and to execute and deliver in a timely manner any supplemental documents,

logins, or passwords necessary or convenient to effectuate the terms and provisions of this

Section [involving the Website and social media accounts]. But, again, he did not do so.

29. On the contrary, after he signed the Settlement Agreement, Mr. OHeeron deleted

or deactivated Ms. Armigers verified Facebook page, which had tens of thousands of followers,

and took down her website,, removing all promotional information about

Ms. Armiger and her career.

30. In addition, in a further effort to subvert Ms. Armigers career and damage her

financially, Mr. OHeeron removed her music from the iTunes Music Store and has prevented

the physical distribution of her albums.

31. Pursuant to the terms of the Settlement Agreement, specifically paragraph 7(a),

Ms. Armiger submitted an initial payment of approximately $8,000 to Mr. OHeeron.

32. Even after Ms. Armiger made this payment, Mr. OHeeron refused to comply

with the provisions of the Settlement Agreement referenced in paragraphs 23 to 28 above.

33. For example, on September 21, 2016, Ms. Armigers father, Mr. Thomas

Armiger, arrived at Mr. OHeerons office in Houston, Texas, to take possession of certain assets

pursuant to the Settlement Agreement. The time and location were mutually agreed upon by Mr.

OHeeron and Mr. Armiger. Upon Mr. Armigers arrival, however, a woman at Mr. OHeerons

office advised Mr. Armiger that no assets would be transferred to him, and that it was Mr.

OHeerons position that he was not going to turn over any assets until Ms. Armiger took down a

social media post from February of 2016, which preceded the Settlement Agreement.

34. In light of Mr. OHeerons refusal to abide by the Settlement Agreement, on or

about September 22, 2017, counsel for Ms. Armiger sent a letter to Mr. OHeeron and his

counsel notifying him of his breach of the Settlement Agreement and demanding that he cure his

breach within five days. Mr. OHeeron refused to do so.

35. Instead, on December 30, 2017, Mr. OHeeron emailed Ms. Armiger directly and

threatened to destroy all of the tangible assets referenced in the Settlement Agreement that were

in his possession, such as physical copies of her CDs and her master recordings.

36. Two days later, on New Years Day, Mr. OHeeron emailed Ms. Armigers

parents and threatened again to destroy literally . . . every picture, video and studio recording

she has ever madefrom raw music tracks and behind the scenes videos, to completed masters

and one of a kind images.

37. Ms. Armiger and her family did not respond to these threats.

38. Unbeknownst to Ms. Armiger, Mr. OHeeron later followed through with his

threats and destroyed a vast array of items related to Ms. Armigers career, including physical

CDs, which Ms. Armiger owned under paragraphs 3 and 8 of the Settlement Agreement, and

Katie Armiger merchandise.

39. Mr. OHeeron physically threw these items into a dumpster himself.

40. Months later, in October 2017, Ms. Armiger read with interest the many news

stories disclosing sexual harassment and sexual abuse in the film industry.

41. In response to the brave women who told their stories of harassment, Ms. Armiger

consented to an interview with Fox News to discuss sexual harassment in the country music


42. The interview resulted in a story that Fox News published online on October 23,

2017. The story quoted Ms. Armiger describing the events detailed in paragraphs 10 to 13 above.

43. In her comments to Fox News, Ms. Armiger studiously avoided commenting on

Mr. OHeeron and other agents and employees of Cold River Records.

44. The next day, October 24, 2017, Mr. OHeerons wife, Angela OHeeron stated in

a publicly visible tweet replying to Ms. Armigers Twitter account the following: The court

ruled your accusations baseless. I know the truth Katie. Why dont u try telling it.

45. Later that same day, Mrs. OHeeron stated in a publicly visible tweet replying to

Ms. Armigers Twitter account the following: why arent you telling people you lost your case

against CRR. CRR won and U wrote Pete a check. Tell FOX News that!!!!

46. Later that same day, after Mrs. OHeeron tweeted the statement detailed in

paragraph 45, Pete OHeeron reposted, or retweeted, the tweet and commented Truth! above


47. Also on October 24, 2017, an employee of Cold River Records named Mary

Lynne ONeal stated on Twitter, in reference to the prior litigation between Ms. Armiger and Mr.

OHeeron that we won the lawsuit. Katie is writing us a check.

48. None of the statements made by Mr. and Mrs. OHeeron and Ms. ONeal were


49. No court has ever ruled Ms. Armigers accusations against Mr. OHeeron


50. Ms. Armiger did not los[e] her case against Cold River Records. Nor did Cold

River Records w[i]n the lawsuit.

51. Upon information and belief, Mr. OHeeron and his agents made these statements

because they wanted to discredit Ms. Armigers report of sexual harassment in the country music


52. To that end, Mr. OHeeron previously told an individual in the county music

industry words to the effect that the court threw out Katies lawsuit because she is a liar.

53. In light of these statements, Ms. Armiger desired to bring this matter to a close

and, on November 3, 2017, sent via new counsel a letter demanding that Mr. OHeeron

immediately comply with the Settlement Agreement by, inter alia, providing her with access to

her website and social media accounts and arranging delivery of her masters and physical CDs.

54. On Monday, November 5, 2017, instead of responding to this request, Mr.

OHeeron filed a lawsuit against Ms. Armiger.

55. The lawsuit filed by Mr. OHeeron yesterday is the second lawsuit that Mr.

OHeeron has filed against Ms. Armiger, a twenty-six year-old young woman with no substantial

financial means.

(Breach of Contract - Masters)

56. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 55 of the Counterclaim are

incorporated herein by reference.

57. Paragraph 3 of the Settlement Agreement states that OHeeron hereby transfers,

assigns, and conveys to Ms. Armiger all right, title, and interest in and to any and all master

recordings featuring Ms. Armiger as a recording artist or songwriter (the Masters), and Mr.

OHeeron shall have no right, title, or interest in and to any Masters, whether created prior to or

after the date of this Agreement.

58. Further, Paragraph 3 of the Settlement Agreement states that OHeeron agrees to

transfer to Ms. Armiger all physical and digital files of said Masters, Videos, Photos, and

Artwork including but not limited to any hard drives and in relation to the Masters any and all

mixes (STEMs) and duplication masters that are in his possession, custody or control.

59. After executing the Agreement, Mr. OHeeron refused to turn over the Masters to

Ms. Armiger.

60. Despite multiple timely demands to cure this breach, Mr. OHeeron failed to cure.

61. Upon information and belief, Mr. OHeeron may have destroyed the Masters.

62. Ms. Armiger has been damaged by Mr. OHeerons breach.

63. Ms. Armigers damages include, but are not limited to, the fact that she remains

unable to use the Masters to advance her career and earn a living because Mr. OHeeron has

withheld them from her.

(Replevin - Masters)

64. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 63 of the Counterclaim are

incorporated herein by reference.

65. Upon information and belief, Mr. OHeeron has physical custody of the Masters,

which constitute personal property.

66. Ms. Armiger has repeatedly demanded the return of the Masters.

67. Ms. Armiger has been damaged by Mr. OHeerons failure to return the Masters

to her possession.

68. Ms. Armigers damages include, but are not limited to, the fact that she remains

unable to use the Masters to advance her career and earn a living because Mr. OHeeron has

withheld them from her.

69. Pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. 29-30-102, venue is appropriate in this Court for

an action to recover the Masters because the contract that specifies her right to them, the

Settlement Agreement, was executed here.

70. Pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. 29-30-101, Ms. Armiger hereby petitions the

Court for return of the Masters.

(Conversion - Masters)

71. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 70 of the Counterclaim are

incorporated herein by reference.

72. In the alternative, upon information and belief, Mr. OHeeron intentionally

destroyed the Masters by placing them in a dumpster.

73. Mr. OHeeron did so in defiance of Ms. Armigers rights to the Masters.

74. Ms. Armiger has been damaged by Mr. OHeerons destruction of the Masters.

75. Ms. Armigers damages include, but are not limited to, the fact that she will

forever be unable to use the Masters to advance her career and earn a living.

(Breach of Contract Videos, Photos, Artwork)

76. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 75 of the Counterclaim are

incorporated herein by reference.

77. Paragraph 3 of the Settlement Agreement states that Mr. OHeeron hereby

transfers, assigns, and conveys to Ms. Armiger all right, title, and interest in and to any and all

music or promotional videos created by or for Ms. Armiger (the Videos) and any and all

photographs of Ms. Armiger (Photos) and artwork created in connection with Ms. Armigers

career as a performer, model, public figure, songwriter and/or recording artist, whether in

connection with records, t-shirts, other merchandise or otherwise (Artwork).

78. Further, Paragraph 3 of the Settlement Agreement states that Mr. OHeeron

agrees to transfer to Ms. Armiger all physical and digital files of said Masters, Videos, Photos,

and Artwork including but not limited to any hard drives and in relation to the Masters any and

all mixes (STEMs) and duplication masters that are in his possession, custody or control.

79. After executing the Agreement, Mr. OHeeron refused to convey the Videos,

Photos, or Artwork to Ms. Armiger.

80. Despite multiple timely demands to cure this breach, Mr. OHeeron failed to cure.

81. Ms. Armiger has been damaged by Mr. OHeerons breach.

82. Ms. Armigers damages include, but are not limited to, the fact that she remains

unable to use the Videos, Photos, and Artwork to advance her career and earn a living because

Mr. OHeeron has withheld them from her.

(Replevin - Videos, Photos, Artwork)

83. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 82 of the Counterclaim are

incorporated herein by reference.

84. Upon information and belief, Mr. OHeeron has physical custody of the Videos,

Photos, and Artwork, which constitute personal property.

85. Ms. Armiger has repeatedly demanded the return of the Videos, Photos, and


86. Ms. Armiger has been damaged by Mr. OHeerons failure to return the Videos,

Photos, and Artwork to her possession.

87. Ms. Armigers damages include, but are not limited to, the fact that she remains

unable to use the Videos, Photos, or Artwork to advance her career and earn a living because Mr.

OHeeron has withheld them from her.

88. Pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. 29-30-102, venue is appropriate in this Court for

an action to recover the Videos, Photos, or Artwork because the contract that specifies her right

to them, the Settlement Agreement, was executed here.

89. Pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. 29-30-101, Ms. Armiger hereby petitions the

Court for return of the Masters.

(Conversion - Videos, Photos, Artwork)

90. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 89 of the Counterclaim are

incorporated herein by reference.

91. In the alternative, upon information and belief, Mr. OHeeron intentionally

destroyed the Videos, Photos, and Artwork by placing them in a dumpster.

92. Mr. OHeeron did so in defiance of Ms. Armigers rights to the Videos, Photos,

and Artwork.

93. Ms. Armiger has been damaged by Mr. OHeerons destruction of the Videos,

Photos, and Artwork.

94. Ms. Armigers damages include, but are not limited to, the fact that she will

forever be unable to use the Videos, Photos, and Artwork to advance her career and earn a living.

(Breach of Contract Distribution Accounts)

95. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 though 94 of the Counterclaim are

incorporated herein by reference.

96. Paragraph 3 of the Settlement Agreement states that Mr. OHeeron hereby

transfers, assigns, and conveys to Ms. Armiger all right, title, and interest in and to any accounts

connected with publication, distribution, monetization, or promotion of Ms. Armiger, the

Masters, Videos, Photos or Artwork and agrees to promptly provide Ms. Armiger with any

account information and passwords as needed (the Distribution Accounts) (i.e.

SoundExchange, YouTube, Tunecore, Spotify, iTunes, Google etc.).

97. After executing the Settlement Agreement, Mr. OHeeron refused to turn over any

account information or passwords to any of the Distribution Accounts.

98. Despite multiple timely demands to cure this breach, Mr. OHeeron failed to cure.

99. Ms. Armiger has been damaged by Mr. OHeerons breach.

100. Ms. Armigers damages include, but are not limited to, the fact that she has been

unable to use the Distribution Accounts to advance her career and earn a living.

(Replevin Distribution Accounts)

101. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 100 of the Counterclaim are

incorporated herein by reference.

102. Upon information and belief, Mr. OHeeron has custody of the Distribution

Accounts through his maintenance of the passwords.

103. Ms. Armiger has repeatedly demanded access to the Distribution Accounts.

104. Ms. Armiger has been damaged by Mr. OHeerons failure to convey access to

the Distribution Accounts.

105. Ms. Armigers damages include, but are not limited to, the fact that she remains

unable to use the Distribution Accounts to advance her career and earn a living because Mr.

OHeeron has withheld them from her.

106. Pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. 29-30-102, venue is appropriate in this Court for

an action to recover the Distribution Accounts because the contract that specifies her right to

them, the Settlement Agreement, was executed here.

107. Pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. 29-30-101, Ms. Armiger hereby petitions the

Court for return of the Distribution Accounts.

(Conversion Distribution Accounts)

108. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 107 of the Counterclaim are

incorporated herein by reference.

109. Upon information and belief, Mr. OHeeron has appropriated the Distribution

Accounts to his own benefit.

110. Mr. OHeeron did so in defiance of Ms. Armigers rights to the Distribution


111. Ms. Armiger has been damaged by Mr. OHeerons exercise of dominion over the

Distribution Accounts.

112. Ms. Armigers damages include, but are not limited to, the fact that she has lost

profits from the Distribution Accounts and has been unable to use them to advance her career

and earn a living.

(Breach of Contract Website and Social Media Accounts)

113. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 though 112 of the Counterclaim are

incorporated herein by reference.

114. Paragraph 6 of the Settlement Agreement states that Ms. Armiger hereby owns

and controls, and Mr. OHeeron shall have no rights whatsoever in all of the ownership and

administration rights in and to her professional website located at (the

Website) and all of her social media accounts, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter,

and Instagram (Social Media Accounts).

115. Paragraph 6 of the Settlement Agreement further states that Mr. OHeeron agrees

to cooperate in any such transfers of ownership and control set forth herein, and to execute and

deliver in a timely manner any supplemental documents, logins, or passwords necessary or

convenient to effectuate the terms and provisions of this Section 6.

116. After executing the Settlement Agreement, Mr. OHeeron refused to convey any

account information and repeatedly has declined to cooperate in the transfer of ownership and

control of the Website and Social Media Accounts.

117. Despite multiple timely demands to cure this breach, Mr. OHeeron failed to cure.

118. Ms. Armiger has been damaged by Mr. OHeerons breach.

119. Ms. Armigers damages include, but are not limited to, the fact that she has been

unable to use the Website and Social Media Accounts to advance her career and earn a living.

(Replevin Website and Social Media Accounts)

120. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 119 of the Counterclaim are

incorporated herein by reference.

121. Upon information and belief, Mr. OHeeron has custody of the Website and

Social Media Accounts through his maintenance of the passwords.

122. Ms. Armiger has repeatedly demanded access to the Website and Social Media


123. Ms. Armiger has been damaged by Mr. OHeerons failure to convey access to

the Website and Social Media Accounts.

124. Ms. Armigers damages include, but are not limited to, the fact that she remains

unable to use the Website and Social Media Accounts to advance her career and earn a living

because Mr. OHeeron has withheld them from her.

125. Pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. 29-30-102, venue is appropriate in this Court for

an action to recover the Website and Social Media Accounts because the contract that specifies

her right to them, the Settlement Agreement, was executed here.

126. Pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. 29-30-101, Ms. Armiger hereby petitions the

Court for return of the Website and Social Media Accounts.

(Conversion Website and Social Media Accounts)

127. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 126 of the Counterclaim are

incorporated herein by reference.

128. Upon information and belief, Mr. OHeeron has appropriated the Website and

Social Media Accounts to his own benefit.

129. Mr. OHeeron did so in defiance of Ms. Armigers rights to the Website and

Social Media Accounts.

130. Ms. Armiger has been damaged by Mr. OHeerons exercise of dominion over the

Website and Social Media Accounts.

131. Ms. Armigers damages include, but are not limited to, the fact that she has lost

profits from the Website and Social Media Accounts and has been unable to use them to advance

her career and earn a living.

(Breach of Contract Confidentiality)

132. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 131 of the Counterclaim are

incorporated herein by reference.

133. Pursuant to Paragraph 12 of the Settlement Agreement, Mr. OHeeron agreed that

[t]he terms and provisions of [the Settlement] Agreement . . . shall be confidential . . .

134. In violation of the Settlement Agreement, Mr. OHeeron publicized the terms and

provisions of the Agreement, including that Ms. Armiger paid Cold River to retain the rights to

the Masters and other assets.

135. In addition to the statements referenced above, and incorporated herein, Mr.

OHeeron, including through numerous agents and employees, made numerous other statements

violating the confidentiality of the Agreement by publishing various terms of the Settlement

Agreement to outside parties.

136. Mr. OHeeron publicized only those terms that benefitted him and placed him in a

positive light.

137. The foregoing breaches of confidentiality are incapable of being cured and,

therefore, Ms. Armiger is excused from any requirement to provide notice and an opportunity to

cure, as to do so would be futile.

138. Ms. Armiger has been damaged by Mr. OHeerons breaches.

139. Ms. Armigers damages include, but are not limited to, the harm to her reputation

that Mr. OHeeron generated through his partial and misleading publication of terms of the

Settlement Agreement.

140. For example, these statements were disparaging because they misrepresented the

nature of the Settlement Agreement. Ms. Armiger did not lose [her] case and OHeeron and

Cold River Records did not [win] the lawsuit. The parties settled the case out of court by

signing the Settlement Agreement. Mr. Armiger conveyed money as consideration for various

assets to be transferred to her pursuant to the Agreement.

(Breach of Contract Disparagement)

141. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 140 of the Counterclaim are

incorporated herein by reference.

142. Pursuant to Paragraph 12 of the Settlement Agreement, Mr. OHeeron must not

take any actions or make any statements, written or oral, that would denigrate, defame or

disparage the goodwill or reputation of [Ms. Armiger] or encourage or enable any other person

or entity to take any such actions or make any such statements.

143. Upon information and belief, Mr. OHeeron, including through numerous agents

and employees, made numerous statements denigrating, defaming, and disparaging Ms. Armiger

and her family.

144. Upon information and belief, Mr. OHeeron encouraged and enabled other

persons and entities to make numerous statements denigrating, defaming, and disparaging Ms.

Armiger and her family.

145. The foregoing breaches that relate to Mr. OHeerons statements, and those of his

agents, are incapable of being cured and, therefore, Ms. Armiger is excused from any

requirement to provide notice and an opportunity to cure, as to do so would be futile.

146. Ms. Armiger has been damaged by Mr. OHeerons breaches.

147. Ms. Armigers damages include, but are not limited to, the harm to her reputation

that Mr. OHeeron generated by making denigrating, defaming, and disparaging statements about

Ms. Armiger and her family.

(Declaratory Judgment Non-Disparagement)

148. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 147 of the Counterclaim are

incorporated herein by reference.

149. Judgment should be entered against Mr. OHeeron declaring that, due to his

actions, he has forever waived the right to enforce the terms of the non-disparagement agreement

contained in Paragraph 12 of the Settlement Agreement against Ms. Armiger and her agents.

150. In the alternative, judgment should be entered against Mr. OHeeron declaring

that, due to his actions, he is estopped from enforcing the terms of the non-disparagement

agreement contained in Paragraph 12 of the Settlement Agreement against Ms. Armiger and her


151. In the alternative, judgment should be entered against Mr. OHeeron declaring

that, due to his actions, public policy prohibits him from enforcing the terms of the non-

disparagement agreement contained in Paragraph 12 of the Settlement Agreement against Ms.

Armiger and her agents as it relates to statements about sexual harassment by Mr. OHeeron and

other agents and employees of Cold River Records.


152. This Court has jurisdiction over Ms. Armigers counterclaims pursuant to Tenn.

Code Ann. 16-11-101 and 16-11-102.

153. In addition to the provisions cited above, venue for all claims is proper pursuant

to Tenn. Code Ann. 20-4-101, et seq.


WHEREFORE, Ms. Armiger prays as follows:

1. On Counts 1, 4, 7, and 10, that the Court enter judgment against Mr. OHeeron,

awarding Ms. Armiger damages for breach of the Settlement Agreement in an amount to be

determined at trial, plus pre-judgment interest at the contractual rate and her reasonable

attorneys fees and litigation expenses as permitted by law, and further ordering that Mr.

OHeeron specifically perform the contract provisions he breached;

2. On Counts 2, 5, 8, and 11, that the Court enter judgment against Mr. OHeeron

and order the immediate return of property to Ms. Armiger, plus her reasonable attorneys fees

and litigation expenses as permitted by law;

3. On Counts 3, 6, 9, and 12, that the Court enter judgment against Mr. OHeeron

awarding Ms. Armiger damages and punitive damages for conversion in an amount to be

determined at trial, plus pre-judgment interest at the contractual rate and her reasonable

attorneys fees and litigation expenses as permitted by law;

4. On Counts 13 and 14, that the Court enter judgment against Mr. OHeeron

awarding Ms. Armiger damages for breach of the Settlement Agreement in an amount to be

determined at trial, plus pre-judgment interest at the contractual rate and her reasonable

attorneys fees and litigation expenses as permitted by law, and further ordering that a permanent

injunction be put in place barring Mr. OHeeron and his agents from continued breaches of the

confidentiality and non-disparagement provisions of the Settlement Agreement;

5. On Count 15, that the Court enter judgment against Mr. OHeeron declaring that

he is barred forever from enforcing the terms of the non-disparagement agreement contained in

the Settlement Agreement against Ms. Armiger and her agents;

6. That the Court tax all court non-discretionary and discretionary court costs to Mr.

OHeeron; and

7. That the Court grant Ms. Armiger all other necessary or proper relief.

Respectfully submitted,


/s/ J. Alex Little

J. Alex Little #29858
Zachary Lawson #36092
511 Union Street, Suite 1600
Nashville, TN 37219
(615) 238-6300 (phone)
(615) 238-6301 (fax)

Counsel for Katie Armiger


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