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Theres a man who wake in a metal elevator.

He looked around himself and find so many supplies

around him. He dont where is this elevator gonna take him. But when the elevator reached its end, the
door above him opened. He was surrounded by some people there. Because hes so scared and
confused, he takes off running. But then he got tripped and fall and he realize he was in a small glade
surrounded by huge walls.

There is a man who approached him, his name is Alby and hes the leader of this glade, because hes the
first man who has come to this glade. Alby give this man a tour and explain to him of what just
happened. He said that once in a month, the box or the metal elevator will send supplies to this glade
such as food, goods, and new man (greenie). They dont know who send it, but they just take it to lived
and survived. Then this new man asked Alby why he cant remember anything includes his own name.
Alby said that its normal, everyone in this glade doesnt remember anything and their name first too,
but they will only remember their name in a couple of day. So for a while, this new man will be called
Greenie by the gladers (people who lived in the glade). The greenie then asked Alby about the giant
walls that surrounded this glade, why is it covered by walls and whats outside the walls. Alby said the
rules in this glade, is to do your own job and dont go though that walls. Then Alby introduce the new
greenie to a boy named Chuck, he is the one whos in charge with him. After Albys gone he go to the
walls and see a huge door which is opened. Outside the door is like a way to somewhere, Chuck said
that it was a maze. The new Greenie almost go to the maze until hes being stopped by a guy named
Gally. He doesnt understand why cant he go into the maze.

Night has come, The door of the maze was closed. All the gladers gathered and light up a fire. They are
feasting and celebrating the coming of the new greenie. Newt the vice leader, was sit next to the
greenie. The Greenie asked him why doesnt anyone in here not try to come out of this glade. Then
Newt said that theyre tried their best to escape from this glade but still not find the way out. Their only
hope is the runner. There are several jobs in this glade which is builder who makes the shelter and other
goods, a slicer who cooks the food, a doctor who healed people and the most difficult and dangerous
job is a runner. The runner is the only one who can go in and out the maze. Theyre the fastest and the
strongest in the glade and the leader of a runner is a man named Minho. Minho and the other runners
had been searching and mapping the maze in three years. Hear that the greenie asked why havent they
found anything. Then Newt said that its not easy to find it because the Maze was changing every night.
Suddenly a creepy screaming was heard from the maze. Newt said it was Grievers, A creature that living
in the maze at night. Nobody has ever seen it and nobody has ever survived in the maze in one night.

After hearing the explanation from Newt, The new greenie was challenge by Gally to fight him. Theyre
fighting and then the new greenie was slammed into the ground really hard in his head. But thanks to
that he remembers his name. He shouts it out loud that his name was Thomas. The New curious
greenies name is Thomas. After the party everyone go to sleep

That night Thomas has a dream. Its full of fleeting images about a laboratory, but then there was an
woman says, Wicked is good. Thomas immediately woke up from his sleep. And surprised to find Alby
next to him covering Thomas mouth with his hand so Thomas not gonna scream and wake up the other
glader. Alby takes Thomas around to show him more of the sites. There was wall with a many names
carved into it. There all the name of the people in the glade, but some name has been crossed to
indicate that person is already dead. Alby told Thomas to carve his name in the wall too, because hes
the member of this glade.
Its a bright day in the afternoon. Every gladers were doing their own job. Thomas was told to get a
fertilizer in the woods. And suddenly he was attacked by other glader called Ben. Ben was acting
strange. While theyre fighting, Ben said This is all your fault. I saw you. Thomas hit Ben in the head,
and then he ran away, calling for help with Ben chasing him. But all the gladers stop him and bring him
to the pit and lock Ben there. After what happened Alby explain to Thomas that Ben has been stung by
griever in the middle of day. No one knows how. If someone has being stung by Griever they turn likes
Ben, says something that doesnt make any sense. And it will only gonna get worse. The disease is
spreading. The only way to handle it is to banish Ben to maze. And they dont have any choice but to do

That night Thomas has another dream. Its more of the lady assuring him that Wicked is good, but now
he also remembers himself and a girl about the same age sitting across from each other at work stations
going over diagnostics.

The next day, Alby and Minho go to the maze to follow Bens track and find out what happens. It rains
during the day. Now its getting late but Alby and Minho still hasnt returned. All the gladers gather
around the entrance to the maze. Just as the door was about to close, Minho appears with a very
injured Alby. Nobody goes to the maze and help him. The door is about to close. Thomas rushes into the
maze to help them, but the door close behind him. Night has come, the three of them stuck in the maze.
Minho and Thomas use vines on the wall to suspend Albys body and try to keep it safe from the
Grievers. It appears that Alby was stung while inside the maze. The sounds of the maze changing,
Thomas and Minho peeking from the wall where Alby hang up. There is a Griever coming from the maze
wall that just only change. Minho immediately ran away leaving Thomas who was still hold the vines to
keep Alby hang up. Thomas confused of what to do. He hides under the roots and plants that grow in
the wall. As the griever is passing him, Thomas saw the griever. It was a creature which is half robot and
half living things. The lower body is robot with many legs like spider, and the upper body was a creature
he doesnt know with pointy teeth, sharp eyes, no ears, look a little bit like an insect. After the griever
passing him, Thomas tied the vines to the root so that Alby wont fall. Then he ran away, but the griever
found him. He was chased by the griever. Until he found Minho and they both ran for their lifes. There is
wall that changing, Minho used that as the chance to run from that griever, He ran through the wall that
about to close. But Thomas not, He lure the griever to chase him. The griever comes and chase him. He
ran through the wall that about to close. The griever is right behind him. The wall almost close, Thomas
made it out and the griever was crushed by the walls because it cant make it. So they both go back to
the glade in the morning with Alby who is still unconscious. Everyone in the glade wait for them in front
of the door. Theyre surprised that the three of them were made it out from the maze. But the most
surprised thing is that Thomas has just killed a griever.

The next day Gally calls for a meeting of the Gladers. Most are excited that Thomas killed a Griever.
Theres another group though, lead by Gally who feel that the rules they have were put in place to keep
everyone safe and ever since Thomas arrived things have changed like Grievers attacking during the
day. And, speaking of things changing, the elevator arrives. Everyone run out to check what the
elevator brought. Inside there are no supplies, only a girl. She was unconscious. But suddenly shes
awake and says, Thomas, and she passed out again. Theres a note in her hands written, Shes the
last one ever.

To be continued
Part two

Everyone so curious about the note and the girl. Why a girl, and what is the meaning of Shes the last
one ever note. But the only way to figure it out is waiting until the girl awakes. The next day in the
morning Thomas was being called by Minho to a place where nobody except Alby and the runners can
enter it. Thomas asked Minho why did he brought him here. And Minho said to Thomas that he was
runner starting from today. He showed him a miniature of the maze which was the result of their
mapping for these three years. Thomas was surprised to see that. Minho and Thomas then talked about
a plan to escape. And then theres a sound outside. Hearing that Minho rushing to the door and opened
it, but he saw nobody. He thought that someone must be eavesdrop their plan and peeking the maps.
But why? After that the doctor came to them to telling them that the girl was conscious and she was
calling for Thomas.

Thomas and Minho ran to the treatment camp. At there he meets the girl. The girl tells her name was
Teresa. It was for a person who just comes out from a box yesterday, because she could remember her
name so fast. She seems to know something. But suddenly Alby conscious and went berserk, everyone
in there dont know what to do with him, theyre just hold Alby of from attacking Thomas. Then Teresa
toke an injection out of her pocket and inject it to Albys body. Alby went unconscious again. She said it
was the antidote of the grievers stung venom. Thomas question her why she had such a thing. Teresa
would like to talked to him in private. Theyre both go out from the room. Teresa told Thomas to save
everyone, help them escape from this glade immediately. Thomas confused and asked her why. Teresa
told Thomas everything she knows. She told him that she was the member of the organization named
W.C.K.D who sent all the people of the glade here, and she told him that he was the member too.
Thomas surprised after hearing the organizations name. It reminded him about his dream where there is
a woman said Wicked is good. And he just remember that he saw Teresa in his dream, but hes still
cant remember everything. Teresa told him that all about this maze, glade, and survive things was the
worked of W.C.K.D research. They were researching the human brain. On the outside world there was
deadly virus that attacks humans brain. A lot of people died from the virus. To prevent more victims,
the organization made this research to know the development of humans brain about how to survive.
That way it can help the organization about how to stop the virus. Teresa also told Thomas that the
grievers venom was actually the sample of the virus. So the symptom of the person who got attack by
thin virus is almost the same as the symptom of the person who got stung by grievers but worse than it.
Thomas surprised to hear that. Then Teresa said that the antidote she gave to Alby was kind of a
sedative to neutralize the Grievers venom, it can also made his brain memorize go back again. It was a
little success of the W.C.K.D research.

But the most important thing she wanted to tell Thomas is that the organization wanted to stop this
research. It means that the organization wants to killed everyone in this glade including Thomas. She
said she tried her best to save everyone in the glades from the laboratory. But she got stop by the
organization and was sent here to get killed too. Luckily she could still got two of the antidote and she
brought a key which is the way out to escape the maze. Thomas still couldnt believe what Teresa just
said. Then he heard a sound from a bush behind him and knowing that Gally has been eavesdropping
their conversation all along. Thomas asked him why but Gallys not answering. Then he heard the doctor
calling him, told him that Alby is gain his conscious again. After got into treatment camp, Thomas saw
Alby sitting on the bed with a blank stare. Alby said he remember everything. Thomas then took the
other antidote from Teresa and injected himself. He fainted. He had a dream about his memory, its
exactly like Teresa told him. Then he awake in a couple hour. Its already night. He found himself woke
up on the bed in the treatment room. When he got out, he saw everybody were gathering and
panicking. Theyre panicked because the door of the maze wasnt closing. And worst of all, the other
doors that never been opened was opened now. Suddenly many of griever were coming out from the
doors. Everyone was ran for their live and helped each other so that no ones died. But still many of them
died. It was a horrible night. Some of them were survived. There are Thomas, Teresa, Alby, Newt,
Minho, and chuck. But Gally survived to with a few other gladers. Tomorrow in the morning they were
still shocked about last night. They were losing hope. Looking at that, Thomas stand up and told
everybody that we can still escape this place. He said there is still a hope. Teresa shows them the key to
escape the maze. Thomas shouts that he rather died trying than do nothing. Everybody agreed with him
and prepared everything to go to the maze.

Theyre all went into the maze. They met so much Grievers in there. Chuck was almost killed but he was
saved by Newt. Alby and Minho killed two grievers but there was still many of them. Theyre all in a
difficult situation. Thomas dont know what to do and where to go. If its continued liked this everyone
will die. Then he suddenly hears Gally shout I know the way out, Hurry follow me. He want to asked
him but theres no time for that. Thomas told everyone to followed Gally. While following Gally, they
were chased by so many Grievers. They keep ran away until they got into a tunnel and there was a door
in there. Teresa try the key into that door and it seems to work. But there is a password to opened it.
Nobody knows whats the password is. The Grievers were right behind them. Thomas and the other
were tried their best to hold the griever while Teresa and Chuck thinking about the password. But
suddenly Gally pushed Teresa to move away, and he push the buttons as he knows the password.
Weirdly the door was opened. Gally told everyone to come inside. They were rushing into the door, and
when everyone has come in, Thomas closed the door so that the Grievers dont come in. After the door
closed theyre all keep walking until they found a laboratory room. It was Thomas and Teresa work
place, but the strange is there are nobody there. After they got there, there was a video with an old
woman that Thomas saw in his dream. She said congratulation for finished the maze trial. In the video,
the old woman explain to everyone just like what Teresa said to Thomas. After the video over everyone
still confused and couldnt accepted of what the ol woman just said. But anyway theyre all finished the
maze trial and made it to survived. They couldnt be more happier.

But then Gally said that it wasnt over yet. Thomas always wanted to asked Gally all this time about why
he is eavesdropping his conversation at the time with Teresa and Minho, Why he know the way out of
the maze when he s not even a runner, why he knows the door password, and what is his meaning of its
not over yet. Gallys only laughed and explained that he was some sort of spy of W.C.K.D to help them
with the research by spying the progress of the gladers. He said he helped them because that is the part
of plan to see the gladers whose strong enough to survive from this trial. He said that because nobody in
the glade were tried harder to escape the maze. They were all just counting the runners. So the
organization decided to send all the grievers to killed them and see who can escape. Hearing that,
Thomas was full in anger. Gally said that this organization only need a usefull person as he pointed a gun
to chuck. He said that Chuck is not needed so he decide to killed him. Befor that happened Minho
immediately throw a knife to Gally. It was so fast until just realized that he has been stabed. Gallys
dead. Everyone relieved but suddenly the door was opened and there were a bunch of soldiers came in
and picked them up . Thomas and the other dont know where theyre being taken. But any way they
were made it out escape this placed

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