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Teacher Candidate: Andria Starr

Student: L*****

Instructional Level:


ER: 1:3.5 Work on using visual in Foundational Skills:
Accuracy: 72% decoding words, instead of Phonics and Word
SC: 1:10 relying solely on pictures Recognition RF. 1.3
When reading, Logan, tends Slowing his reading and Know and apply grade-level
to use structure the most in putting more effort into phonics and word analysis
decoding words. Logan used decoding and sounding out skills in decoding words.
Meaning the second most. words instead of just B: Decode regularly spelled
When he would read he skipping. one-syllable words.
based what he thought the Continue the repeating to
words were on the previous correct.
pages pictures. I feel that if
the paper book was an actual
book, his text to picture
decoding would have
worked. Because of his
reliance on the pictures he
missed many words because
he thought it was referring to
a previous picture. This was a
common mistake made.
With SC, Logan relied mostly
on visual. He would look at
what letter started the word
and go from there.
Only two of the nine errors,
he SC. Other times he sped
on passed them.
The two SC he repeated the
whole sentence to fix the
two errors.
Logan seems to rush through
reading rarely focusing on
ABC Test: Letters: 50/54;
Sounds: 49/54
With the ABC test he seems
to know most of the sounds
and letter names of the
alphabet when verballing
speaking them.
It seems that he needs more
instruction and practice
when using the letters and
sounds in spelling words and


Logan reads about 18 words Work on slowing reading Foundational Skills:
per minute but with multiple pace, to increase accuracy Fluency RF.1.4
errors Work on word stress and Read with sufficient accuracy
With this particular story he meaning and fluency to support
seemed to read in sets of comprehension
three words A: Read grade-level text with
He paused at periods purpose and understanding
He used no stress on bolded B: Read grade-level text
words. orally with accuracy,
appropriate rate, and
expression on successive
C: Use context to confirm or
self-correct word recognition
and understanding,
rereading as necessary.


Comprehension: 4(limited) Within the Text: Within the Text:
Within the text: 3 Slow Logans reading to Literature.
Logan was able to sum up ensure better retention. Key Ideas and Details: RL.1.2
the story in a simple manner, Retell stories, including key
but was not sequential. details, and demonstrate
understanding of their
central message or lesson.

Beyond & About the Text: 1 Beyond & About the Text: Beyond & About the Text:
Had very limited Practice retention and Literature
understanding from beyond discussion. Craft and Structure: RL. 1.4
the text. Noticed the girls Identify words and phrases
were friends but did not see in stories or poems that
the meaning of love on the suggest feelings or appeal to
last page. He said it was the senses.
different because the word
was bolded.
Didnt notice any
measurement to the
activities they liked to do
most or least.


Writing: 1 (Reflects limited) Work on one to one Writing:
Logan was able to respond correspondence of letters Text Types and Purposes:
on topic but was not able to and their different sounds W.1.2 Write
write in full sentences. when writing. informative/explanatory
His writing is almost illegible Work on spacing between texts in which they name a
and is misspelled. There is words. topic, supply some facts
hardly any phonemic Work on alphabet and about the topic, and provide
awareness and words are sounds some sense of closure.
unrecognizable unless Language:
hearing him speak as he Literacy 1.1 Demonstrate
writes. command of the conventions
He listed five things the of standard English grammar
characters liked to do. and usage when writing or
Asked him to draw pictures speaking.
to accompany his writing J: Produce and expand
and he was unable to stay complete simple and
on topic so failed to draw comound declarative,
any pictures. interrogative, imperative,
Verbally he answered the and exclamatory sentences
prompt fully, and he wrote in response to prompts.
those answers in his own Literacy 1.2 Demonstrate
form of handwriting and command of the conventions
spelling. of standard English
VA Lik Tu Bak, Va Lik To capitalization, punctuation,
Red, Pay tu, Va Li tu Pat, and spelling when writing
Va Sled. B: Use end punctuation for
He does write left to right sentences
and top to bottom. D: Use conventional spelling
Didnt give any extra specific for words with common
details in answer to prompt spelling patterns and for
frequently occurring
irregular words.

Teacher Candidate: Andria Starr

Student: L****

Instructional Level:

USING WELL: Lessons: Foundational Skills:

Score: 3/15 spelled correctly c,h,f,d Print Concepts: RF.1.1
Before Emergent would be l, k, j, w Demonstrate understanding
independent b, m, r, s of the organization and basic
Initial Consonants: 5/7 y, z, v features of print.
Final Consonants: 5/7 i/u Phonological Awareness:
Short Vowels: 5/7 e/i/o/u RF.1.2 Demonstrate
ap/ag understanding of spoken
op/ot/og words, syllables, and sounds
un/ut/ug (phonemes).
A: Distinguish long from
short vowel sounds in
spoken single-syllable words.
Phonics and Word
Recognition: RF.1.3 Know
and apply grade-level
CONFUSING: phonics and word analysis
Emergent Late: Consonants skills in decoding words.
would be instructional A: Know the spelling-sound
Digraphs: 0/3 correspondence for common
Blends: 1/5 consonant digraphs
Common Long Vowels: 0/7 C: Know final e and
Other Vowels: 0/1 common vowel team
Inflected Endings: 0/1 conventions for representing
Tends to write some letters long vowel sounds.
backwards, such as the
lowercase d.

Teacher Candidate: Andria Starr

Student: L****


RHYMING: 3/5 on first sheet RHYMING: RHYMING:

6/10 with both sheets Read some rhyming books RF. Phonological Awareness
Took a long time in deciding to the student 1.2 Demonstrate
what rhymed When reading pause and point understanding of spoken
Had some teacher guidance out words that rhyme words, syllables, and sounds
Also ask student to find which
of, Do you think thats two words rhyme
right? Illustrations will help, and 1.2 C Isolate and pronounce
Not really any pattern practice will too initial, medial vowel, and final
o After reading aloud rhyming sounds (phonemes) in spoken
books, follow up with single, syllable words.
INITIAL SOUND: 100% on activity:
pictures and oral o Have students sort pictures by
Verbally said the words to rhymes.
himself in deciding the
No further instruction N/A
No further instruction N/A
Went through them really SEGMENTING: SEGMENTING:
fast Robot Talk: RF. Phonological Awareness
Feel that on the mistakes it 1. As the robot leader, say this
1.2 Demonstrate
was because he was rushing rhyme in a robot voice and have understanding of spoken
and didnt hear correctly the students respond: I am a words, syllables, and sounds
robot. Can you help me? Can you (phonemes).
tell me what I see? I see a /c/ /a/ 1.2 C Isolate and pronounce
2. Encourage the students to
initial, medial vowel, and final
SEGMENTING: 7/10 repeat the rhyme in robot talk sounds (phonemes) in spoken
Sped through the process and then blend the final word to single, syllable words.
Missed trip because he answer the robots question. 1.2 D Segment spoken single-
segmented it by /tr/ /ip/. o Boxed words. syllable words into their
Missed pad because he o Once the word is said have complete sequence of
the student slide the letters
heard /d/ as /t/. (he was of the word into each box as
individual sounds
rushing) they come to the sound. (phonemes).
Segmented tool into /t/ Then have the child slide
/ool/ their finger under and sound
out the word.

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