(Doi 10.1016/B978!1!4377-0788-5.10014-8) Lawrence, Ruth A. - Breastfeeding - Breastfeeding Infants With Problems

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Breastfeeding Infants
With Problems
Breastfeeding is a natural behavior for infants and glycogen stores are present to be stimulated. Cal-
provides the ideal nourishment, but some infants with cium problems, on the other hand, although com-
complicating issues may need special assistance or mon in these infants, generally are rare if the infant
adjustments.10 Prematurity is discussed in Chapter15. is adequately breastfed early because of the physio-
Infants with structural abnormalities, metabolic chal- logic calcium/phosphorus ratio in breast milk. After
lenges, neurologic difficulties, stressed infants, and postmature infants begin to feed well, they tend
twins and triplets will be discussed in this chapter. to catch up quickly and adapt well. Problems with
hyperbilirubinemia seldom occur because their liv-
Perinatal Issues: Postmature ers are mature.
Postmature infants are full-grown, mature infants
who have stayed in utero beyond the full vigor Infants who have been compromised in utero or dur-
of the placenta and have begun to lose weight in ing delivery because of insufficient placental reserve,
utero.42 They are usually older looking and have a cord accidents, or other causes of intrauterine hypoxia
wide-eyed countenance. Their skin is dry and peel- have very low Apgar scores at birth and need special
ing, and subcutaneous tissue is diminished; thus treatment.162 An asphyxiated infant cannot be fed
the skin appears too large. These infants have lost for at least 48 hours, and, depending on associated
subcutaneous fat and lack glycogen stores. Initially findings, it may be 96 hours or more before it is safe
they may be hypoglycemic and require early feed- to put food in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, which
ings to maintain blood glucose levels of 40 mg/dL has been poorly perfused during the hypoxia. The
or higher. If breastfed, the infants should go to the infant must be maintained on IV fluids. If the mother
breast early, taking special care to maintain body is to breastfeed, her colostrums will be valuable to
temperature, which is labile in postmature infants the infant and will be better tolerated by the infants
who lack the insulating fat layer. Blood sugar lev- intestinal tract, which has usually suffered hypoxic
els should be followed. These infants may feed damage in these circumstances. Hypoxia decreases
poorly initially and require considerable prod- the motility of the gut and decreases stimulating
ding to suckle. If the infant becomes hypoglyce- hormones. The colostrums should be pumped and
mic despite careful management, a feeding of 10% become the first oral feedings drop by drop.
glucose in water should be considered. In extreme Mothers will need help initiating lactation and
cases of hypoglycemia, an intravenous (IV) infusion understanding the pathophysiology of the infants
may be necessary, and management should follow disease. These infants often have a poor suck that
guidelines for any infant who has hypoglycemia does not coordinate with the swallow, making
that is resistant to routine early feedings. Because nursing at the breast and bottle equally difficult.
the infants lack glycogen stores, hypoglycemia may The mother may need to hold her breast in place
persist, and glucagon is contraindicated because no and hold the infants chin as well. These infants
Breastfeeding Infants With Problems 475

Figure 14-1. Dancer hold. A, Hand position of mother. B, Infant in position at breast with support. (From McBride MC,
Danner SC: Sucking disorders in neurologically impaired infants: assessment and facilitation of breastfeeding, Clin Perinatol
14:109, 1987.)

are especially susceptible to nipple confusion, to hold an infants body in a flexed position, thus
so means of sustaining nourishment other than a giving the mother both hands free to hold the head
bottle should be sought. Cup feeding has been well and the breast in position for feeding (Figure 14-2).
tolerated using a soft plastic one-ounce medicine Pacing the feedings and pumping after feed-
cup. Even infants who will not be breastfed but feed ings will increase a mothers milk supply when the
poorly from a bottle for neurologic reasons will do infant is unable to suck vigorously enough. Giving
better with a cup.85,86,108 Weaning slowly from the pumped milk by lactation supplementer, small
the IV hyperalimentation fluids while introduc- cup, or dropper ensures proper weight gain in the
ing breastfeeding is helpful. Using a dropper and early weeks.130 Holding an infant in a flexed posi-
employing the nursing supplementer are options if tion that mimics the fetal position relaxes an infant
milk supply from the breasts is low. These infants who is hypertonic or arching away from the breast.
may continue to feed poorly for neurologic rea- In a study of energetics and mechanics of nutri-
sons. They do not do better with a bottle. If the tive sucking in preterm and term neonates, Jain
mother is taught to cope with the problem, nursing et al95 compared 38-gestational-week infants with
should progress satisfactorily. She may always need 35-gestational-week infants and noted that preterm
to hold her breast in place, which would be the best infants use less energy to suck the same volume of
evidence of residual damage from the hypoxia. milk. The preterm infant took up to 0.5 mL per suck
Infants can be held in positions that may help an and generated lower pressures and a lower frequency.
individual baby adapt better. The football hold is Exploring the hypothesis that milk flow achieved
a popular but poorly named position in which an during feeding contributes to ventilatory depression
infant is held to the mothers body with the feet to during rubber-nipple feeding, Mathew128 compared
her side. The head and face are squarely in front nipples with different flow rates. Decreases in minute
of the breast and steadied by the mothers arm and ventilation and breathing frequency were significantly
hand on that side. Cupping the breast and the jaw greater with high-flow nipples, thus confirming that
in one hand facilitates the infants seal around the milk flow influences breathing in premature infants
breast with the mouth (Figure 14-1). This position who are unable to self-regulate the flow.
has been called the dancer hold by Sarah Coulter The work of feeding, and especially the physical
Danner,* who has prepared a pamphlet for mothers work of feeding at the breast, has been the argument
feeding a neurologically impaired infant.130 It is in the Western world against allowing an immature
well illustrated and is directed toward mothers and infant to breastfeed at a weight less than 1800 g.
addresses specific problems. One of the most valu- Survival of low-birth-weight (LBW) infants in Third
able suggestions is the use of a sling or pleat-seat World countries has been dependent on early breast-
feeding. Nonnutritive sucking using a pacifier was
*Danner SC, Cerutti ER: Nursing Your Neurologically Impaired Baby,
evaluated measuring transcutaneous oxygen ten-
Childbirth Graphics, Ltd, Division of WRS Group, Inc., PO sion, heart rate, and respiratory rate while sleeping.
Box 21207, Waco, TX 76702-1207 Infants were 32- to 35-weeks postconceptual age.27
476 Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession

of stimulating the skin overlying the masseter

and buccinator muscles by manually applying a
quick-touch pressure stimulus lasting 1 second,
was studied. This is accomplished by simultane-
ously squeezing the buccal fat of both cheeks.
Suck-monitoring equipment revealed that perioral
stimulation increased the sucking rate, suggest-
ing that this may facilitate sucking.103 Exercising
the mouths of infants who already have excessive
mouth stimulation may not be appropriate.84 Many
infants in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) are
being suctioned, tubefed, and orally stimulated for
other reasons, which may lead to oral aversion.
When an infant is ready for nonnutritive sucking in
the NICU, it is possible to allow sucking at an empty
breast (prepumped) instead of a pacifier.179 Although it
is not clear that digestion and GI motility are enhanced
by sucking,116 enteral tube feedings are usually given
while using a pacifier in most NICUs. Mothers who
have been using an electric pump to produce milk for
their VLBW infant find nonnutritive suckling at the
Figure 14-2. Pleat-seat or sling baby carrier holds infant breast by their infant helpful in stimulating milk sup-
in a flexed position that facilitates infant suckling, leaving
mothers hands free to support her breast and the infant. ply. Premature infants with a postconceptual age of 35
(Redrawn from McBride MC, Danner SC: Sucking disorders weeks can discriminate between sweet and nonsweet
in neurologically impaired infants: assessment and facilita- tastes.146 They respond with greater sucking when
tion of breastfeeding, Clin Perinatol 14:109, 1987.) given glucose water rather than plain water, so that
popular vanilla-flavored pacifiers may be significantly
preferred over human nipples. These pacifiers should
The oxygen tension decreased 2.3 mm Hg during not be used for infants who breastfeed. Studies of non-
sucking the pacifier at 32 to 33 weeks and 4.0 mm nutritive suckling at the breast have been associated
Hg at 34 to 35 weeks but not at 36 to 39 weeks. with more successful breastfeeding of longer dura-
Respiratory rates remained stable, and heart rate rose tion. Whitelaw et al195 found skin-to-skin contact or
slightly. Transcutaneous oxygen pressure and body kangaroo care to be associated with increased success
temperature were monitored during feedings in five and duration of breastfeeding as well. In a randomized
very-low-birth-weight (VLBW) infants during bottle trial of stable infants weighing 700 to 1500 g, half the
feeding and breastfeeding.128,129 Tracings were made mothers used skin-to-skin contact and half only fon-
from the first oral feeding to time of discharge. Serial dled their infants. Skin-to-skin contact was deemed
oxygen pressure values showed small undulations not only safe but enjoyable for the mothers. We
across baseline (above and below) while breastfeed- observed that the kangaroo care given in the NICU at
ing and substantial dips while bottle feeding with the Providence Hospital in Anchorage, Alaska, which
recovery but not above baseline. The quality and was surrounded by snow drifts and snow-covered
quantity of variation were different in the two modes, mountains, was most successful in raising the body
with large drops occurring during actual sucking of temperatures and enhancing the maturations of their
the bottle but only during burping or repositioning premature infants.
while breastfeeding. Meier133,134 concludes that the Kangaroo care is also recommended for full-term
findings do not support the widely held view that infants who are neurologically or metabolically
breastfeeding is more stressful. The comparative impaired. It can stabilize temperature, respirations,
data suggest that both pacifier and bottle feeding and heart rate and be neurologically calming. For a
are more stressful than suckling at the breast. If an mother who is to breastfeed, it facilitates milk pro-
infant has significant motor tone disabilities or lacks duction and helps mother learn to handle her infant.88
the usual oral reflexes in response to stimulus of the Kangaroo care is further discussed in Chapter 15.
rooting and sucking reflexes, a neonatal neurologist
should assess the infant before any routine exercises GALACTAGOGES: MEDICATION-
It has been suggested that perioral stimulation
enhances an immature or neurologically impaired Stimulating milk production pharmacologically in
infants ability to suck and to coordinate suck mothers of LBW infants who are pumping to pro-
and swallow.109 Perioral stimulation, consisting vide milk for their infants has been recommended
Breastfeeding Infants With Problems 477

by several authors, as reported by Ehrenkranz and them simultaneously nursing with only two hands
Ackerman.54 They used 10-mg metoclopramide to cope. However, twins trained from birth to
orally every 8 hours for 7 days, tapering during nurse simultaneously will often continue to nurse
2 days more. Milk production increased within 2 in a position that allows both to nurse when they
days, but after therapy decreased, milk production are older, even if the other is not nursing at the
decreased. Prolactin levels also increased during moment. If a mother has help at home to assist with
the treatment. feedings, breastfeeding can be accomplished. The
Improved lactation occurred in 67% of moth- first year of life for a mother of a set of twins is an
ers with no breast milk at onset and in 100% of extremely busy one and really requires additional
mothers with poor supply given metoclopramide help, particularly if the mother is going to breast-
(10 mg three times per day for 10 days) by Gupta feed. She will need time for adequate rest and nour-
and Gupta.75 They reported that the improve- ishment. She often benefits from suggestions from
ment persisted when the drug was discontinued. other mothers of twins. The incidence of prematu-
None of the 32 women had any symptoms or rity with twins is 3 in 10, with triplets 9 of 10, and
side effects. This drug is a substituted benza- with singletons just 1 in 10.
mide, which has selective dopamine-antagonist The challenge of breastfeeding twins was inves-
activity. tigated by Addy,2 who reviewed 173 questionnaires
Although growth hormone has been observed returned by mothers who were members of the
to enhance milk supply, no recommended pro- Mothers of Twins Clubs of Southern California, a
tocol exists for its clinical use.74 A study of 20 national organization that offers help and advice to
healthy mothers with insufficient milk who deliv- mothers of twins. No other socioeconomic infor-
ered between 26 and 34 weeks were given growth mation was available. Of the respondents, 41 moth-
hormone, 0.2 international units/kg/day subcutane- ers (23.7%) breastfed from birth, although 30% of
ously for 7 days. A group of 10 mothers received the infants were premature. Of those who did not
a placebo. Milk volume increased in the treated breastfeed, 9% were told not to do so by their phy-
mothers. No change was noted in plasma growth sician, 11% did not think it was possible, and 11%
hormone levels, but an increase was seen in insulin- did not think they would have enough milk for two.
like growth factor. No other changes were noted Of multiparas who had breastfed their first child,
during this short-term therapy.60 an equal number breastfed and bottle fed. Of the
Other drugs have been noted to enhance milk mothers who breastfed, 39 breastfed more than 1
production. Domperidone (Motilium) is currently month and 12 breastfed more than 6 months.
unavailable in the United States because the FDA Eight healthy women who were breastfeeding
banned its distribution. It is widely available in twins and one breastfeeding triplets participated in
Canada, Europe, and Australia. It is fully discussed a study by Saint et al159 to determine the yield and
in Chapter 12. A dosage of 10 mg three times per nutrient content of their milk at 2, 3, 6, 9, and 12
day is reported to increase milk supply in some months postpartum. At 6 months, they fed an aver-
women. The drug is not without side effects, age 15 feeds per day. Fully breastfeeding women
however. Other galactagogues are discussed in produced 0.84 to 2.16 kg of milk in 24 hours. Those
Chapter 12. partially breastfeeding produced 0.420 to 1.392
kg in 24 hours. The mother feeding triplets at 212
Breastfeeding Twins months produced 3.08 kg/day, and the three infants
were fed a total of 27 times per day. At 6 months
and Triplets the twins received 64% to 100% of total energy
from breastfeeding and at 12 months received 6%
Many case reports support that a mother can nurse to 13%. This demonstrates that breasts are capable
twins and triplets. It has been documented for of responding to nutritional demands, contrary to
centuries that an individual mother can provide previous suggestions that milk production had a
adequate nourishment for more than one infant. finite limit that was much less than a liter.
In seventeenth-century France, wet nurses were Guidelines for success in breastfeeding twins
allowed to nurse up to six infants at one time. reported by Hattori and Hattori80 admit that many
Foundling homes provided wet nurses for every obstacles exist but suggest that health care profes-
three to six infants. sionals should provide extended support to mothers
The key deterrent to nursing twins is not usu- of multiples to promote successful breastfeeding.80
ally the milk supply but time. If a mother can An extra pair of helpful hands provide significant
nurse both infants simultaneously, the time factor assistance and relieve some of the fatigue. The
is reduced (Figure 14-3). Many tricks have been initiation and duration of breast milk feedings by
suggested to achieve this. As the infants become mothers of multiples compared with mothers of
larger and more active, it may be difficult to keep singletons was studied by a mailed questionnaire to
478 Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession

Figure 14-3. Premature twins nursing simultaneously, resting on a nursing pillow.

555 women. The 358 mothers with multiples who when nursing mothers have roomed-in with their
answered were older, had higher incomes, were sick infants in the hospital. The studies of Johnson
married, and were less likely to return to work by and Salisbury97 on the synchrony of respirations in
6 months postpartum. Initiation of breastfeeding breastfeeding in contrast to the periodic breathing
was comparable between mothers of multiples and or gasping apnea pattern of the normal bottle-fed
singletons, but mothers of multiples provided milk infant may well provide the underlying explanation
for a shorter period of time, and mothers of preterm for the phenomenon of an acutely ill infant con-
multiples breastfed the shortest period of time. At tinuing to nurse at the breast.
6 months, 33% of mothers of term singletons were In addition to the appropriateness of human
breastfeeding partially compared with 37% moth- milk for a sick infant, nursing and closeness with
ers of term multiples. For preterm singletons, 31% the mother provide comfort. If an infant is suddenly
were breastfed compared with 16% of preterm weaned, psychological trauma is added to the stress
multiples.68 of the illness.9
The medical literature on nursing twins or trip- It may be difficult to distinguish the effect of
lets or multiples in general is lean. It is well estab- trauma of acute weaning from the symptoms of the
lished that mothers can make enough milk. On the primary illness, such as poor feeding or lethargy, if
other hand, books, pamphlets, and websites supply the acutely weaned infant fails to respond to ade-
personal stories and advice for mothers, fathers, and quate treatment. Returning to breastfeeding may be
families. LaLeche League International, mothers of the answer because the stress of acute weaning will
twins, pregnancy today.com, parenting web.com, be removed.
multiplebirthsfamilies.com, and others have copi- It is not appropriate to give a mother medicine
ous commentaries for mothers. Coping strategies intended to treat the infant, especially antibiot-
can be helpful. Wisdom from Gromada72 is shared ics. This has been tried, to the detriment of the
with mothers in her book Mothering Multiples, Breast- child because variable amounts of the drug reach
feeding and Caring for Twins or More. A case of a mother the infant depending on the dose, dosage sched-
successfully nursing quadruplets is reported by ule, and amount of milk consumed. Maternal drugs
Berlin.26 can produce symptoms in an infant in some cases,92
and thus maternal history of ingestants is impor-
Full-Term Infants With tant in assessing symptoms in a breastfed infant
(Appendix D).
Medical Problems
Infants who have self-limited acute illnesses, such as
fever, upper respiratory infection, colds, diarrhea, or
contagious diseases such as chickenpox, do best if Guidelines for buccal smear collection in breastfed
breastfeeding is maintained. Because of breast milks infants should be followed when genetic review is
low solute load, an infant can be kept well hydrated indicated. Buccal smear is a noninvasive, fast, and
despite fever or other increased fluid losses. If respi- relatively inexpensive diagnostic method for col-
ratory symptoms are significant, an infant seems to lecting genetic material. It is used for sex determina-
nurse well at the breast and poorly with a bottle. tion as well as aneusomy, microdeletion syndromes,
This observation has been documented many times and a variety of polymerase chain reaction-based
Breastfeeding Infants With Problems 479

molecular genetic tests. Maternal cells can con- A prospective study examined 35 consecutive
taminate smears taken from breastfed infants. The infants who had fresh blood mixed with stools at
recommendation is to wait at least 1 hour after a approximately 4 weeks of age.118 The infants were
feeding. Buccal mucosa should be cleansed thor- otherwise asymptomatic and had no infection,
oughly with a cotton swab applicator. These pro- bleeding diathesis, or necrotizing enterocolitis
cedures apply to both neonates and older nursing (NEC); 31 had histopathologic evidence of coli-
children.19 tis characterized by marked eosinophilic infiltrate
(more than 20 eosinophils per high-power field)
compared with control subjects and low mean
serum albumin. Ten of these 31 were exclusively
Bouts of diarrhea and intestinal tract disease are breastfed, nine were fed cow milk formula, nine soy
less common in breastfed infants than in bot- formulas, two mixed breast milk and formula, and
tle-fed infants, but when they occur, the infant one Nutramigen. The low serum albumin and high
should be maintained on the breast if possible.160 peripheral eosinophil count suggested the diagno-
Human milk is a physiologic solution that nor- sis of allergic colitis. All cases cleared with dietary
mally causes neither dehydration nor hyperna- change. The breastfed infants were weaned, unfor-
tremia. Occasionally, an infant will have diarrhea tunately, and not managed by dietary adjustment in
or an intestinal upset because of something in the mother in this series.118
the mothers diet. It is usually self-limited, and Protein-induced colitis can follow a benign
the best treatment is to continue to nurse at course with proper treatment. Israel et al91 studied
the breast. If a mother has been taking a laxa- 13 infants with blood from the rectum, negative
tive that is absorbed or has been eating laxative stool cultures, and colonoscopic and histologic evi-
foods, such as fruits, in excess, she should adjust dence of colitis. The infants were all less than 312
her diet. Intractable diarrhea should be evaluated months of age, and six were breastfed and five had
as it would be in any infant. Allergy to mothers been supplemented. All were gaining weight well.
milk is extremely rare and would require substan- The mothers of the breastfed infants restricted cow
tial evidence to support the diagnosis. Allergy milk in their diet, and the infants returned to exclu-
to a foreign protein passed into the milk, such sively breastfeeding. All recovered.
as bovine -globulin, however, can cause severe Dietary protein-induced proctocolitis in exclu-
allergic symptoms in an infant. sively breastfed infants should be taken into
consideration as a cause of rectal bleeding or
blood-streaked stool in the neonatal period and
early infancy (hematochezia). Benign eosinophilic
Severe colitis in a totally breastfed infant, usually proctocolitis by colonoscopy is best treated by the
with onset in the neonatal period, suggests an intrin- exclusion of the allergen from mothers diet. Res-
sic metabolic disorder in the infant or an exquisite olution has taken place within 72 to 96 hours of
intolerance to something in mothers milk, such elimination of the offending protein so temporarily
as cow milk protein.105 Six infants with protein- stopping breastfeeding may not be necessary.151
induced enterocolitis presenting in the first month An 8-week-old infant boy presented with irrita-
of life with severe bloody diarrhea responded to bility and projectile vomiting for an ultrasound to
weaning and use of hydrolyzed protein formula. rule out pyloric stenosis. The ultrasound revealed
Other cases have been reported, requiring long colitis and further history revealed bloody stools.
periods of hyperalimentation and utilization of spe- He responded to removing bovine protein from
cial formulas such as Nutramigen. mothers diet and continuing to breastfeed.144
Induced colitis in infants is usually caused Harmon et al79 described a case of perforated
by some dietary insult, such as exposure to cow pseudomembranous colitis in a breastfed infant.
milk.105,168 It has been reported in breastfed infants, Other cases had been associated with giving antibi-
most of whom responded to removal of cow milk otics to an infant. The infants stool was Clostridium
from the maternal diet. Several had been given for- difficile toxin positive, and the child required bowel
mula at birth, which is believed to have sensitized resection for abscess and perforation. The mother
them. The symptoms included bloody diarrhea, and had taken ciprofloxacin without consulting a physi-
sigmoidoscopy revealed focal ulcerations, edema, cian for days before the infants admission.
and increased friability of the intestinal mucosa. The Lactation Study Center has been notified
On relief of symptoms by dietary change, the of other cases of bloody diarrhea with a diagno-
intestinal tract biopsy returns to normal. Removal sis of colitis that did appear to respond to mater-
of all bovine protein from the mothers diet may nal dietary restrictions. One infant showed brief
be required to ensure recovery while returning to improvement when all cow milk products were
breastfeeding. removed from the mothers diet and then had a
480 Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession

relapse. Removing all bovine (both meat and milk) plays a critical role in the nutrition of mammalian
products from the maternal diet resulted in recov- neonates. Congenital lactase deficiency, present
ery without relapse with exclusive breastfeeding. from birth, is extremely rare and is inherited as an
In retrospect the mother recalled switching from a autosomal recessive gene.135 Most humans (except
vegetarian diet to high meat, especially beef, intake Northern Europeans) and other adult mammals do
throughout pregnancy. not drink milk beyond infancy; it causes indiges-
A case of fucose intolerance is reported in a tion and mild to severe GI symptoms because of an
breastfed infant who was not intolerant of lactose adults inability to digest lactose. Low lactase levels
but of the by-product of the oligosaccharides in result from injury or genetic expression of lactase.
human milk, passing large amounts of fucose in the The enzyme hydrolyzes lactose, phlorhizin, and
stool.21 The infant tolerated Pregestimil and then glycosyl ceramides. A decline in lactase-specific
was weaned to regular formula. activity occurs at the time of weaning in most mam-
It has been recommended by Haight77 that malian species. In humans it may occur as early as
severe cases of allergic colitis and also severe GI 3 to 5 years of age; in other species the elevated
colic can be alleviated by treating the mother with juvenile levels of lactase-specific activity persist.
pancreatic enzymes, 25 mg three times per day. It The developmental patterns of lactase expression
is safe for the mother and often dramatic for the are regulated at the level of gene transcription.135
infant. This is especially effective when eliminating Premature infants and those recovering from
cow protein has not solved the problem. severe diarrhea have transient lactose intolerance.
A formal study of this therapy was reported by The only treatment is a temporary lactose-free diet.
Repucci153 who described four term infants who Reports of lactose-hydrolyzed human milk sug-
were exclusively breastfeeding between 1 and 3 gest that banked human milk can be treated with
months of age who had positive family history lactase (Keralac), which will hydrolyze the lactose
for atopy. Elimination of bovine protein had not (900 enzyme activity units to 200 mL breast milk
relieved the blood in the stools. Mothers were pre- degraded 82% of the lactose).169 In one case the
scribed pancreatic enzymes (Pancrease MT4 USP reason for using human milk was that the infant
units: 4000 lipase, 12,000 amylase, 12,000 protease) became infection prone when he was weaned
two capsules with each meal and one capsule for from the breast at the time the initial diagnosis
snacks. Blood cleared within 2 days. One mother was made. He showed marked improvement with
had to increase the dose to three capsules per meal treated human milk. In a breastfed infant, lactase
and two with snacks. Mothers experienced no side deficiency may be manifest by chronic diarrhea and
effects due to this therapy. Anecdotal reports con- marked failure to thrive.
tinue to confirm this therapy. An additional clinical syndrome related to slow
The management of protracted diarrhea in gaining or failure to thrive is excessive lactose,
infants never breastfed is reported by many human resulting when the fat level in the milk is low and
milk banks on a case-by-case basis. Eleven of 24 an excessive amount of milk is consumed because
children managed by MacFarlane and Miller118 in of the low calorie content. The first documented
a hyperalimentation referral unit recovered when case was reported by Woolridge and Fisher.199 Lac-
fed banked human milk orally without protracted tose production drives the milk-making capacity.
IV therapy. All the infants had been tried on all When a feeding at one breast does not last long
the available special formulas first. A study of oral enough for the fat to let down, the result is low-
rehydration in 26 children younger than the age calorie high-lactose milk. The authors recommend
of 2 years showed that the children who contin- in such cases that an entire feeding be taken at one
ued to breastfeed while receiving rehydration breast.199 (For further discussion of this phenom-
fluid had fewer stools and recovered more rapidly enon, see Chapter 8.)
than those receiving only rehydration fluid.99 The
Pima Infant Feeding Study clearly showed that in CELIAC DISEASE, CROHN DISEASE, AND
less developed and more disadvantaged commu-
nities in the United States, exclusive breastfeed-
ing protected against severe diarrhea and other Some chronic diseases are better controlled by
GIdisorders.60 keeping an infant on breast milk, and symptoms
become more severe with weaning. If an infant is
weaned and does poorly on formula, relactation of
the mother might be considered. With the avail-
Suckling milk is the defining characteristic of ability of the nursing supplementer, this possibility
mammals. Lactose, the major carbohydrate in is no longer remote (see Chapter 19).
milk, is hydrolyzed by lactase-phlorhizin hydro- Celiac disease or permanent gluten-sensitive
lase, an enzyme of the small intestine. Lactase enteropathy is an immunologic disease dependent
Breastfeeding Infants With Problems 481

on the exposure to wheat gluten or related proteins into the diet while breastfeeding reduces the risk
in rye and barley.93 for ever getting celiac disease.93 The declining
Childhood celiac disease is disappearing, accord- incidence of celiac disease and transient gluten
ing to Littlewood et al,113 a trend they attribute to intolerance has been associated with changing
the increasing incidence of breastfeeding and the feeding practices, which include later introduction
decreased use of untreated cow milk. They have of dietary gluten, the use of gluten-free foods for
seen a reduction in gastroenteritis. The delayed weaning (rice), and the increased initiation and
use of gluten in the diet may also be secondarily duration of breastfeeding.35
important. Infants who have been breastfed and The risk for celiac disease autoimmunity and
had introduction of solids after 4 months have not timing of gluten introduction in the diet of infants
been seen to have celiac disease. at increased risk for the disease was determined by
In a retrospective study of 146 children with Norris et al144 who studied 1560 children prospec-
celiac disease, Greco et al71 initially confirmed tively. They had been determined to be at increased
that children breastfed 3 months or more showed risk because they possessed either HLA-DR3 or
a marked delay in onset of the disease unrelated to DR4 alleles or by having a first-degree relative with
when gluten was introduced. In a case control study type 1 diabetes. Diagnosis of celiac disease was
of 216 children in Italy with celiac disease and their based on positive small bowel biopsy and positive
siblings, Auricchio et al17 reported that infants for- for tissue transglutaminase autoantibody. Children
mula fed from birth or infants breastfed less than exposed to gluten in the first 3 months of life or not
1month have four times greater risk for celiac dis- until after 7 months of age developed the disease;
ease than infants breastfed more than 1 month. The 4 to 6 months of age appeared to be a safe period
time of introduction of gluten into the diet was not when gluten was tolerated. Breastfeeding may offer
a factor in this study. The incidence in Ireland of protection against the development of celiac dis-
celiac disease is also decreasing and was related by ease. Breastfeeding during the introduction of glu-
Stevens et al173 to the protective effect of breast- ten in the diet (wheat, barley, or rye) and increasing
feeding. Troncone et al184 measured the passage of the duration of breastfeeding was associated with
gliadin into breast milk after the ingestion of 20g reduced risk for developing the disease, as reported
of wheat gluten; 54 of 80 samples showed 5 to by Akobeng et al5 who did a systematic review and
95ng/mL of gliadin, which peaked in the milk 2 to meta-analysis. Given the passage of gliadin into
4 hours after ingestion but did not appear in serum. breast milk noted previously, these findings are
The authors suggest that the transfer of gliadin from logical.
mother to infant might be critical for the develop- A family with two sons at ages 33 months and
ment of an appropriate specific immune response. 8 months came to the attention of the Lactation
The epidemiologic data suggest that breastfeeding Study Center. Both were breastfed at 5 to 6 months.
would be especially appropriate in celiac disease They developed an inability to sleep comfortably
positive families. The authors conclude that the after having slept well previously. They cried and
presence of gliadin in the milk may be responsible thrashed about, needing constant attention and
for a protective effect and the development later of motion around the clock. At age 27 months the
specific immune responses to gliadin. It need not be older son had x-rays, biopsies, and genetic testing.
removed from mothers diet if the diagnosis is made Endoscopy was inconclusive with moderate inflam-
while the infant is being breastfed. mation and smoothing. He was positive for one of
A case-control study was done on the effect of the 3 genetic markers. He had been weaned at 18
infant feeding on celiac disease to investigate the months and was started on a gluten-free diet, which
association between duration of breastfeeding and cured him. At the center, the mother was recom-
age at first gluten introduction into the infant diet mended a gluten-free diet while she continued to
and the incidence and age of onset of celiac disease. breastfeed the 8-month-old child. In 48 hours he
A significant protective effect on the incidence of was remarkably improved and is now symptom
celiac disease was related to the duration of breast- free, breastfeeding, and eating gluten-free solids.
feeding after 2 months. It was not related to the age Thus even though gluten is not supposed to appear
of first gluten in diet, although the age of first expo- in breast milk, it is worth considering a gluten-free
sure did affect the age of onset of symptoms.149 diet in such circumstances. With the availability
The risk for celiac disease was reduced in chil- of gluten-free foods in supermarkets, the diet for
dren younger than 2 years old in a study of 2000 mothers is more accessible.
Swedish children if they were still being breastfed The development of Crohn disease later in life
when dietary gluten was introduced. The effect was has increased in recent decades. Because it has
more pronounced if breastfeeding continued after been suggested that breast milk is essential for the
gluten was introduced. The authors conclude that development of the normal immunologic compe-
gradual introduction of gluten-containing foods tence of the intestinal mucosa, investigators have
482 Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession

studied the association between breastfeeding and Otitis media in infants occurs less frequently in
later Crohn disease. Bergstrand and Hellers24 stud- breastfed infants because of the infection protec-
ied 826 patients who developed Crohn disease tion properties of human milk and the protective
between 1955 and 1974 and their matched control effect of suckling at the breast. Recurrent otitis
subjects. Mean length of breastfeeding was 4.59 media is associated with bottle feeding in a study of
months among patients and 5.76 among control 237 children, in contrast to prolonged breastfeed-
subjects (p <0.01). Patients with Crohn disease ing, which had a long-term protective effect up to
were overrepresented among those with no or short 3 years of age.157
periods of breastfeeding. The role of infant feeding A regional birth cohort of 5356 children was
practices in the development of Crohn disease in followed prospectively regarding the occurrence
childhood was reported by Koletzko et al103 in a of infectious disease in the first year of life.98 One
study of 145 families with similar results. Although third developed otitis media. Median age of onset
Crohn disease may develop in genetically suscep- was 8 months, and 10% had had three episodes by
tible people as a result of an immunologic response 1 year of age. Breastfeeding for 9 months or longer
to unidentified antigen in the mucosa, early feeding had a significant impact on otitis, as did the num-
practices are significant. ber of siblings and daycare. Otitis media in 3- to
Early determinants of inflammatory bowel dis- 8-year-old children in Greenland was studied as
ease have pointed toward infectious diseases in a national concern for the incidence and associ-
childhood, especially measles, and even in utero ated deafness. Children who were breastfed were
infections as possible causative factors.22 It has spared, especially if nursed a long time.146
become a major disease of adults in Europe with Young infants who have older siblings may
5.12 cases per 1000 individuals older than 43 years well be exposed to some virulent viruses and bac-
old (National Survey of Health and Development teria. Developing croup for instance, may make
of 1946) and 2.02 to 2.54 cases per 1000 adults an infant seriously ill. Hydration can be main-
by age 33 years (1958 National Child Develop- tained by frequent, short breastfeedings. Stud-
ment Study). In examining early determinants, ies have shown that respirations are maintained
these cohorts did not show a protective effect of more easily when feeding on human milk than
breastfeeding. The authors comment, however, it on cow milk, even from a bottle. Nursing at the
recorded ever breastfed with no distinction for breast permits regular respirations, whereas bottle
length of breastfeeding.181 feeding is associated with a more gasping pattern.
A systematic review with meta-analysis of Thus breastfed infants should continue to nurse
breastfeeding and risk for inflammatory bowel dis- when they are ill. If an infant is hospitalized, every
ease was conducted by Klement et al101 who con- effort should be made to maintain breastfeeding
cluded that breastfeeding is associated with lower or to provide expressed breast milk if the infant
risks of Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis. The can be fed at all. Staff should provide rooming-
reports that were included were published between in for the mother if a care-by-parent ward is not
1961 and 2000. A report published in 2005 of a available.
pediatric case-control study of inflammatory bowel Colostrum and milk contain large amounts of
disease and 60 cases of ulcerative colitis in children IgA antibody, some of which is respiratory syn-
younger than 17 years of age. Their results did not cytial virus (RSV) specific. Breastfed but not bot-
support a protective effect of breastfeeding and tle-fed infants have IgA in their nasal secretions.
suggested an association with the disease.96 When Neutralizing inhibitors to RSV have been dem-
these data were included in the meta-analysis by onstrated in the whey of most samples of human
Klement,101 however, the results still showed a pro- milk tested.183 IgG anti-RSV antibodies are pres-
tective effect of breastfeeding for these two bowel ent in milk and in reactive T-lymphocytes. Breast-
diseases.102 feeding-induced resistance to RSV was associated
with the presence of interferon and virus-specific
RESPIRATORY ILLNESS AND OTITIS lymphocyte transformation activity, suggest-
ing that breastfeeding has unique mechanisms
for modulating the immune response of infants
Infants who develop respiratory illnesses should to RSV infection.37 Clinical studies indicating a
be maintained at the breast. The added advantages relative protection from RSV in breastfed infants
of antibodies and antiinfective properties are valu- were clouded by other factors.182 The populations
able to infants. Sick infants can nurse more easily were unequal because of socioeconomic factors
than they can cope with a bottle. Furthermore, the and smoking (i.e., bottle-feeding mothers were in
comfort of having the mother nearby is important lower socioeconomic groups and smoked more). In
whenever the infant has a crisis; weaning during ill- general, if breastfed infants become ill, they have
ness may be devastating to infants. less severe illness.182,183 Although breastfeeding
Breastfeeding Infants With Problems 483

protects, parental smoking and day care are impor- Certain amino acids, including phenylalanine,
tant negative factors in the incidence of respira- methionine, leucine, isoleucine, and others associ-
tory infection. Respiratory illness in either infant ated with metabolic disorders, have significantly
or mother should be treated symptomatically and lower levels in human milk than in cow milk.
breastfeeding continued. If the infant has nasal Management of an amino acid metabolic disorder
congestion, nasal aspiration and saline nose drops while breastfeeding depends on careful monitor-
just before a feed are helpful. ing of blood and urine levels of the specific amino
acids involved. Because these are essential amino
GALACTOSEMIA acids, a certain amount is necessary in the diet of
all infants, including those with disease. An appro-
Galactosemia, caused by deficiency of galactose-1- priate combination of breastfeeding and milk free
phosphate uridyltransferase, is a rare circumstance of the offending amino acid should be developed.
in which an infant is unable to metabolize galac- The care of such infants should be in consultation
tose and must be placed on a galactose-free diet. with a pediatric endocrinologist. Transient neona-
The disease can be rapidly fatal in the severe form. tal tyrosinemia, which has been reported to occur
The infant may have severe and persistent jaun- in a high percentage (up to 80%) of neonates fed
dice, vomiting, diarrhea, electrolyte imbalances, cow milk, is associated with blood tyrosine levels
cerebral signs, and weight loss. This does necessi- 10 times those of adults. Wong et al198 have associ-
tate weaning from the breast to a special formula ated severe cases with learning disabilities in later
because human milk contains high levels of lactose, years. Tyrosine appears in human milk at low levels.
which is a disaccharide that splits into glucose and Tyrosinemia type I is an inherited autosomal reces-
galactose. The diagnosis is suspected when reduc- sive trait. Symptoms are caused by accumulation of
ing substances are found in the urine in the new- tyrosine and its metabolites in the liver. It is treated
born, and it is confirmed by measuring the enzyme by dietary control consisting of low protein with
uridyltransferase in the red and white blood cells. limited phenylalanine and tyrosine. Some breast-
The several forms can be distinguished by genetic feeding is possible combined with protein-free
testing, but except for the mild form, the infant supplements. 2-(2-nitro-4-trifluoromethylbenzyl)-
must be weaned to a lactose-free diet. An infec- 1-3-cyclohexanedione reduces the production of
tion with Escherichia coli in the newborn period may toxic metabolites. Liver failure is common. Dietary
be the trigger that precipitates serious symptoms restrictions are life-long.
associated with this or other metabolic disorders. Screening programs that test all newborns have
Galactosemia is screened for in most states in the identified many victims early. Almost all programs
United States along with phenylketonuria (PKU) test for PKU, galactosemia, and hypothyroidism,
and other metabolic disorders. and increasingly maple syrup urine disease, homo-
When the diagnosis is made, genetic testing cystinuria, biotinidase deficiency, tyrosinemia, and
should be done. The Duarte variant of the disease now cystic fibrosis are included. Most cases can
is mild; some enzyme is available. Breastfeeding is be managed with continued breastfeeding and
permitted but the infant should be followed closely diet modification. Congenital adrenal hyperpla-
initially. Some infants can only be partially breast- sia requires corticosteroids but the feeding can be
feeding with some lactose-free formula for neces- breast milk. If it is the salt wasting variety, an infant
sary calories. An endocrinologist should make the must have added salt.
decision for the exact balance of milks.
The most common of the amino acid metabolic
Other metabolic deficiency syndromes are usu- disorders is phenylketonuria (PKU), in which the
ally only apparent as mild failure-to-thrive syn- amino acid accumulates for lack of an enzyme. The
drome until the infant is weaned from the breast treatment has been phenylalanine-free formula,
and the symptoms become severe. This par- available from Abbott Laboratories and Bristol-
ticularly applies to inborn errors of metabolism Myers, combined with added formula or breast
caused by an inability to handle one or more of milk to provide a little phenylalanine because every
the essential amino acids. Infection is often a infant needs a small amount. If an infant is breast-
complication early in the lives of these infants, fed, the mother is usually willing to continue on an
with inborn errors most commonly due to Esch- adjusted schedule. An infant may supplement the
erichia coli bacteria. While the acute infection is Lofenalac or Analog XP with breast milk. With
being treated, the infant may be weaned, and careful monitoring of the blood levels and control
the metabolic disorder then becomes apparent of the amount of breastfeeding, a balance can be
precipitously. struck that permits optimal phenylalanine levels and
484 Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession

breastfeeding. The infant will require some phenyl- onset of sore nipples that could be caused by Can-
alanine-free formula to provide enough calories and dida albicans. Treatment is nystatin for mother and
nutrients. A detailed outline of management called baby initially. (See discussion in Chapter 16.)
Guide to Breast Feeding the Infant with PKU, prepared by The other benefits of human milk make the
Ernest et al,57 is available from the Superintendent effort to breastfeed valuable for infant and for
of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, mother, who usually wants to continue to contrib-
Washington, DC 20402. ute to her infants nurturing and nourishment. The
Literature values for phenylalanine range from prognosis for intellectual development is excellent
29 to 64 mg/dL in human milk. The amount for if treatment is initiated early and the blood levels
Lofenalac or Analog XP and human milk for a given maintained at less than 10 mg/dL phenylalanine
baby are calculated by weight, age, blood levels, (120 to 300 mmol/L).
and needs for growth. As an example, a 3-week- A retrospective study of 26 school-age chil-
old baby weighing 3.7 kg whose blood level was dren who had been breastfed or formula fed for
52.5 mg/dL when he was ingesting an estimated 20 to 40 days before dietary intervention was
570 mL of breast milk would receive 240 mL conducted by Riva et al.154 The children who
Lofenalac and 360 mL breast milk (four breastfeed- had been breastfed had a 14-point IQ advantage,
ings per day with before and after weighing). The which persisted at 12.9 points when corrected
details of every step of management are available for maternal social and educational status. The
in the guide to assist a physician in planning treat- age of treatment onset for PKU was not related
ment.57 Test weighing, which is now a simple home to IQ scores. This study strongly supports the
procedure with a digital scale, greatly facilitates the belief that breastfeeding in the prediagnostic
accuracy of this management. stage has an impact on the long-range neurode-
A simpler approach is described by Clark,39 who velopmental performance of patients with PKU
suggests that as soon as the diagnosis is made, a (Figure 14-4).
infant be placed on a low-phenylalanine formula Nutrition management of infants with organic
to reduce the levels in the plasma promptly. The acidemias involves limiting the intake of the
mother should pump her breasts to maintain her offending amino acid(s) to the minimum necessary
milk supply. Human milk has less phenylalanine for normal growth and development and suppress-
than formula, but it exceeds the tolerance of most ing amino acid degradation during catabolic peri-
infants with PKU. The breastfed infant is offered a ods by providing alternative fuels such as glucose.
small volume of special formula (10 to 30 mL) first In some disorders, including isovaleric acidemia,
and then completes the feeding at the breast. As specific treatment is included to increase the excre-
long as the blood phenylalanine levels can be main- tion of toxic metabolites by enhancing the bodys
tained between 120 and 300 mmol/L, exact intake capacity to make isovalerylglycine, an acylcarni-
need not be measured. Initially, weight checks to tine translocase. As more specific amino acid-free
ensure adequate growth are essential because poor formulas are made available, a recipe for combining
intake leading to a catabolic state will interfere with breastfeeding with the special formula can be engi-
control. Because human milk is low in phenylala- neered to specific infants needs. The endocrinolo-
nine, the offending amino acid, more than half the gist and the nutritionist can provide such a recipe.
diet can be breast milk. Dietary precautions for the mother of a breastfeed-
The weaning of this special infant should be ing child with PKU are to avoid the artificial sweet-
similar to that of other infants. Adding solid foods ener, aspartame (NutraSweet), which metabolizes
can be initiated at 6 months.39 The liquid part of to phenylalanine.
the diet continues as before, that is, two feeding
components of low-phenylalanine formula and 110
breastfeeding plus solids with little or no phenyl- 105 p = 0.01
alanine (fruits, vegetables, low-protein foods). Rice 100
IQ score

and wheat contain too much phenylalanine. When 95

the decision is made to wean from the breast, solid 105.8
90 (10.2)
foods can be used to replace the phenylalanine in 85
the breast milk as needed. Growth should be fol- (16.8)
lowed closely. When weaning is complete, the
Breastfeeding Formula feeding
infant should be given other less bulky sources of
protein free of phenylalanine. This stage will be Figure 14-4. Intellectual quotient (IQ) in patients with phe-
carefully orchestrated by the endocrinologist and nylketonuria, evaluated by Wechsler Intelligence Scale for
Children score, in relation to the type of feeding in the first
nutritionist. Because infants with PKU are more weeks of life. (From Giovannini M, Verduci E, Salvatici E,
prone to thrush infection, the mother should be et al: Phenylketonuria: dietary and therapeutic challenges,
alerted to watch for symptoms in the infant and the JInherit Metab Dis 30:145-152, 2007.)
Breastfeeding Infants With Problems 485

only for the nutrition but the presence of enzymes

Other Metabolic Disorders to facilitate digestion and absorption of nutrients.
Because infection is a significant morbidity in these
Pompe disease (acid maltase deficiency or glyco- children, the infection protection properties of
gen storage disease type II) is an inborn error of human milk make a critical impact.
metabolism caused by a complete or partial defi- The first symptom in infants with CF is often
ciency of the enzyme acid -glucosidase that failure to thrive. If an infant is breastfed, the mother
normally breaks down lysosomal glycogen into may be forced to wean, yet the infant feeds even
glucose. Glycogen accumulates in the tissues, espe- less well and has no weight gain on formula. Infants
cially muscles. The disease takes various forms. do better if placed back on the breast. Pumping to
Infantile onset has a poor prognosis and treatment increase mothers milk supply will help the childs
is supportive. Because of the frequency of respira- hunger. In a study of CF centers, 77% recom-
tory infection and difficulty feeding, breastfeeding mended breastfeeding either alone or with pancre-
would be palliative because liver disease is rapidly atic enzyme supplements.115 The recommended
progressive. breastfeeding duration was 3 to 6 months by 43%
Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency is a rare of the centers (Tables 14-1 through 14-3). If sup-
life-threatening genetic disorder. It is one of six plementation is required, hydrolyzed formula is
urea cycle disorders named for the specific enzyme recommended. Generic and name-brand enzymes
deficiency present. are not biologically equal, and some formulas were
A lack of enzyme results in excessive and symp- more frequently associated with greasy stools and
tomatic accumulation of ammonia in the blood abdominal cramping. Use of enzymes may be a
(hyperammonemia). Symptoms vary but can occur way to improve tolerance and weight gain in these
within 72 hours of birth and include poor suck, special breastfed infants rather than weaning to for-
irritability, vomiting, and progressive lethargy fol- mula.34 Prescribing pancreatic enzymes for a mother
lowed, if untreated, by hypotonia, seizures, respi- while breastfeeding is also a consideration.77
ratory distress, and coma. Infant onset disease is
more common in males. Treatment involves limit- 1-ANTITRYPSIN DEFICIENCY
ing nitrogen intake and assisting nitrogen excretion
with phenylbutyrate (Buphenyl). Infants can be Alpha1-antitrypsin is a serum protease inhibitor
breastfed and receive nonprotein caloric supple- that inactivates a number of proteases. More than
ment. The advantage of human milk is not only 24 genetic variants of this disease are designated
dietary but the infection protection and immune B through Z, with the M variant being most com-
protective qualities. An essential amino acid for- mon. Children with 1-antitrypsin deficiency are
mula is available for those not breastfeeding. at increased risk for liver disease, which occurs
There are many other variations of these most often during infancy and often progresses to
enzyme deficiency diseases. Without treatment,
they all lead to deterioration, mental retardation, T A B L E 1 4 - 1 Recommendations About
and often organ failure, especially liver failure.197 Breastfeeding by Cystic Fibrosis
The National Organization for Rare Disorders Inc. Center Directors For CFIM
(NORD) provides information for professionals,
Recommendations Response* %
the lay public, and support groups regarding more
than 1000 rare diseases. It lobbies for development Breastfeeding only 3 2.6
of specific treatments (orphan drugs). (Specific Plus pancreatic enzymes 39 34.2
treatment information is available at their Web site, Plus hydrolyzed formula 7 6.1
http://www.rarediseases.org, or by writing to Box Plus pancreatic enzymes and 39 34.2
1968, Danbury, CT, 06813-1968.) hydrolyzed formula
Hydrolyzed formula with 18 15.8
pancreatic enzymes
CYSTIC FIBROSIS Hydrolyzed formula only 2 1.8
Screening tests for cystic fibrosis (CF) have been Not applicable and/or Other 6 5.3
initiated in many state-mandated metabolic screen- category
ing programs for newborns, so a greater number Total 114 100
will be identified early. Meconium plug, especially Modified from Luder E, Kattan M, Tanzer-Torres G, etal:
large plugs and full-blown meconium ileus, have Current recommendations for breast feeding in cystic
a high correlation with pancreatic enzyme defi- fibrosis centers, Am J Dis Child 144:1153, 1990.
*Many centers chose more than one answer; therefore
ciency and CF. As clinicians are alerted to meco- response rate for each answer is calculated as a percentage
nium plugs, early tests for CF can be carried out and of total responses.
management adjusted. Breastfeeding is optimal not CFIM, Mothers of infants with cystic fibrosis.
486 Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession

cirrhosis and death. Udall et al187 investigated the and preterm infants had been excluded from the
relationship between early feedings and the onset study so that all infants were equally stable at birth
of liver disease. Severe liver disease was present in and capable of breastfeeding. A bottle-fed infant was
eight (40%) of the bottle-fed and one (8%) of the seven times more likely to develop liver disease.
breastfed infants (breastfed for only 5 weeks). Of the With the increasing early diagnosis of 1-
32 infants, 24 were still alive at the end of the study; antitrypsin deficiency, encouraging a mother to
12 had been breastfed and 12 bottle fed during their breastfeed if her infant is affected would appear to
first month of life. All eight of the deceased children have a significant impact on reducing the chance of
had been bottle fed; small-for-gestational-age (SGA) long-range liver disease in her infant.

T A B L E 1 4 - 2 Factors for Discontinuation of ACRODERMATITIS ENTEROPATHICA

Breastfeeding According to Cystic (DANBOLT-CLOSS SYNDROME)
Fibrosis Center Directors for CFIM
Acrodermatitis enteropathica is a rare and unique
Factors for Discontinuation Response* % disease in which feeding an infant with human milk
Protein-energy malnutrition 69 51.1 may be lifesaving. It is an autosomal recessive dis-
Marked steatorrhea 29 21.5 order with an onset as early as 3 weeks old.165 It is
Meconium ileus 16 11.9 inherited as an autosomal recessive trait and is char-
Carrier of chronic bacterial 8 5.9 acterized by a symmetric rash around the mouth,
pathogen(s) genitalia, and periphery of the extremities. The rash
Not applicable and/or Other 13 9.6 is an acute vesicobullous and eczematous eruption
category often secondarily infected with C. albicans. It may
Total 135 100 be seen by the third week of life or not until late in
Modified from Luder E, Kattan M, Tanzer-Torres G, et al: infancy and has been associated with weaning from
Current recommendations for breastfeeding in cystic fibro- the breast. Failure to thrive, hair loss, irritability,
sis centers, Am J Dis Child 144:1153, 1990. and chronic severe intractable diarrhea are often
*Many centers chose more than one answer; therefore
response rate for each answer is calculated as a percentage
life threatening. The disease has been associated
of total responses. with extremely low plasma zinc levels. Oral zinc
CFIM, Mothers of infants with cystic fibrosis. sulfate has produced remission of the syndrome.
Zinc deficiency was seen frequently in premature
infants on peripheral alimentation until zinc was
T A B L E 1 4 - 3A Duration of Breastfeeding
added to the solution.
as Reported by Cystic Fibrosis Human milk contains less zinc than does bovine
Center Directors for CFIM milk, with zinc concentrations of both decreasing
throughout lactation. Eckert et al53 studied the zinc
Duration (mo) Centers* %
binding in human and cow milk and noted that the
<3 34 40 low-molecular-weight binding ligand isolated from
3-6 37 43 human milk may enhance absorption of zinc in these
>6 5 5.8 patients. Gel chromatography indicated that most
Not applicable and/or other 10 12 of the zinc in cow milk was associated with high-
category molecular-weight fractions, whereas zinc in human
Total 86 100 milk was associated with low-molecular-weight frac-
Modified from Luder E, Kattan M, Tanzer-Torres G, et al: tions. The copper/zinc ratio may also be of signifi-
Current recommendations for breastfeeding in cystic fibro- cance because the ratio is lower in cow milk.
sis centers, Am J Dis Child 144:1153, 1990. The zinc-binding ligand from human milk was
*Many centers chose more than one answer; therefore
response rate for each answer is calculated as a percentage
further identified as prostaglandin E by chroma-
of total responses. tography, ultrafiltration, and infrared spectroscopy
CFIM, Mothers of infants with cystic fibrosis. by Evans and Johnson.58 Patients also have low

T A B L E 1 4 - 3B Number of Infective Episodes and Hospital Admissions (Mean SD) in the First 3 Years of
Life in Patients With Cystic Fibrosis, Subdivided According to Breastfeeding Duration*
No BF (n = 56) BF 1-4 Mo (n = 56) BF >4 Mo (n = 34) p Value
Infections 8 5.5 7.5 5 54 0.015
Admissions 22 22 12 0.424
*Different superscripts indicate between-group differences (p <0.05) after Bonferroni correction.
Numbers are approximated at the nearest 0.5 unit.
BF, Breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding Infants With Problems 487

arachidonic acid levels. Arachidonic acid is a pre- Initially an infant with Down syndrome may
cursor of prostaglandin. The efficacy of human milk have surprisingly good tone and may even suck
in the treatment of acrodermatitis enteropathica well at the breast, only to develop problems after
results from the presence of the zinc-prostaglandin mother and infant have been discharged home.
complex. The primary deficiency in an infant is an Providing support for the head, the jaw, and the
inability to absorb zinc except in this complex form. general body hypotonia will require consider-
The clinical significance of the relationship of able coordination by a mother. Propping the baby
human milk to onset of the disease and its treat- firmly with a pillow in mothers lap or supporting
ment is in developing lactation in the mother of the infant in a sling frees a much-needed hand for
such an infant, rare as the disease may be. Delayed steadying the jaw and breast (see Figure 14-2).128
lactation or relactation is possible and should be A nurse clinician who is knowledgeable and
offered as an option to the mother of such an infant experienced in dealing with neurologically impaired
(see Chapter 19). infants should be available to the parents. The ini-
Several reports of isolated cases of zinc defi- tial goals for the mother-infant pair are developing
ciency during breastfeeding have appeared in the confidence in handling the infant, adjusting to the
literature.3,4,15 In some cases, zinc levels in the milk infants problem, and dealing with the parental grief
were low; in others, they were not measured.200 and sense of lossloss of the normal infant that
One child had a classic zinc-deficient rash that was expected. If the mother has breastfed other
responded to oral zinc therapy. One should keep children, the emphasis on breastfeeding modifica-
in mind that any deficiency is possible and con- tions are more successful, and milk supply usually
sider intake deficiency when symptoms occur in a responds to manual expression and pumping. Initiat-
breastfed infant. The basic defect is presumed to be ing sufficient stimulus to the breast to increase milk
related to GI malabsorption of zinc. production is critical in the first few days to induce
The treatment of choice is oral administration good prolactin response, especially in primiparas.
of zinc in the sulfate or gluconate form. It is usu- Renting an electric breast pump is a good invest-
ally well tolerated, safe, inexpensive, effective, and ment, justifiable for reimbursement from health
expedient. When zinc deficiency occurs in a breast- insurance by physician prescription.
fed infant, the possibility of zinc deficiency in the With ultrasound and amniocentesis, the diagno-
milk, although a rare disorder, should be consid- sis is often known before birth so that the family
ered.165 Treating the mother would be the appro- can be prepared. In developing a discharge plan for
priate therapy. an infant with Down syndrome, a pediatrician will
Premature infants have a negative zinc balance need to coordinate a team to avoid the fragmented
associated with inadequate mineral stores and high care that develops with a multiproblem situation,
requirement associated with rapid growth.41 Tran- which may require the consultation of a geneticist,
sient zinc deficiency in breastfed infants has been genetic counselor, cardiologist, and other medical
described as manifest by the classic-zinc deficiency experts to deal with the problems. Ideally a pedia-
rash and was treated by oral zinc to the infant trician and an office nurse practitioner can provide
because milk levels are normal in the mother. the additional support and counsel necessary. Many
The regulation of iron, zinc, and copper in breast families prefer to leave the hospital early to retreat
milk and the transport of these minerals across the to the comfort and privacy of their home and the
mammary gland epithelium is poorly understood. health care provider they selected. Home visits
Milk values at 9 months postpartum were not asso- by the pediatricians staff can provide the neces-
ciated with maternal mineral status.52 This suggests sary monitoring of weight gain and nutrition and
an active transport mechanism according to the counseling by someone capable of handling all
investigators.52 Milk zinc levels increase at weaning the problems that arise, including breastfeeding.
time while iron levels decrease. No referrals should be made without the pediatri-
cians knowledge and agreement. The pediatrician
or family physician has the advantage of knowing
both the family and the child.
Infants with Down syndrome or other trisomies In a study of 59 breastfed infants with Down
may be difficult to feed. When they are breast- syndrome, Aumonier and Cunningham16 reported
fed, mothers need patience to teach the infants to that 31 had no sucking difficulty, 12 were success-
suck with sufficient vigor to initiate the let-down fully nursing within a week, and 16 required tube
reflex and to stimulate adequate production of milk. feeding initially, which was associated with other
Using manual expression to start flow and holding medical problems, including LBW, cardiac lesions,
the breast firmly for the infant so that the nipple and jaundice. Hyperbilirubinemia is common in
does not drop out of the mouth when the infant trisomy and was seen in 49% of the infants in
stops suckling will assist the process. this study. Eighteen babies had multiple medical
488 Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession

conditions, and 11 of them sucked poorly. The HYPOTHYROIDISM

authors point out that the initial sucking ability
of the infants did not appear to be a major cause Bode et al30 reported that an infant with congenital
for nonmaintenance of breastfeeding; 10 of the cretinism was spared the severe effects of the dis-
13 mothers who discontinued breastfeeding cited ease because he was breastfed. This was attributed
insufficient milk as a contributing cause, which to significant quantities of thyroid hormone in the
might have been prevented by early pumping of milk. In a prospective study of 12 cases of hypothy-
the breasts between feedings. With amniocente- roidism in breastfed infants, Letarte et al110 found
sis, genetic testing, and screening in older moth- no protective effect against the disease, nor was the
ers (older than 35 years), many are diagnosed onset of the disease delayed. Anthropometric mea-
prenatally. Parents are then partly prepared before surements, biochemical values, and psychologic
birth. testing at 1 year of age did not differ from those in
The birth of an infant with a major genetic the 33 bottle-fed hypothyroid infants. Abbassi and
abnormality is a shock, even to the strongest par- Steinour1 also reported successful diagnosis of con-
ents. If the mother wants to breastfeed, she should genital hypothyroidism in four breastfed neonates.
be offered all the encouragement and support nec- Sack et al158 measured thyroxine (T4) concentra-
essary. Usually she needs to talk with someone to tions in human milk and found it to be present in
express her anguish about the infant not the feed- significant amounts. Varma et al189 studied T4, triio-
ing per se. A sympathetic nurse practitioner can be dothyronine (T3), and reverse T3 concentrations in
invaluable in providing support and the expertise to human milk in 77 healthy euthyroid mothers from
help with the various management problems. If the the day of delivery to 148 days postpartum. From
mother chooses not to breastfeed, appropriate sup- their data they calculated that if infants received
port can also be provided without disrupting treat- 900 to 1200 mL of milk per day, they would receive
ment continuity. 2.1 to 2.6 mg of T4 per day, based on 238.1 ng/
It is especially important that these infants be dL of milk after the first week. This amount of T4
breastfed if possible because they are particularly is much less than the recommended dose for the
prone to infection, especially otitis media. Before treatment of hypothyroidism (18.8 to 25 mg/day
the advent of antibiotics, they often died of over- of levo-T3). T4 was essentially immeasurable in the
whelming infection and rarely survived past 20 milk sampled. In another study, however, compar-
years of age. These infants and most other infants ing 22 breastfed and 25 formula-fed infants who
with developmental disorders do better with stim- were 2 to 3 weeks old, the levels of T3 and T4 were
ulation and affection, so the body contact and significantly higher in the breastfed infants.76 No
communication while at the breast are especially definite relationship between the levels of T3 and
important. Those who have associated cardiac reverse T3 could be found.
lesions not only can suckle, swallow, and breathe A 6-week-old girl was diagnosed to have con-
with less effort at the breast, but also can receive a genital hypothyroidism by routine neonatal
fluid more physiologic for their needs. Breastfed or screening when T4 was reported at 3 mg/dL (nor-
bottle fed, these infants gain poorly; thus switching mal greater than 7 mg/dL).45 The mother gave
to a bottle does not solve the problem. The rec- a history of multiple applications of povidone-
ommendation that children with Down syndrome iodine during pregnancy and continuing during
receive extra vitamins was tested in a controlled lactation. Further testing revealed thyroid-stimu-
study in children 5 to 13 years of age, and no sus- lating hormone levels of 0.9 mU/mL (normal 0.8
tained improvement in the childrens appearance, to 5 mU/mL). Iodine treatment was stopped and
growth, behavior, or development was seen with breastfeeding continued while treatment of thy-
added vitamins.23 roid replacement was begun. At 1 year, growth and
Growth charts from birth to 18 years illustrate development were normal. It is therefore suggested
the deficient growth through the growing periods. that neonatal screening for thyroid disease may be
In infancy they fall behind, so this observation even more urgent if the clinical symptoms are apt
should not be used to discontinue breastfeeding. to be masked in a breastfed infant. No contrain-
Breastfed infants remain healthier. Children with dication exists to breastfeeding when the infant is
Down syndrome are usually overweight through- hypothyroid, and it would be beneficial.117 Appro-
out life, beginning in infancy.43 priate therapy should also be instituted promptly.
Down syndrome is a life-long condition. Having Mandatory screening for hypothyroidism is avail-
a support system is important for a family. Support able to newborns in developed countries. Many
groups of other families in the community serve as infants that screen positive do not have the char-
vital peer support. The Academy of Breastfeeding acteristic signs and symptoms at birth associated
Medicines protocol on breastfeeding infants with with cretinism. Breastfeeding is ideal for these
hypotonia can be found in Appendix P. infants as well.
Breastfeeding Infants With Problems 489

ADRENAL HYPERPLASIA and lactation support resulted in less dehydration

and less severe hypernatremia and better breast-
In an analysis of 32 infants with salt-losing congeni- feeding rates.94 Hypernatremic dehydration in
tal adrenal hyperplasia who were in adrenal crisis, neonates due to inadequate breastfeeding is seri-
eight had been breastfed, five had been breastfed ous, potentially devastating, and life threatening.
with formula supplements, and 19 had been formula Follow-up of infants with proper medical care by
fed.32 Infants who were breastfed were admitted pediatricians is essential.
to the hospital later than the formula-fed infants,
although the breastfed infants had lower serum NEONATAL BREASTS AND NIPPLE
sodium levels on admission. The breastfed infants
did not vomit and remained stable longer, although
they had severe failure to thrive.44 Weaning initiated A newborn may have swelling of the breasts for the
vomiting and precipitated crises in the breastfed first few days of life, whether male or female; this
infants. The authors suggest that congenital adre- is unrelated to being breastfed. If the infants breast
nal hyperplasia should be considered in a breastfed is squeezed, milk can be obtained. This has been
infant with failure to thrive. Electrolytes should be called witchs milk. The constituents of neonatal milk
obtained before weaning to make the diagnosis were studied in the milks of 18 normal newborns
and avoid precipitating a crisis by weaning. Then and infants with sepsis, adrenal hyperplasia, CF, and
breastfeeding can continue as treatment is initiated. meconium ileus.25 Electrolyte values were similar to
those in adult women in all infants except one with
HYPERNATREMIA ASSOCIATED mastitis in whom the sodium level was elevated
WITH BREASTFEEDING and the potassium decreased. Total protein and
lactose were also similar to those in adult women.
The consequences of inadequate intake of breast The fat was different, increasing with postnatal age
milk range from hyperbilirubinemia, infant hunger, and being higher in short-chain fatty acids. It was
and low weight gain to life-threatening dehydra- indeed true milk.
tion and starvation. Since the 1990s the number of Two infants, one female and one male, were
reported cases has significantly increased because reported to have bilateral bloody discharge from
more infants have been breastfed and more infants the nipples at 6 weeks of age. Cultures and smears
are managed outside the hospital without pediat- were unrevealing.25 No biopsy was done. The
ric oversight.169 Term breastfed infants with serum female infants swelling and discharge cleared after
sodium levels of 150 mEq/L or higher were found 5 months; the male infants was present at 10 weeks
to be 4.1% of the 4136 term infants hospitalized when he was lost to follow-up. Galactorrhea or
and reviewed by Unal et al188 in the Childrens persistent neonatal milk has been reported in asso-
Research Hospital in Ankara, Turkey. These chil- ciation with neonatal hyperthyroidism. In another
dren had lost 15.9% birth weight (range 5.4% to report, a 21-day-old female infant was seen because
32.7%). Presenting symptom in 47.3% of cases of a goiter and galactorrhea. The infant had 50%
was hyperbilirubinemia and poor suck in 29.6%. 24-hour 131I uptake and elevated prolactin levels,
Other complications included acute renal fail- which slowly responded to Lugol solution treat-
ure in 82.8%, elevated liver enzymes in 20.7%, ment for hyperthyroidism.116
disseminated intracranial hemorrhage in 3.6%,
and thromboses in 1.8%. Ten patients devel-
oped seizures and two died. In another study 60
term infants were readmitted to the hospital in Neonatal mastitis occurs infrequently, although it
the ketoacidosis. with plasma serum sodium lev- was a common event in the 1940s and 1950s, when
els greater than 145 mmol/L. The hospital had staphylococcal disease was rampant in nurseries.
recently upgraded its newborn discharge policy to It occurs in full-term infants 1 to 5 weeks of age
include weights by trained midwives at 72 to 96 and in as many girls as boys, usually unilaterally.191
hours and at 7 to 10 days of age. Voiding, stooling, It is unrelated to maternal mastitis and usually
and breastfeeding were also checked and infants occurs in bottle-fed infants. Before IV antibiotic
who lost more than 10% of birth weight were sent therapy, surgical incision and drainage were com-
to the hospital. The incidence of hypernatremia mon. Prognosis for cure is excellent. In recent years
with plasma serum sodium levels greater than 145 the rare cases that occur are seen in conjunction
mmol/L was 7.4 and 5.0 per 10,000 live births with manipulation of the neonatal breast to express
before and after the new policy, respectively, the natural secretion when the newborn breast is
but the percentages of cases with plasma serum engorged (witchs milk). In some cultures express-
sodium levels greater than 150 mmol/L was 56.5% ing milk from swollen newborn breasts is done and
versus 18.9%. It was concluded that weighing often leads to mastitis.
490 Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession

HYPERBILIRUBINEMIA AND JAUNDICE mental retardation or learning disabilities, symp-

toms sometimes collectively called minimal brain
Jaundice in newborns has become a source of con- damage.78 Bilirubin encephalopathy is the appro-
siderable misinformation, confusion, and anxiety. priate term for conditions in which bilirubin is
Incidence of jaundice is higher in full-term infants thought to be the cause of brain toxicity.
than a decade ago. From 1994 to 2002 11.9% of In response to the continued concern about
newborns were hospitalized for hyperbilirubine- hyperbilirubinemia, several collaborative long-
mia; rates rose to 20.0% in 2003 to 2005. The inci- range studies have been done.73,119,120,163 Each one
dence of kernicterus dropped from 5.8 per 100,000 confirms the observation that in normal full-term
live births to 1.6 per 100,000 live births as a result infants who do not have an incompatibility, the
of aggressive preventive measures in these years neurodevelopmental outcome is normal, as is hear-
according to Burke et al.33 More physicians are ing acuity.129,163 In a study of 60 breastfed infants
paying attention to the development of hyperbili- in whom the maximum bilirubin was 18.3 mg% and
rubinemia in newborns. These two factors serve to the duration was 12 weeks or more, no late neuro-
increase the frequency of the question of the role of developmental or hearing defects were seen. The
breastfeeding in the development of hyperbilirubi- authors describe a peak level at 4 to 5 days and a
nemia. Some of the confusion and inconsistencies second peak at the fourteenth to fifteenth day. All
associated with the management can be attributed 60 infants had blood typing, direct and indirect
to indecisive terminology. This discussion attempts Coombs (antiglobulin) tests, blood count, glucose-
to clarify the issues and outlines the causes and 6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity, urinalysis,
effects of hyperbilirubinemia. urine culture, T4 and thyroid-stimulating hormone,
total reducing substances in the urine, and spot tests
Why the Concern About Jaundice? for galactose and aminotransferase to rule out other
causes of hyperbilirubinemia. The authors also
Bilirubin is a cell toxin, as can be demonstrated reported a 14% incidence of familial jaundice, that
dramatically by adding a little bilirubin to a tissue is, a previous infant with jaundice (6 of 43 infants
culture, which will be quickly destroyed. Exces- who were breastfed who had siblings).196
sive bilirubin causes concern because when free,
unbound, unconjugated bilirubin is in the system, Mechanism of Bilirubin Production
it can be deposited in various tissues, ultimately
in the Neonate
causing necrosis of the cells. The brain and brain
cells, if destroyed by bilirubin deposits, do not A normal full-term infant has a hematocrit in utero
regenerate.78 The full-blown end result is bilirubin of 50% to 65%. Because of the low oxygen ten-
encephalopathy, or kernicterus, which is essentially sion delivered to the fetus via the placenta, the
a pathologic diagnosis that depends on identify- fetus requires more hemoglobin (Hb) to carry the
ing the yellow pigmentation and necrosis in the oxygen. As soon as an infant is born and begins to
brain, especially in the basal ganglion, hippocam- breathe room air, the need is gone. The infant bone
pal cortex, and subthalamic nuclei. At autopsy, 50% marrow does not make more cells, and excess cells
of infants with kernicterus also have other lesions are destroyed and not replaced. The life span of a
caused by bilirubin toxicity. Necrosis of renal tubu- fetal red blood cell (RBC) is 70 to 90 days instead
lar cells, intestinal mucosa, or pancreatic cells or of an adults 120 days. Normally when RBCs are
associated GI hemorrhage may be seen. destroyed, the released Hb is broken down to
The classic clinical manifestations of bilirubin heme in the reticuloendothelial system. The reticu-
encephalopathy are characterized by progres- loendothelial system cells contain a microsomal
sive lethargy, rigidity, opisthotonos, high-pitched enzyme, heme oxygenase, which is capable of oxi-
cry, fever, and convulsions. The mortality rate is dizing the -methene bridge carbon of the heme
50%. Survivors usually have choreoathetoid cere- molecule after the loss of the iron and the globin
bral palsy, asymmetric spasticity, paresis of upward to form biliverdin, a green pigment.63 Biliverdin is
gaze, high-frequency deafness, and mental retarda- water soluble and is rapidly degraded to bilirubin.
tion.49 Premature infants are particularly suscepti- A gram of hemoglobulin will produce 34 mg of
ble to bilirubin-related brain damage and may have bilirubin.
kernicterus at autopsy without the typical clinical The reticuloendothelial cell releases the biliru-
syndrome. A significant correlation exists between bin into the circulation, where it is rapidly bound
level of bilirubin and hearing impairment in new- to albumin. Indirect bilirubin is essentially insoluble
borns when other risk factors are present. Classic (less than 0.01 mg% soluble) and is a yellow pigment.
full-blown kernicterus rarely occurs today, but mild Adult albumin can bind two molecules of bilirubin,
effects on the brain may be manifested clinically the first more tightly than the second. Newborn
in later life as in coordination, hypertonicity, and albumin has reduced molar binding capacities that
Breastfeeding Infants With Problems 491

vary with maturity and other factors,156 such as pH, common genetic defect and urges more frequent
infection, and hypoglycemia. screening. Infants with these genetic variants who
Unconjugated bilirubin is removed from the cir- were not breastfed had hyperbilirubinemia that was
culation by the hepatocyte, which converts it by less responsive to phototherapy; thus it is recom-
conjugation of each molecule of bilirubin with two mended that breastfeeding not be discontinued.87
molecules of glucuronic acid into direct bilirubin.
Direct bilirubin is water soluble and is excreted via Determination of Cause of Jaundice
the bile to the stools. The balance between hepatic
cell uptake of bilirubin and the rate of bilirubin Following the chain of events from the destruc-
production determines the serum unconjugated tion of RBCs in newborns through the final excre-
bilirubin concentration. Laboratory measurements tion of conjugated bilirubin in the stools simplifies
include both bound and unbound indirect biliru- understanding the cause of a specific case of jaun-
bin. The amount of unconjugated bilirubin that dice.111 Causes include (1) increased destruction of
exceeds the binding capacity of an infants albumen RBCs, (2) decreased conjugation in the glucuroni-
is the unbound unconjugated bilirubin available to dase system, (3) decreased albumin binding, and
deposit in the brain. (4) increased reabsorption from the GI tract and
decreased excretion. To be excreted from the body,
Evaluation and Management unconjugated bilirubin has to be conjugated with
glucuronic acid in the hepatocyte, which becomes
Normal full-term newborns have serial bilirubin water- soluble bilirubin glucuronide. The enzyme
tests to determine the range of values. The cord involved is a specific hepatic enzyme isoform (1A1)
bilirubin level may be as high as 2 mg% and rise in belonging to the uridine diphosphoglucuronate
the first 72 hours to 5 to 6 mg%, which is barely in glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) family of enzymes.
the visible range, and gradually tapers off, assum- Much has been learned about these enzymes and
ing normal adult levels of 1 mg% after 10 days. Less their relationship to bilirubin metabolism.97 UGTs
than 50% of normal infants are visibly jaundiced in catalyze the conjugation of not only bilirubin but
the first week of life. This would suggest that visible steroids, bile acids, drugs and other xenobiotics.
jaundice is idiopathic, not physiologic. The level of The two separate families of genes, UGT1 and
bilirubin that is acceptable depends on a number of UGT2, have different actions. Gilbert syndrome,
factors. In some premature infants, even bilirubin an uncommon genetic anemia associated with per-
levels under 10 mg/dL may be of concern because of sistent hyperbilirubinemia in neonates, is associated
the limited albumen binding sites in the premature. with a mutation in the coding area of UGT1A1
gene. Similar genetic variations are present in
Factors that influence significance. For a given Crigler-Najjar syndrome. These genetic variations
level of bilirubin, several associated factors may are probably the cause of most persistent hyperbili-
need to be considered. If an infant has acidosis, rubinemia, as suggested by Kaplan, Hammerman,
anoxia, asphyxia, hypothermia, hypoglycemia, or and Maisels.98
infection, even lower levels of bilirubin may have Ethnic background, risk factors, previous infants
significant risk for causing deposition of bilirubin with hyperbilirubinemia, and family history of
in the brain cells. The most important factor is pre- anemia and jaundice are important to the correct
maturity, which affects liver and brain metabolism diagnosis and management, the preservation of
and albumin binding sites. An increased incidence breastfeeding, and the safety of the infant.
of elevated bilirubin levels occurs in certain races When albumin binding is altered, the visibility of
and populations. Asian populations, including Chi- the jaundice is not affected. The bilirubin level may
nese, Japanese, and Korean, and Native Americans not be very high, but the substance is not bound
may have bilirubin levels averaging 10 to 14 mg%. to albumin and is available at lower levels to pass
A higher incidence of autopsy-identified kernic- into the brain cells.155 Premature infants have much
terus also is seen in these populations. Glucose- lower albumin levels and thus have fewer binding
6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, a genetic sites. Drugs that also bind to albumin (e.g., aspirin,
disorder, is also common in these groups. Infants sulfadiazine) compete for the same binding sites. A
who carry the 211 and 388 variants, respectively, lower level of bilirubin puts infants who have these
in the UGTIA1 and OATP2 genes and are breast- medications in their system at risk because the bili-
fed were found to be at high risk to develop severe rubin is unbound and available to enter tissue cells,
hyperbilirubinemia according to Huang et al,87 including brain cells.
who investigated infants born in Cathay Hospi- Reabsorption of bilirubin from stool in the GI
tal in Taipei, Taiwan, where glucose-6-phosphate tract can increase the bilirubin level. This occurs
dehydrogenase is prevalent. They also noted that when the conjugated bilirubin that was excreted
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase is the most into the colon and the stool is slow to pass. It is
492 Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession

unconjugated by the action of intestinal bacte- The AAP discourages the interruption of breastfeeding
ria and reabsorbed, which happens when stools in healthy term newborns and encourages continued and
are decreased or slowed in passage. Poor feed- frequent breastfeeding (at least 8 to 10 times every 24 hours).
ings, pyloric stenosis, and other forms of intestinal Supplementing nursing with water or dextrose water does not
obstruction are common causes of this type of jaun- lower the bilirubin level in jaundiced, healthy, breastfeeding
dice. Some bacteria are more likely than others to infants.175
unconjugate conjugated bilirubin.
Sepsis, on the other hand, was not found in
more than 300 infants readmitted for hyperbiliru- Hyperbilirubinemia and breastfeeding. Two
binemia while healthy and breastfeeding. Lower major clinical conditions exist (one common, one
total bilirubin and direct bilirubin levels greater rare) that associate breastfed infants with hyperbili-
than 2.0 mg% in a sick baby have a high correla- rubinemia. Table 14-4 outlines the major clinical
tion with sepsis.69 features of these two conditions. The more common
condition has been called early breast milk jaundice by
Safe levels of bilirubin. Safe levels of bilirubin Gartner and Lee63 but might be called jaundice while
depend on a number of factors, including acido- breastfeeding because the failure to produce stool and
sis, hypoxia or anoxia, and sepsis. A handy rule the decreased intake of calories, probably not the
of thumb is the correlation of birth weight in a breastfeeding, are at fault. Some bottle-fed infants
premature infant and the indirect bilirubin level, also are jaundiced, so the appropriate term would
using a value 2 to 3 mg lower when an infant has be bottle-feeding jaundice for this group.
multiple problems. The risk for elevated bilirubin
is related to the availability of albumin to bind the Early jaundice while breastfeeding. Many studies
indirect bilirubin and prevent it from entering the of bilirubin levels in normal newborn nurseries have
brain cells. The amount of albumin is related to the been conducted that look at method of feeding.
degree of prematurity, and thus the rule of thumb Unfortunately, few have detailed frequency of feeds,
is based on birth weight and/or gestational age. supplementation, and stool pattern.47,119,170 A review
When an infant is sick, fewer albumin-binding sites summarizing results in 13 studies covering more
are available, and the bilirubin level of concern is than 20,000 infants was reported by Schneider164 to
even lower. show a relationship between breastfeeding and jaun-
In a well infant weighing less than 2000 g, dice. A pooled analysis of 12 studies showed 514 of
the peak tolerated bilirubin level above which
aggressive therapy would be initiated corresponds
roughly to weight as follows: 1800 g, 18 mg/dL; T A B L E 1 4 - 4 Comparison of Early and Late
1500 g, 15mg/dL; 1200 g, 12 mg/dL; and 1000 g, Jaundice Associated With
10 mg/dL. Phototherapy is usually initiated when Hyperbilirubinemia While
the bilirubin is approximately 5 mg/dL lower than Breastfeeding
this level. Because of stripping of bilirubin from the Early Jaundice Late Jaundice
binding sites in the brain capillaries in some situa- Occurs 2-5 days of Occurs 5-10 days of age
tions, such as prematurity, or presence of a compet- age
ing drug in the serum, more bilirubin is available Transient: 10 days Persists >1 month
to be deposited than is measured to be free in the More common in All children of a given mother
plasma.155 primiparas
Any value of 20 mg/dL or greater warrants con- Infrequent feeds Milk volume not a problem
sideration of aggressive treatment. Jaundice visible May have abundant milk
when an infant is younger than 24 hours of age is Stools delayed and Normal stooling
of special concern because it is usually associated infrequent
with an incompatibility or infection. Rapidly rising Receiving water or No supplements
bilirubin levels are also of concern, and a 0.5 mg/dL dextrose water
rise per hour is an indication for treatment. Bilirubin peaks 15 Bilirubin may be >20 mg/dL
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has
published a practice parameter for the management Treatment: None or Treatment: Phototherapy
phototherapy Discontinue breastfeeding
of hyperbilirubinemia in healthy term newborns. temporarily
175 Term infants who are visibly jaundiced at or
Rarely: Exchange transfusion
before 24 hours of life are not considered healthy Associations: Low Associations: None identified
and require a diagnostic work up regardless of feed- Apgar scores,
ing method. The AAP also addresses jaundice asso- water or dextrose
ciated with breastfeeding in healthy term infants as water supplement,
Breastfeeding Infants With Problems 493

3997 breastfed infants to have total serum bilirubin T A B L E 1 4 - 5 Modified Risk Index for Predicting
levels of 12 mg/dL or higher versus 172 of 4255 bot- Hyperbilirubinemia in Infants Who
tle-fed infants. In a smaller group of studies, 54 of Do Not Have Early Jaundice
2655 breastfed infants had bilirubin levels of 15 mg/ Variable Points
dL or greater versus 10 of 3002 bottle-fed infants.
Exclusive breastfeeding at 6
Eleven of 13 studies reported that breastfed infants hospital discharge
had higher mean bilirubin levels. In a series of more Bruising noted 4
than 12,000 infants, the risk for a breastfed infant
Asian race 4
becoming jaundiced was 1:8. The risk for becom-
Cephalohematoma 3
ing jaundiced for a premature infant was 3:6; for an
infant of Asian race, 3:56; and with prolonged rup- Mothers age 25 yr 3
ture of membranes, 1:91. Jaundice is more common Male sex 1
in normal newborns now compared with those in the Black race 2
1950s, when bilirubin was rarely measured because Gestational age 2 (40-gestational age)
it was a complicated test in normal babies, although Modified from Newman TB, Liljestrand P, Escobar GJ:
hospital stays averaged 5 to 7 days.62,175 Combining clinical risk factors with serum bilirubin levels
Rates of significant jaundice in Australia rose from to predict hyperbilirubinemia in newborns, Arch Pediatr
0.9% to 3.5% from 1975 to 1987. The associated Adolesc Med 159:113, 2005.
factors most likely to be present in jaundiced infants
were infrequent breastfeeding, less frequent stooling, 48-hour discharge. The authors found the risk
and excessive weight loss.185 It is clear from many index was the best predictor of elevated bilirubin
studies that more breastfed than bottle-fed infants (Table 14-5). Clearly, prematurity carries the great-
are jaundiced, and the cause requires further study.166 est risk. The total serum bilirubin before 48 hours
of 95% or higher the risk score were accurate pre-
Relationship of bilirubin level to passage of dictors of reaching a bilirubin of 20 mg/dL.
stools. There are 450 mg of bilirubin in the intes- When the number of feedings at the breast in
tinal tract meconium of an average newborn infant. the first 3 days of life was related to bilirubin levels,
Passing this meconium is critical to avoid the de Carvalho et al48 were able to display a significant
deconjugation and reabsorption of unconjugated relationship. The greater the number of breastfeed-
bilirubin from the gut into the serum. Failure to pass ings, the lower the bilirubin. Infants with more
meconium is correlated with elevated serum biliru- than eight feedings per day were not significantly
bin. Time of first stool is also correlated with level jaundiced. These authors also found that water and
of serum bilirubin. Bottle-fed infants were reported dextrose supplements were associated with higher
by de Carvalho et al48 to excrete more stool (82 g) bilirubin levels. When Kuhr and Paneth104 studied
and more bilirubin (23.8 mg) in the first 3 days than feeding practices in breastfed infants, they noted
breastfed infants, who excreted 58 g of stool and that sugar-water intake in the first 3 days negatively
15.7 mg bilirubin. The serum bilirubin levels were affected the volume of breast milk available on the
6.8 mg/dL in bottle-fed and 9.5 mg/dL in breastfed fourth day. The infants with high glucose intake
infants. Furthermore, when the breastfed infants had higher bilirubin levels. These studies do not
excreted more stools and more bilirubin, they had appear to show a correlation between weight loss
lower bilirubin levels. This relationship has been and bilirubin level, although breastfed infants may
confirmed in other studies from days 3 to 21.69 lose more weight than bottle-fed infants.
When Stevenson174 measured bilirubin produc-
Clinical Risk Factors tion by calculating pulmonary carbon monoxide
excretion in both breastfed and bottle-fed infants,
in Hyperbilirubinemia
he found no difference in the amount of bilirubin
Clinical examination by visual assessment of jaun- produced in the two groups, suggesting the prob-
dice in newborns is not reliable in a study com- lem was excretion in the stool.
paring visual estimates with laboratory values by
Moyer, Ahn, and Sneed.138 They suggested biliru- Caloric deprivation and starvation. Elevated
bin testing should be based on risk factors. Clini- bilirubin did not impede sucking ability, as dem-
cal risk factors significantly improve prediction onstrated in a study by Alexander and Roberts.6
of hyperbilirubinemia compared with the use of Reduced caloric intake or starvation has been associ-
early total bilirubin levels, as reported by Newman ated with hyperbilirubinemia in adult humans and
etal141 based on a study of almost 54,000 infants in many animals. The association between starvation
older than 36-weeks gestational age and at least and early neonatal jaundice has been described. Gart-
2000 g birth weight. From this group 207 cases ner and Lee63 have postulated that starvation may
were found with elevated bilirubins drawn before increase bilirubin production, shift bilirubin pools,
494 Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession

reduce hepatic bilirubin uptake, diminish hepatic

BOX 14-1.Management Outline for Early
bilirubin conjugation, or increase enteric bilirubin Jaundice While Breastfeeding
reabsorption. Adequate caloric intake may simply
diminish intestinal bilirubin absorption. Infants with 1. Monitor all infants for initial stooling. Stimulate
intestinal obstruction (pyloric stenosis) at birth or in stool if no stool in 24 hours.
the early weeks of life are often jaundiced. 2. Initiate breastfeeding early and frequently.
Frequent short feeding is more effective than
Treatment of early hyperbilirubinemia. When infrequent prolonged feeding, although total
time may be the same.
Maisels and Gifford121 measured serum bilirubin lev-
els in newborns and the relationship to breastfeed- 3. Discourage water, dextrose water, or formula
ing, they reported eight of 10 infants with serum
bilirubin greater than 12.9 mg/dL were breastfed. 4. Monitor weight, voidings, and stooling in asso-
ciation with breastfeeding pattern.
It is the process of altered nourishment that is the
cause of relative starvation. The amount of stress for 5. When bilirubin level approaches 15 mg/dL,
stimulate stooling, augment feeds, stimulate
a mother generated by separation from her infant for breast milk production with pumping, and,
phototherapy was measured by urine cortisol levels if this aggressive approach fails and bilirubin
and compared with levels in mothers who roomed- approaches 20 mg/dL, use phototherapy.
in with their jaundiced infants during phototherapy.
The separated mothers were more stressed and were
more likely to discontinue breastfeeding than those
who remained with their infants.56 breastfeeding to improve any deficits. If stooling is
In a controlled trial of four interventions,140 125 the problem, an infant should be stimulated to stool.
of 1685 infants in the birth cohort whose bilirubin If starvation is the problem, the infant should receive
levels reached 17 mg/dL (291 mmol/L) were ran- additional calories (formula) while the milk supply is
domly assigned to treatment. The four interven- being increased by better breastfeeding techniques.
tions were (1) continue breastfeeding and observe; The same would apply to bottle-feeding jaun-
(2) discontinue breastfeeding and substitute for- dice (i.e., any infant with idiopathic jaundice who
mula; (3) discontinue breastfeeding, substitute is being bottle fed and has a bilirubin level greater
formula, and use phototherapy; and (4) continue than 12.9 mg/dL). Stooling, frequency of feeds, and
breastfeeding and use phototherapy. The bilirubin kilocalories would be improved. Box 14-1 provides a
reached 20 mg/dL (342 mmol/L) in 24% of group 1, management schema for preventing or treating jaun-
19% of group 2, 3% of group 3, and 14% of group dice in the breastfed infant. All infants must have the
4. Phototherapy clearly adds to the decline in bili- appropriate laboratory studies performed.122
rubin, and the authors suggest that the parents can Guidelines for the management of hyperbilirubi-
be offered the management of their choice. New- nemia of a newborn who is at least 35 weeks gesta-
man and Maisels142 recommend that because jaun- tional age have been developed by the Subcommittee
diced infants are rarely sick, the only laboratory on Hyperbilirubinemia of the AAP (Box 14-1).175
work necessary is a blood type and Coombs test; The key elements of their recommendations appear
only when jaundice is excessive should bilirubin in Box 14-2. The nomogram for designation of risk
levels be followed closely. Infants with incompat- for jaundice is illustrated in Figure 14-5. Guidelines
ibilities should be treated aggressively. for phototherapies are illustrated in Figure 14-6.
An evaluation of the transcutaneous bilirubi- The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine has
nometer demonstrated that it correlated well with been developing a protocol for hyperbilirubi-
total serum bilirubins done in the laboratory.121 nemia which will be on its website: http://www.
The correlation in black infants was not as close AcademyofMedicine.com. Jaundice in LVW infants
but levels erred on the high side so that underdiag- at less than 35 weeks gestation also results from
nosing is not a risk. Multiple checks with the meter increased bilirubin production, decreased hepatic
are easily done to establish trends so that a breast- conjugation in an immature liver, and inadequate
fed infant can be followed closely without painful excretion via the stool. Hyperbilirubinemia in pre-
sticks. Blood levels are essential if phototherapy is term infants is more prevalent, more severe, and
needed and after it is initiated.123 more protracted. The risk for kernicterus is greater
Hyperbilirubinemia results from unphysiologic as well. Its management is the purview of a neona-
management of breastfeeding, expressed largely tologist.193 In most cases, if human milk is provided
through insufficient frequency of breastfeeding. To it is maintained. In a commentary on the subcom-
treat the actual cause, that is, failed breastfeeding mittee guidelines, Maisels et al120 add the follow-
or inadequate stooling or underfeeding, breastfeed- ing recommendations: Management and follow-up
ing should be reviewed for frequency, length of plans should be based on gestational age, predis-
suckling, and apparent supply of milk, adjusting the charge bilirubins, and risk factors for subsequent
Breastfeeding Infants With Problems 495

kernicterus, although this is not an official policy

BOX 14-2.Risk Factors for Development
of Severe Hyperbilirubinemia but expert opinion.120 As Maisels etal120 write:
in Infants of 35 Weeks Gestation
or Older (in Approximate Order We recommend universal predischarge bilirubin screening
of Importance) using total serum bilirubin (TSB) or transcutaneous
bilirubin (TcB) measurements, which help to assess the risk
Major risk factors of subsequent severe hyperbilirubinemia. We also recommend
Predischarge TSB or TcB level in the high-risk zone a more structured approach to management and follow-up
Jaundice observed in the first 24 hours according to the predischarge TSB/TcB, gestational
Blood group incompatibility with positive direct age, and other risk factors for hyperbilirubinemia. These
antiglobulin test, other known hemolytic disease recommendations represent a consensus of expert opinion based
(eg, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase defi- on the available evidence, and they are supported by several
ciency), elevated ETCOc independent reviewers. Nevertheless, their efficacy in preventing
Gestational age 35 to 36 weeks kernicterus and their cost-effectiveness are unknown.
Previous sibling received phototherapy
Cephalohematoma or significant bruising
Exclusive breastfeeding, particularly if nursing is not Kernicterus in Late Preterm Infants
going well and weight loss is excessive Cared For as Term Healthy Infants
East Asian race*
Late prematurity (3467 to 3667 weeks gestational
Minor risk factors age) has not been recognized as a risk factor for
Predischarge TSB or TcB level in the high interme- hazardous hyperbilirubinemia by practitioners
diate-risk zone according to Bhutani and Johnson,29 who report
Gestational age 37 to 38 weeks cases of acute and chronic posticteric sequelae.
Jaundice observed before discharge Large-for-gestational-age and late preterm infants
Previous sibling with jaundice are disproportionately represented in the group
with kernicterus. Unsuccessful and suboptimal lac-
Macrosomic infant of a mother with diabetes
tation experience was the most frequent associated
Maternal age 25 years or older
factor. The authors urge attention to early bilirubin
Male sex values, additional risk factors, and the success of
Decreased risk breastfeeding in these infants. These infants require
close monitoring by pediatricians.
(These factors are associated with decreased risk for
significant jaundice, listed in order of decreasing
importance.) Breast milk jaundice. Apart from the frequent but
TSB or TcB level in the low-risk zone
low level (usually less than 12 mg/dL) hyperbiliru-
binemia, breastfeeding rarely is associated with
Gestational age 41 weeks or more
delayed but prolonged hyperbilirubinemia, which,
Exclusive bottle feeding if unchecked, may exceed 20 mg/dL. This syndrome
Black race* has been called breast milk jaundice, late-onset
Discharge from hospital after 72 hours jaundice, and breast milk jaundice syndrome.64 It
occurs in less than 1 in 200 births; the numbers are
*From American Academy of Pediatrics Subcommittee on
imprecise because not all mothers breastfeed. This
Hyperbilirubinemia: Management of hyperbilirubinemia in syndrome is associated with the milk of a particular
the newborn infant 35 or more weeks of gestation, Pediatrics
114:297, 2004. mother and will occur with each pregnancy in vary-
Race as defined by mothers description. ing degrees, depending on each infants ability to
ETCOc, End tidal carbon monoxide corrected for ambient air; conjugate bilirubin (i.e., a premature sibling might
TcB, transcutaneous bilirubin; TSB, total serum bilirubin. be more severely affected).64 Early-onset jaundice
is related to the process of breastfeeding, not the
hyperbilirubinemia (Box 14-3). They begin with milk itself. It is essential to rule out other causes of
suggesting lactation evaluation and support for prolonged or excessive jaundice, especially hemo-
all breastfeeding mothers. They also recommend lytic disease, hypothyroidism, glucose-6-phosphate
that timing of repeat bilirubin measurements after dehydrogenase deficiency, inherited hepatic gluc-
discharge depend on age at time of measurement uronyl transferase deficiency (Gilbert syndrome,
and on degree the level is above the 95th percen- etc.), and intestinal obstruction.
tile. Follow-up recommendations can be modified The pattern of this jaundice is distinctly dif-
according to the level of risk. Infants should have a ferent. Normally, idiopathic jaundice peaks on
predischarge bilirubin, which has been the recom- the third day and then begins to drop. Breast milk
mendation to improve the chances of preventing jaundice, however, becomes apparent or continues
496 Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession

25 428

20 342

Serum bilirubin (mg/dL)

High risk zone 95th percentile
k zo
15 iat e ris 257
med ne

r k zo
gh i
i a t e ris
Hi ed
in term
10 Low 171

Low risk zone

5 85

0 0
0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144
Postnatal age (hours)
Figure 14-5. Nomogram for designation of risk in 2840 well newborns of at least 36 weeks gestational age with birth weight
of 2000 g or greater or of at least 35 weeks gestational age with birth weight of 2500 g or greater based on the hour-specific
serum bilirubin values. The serum bilirubin level was obtained before discharge, and the zone in which the value fell pre-
dicted the likelihood of a subsequent bilirubin level exceeding the 95th percentile (high-risk zone). (From the American
Academy of Pediatrics Subcommittee on Hyperbilirubinemia: Management of hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn infant 35
or more weeks of gestation, Pediatrics 114:297, 2004.)

25 428
Total serum bilirubin (mg/dL)

20 342

15 257

10 171

5 85

0 0
Birth 24 hr 48 hr 72 hr 96 hr 5 days 6 days 7 days

Infants at lower risk (>38 wk and well)

Infants at medium risk (>38 wk + risk factors or 3537 6/7 wk and well)
Infants at higher risk (3537 6/7 wk + risk factors)

Use total bilirubin. Do not subtract direct reacting or conjugated bilirubin.

Risk factors = isoimmune hemolytic dissease, G6PD deficiency, asphyxia,
significant lethargy, temperature instability, sepsis, acidosis, or albumin
<3.0 g/dL (if measured).
For well infants 35-37 6/7 wk can adjust TSB levels for intervention around
the medium risk line. It is an option to intervene at lower TSB levels for infants
closer to 35 wk and at higher TSB levels for those closer to 37 6/7 wk.
It is an option to provide conventional phototherapy in hospital or at home at
TSB levels 2-3 mg/dL (35-50 mmoI/L) below those shown but home
phototherapy should not be used in any infant with risk factors.
Figure 14-6. Guidelines for phototherapy in hospitalized infants of at least 35 weeks gestation. Note: These guidelines are
based on limited evidence and the levels shown are approximations. The guidelines refer to the use of intensive phototherapy,
which should be used when the total serum bilirubin exceeds the line indicated for each category. Infants are designated as
higher risk because of the potential negative effects of the conditions listed on albumin binding of bilirubin, the blood-brain
barrier, and the susceptibility of the brain cells to damage by bilirubin. (From American Academy of Pediatrics Subcommittee
on Hyperbilirubinemia: Management of hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn infant 35 or more weeks of gestation, Pediatrics
114:297, 2004.)
Breastfeeding Infants With Problems 497

As in early jaundice associated with breastfeed-

BOX 14-3.Key Elements to Hyperbilirubinemia
ing, jaundiced infants at 3 weeks do not produce
more bilirubin than their unjaundiced breastfed
1. Promote and support successful breastfeeding. peers or bottle-fed infants.
2. Establish nursery protocols for the identifica- Diagnosis depends on circumstantial evidence,
tion and evaluation of hyperbilirubinemia. because no easy, rapid laboratory test exists. All
3. Measure the total serum bilirubin or transcuta- other causes, including infection, should be ruled
neous bilirubin level on infants jaundiced in the out in the usual manner and a thorough history
first 24 hours. taken, including medications and family history and
4. Recognize that visual estimation of the degree ethnic background. If the mother has nursed other
of jaundice can lead to errors, particularly in infants, were they jaundiced? Usually 70% of the
darkly pigmented infants. previous children of a given mother whose infant
5. Interpret all bilirubin levels according to an has breast milk jaundice have been jaundiced. The
infants age in hours. difference may be related to the greater maturity of
6. Recognize that infants born at less than 38weeks the liver of a given infant who then is able to handle
gestation, particularly those who are breastfed, are the increased demands on the glucuronyl transferase
at higher risk for developing hyperbilirubinemia
system. Genetic variations in UGTIA1 and OATP2
and require closer surveillance and monitoring.
genes may hold answers. To establish the diagnosis
7. Perform a systematic assessment on all infants
firmly, and this is necessary when the bilirubin level
before discharge for the risk for severe hyper-
bilirubinemia. is greater than 16 mg/dL for more than 24 hours, a
bilirubin reading should be obtained 2 hours after a
8. Provide parents with written and verbal infor-
mation about newborn jaundice. breastfeeding and then breastfeeding discontinued
for at least 12 hours.140 The infant must be fed fluids
9. Provide appropriate follow-up based on the
time of discharge and the risk assessment. and calories. The infants mother should be assisted
in pumping her breasts to maintain her supply. Even
10. Treat newborns, when indicated, with photo-
therapy or exchange transfusion. more urgent is providing the mother with a sympa-
thetic explanation of the problem and the process.
After at least 12 hours without mothers milk, the bil-
to rise after the third day, and bilirubin levels may irubin level should be measured. If a significant drop
peak any time from the seventh to the tenth day, of more than 2 mg/dL occurs, it is diagnostic. When
with untreated cases being reported to peak as late the level is less than 15 mg/dL, the infant can be put
as the fifteenth day. Values have ranged from 10 to to the breast. Bilirubin levels should be obtained to
27 mg/dL during this time. No correlation exists determine if the bilirubin rises again and, if so, how
with weight loss or gain, and stools are normal. much. In most cases, in the time not breastfeeding,
The syndrome of breast milk jaundice was the infants body equilibrates the levels sufficiently,
attributed by Arias et al14 to a substance in the so only a slight increase in bilirubin occurs on return
milk of some mothers that inhibits the hepatic to breastfeeding followed by a slow but steady drop.
enzyme glucuronyl transferase, preventing the If that is the case, breastfeeding can continue. The
conjugation of bilirubin. The substance has been bilirubin level should be checked at 10 to 14 days to
identified as 5-pregnane-3,20-diol, a break- be certain the bilirubin is truly clearing.
down product of progesterone and an isomer of If the bilirubin has not dropped significantly after
pregnanediol that is not usually found in milk but 12 hours without breast milk, the time off the breast
occurs normally in 10% of the lactating popula- should be extended to 18 to 24 hours, measuring bili-
tion. Although this substance had also been iso- rubin levels every 6 hours. If the bilirubin rises while
lated from the milk and serum of mothers whose the infant is off the breast, the cause of jaundice is
infants were not jaundiced, this work has not been clearly not the breast milk; breastfeeding should be
duplicated. resumed and other causes for the jaundice reevaluated.
In a definitive study of breast milk -glucu
ronidase, Wilson et al196 examined 55 mother-infant Phototherapy and breast milk jaundice. If the
pairs. No correlation was found between serum bilirubin is substantially greater than 20 mg/dL in a
bilirubin levels and breast milk -glucuronidase full-term infant (or proportionately lower in a pre-
between days 3 and 6 postpartum. term infant), it is important to lower the bilirubin
The role of lipoprotein lipase and bile salt- promptly; thus phototherapy should be initiated as
stimulated lipase in breast milk jaundice continues soon as the blood work is drawn (Figure 14-7). The
under investigation. The role of free fatty acids and relationship to breastfeeding can be established
the possibility of abnormal lipases are unresolved. later. Often IV fluids are also necessary.
The undisputed cause of breast milk jaundice con- If one is attempting to establish the diagnosis
tinues to elude investigators. of breast milk jaundice, phototherapy should not
498 Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession

phototherapy immediately on admission while the

diagnostic work up is being performed. Otherwise,
breastfeeding may continue even though IV fluids
may also be necessary.
The Agency for Health Care Research and
Quality through its Evidence-based Practice Cen-
ters published a report on management of neona-
tal hyperbilirubinemia in 2003 after an extensive
review of more than 4560 abstracts from which
241 articles were examined and 138 included in
the report.90 A summary of 28 reports spanning
30 years including 123 cases of kernicterus in term
and near-term infants affirmed the relationship
Figure 14-7. Phototherapy for a premature infant with two
overhead banks of lights while lying on a fiberoptic blanket. of elevated bilirubin to kernicterus. They calcu-
lated that six to 10 jaundiced healthy infants with
a TSB at or greater than 15 mg/dL would need to
be used while breast milk is being discontinued. If be treated with phototherapy to prevent TSB from
establishing the diagnosis is not necessary (perhaps rising higher than 20 mg/dL in one infant. They
because of the same diagnosis in older siblings), concluded that phototherapy combined with the
phototherapy can be used to bring the values to a cessation of breastfeeding and substitution with
more acceptable range (i.e., less than 12 mg/dL). formula was the most efficient protocol. Because
When phototherapy is discontinued, it is most this approach has not been tested, more research
important to establish that no rebound hyperbili- is needed.
rubinemia occurs. In addition, it is important to fol- In contrast, Chou et al38 proposed a manage-
low the infant at home after discharge through at ment of hyperbilirubinemia using a benchmark-
least 14 days of life or longer if the values are not ing model in a 3-year prospective cohort study.
less than 12 mg/dL. It should not be assumed that They found association of high bilirubin with
the diagnosis is breast milk jaundice when breast- lower gestational age, older mother, and exclu-
feeding has been stopped and phototherapy initi- sive or partial breastfeeding. The authors rec-
ated simultaneously. ommend assessing breastfeeding and promoting
breastfeeding, supplementing if necessary but
never with water, in combination with photo-
Late Diagnosis of Breast Milk Jaundice
therapy as most efficacious.38 Prolonged breast
With the frequency of early discharge from the milk jaundice has not been studied in follow-up
hospital, especially for families enjoying the when the association of the bilirubin elevation
birthing center concept, breastfed infants are has been made with breast milk. A pediatric prac-
often discharged before jaundice for any reason tice may see only a few in a lifetime. The safe
has developed. Because breast milk jaundice is level for chronic indirect bilirubin has not been
likely to be delayed to the fourth or fifth day, established. The lactation study center recom-
peaking at 10 to 14 days of age, most normal mends greater than or equal to10 mg/dL. Others
infants are already home. Occasionally, an infant allow a level of 12 mg/dL. This is accomplished
is observed in a pediatricians office at 10 days of most easily with phototherapy; usually having
age or older with a bilirubin level greater than an infant sleep under phototherapy 12 hours per
20 mg/dL, often 23 to 25 mg/dL. This necessi- day, utilizing home devices such as the bilirubin
tates the admission of the infant to the hospital blanket, will control the levels. This is not a
for a complete bilirubin work up. It is important casual arrangement. The eyes must be protected
to recognize that other causes of hyperbilirubi- and the bilirubin monitored. As the liver matures
nemia must be ruled out, including blood-type the problem disappears and phototherapy can
incompatibilities. At this age it is also neces- be discontinued. The infant must be under the
sary to rule out biliary obstruction and hepatitis, care of an experienced pediatrician. In some
which might have a high direct or conjugated cases the bilirubin can be controlled with partial
bilirubin level. breastfeeding with the addition of formula in suf-
Phototherapy is used for 4 to 6 hours to estab- ficient amounts to maintain the bilirubin at less
lish whether this therapy will be effective in than 10mg/dL. Children with Gilbert syndrome,
dropping the level sufficiently. When bilirubin is Crigler-Najjar syndrome, glucose-6-phosphate
substantially greater than 20 mg/dL and if a pos- dehydrogenase, and other genetic variations must
sible association with breast milk exists, it is nec- be managed individually by a genetic specialist
essary to stop breastfeeding temporarily and start and the pediatrician.
Breastfeeding Infants With Problems 499

SUCKLING PROBLEMS RELATED TO Flexed position in these infants relaxes the jaw and
mouth and allows latching to take place. Finger
feeding may help train these infants. If done just
Most problems with latch-on during breastfeed- before a feed, the infant can be transferred to the
ing can be solved with adjustment of position and breast smoothly.
approach, but a few cannot because an infant has Oral tactile hypersensitivity is often seen in
an anatomic variation of the mouth or a neurode- infants who have had oral tubes, especially feed-
velopmental problem. A thorough examination ing tubes. Touching around the mouth causes
is required to evaluate the mouth and cheek for feeding rejection. Decreased oral awareness may
potential associated lesions and syndromes. Prema- result in drooling and poor suckling. These infants
ture infants are more often identified with suckling may respond to stroking the oral area gently. Most
problems because they not only are immature but infants have a strong arching reflex, which is elic-
also have been suctioned, intubated, and perhaps ited by touching or applying pressure on the back
ventilated. Much has been put in their mouths. of the head, causing the infant to arch back away
They may also have a high arched or grooved pal- from the breast. Positions that require the mother
ate from the endotracheal tube used to ventilate. to hold the head (e.g., football hold) may trig-
When the mouth is carefully examined, an ger this reflex. Infants prefer to be swaddled but
infant may have cysts on the dental ridge or under always respond better to a firm supportive hold of
the tongue, the tongue may have limited range of the body, slightly flexing the arms, legs, and trunk.
motion, or the palate may be abnormal. A number Pillows can be used for support of the baby or the
of new observations are being reported in the litera- mothers arms.
ture, such as bubble palate or variation in infant The development of an infants oral motor and
palatal structure. Snyder171 recommends alterna- feeding skills parallels general physical develop-
tive positioning and repatterning oral behavior to ment, especially gross and fine motor skills. When
increase the transfer of milk and reduce the trauma an infant is having persistent feeding problems, the
to the maternal nipple. Breastfeeding in the supine infant needs total neuromotor assessment.143 Minor
position with the infant prone encourages the problems may be solved by the firm supportive
infants tongue to fall down and forward and keeps hold of a swaddled infant who is gently handled
the nipple from being abraded by the bubble. and encouraged.
Marmet and Shell124 describe a bubble palate as a Illingworth and Lister89 first put forth the con-
concavity in the hard palate, usually about 38 to 34 cept of a critical or sensitive period for the develop-
inch (1 to 2 cm) in diameter and 14 inch (0.5 cm) ment of a skill. Conditioned dysphagia is a learned
deep. Similar adjustments to positioning would be disorder, acquired and maintained through a behav-
appropriate for high arched palates. ioral conditioning process that occurs when a nox-
Macroglossia presents a problem of too much ious stimulus is paired with the act of swallowing.51
tongue for the oral cavity. These infants do better This is noted with suctioning of the mouth or naso-
at the breast than with a bottle. The main problem pharynx and nasogastric feeding tubes in a NICU.
is to have the infant bring the tongue forward to An infant with a true feeding disorder requires an
avoid gagging. assessment with a neonatal oral-motor review by a
Abnormal oral motor patterns are more com- trained physical therapist.143 Training the infant to
mon in premature infants and those who have been suckle will be required. These infants ultimately do
asphyxiated at birth. These movements include best if sucking is limited to the breast. Cup feedings
exaggerated tongue thrust (often from bottle feed- are more effective than bottle feeding. Evaluation
ing and nipple confusion), tonic bite, jaw thrust, jaw and management of the hypotonic infant can be
clenching, and lip pursing. Some of these behaviors found in the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicines
are associated with postural muscle tone abnormali- protocol on the hypotonic infant in Appendix P.
ties.192 Normal muscle tone and strength through-
out breastfeeding, especially alignment of the
head and neck, are required to form a stable base Infants With Problems Requiring
to anchor the oral and pharyngeal musculature.143
Hypertonic and hypotonic infants may pose prob-
lems. Hypertonic infants are usually overflexed or
overextended and have hypertonic mouths with IMMEDIATE NEONATAL PERIOD
tonic bite, jaw thrusting, and clenching. Inducing First-Arch Disorders
relaxation, minimizing handling, and using gentle
strokes to calm the infant can be effective. If the Feeding of any sort may be greatly hindered by
infant is extended, flexion may be achieved with abnormalities of the jaw, nose, and mouth. A reced-
a pleat-seat carrier (see Figure 14-2) or pillows. ing chin may seem to be a minor problem and require
500 Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession

major caution in sharing these experiences is to

consider that the supportive surgical approach
may differ from those reported in the literature.83
In these cases, a plastic surgeon is the captain of
the team, working with the pediatrician and sup-
port staff. As breastfeeding has increased, lactation
consultants have joined the surgical repair team.

The prognosis for successful feeding of an infant with
a cleft palate depends on the size and position of the
Figure 14-8. Demonstration of a significantly receding
defect (soft palate, hard palate) as well as the asso-
chin. (From Biancuzzo M: Breastfeeding the Newborn: ciated lesions. Lubit,114 Masera et al,125 and Reid et
Clinical Strategies for Nurses, ed 2, St. Louis, 2003, Mosby.) al152 recommend the application of an orthopedic
appliance to the neonatal maxilla to close the gap,
only positioning the jaw forward. It is essential to thus aiding nursing, stimulating orofacial develop-
establish that the jaw is not dislocated (Figure 14-8). ment, developing the palatal shelves, preventing
A mother can hook the angle of the jaw with her fin- tongue distortions, preventing nasal septum irrita-
ger and draw it forward. If the tongue is too large for tion, and decreasing the number of ear infections.
the jaw, the infant will actually nurse better at the This will make it easier for the plastic surgeon and
breast than at the bottle because the human nipple help the mother psychologically as well. Lubit114 fur-
fits into the mouth with less bulk. Infants with first- ther relates that a cleft involving the secondary palate
arch abnormalities usually require considerable help can interfere with normal nursing. For the infant to
in feeding. A cleft palate may also be present. If cho- suckle, the nose must be sealed off from the mouth,
anal atresia is present because infant are obligatory creating a negative pressure in the oral cavity. The
nose breathers it may be necessary to insert semi- milk may also run out the nose. The absence of palatal
permanent nasal tubes so that the infant can be fed tissue can prevent expulsion of milk from the nipple.
orally until older; definitive surgery may be necessary The orthodontic appliance prosthetically restores the
later. Once the nasal tubes are in place, the infant anatomy of the palate, permitting normal suckling.
can manage at the breast. Feeding by any technique, Because the purpose of the negative pressure in the
however, is never easy. mouth is to hold the nipple and areola in place and
not to extract milk from the breast, a seal is needed
to keep the pressure. A mother may be able to per-
form the positioning task by holding the breast to her
A solitary cleft lip is usually repaired in the first few infants mouth firmly between two fingers, as shown
weeks of life. Before surgery an infant will need in Figures 8-13, 14-1, 14-2, and 14-9. The infant
some help, but the infant can nurse at the breast if is then able to milk the areola and nipple with the
a seal around the areola can be developed. Actually tongue pressing it against the roof of the mouth, even
the breast may fill the defect, and suckling will go with the cleft. The breast must be held in position
well. The mother may be able to put her thumb in just as a bottle must be held throughout the feeding.70
the cleft to create a seal as she holds the breast to In assessing 143 infants with cleft lip and palate
the infants mouth. It is important to encourage the throughout a 5-year period, Clarren et al40 found
infant to suck to strengthen the tongue and jaw that by assessing an infants ability to generate
muscles. If all else fails, a breast shield can be tried, negative intraoral pressure and to move the tongue
affixing a special cleft lip nipple to the shield. The against the nipple, they could identify effective
mother will need to pump after feedings to increase feeding techniques. They summarized these find-
milk supply. In some cases, the mother may have ings in relation to the possibility of breastfeeding
to express or pump milk and offer it by drop- (Table 14-6). They point out that normal children
per or other means if sucking is ineffective. The with a cleft can swallow normally. A defect in the
pediatrician, plastic surgeon, and parents should bony structure of the palate, however, creates a
work together as a team from the time of birth to hole that is difficult to plug; thus these children are
determine a coordinated plan of treatment. Some more difficult to feed by any method.145
surgeons have special protocols before and after The authors40 point out that problems with
surgery to ensure optimal healing. It is important intraoral muscular movements are associated with
to make all plans for feeding around the surgical bilateral cleft lip, which causes severe anterior pro-
plan. The literature reports individual mothers jection of the premaxilla that precludes stabilizing
experiences nursing infants with lip defects. The the nipple, with wide palatal clefts, which offer
Breastfeeding Infants With Problems 501

Figure 14-9. A, Infant with cleft lip and palate opening wide to latch on for a feeding. B, Same infant suckling at breast.
Defect in lip and palate is comfortably filled by breast tissue. (Photos obtained with assistance of Marie Biancuzzo, RN, MSN.)

T A B L E 1 4 - 6 Assessment of Sucking and Feeding Techniques for Infants With Clefts of Lip and Palate
Generation of Ability to Make
Condition Negative Pressure Mechanical Movements Feeding Techniques
Cleft lip and palate +/ Breastfeeding is unlikely.
Deliver milk into infants mouth.
Cleft palate only +/ + Breastfeeding sometimes succeeds.
Soft artificial nipples with large openings are
Infant may need delivery of milk into the
Cleft of soft palate +/ + Breastfeeding or normal bottle feeding usu-
ally works well.
Pierre Robin +/ Breastfeeding is unlikely.
syndrome Nipple position is critical.
Many infants need delivery of milk into
Cleft lip only +/ + Breastfeeding works well.
Artificial nipple with large base works well.
From Clarren SK, Anderson B, Wolf LS: Feeding infants with cleft lip, cleft palate, or cleft lip and palate, Cleft Palate J
24:244, 1987.
+, Present; , absent; +/, partial.

no back guard for tongue movements, and retro- mother can control the flow by squeezing the reser-
placed tongues that cannot compress the nipple voir, and the infant can have some suckling experi-
effectively. When neurologic problems are causing ence, which will strengthen the oral structure and
dysrhythmic tongue movements, a weak tongue, avoid the trauma of invasive devices. The mother
or grinding of the gum on the nipple, it is more will need to pump to increase her milk supply.
than a simple anatomic problem and is usually part Weatherley-White et al194 report a program
of a syndrome (e.g., first-arch syndrome). These of early repair in breastfeeding infants with cleft
children usually have swallowing problems as well lip. Repair has been initiated earlier and earlier,
(e.g., Pierre Robin syndrome). but these authors present 100 consecutive repairs:
Feeding procedures for each infant vary.125,152 51 infants were older than 3 weeks, and 49 were
Early assessment of infant and mother can usually younger, of whom 26 underwent surgery at age
lead to successful feeding within 1 to 2 days. The 1 week or less. No increase in complication rate
infant should not go hungry, and the mother should and no increase in need for revision of repair was
not spend hours struggling with a system that is observed. Sixty mothers were offered the opportu-
not successful for her child. The Lact-Aid or the nity to breastfeed immediately postoperatively; 38
lactation supplementer can be helpful because the began within hours. Of these, 16 infants breastfed
502 Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession

more than 6 weeks, 22 converted by 6 weeks, and 22 can be successful. Infants with cleft lip or palate
were fed by cup or syringe. Breastfed infants gained should be managed as normal infants. Cupping of
more weight, and hospital stay was a day shorter. A the infants jaw and filling the defect with the moth-
prospective randomized trial of 40 infants showed ers thumb while supporting the breast in place for
that early postoperative breastfeeding after cleft lip suckling will allow effective breastfeeding in the
repair is safe and results in more weight gain by 6 infant with cleft lip. This has been referred to as
weeks after surgery when compared with infants the dancer hold (see Figure 14-1).128 As with any
randomized to be spoon-fed postoperatively.46 infant, the infant should be taken to the mother
A position that is particularly effective is to have to feed and for rooming-in. Reinforcing that the
the infant straddle the mothers leg so he is directly infant is normal and merely needs some reconstruc-
facing the breast. If mother leans back slightly and tive surgery is important in helping parents adjust.
the infant has to lean forward, structures fall in Parent-to-parent programs are most helpful. The
place to facilitate suckling. The breast needs to be primary care physician coordinates care with the
held throughout the feeding. specialist and the rest of the health care team.
Similar experience with early surgery and breast- Pediatric reconstructive surgeons usually have
feeding is confirmed by Fisher,59 who reported per- a team of professionals, including otolaryngolo-
forming reconstructive surgery in the Third World, gists, audiologists and affiliated therapists, social
where breastfeeding is undisputed and is very suc- workers, and nurses who are familiar and experi-
cessful. He also reported greater success rate with enced with these first-arch problems. Parent sup-
breastfeeding but noted that it requires the convic- port groups have often been developed through
tion not only of the surgeon and pediatrician but these sources. Most reconstructive surgeons will
also of the nurse, nutritionist, mother, and grand- see an infant in the first 24 to 48 hours and reassure
mother. It takes the presence of all these elements the parents while designing a plan of action. Usu-
for success, but the absence of only one for failure. ally a member of the nursing staff of the surgeons
As noted previously, breastfed infants have fewer practice will also visit and provide practical advice
bouts with otitis media, which has been attributed about feeding, especially if the mother chooses to
to the position of the infant while feeding at the breastfeed.51
breast and the antiinfective properties of the milk. Other syndromes may be associated with feed-
This is an important consideration in infants with ing difficulties because of an anatomic variation
cleft palates, who have been identified as having that interferes. High arched palate is seen in triso-
more ear infections in general than other infants.51 mies, in Turner syndrome, and in small premature
Children with cleft palates may also fail to infants who have been intubated, which causes a
thrive, not only as a function of their feeding diffi- characteristic groove in the palate. In one study, 10
culty but also because they may have an underlying infants younger than 29 months of age with Turner
increased metabolic need. In a study of 37 chil- syndrome had difficulty feeding from birth when
dren with cleft palates and no other anomalies, the compared with normal children.127 Breastfeed-
median birth weight was at the 30th percentile.18 ing was less successful and terminated early. The
By 1 to 2 months, weights had dropped to the 20th infants were noted to have marked hypertonia of
percentile and did not recover to the 30th until 6 the cheeks and lips, dysfunctional tongue move-
months of age. ments, and poor chewing skills later. The infants
It is important to have a plastic surgeon involved had difficulty latching on and had a slow, weak
promptly after birth so that management plans can suck. The study infants did not demand food and
be developed with the family immediately. This had not developed a diurnal cycle of hunger and
also avoids conflicting information from others. satiety. No efforts were reported to remedy these
The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine has problems. Referral to a physiotherapist skilled in
developed protocol No. 17, Guidelines for Breast- feeding disorders is the best place to start. A spe-
feeding Infants with Cleft Lip, Cleft Palate, or Cleft cially trained lactation consultant can provide
Lip and Palate. It can be found in Appendix P. breastfeeding adaptations.

Oral Defects: Feeding Intestinal Tract Disorders

Infants with anomalies of the GI tract that cause
Feeding infants with oral defects requires extra obstruction develop symptoms that are a function
effort. Each infant is slightly different. Usually of the location of the problem in the GI tract.
mothers learn to feed their own infants more effec-
tively, even when bottle feeding, than the skilled Tracheoesophageal fistula. Tracheoesophageal
professional can advise them. This amplifies that it fistula is apparent early and, depending on the
requires a special patience and knack. Breastfeeding exact anatomy of the lesions, results in respiratory
Breastfeeding Infants With Problems 503

symptoms and signs of intestinal obstruction. This breast without starving and exhausting the infant
is a surgical emergency. If no feedings have been (see Chapter 19).
given or no milk has been aspirated, surgery can be
done as soon as possible. If pneumonia develops, Gastroesophageal reflux. Gastroesophageal reflux
the course is protracted and the infant may have (GER)persistent nonprojectile, postprandial vom-
to be maintained on peripheral venous alimentation iting or regurgitationis being diagnosed with
until healing takes place and surgery can be done. increasing frequency. Part of this increase is occurring
A mother who wants to breastfeed an infant with in graduates of NICUs who have been tube fed or
a tracheoesophageal fistula can manually express perhaps intubated. Previously compromised infants
milk or pump, saving all samples in the freezer are more frequently bottle fed; thus the increase in
until the infant can take oral milk feedings. If the bottle feeding associated with this diagnosis is to be
infant has a gastrostomy tube in place, small feed- expected. Little is written about GER in breastfed
ings may be started fairly early postoperatively, and infants because it usually does not occur or is asymp-
human milk is ideal if available because of its easy tomatic. The position for feeding is more upright
digestibility and antiinfective properties. If supple- than for bottle feeding, and the suckling motion of
menting the milk partially with IV fluids is needed the tongue, which triggers peristaltic waves from
initially, the fluids can be calculated to make up the tongue to GI tract and an automatic swallow, pro-
difference between needs and nutrients supplied by vides some protection for breastfed infants.
breast milk taken by tube. As nutrition progresses, GER is defined by the Society for Pediatric Gastro-
if supply does not keep up with requirements, feed- enterology as the passage of gastric contents into the
ings can be supplemented with other nutrients. esophagus and is a normal physiological process that
When ready for oral feedings, a full-term or large occurs throughout the day in healthy infants, children,
premature infant can nurse at the breast. Unless and adults. GER disease (GERD) is when symptoms
the mother is able to spend most of the day and or complications occur including regurgitation, vomit-
night at the hospital, the infant will have to receive ing, poor weight gain, pain, esophagitis, or respiratory
bottle or cup feedings as well (Figure 14-10). If the problems, such as apnea, especially in newborns.28
mother has been able to store up enough milk, the The happy spitter requires no workup. Position-
infant may be able to fulfill needs from breast milk ing may help. This usually resolves by age 2 years.
or from donor milk.65 After the infant is discharged Vomiting and poor weight gain requires an upper
and begins to nurse at the breast every feeding for GI series, electrolyte panel, and blood urea nitrogen
a few days, the supply will increase immediately. If (BUN). If normal, positioning is the first step, then
concern exists about nutritional lag between needs medication if necessary after consultation with a
and production, the Lact-Aid or lactation supple- pediatric gastroenterologist. Apnea is more common
menter device can be used briefly to stimulate the in premature infants and requires careful monitoring
in the hospital and aggressive management, includ-
ing medications.
The effect of milk type on physiologic GER was
evaluated in 37 breastfed and 37 bottle-fed healthy
term infants at 2 to 8 days of life by Heacock et
al.82 The GER episodes in breastfed infants were
less frequent and shorter than those in bottle-fed
infants. Breastfed infants had more quiet sleep than
active sleep. No difference in volume consumed
was apparent. The pH of breast milk was initially
slightly higher than formula; a significantly lower
pH was found for refluxes in the breastfed infants.
The researchers did not test whether the differ-
ences were caused by the variations in human milk
and formula or the differences in suckling at the
breast, a physiologic process, or sucking a bottle. If
reflux is symptomatic in a breastfed infant, breast-
feeding should be done with infant semiupright,
and the infant should be placed in an inclined seat
after a feed. In rare cases, medication is necessary.
Figure 14-10. When infant must be fed but cannot be
breastfed (e.g., when mother is ill), infant can be fed using a
Pyloric stenosis. Pyloric stenosis occurs in about
small, soft medicine cup. Infant is swaddled and held semi- 2 to 5 of 1000 live births. A family tendency exists,
upright, and liquid is given inside lower lip. but the disease is more common in first-born boys.
504 Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession

Usually it occurs between the second and sixth nutrient (numbers and amounts not given). Thir-
weeks of life, although it can occur any time after teen infants were discharged (one died of sepsis).177
birth. Vomiting is characteristic, is intermittent at The mother who chooses to breastfeed may or may
first and progresses to include every feeding, and not have ever nursed the infant before surgery,
is often projectile. These infants are eager feeders depending on the time of onset of symptoms and
and go back for more milk until the weight loss and their severity. The mother should be counseled
dehydration make them anxious and irritable. about the prognosis and encouraged to express
Large epidemiologic studies have failed to show milk manually and by pump to provide her milk for
a relationship between pyloric stenosis and breast- her infant postoperatively. The decision should be
feeding. Although pyloric stenosis and breast- made among the parents, surgeon, neonatologist,
feeding have both increased in the last decades, a and pediatrician. Frequently, infants with atresias
relationship does not appear to exist. The study in are also small or premature and have protracted
Western Australia links LBW, short gestational age, recovery periods because of the removal of consid-
and paternal family history.84 In Atlanta the rates erable intestinal track. If the infant will be breastfed,
were unchanged, but the infants were white boys, breast milk can be introduced earlier than formula.
had greater birth weights, were from upper-class Short gut syndrome requires special management,
families, and were most likely to be breastfed in this but human milk is usually tolerated and donor milk
generation but not in 1970.106 can be obtained if mother is unable to lactate.
In an analysis of 91 infants with pyloric stenosis
born in Saskatchewan from 1970 to 1985 matched Disorders of the colon. Disorders of the colon
with control infants who did not have the disease occur more often in full-term infants. Hirschsprung
and were born at the same time and place, the ratio disease, or congenital aganglionic megacolon, is
of boys to girls was 4:1, and 39 of the 91 were first- the most common lesion. Passage of meconium is
borns. Bottle feeding was more prevalent in the dis- usually delayed; however, only 10% to 15% of all
ease group than in the control group. children with delayed passage of meconium have
In the investigation of vomiting, it is important Hirschsprung disease. Constipation and abdominal
to keep in mind that overfeeding can cause spitting distention are the most frequent initial symptoms.
and vomiting, even projectile vomiting, but it is not They may begin during the first few days of life and
associated with weight loss, decreased urine and gradually progress to include bilious vomiting. The
stools, and dehydration. Therapy consists of pylo- clinical picture may be indistinguishable from meco-
romyotomy after correction of the dehydration and nium ileus, ileal atresia, or large bowel obstruction.
associated electrolyte abnormalities. If the proce- In any infant with perforation of the colon, ileum,
dure is uncomplicated (i.e., intestinal lumen was not or appendix, Hirschsprung disease should be consid-
entered), the infant can go back to the breast in 6 to ered. A breastfed infant may have milder symptoms
8 hours.66 Mother should pump every 3 hours until and delayed onset of real stress because the breast
infant can be fed. The breastfed infant may be dis- milk stools are normally loose and seedy and easily
charged in 24 hours if nursing has gone well. If the passed.100 The pH and flora of the intestinal tract are
duodenum is entered at the time of surgery, gastric also different, leading to less distention. Enterocolitis
decompression and IV fluids will be necessary and may occur at any age and is the major cause of death.
oral feeding delayed several days until signs of heal- No data have been found to distinguish the
ing occur. A breastfed infant may resume nursing incidence of this complication in breastfed and
earlier than a bottle-fed infant returns to formula bottle-fed infants, although an argument could be
because of the rapid emptying time of the stomach mounted regarding the projected value of secretory
and the zero curd tension of the breast milk.66 IgA and intestinal flora of the breastfed infant. The
treatment depends on the symptoms, x-ray find-
Disorders of the small intestine. Disorders ings, and biopsy results for the identification of the
such as duodenal obstruction, malrotation, jeju- aganglionic segment. Colostomy is usually done at
nal obstruction, and duplications require surgery. the time of diagnosis, with definitive surgery later
Depending on the extent of the lesion, whether in the first year of life. Feedings can be resumed as
the bowel wall is opened, whether bowel segments soon as the infant is stable, after the colostomy has
are removed, and whether associated lesions such healed sufficiently to permit bowel activity. Human
as annular pancreas are present, an infant will need milk has the same advantages for early postopera-
postoperative maintenance on IV fluids and possi- tive feeding in this disease as well because of its
bly alimentation. In a study of early postoperative antiinfective properties and easy digestibility.
feeding in infants with duodenal atresia (n = 10),
malrotation (n = 6), and jejunal atresia (n = 1), Meconium plug syndrome and meconium
enteral feeding was started by postoperative day ileus. Meconium plug syndrome and meconium
2 in 14 cases. Breast milk was the most common ileus are less common and less severe in breastfed
Breastfeeding Infants With Problems 505

T A B L E 1 4 - 7A Clinical Summary of Infants With Chylothorax

Gestation Age FFM Duration
Patient (wk) Birth Weight Diagnosis Started of FFM Supplements Used
1 37 2780 Congenital 5 wks 11 days Pregestimil
2 31 1681 Congenital 5 mo 34 days Pregestimil MCT
3 36 2050 Acquired CHD 7 wks 14 days TPN + Intralipid
4 40 3040 Acquired CHD 8 mo 21 days Portagen ProMod
5 39 3430 Acquired CHD 2 mo 11 days MCT glucose polymers
6 33 2750 Congenital 2 mo 7 days MCT glucose polymers
7 39 3293 Acquired CDH 1 mo 14 days TPN + Intralipid
CDH, Congenital diaphragmatic hernia; CHD, congenital heart disorder; FFM, fat-free milk; MCT, medium-chain triglycer-
ides; TPN, total parenteral nutrition.

infants who have received a full measure of colos- Mothers milk was placed in a clear 240-mL con-
trum, which has a cathartic effect and stimulates tainer and centrifuged at 3000 rotations per minute
the passage of meconium. If either disorder is diag- for 15 minutes at 2 C in a Beckman J2-21 High
nosed, an infant should continue to nurse in addi- Speed Floor Model Centrifuge. The solidified-fat
tion to any other treatment, which should include top layer was separated from the liquid portion.
an assessment for CF and pancreatic insufficiency. The liquid portion was poured into clean cups and
frozen for later use. Before and after samples were
Congenital chylothorax. Congenital chylotho- tested for fat, sodium, potassium, calcium, and zinc.
rax, although uncommon, is the most common cause Mean fat removal was 5 g/dL. The infants started
of pleural effusion in the newborn period. It affects on the milk after a month of age for an average of
the respiratory, nutritional, and immunologic sys- 16 days (7 to 34 days). No reaccumulation of the
tems and is potentially life-threatening. Most cases chylous pleural effusion was observed.36
are single abnormalities, which may be associated
with other anomalies, lymphangiectasia, or neuro- Necrotizing enterocolitis. Although necrotiz-
blastoma. Management is controversial. Parenteral ing enterocolitis (NEC) has been known for 100
nutrition and mechanical ventilation have improved years, only since 1960 has it been identified with
the outcome. If diagnosed prenatally, transabdomi- any frequency, which suggests an iatrogenic com-
nal thoracocentesis can be done and delivery initi- ponent. It is most common in premature infants
ated after 32 weeks. The chest can be tapped or put and infants compromised by asphyxia. It has been
to continuous drainage (Table 14-7). associated with umbilical catheters, exchange trans-
Nutrition starts with total parenteral nutrition fusions, polycythemia, hyperosmolar feedings, and
(TPN). Enteral feedings are started as soon as pos- infection. Its cause is not clear. Work with animals
sible (5 to 7 days) using breast milk or regular for- has suggested that human breast milk, specifically
mula. If the chylothorax worsened, oral feeds were colostrum, provides protection against the disease.
stopped for another 3 to 7 days and then restarted A good control study to evaluate this in human
with special medium-chain triglyceride-rich formula infants has not been reported. A dose or two of
(e.g., Pregestimil) and then in 2 to 4 weeks breast human milk may not be enough. Reported cases of
milk or regular formula. In a retrospective study by NEC have occurred so early in life that no feedings
Al-Tawil et al,7 19 infants were reviewed; 18 were had been given. Present regimens of treatment call
followed for 7 years and were successfully managed for cessation of all oral feedings and use of oral and
after 7 weeks with breastfeeding or regular formula. systemic antibiotics, gastric decompression, plasma
In another study, infants managed with TPN (n = 9) or blood transfusions, and rigorous monitoring for
recovered more rapidly (mean 10 days) than those progression or perforation with serial x-ray studies as
treated with medium-chain triglycerides (n = 8; well as a septic work up. Further study is necessary to
mean 23 days). TPN treatment permitted progres- determine cause, prevention, and the role colostrum
sion to earlier oral feeds and earlier breastfeeding.8 or breast milk might play, as discussed previously.
Iatrogenic chylothorax management is not as sim- The organisms generally associated with NEC
ple and may take weeks of TPN and then the use of are gram-negative organisms such as Bacteroides,
defatted breast milk. Defatted human milk was used Escherichia coli, and especially Klebsiella. Brown
in seven infants with chylous pleural effusion.48 etal32 reported that 89% of infants with NEC had
506 Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession

T A B L E 1 4 - 7B Composition of Human Milk be breastfed as soon as any bowel activity can be

Before and After Fat Removal permitted, often 2 to 3days postoperatively.
(Mean SD)
Before After
Gastrointestinal bleeding. The most common
cause of vomiting blood or passing blood via the
Fat (g/dL) 51 0
rectum in a breastfed infant is a bleeding nipple in
Sodium (mEq/L) 40 9 42 9 the mother, which may or may not be painful. Any
Potassium (mEq/L) 15 3 14 3 time fresh blood is found in the vomitus or stool of
Calcium (mg/dL) 25 4 27 2 any newborn, the blood should be tested for adult or
Zinc (mcg/dL) 294 135 385 130 fetal Hb. If adult Hb, it indicates the source is mater-
Total volume (mL) 100 1 95 1 nal. This is done by a qualitative test, the Apt test:
SD, Standard deviation. Mix red blood with 2 to 3 mL normal saline solu-
tion, and add this mixture to 3 mL of 10% NaOH
(0.25 M). Mix gently. Observe for color change. Fetal
received cow milk formulas and that gram-negative Hb is stable in alkali and will remain pink, whereas
bacteria and endotoxins were present in the stool. adult Hb turns brown. Use a known adult sample as
Colonization of breastfed infants with Klebsiella a color control. If the blood is adult Hb in a breast-
does not occur, and Lactobacillus bifidus predomi- fed infant, the possibility of a cracked and bleeding
nates, according to Mata and Urrutia.126 The rare nipple should be ruled out by examining the sample
occurrence of NEC in Helsinki, at the University of expressed milk for color and guaiac, and inspec-
of Helsinki Childrens Hospital intensive care nurs- tion of the maternal breast (see Chapter 8).
ery, is remarkable. All the premature infants are If the blood is fetal Hb, the differential diagno-
routinely fed colostrum and breast milk in Helsinki. sis for bleeding in any neonate should be followed.
The role of bacterial colonization in NEC was Breastfeeding can be maintained, unless a lesion
further explored by Newburg and Walker,140 who requiring surgery is identified. More than 50% of
suggest that the beneficial effects of suppression of cases of GI bleeding in the neonate go undiag-
colonization of harmful bacteria and the stimula- nosed. Anorectal fissure is an uncommon cause in
tion of bifidobacterial growth with human milk is breastfed infants. Allergy to human milk itself has
a valuable approach to the prevention and treat- been reported as a cause of intestinal bleeding.147
ment of NEC. In a systemic review of the question The distribution of causes of intestinal bleeding in
of the value of donor milk versus formula for pre- the neonate, without selection for type of feeding,
venting NEC, the authors suggest that donor milk follows: idiopathic, 50%; hemorrhagic disorders,
reduces the incidence of NEC in preterm or LBW 20%; swallowed maternal blood, 10%; anorectal fis-
infants.140 NEC was three times less likely, con- sures, 10%; intestinal ischemia, 5%; and colitis, 5%.
firmed NEC was four times less likely, which was When the bleeding occurs beyond the newborn
barely statistically significant because of the small period, colitis (see previous discussion) becomes a
numbers of cases.161 It would take 900 infants from more frequent cause, as does Meckel diverticulum.
approximately 30 centers to confirm these findings Sullivan176 has reviewed the subject of cow milk-
because the incidence of NEC is low. Meanwhile, induced intestinal bleeding in infancy.
women who can contribute their colostrum and
milk to their fragile infants should be encouraged Otitis Media
to do so. Donor milk studies did not include colos-
trums which may account for less dramatic results. Acute otitis media is a common affliction among
Human milk is the safest choice for early enteral young children that has increased in incidence,
feedings with few exceptions. Human milk reduces paralleling increasing attendance at day care facili-
the incidence and severity of NEC.161,186 ties.148 Population density and air pollution have
also been identified as factors. In a Finnish study
Imperforate anus. Defects in the rectum and anal of 471 2- to 3-year-old children, 188 had three
sphincter are usually diagnosed in the first few hours or more attacks of otitis media, 76 had one to
of life on physical examination. When the blind two attacks, and 207 had none.150 Incidence was
pouch is more generous, diagnosis may depend on increased in those who attended day care or had
the evaluation of failure to pass stool. Depending on several siblings. Prolonged breastfeeding (longer
associated lesions and fistulas to bladder or vagina, than 6 months) was associated with a decreased
surgical decompression can be performed. Until this risk. A prospective study of 1011 children in Boston
time, oral feedings are withheld. High lesions require evaluated the duration of middle ear effusion, and
an immediate colostomy with later final repair, it was significantly diminished by breastfeeding.180
whereas low lesions may be repaired at the primary Breastfeeding is protective against otitis media.
procedure through a perineal approach. Infants may With day care exposure and other environmental
Breastfeeding Infants With Problems 507

risk factors, it does have a measurable minimizing is permitted. When the GI tract is not involved,
effect. Breastfeeding is also more comfortable for breastfeeding can be initiated 6 to 8 hours post-
an infant with a painful otitis than bottle feeding operatively at the surgeons discretion. The risk
because of the physiologic suck/swallow mecha- for lung irritation from breast milk is minimal. The
nism. If an infant is having difficulty feeding, pro- rapid emptying time of the stomach and presence
viding a dose of acetaminophen or ibuprofen before of antiinfective factors serve as advantages in the
the feeding can be helpful. postoperative course. The placing of a shunt for
hydrocephalus is a common procedure and breast-
Congenital Dislocation of Hip feeding is an ideal feeding mode for this infant.

When procedures or treatments need to be initi- Surgery or Rehospitalization Beyond

ated for an infant previously thought to be normal,
Neonatal Period
breastfeeding may not go smoothly. Using congen-
ital dislocation of the hip as a prototype, Elander55 Anesthesia is a main concern when any patient is
looked at overall breastfeeding success. Compared scheduled for surgery. Traditionally, a patient has
with a randomly chosen control group of 113 been ordered nothing by mouth after midnight or
infants, the 30 study infants who required the von 6 to 8 hours preoperatively. Young infants used to
Rosen splint were less successfully fed. However, feeding every 4 hours are frantic when ready for the
a higher incidence of cesarean deliveries was seen operating room.
in the study group (30% vs. 4%). The groups had Recommendations for fasting intervals preop-
equal numbers of primiparas (50% vs. 48%). After eratively have changed with the belief that clear
breastfeeding was established, the long-range suc- liquids are safe to within 2 hours of anesthesia,
cess rate was no different. Mothers were pleased to with similar gastric volumes and pH at 2 hours and
be able to do something special for their splinted 8hours.141,172 Children younger than 1 year had not
children (i.e., breastfeed). This would suggest that been studied until the report by Litman et al,112 who
special support and guidance regarding breastfeed- evaluated 77 infants between 2 weeks and 1year of
ing issues may be needed, along with details on age. Bottle-fed infants had no solids within 6 hours
how to apply the splint and how to cope with the and only clear liquids up to 8 oz within 2hours of
splint while positioning for breastfeeding. surgery. Breastfed infants had no solids but were
permitted to breastfeed to within 2 hours of surgery.
Malformations of Central Nervous After 0.02 mg/kg oral atropine 30 to 45 minutes
before surgery, induction anesthesia, and tracheal
intubation, gastric fluid was aspirated by a blinded
Malformations of the central nervous system diag- researcher who measured volume and pH. The study
nosed at birth include the clinical spectrum from was discontinued when an unacceptable number of
anencephaly and complete craniorachischisis to infants in the breastfed group had gastric volumes
dermal sinuses. Defects of the spinal column range greater than 1 mL/kg (seven of 24 breastfed and
from complete spinal rachischisis to spina bifida two of 46 bottle fed). The pH of the gastric con-
occulta. To a mother who had planned to breast- tents of bottle-fed infants was less than 2.5 in nine
feed those that are incompatible with life or are of 10 infants (90%) with measurable fluid, whereas
inoperable present the additional problem of cop- pH greater than 2.5 in breastfed infants was three
ing with her desire to nurse her infant. If an infant of eight (38%). Low pH is probably a greater risk
is to be given normal newborn care and the mother than volume, but the residual in breastfed infants is
desires to nurse this infant, breastfeeding should be much greater than with clear fluids.112 Instructions
discussed by the pediatrician and parents together. to breastfeeding mothers should limit the amount
It has been well demonstrated that parents grieve of breastfeeding after 4 hours and permit feeding
more physiologically if they have contact with their on a prepumped breast, predominantly for comfort,
abnormal infant, but their imaginations are more to 2 hours before surgery. According to the Ameri-
vicious than some abnormalities of development. A can Society of Anesthesiologists, adhering to these
professionals personal bias for how to deal with the guidelines is essential for safety of the anesthesia.12
infant should not overshadow the discussion with An infant who requires surgery or rehospitaliza-
the parents. If a mother wants to nurse an infant tion can and should be breastfed postoperatively
who has no life expectancy and the infant is to be in most cases. The gravity of the surgery and the
fed at all by mouth, she should have that choice. length of the recovery phase will determine the
This includes infants with trisomy 13 and 15. time necessary for the mother to pump and manu-
Infants with central nervous system abnormali- ally express her milk to keep her supply available.
ties requiring surgery can be breastfed until the pro- The infant who is hospitalized is already trauma-
cedure and postoperatively as soon as oral intake tized by the separation, the strange surroundings
508 Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession

and people, and the underlying discomfort of the can be breastfed. The work required to breastfeed
disease process itself. If the infant is to be fed orally, is less than the work required to bottle feed. Heart
feeding should be at the breast as often as possible. and respiratory rates remain stable during feeding at
If the mother can room-in or the hospital has a the breast. If the infant is unable to generate enough
care-by-parent ward, this works well. If obligations sucking stimulus to the breast to increase the milk
to other family members make it impossible for the supply, an electric pump can be used between feed-
mother to stay, she can pump her milk and bring ings to increase the mothers supply.
it in fresh day by day or frozen if the time interval Not all infants with congenital heart disease
between visits is longer than a day. Freezing will are diagnosed at birth. When an infant is failing
destroy the cellular content, but this is not a major to thrive in spite of good breastfeeding, it is time
problem beyond the immediate neonatal period. to consider work up for cardiac or renal disease.139
The infant should not be subjected to the added Clinicians may focus on the breastfeeding and miss
trauma of being weaned from the breast when the the elephant in the room.
infant needs the security and intimacy of nursing Cardiac surgeons frequently plan surgery for a
most, unless weaning is absolutely unavoidable. certain weight or age. A mother can be assisted in
The medical profession needs to be aware of helping the infant reach the goal. Human milk is low
these infants and mothers and their special needs in sodium and easily digested, thus permitting fre-
for support. An opportunity to discuss the breast- quent feedings. The nurse practitioner or lactation
feeding aspect of the infants management should consultant should assist the mother in increasing
be offered by the physician. The pediatrician her production and increasing fat content at each
should assume the advocacy role. The parents feeding. Feeding at one breast per feeding usually
should not have to fight for the right to maintain increases fat. In the case of a cardiac-compromised
breastfeeding. Plans for pumping and saving milk infant, using one breast also diminishes the stress of
should be discussed and provided. If the infant is switching to the other side. The mother may need
recovering in an open ward or a room with other extra support and encouragement. Providing ones
infants and their parents without adequate privacy, milk for ones sick infant may be extremely impor-
a separate room should be provided for the mother tant. The breastfeeding relationship may be impor-
to nurse or pump her milk. This room should be tant for the infant as well. Research has shown that
clean, neat, adequately illuminated, and equipped infants have important cardiovascular responses to
with a sink for washing hands. Storerooms, broom nutrient intake.137 These responses are regulated
closets, and staff dressing rooms are inappropriate. by changes in autonomic activity to the heart and
If a mechanical pump is to be used, it should be vasculature. These early life-shaping interactions
kept clean and operable with disposable tubing and that occur when the offspring is fed by the mother
attachments that come in contact with the milk or have been demonstrated in the animal model. Inter-
the breast. If a breast pump is not provided in the actions between mothers and their young serve as
pediatric department, it should be available from hidden regulators of physiologic function.
the newborn or NICU. If oral intake must be restricted preoperatively
Arrangements for providing sterile containers for or immediately postoperatively, nonnutritive
collecting milk and storing it will be discussed (see suckling at the previously pumped breast can be
Chapter 21). Occasionally a mother may become calming and comforting for the infant.
so concerned about the adequacy of her milk for
her infant that she may nurse much too frequently. Sudden Infant Death
Actually her child will need much more nonnutritive
cuddling and holding than usual. A physician may Syndrome
need to reassure the mother when pointing this out.
The father should also be encouraged to understand Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the lead-
all the tubes, bandages, and appliances the infant ing cause of death in infants after 1 month of age,
may have attached. He is an important member of accounting for one third of all deaths in the first
the parenting team and should provide some of the year. Healthy, full-term infants account for 85% of
soothing and especially the nonnutritive cuddling. the deaths.61
In a 3-year, multicenter, controlled study of SIDS
in New Zealand reported in 1993,167 the National
Congenital Heart Disease
Cot Death Prevention Programme133 sought to
When an infant who is diagnosed with congenital reduce the rising incidence of infant death by deter-
heart disease is already feeding at the breast, it is mining associated factors. Sleeping prone, maternal
usually not a medical indication to interrupt the smoking, lack of breastfeeding, and the infant shar-
process unless surgery is imminent. Even infants ing a bed were the four modifiable risk factors. New
with cyanotic heart disease, if they can be fed orally, Zealand launched a major prevention program to
Breastfeeding Infants With Problems 509

educate the public about these risk factors.136 The year. Breastfeeding is less influenced than bottle
AAP launched a similar program focusing only on and pacifier sucking.
sleeping prone. Although breastfeeding offers pro- Ankyloglossia is a short lingual frenulum that
tection, cases of SIDS have occurred among breast- results in restricted range of tongue movement,
fed infants; the incidence is much lower, however, especially forward protrusion and lateral mobility.
than with bottle feeding. A case-control study The incidence is estimated at 3% and 10%. It was
in the United States by Frederickson et al61 ana- briefly mentioned in Chapter 8, but the concern for
lyzed births of infants weighing more than 2000 g breastfeeding infants has precipitated controversy
between 1988 and 1989. The study included 7102 about the frequency of feeding difficulties, later
control infants and 499 SIDS and 584 non-SIDS speech problems, and concerns about swallowing.
deaths. Breastfeeding offered dose-response protec- Nipple pain is the most common cause for consid-
tion against SIDS across races and socioeconomic ering frenulotomy. In addition to maternal pain, the
levels. For white infants, the risk for SIDS increased infant may have trouble with latching and subopti-
19% for every month of not breastfeeding and mal weight gain; 24 mother-infant dyads with these
100% for every month of nonexclusive breast- symptoms received submental ultrasound scans
feeding. For black infants, the risk was 19% and of the oral cavity before and 7 days after frenu-
113%, respectively. Whether breastfeeding reduces lotomy.67 Milk transfer, pain, latch, swallowing,
the risk for SIDS was explored by Vennemann et shape of nipple, and comfort were recorded. Milk
al190 in a German study of SIDS that included 333 intake was also measured by test weighing. Signifi-
deaths and 998 matched controls. Being exclusively cant improvement was recorded by all dyads. The
breastfed and even partially breastfed in the pre- infants demonstrated less compression of the nipple
vious month reduced the risk by 50% throughout by ultrasound after frenulotomy. The diagnosis was
infancy. The authors recommend breastfeeding be confirmed by ultrasound before the surgery.
included in the prevention messages.190 Using the Hazelbaker Assessment Tool for Lin-
Numerous studies have been conducted to gual Frenulum Function has been reviewed by many
define further the associations with SIDS. Prone clinicians.81 More than 3000 patients were exam-
sleeping position continues to be the most impor- ined by Ballard et al20 who found 123 dyads who
tant correlation, and the AAP continues the back fit the description by Hazelbaker criteria. They
to sleep campaign. The protective influence of received frenulotomies with latch improvement in
breastfeeding is actually strongest among infants all cases and pain reduced in most. Amir et al13 also
of smoking mothers. SIDS rates are higher among used the Hazelbaker scoring tool and found that
infants of mothers who smoke, but breastfeeding using part of the tool worked well in assessing 58
by a smoking mother lowers that to a rate equal to dyads. With the ready availability of ultrasound in
that of bottle-fed infants with nonsmoking moth- most offices and clinics it appears that confirming
ers. An association has also been suggested with the need for the procedure may best be determined
pacifier use in bottle-fed infants. Pacifiers are not by ultrasound by those doing the procedure. The
known to lower SIDS rates among breastfed infants Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Protocol #11,
beyond normal breastfeeding rates. Should pacifi- Guidelines for the Evaluation and Management of
ers be recommended to prevent SIDS, use should Neonatal Ankyloglossia and its Complications in
be limited to bottle feeders because pacifiers are the Breastfeeding Dyad, appears in Appendix P.
associated with decreased duration of breastfeed-
ing. Although some studies show a protective effect
of bed sharing in breastfeeding, the AAP has not
endorsed bed sharing because of the reported risk Oral health risk assessment has been recommended
for roll-over deaths and the need for additional by the Section on Pediatric Dentistry of the AAP
studies.178 Frederickson et al61 suggest that breast- with the establishment of a dental home by 1 year
feeding promotion, especially among low-income of age.11 Visits are recommended to begin at 7 to
women in whom rates of breastfeeding are lowest 9 months. Recommendations include systematic
and SIDS are higher, would reduce the national examination and oral fluoride, elimination of sim-
SIDS rates. ple sugars in the diet, and initiation of oral hygiene
early. The infant is not colonized until the erup-
tion of the primary teeth. Caries are associated with
Streptococcus mutans and usually occurs at the age of
Alveolar lymphangiomas are elevations along the 2 years. High caries rates run in families, usually
alveolar ridge that are isolated bluish firm cysts 3 to passed mother to child; 70% of caries occur in 20%
10 mm in diameter. More than one may be present. of children. Children who sleep with the mother
They may interfere with suckling. They contain and nurse throughout the night are at higher risk,
no dental tissue and gradually disappear in the first especially if the mother is prone to caries.
510 Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession

12. American Society of Anesthesiology Task Force on Pre-

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in Breastfed Infants Elective Surgery, Park Ridge, Ill, 2000, ASA.
13. Amir LH, James JP, Donath SM: Reliability of the Hazel
Baker Assessment Tool for Lingual Frenulum Function, Int
The development of rampant dental caries can Breastfeed J 1:3, 2006
occur in breastfed infants.31 Usually the children 14. Arias IM, Gartner LM, Seifter S, et al: Prolonged neonatal
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mouth reconstruction. 15. Atinmo T, Omololu A: Trace element content of breast
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cially through the night. Family history of dental with Downs syndrome, Child Care Health Dev 9:247, 1983.
enamel problems is worth investigating. Certainly 17. Auricchio S, Follo D, de Ritis G, et al: Does breast feeding
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celiac disease in children? J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2:428,
The levels of mutant streptococci in saliva and 1983.
plaque are higher in children with rampant cavi- 18. Avedian LV, Ruberg RL: Impaired weight gain in cleft pal-
ties than in control subjects.125 All breastfed infants ate infants, Cleft Palate J 17:24, 1980.
have mutant streptococci and lactobacilli on their 19. Babovic-Vuksanovic D, Michels VV, Law ME, et al: Guide-
teeth. Tooth susceptibility is genetically pro- lines for buccal smear collection in breast-fed infants, Am J
Med Genet 84:357, 1999.
grammed. Children with a strong family history of 20. Ballard JL, Auer CE, Khoury JC: Ankyloglossia: Assess-
caries may need fluoride supplements while breast- ment, incidence and effect of frenuloplasty on the breast-
feeding.50 They are at special risk if they suckle all feeding dyad, Pediatrics 110: e63e69, 2002.
night older than 1 year of age. The most cariogenic 21. Barfoot RA, McEnery G, Ersser RS, et al: Diarrhea due to
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