1 Seminarski Engl

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With the increase in the number of motor vehicles and the intensification of traffic, the
influence has increased exhaust gases to the environment. The western industrial society has begun
since 1968 with the limitation of emissions of harmful gases of motor vehicles. In this legal process
leading they played the role of the United States. The legal limits for emission of harmful substances
are constantly tightening. In order to satisfy these demands in everyday conditions, he has become a
diagnostic system is needed to monitor the performance of components and systems as a whole
responsible for the composition of exhaust gases. For these reasons, all newer vehicles are equipped
with OBD systems that detect, memorize and display errors. Known as OBD (On-Board Diagnosis),
auto diagnostics has become an international term. monitoring engine performance and control
emissions of exhaust gases. In this paper the OTTO exhaust gas test procedure has been processed
engine with unregulated catalyst and as such contains simple information regarding very complex
matter, auto diagnostics of motor vehicles with OTTO engine.
Therefore, the focus is on this, in this paper, at the very source of pollution, i. road vehicle
with OTTO engine The ecological aspect of the development of petrol vehicles is primarily seen in
technical terms - technological solutions that should mitigate the consequences of pollution and
minimize emissions harmful exhaust gases. Access to the problem is two-sided, on the one hand
trying to find structural and technical solutions on the vehicle itself and certain elements of the
vehicle, while with Other parties are looking for alternative fuel solutions and recycling (recovery)
parts. The gasoline engine is an internal combustion engine that combines fuel and air that burns
spark plug, designed to work on gasoline and similar petroleum products. Previously mixing fuel and
air in the carburetor, while today, with the exception of the least engines, are produced mainly such
engine versions, in which this operation is performed electronically controlled fuel injection. So,
earlier versions of OTTO engines, which were mostly without a catalyst or with an unregulated
catalyst (they do not have a lambda probe), in today's They do not use time for environmental
reasons. Activities on environmental protection Observed from the angle of emission of harmful
components of the exhaust gases are reflected in the tightening legislation regulating exhaust
emissions, as well as in intensive development with the mandatory permanent reduction of exhaust
emissions and fuel consumption. Today, it's automobile the emission of harmful substances can be
controlled in three ways. One is the aspiration to complete combustion, the other is to return the
excess hydrocarbon back to the engine, where it will be done combustion, and the third way is to
provide additional space for oxidation, which is called catalytic converter. The development and
tightening of legislation in recent times included even diesel engines intended for installation in
agricultural machinery. Burning of gasoline and diesel
Carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor (H2O) are obtained. In direct contact with CO2 is not
harmful, but has a negative role in preserving the environment, it belongs to gases that produce the
effect of glass gases and thus affect global warming, pushing oxygen (O 2) out of the air, which is why
it can to cause choking. Its content in the exhaust gases of modern vehicles is measured diagnosing
the quality of catalytic combustion in a catalyst. Due to incomplete combustion in engines, there are
drops of fuel and oil, and there are harmful gases such as carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC),
and nitrogen oxides (NOx). Oxidation carbon monoxide and nitrogen hydrocarbon, also found in
exhaust gases engines, nitrogen oxides are formed. The exhaust of the OTO engine is measured at
the technical inspection to the analyzers to measure the contents of the following gases: [CO 2] -
carbon dioxide, [CO] - carbon monoxide, [HC] - hydrocarbons, [O 2] - oxygen. Analysis of the four
exhausted exhaust gas(measurement of their volume fraction in the total volume of exhaust gas),
measurement of some from the engine operating parameters (oil temperature and engine speed), as
well as the lambda calculation factor (-represents the ratio of the actual suction of the air and
theoretically necessary: 14.7 kg), are sufficient to estimate the optimal combustion and therefore
the technical evaluation the correctness of the vehicle. Carbon monoxide (CO) is a gas without color
and odor, but it is very toxic. Decreases it the ability to transmit oxygen in the blood, and the
presence of a relatively low concentration of CO causes loss of consciousness, poisoning and death
after some time. It emerges as a product of incomplete combustion, and therefore, in the rich zone
of the zone (when there are excess fuels) there is CO dependence from the air factor : which is
colder than it is, the concentration of CO is higher. In the zone of the poor There is no significant
effect of the mixture on the change in CO concentration - it is always relative small. The highest
attention is paid to this gas and its concentration above permissible the border is the direct cause of
non-displacement of vehicles on a technical inspection.


Petrol engines are internal combustion engines. In them, fuel burns well creates the
necessary energy to move. In the gasoline engine, the petrol vapor is mixed with with air and spark.
The air and gas mixtures combust with explosive speed and are Such heated gas mixtures are rapidly
expanding. In most petrol (OTTO) engines, this expansion is triggered the piston through the
cylinder, and the movement of the piston drives the shaft of the engine, so that the straight line
motion turns into a circular (rotary) shaft. the following versions of these motors are distinguished:
With four-stroke engines, the piston moves in four strokes. The first tactic is to drop the pistol, the
so called suction time, in which the fuel and air are sucked in to the space above the piston. Next
time The piston, in the compression cycle, raises and compresses, ie, sabija smjeu. The Sabine is set
to fall an electric spark-initiated spark plug, after which in the third or a clock cycle, the heated gases
push the piston down. Then the piston rises again, this time to push out the burning gases. After the
fourth clock, i.e. the exhausting cycle, the whole process is repeated. This process is shown in the
picture (1).

Figure 1. Working cycles of the four-way OTTO process [3]

Figure 2. Expansion (a spark plug sparks a smiling, and gases spread by pushing the piston) [3]

In order to burn the engine, it is necessary to bring fuel and air. Theoretically Observed to fully burn
1.0 kg of gasoline it is necessary to bring 14.7 kg of air. As a result of the combustion in this mass
balance, 15.7 kg of exhaust gas will be obtained, ie:

1.0 kg of gasoline + 14.7 kg of air = 15.7 kg of exhaust gas

Thus, 14.7 kg of air is the stoichiometric (theoretical) required air mass for combustion one kilogram
of fuel. Relation between the actual suction of the air in the engine and The theoretically required
quantity (14.7 kg) is called the air factor () or lambda factor.

= the actual suction quantity of the air

the theoretical amount of air required

The air factor is surely the most important size according to which the working conditions are
determined engine characteristics. In the process of analyzing the value of lambda factors, we
mention three cases:
1. <1: the suction mass of the air is lower than the theoretical requirement (14.7 kg). So the
engine getstoo much fuel is said to work with a rich smile. Gasoline engines achieve their own
the highest power in this area, when the mass of the air is less than 5 to 15% of the theoretical
necessary ie. = 0.85 ... 0.95.
2. > 1: the suction mass of the air is larger than theoretically necessary. So the engine gets too
little fuel is said to work with a poor smile. OTTO engines achieve the smallest specific fuel
consumption in this area, when the mass of the air is higher for 10 to 20% of the theoretical
necessary ie. = 1.1 ... 1.2.
3. = 1: the suction mass of the air equals the theoretically necessary. Just about this the control
area ( = 0.97 ... 1.03) gives optimal characteristics. The exhaust gases of the OTTO engines can
be divided into harmful and harmless. The proportion of harmful gases per Environment is about
1%, and harmful substances include: hydrocarbon (HC), nitrogen oxides (NOX), carbon monoxide
(CO) and solid particles.

The smallest concentrations of HC are obtained in the zone of mildly poor = 1,1. In the zone rich
mixtures HC behaves similarly to CO, that is, it makes it richer, it is HC concentration The larger (the
fuel has more air than it can not burn), but the increase is also occurring in the zone Poor laughter.
The reason for the increased share of HC in the poor has been mixed with the earlier quenching of
fuel it is in the cylinders, and the total mass of the fuel is not disagreeable. HC is not expressed in [%]
as a code other gases already in a lower dimensional mathematical size [ppm]. In the exhaust Gases
always have oxygen (O2), which is a consequence of incomplete combustion. In the zone rich His
concentration is minimal, but his transition into the zone of his poor smile concentration grows. By
introducing the Euro norm exhaust system and all its elements of the last The years have become
more important than ever thanks to its direct impact on consumption fuel and engine setting. How
to reduce emissions of harmful substances in the exhaust gases? The emission of harmful substances
in the exhaust gases of motor vehicles can be controlled most often in two basic ways: One is
improving the quality of combustion of the mixture, the other is extra purification of exhaust gases.
Other ways are for example: providing additional an oxidation space, called a catalytic converter
(catalyst), collecting gasoline and diesel vapors and their return to the suction line, selective
reduction (SCR) and others but these are structural solutions that serve the basic ones. Since the
introduction of EURO 2 emission standards In the mid-1990s, the regulated catalytic converter
became the standard for cars manufactured in Europe. The term regulated catalyst means that there
is a sensor in front of the catalyst it sends a signal to the computer of the vehicle, in which area the
engine works, in order to accommodate fuel - the air at the motor inlet kept as long as possible in
the stoichiometric random range ( = 1). In this case A lambda () probe is placed between the
motor and the catalyst. Just a catalyst equipped with a lambda probe is a regulated catalyst (REG-
KAT), while all others are the catalysts are unregulated and for the test are classified into the same
engine group as the engines without catalyst (BEZ-KAT) [1]. In accordance with the above, we can
conclude that the concentration of previously listed harmful exhaust gas depends on a whole range
of structural details. On the one hand they have to to meet strict approval requirements that define
exhaust emission limit values gas, and on the other hand is a demand for as little fuel consumption
as possible, and with greater power and efficiency torque, adequate durability and warranty.


Exhaust products containing pollutant emissions are released by moving the vehicle. The
quantities of pollutants emitted are measured at the end of the exhaust pipe of the vehicle, by
collecting the same and by putting in the function of the distance traveled. Another method that is
also used for measurement Emission is a simulation of vehicle movement on rollers in a laboratory.
The optimum procedure consists of directly measuring the gases at the end of the exhaust pipe or
taking them while the vehicle is on the move analyzing them later. The other method requires
equipment on-board, friction-resistant, and the results must be presented in order of origin. The
vehicle motors are an important source for several types of pollution, especially high urban zones. As
we have previously stated, apart from conventional combustion residues (carbon dioxide - CO2),
motor vehicles release the following harmless compounds into the exterior environment: water
vapor (H2O), nitrogen (N2) and possibly oxygen (O2), and harmful ingredients of which are the main

- Carbon monoxide (CO);

- Non-combustible hydrocarbons defined by the symbol (HC);
- Nitrogen oxides (NOx, NO2) are usually grouped under the label (NOx);
Except these three compounds currently covered by legal norms, exhaust gases from
the engine also contain a number of important compounds (aldehydes, sulfur oxides,
polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, etc.) whose toxicity is significant and whose emission
should therefore be subject to future legal norms. Aldehydes are a general term that partly
covers oxidizing hydrocarbons (formaldehyde, acreolines, etc.) whose reactivity is
particularly high and some of them are known as spammers. Such emissions are significantly
higher in the products of burning gases from heterogeneous combustion, especially in the
case of diesel engines. On the other hand, they have the tendency of growth in gasoline
(OTTO) engines if engines use depleted compounds, but their value is never greater than half
of the emissions of diesel engines. Sulfuric the compounds in the exhaust gases are in direct
function of the percentage of sulfur used in combustion. The above mentioned sulfur
emissions are in the form of SO2 and are the most important in diesel engine. Observing the
combustion in the engine, the transformation from SO2 to SO3 will occur when it is high
oxygen concentration and especially in the case of catalysing oxygen. In the presence of
aqueous combustion products, SO3 emissions do not only form H2SO4 aerosols, but also
forming much more toxic sulphates. Black fumes from diesel engines are very complex and
contain particles carbon and soot and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, some of which are
carcinogenic. Other combustion products are caused by fuel additives or their products
dissolution. Among these additives are lead alkali (tetraethyl or tetramethyl) that increase
octane index and serve as antidetonators (anti knock). Lead is emitted in the form of a fine
oxide or holographic particles.
Harmful substances: firm
particles, hydrocarbons HC,
nitrogen oxides NOx,
carbon monoxide CO.

Figure 3. Composition of exhaust gases of motor vehicles [3]

3.1. Recommendations and legal limitations when conducting the ECO test in BiH

Following the usual procedure, which is carried out during the ECO test on motor
vehicles vehicles (visual inspection of engines, piping, exhaust system condition, engine
warmth, types of measurements with or without EOBD), the technical controller of the
vehicle comes to a point when you must press the accelerator pedal. The question is, to what
number of revolutions. In the Regulation on dimensions, total mass and axle load of the
vehicle, o devices and equipment that vehicles must have and the basic conditions that they
must fulfill the devices and equipment in traffic on roads (Official Gazette of BiH, No. 23/07,
54/07 and 101/12), among others, there are limitations on the harmful values of exhaust gases
in gasoline and diesel engines in Article 158. 189.

These notes are:

a) Petrol engines without catalyst and probe, or gasoline engines with catalyst but
without probe:
1. CO 4.5% of the volume for motor vehicles registered for the first time
10/01/1986 at a temperature of engine oil of at least 80 C;

2. CO 3.5% of the volumes for motor vehicles registered for the first time
afterwards 10/01/1986 at an engine oil temperature of at least 80 C.

Table 1. Standard adopted in the EU Directives regulating the emission of exhaust

gases motor vehicles

Figure 4. Relative reduction of harmful exhaust gases from petrol and diesel engine vehicles
from the 1970s to date known limit values of exhaust gases [1].
Diagram 1. Annual evolution of gradually reduced upper bounds Emissions for
Pollutant Emissions of the Petrol Car


We use the following equipment to test the exhaust gases of motor vehicles:
Gasoline engine exhaust gas analyzer
An analyzer for measuring the exhaust gas emissions of diesel engines,
An automatic data processing device with the corresponding printer for printing
test report.
A specific program for automatic data processing.

Analyzers are placed on a mobile carriage for easier manipulation of the vehicle around
the vehicle.

4.1. Gas Exhaust Gas Analyzer

An exhaust gas analyzer for gasoline and similar engines must be able to be analyzed
the volume of these gases: carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrocarbons (HC)
and oxygen (O2). The device must be able to calculate the factors air ( factor). The device
must be able to measure the engine temperature (oil in engine housing or coolant) and the
ability to measure the speed of rotation (number rpm) of the engine. All measurement and
calculation results must be printed on the printer analyzers [1].

4.1.1. An analyzer for measuring the exhaust gas emissions of the diesel engine

The device is similar to the gas engine exhaust gas analyzer only with an additional
the possibility of measuring at least three of the largest exhaust gases in the consecutive
acceleration of unloaded engine fromidle speed up to maximum speed. The device must have
the ability to calculate the mean Exhaust gas offset.
The device must be equipped with
a temperature gauge Engine (oil in engine
housing or cooling fluids) and a speed
gauge revolutions (engine speed). All of
results of measurement and calculation
must can be printed on the analyzer
printer [1].

Figure 5. Exhaust gas analyzer [13]



Petrol engines without catalyst and lambda probe, ie petrol engines with catalyst but
without lambda probe, carbon monoxide (CO) concentration at rpm the idling engine must
therefore not exceed [13]:
1. CO 4.5% of the volume for motor vehicles registered for the first time
10/01/1986 at a temperature of engine oil of at least 80 C;
2. CO 3.5% of the volumes for motor vehicles registered for the first time
afterwards10/01/1986 at an engine oil temperature of at least 80 C.
The vehicle should be driven to the exhaust gas analyzer. It is recommended
immediately after
place the vehicle at the inspection site to set up the exhaust gas duct closer to the outlet pipe
outlet. Thereafter, a visual overview of the parts of the engine essential for the test.Vizual
overview includes:
control of fuel tank openings,
control of engine temperature gauges,
Control of the engine compartment (parts must be complete, unsharpened, properly
connected and relatively pure)

After visual inspection, the oil bar is extracted and the meter is placed instead of the
same oil temperature of the analyzer as well as induction pistons for measuring engine speed.
After that the engine is turned on and it leads to operating temperature. While the engine is in
check, the whole is the exhaust system is visually and it is determined whether there is a
release of an exhaust gas in some part of it. This can be determined by closing it at the output
itself from the exhaust system (using a piece of fabric) and then checking whether there is an
increased noise of the exhaust flow gas indicating the permeability of the system. After
reaching the required engine temperature and the correct indication of engine speed is placed
in the exhaust pipe. After It is necessary to wait for the measured values to stabilize on the
analyzer display, and then performs the printing of the results of the measurement. After the
printing, the result is the engine is switched off and all connections are removed, a rod for
measuring the amount of oil is returned to its place. The values of the parameters obtained are
they are entered into the computer and are compared with the boundary values given by the
vehicle manufacturer. After processing data is recorded a record of the conducted exhaust gas
test vehicles [1]. The operating principle of the CO measuring device presented in Figure 4 is
as follows: Exhaust gases after passing through the probe (1) and condensate separation filter
(2), pass through fine the filter (3) and the pump (4) are pushed into the measuring chamber
(5). Through the chambers (5 and 6) it extends infrared light, and due to the difference in the
concentration of the density of gases in them, there is also of different intensity of passing of
infrared air through them to the detector chamber (7). That difference in it (chamber 7), via a
sensitive membrane, then through the amplifier (10), is transmitted to the measurement
device (11). After the measurement is completed, the measurement results can be printed on
the printer (12) [15].
1. Probe for sampling, 2. Condensate separation filter, 3. Fine filter, 4. Membrane pump,

5. Measuring
7. Detector chamber,
8. Infrared air
9. A motor with a
rotating disc
having an opening,
10. Amplifier,
11. Measuring
12. Measuring output

Figure 6. Scheme for the control of CO in the exhaust system [15]

In the measurement and testing of exhaust gases, the analyzer can be connected to the
lighter connector vehicles or via inverters at 220V, 50Hz (with grounding). When measuring
the vehicle's gearbox, it should be disconnected from the speed (in neutral position) and that
it is activated handbrake. The test must be carried out in the open air or in the room with
exhaust gases from the vehicle. The analyzer should be placed away from the canister or open
containers with oil, grease and away from heat sources and direct exposure to sun rays.

- The ambient temperature should be between +5 and +40 C,
- The exhaust system should be well sealed (close the other end of the pipe to make sure
that gases do not come out),
- The number of rotations to the minimum,
- Engine temperature greater than 60 C.
The heating time of the analyzer is 5 min.
Before the start of testing, the analyzer can perform automatic and manual testing of
the presence residual HC (hydrochloric) gases in the probe and intestine, as well as testing of
pneumatic seal the device itself. If these values are not a satisfactory analyzer it can not start
with work.

1. Test of residual HC gases

When the analyzer is switched on and the start of the measurement, the probe, which
is placed in the vehicle exhaust, should be left in a clean place (table, ...) In automatic mode,
this testing is done every time when the device is turned on; if the HC value is greater than 20
ppm, the machine will automatically print error report:
(high levels of hydrogen chloride: clean probe and filters), if the values are below 20
ppm, the analyzer prints a message:
"RESIDUAL HC: OK" (values are good).
By pressing the "POMPA" key, the device is ready for use.
Cleaning the probe: put the probe in a clean place - press the "TEST HC" button and the
device starts with Cleaning (about 1 minute) then the CO-CO2-HC display blinks and the
machine prints a message.

5.1. Testing of exhaust gases of motor vehicles in stations for technical inspection of
The test is performed using an exhaust gas analyzer,
When testing the composition of the exhaust gases with the
analyzers the volume fraction of the measured gas in the
total is measured volume of exhaust gas.

The following gases are measured:

1. [CO2] - carbon dioxide,
2. [CO] - carbon monoxide,
3. [HC] - hydrocarbon,
4. [O2] - oxygen,
5. [NOx] - nitrogen oxides.

Figure 7. Measurement and measuring equipment components of exhaust gases [16]

Table 2. Comparison of the limit values of the composition and dimensions of the exhaust
gases of BiH regulations Of Directive 2009/40 / EC
Regulations in BiH 2009/40/EC
Engine type
Empty walk Increased Empty walk Increased
number number
revoluti rotatio
OTTO - no catalytic ons n
converter or CO < 3,5% or CO < 3,5% or
unregulated catalytic CO < 4,5% CO < 4,5%
OTTO - with regulated CO < 0,5% CO < 0,3% CO < 0,5% CO < 0,3%
Gasoline Engines


No catalyst and lambda probe With catalytic converter and lambda probe
Figure 8. Measurement of exhaust gas components of the OTTO engine without catalytic
converter [16]

It is important to control the composition of the exhaust gases of motor vehicles on a

technical inspection differentiate petrol engines without a catalyst or with an unregulated
catalyst (BEZ-KAT), gasoline engines with regulated catalytic converter (REG-KAT), as
well as diesel engines with or without prednabijanja. The basic difference between the OTTO
engine without the catalytic converter or the unregulated catalytic converter and OTTO
engine with regulated catalyst is in the stability of the lambda probe in front of the catalyst
itself that has the role of an oxygen sensor in exhaust gases thus maintaining the lambda
factor near the ideal value.

Figure 9. Testing a gasoline engine without a catalyst and a lambda probe

Figure 10. An example of the results of the measurement results on a vehicle without a
catalyst and a lamella probe

Figure 11. Exhaust gas control with SCR catalyst without lambda probe

Control of exhaust gases in commercial vehicles. Since the introduction of the Law on
Exhaustion gases for commercial vehicles, nitrogen oxides have already been reduced by
about 86%. However, there are the tendency to continue to reduce dramatically in the future,
based on the new standards for exhaust gases. Bosch has been developed by Denoxtronic,
which is used in combination with SCR (selective catalytic reduction) catalyst, especially for
reducing nitrogen oxide.


The PEMS (Portable Emission Measurement System) is used to measure the exhaust
gas concentration and mass flow from the exhaust pipe of the vehicle, but it should be
emphasized that this is a test carried out under realistic driving conditions rather than in the
test stations, as was the case with Previous types of testing that we processed. In order to
measure the exhaust gas flow, a mass flow meter of exhaust gases equipped with various
pressure and temperature control devices is used. With this system it is possible to test both
passenger cars and construction, agricultural and transport machines. [19] The essential
components of PEMS are :
 A basic unit that contains pumps, electronic equipment and exhaust gas analyzers
placed in the cabin of a vehicle that represents a safe environment for the
equipment itself, thus avoiding contamination, excessive vibration, overheating of
equipment, etc.
 Instruments for measuring the exhaust gas mass flow rate which are positioned at
the exhaust of the vehicle.
 GPS and metering stations for the time they are located outside,

a) c)

b) d)
Figure 12. a) Mass flow rate of exhaust gases (Ford Cmax), b) PEMS-base unit
c) PEMS mounted on Toyota Prius car, d) Battery [19].

Cars with this equipment installed must spend at least 3 hours driving on In the course of
three hours, all essential parameters are monitored and recorded in the devices. Parameters
which are relevant for the examination are shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Parameters which are monitored during the examination of the exhaust gases of a
motor vehicle in real driving conditions [19]
Parameter Measuring technique (measuring devices)
HC concentration Annealing exhaust gas
CO concentration Exhaust gas analyzer
NO concentration Exhaust gas analyzer
NOx concentration Exhaust gas analyzer
Mass flow of exhaust gases Mass flow rate of exhaust gases
Exhaust gas temperature Sensor for temperature measurement
Speed of vehicle GPS station
Position of the vehicle GPS station
Speed up GPS station
Passed way GPS station
Climb GPS station
Ambient humidity Sensor for measuring humidity
Ambient temperature Sensor for temperature measurement
Environmental pressure Sensor for pressure measurement
After the completion of the test, the given parameters are compared with the parameters that
are defined the standard that must satisfy the given vehicle, in which the test was carried out,
in view emissions of exhaust gases.


Crisis and poverty, as well as lack of control, have caused that in addition to violating
the law We endanger health. lately, the catalyst is often removed from the car or even their
theft. However, without catalysts, exhaust gases are more likely to cause cancer than constant
smoking. In the course of technical inspections, research on exhaust gases is rarely carried
out. In our environment, all cars must adapt exhaust gases to regulations. On exhaust Gases
are influenced by fuel quality, catalysts and their correctness. Periodic testing of exhaust
Gases of motor vehicles is certainly one of the best preventive steps in the protection of life
the environment in which we live daily. Bosnia and Herzegovina, as one of the most beautiful
ones the countries of the world, should be a country that care for the protection of the life-
threatening nature, because it certainly has what to protect.
We should not forget that if we want to be part of the EU we certainly need to to
respect the rules of the game that apply in it. The EURO norms that have begun to work
Since 1992, to this day, they are certainly one of the best mechanisms they are driving
manufacturers of vehicles to search for solutions that will allow as little emission of harmful
gases as possible from the vehicle. Today, the hit car showroom is colored in green, which
unambiguously points to the need to preserve a healthy environment.
Surely, as long as cars are present on the roads driven by fossil fuels, there will also
be a need for the measurement of exhaust gases. Measurements are carried out at the test
stations for the technical inspection of the vehicle, but the need is shown putting a greater
emphasis on measurements using portable exhaust gas measurement systems (PEMS). The
reason is that the latest research has shown drastic emissions deviations exhaust gases in real
driving conditions than those measured in the test stations deviations reach a difference of up
to 20%. Latest developments with VW cars, which discharged different quantities of exhaust
gases in the test station and in real conditions driving, will certainly put more emphasis on the
application of PEMS.

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