Journal 2 Level 4

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Journal 2

First day of Teaching

Name: Amna Alaa

Course Code: EPC 2903
Course Name: Practicum 2b
Teacher: Antoinette Wiseman
My first day of teaching was on Sunday, October 15. I was planning to teach the

students an English lesson but my MST did not inform me about the lesson topic

till Saturdays night which made it hard to me because I did not have time to

prepare the lesson which made me decide to teach the students the math lesson

which was rectangle shape. I was so excited to make activities for the lesson but

according to my limited time I decided to use the materials that I have in the

classroom. When I started teaching I was surprised that the students are not

looking at me, they turned their faces to my MST while she was doing some work

on the table. In that moment I realized that the students doesnt see me as a

teacher yet which made me stressed little bit. I tired to use call back strategy

when the students started to talk and misbehave Hands on top, everybody

please stop. I started to explain for the students about the reward system that I

made for them to encourage them to follow the classroom rules, behave and

participate with me in the lesson. After we finished the morning circle time I

called Aamer to stand up beside me and I praised his behavior and his

participation in the lesson and I rewarded him which made all the students

excited to get their reward and they were saying to me that they will behave and

they will not hit their friends. I noticed that Aamer tried to impress me all the

day by helping me and behaving which strengths Skinner's theory, Positive

reinforcement strengthens a behavior by providing a consequence an individual

finds rewarding(1990). I decided to teach the students everyday and to use my

teacher voice to make them feel that Im their teacher not their sister or someone

who is just coming to the class. My first teaching experience was not satisfying to

me because I did not achieve all the lessons objectives. When I will teach next

time I will try to use different strategies to manage my classroom such as the
helping hand because students did not have any routine, which a reason behind

students misbehaving.

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