Midterm Reflection Peer Letter

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Peer Letter to Carmen

Midterm reflection
Dear Carmen,
Overall I really enjoyed your midterm reflection. I can see personally many
parallels between your learning outcomes and my own so I have a clear
understanding of what you are saying. Most learning outcomes you presented are
supported well with examples and well elaborated on. I specifically liked your use of
supporting examples. They connected well to your main idea and helped to create a
good understanding of how these learning outcomes came about.
There are however some areas to improve. There are a couple sentences
where they could be better worded. Your word choice works well but it feels slightly
awkward at times. For example you had a sentence Writing takes many forms, and
authors use many different mediums for their writing, this left me confused as to
whether writing was the subject or authors. This sentence is grammatically fine
but leaves the reader with a second of questioning it. Another improvement is that
the concluding paragraph was relatively short and didnt fully cover the material
addressed prior.
Kyle Paterson

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