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Two Jews, three opinions its a storied

stereotype and a truism too. Even within

the world of Torah-observant Jewry, there
has always been room and respect for
different opinions and approaches. When Over the past few weeks, a fraught machlokes has spilled out of its contained corner and captured
that respect is eroded, and ideological headlines and screens of observant Jews around the globe. As a publication that aims to showcase
differences devolve into machlokes, there the positive and hopeful in our society, we closely watched developments to see if the situation
is perhaps nothing more disturbing and would resolve, or if the demonstrations would lose steam. Unfortunately, it seems to be gaining
painful than watching the ensuing strife strength and exposure among our global readership and therefore, our mandate has changed
overtake our fragile world. accordingly. Instead of minimizing the issue, weve asked our most experienced reporters and
writers from both our English and Hebrew-language departments to collaborate under the


direction of our rabbinic board, to provide readers with a thorough grounding in the facts, figures,
and phenomena that have led to the wave of demonstrations paralyzing major cities in Israel and
sparked debate, dissension, and confusion.

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS IN THE WAKE OF A WAVE OF PROTESTS BY Eliezer Shulman, Shimon Breitkopf, Binyamin Rose, and Mishpacha Staff

It is neither our place nor our aim to advance specific political or sectarian agendas. Instead, we
hope to provide the background understanding that our discerning readership seeks in an effort
to comprehend what is fueling the fire.

44 M I S H PAC H A 12 Cheshvan 5778 | November 1, 2017 M I S H PAC H A 45

The Story Behind the Strife

Laws, are any yeshivah bochurim in imme- The heads of the chareidi factions must What replaced the Tal Law?
diate danger of being drafted? What about cope on two fronts: with demands from the There was a brief era from 2013 to 2015, when
the long term? courts as well as secular coalition partners Yesh Atid, led by Yair Lapid, held 19 Knesset
The High Court has given the government who favor drafting more chareidim; and with seats and was a senior coalition partner,
until September 2018 to pass a new law. This pressure from inside the chareidi community when the Knesset passed a law setting strict
means that the current iteration of the law to fight to the limit to keep the status quo. targets for chareidi IDF enlistment, and fi-
remains in force until that deadline. So for nancial and criminal sanctions for failure
now, all yeshivah students may continue Is there a compromise in the name of shar- to meet those targets. In 2015, Israel held
learning without the threat of a forcible draft ing the burden that all parties can live with, new elections, Lapids party plummeted to
hanging over their heads. In the long term, or is this an impossible dream? 11 seats, he was exiled to the opposition, and
in the unlikely scenario that a new law is not On one extreme is talk of an all-volunteer the chareidi parties succeeded in passing
enacted, yeshivah students will be at risk of army, a measure that three different state new legislation. The law they passed was
being drafted, but like every other citizen, can commissions have studied, but never imple- considered by many the best possible ar-
choose the option of going to military prison. mented. That solution appears to be fanciful. rangement for the chareidim, easing many

Upon presentation of all the necessary doc- Have there been situations where yeshi- In 2002, the Knesset passed the Tal Law, of the strictures and eliminating the sanc-
uments proving enrollment in his yeshivah vah bochurim were forcibly conscripted What role do the chareidi MKs play in the which stipulated that ultra-Orthodox men tions. However, they were not successful in
and others from the Vaad Hayeshivos, he into the IDF? draft law? Could they have done a better who chose to study Torah full time could changing the targets.
receives a deferment that generally lasts for Its extremely rare. Normally, the IDF will or more effective job of representing cha- defer their military service for as long as

one year. Each year, he will receive a new demand that the draft-evader enlist imme- reidi interests? they were enrolled in their yeshivah, with What do the targets call for?
notice to report, at which time he must diately. If he refuses, he is processed like Ask anyone which task is top priority for no upper time limit. However, if they left The government targets were established in
again show proof there has been no change any other evader and will be sentenced to a chareidi MK, and youll get one uniform the yeshivah, they would be subject to con- 2013, to draft 2,000 chareidim into the IDF
in his status. As long as he provides the nec- a military prison, usually for a period of response: dealing with the draft law for ye- scription. That law expired in 2012, however, and another 1,300 into national service, for a
essary documentation, his deferment will three to six weeks, after which he is nor- shivah bochurim. This issue concerns these and the Supreme Court ruled it could not be total of 3,300. That number was to increase

be extended. In recent years, thanks to the mally granted a deferment and released. MKs and their constituents much more extended for two reasons: it didnt provide each year, with the 20162017 figure (from
efforts of chareidi MKs, arrangements have Obviously the strain on a jailed bochur and than any talk of budgets, discrimination, ed- for equality in military service, and senior July to June) reaching 5,200 (3,000 IDF
been made allowing for each yeshivah or his family and the challenges of keeping a ucational institutions, Shabbos ordinances, government economists demanded that and 2,200 national service), which could
several yeshivos to do their paperwork as fully observant life in prison should not conversion, or housing. The chareidi public chareidim be incorporated into the IDF and include service in Hatzolah and Zaka. The
a group and for the bochurim to come as a be minimized. expects the MKs to preserve their way of life, eventually the workforce. governments long-term goal is that at least
group to receive their deferments. which includes enabling yeshivah bochurim 50% of the estimated 10,000 to 11,000 cha-
Does the IDF try and pressure these to continue learning without the threat of reidim reaching draft age each year would
How and why would a chareidi yeshivah
bochur end up in jail for avoiding army
bochurim to enlist through means other
than force?
arrest or criminal sanctions.
But the mandate that theyve carried Once a yeshivah serve, breaking down the walls between the
chareidi sector and the IDF. Toward this end,

What is the standard process for a cha-

Anyone who fails to report is in violation of
In the past, before the most recent iteration
of the draft law, some yeshivah bochurim
out more or less successfully for 70 years is
growing ever more complicated. bochur declares that the IDF established special chareidi brigades,
with the tacit approval of the chareidi world,
reidi yeshivah bochur to delay or avoid
army service?
the law, similar to someone who ignores a
traffic ticket or court summons. The army
reported that during the initial hityatzvut
process, IDF recruiters were persuading
The original arrangement of draft defer-
ments for chareidim dates back to the begin- he learns full time, as a reasonable compromise that would pro-
vide an option for young chareidi men who
As military service is compulsory for all
Israeli boys once they reach 18, about two
pursues draft dodgers by sending mili-
tary police to make surprise visits to their
them to enlist with various incentives,
or asking them to sign statements that
ning of statehood, and was meant to apply to
400 Torah students. Today, between 60,000 the IDF will not try to do not see their future within the yeshivah
framework. However, in the 2017 draft year,
years beforehand, every Israeli approach-
ing draft age receives a notice to report
(hityatzvut in Hebrew) to a local IDF
homes. In other cases, the draft dodgers
are discovered after being apprehended by
police in other venues often on their way
they agreed to be drafted. Even then, in
no case was a yeshivah bochur forcibly
drafted. Thanks to the efforts of the MKs
and 70,000 Torah students mostly charei-
di, but many national-religious qualify for
deferments. This figure represents more than
tempt him to enlist just 2,800 chareidi men voluntarily enlisted
in the IDF or national service, or less than
30%, leading the majority of the Supreme
induction center. The IDF draws its infor- to and from shul, when stopped for traffic who worked on this issue, these persuasion a third of the size of Israels standing army. Court to conclude that the law wasnt work-
mation from the population registry at the violations, or at demonstrations. efforts have almost completely ceased, With more secular, traditional, and na- ing, because it wasnt meeting its targets,
Ministry of the Interior, and notices are Once police cross-check their names and once a yeshivah bochur declares that tional-religious parents demanding a more and was voluntary in nature. (It should be
mailed to every citizen secular, religious, in a database verifying their identity and he learns full time, the IDF will not try to equitable sharing of the military burden noted that the lone dissenter on the Court,
and chareidi. that they ignored a draft notice, they are tempt him to enlist. known as shivyon bnetel political parties Noam Solberg, disagreed, noting the rising
Once he reports, a yeshivah student has handed over to military police, who take and NGOs have launched a series of appeals trendline of chareidi enlistment and saying
the option of declaring Toraso umanuso, them to a detention facility, and they can Now that the Supreme Court has ruled to the Supreme Court, and the shift in polit- it was premature to throw in the towel on a
meaning he is a full-time yeshivah student. be forced to stand trial. the draft law violates one of Israels Basic ical power and public opinion is making it law that was supposed to remain in force
almost impossible to defend the status quo. until 2023. Time would tell, he contended.)

46 M I S H PAC H A 12 Cheshvan 5778 | November 1, 2017 M I S H PAC H A 47

Unraveling the Unrest

When and why was Peleg formed? in Knesset elections. (There are various opinions When it comes to the IDF draft, some members
Peleg is a small faction within the much larger chareidi mainstream. It was formed within the Eidah regarding municipal elections; of Brisk agree with the Eidah that there is an ob-
after the petirah of Rav Elyashiv and the subsequent acceptance of Rav Stein- some vote and some do not.) Members refrain ligation to protest the state policy of mandatory
man as the senior spiritual authority by the majority of the gedolim and roshei entirely from taking government money for ed- conscription. From conversations with talmi-
yeshivah. A minority who objected to this move founded a new paper, HaPeles, ucational institutions and the like. dim, it seems that there are those within Brisk
and with it a party called Peleg. They selected Rav Shmuel Auerbach as their rav But on a practical level, the Eidah does in fact who dismiss the current unrest as the result of
and spiritual guide. The party drew a small group of followers who united around cooperate with the state authorities on certain internal politics, and do not agree with the view of
the issue of the draft, claiming that the gezeiras hagiyus, as they termed it, is issues. It maintains connections to and liaisons Peleg. They feel that the best way to resolve these
not an agreement that respects the red lines of the gedolim and allows yeshivah with the police, and receives official police per- issues is through the lobbying efforts that have
bochurim to learn in peace for the most part, but rather an insidious arrange- mits for its public demonstrations. The Eidahs been a standard medium of the yeshivah world
ment thats part of the governments greater plan to secularize chareidi society. long-standing policy is that bochurim should since the establishment of the state.

As a result, Peleg has commanded its adherents to show all of Israel that it will report to the IDF upon receiving a draft notice
not cooperate in any shape or form with the law. For the past few years, this has (hityatzvut) to receive a deferment and if possi- PELEG: Working with the assumption that one
meant that its adherents do not show up to their local IDF draft center to register ble, a total exemption. can define the supporters of the Peleg as the stu-
as yeshivah bochurim a move that places them on the wrong side of the law. The Eidah Hachareidis supports demonstra- dents of Rav Shmuel Auerbach (even though the
In the last two weeks it has also meant a coordinated wave of demonstrations tions held to fulfill what the Eidah sees as a Torah Peleg is actually an amalgam of several different
meant to show the government its muscle and impact. obligation to protest wrongdoing. These demon- groups), it can be assumed that its adherents do
Pelegs approach is opposed by the moatzos gedolei haTorah of Degel HaTorah, strations are held only after a beis din session not harbor any ideological opposition to partic-

Agudas Yisrael, and Shas, and of the Vaad Hayeshivos, which is managed by the of the Badatz that delineates where and when ipating in the states political processes. In the
gedolei hador and leading roshei yeshivah, who supported the amendments to the demonstration will be held, with very clear past, Rav Shmuel took an active part in Knesset
the recent law before it was struck down by the High Court. limitations. In the 1960s and 1970s, the Eidahs election campaigns, signed kol korehs, and even
protests sometimes included violence, but this appeared and spoke at election rallies.
What are the Peleg strongholds, and what kind of political power does it hold? was mostly on the part of police or a third party As far as financial allocations go, Rav Shmuels

Peleg has established its own schools and is largely concentrated in four cities: (usually kibbutznikim who intentionally trav- yeshivah, Maalos HaTorah, and most if not all of
Jerusalem, Ashdod, Bnei Brak, and Modiin Illit. The Peleg group is small and, in eled to Meah Shearim on Shabbos to desecrate the yeshivos that consider themselves part of the
its fight for recognition, is considered militant. Its members are willing to sacrifice Shabbos publicly). In the 1990s, the violence was Peleg, have regularly received allocations from
for their ideology, and they will give up anything financially, emotionally, and caused by fringe elements (Neturei Karta and the the state authorities.
physically for the goals of the movement. For example, avreichim who struggle like, a fringe group comprising a small number of They claim, however, that the situation has
for parnassah still donate large sums to the movements HaPeles newspaper, to families that are not compliant with the decisions changed, and all previous understandings re-

lawyers, and to finance the anti-draft demonstrations. Beyond that, they dont of the Badatz Eidah Hachareidis). The Eidah, in garding the draft and the Education Ministry
have outside heavyweight donors, save for a group inside the Satmar community some cases, positioned supervisors to monitor are no longer relevant because of what they term
in the US, which has funded a large number of the demonstrations and activities their demonstrations and prevent violence. the gezeiras hagiyus, the draft decree. In their
due to their mutual interests. official newspaper, HaPeles, they paint main-
In the 2013 municipal elections, Peleg did win a total of five city council mem- BRISK: On matters of principle, Brisk usually stream chareidi society as an ignorant majority
bers: one in Jerusalem and two each in Modiin Illit and Bnei Brak. takes a similar approach to that of the Eidah that hasnt taken the time or effort to truly study
This representation is still minimal in comparison to Degel HaTorah; howev- Hachareidis. Some members dont take part in the plan and its ramifications.
er, Peleg viewed this as a success in light of the harsh battles waged against them government elections, and some dont partic- The Peleg has at times organized demonstra-
and the fact that this was the first time they ran for public office. Peleg, at least as ipate in municipal elections either. (There are tions and tefillah rallies together with the Eidah
of the 2015 national elections, did not have enough public support to field a slate some families where the women vote and the Hachareidis. In addition to those scheduled ral-
of candidates for the Knesset, nor is it clear that is their goal. men dont.) Like the Eidah, they do not accept lies, the movement also calls spontaneous demon-
government financial allocations. strations without any supervision or organized
What is the difference On an ideological level, Brisk supports demon- rabbinical oversight. Unlike the demonstrations
ideologically and practi- strations for the sake of voicing protest, but prac- of the Eidah meant to voice protest and the
cally between the Eidah, tically, they only demonstrate in isolated events historic mass tefillah rallies held by the unified
Brisk, and Peleg? after examining what they want to achieve and chareidi sector meant to unify thousands of
how. Brisk firmly opposes violence at demonstra- voices in prayer these demonstrations are held
THE EIDAH HACHAREIDIS: On an tions. In the distant past, when demonstrations to disrupt and disturb. This differentiates Peleg
ideological level, the Eidah routinely included police violence, they considered from virtually all mainstream chareidi practice.
Hachareidis opposes the demonstrations to be halachically forbidden due Their approach is that they can only achieve their
state and does not participate to concerns of pikuach nefesh. goals through civil disobedience and that their

48 M I S H PAC H A 12 Cheshvan 5778 | November 1, 2017 M I S H PAC H A 49

" " "


" "
, ,
. '
" "
COALITION PRESSING TO PASS NEW DRAFT LAW BY END OF 2017 " 144,000- .9552 " (2017 24) " "

By Binyamin Rose and Shlomi Gil " ," UZGIF C[GPN FPI FIK\V

For three years, prominent rosh yeshivah

, Rav Yigal Rosen has been targeted by the
safe to say that burning trash would not require a 61-vote majority for pas- , Peleg in an ugly defamation campaign. Last
cans and road blockages sage. Second, it fits smartly with a loophole ,
GIF \TXF CKanievsky Rissued
& E G M K N F G Pa
at the recent rash of street written into article 8 of the 1992 Basic Law, , KCS FZTSF \M[P ~  Z ED
"GK & "GRNGM" \TKS him
KZCIN Y(above
demonstrations lit a fire under which said that the rights granted under a basic


, group of gedolim 10 , 16 OKEsigned
GPT & "FKXKNanother
BGYF \B YZVN letter SSFR BN" :criti-

chareidi Knesset members, now press- law cannot be violated, save by means of a law cal of
the Peleg approach (below left) 
ing for quick passage of a new draft law to that corresponds to the values of the State of Is-

, ,    -
replace the one the Supreme Court struck rael, which serves an appropriate purpose. .

has been waged with libel and harassment.
" ~
down in September. A government resolution declaring Torah Placards are constantly posted against
02-572-3000 him,

86 come to disrupt his shiurim,

However, sources inside the United To- study a national value would have great legal

" " ' ,
" ' ," 7

rah Judaism (UTJ) party tell Mishpacha the significance, because at that point, the conver-
inboxes of the newspapers
and the e-mail
pressure they feel is primarily due to the sation is no longer about equality, but priori-

are bombarded with material against him.


negative media coverage of the demonstra- tizing between different values that the state . ~

The primary claim against
>59 * Rav Rosen is

tions. Images of protestors blocking ambu- recognizes, Rabbi Maklev says. ~

. ~
that he negotiated army training courses for

lances and scuffling with police and soldiers It seems like a crafty solution. Could it work? yeshivah bochurim during bein hazmanim.
provided cannon fodder for their political It will only be effective if the court con-

will convey a message to the
that all

His detractors also claimed that he


nemesis, Yair Lapid of Yesh Atid, to lump all fines itself to applying law and policy as estab- Supreme Court, and the government, ted lists

 of weaker bochurim
 to the IDF



chareidim need to be exempt once and for all, for the purpose of enlisting them, and they

chareidim into the same barrel. lished by the democratic system, says Eugene 


~ | :
The chareidi parties are just one small Kontorovich, a constitutional law professor at instead of| perpetuating the system of defer- have - described his yeshivah as ahesder ye-

5.11.17- . ~

: 93906
for yeshivah
 students. shivah. (In fact, Ohr Yisrael is known for its

piece of the legislative puzzle. The Knesset Northwestern and part of the Kohelet Policy  ~

has convened a special parliamentary panel Forum, a Jerusalem think tank leading the effort
9 -



behavior during demon- 

extremely rigorous learning,

( )
050-4146244 itspolicy 
of for-

comprised of one member of each party in to reform the court. If they continue to impose ! ~

strations, including confronting , 

police officers, bidding

its students to

5 marry



the coalition of Prime Minister Netanyahu.
Netanyahu himself is applying pressure
their own values, they will simply say that while
learning Torah is a national value, it is dispro-


in front of traffic, and


against counterdemonstrators and 09 remain

sporadic acts



in full-time

.80 learning
and its alumni
20 to



innocent bystanders trying to move through  after leaving yeshivah.) Recently Rav Rosens
to pass a new law by December 31. Some portionate to exempt a sector of the population  u uusuw

political analysts speculate Bibis urgency from the draft. What is required is politicians traffic, have led police to arrest the offenders. 
detractors stopped making specific claims,  


   *         uuw

Many of them have been found to be yeshivah charging only that Rav Rosen wants to sec-
is proof that he is considering calling a snap
election. Rabbi Uri Maklev, who represents
angry enough to actually take on the court as an


who did not report for their original 55
... ularize
the chareidi
sector. ~

UTJ on the special parliamentary panel, In that vein, Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked draft9704 notice and some are still
being detained, Rav Rosen spoke publicly  about the issue in
awaiting trial for draft evasion.
his opening

 shiur of the new zeman, denying
~  <<

disagrees. have more power than regular Knesset legisla- and Education Minister Naftali Bennett of the 054-8486590 ~ 

the claims made against him and stating that "
He wants to get this off the agenda, re- tion. Jewish Home party have introduced a new basic 

gardless of whether there will be elections. The court is mandating equality, Rabbi Mak- law to give the Knesset power to redraft and Who is Rav Yigal Rosen and why was he his detractors will not desist until they physi-


Its also in our best interests to introduce lev says. On that basis, even if the IDF decided it recertify certain laws the Supreme Court may singled out by the protesters? How did the cally harm him.
In fact, he now requires police

the new law as soon as possible, Rabbi didnt want to draft chareidim at all, that decision strike down. However, that measure faces oppo- chareidi gedolim respond and why? protection
- for fear of his life.
~~ "
Maklev said. would not pass the courts muster because it sition from Minister of Finance Moshe Kahlon Rav Yigal Rosen is the rosh yeshivah of Ohr At first, gedolei Yisrael did not react to the ~
The Supreme Court has ordered the doesnt provide for equality. of the Kulanu party, who favors a more indepen- Yisrael and one of the most prominent roshei incitement against him so as not to give it le-

Knesset to correct inequities in the old draft The new law is designed to address the courts dent Supreme Court. yeshivah in the litvish community. He is po- gitimacy, but now that the situation has esca- ~
sitioned on the right of the litvishe world. In lated, various gedolim are offering him public ~

law that they deemed not proportional concerns. Rabbi Maklev said that a key provision Kahlon is likely to go along with the word play

, , *
. | 
because it granted chareidim preferential would be an attached resolution declaring Torah in the new resolution, but it will be a tough, may- recent years, the gedolei haTorah asked him to support. Rav Chaim Kanievsky issued a letter
treatment for IDF deferments and exemp- study as an essential value in the State of Israel, be even an impossible sell, to win his votes on work on possible amendments to a new draft condemning the rioters. A large group of elder
tions compared to other sectors of Israels noting its long-standing status in Jewish tradition the Shaked-Bennett bill. law on their behalf. As a result, the Peleg ac- gedolim accompanied by many other roshei
population, in violation of the Knessets and its ongoing contribution to the preservation And without Kahlon, the Knesset lacks a ma- tivists decided to target him and prove their yeshivah signed a letter criticizing the actions
1992 Basic Law on Human Dignity and Lib- of the nation. jority that could assert itself in the face of the mettle to the masses. of his detractors. Rav Baruch Dov Povarsky
erty. In the courts worldview, Basic Laws Such a resolution has two advantages. First, it courts decades-long record of judicial activism. Their three-year campaign against him attended a rally of support at his yeshivah.

12 Cheshvan 5778 | November 1, 2017

Unraveling the Unrest

demonstrations as kiddush Sheim
Shamayim and a noble, unbending In their view, (The demonstrators
have painted them-
the name Peleg Yerushalmi and thus to differ-
entiate them from the mainstream chareidi
statement that they will not be
controlled by the state. Beyond all disruption selves as victims of
an aggressive govern-
public. Even though the media generally delve
deeply into all of the inner conflicts of other
that, the demonstrators aim to
show that the chareidi MKs are to routine, ment, and the police
is likely taking pains
political parties, when it comes to chareidim
they lack either the interest or sophistication
not working lSheim Shamayim,
and that their actions and the in quality not to give them more
to explore the inner workings of the chareidi
world. They may also feel that their viewers

eligible for the draft each year are enlisting

draft law that they helped pass
are in fact damaging and destruc- and quantity, Are there any differ-
have little interest in anything more than
seeing the action, which serves to tar all of
and that this will lead to the ultimate erosion
of the yeshivah world.
tive. Peleg also wishes to protest
the arrests of their draft evaders, qualifies as ences between the
Peleg demonstra-
chareidi society with the same black brush.

What is the usual protocol for arranging a

to prove to everyone that they will
not be broken no matter what, fulfilling their tions and those of the
handicapped or other
How does the average secular Israeli view
these demonstrations?
demonstration in Israel?
An application for a permit for a demonstra-
and that they have the power to
disrupt the lives of the entire Is- mission movements for social
Negatively. The demonstrations are, simply
put, bad PR. Major thoroughfares are blocked,
tion must be submitted to the police. At the raeli public. The Peleg never applies entrances and exits to cities are closed off for
demonstration itself, police instructions must Right now, there is no actual for police permits for hours on end most annoyingly, without any
be obeyed, and demonstrators should not way to placate them. They havent stated any their demonstrations, while others demon- advance notice all for grievances that the
overflow to areas that were not included in specific goals or aims that they are trying to strate only with permission. But the greater average Israeli cannot understand or wouldnt
the permit. achieve. In their view, all disruption to routine, difference lies in the goal of the demonstra- agree with, even if he did.
in quality and quantity, qualifies as fulfilling tions: the handicapped have a clear and defined The demonstrations seem to be incurring
Are the demonstrators at these Peleg pro- their mission. demand that their disability stipends are another price. Surveys predict increased
tests members of the Peleg mainstream or raised to equal Israels minimum wage. Once electoral support for the anti-chareidi par-
a fringe element? From the law enforcement standpoint, what they achieve their goal, their demonstrations ties among the general Israeli population.
The demonstrators represent the basic ide- is the police policy? What sort of instruc- and protests will stop at once. Polls show Yair Lapid climbing back toward
ology of the Peleg sector and are obeying the tions are they getting from Chief Alsheich the 20-seat mark in the next election. If that
commands of the writers of the HaPeles news- or Gilad Erdan? How are the Israeli media painting these happens, he could work his way back into a
paper, which leads and lauds the demonstra- It is clear that the police are exercising rela- demonstrations, and how are they compar- coalition perhaps without chareidi parties
tions. However, it should be noted that not all tive restraint, and not reacting aggressively ing or contrasting them to the other social as in 20132015, and pass a more draconian
components of the Peleg which comprises to the demonstrators. The demonstrators movements demonstrations? draft law. This eventuality, while alarming to
several distinct groups agree with this ap- are being allowed to riot as they please, and to Until last week, the media simply called these the chareidi mainstream, seems to suit the
proach. Some of the yeshivos identified with snarl traffic for hours on end before they are demonstrators chareidim gone wild. This Peleg supporters, who claim that lobbying
the Peleg have forbidden their bochurim to cleared away. Last Monday, water cannons week, following the initiative of a popular news and shtadlanus are ineffective and do not ad-
attend any demonstrations. And despite the and skunk spray were used against them. network, it was decided to use for the first time equately protect chareidi interests.
fact that the movements official policy is not
to report for deferments, most of the bochurim
What instigated the mass Peleg demonstra- governments announcement of a plan to ex- that belong to Peleg do report, whether because
tions termed the Day of Rage? propriate thousands of dunams of land for se- their parents instruct them to or for other rea-
In the last week, due to the arrest of 45 bo- curity and settlement purposes, although the sons. Some claim that when he is asked on an
churim and avreichim, the Peleg blocked the Palestinians probably borrowed that from the individual basis, Rav Auerbach allows them
streets of Jerusalem, and proved that they 1969 Days of Rage riots in Chicago to protest to report for deferments, especially since the
could bring traffic to a halt on crucial arteries US involvement in the Vietnam War. rest of the yeshivah world reports.
in Israels capital city. They called these demon- It is clear from the recent demonstrations
strations a Day of Rage, a term that was in- that the Peleg faction feels that not enough What is the endgame of the Peleg demon-
troduced by the Arab Sector to commemorate has been done by the chareidi MKs and that strations? What will they consider mission
the Land Day marches of March 1976, when time is not on their side; they are troubled by accomplished?
Arabs nationwide marched to protest Israeli the fact that as much as 30% of the chareidim The HaPeles newspaper presents the

52 M I S H PAC H A

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