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Foundation Representatives should review the agenda

and decide whether there are any sessions w hich
they believe would not be appropriate for them
to attend, o r prefer to attend in th eir personal
capacities. Democracy Alliance staff and cou nsel
are available to d iscuss any Questions about the
content of the sessions.

The Democracy Alliance strives to create a safe place for
progressive funders and movement leaders to meet and discuss
issues of common interest, develop relationships through
dialogue and networking, and engage in conversations about
progressive ideas and strategies .

One of the primary purposes of this conference is to generate support for Alliance
Partner' Organizations and engage in diverging perspectives connected to shaping
political and policy transformation in Am erica. In order to create a comfortable
environment for everyone, we politely request that attendees not solicit one
another for p rojects outside the DA's purview at DA events.

DA conference participants are entitled to the expectation that their conference

experience and their identity should remain confidential. In o rder to keep faith with
that expectation. we ask Partners and guests to:

Respect the privacy of others and not shan~ Partners' names o r details of the
conference w i th the press or post to personal media channels including, but
not limi ted to, Facebook, Tw itter. l nstagra m, YouTube. etc.

Contact Elizabeth Bartolomeo at ebartolomeo@dem or

(202) 255-2677 ii you are contacted by the media o r a blogger about the

Refrain fro m leaving sensitive materials out where other s may find them.
We ask that all attendees dispose of unwanted conference materials in
specially-ident,fiod recycling b ins.

Please wear your name badge while within the conference area. and m ake sure
it is clearly visible to staff when entering the ballroom and meeting rooms.


November 15, 2017

Welcome to La Costa Resort for the Democracy Alliance Fall Investment Conference, Beyond #Resistance:
Reclaiming our Progressive Future.

One year ago, we met in Washington. DC, only days after th e most cataclysmic election of modern history,
to come together and talk about what had just happened. At the spring donor summit, we mapped
ambitious plans to rebuild progressive power in the states and defend democratic n orms against the
assaults of the new Trump Administration.

This week we meet to report on progress. celebrate last week's victories for progressives from coast to
coast. learn from our shortfalls, and chart a course forward.

W ith so many important issues on the table this year. no single conference can sufficiently provide the
in-depth attention they all deserve. As we have always done, this conference brings together recognized
progressive leaders from established beacons of our cause with those leading the new resistance
movement nationally and vital efforts in battleground states.

Over the next four days, we'll work together on many key challenges, including:

Turning resistance energy into electoral action

Mobilizing low~propensity voters in the progressive base and reaching out beyond rt
Fighting to take back the states

Learning from the health care fight, and suiting up for the next big legislative battles
of tax reform, jobs, and infrastructure

Discussing why the economy is central - what we've done wrong and how to
get it right

Understanding how this year's extreme weather disasters are making climate change
an even more urgent political issue.

In short talks throughout the conference. we'll hear calls to action on the fight for the dreamers, religious
exemption" laws that gut civil rights protections. and election security. The agenda also offers deep-dive,
Partner-sponsored sessions on topics such as social media and elections. California's progressive template.
and the importance of prosecutor races.

As always, Partners will have opportunities for frank exchanges about items of interest and or concern to
the DA community.

It's been a challenging year, i n which all of us are working to rebuild political strength while fighting to
protect our democratic institutions and global security from unprecedented threats. The Democracy
Alliance doesn't have all the answers - but in our diverse and spirited community, we can challenge one
another in civil and constructive discussions so the critical work we do together has the impact we want
and of which our country so desperately deserves.

Thanks for being here, and for all you do for a progressive future.

Gara LaMarche
t ~
John Stocks



11:30 - 1:30 p.m. State Victory Fund Board Meeting (SVF Board Members Only) (Azalea)
1:00 p.m. Registration Desk Opens [Costa del Sol)
2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Committee on States Meeting (By Invitation Only) (Orc hid)
4:00 - S:00 p.m . DA Board Meeting (DA Board Members Only) (Azalea)
4:30 - S:30 p .m. Partner-Hosted Caucus Meetings
Social Networks and Politics: Dangerous Liaisons? [ Salon A]
The Peoria Project: A New Way Forward [Salon BJ
California Orea min'? California Leadin' ! [Salon C]
The NEXT Majority: How Virginia's Women Candidates, Activists, [Salon FJ
and Voters Provide a Playbook for the 2018 Elections
S:30 - 7:00 p.m. Welcome Reception (Partners Only) [Costa del Sol Terrace)
7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Welcome Dinner & Program: Resistance Turns to the Ballot Box [Costa del Sol]
9:00 - 11:00 p.m. Late-Night Networking ( Bob's Steak House]


8:00 - 9:00 a.m. Breakfast Buffet (Partners Only) (Costa del Sol Foyer]
8 :00 - 8:45 a.m. Prospective Partner Breakfast (Prospective Partners Only) (Salon A]
9:00 -11:30 a.m. Partner Forum 1: Community Discussion (Partners Only) [ Salons F, G. H]
11 :30 a.m. -1:15 p.m. Lunch Program: How We Win ... Mobilizing the Electorate [Costa del Sol]
tor a Progressive Future
1:4S - 2:4S p .m . Next Fights of the Resistance and the 2018 Midterms
Infrastructure, Taxes. and 2018: From Defense to Offense (Costa del Sol]
The Health Care Resistance and What We Built: What it ( Salons F, G, HJ
Means for the Tax Fight and 2018
3:lS - 4:30 p.m. Afternoon Program: Winning in the States - Girding Up for 2018 [Costa del Sol]
4:30 - 6:00 p.m. DA State Fair (Costa del Sol Foyer)
6:00 - 7:00 p .m. Cocktail Reception (Costa del Sol Foyer)
7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Dinner & Program: Going Outside the Bubble - [Costa def Sol)
What We Can Learn from Listening to and Studying
Grassroots Movements, Including on the Right
9:lS - 10:30 p.m. DA Late-Night: Screening of Heather Booth - Changing the World (Las Palmas]
9:00 - 11:00 p.m. Late-Night Networking (Bob's Steak House]

8 :00 - 9 :00 a .m . Breakfast Buffet (Costa del Sol Foyer)

9:00 - 9:15 a.m. Not Just About Cakes .. Religious Exemptions [Costa del Sol]
Take Aim at Civil Rights
9:15 - 10:30 a.m . Morning Program: How to Make Climate Progress [Costa del Sol]
In the Age of Oenlal
10:45 - 10:50 a.m. Progressi ve Priorites [Costa del Sol]
10:50 - 11:45 a.m. A Talk with George Soros [Costa del Soll
12:15 1:25 p .m. Lunch & Program: Getting the Economic Narrative Right ( Costa del Sol]
1:25 - 1:30 p.m. Voting Integrity In Danger [Costa del Soll
2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Partner-Hosted Caucus Meetings
I AM 2018 [Salon CJ
Prosecutor Races - Winning Big in 2018? (Salon BJ
The Virgi nia 2017 Elections: A Quick Study [Salon Al
Aligning New and Traditional Resistance Energy to Win [ Las PalmasJ
3:30 - 4 :30 p.m. Partner-Hosted Caucus Meetings
Building a Progressive Narrative i n a Trump Bubble - [Salon AJ
Yes It Can Be Done!
Cybersecurity for U.S. El ections (Salon BJ
How to Win in 2018: Lessons from the Ground (Salon CJ
4:30 5 :30 p.m. Afternoon Break
5:30 - 7:00 p.m. Partner Forum 2: Commi tting Resources (Partners Onl y) (Salons F, G, H]
7:00 - 9 :30 p .m. Dinner & Program: Moving Beyond #Resistance - (Clubhouse Terrace]
Learning from the Past, Moblllzing for the Future
9 :30 - 11 :00 p.m. LateNlght Networking [Bob's Steak House]


8 :00 - 8:30 a.m. Breakfast Buffet (Salons F, G, HJ

8 :30 - 10:00 a .m. Brunch and a Democratic Town Hall [ Salons F, G , HJ


11:30 -1:30 p.m. State Victory Fund Board Meeting (SVF Board Members Only)
1:00p.m. Registration Desk Opens
2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Committee on States Meeting (By Invitation Only)
4:00 - 5:00 p.m. DA Board Meetlng (DA Board Members Only)
4:30 - 5:30 p.m. Partner-Hosted Caucus Meetings
Social Net-rks and Politics: Dangerous Ualsons?
The Peoria Project: A New Way Forward
California Dreamln'? Callfomla Leadln'I
The NEXT Majority: How Virginia's Women Candidates, Activists,
and Votars Provide a Playbook for the 2018 Elections
5:30 - 7:00 p.m. Welcome Reception (Partners Only)
7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Welcome Dinner & Program: Resistance TUrns to the Ballot Box
9:00 - 11:00 p.m. Late-Night Networking : ..

11:30 - 1:30 p.m.

State Victory Fund Board Meeting (SVF Board Members Only) [Azalea)

1:00 p.m.
Registration Desk Opens [Costa del Sol)

2:00 - 4:00 p.m.

Committee on States Meeting (By Invitation Only) [Orchid]

4:00 - 5:00 p.m.

DA Board Meetin9 (DA Board Members Only) (Azalea]
4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Partner-Hosted Caucus Meetings

Social Networks and Politics: Dangerous Liaisons? (Salon A]

Hosted by Amalgamated Bank, Suzanne and Jim Gollin, Brina Milikowsky, Faye and Sandor Straus. Debbie
Sa/kind. and John Schwartz
How can we harness social networks and social media to drive progressive change and win elections?
Beyond fake news and filter bubbles, this discussion will explore the power and the limitations of social
networks. and introduce tools and organizations identified and supported by New Media Ventures that
are doing cutting-edge work 1n that realm. This discussion will include Ampllfy Co-Founder and DA
Partner David Slifka, Pantsuit Nation Chief Operating Officer Cat Plein, and VoterCircle Chief Executive
Officer Sangoeth Peruri, and will be moden,ted by New Media Ventures Principal Julie Menter.

The Peoria Project: A New Way Forward [Salon BJ

Hosted by Corridor Partners, David desJardins. NEA. Pat Stryker. and the Wallace Global Fund
The Peoria ProJect is designed to help us better understand, engage, and persuade the electorate.
Catalist CEO Laura Quinn and Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research Partner Anna Greenberg will present.
for the first time, research findings on the electorate-particularly around subjective perceptions and
values frames. This effort has the potential to provide our movement with a more complete view and
understanding of voter, and new digital communication approaches that are essential to making critical
gains in 2018 and regaining our innovation edge. This unique research layers and correlates values
frameworks to individual voting behaviors and individual characteristicsat very large scale. This new
landscape analysis. of all parts of the electorate, will offer a rich understanding of the self-perception,
values frameworks, fears and aspirations, economic and social condition. and civic behavior of voters.

Califomla Dreamln'? California Leadin'! [Salon CJ

Hosted by Susan Sandler and Steve Phillips, UFCW, the Ettinger Foundation, the JK Irwin Foundation, and
Molly Munger and Steve English
As California goes, so goes the nation. Progressive donors, organized labor. and community-based
organizations are building aligned collaborations. coalitions, and coordinated field programs to beat back
corporate Democrats, pass progressive policies, prepare tor congressional. state. and local candidate
races. and win bold ballot Initiatives in 2018 and beyond. Join us to learn and support these efforts
to champion women's rights. racial justice, economic fairness, criminal justice (eform, worker rights,
and the fight against climate change. Join special guests including California Calls Vice President tor
Organizing and Field Programs Karla Zombro, Voices for Progress California State Director Sandra Fluke,
and California Donor Table 01rector Ludovic Blain and hear about exciting efforts to win Cahfornia's
congressional and district attorney races. scale-up the Million Voter Project and Make It Fair Campaign to
reform Prop 13; and other 2018 opportunities to make Calirornia a bellwether for the country.

The NEXT Majority: How Virginia's Women Candidates, Activists, (Salon FJ

and Voters Provide a Playbook for the 2018 Elections
Hosted by Fran Rodgers, Marcy Carsey. Shelley Rubin, the Tioga Fund. and the Women Donors Network
Progressives were horrified and perplexed when most white women voters chose Donald Trump over
Hillary Clinton. But anger over the election inspired many women to become first time candidates and
activists. The first electoral test of the "gender resistance" is in Virginia 2017. Join this caucus to hear
from the Women Effect Action Fund's team-Civix Strategy Group Founder and CEO Karen Hicks
and Analyst Institute Executive Director Aaron Strauss-about their fascinating test on mobilizing and
persuading women voters now. Here from Emerge America President Andrea Dew Steele about Virginia's
unprecedented success in training and fielding women candidates. Jo,n the conversation on translating
the recent surge in grassroots women's activism into policy and electoral wins for all progressives-and
how those lessons can be applied in 2018.
5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Welcome Reception (Partners Only)
[Cost-0 del Sol Terrace)
DA Partners and Foundation Subscribers are invited to join California
Secretary of State A lex Padilla for a special reception welcoming new
Partners to the DA and everyone to California.

7:00 - 9:00 p.m.

Welcome Dinner & Program: Resistance Turns to the Ballot Box (Partners Only) [Costa del Soll

Opening remarks from OA Partner Suzanne Gollin and Democracy

Alliance President Gara LaMarche.
In the face of unrelenting daily assaults on our rights, protections, and
liberties, American dem0<::racy is being held together by large and
small actions on the local level. A vibrant grassroots resistance has
emerged in the streets, at town halls. and yes. at libn~ries, youth sports
events, and supermarket parking lots. It gives us hope, and has stowed
the rightwing agenda. What next? What has staying power? And how
is g rassroots energy being translated into electoral impact?
DA Partner Democracy Alliance
Women Donors Network Vice President to, Strategy and Member
Engagement Jeni fer Fernandez Ancona will ex.plore these and other
Questions with NARAL Pro-Choice America President Ilyse Hogue. Fllppable Co-Founder and CEO Catherine
Vaughan, EMILY's List Vice President to, National Outreach and Training Muthoni Wambu Kraal,
and Women Effect Fund Executive Director Simone Ward.

ACONA NARAL Pro-Choice Flippable KRAAL Women Effect Fund
women Donors America EMILY'S List

9:00 - 11:00 p.m.

LateNlght Networking [Bobs Steak House)

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8:00 - 9:00 a.m.

Breakfast Buffet (Partners Only) (Salons F. G, HJ

8:00 - 8:45 a.m.

Prospective Partner Breakfast (Prospective Partners Only) [Salon Al
Prospective DA Partners are invited to get acQuainted w ith the DA. its staff,
and the Membership Committee over breakfast.

9:00 - 11:30 a.m.

Partner Forum 1: Community Discussion (Partners Only)
(Salons F, G. HJ
In this Partners-only part of the conference that will be a m ix of large group and table
discussions, DA leadership will review the past year and ask Partners for their guidance in
formulating strategies and theories of change for 2018, review the new Partner Code of
Conduct. solicit input from Partner working groups. and prepare for Saturday's d iscussion
with Democratic Party leaders.

More Money More People for More Change-Progressive Mult ip lier Fund
President and Founder Philip Radford will discuss how funding replicable innovation in Progressive
small dollar fundraising could unlock the full potential of the progressive movement. Multiplier Fund
11:30 - 1:15 p.m.
Lunch & Program: How We Win - Mobilizing the Electorate for a Progressive Future
(Costa d el Sol)
Opening remarks by Nati onal Education A ssoci ation Executive Director and
Democracy Alliance Board Chair John Stocks.
In every state where New American Majority-led organizations were
fully funded to mobilize their communities In last year's election. these
o rganizations overperformed. Yet. t he number of places where these
o rganizations were funded to scale was m inimal. If we k now that New
American Majority-led o rganizations can deliver votes, why are we not
investing more in these o rganizations? This discussion will examine the
reasons why New Am erican Major ity voters are staying hom e and t he
continued underinvestment in New American Maiotity led organizations
We'll first hear from SEIU International President Mary Kay Henry. New
American Majority Fund Director Dave Montez will t hen lead a conversation
w ith voices from the field including Ohio Student Association Executive
Director Prentiss Haney, Virginia Black Leadership Organizing Collaborative
Oirecto, Marci a Pri ce, Center for Communi ty Change Action President and
Center for Community Change Vice President Dorian Warren, and NextGen Climate Executive Vice President
for Political Strategy Sky Gallegos exploring the batrlers that exist. offer solutions worthy o f investment, and
address hard questions. including how we reconcile an approach that puts the New Am erican Majotity at the
center o f o ur progressive agenda that must unite the interests of many.


SEIU New American Ohio Student
Majority Fund Association


Virginia Black Center for N extGen Climate
Leadership Oraganizing community Change
1:45 - 2:45 p.m.
Next Fights of the Resistance and the 2018 Midterms

Infrastructure, Taxes, and 2018: From Defense to Offense [Costa dcl Sol]
"It's gonna be a massive tax cut, the biggest tax cut ever." Oonald Trump
'"If we can deliver (on infrastructure], we'll get 60% of the white vote, 409' of the black and Hispanic vote,
and we'll govern for SO years." Steve Bannon
Two Issues central to the Trump/Republican agenda will dominate tho public debate between now and
November 2018 - tax cuts now, and jobs and infrastructure next year. There are campaigns underway
involving many DA-supported organizations that aim to stiffen and amplify Democratic opposition. Only
then do the contradictions inside the Republican Party explode and provide us the opportunity to turn
the public against proposals that are giveaways to corporations and the rich. This unity will be harder to
achieve on infrastructure spending that it was on health care, but it is by no means impossible.
Learn how progressives are organizing the legislative. in-district. public education, and advocacy p ieces
of next years jobs and infrastructure fight, how it relates to and builds on the tax cut battle, and why
these high-stakes fights are so central to the m id-terms with Catalist CEO Laura Quinn, Indivisible
Political Director Marla Urbina, and Communications Workers of America Assistant to the Vice President
Bob Master.


Catalist lndivisbte Workers of America
1:45 - 2:45 p.m.
Next Fights of the Resistance and the 2018 Midterms (continued)

The Health care Resistance and What We Built: What it Means for the Tax Fight and 2018 (Salons F. G. HJ
The fight for economic and racial justice is a fight that must include a fight for health care-universal
coverage, quality care, and investment i n social determinants..and the fight for health care must
engage and activate people who care about racial and economic justice. Two key opportunities to
make those essential connections and carry the fight forward are: tying $1.5 trillion in Medicaid and
Medicare cuts to massive tax breaks for the 1% and large corporations, and the 2018 elections. si nce
the attack on health care will be a powerful theme in 2018, when critical Senate and gubernatorial
elections create opportunities for engaging communities of color and demanding accountability.
Looking forward to 2020, as long as the basics of the law are in place, states can make it work and
are the key bulwark against Trump administration sabotage. Policy and electoral success i n the
states-and fights in places where states are not doing their iob-will position progressives to take
advantage of opportuniti es in 2020.
Special guests Include Center for American Progress President Neera Tanden, Health Care fo r
America Now Co-Executive Director Margarlda Jorge, Famllles USA Executive Olrector Frederick
ls.asl, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Senior Advisor Jacob Llebenluft, Community Catalyst
Executive Director Robert Restuccia, and Planned Parenthood for America Executive Vice President
and Chief Experience Officer Dawn Laguens.


Center for Amencan Health Care tor Families USA
Progress America now


Center on Budget Community Catalyst Planned Parenthood
and Policy Priorities of America
3:15 - 4:30 p.m.
Afternoon Program: Winning In the States - Girding Up for 2018
[Costa del Soll
The Democracy Alliances 2020 Vision has articulated the need to
build permanent progressive power in states. Given the erosion of
electoral power progressives have seen over the last several cycles,
the restrictions on civic engagement and voting enacted by the right,
and the differences in organizational capacity and demographics in
each state. how are seasoned organizers in states now viewing the
path to build permanent progressive power? As the election cycle of
2018 approaches. Americans in 36 states will cast ballots in statewide
elections. Can progressives better align resources. programs. and
strategies to achieve better results? What are the ways in which the
Trump era is helping or impeding efforts to build power in states?
Attendees will first hear from Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf-who will face one of the most important
gubernatorial elections in the country in 2018-about the landscape and the state of progressives'
capacity to w in nationwide.
Democracy Alliance Executive Vice President Kim Anderson will then lead a conversation with New
Virginia Majority Co-Executive Director Tram Nguyen. Minnesota Voices Executive Director Sina Black,
and New Mexico Civic Engagement Table Executive Director Oriana Sandoval.
Attendees will also participate in table discussions with in-state leaders about the effort to power-build
and win in the states and to help surface the challenges and opportunities donors have encountered when
considering investments in state work.
Alliance for Youth Action Executive Director Sarah Audelo will then provide an overview of youth
programming and rally attendees for the first-ever DA State Fair.

Democracy Alliance New Virginia Majority Minnesota Voices Mexico Civic Alliance for Youth Action
Engagement Table

4:30 - 6:00 p.m.

DA State Fair. A Meet and Greet (Costa del Sol Foyer)
Following the 2016 election. the Democracy Alliance honed its strategy to focus on building progressive
power in the states. Just as the DA has worked in the past to highlight its portfolio of recommended
national organizations, we also want to extend the opportunity to DA Partners to meet and greet In
state donor table directors-who serve as invaluable resources to the DA and COS donor communities in
guiding investments-and state-based organizational leaders from 18 states prioritized by the DA. These
individuals are working to change the electoral map, build a larger and more permanent progressive base.
help elect progressive elected officials, and enact policies that move us closer to a society that embodies
and lives our progressive values.
6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Ccx:ktall Reception (Costa del Sol Foyer]

7:00 - 9:00 p.m.

Dinner & Program: Going Outside the Bubble - (Costa del Sol]
What We Can Learn from Listening to And Studying Grassroots Movements - Including On the Right
Attendees w ill hear fro m t wo longtime progressive leaders and friends of the Democracy Alliance. van
Jones and Eric Li u, v,ho have new books o ut t hat progressives w ill learn much from. In The Messy Truth
Progressives Need to Confront. Van writes about his effort, after Trump's election. to go out o n the road and
talk to- and understand- Trump voters. He also talked to progressives and reflected deeply on our mistakes.
Hi s book offers a road m ap out of the madness and tough love for both political parties, and offer s a host of
resources to help us bet ter understand the present moment and take action.
In You're More Powerful Than You Think, Eric Liu writes that
old hierarchies and institutio ns are collapsing. From the
upend ing of t he Republican Party by Tea Party activists to
the spread of grassroots movements like Black Li ves Matter
and $ 15 Now, people across the country and across the
political spectrum are reclaiming power. Are we ready for
this age of bottom-up cit izen power? Do we understand
what power truly is, how to claim i t, and how to exerci se it?

9:15 - 10:30 p.m.

DA Late-Night: Screening of Heather Booth:
Changing the world [ Las Pahnas]
"When I asked how to get organized, I was told two words:
Heather Booth. U.S. Senator Elizabeth warren
Join fellow conference at tend ees for glass of w ine
and a screening of a wond erful film that traces the
ongoing legacy of activist, comm unity o rganizer. and DA
com munity member Heather Booth. In telling the story of
Heather's life and work, the film p resents an over view of 50
years of the progressive movement and a manual o n how
to become an organ zer. The screening will be followed by
brief r emarks by Heather Booth.

9:00 - 11:00 p.m.

Late-Night Networking [Bobs Steak House)

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l:IO - 7:00 p.m. Para. Fonlm 2: Commltllog Ano..-- <Parawa OnlY)
7:00 - t:IO p.m. DI_ I ProgNm: MOlllng a.,and IRHlatll-
L111111i19 " - Ille PMt Moblllllng fw Ille l'ubft
l".JO 11:00 p.m. LIII-NIIIM Nee-rtdng

8:00 - 9:00 a.m.

Breakfast Buffet [Costa dcl Sol Foyer]

9:00 - 9:15 a.m.

Opening Remarks: Not Just About Cakes - Religious Exemptions Take Alm at Clvll Rights
[Costa del Sol]
Movement Advancement Project Executive Duector lneke Mushovic will explain why
the myriad religious exemption laws that are being pushed forward nationwide are not
about cakes-they are a coordinated effort to promote a singular religious viewpoint,
take aim at civil rights and access to health care. and create a license to discriminate
against and harm others.

Advancement Project
9:15 - 10:30 a .m.
Morning Program: How to Make Climate Progress In the Age of Denial [Costa del Sol)

Climate change is not a problem for the future-it is here now. taking lives and devastating communities, as
evidenced by this year's series of extreme weather disasters. Even with the facts of climate science on our
side. the climate movement has struggled to break the vice grip of industry and entrenched interests blocking
climate progress. but more frequent climatedriven disasters have raised the stakes and urgency of climate
change to a broader public. With action on climate obstructed at the national level. building a powerful
and diverse grassroots climate movement and bold political leadership at the state and local level are more
important than ever, and there are clear signs of progress.
Democracy Alliance Senior Strategy & Planning Officer and Climate and Clean Energy Equity Fund Director
Roger Kim will lead a discussion with Florida State Senator Annette Taddeo (FL-5040), Washington State
Labor Council President Jeff Johnson, New Florida Majority Executive Oirector Andrea Mercado, and
University of California, Santa Barbara Professor Hahrle Han on groundbreaking strategies to strengthen the
movement by addressing social and racial justice, new opportunities to build political power and leadership,
and innovative climate and clean energy campaigns that improve people's everyday lives.





Clmate and Clean ANNETTE TADDEO Washington State New Florida Majority
Energy Equity Fund F'lorida State Senate Labor Council

10:45 - 10:50 a.m.

Progressive Priorites (Costa del Sol]
In a special videotaped message. U.S. Senator Kamala Harris (CA},
who is unable to join us at the conference. will share her thoughts on
progressice priorities at this moment.
10:50 - 11:4 5 a.m.
A Talk with George Soros [Costa <lei Sol)
Immediately followi ng the 2016 election, OA Partners had tho opportunity to
hear from one of the founders of the Democracy Alliance-George Soros-as
he offered his reflections about surviving authoritarian rule. we will welcome
him back a year later to hear his assessment of progressives' efforts to
thwart extremism and to honor h is unparalleled contributions to progressive
causes in the U.S. and around the world.

12:00 - 1:25 p.m.

Lunch & Program: Getting the Economic Narrative Right [Costa del Sol]
Progressives were knocked flat in 2016. but i n our scramble to understand and react to what happened, we run
the risk of forcing ourselves into false d ivides. we ri sk losing focus on the deep systemic Haws in our economic
and social frameworks that leave vast numbers of Americans vulnerable and insecure. In this panel d iscussion,
developed by the OA's Inclusive Economy Fund, we pose some fundamental questions, including: What do
progressives stand for? How do we grapple with the tough issues? What story are we trying to tell and how
does it play out in communities across the country? How do we translate what the polls and research tell us
into t he compelling narratives that w ill build the public w ill to reorient our economy and combat ,neQuality?
Over lunch, Roosevelt Institute President and CEO Fellcla Wong w ill lead a discussion exploring these and
other i mportant questions w ith The Washington Post Political Reporter Janell Ross, Topos Partnership
Co~Founder Meg Bostrom, SEIU Local 26 Pr esident Javier Morillo, and ISAIAH Executive Director
Doran Schrantz.

Roosevelt lnstitue The Washingt on Post Top os Pc1rtnership SEIU I SAIAH

1:25 - 1:30 p.m.

Voting Integrity In Danger (Costa dcl Sol]
Russian interference in the 2016 elections has expased an alarming
vulnerability of voti ng systems on which the stability and integrity of
democracy depends. In a special videotaped message, U.S. Senator Amy
Klobuchar (MN), who i s unable to loin us. will share her thoughts.
2:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Partner-Hosted Caucus Meetings

I AM 2018 [Salon CJ
Hosted by AFSCME, AFLC/0, AFGE, UFCW, Amalgamated Bank, SEIU, Patricia Bauman. and AFT
The 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s famous NMountaintop" sermon is a watershed moment
in our history-a pivot point to refocus America on the agenda for which Or. King and the Memphis
sanitation worke,s marched. AFSCME has partnered with the Church of God In Chr'ist, which is comprised
of 14,000 churches throughout America. Together they will tell the story of the Sanitation Workers Strike
and galvanize a campaign of grassroots education and mobilization-training activists to make change
and build power in their communities. With "I AM 2018," we will reflect, and recommit. It is an urgent call
to fight poverty and prejudice. advance the freedom of all working people. and remind America that there
can be no racial justice without economic justice and no economic justice without racial justice. Memphis
isn't just AFSCME's story. it's labor's story-America's story. With a b road coalition of allies, this campaign
will make the case that when working people join together, working people gain a better life for themselves
and their communities. Join special guests at this caucus including AFSCME President Lee Saunders.

Prosecutor Races - Winning Big In 2018? [Salon BJ

Hosted by Chloe Cockburn. the Brico Fund, NEA. the Civic Participation Action Fund, Paul Harstad, Leah
Hunt-Hendrix, Propel Capital, Paul Egerman. Megan Hull and Scott and Christy Wallace
Progressive prosecutors are winning - from Florida to Pennsylvania, Texas to Illinois. Bold ,eform
candidates have been propelled by movement players and driven record voter turnout of African-
Americans. Latinos. and Millennials - and shifting the political narrative. This caucus will share an early
peek at more than 30 hot races. many overlaying other key 2018 battlegrounds! Special guests will explore
deeper learnings. hard questions, and how to take the movement to the next level: People's Action
Director of Strategic Initiatives Daniel Espinosa. 215 People's Alliance Co-Founder Bryan Mercer, Color
Of Change Executive Director Rashad Robi nson. and Texas Organizing Proj ect Deputy Director Brianna
Brown. DA Partner Chloe Cockburn will moderate.

The Virginia 2017 Eleetlons: A Quick Study [Salon A,

Hosted by Shekar Narasimhan. Amalgamated Bank. Henry Munoz. Joan Huffer, and Dan and Sunita Leeds
The most significant state elections in 2017 were on November 7th. What do we know at this early stage
about what happened? Are there lessons in this for 2018? Join a conversation with those who were
Involved In the erection including Virginia Plus Executive Director Kelly Beadle and New Virginia Majority
Co-Executive Director Tram Nguyen. By video link. we will have GSA Strategies Partner Marg ie Omero
and a special appearance by Virginia Governor-Elect Ralph Northam.

A ligning New and Traditional Resistance Energy to Win [ Las Palmas)

Hosted by Patricia Bauman, Anne Bartley, AFGE, UFCW, and Amalgamated Bank
Both traditional progressive organizations and new resistance organizations are harnessing the moment
to win in 2018. Learn more about the intersection of traditional. next wave. and newer resistance groups
and how they are aligning to achieve progressive victories. Committee on States Chair and DA Partner
Anne Bartley will lead a discussion with Work ing America Co-Executive Director Matt Mo rr ison, Color of
Change Managing Director tor Campaigns Arisha Hatch, and Indivisi ble Co-Founder Ezra Levin on how
progressive organizations. both new and traditional, can focus progressive energy.
3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Partner-Hosted caucus Meetings

Building a Progressive Narrative in a Trump Bubble - Yes It Can Be Done! [Salon AJ

Hosted by Quinn Delaney and Wayne Jordan, Joel Kanter. Josh Kanter, Carla Meyer and Vin Ryan, and Joe Zimlich
Social media has radically and completely changed what we say, how we say it. and how we reach people.
We are in a new world of communication. narrative, and impact. Social media is the change agent. This
caucus will feature a discussion led by Brave New FIims (OutFoxed. Koch Brothers Exposed, Making a
Killing: Guns, Greed. artd the NRA) President Robert Greenwald and Executive Director Jim Miller that will
talk about best practices and focus on w hat we should be doing going forward. Margaret Thatcher once
said, "first you win the argument, then you win the vote." He,e are some of the tactics and strategies the
caucus will brainsto,m about: What are ctedible messengers and why are they important? How to make
complicated nuanced ideas simple and clear. but not simple m inded. How to use different adaptations for
very different platforms

Cybersecurity for U.S. Elections [Salon BJ

Hosted by Barbara Simons, Liz Simons, the New WOt'ld Foundation. Steve Silberste,n. and Dan Berger
Despite the highPr'Ofile national press around election hacking risks, the security of our voting
technologies has not been a priority for Congress. the administration. and state governments. To
safeguard our elections and instill confidence in the results, we m ust ,eplace aging and insecure
technologies and change obsolete election laws before federal elections in 2018 and 2020. We can detect
election hacking from within or outside the U.S. if all systems have paper ballots and if states conduct
tobust postelection ballot audits to verify electronic tallies or repair incorrect outcomes.
DA Partner and Verified Voting Board Chair Barbara Simons will lead a discussion with National Election
Defense Coalltlon Polley Director Justin TalbotZorn, Brennen Center for Justice Deputy Director for
Democracy Programs Lawrence Norden, and Verified Voting President Marian Schnelder and DA Partner
Steve Silberstein that will examine the underlying technical and political challenges of election insecurity.
key technical solutions. and politfcal st,ategles at the federal and state levels. They will discuss st,ategic
ways for progressive donors to be involved in this time-sensitive fight to, cybersecurity protections. This
Is al'\ essential and winnable campaign.

How to Win in 2018: Lessons from the Ground [Salon CJ

Hosted by AFLCIO, AFSCME. AFT. CWA, Chr,s Findlater, NextGen. and NEA
What will it take to win in 2018? Despite the energy ot the #Resistance, the longstanding concerns
about mobilizing voters tor midterm elections remain. Join us for' a conversatton with leading organizers
including For our Future Florida State Olrector Ashley Walker, Color of Change Executive Director
Rashad Robinson, Ml Famllla vota Nevada State Director Alicia Contreras, and Working America Co-
Executive Oitecto, Matt Morrison-who have been working on issue campaigns on the ground 1n key
states all year-about how to inspire our base and motivate lowpropens1ty voters to turn out in droves for'
the midterms. Topics will include: what's working at the doors. what does the 2018 winning coalition look
like, translating the national narrative into downballot races, best practices for harnessing the power of
pee,-topeer networks, and integrating the new digital tools into field ope,ations.

4:30 - 5:30 p.m.

Afternoon Break ~>
5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Partner Fo rum 2: Committing Resources (Partners Only) (Salons F. G. HJ
This session will p resent strategies for the DA State Funds and request Partner support for them, and
provide an opportunity for Partners to make a case fo r supporting progressive movement organizations in
the DA Portfolio and outside of it.

7:00 - 9:30 p.m.

Dinner & Program: Moving Beyond #Resistance - Learning from t he Past,
Mobilizi ng for the Future [Clubhouse Terrace]
Opening remarks by House Oemocrat,c Leader Nancy Pelosl.
For fifty years. Heather Booth has p layed a key role in progressive
movements, from civil tights to the fight of the movem ent against tax
'"reform " that is a giveaway to c orporations and the rich. Through the
Midwest Academy, she's trained generations of younger activists. In a year
w hen Heather's rich life i s featured in a new documentary, DA Partner and
Solidaire Founder Leah HuntaHendrlx w ill talk w ith her about the lessons
we can all draw for the bat tles ahead.


Midwest Academy Solidaire
OA Partner

9:30 - 11:00 p.m.

Late-Night Networking (Bob's Steak House]

8 :00 - 8:30 a.m. Breakfast Buffet
8:30 - 10:00 a.m. Brunet, and a Democ,.tlc Town Hall

8:00 - 8:30 a.m.

Breakfast Buffet [Salons F G. HJ

8:30 - 10:00 a.m.

Brunch and a Democratic Town Hall
[Salons F, G. HJ
Conference attendees ar'e invited to a festive brunch and town hall,
co-hosted with Power 2020. with representatives of the leadership of
the Oemocratic Party. including Democratic Congressional Campaign
Committee Chair Ben Ray Lujan (MN-3), to discuss building power for
winning in 2018 and beyond .

KIM ANDERSON Millennial Vote Director ,n the 2016 and 1mple-mentin9 You Be the Change,
Executive Vice President elect,on. Before her time on the campaign, a leadership development program for
she was an organizer and advocate for her low-,ncome community residents that
Democracy Alliance
9en-erat101'1. working on economic Justice. incorporated 1nte,grated voter en,gagement
reproductive rights. LGBTQ rights. civic at its core; served as the St Paul/East
Kim Andersol'l oversees
tM manage-ment of the engagement. and more After graduating Metro ROD for Minnesotans United for All
Democracy Alliaf'ces from Georgetown University with a Families Vote NO Qlmpa1gn, and continued
programs. staff, and Bachelor of Science 1n Fore,gn Service. too marriage equality hghl as the ROD for
Audelo was a special education teiteher Outfront MN, working with othets to pa5s
budget. She previously
with re.1ch for America ,n the R,o Grande marr,age eQuahty. She values involving
worked at the National
ViJ/ley. She is or,91nally from Bakersfield. everyday people ,n their communities
Education Association
for over 15 years. most California and lives 1n Washington. DC. to take a seat at the table v1here
recently as Sen,or decisions are being m.ade that
Director of the Center for Advocacy impacts them. believing only this type
KELLY BEADLE of engagement leads to the creation of
& Outreach at the National Educat,on Director sustainable solutions to the problems we
Association. where <;he oversaw the V irginia Plus
orga1)12at1ons campaigns and Ele-e:t1ons face. connecting us to something greater
O&partment, Co11ect1ve 0arga1n1ng than ourselves, and getting the Justice our
Kelly 1s an independent communities deserve.
and Member Advocacy Department. consultant with robust
Government Rolations Department. Human experience in electorcc'tl
and Civil Rights Department. and Minority political strategy, LUDOVIC BLAIN
Community Organizing and Partnerships testing and evaluat,on Di rector
Department. Prior to that role, she directed data and targeting in California Donor Table (COT)
the Government Relat ons department addition to community California Donor Table Fund (COTF)
and served as a Manager for Issue organizing. She ,s
Advocacy in ttie Campaigns and E ections currently serving as Ludovic Blain i$ the
Department. Before Joining the NEA. the Director of Virg n a Plus. the state o,rector of both the
Anderson served as Deputy Legisk"ttive based donor alliance. Additionally, she C-al1forn1a Donor Table
Director 21nd Counsel to Senatc,r Charles ,s Pro1ect Director for the Independent (COT) and California
Robb of V1rg1n1a. ihe leQ1slat on paved Voter Registration report. a bi-annual Oonor Table Fund
the way for one of the argest civil rights analysis of voter registration activity from (CDTF). Under his
settlements in American history. She has the 2016 election cycle. Prior to th21t, leadership, CDT/F have
also worked at the law firm of Covington e was the Director of Campaigns rc)1sed and ahgned more
and Bur!ing. and is a former member of and Ev.:i1uat1on at WIN Minnesota. where th.ln $4 m1lhon .:innually
the central Committee of the Democrat,c she led program development and testing to build electoral pov,er of people of color.
Party of V1r91n,a Anderson received her in the electora and non-partisan spheres. This includes founding CA BISC. regional
undergraduate degree from the College of She coordinated two coalitions for the non-partisan and partisan tables covering
William and Mary ,n Wil iamsburg, Virginia 2012 and 2014 election cycles as the St.a~e 12 million people, state-wide environmental
and received her law degree from George D rector of Amenc.& Votes and Minnesota 1ustice and immigrant cd operations, and
Washington University. voice (State voices affiliate}. Beadle has w1nn109 C0<'9ress1onal. mayoral. and other
expenence as a data manager. organizer. candidate races and in1t1atives across
SARAH AUDELO and trainer \Vithin Minnesota politics the state. Blain has dedicated over 30
over the last decade. She also serves as years to building power in commuties
Executive Director
the vice-chair on the NARAL Pro-Choice of color. In addition to his \vork in the
Alliance for Youth Action M nnesota Board of Directors. chairin(J the US. Blain worked on racial JU.Slice in
Poht1cal Committee. and \vas on th-0 Board Denmark. Northern !reland, the Republic
sar21h Audero ,s the
of Directors of Minnesotans United for of 1rela1,d, Haiti, and 1n The Gambia, where
Execut1ve Director of
All Families he received honorary citizenship. Blain
the Alliance for Youth
holds a SA from the City College of NY He
Action. the nation's
serves on numerous boards. 1nclud1ng the
largest yovng g,assroots SINA BLACK Proteus Fund
organizing network State Director
,n the country. An Minnesota Voice, State Voices
organi7ation that is "of
young people. by young Sina Black is the State
people, for all people," too Alliance works Q,rector of Minnesota
to build poht1cal power w,th young people Voice local affihate of
across the United States. Audelo's passion State Voices. She has
,s centering and uphfting young people. worked in service with
and particularly young people of color, in cornmun,ty for 18+
progressive movements and institutions. years as an organizer
Previously, she served <'IS Hillary Clinton's tutoring/mentoring
youth developino
HEATHER BOOTH the 1968 Memphis sanitation strike and operationalize TOP's mission with purpose
President generating campaigns to address the and performance, and externally conalhng
1~ues of 1ustice and e~uahty and workers resources and telling the story about the
Mid-west Academy
rights for v1h1ch the v,orkers and Dr King victories reJhzed thtough a decade of TOP
m,1rched fifty years ago. organizing and the Texas-sized possibilities
Heather Sooth is one of
of that are ahead. With more than a
the leading strategists
about progressive issue decade of experience working in the social
campaigns and dnving
MEG BOSTROM Justice movement. Brown has lead TOP
issues in elections in the Co-founder in the-ir issue work around healthcare.
Topos Partnership ne1ghbof'hood rev1tahzat1on. and 1s
United States. She was
currently leading TOP's Dallas County
the founding Director
Meg Bostrom. cnminat Justice work. Brown graduated
<1nd is now President of
Co-founder. Topos from Brown University where she earned
the M1d\ve'>t Academy,
trau,11,g social change leaders and Partnership, ,s a veteran degrees in Afncana Studies and Polrtical
organizers She has been involved in and commun1c.1trons Science and has been wishing for the re
strategist with a unique e1nergt11\Ce of YSB and Erner9e magazines
m.anaged political C<;lmpa1gns .:1nd was
perspective resulting for quite some time
the Training Director of the Democratic
Nat.onal Comm,tte-e. In 2000. she wcls from her rich and
the 01re-ctor of the NAACP National vaned experiences as
communicator. public
Voter Fund, which helped to increase Assistant Polit ical Di rector
African American election turnout by opinion analyst. advert1s1ng agency
executive. and consultant AFSCME
nearly 2 million voters. She was the
lead consult,ant, directing the founding Bostrom. along with anthropologist Axel
Avbrvn and linguist Joe Grady. founded Kenneth or "Kenny"
of the Catnpa,gn for Comprehensive Diggs. a Washington,
1mm1gr.:it,on Reform ,n 2005. In 2008. the ropes Partnership to tr.>nslorm
the liJ1u:Jsc;,pe of public ur>derstiJrtd1ng. D.C. native, is a
she \vas the director of the Health care seasoned orgaru.tationa1
Campaign for the AFL-CIO In 2009. she Reco9niz1n9 that poht1cal discourse
frequently gets "stuck in recurring s1ra1e91st who
drrected the campaign passing President specializes 1n building
Obamas first budget. In 2010 she was patterns with sremingly little lasting
policy progress. Topos maps cultural start-ups, facilitating
the founding director of Amencans for mergers, and managing
Financial Reform. fighting to regulate the models of social issues and develops
tran..s.formative stro1teg,es designed transformation
financial industry, She was thQ national in complex organizations. Kenny's
coordinator for tho coalition around to create a new cultural common
sense that will lead to enduring public experience includes d1rec11n9
marriage equahty and the 2013 Supreme commun1cat1ons and community
Court decision. She was strr1tegic understanding and support for progressive
solutions to the nation's toughest engagement efforts for O.C:s Department
advisor to the Alhance for CitiLensh1p of General Services. a billion dollar

(the largest coaht1on of the 1mm,grat,on problems. Topos has researched and
developed communications strategies government agency responsible for
reform campaign). building. maintaining, and protecting all
on a variety of social issues, 1nclud1"9
pubhc understandings of the economy. public facilities in the District of Columb1cl.
PAUL BOOTH govetnment. taxes. race. money 1n He 1s also a seasoned campaign director
Senior Advisor politics. etc Bostrom is a sought after
hclv1n9 lead nattonal field organ1z1n9
efforts for the AFLCIO. several 527's and
I AM 2018 speaker and communicator, including high
profile venues such as an editori{:111n the S0lc4s during presidential and mid-term
Paul Booth served W.>sh,ngtor> Post. elections. in addition to two U.S. Senate
Al=SCME for 42 years, campaigns including First Ladys Hillary
Clinton for NY's U.S. Se1\ate race. Kenny
as an organizer in
Illinois and the national
BRIANNA BROWN began his professional career 1n Pohtics
director of organizing, Deputy Director as a political organizer for AFSCME in
Texas Organizing Project 2000. Today, he serves as AFSCME's
and then a~ Executive
Assistant Pohtical Director and is the
Assistant to Presidents
Jerry McEntee and Brianna Brown is a campaign manager for AFSCME's "'I AM
Lee Saunders He led Texas native and the 2018" initiative commemorating the SOth
campaigns for public emploYtie collecti1e Deputy Director of anniversary of the s.an1tat1on worker's
bargaining in many states and Puerto Rico. the Texas Organ,2ing strike and Dr. Martin Luther Kin9s
Pro,ect. As the Deputy Mountaintop Sermon.Kenny received his
and organized re-sist<Jnce to the nght-,ving
Director. she's focused Master of Business Administration from
Goveroors and ALEC through the Labor
on building a bomb Southern Methodist University (SMU) in
Unity Table. In the 1960.:., as national
staff and membership Dallas. Texas.
secretary of Students for a Democratic
Society. he organ,2ed the first march on that centralites women
Washington to End the War ,n Viet Nam. of color. In her role. she bridges TOP'S
He now serves as Senior Advisor to th,e theory of Ct\a"9e..work1n9 to
I AM 2018 program. commemorating


--- - -- - - -
DANIEL ESPINOSA for the Los Angeles Times. Jenifer holds and have en1oyed a lifelong interest 10
Director of Strategic Init iatives a BS degre-e 1n JOurna11sm from Northern the country. ts causes and its people. I
People's Action Arizona University. have directed the Angelica Foundation
grants program toward themes of social
Daniel Espinosa 1s JOO economic iusttce. environmental
SANORA FLUKE susta,n.:ib1hty. sustcunable community
Director of Strategic California State Director
Initiatives at Peoples dovcloptnent. drug pohcy reform <1nd
Voices for Progress human rights. I am the former President
Act,on (formerly NPA
National Peop1es of Threshold Foundation. an orqan,zatton
Sandra Fluke is the of progresstve philanthropists who seek to
Action) v,here he has C.lhforn,a State D1r~tor
spent nine years building support a more 1ust and humane society
of Voices for Pro9re~. a I have .!!il!>O been a devoted activist in the
new programs and community of business
strategies that innovate movements for drug policy reform, as well
owners. entrepreneurs. as an or9a1lizer of the pe~e Cclravans
community organ121ng. Most notably,
philanthropists. and through th-0 unaed States and Mexico.
Espinosa developed the orqan1lations
other influential leaders spearheadad by the Movement for Peace
strategy ot independent politics. which ,vho are dedicated to
connected community org;;1ni71ng methods and Just,ce with Dignity.
advocating to protect
and progra,ns to the goal of building our climate: ensvre equahty and expand
a bolder pro9ress1ve poht.c.11 st,ategy. opportunity: and strengthen representative ANNA GREENBERG
The program llas dramatically increased GQRR Digital
democracy. Prior to running for State
the role that focal community-based Senate. she garnered national attention
organizations play in shaping local & by t estifying before members of Congress Anna Greenberg
state politics.. including a more deliberate regarding insurance coverage for birth has over 15 years of
strategy to build gra!>Sroots ,;;ocial e)(perience polling
control. and took on Rush Umbaugh.
movements that fuel ele-ctor<1I pohtics She serve-son the boards of the National in the political non-
Espinosa was also involved ,n the creation profit and academic
Council of Jewish Women-LA. Emerge
of NPA's Long-Term Agenda theory of sectors. She joined
Cahforn1a, and as an Assembly D1~trict
change ,vhich calls for a new movement Sl representative to OPSFV, as well as on GORR in 2001. after
ecosystem to challenge the Conservative the advisory boards of Equality Cahfornia, te.lch1ng public opinion
strategy of long-game worldview. Los Angeles Forward. Westside Family and su, vey research
poht1cal shifts and power-building at the He."llth Center. Hollaback and West methodology at Harvard Un1vers1tys John
grassroots level F. Kennedy School of Govemmcnt She
HollywOodBeverly Hills Democrats.
She also volunteers as a pro bono was the lead pollster in many successful
JENIFER FERNANDEZ attorney. She graduated cum Jaude from campa19ns 1ncludin9 for Mayor 611 de
Georgetown Law as a Pubhc Interest Law Stasio, Governor Tom Wolf. Governor Mark
ANCONA Dayton, fonne, Congresswoman Gclbr.elle
Scholar with a Certihcatc in Refugee and
Vice President, Strategy & Member Humanitarian Emergencies. and from Giffords. Congressman Ron Barbe, and
Engagement Cornell v,ith c:1 degree in Policy Analysis CongressY1oman Michelle Lu1an Grisham
Women Donors Network and Management. Greenberg works with a wide range of
NGOs on issues ranging from women's
Jenifer Fernandez health to LGBT rights to attitudes about
AncOOJ ,s Vice SKY GALLEGOS rehgion to reduchl9 gun violence to
President, Strategy & Executive Vice President reforming drug law-s. She heads GOR
Member Enqagement tor Political Strategy Digital and is a leader in the growing field
at the Women Donors NextGen Climate of data analytics and micro-targeting,
Net\vork. She has a wide measuring the impact ot social media on
r,1nge of experience in pubhc op1n1on and us11')Q soci<ll mec:ha to
commu1l1Cahons, donor move voters. consumers. and activists.
or9an1z1ng, strategy SUZANNE 0. GOLLIN Greenberg serves on the National Board
development. grassroots organizing. of the American National Election Study
and mvlt1-racial coalition building, As (2014-2017) and is a research follow
Director of Strategic Commun1cat1ons at
Angelica Foundation and DA Partner
at American University's Center for
Citizen Engagement Laboratory, Ancona Congressional and Presidential Studies
I am a writer. activist
helped to launch and grow progressive She hold, a BA 1n Government from
onhne or9an,z1119 1n,t,alives focused on and cl progressive
philanthropist For more Cornell University aoo Ph.D. 1n Political
communities of color, 1nclud1ng Presente Science from the Un1vers1ty of Chicago
than two decades I have
org and ColorOfChange.org_ Ancona also
overseen ph11anthrop1c
served as a Senior Advisor to progressive
grants and human
donors Steve Phillips and Susan Sandler.
rights pro,ects in the
as a consultant to the Democracy Alliance.
U.S. and Mexico. I
as a top legislative aide in the California
was raised in Mexico.
State Assembly, and as a news reporter
PRENTISS HANEY was included in the top SO visionanes
ROBERT GREENWALD reshaping American pohhCS by Po!:iCC
President Executive Di rector
magazine for SEIU's innovative leadership
Brave New Films Ohio Student Association in propelling the f,ght fol' hving wages
embodied in the historic movement known
Robert Greenw<1ld iS the Prentiss Haney s a
as the "Fight for $15. Henry believes that
founder and president senior at Wright State
to better fulfill the promise of a 1ust society
of Brave New Films. University in Dayton.
Amenca t\as always aspired to be. we
a nonpror1t film and OH. studying Urban
must hght for 1vstice on all fronts incluchng
campc:ugns organization Affairs. As a student.
defending the gains .xcom~1shcd for
whose wot1< is he was the p,esidcnt
access to affordable Malthcare for a11
d1stnbutcd for free in of the NonProht
families under the Affordable Care Act.
concert ,vith nonprofit Leadership Alliance, an
comprehensive immigration reform and
partners and movements Ol'qanization that tl'a1ns
a path to citizenship for all hardwol'k.lng
,n order to educate and mobihze for the next 9enerat1on nonprofit leaders
imm1gl'ant families. and $3fety and Justice in
progressive causes. The work of Srave ltnd servecl in numerous positions 1n the all commun1t1es of color across the country.
New Films has been screened over seven local unit of the NAACP. tn 2012. he was a
continents and viewed over tens of mtll1ons field organi.ter 1n Greene County. Ohio fol'
of times and cot1nting. Other recent. issued President Obamas rcelection campaign KAREN HICKS
based short-films since 2015 ,nclude: and registered ove, 1.400 students to Founder, CEO
Racism is Real which shows the stark vote. He also 1s a trainer for Wright LEAD. CIVIX Strategy Group
differences between hfe ,n America as a an 1nternationa1 progr.lm s.el'v1cc-learning
black man and as a white man: a series program in South Afnca that trains and As an internationally
on how vulture hedge funds contributed provides leadersh,p skills to high school regarded strategist
to the financial crisis that has devastated student!'; 1n South Africa Currently. he and manager, Kal'en
health care and education 1n Puerto Rico a serves as Regional Field Lead for the Hicks has designed and
look at how the private probation system Ohio Student Association a studentled run national and state
preys on low1ncOl'ne people in ro Prison organization that engages 10 values-based based campaigns that
for Poverty.. and an animated short on the issue & electoral or9an,zing. nonviolent combine a winning
Treat~nt Industrial Complex the pnvate direct action, advocacy for progressive strategy with a plan
pt1son 1ndustrys move to capitalize on the public pohcy, and leadership development to build lasting power
dnve to end mass ,ncarcerat,on. in Ohio. Pl'entiss loves organizing. readu,g through leadership and skill develop,nent
books about Queer People of Color and Hicks designed and ran the lal'gescate
sleeping 8 hoors a day consumer ovtreach and el\ga9ement
HAHRIE HAN campaign, "Cove-ring New Hampshire," to
Anton Vonk Professor of Political MARY KAY HENRY enroll un,nsured residents in the Health
Science, University of California, Benefits Mal'ketplacc and Medicaid. The
International President
multichannel campaign won national
Santa Barbara Service Employees International
reco9n1tion as one of the most effective in
Union and DA Partner the countf)' In addition to the numerous
Hahrie Han is the Anton
Vonk Professor of statewide and local poht1cal races. Hicks
M.ary Kay Henry IS has extensive policy experience at the
Political Science at the International President
University of California. state level. She S.O(Ved as Governor
of the 2 m1ll1onmcmber Jeanne Shahoon's Health Pohcy Advisor
santa Barbara. She Sel'vice Employees
specializes in the study for 3 yeal's and as the Director tor Policy
International UniOn at the New Hampshire Depal'tment of
of civ~ and political (SEIU). and her
part1cip.!ttion. collective Health and Human Sel'vices. Hie.ks also
leadership ,s root ed in a seNed as Executive Olrector of New
action. organizing. and deep-seat&d belief that Hampshire Citizen Action and hits wol'ked
social change, particulatly as it pertains when individuals join with dozens of progressive organ12at1ons
to social policy. environmental issues. together they can make the impossible to strengthen planning, advocacy. and
and democratic revitalization. She has possible. Undel' her leadership. SEtU has
published three books: How Organizations or9Jniz1ng capacity. Hicks serves on the
won maJor victol'ics to imp<ove working board for Community Catalyst and Chair
Develop Act1v1sts. Civic AssociRtrot'ls families hves by strengthening and un1tu)9
iJnd Leadership in the 21st Cet'ltuf')'. for Community Catalyst Action Fund.
healthcare. property services, and !Xlbhc
Groundbrcakers: How Obdm:t s 2.2 Mil/ton sector v,ot1<ers with othel' wol'k1ng people
Volunteers Transformed Ca1npa1gning in across the United States, Canada and
America. (Ind Moved to Action: Motivauon. Puerto Rico. In 2010. Mary Kay Henry
Participation. c1nd lnequa/Jty in American became the first woman erected to lead
Politics. Her awardwinning work has bee,, SEIU. after more than 30 years of helping
published 1n the Amencan Po/it1cal Science unite Malthcare workers By 2015, she
Review. American Sociological Re,11ew. was named one of the 100 mo.SL creative
Amehcan .Journal of Sociology, and leaders by Fast Company mag.:iz1ne and
numerous other outletc..
ILYSE HOGUE FREDERICK ISASI has focused on legislaton that improves
President Executive Di rector the hves of working people thro\Jgh
NARAL Pro-Choice America incr'eas,n9 collective bargaining and
Fam ilies USA
org:an,z,ng rights; economic 1ustice and
Ilyse Hogue i$ an Frederick lsas1 was anti-poverty measures; str'engthen11}Q our'
expert ,n or9an1z1n9 selected to be Families workers compensation. uMmployment
and mobilizing USA's second-ever insurance and employment standards;
grassroots support Ex&cutive Director 1n 1mprov1ng our healthcare system: and
around social-justice Januc1ry 2017 because of protec-t11)Q the rights of farm workers and
issues. including human his life-long commitment immlg(ant workers. He has represented
nghts, media reform to achieving h1gh- labor on a number' of comm1tt&&s. both
and representation, quality, affordable internal (WSLC Diversity Committee;
and reproductive health care for all. lsasi's Workers' Comp Labor caucus: UI Labor
freedom She has been president of passion for health care reform began ,vhen Caucus: Affordable Housing and Homeless
NARAL Pro-Choice America since M was Q(Ow1n,g up in Norlh Carohna a~ the Task Force) and external (Workers'
2013 and previously has worked at son of Cuban immigrants. Before 1oining Compensation Advisory Committee.
advocacy organizations 1nclud1n9 Fam1he$ USA, lsasi served as the Health State Board for COO"lmun,ty and Tochn,cal Friends of Democracy. 01v1s1on Director at the bipartisan National Colleges: Governor's Council of Economic
and Media Matters During her tenure at Govetno(s Association's (NGA) Center for Advisors: Wa$hington Aerospace
NARAL, Hogue has pushed the national Best Ptact,ces. Prior to NGA,, s{lrved Patt.-.ersh1p; Workforce Training and
converSdtion around abortion access to as Vice President for Health Policy where Education Coord,nat1n9 Board).
be one of fu,,da1YH~ntc1I human nghts and he founded its Health Polrcy Department
selfdeterm,nat,on for women. She ha$ Prior to this work. lsas.i served as Senior
run successful campaigns demanding Legislative Counsel for Health <:are on VAN JONES
presidential debate moderators both the U.S. Senate Finance Committee
#AskAboutAbortion and supporting and Senate Comm1tt&& on Health, van Jones ,s a social
winning candidates for U.S. Senate in Education. Labor. and Pensions (HELP) entrepreneur. CNN
Nevada, New Hampshire. Maryland. for former Senator Jeff Bingaman (0-NM). pohticat contr'ibutor
and Cahfo(n1c1 who made reprOductlve the only Democrat serving on both and host of The Messy
freedom central to their campaigns committees during the creation of the Truth with Van Jones.
in 2016 Affordable Care Act. Earlier in his career, Jone$ ha$ founded and
lsas, served as a hecllthcare atto(ney led numerous social
with Powell Goldstein. whete he wotked enterposes engaged 1n
LEAH HUNT-HENDRIX closely with states on Medicaid reforms social and environmental
Co-Founder and Executive Direc tor and represented public hospitals: prior to justice. Jones is a Yale-educated attorney
Solidaire and DA Partner that. he served as Senior Policy Advisor He is the author of two New York Times
to the District of Columbia PTimary Care bestsethn,g books, The Green Collar
Leah Hunt-Hendnx 1s Assoc,at1on. ISc)S1 holds a JD from Duke Economy (2008) and Rebuild the Dre;im
the Co-Founder and University. an M.P.H. from the Un1vets1ty {2012) The second book chr'o,ucles his
Executive Director of of North Carolina. and a B.S ,n Cellular journey as an environmental and human
Solidaire. a netwoi1< of Biology and a second ma,or in Spanish rights activist to bccorrung a White House
philanthropists who are from the University of Wisconsin policy advisor In 2009. Jones wori<ed as
committed to funding the green JObs advisor to President Barack
soc,al movements. Hunt- Obama. In this role, Jones helped to lead
Hendnx did her PhD at JEFFREY G. JOHNSON the inter-agoocy process that oversaw
Princeton Un,vcrsity. President the multi-billion dollar investment 1n skills
where she studied religious philosophy and Washi ngton State Labor Council training and jobs development within the
pohtical theory c1nd wrote her dissertation AFLCIO environmental and green energy sectors
on the history of the concept of solidarity.
She has served on nume(ous b0c1rds, and Jeff Johnson was
acts as an advisor to her family foundation, MARGARIDA JORGE
elected President of Co-Executive Di recto r
the Sister Fund Her writings have been the Washington State
featured in the Nation. Huff,ngton Post Health Care for America Now
Labor C0Ync1I, AFLCIO,
and Politico. <'Ind she has been profiled 1n December 2010 and
by Salon, Avenue Magazine, and San Margar'ida Jorge is
was swo,n into offtce
Francisco Magazine. Born and raised in a 23-year' veteran of
oo Jan 5. 2011. Prio(
Ne,v Yo(k City, she has lived 1n Egypt. Syria electoral, union civic
to that. since 101n1ng
and th& West Bank, clod now resides 1n engagement and
the WSLC staff on 1986.
San Francisco. issue campaigns and
Johnson had served as special assistant
a recognized expert
to the pres,dent. lead lobbyist. research
1n the development
.lnd or9;1niz1ng director. and as shop
of field strategies fo(
stewar'd fo( his staff unit. Johnson's work
local. state and nationa1
at the Washington State Labor Council
issue advocacy, From 2008-2013, Jorge
served as the Nat,onal !=ield Director at MARY KUSLER organizations' message and strategy,
Health Care for America Now. where she Senio r Director of the successfully working to help reverse the
pioneered a new field model nov, widely Susan G. Komen for the Cure decision
Center for Advocacy
used across issues and organizations to stop prov1d1n9 grants to Planned
National Education Association
I~ that increased c<1Pacity for over 200
grassroots orgc"lnii:ations in 44 st<1tes to
Parenthood affiliates. defending access
to no-copay birth control (as outhned in
pass, ,mplement and defend the landmark Mary Kusler 1s the
the Affordable Care Act), and. through
Senior 01rector for the
Affordable care Act Prior to working 1n her work with Planned Parenthood Action
Center for Advocacy
OC. Jorge spent over 10 years working fot Fund, helping to re-elect Pre~dent Barack
Prior to assuming
labor unions. community organizations Obama. a champion for wome,rs health
the Senior Director
and candidate'.I; in states like Missouri and economic security. Ms. Laguens
role, Kusler was the
Illinois, Kentucky. Florida and others. brings decades of experience in campaign
Director of Government
Jorge currently wor1<s .1s cl strategic and strategy and message integration to
Relations for the
organizational development consultant Planned Parenthood, and is a CLIO
National Educat,on
for a variety of progressive organizations aiwardwinn1ng writer and director. She hcJs
A,;.c;ociation In her <::1..1rront rof(', c;hc,
including Vision First. PICO National been one of the leading ballot measure
Network. Working America, Ma,n St,~t oversees NEA's advocacy work on behc3lf
consultants 1n America having worked on
of students represent1n9 over 3 mdhon
Alliance. and the Child Care and Early a v1ide range of crititil1 social issues As the
educators across the country. Pnor
Learning Act,on Hub fovnder and president of LKK Partners. her
to joining NEA, Kusler served as the
ct111nts have included governors, member$
assistant director of policy and advocacy
of the U.S. Se1,ate and House, EMILY"s List
for the American Association of School
ROGER KIM the National Education A.ssoclat,on. the
Administrators for almost a decade. In
Senior Strategy & Planni ng Officer, Nature Conservancy. the Natural Resources
her role with AASA. she represented
Climate Defense Council, Basic Rtghts Oregon, and
moro than 13.000 school supe,1ntellde-nts
Freedom to Marry, to mention JUSt a few
Democracy Alliance c3nd local educational leaders bofore
She has worked for more than 10 years
members of Congress. Kusler has served
with Planned Parenthood, both nationally
AS an executive committee member and
and with affiliates.
As the Senior Str.:itegy past president for the Committee for
and Plclnn1n9 Officer, Education Fund1n9, chair of the NahOl\al
Roger leads tho Coalition for P\lblic Education, a national
OAs strategy on c~lition of education and telig1ous liberty
clim,ate change and organizations dedicated to fighting against
Co- Executi ve Director
directs the Climate vouchers and on the National Forest Indivisible
Fund.Rogerbnngs County and SChools Co.1tition Board of
extensive experie,,ce Directors. A nclt,ve of New York, Ms. Kusler Ezra Levin iS
working in the public. graduated from Fairfield university with a Co-Founder and Co
nonprofit. and philanthropic sectors on bachelor's degree in theatre and politics Execut,ve Director of
environmentcJI cJnd social justice issues She completed her master's degree in lndiv1s1ble. a pro9ress1ve
Before 1oining the Democr<.1cy Alliance, public pohcy at George Mason University grassroots orqanizat1on
Roger was Senior Advisor to the Mayor of 1n Vir91n1a. with local groups in
San Francisco where he was responsible every congressional
for issues r(llatcd to chmate change. d1strict. Prior to
energy, and the environment. and also DAWN LAGUENS 1nd1v,s1ble, Levin s.erved
served on the B~rd of Directors of Executive Vice President as Associate Director of Federal Pohcy for
the Bay Area Air Oualrty MAnagement Planned Parenthood Federation Prosperity Now, a national anti-poverty
District. As Executive Director of the nonprofit. He served as Deputy Policy
of America
Asian Pacific Env1ronmentill Network Dttector for Congressman Lloyd Doggett
(APEN), he led community-driven (OTX). Field 01rector for Doggett's 2010
Dawn Laguens.
POiicy campaigns resulting in billions re(llect,on campaign. alld an AmenCorps
executive vice president
of dollar~ of investments to implement VISTA in the Homeless Services 01v1s1on
and chief braoo and
clim<'lte ~olut1on~ in California's most of the San Jose Housing Department. He
experience officer of
d1sadvantc19ed ne1ghborhoodc; and hods a Bachelor of Arts from Carleton
Planned Parenthood
also founded APEN Action to educate C~lege and cJ Master in Public Attairs
Federation of America
and mobilize Asian Americcln voters 1n from the Woodrow Wilson School
(PPFA) and the Planned
California Roger also worked for the of Pubhc and International Affairs at
Parenthood Action
San Francisco Foundation. Global Green Princeton Un1vers1ty.
Fund. led the successful
USA and has served on the board of campa1g1, to defeat the Pence amendment.
several organiz:ations including Center for a hugely unpopular congressional effort
Environmental Health. Among his honors that would have eliminated funchng for
include the Pubhc Health lnstitutes Planned Parenthood's preventive health
Change Champion Award and the care services that millions of people
Gerbode Foundation Fellowship. rely on Since then she has shaped the
JACOB LIEBENLUFT JULIE MENTER Latina 1mm1grant women's organization ,n
Senior Advisor Manager of Investor Relations the Sa,, Fraoc,sco Bay Area for eight years.
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities or9<1n1zin9 around dof'Ooesllc v,otence,
New Media Ventures
imm grant rights and economic 1ust,ce.
Jacob Leibenh,1ft is a Julie Menter 1s the Previously, she lived and worked 1n Bahia.
sen,or advisor c1t the Manager of Investor Brazil with IPETERRAS. a sustainable
Center on Budget Relations for New agriculture and farmworker rights project
and Policy Pnont1es. Med1a Ventures. a
Leibenlu~ worked 0c1t1onal ,,etwork of
from 2011 to 2012 and ear1y stage investors BRYAN MERCER
from 2013 to 2016 at supporting startups Founding Member
the National Economic that create progressive 215 People's Alliance
Council at the White political change
House. most recently as DePt.tty Assistant Throughout her career, Menter has Bryan Mercer 1s a
to the President for economic policy and searched for opportunities to O'\Jke a founding member and
Deputy Director of the NEC. While at positive impact on the world around her. set'Ves on the steer,ng
the White House. his portfoho included As a strategy consultant. first with the c0<nm1ttee of 215
tax and budget issues. skill!. and JOb Bos.ton Consulting Groop and then with Peopfe's Alliance. In this
training. and strate91c planning for the Siu Skye Susta1nabihty Consulting, she role he helped design
NEC Immediately prior to joining CSPP, has worked with large comp.lnies and and lead a campaign
Lebenluft served as senior policy advisor non-profit organ1zat,ons to redefine what to end the state take
for Hillary for America. where he led good business means. Monter is also a over of Phil.xtetph1a
Secretary Clinton's economic policy co-founder of the GreencrM1nd Summit: a public schools and run a Q(assroots GOTV
team dur1n9 the 2016 campa,gn. He ,s 3-day retreat for change makers in the San <!ffort to set ending mass 1ncarcerat1on
a graduate of Yale University and the Francisco Bay Area. She ,s originally from as a priority of the Philadelphia District
recipient of a Truman Scholarship and a France where she rece.ved her MBA_ Attorney. Mercer is also Executive Director
Henry Luce Scholarship of Med,a Mobihz,ng Pro1ect, where he's
supported dozens of local and natt0nal
campaigns through strategic med1J Jnd
ANDREA CRISTINA MERCADO communications over nearly a decade.
ERIC LIU Executi ve Director
Founder and CEO Mercer received his bachelor's degree from
New Florida Majority Columbia University ,n Anthropofogy and
Citizen University
Comp.lrat,ve Ethnic Studies.
Andrea Cristin;:i Mercado
Eric Liu is the founder 1s the Executive
and CEO of Citizen
University and executive
Oir&c-tor of New Florida JIM MILLER
Ma1onty Jnd the Execu tive Director
director of the Aspen New Florida Ma1or,ty
ln!>t1tute Citi1ensh1p Brave New Films
Education Fund. an
.1nd American Identity organization building
Pto9r,.1m He 1s the Jim Miller is the
independent politic.31 Executive Director
author of several books. pov,er of marginalized
including ''You're More of Brave New Films.
commur11t1es for rc)Cial, economic
Powerful Than Yoo Think A Citizen's Guide a position he has
and chmate Justice. The daughter of held for the p.asl 11
to Making Change Htippen." aA Chinaman's immigrants from South Amenca. Mercado
Chance," "The G.lrdens or Democracy,"" years. Most recently
has been organi7ing in communities of he produced the
aocl ..The Accidental Asian." Er,c served color and immigrant communities for
as a White House spccchwnter and policy documentary 'Making
over cl dec<"tde. Mercado is one of the A K1lhn9: Guns, Greed.
adviser for President B,11 Clinton He is co-fou,,ders of the NJt,onat Domestic
a regular columnist for and a and the NRA. In add1lion. he produced
Workers Alliance and led lhe C<'ll1forn,a the docs 'Koch Brothers Exposed', war
corre!-iPOndent for Domestic Worker Coaht,on. a statewide on Whistleblowers and 'Unmanned;
effort to include domestic workers 1n labor America's Orone Wars Miller is
BOB MASTER laws. which successfully passed Domestic responsible for helping to form our
Assistant to the Vice President Worker 6111 of Rights Legislation in 2013, partner coalitions to help spread our
seven states have now pas.sed similar v,deos throughout the world. Hi"> film
Communications Workers of America
le91slat1on. She went on 10 lead Mtionally experience began over 25 years ago
recogruzed c.lmpa19ns for immigrant and working on the him 'Bull Durham
worker rights such as we Belong Together. and includes beinq the Director of
and the 100 women 100 mile pilgrimage Oevelopment for The Shoot11,9 Gallery.
for migrant dtgn1ty. She was the Poln,cal an i,,dependcnt film company which
Director and Lead Organ1z<!r at Mujcres produced 'Sling Blade' and 'You Can
Unidas y Activas (MUA), a grassroots Coont on Me', and Head of Acquisitions

30 PRIVAi Al~D ccr,> CE"JflAl o D[MOCRACY ALL IA'lC

for Cinema Park Distribution. Immediately served on John Edwards' 2008 P<esidential multi-year Katrina Aid Today program for
prior the BNF, Jim produced the star- campaign_ 1n the 9overnment affairs immigrant families in the Gulf Coast. She
studded 'Les Girls charity benefits for the department of the American Federation of 1s elf\ alu,nn.a of Barnard College; a 2011
National Breast Cancer Coalition Teachers and on Capitol Hill in the office of Lead the Way Fellow .:it tM NYU Robert F.
Congre-so;woman Eleanor Holme,; Norton Wagner Graduate School of Public Serv,ce
(DO.C.). He holds undergraduate and and a 2012 Exccuttw Fellow at the Center
JAVIER MORILLO law degrees from Wc1shington University for Progressive Leadership.
President ,n St.
SEIU Local 26
Javier Morillo is an INEKE MUCHOVIC Deputy Director
union leader, Activist. Executive Di rector Brennan Center's Democracy
writer. podcaster Movement Advancement Project
and pundit He ts the
president of SEIU Local lneke directs the Lawrence Norden ,s
26. a union of janitors. Movement Advancement
Deputy Director of
secunty officers c1nd Pro1cct, including MAP's
the Brennan Center's
other setv1ce workers strategic analyse,;, LGBT
Democracy Program.
that is now 8,000 movement c;1nalyses. and
He works on a vat1ety
member strong He is one of the leade,s of all inc:iuirie<s into issues
of issues. from money
Minnesot<:1ns for a fair Economy, a table of of LGBT movement 10 politics to voting
progressive organizations that have turned commurucat,ons. She
to government
anti-corporate narrative into organiring is a former McK1nsey
dysfunction.In 2009.
and pohcy v1ctor1es. as well as winning & Company cono;ultant with 20 years of
Mr. Norden served as Chair of the Ohio
tha successful campaign to defeat a Voter strategy experience. including a succeso;ful
Secretary of Stttte's biPt'lrtisan Election
Photo ID constitutional amendment in st,nt as Vice Pre<s1dent of Strategy for a Sumfrut and Cor)ference, authoring
M1nnesotil As a potiticat commentator. dot--com start-up and as Chief Strategist
a report to the State of Ohio for the
he often plays the part of the passiona,e fo, an advert1s,n9 agency. Muchovics
purpose of improving that state's on ~tate television and nonprofit strategy work includes the
election laws Mr. Norden is the lead
radio talk shows. He advises pohtical YWCA, the United Way. and Impact
author of the book The Machinery
candidates. en,oy1n9 a reputation as a on Education
of Democr?1cy: Protecting Elections
dogged strategist key to many w1nn1ng ill .1n Electronic World (Academy
camPi!igns He created and co-hosts Chicago P,ess) and a contnbutor to
the podcast "Wrong About Everything TRAM NGUYEN the Encyclopedia of Amet1ccJr> C1v1I
cl fun, irreverent ;;ind bipartisan look at Co-Executive Director
Liberties (Routledoe 2007). An expert
Minnesota and nat1onal politics. He is one New Virginia Majority on New York State government and
of the regular hosts of the Twin C,t,es Moth ethics reform, Mr Norden has written
Story Slam and as a stage storyteller has Tram Nguyen 1s the exten!;ively on the influence of money in
had two critic- and aud1ence-accfa1med Co-ElCecut1ve Director New York State politics. He is a graduate
solo shows in the Minnesota fringe of New Virg,na Ma1ority of the un,vers1ty of Chicago and NYU
Festival. You cc;1n find him on Twitter at (NVM). a multi-racial, School of Law.
o 1avirnorillo. mult1-,ssue organi?ation
She leads NVM's civ,c
enga9ement efforts that MARGIE OMERO
MATT MORRSION have touched over 1 Partner
CO Executive Director million voters of color tn
GBA Strategies
Worki ng America Vir91n1t1, educating and mobilizing voters
on social o1nd economic justice issues
Margie has over twenty
Matt Morrison Joined W0<k1n9 with partners. she anchor~ civil
years of research
Working America in nqhts 1n1t1at1ves th,oughout lhe state.
exper1e1,ce working with
2008 as the potitica1 including efforts leading to the historic
Democ,at1c candidate~.
director, and becc;1me executive order reo;tonng the voting nghts
progressive causes.
a deputy director 1n of au formerly incarcerated individuals
and corporations Her
2015 then co-executive in the Commonwealth Her advocacy
clients have included
director 1n 2017. He work on democracy. 1mm1gr<1nts' rights.
Members of Congress.
leads the organizations criminal 1ust1ce. climate change. healthcare
party committees
electoral strategy and access. and economic opportunity
such as the DNC, organi.tation1.; such <JS
operations. During his time with Working explore the ,ntersections of sociAI. rAc,al
Everytown for Gun Sclfety. al'ld ma1or
Amet1ca. Matt has focused on helping environmental and econo1n1c justice.
brands such as Ketroggs and Facebook
refine the organ1zations field and member Prior to 10,n1n9 NVM, she was a Program
Omero 1s also the creator and co-host
commun1cc1t1ons programs through the use Manager for the World Trade Cente,
of a top-rated podcast The Pollsters. a
of clinical testing and adv.:inced anatyhcs Rescue and Recovery Program and a
bi?tlrtisan review of the polls driving news
Prior to jOtning Working Mofr1SOf'I Director at Boat People SOS. running a
in politics. tech. entertainment and pop MARCIA PRICE PHIL RADFORD
culture. It's the only podcast exclusively Director Founder and President
focusing on polling 1n the United States, Vi rgi nia Black Leadersh ip Organizing Progressive Power Lab
and has been featured by Apple Podc.:ists.
Collaborative (VA BLOC)
Google, <1nd others. Prior to J01n1n9 GBA Phil Radford is the
Str-'tegies. Omero focused on publtc Marcta Price was bom l foullder aOO President
clffa1rs research at both PSS Research and of Progressive Power
and r,11sed 1n Newport
Purple Strategies Lab. the Progressive
News. VA and is the
director of Virginia Black Multiplier Fund. and
Leadership Organiling Membership Drive.
SANGEETH PERURI He has served as the
Collabor13tive (VA
Co-Founder & CEO BLOC}. a proJeCt of Ne\V Youngest executive
VoterCircle Virginicl Matonty. Helving director of Greenpeace
started ,n September USA. cofounded the Democracy Initiative.
An ,nvestment manager 2016. VA BLOC 1s focused on "building wa$ founder and executive director of
in his forrner life. he empowered coml"T'l\.lnities" through voter Power Shift, and is a board member of
has spent the ma1onty engagement. civic involvement, and the Mertz Gilmore Foundation He ha~
of his t,me devoted to leadership development. In the cit,es of a background in grassroots or9an121ng.
pubhc service s,nce corporate social respon!tib1hty. chm.Jte
Hampton -'l'ld Newport News. she leads
2012. He ,s 01, fnult1ple coml"OUn1ty-organ,zin9 efforts in the areas change, clod clean energy.
educcltlon related of education. cnm1na11ust1ce reform,
boards (Beyond12. Boys mental health. women's empowerment.
and Girls Clubs of the and voting rights On November 3, 2015. ROBERT RESTUCCIA
Peninsula, Principal's Exchange and Think she was elected to represent tOO 95th Executive Director
Together). In 2014 Sangeeth ran for his Dit.trict in the Virg,n,a House of (>e.legates. Commun ity Catalyst
local school board and was elected to the She serves on the Health, Welfare. and
LASO Board of irustees. In his spare time. Institutions Committee (Subcommittee Robert Restuccia
he is a f,tness fanatic and competed on #1) and the Privileges and Elections 1s the Executive
Amencan N1n1a Warrior 6 Committee (Constitutional Subcommittee}. Director of Community
Marcia is a fovrth generation resident Catalyst. a national
of the Peninsula and embraces her' non-profit organization
CAT PLEIN family's legacy of service. She stnves to founded in 1998
Chief Operating Officer make cl positive impact 1n the Peninsula to build state 1evel

Pantsuit Nation community that has given so much to her advocacy networks
and consumer
C-clt Ple1n IS the Chief leadership to improve health and health
Operatinq Officer at LAURA QUINN care in America. Under his leadership,
Pantsuit Nation. Prior to CEO Community Catalyst has estftbhshed
her position at Pantsuit an impressive track record of work,n9
Cata list
Nation she spent a with national. state and local partners
decade managing Lauri'! Quinn currently to achieve health care reforms in more

I large, cross-funct,onal
teams and pro1ects
1n aerospace and
,nformat1on tech,,ology. Cat is a 2017 New
manages and helped
fool'ld Catalist.
Previously. Ms. Quinn
than dO states and at the federal level
He was a founder of Health Care For
All 1n Massachusetts and became its
served as a Deputy Executive Director in 1989. Ounng his
Leaders Council Fellow. former community Chief of Staff for v,ce ten\ire. he led numerous successful
organizer. and a graduate of the Un1vers1ty President Al Gore at the c,ampaigns to expand M.:issachusetts
of Sooth Carolina. Celt grew up 1n South White House. as Director residents he.:ilth coverage. Ho also
Qlrolina and V1rginicl and cur'r'el"ltly hves 1n of the Democratic worked closely with Or Robert Master
Los Angeles county with her soon-to-be Technology and Communications on the creation of the Commonwealth
wife and their co-dependent dog and cat Committee for Democratic Ma1ority leader Care Alliance. a consumer governed.

She ,s an avid backpacker and amateur Tom Daschle. and in communications non profit organization offering a full

photographer. If she is not in Los Angeles and economic policy position!) for Jay spectrum of medical 13nd social services
you will likely find her chasing perfect light Rockefeller and Joe Biden. ,n the U.S. for people with complex health care
in the High Sierra Senate. She was also a founder of pnvate needs. Rob Ms a bachelor's degree from
technology ventures: ORS Newmed1a H,:1rvard University and a ,nasters degree
and Copern,cu!t AJ\31yttcs. Prior to her in Public Adm,n,stration from Tho John
work 10 bus,ness and qoV"ernmcnt. Ms F. Kennedy School of Government at
Ou,nn served in senior management and Harvard U1'llversity.
consulting roles for several progressive
not for-prohts. and national and statewide

political and advocacy campaigns..

RASHAD ROBINSON pohcy shaped the lives of re<.11 African to electJOn adm1n1stration. including
Executi ve Direc tor American families since slavery and expo~e enhancing Pennsylvania's security of ,ts
Color of Change the role that a number of false notions. and election infrastructure. A fawyer with
outnght stereotypes all too often play in expertise in voting rights and election
Rashad Robinson 1s the '-Vdy that all Americans unde-f.stand the law. ManJI) helped to eliminate barners to
the Executive Director r<.1cial wealth gap voting for voters of color ,n Pennsylvania
of Color Of Chc11nge. and V1tginia while v,orking as a senior
the nation's largest attorney with Advancement PrOject s Voter
onllne racial 1ust,ce ORIANA SANDOVAL Protection program.
org.1,,1.:ation. Driven Chief Executive Officer
by over one million Center for Civic Policy
members. Color Of DORAN SCHRANTZ
Chango builds pov,cr Oriana Sandoval is the Executive Director
for Black people and Black communities. ch,ef executive officer ISAIAH
moving d&cision ITh.lkers in corpor,.1t1on~ at the Center for Civic
and government to create .1 more human Policy. a nonpartisan Doran Schrant7 is the
and le-;;s hostile world for Black people organizat,on that st,ives Executive Director
and all people. Under's leadership. to involve everyday of ISAIAH, d faith
Color Of Change has developed winning New Mexicans ,n the based community
!-itrateqies to change both tho written pubhc policy decisions orqanii:ation of 100
and unwnttel'I rules of key sectors that affect their lives, member congregations
affect Slack people's lives: Silicon Valley. with the goal of .lchieving po~itive and clnd 65 partner faith
Hollywood. Wall Street. Washington and lasting change A native of New Mexico, communities .-.cross
capitol hills ilround the country. Recently. Oriana raceived her Bachelor of Arts M,nnesota. ISAIAH is
Color Of Change developed cr1hca1 in diplomacy and world <.1ffairs from an affiliate of the PICO National Network
strategies to successfully hold local Occidental College a master's degrE'.:'e Ms. Schrantz has been at the center of
district attorneys account.lble. and tJrget 11, Public Pohcy from the University of ISAIAH's development from a small.
corp0ratc en.:ib1ers of the destructive nght Cahfornia - Berkeley Goldman School more locally focused organ,zation of 64
wing agenda. RJshad also helped Colot Of of Public Policy; and a Juris Doctor member institutions, to an organization
Change lead winn,ng campaigns forcing from UC Berl<ell?y School of Law (Boalt considered ono of the most powerful
over 100 corPOrat,ons to stop funding Hall). She 1s currently ;i member of the voices 1n Minnesota .:iround issues of
ALEC. frame <'Ind win net nootrahty c'ls New Mexico Si!r Association. In 2011, ra,cial and e-conomic 1ust1ce. In the
<:'I major civil rights issue, and force Pat Oriana served dS the founding executive pa!it 5 years. JSAIAH has explored the
Buchanan and 8111 O'Reilly off the air. director of New Mexico Vote Matters. a intersection of faith-based. community
non-profit organrL.ltion committed to org.:ini71ng, movement-bu1ld1n9, poht1cs
the empowerment and participation of policy. and research and has launched
JANELL ROSS historically disenfranchised communities in powerful partnerships at the state level
National Reporter New Mexico. At the Center for C1v1c Policy, such as Minnesotans for A Fair Ecorn,my,
The Washington Post Oriana leads the organization's pohcy and a collaborative of faith. community Jnd
c1v1c engagement campaigns. labor. ISAIAH has been at the forefront of
Janell Ross is a many state victories for social justice such
national reporter for as the defeat of the Voter 10 Constitutional
The Washington Post MARIAN SCHNEIDER Amendment in 2012, the passage of the
covering th& social and President Homeowners Sill of Rights in 2013, raising
political implications of Verified Voting of the state minimom wage in 2014 and
de1nograph1c ct\ange passing strong earned sick alld safe t1m.a
She vtrote rapid fire Marian K. Schneider is ordinances ,n M1nneapof1s and Saint Paul
political anafysis ror president of Venf,ed Currently, ISAIAH is v1or1<1n9 to on a
The Post during the Voting, the lead1n9 caring economy agel'Kta including paid
2016 election focused on r..1ce, gender and national otganization family and medical lec:1ve insurance policy,
1mm,9rc;1tton. Previously, she has covered focused solely on access to affordable childcare. healthcare
a ran9e of social issues for TM National making our voting and elder c.:ire. ISAIAH also works on
Journal. The Atlantic. The New Aepubhc. technology sec-ure. an agenda to reform 1mm,gration. stop
The Huffington Post. the Tenn<lssean The Manan formorfy m.ass deportation.:; and the tc1rget1n9 of
News & Observer. and the Corpus Christi sorved As Special immrgrc!tnt families by police and ICE as
Caller-Times. She is a graduate of Vassar Advisor to Pennsylvan1a Governor Tom well as working to end mass incarceration
College and earned a master~ degrC>e from Wolf on Election Policy. and served In 2012. Ms. Schrant2 was awarded the
Columbia University's Gradu.lte School as the Oept.1ty Secretary for Elections Young Leader Award from Robert Woods
of JourMhsm Janell 1s currently writing and Administration in the Pennsylvania Johnson Foundation, an award which
a book about the causes official Department of State from 2015-2017. She recognized 10 leaders under 40 who are
POiicy and social practice of the n.:itions oversaw 1mplementat1on of Pennsylvania's innovating around health and hC>alth care
yawning racial wealth gap for Beilcon online voter registration application and
Press. It w,11 explore the ways that U.S. introduced significant improvements
BARBARA SIMONS David earned a BA from Yale University model in all SO states. Emerge currently
Board Chair and an MBA from the Wharton School. has training programs ,n 23 states across
the country with plans to expand 1n the
Verifi ed Voting and DA Partner
future. While startu-.g Emerge. Andrea
GEORGE SOROS served for 8+ years as Political and
Barbara Simons has
Founder & Chai r Philanthropic Advisor to Susie Tompkins
boon on the Boa(d of
Advisors of the U.S. Soros Fund Management LLC and Buell, co-founder of Esprit Clothing and
E.lect1on Assistance DA Founding Partner Democratic activist and phdanthropist.
Commission since Prior to moving to the Bay Are.:1. Andrea
George Soros is founder v,orked for many ye<'lrs ,n Wash,ngton
she was appointed
by Sen Reid in 2008 and chair of Soros o.c as a pohcy analyst on Capitol H1U
Fund Management Jnd fundra11ser for Democratic candidates
She published Broken
BiJJ/ots_ Will Your vote LLC and the Open and committees. Andrea holds a B.A in
Count. a book on voting technology Society Foundations. Political Science from Tufts University and
co-authored with Douglas Jones. She Som in Budapest 1n a M.A. in International History from the
1930. he survived the Loudon School of Ecooon11c.;~.
,also co-authored the report that led
to the cancellation of Dep;irtment of Nal'i occupation during
Defenses Internet voting prOJE!Ct (SERVE) WO<ld WJr II and fled
1n 2004 because of secunty concerns. communist-dominated Hungary 1n 1947 AARON STRAUSS
In 2015 she co-authored the report of for England. v1here he graduated from Executive Director
the US. Vote Foundat,on entitled The the London School of Economics He Analyst Institute
Future or Voting: End-to-End Verifiable then settled in the United States. where
Internet Voting, which included in its he accumul<1ted a large fortune through Before 1oinin9 Al, he
conclu'>ions that "t'!very publicly audited, the 1nterl'\at10,,a11nve~tment fund he ran his ov,n consulting
comme,c,al Internet vot,ng system to founded and managed. Soros has been ~hop, with chent~ hke
date 1s fundamentally insecure." Sunons active as a philanthropist since 1979. when Google. Catahst cind
is a former President of the Association he began providing funds to help black the AFL-CIO. Ounn9
for Computing Machinery (ACM). students attend Cape Town Univel".iity ,n the 2012 election cycle
the oldest and largest internatonal apartheid South Africi'I The Open Society Aaron was the Targeting
educational and scientific society for Foundations today operate ,n more than & Data Director at the
computing professionals. She ts Board 100 countnes. w,th Jnnual expenchtures of DCCC. Over the years.
Chair of Venhed Voting and 1s retired from roughly $940 milhon. working to promote he has <'ldvis.ed presidential camf),<')19ns on
IBM Research. tho values of open society, human rights. resource allocation. developed state-of-
and transparency. Soros is the author of the-art voter file databases innovated in
over a dozen books. including ~he Tr<lgecty the survey research space, and ''brain
DAVID SLIFKA of the Europedn Un,on. D1s1ntegrat1on fathered the Voting Information ProJect.
Vice President or Rev,vr!II;' (2014). His articles and essays In 2006. he created the TurfCutter
Bayer Family Fund on politics. society. and economics program that i'lllov1ed canvassers to use
regularly appear 1n major newspaP(lrs and Google maps, a to~ still used today. Aaron
DA Partner
magazines around the world has a Ph.O from Princeton 1n pohtlcal
Oav1d Slifka is the methodology and microtar9et1n9, as v,ell
Vice President of the as an M.Eng 1n computer science from MIT.
Bayer Family Fund, President and Founder
and a strategist for Emerge America SENATOR-ELECT
the YMCA Retirement
Fund. In add1t1on. he ANNETTE TADDEO
Andrea Dew Steele
1s an angel funder for is the President and
Amplify, which is a Annette's father.
Founder of Emerge Anthony, v,as an
non-profit mobile app America and the
that amplifies the voice of the progressive American World War II
co-Founder of our
movement to resist the Trump agenda It and Korean War fighter
first aff1hate. Emerge pilot. He met her mother,
helps grassroots groups (think Indivisible California. Struck by
or Women's March Huddles) team up Ehtabeth. when he v,as
the incredible lack of
to execute their group's recommended a!:iked to estabhsh the
women hold ng efected first hehcopter school
acuons. and cheer each other on. office at the local level in San Francisco
David has thirteen years of investment 1n South America She
Andrea co-founded Emerge California in fled an unstable Colombia when she
experience and has built his career in the 2002 to lead the fight to get more women
endo\1mcnt and pension management was 17 Her family then moved to Miami
elected to office in Northern California. to build a better life. After serving as
industry. From 2001 to 2008 he worked Andrea worked tirelessly to develop a top
at the Yale University Investments Office. the Democratic Party Chair of Florida's
notch traunng program and 10 2005 she
From 2006 to 2008 he se-rved as a trustee largest county. Miam1Dade, Annette
founded Emerge America to replicate the
of the City of New Haven's pension fund was selected as Charlie Christ's running
mate 10 2014. Annette has also hosted


a Sunday pot1t1cal show on CNN Latino. Clinton adm1n1strat,ons. a<; v,ell as on CATHERINE VAUGHAN
and 1s a longt1m0 respected Latina leade( presidential campaigns. Before leading
fighting for progressive causes in Florida CEO and Co-Fou nder
An'IE!ri<:an Progress. Tanden wa!I the
On Tuesday, September 26, 2017 Annette Flippable
organ1z<1tions chief operating officer. She
was elected State Sen<1tor for District 40. previously served as senior adviser for
This is the first time in Flond<fs history Catherine Vaughan
health reform at the U.S. Department of
that a Democrat has flipped a seat from is the CEO and Co
Health and Huma,, Services. In that role.
red to blue 1n a special election. She also she developed pohcies .lround reform and Founder of Flippable
made history by be,coming the first Latina worked ,vith Congress and stakeholders After graduating from
Democrat to serve "' the Florida Senate on particular provisions of President Harvard College. she
She is honored to serve on the General started her ca!'eer in
Bal'ack Obama's signature legislative
Government Appropriations, Banking & nonprofit consulting at
achievement-the Affordable care Act
Insurance. Environmental, Mihta(y Affairs, the Bridges.pan Group.
Prior to that. Tanden was the director
and Transportation committees, She then led strategy
of domestic pof1cy for the Obama
te.=tms at Partners 1n Health in Rwanda
B1den presidential camp.-,,gn, where she
Teach for America. and the Ethiopian
managed all domestic policy proposJls.
JUSTIN TALBOT-ZORN Tandcn aiso served as policy director'
Agncultural T(ansformation Agency.
Polley Di rector While earning her an MBA at Stanford,
for Hillary Clinton's first presidential
National Election Defense Coalition campaign where she directed all policy Vaughan worked with Jeff Raikes. the
former CEO of the G.ates Foundation.
work and oversaw the debate preparation
Justin TalbotZorn is to develop a business plan fol' a data
process for then-Sen. Clinton (ONY).
a Truman Nation.!11 dnveo philanthropy platform In 2016,
Before the 2008 presidential campaign.
Security Fellow and she loft her' management consulting JOb
Tanden served .1s legislative director 1n
policy director to at McKinsey to Join the Hillary Clinton
Sen. Clinton's office <llld dep1..1ty campaign
the National Election campaign in Ohio. Having caught the
manager and issues director for Clinton's
Defense Coalition He political bug, Vaughan resolved to apply
2000 Senate campaign. She began
is also a contributor to her skills in data-driven philanthl'opy to
her career as an <1s.sociate d1recto( for
publications 1n<:lud,n9 the prog(ess,ve movement She and her
domestic policy ,n former President Bill
The Washingto,1 Post, teammates from the campaign launched
Clinton's White House and senior pohcy
HiJrvard Business Review. The Guardian. flippable 01'9, ail Or'Qclnrzation aiming
adviser to the first lady. Tanden received
Time, The Atlantic. The Nation CNN. to flip state legislatul'e seats by driving
her bachelor of science from the University
and Foreign Policy. Justin has served as gra!:.sroots dollars and volunteer time to
of California. Los Angeles and her law
Legislat,ve Director for thl'ee Demcx;l'atic the ,nost competitive races. Fhppab1es
degree from Yale Law School
Members of Congress. includ,ng. most content reaches IOM people pet month
recently. Congressman John Cooyel's of and the Ol'gan11ation has raised over' half a
Michigan. the former Chairman of the MARIA URBINA million dollal'S 1n gtassroots donations fol'
House Judiciary Committee and longest Political Di rector Democratic candidates.
serving current Member' of Congress. A Indivisible
Fulbright Fellow, he also <:ofounded an
awardw1nrnng scholarship progr.:un for Maria Urbina is Partner
refugees from SuQiln. Justin has been a lndivisible's Political
meditation teacher on Capitol Hill and Mercury
Director leading national
lectures widely on Congressional reform. P(H1t1cal strategy. Befon)
transpartisan coal1tlonbo1lding, and join,ng the Indivisible Prior to Joining the firm.
env1ronment<'ll policy. He holds graduate Pro1ect. Urbina spent Ashley served as the
degrees 1n international relat,ons .lnd 2012 State 01(ector for
the 2016 cycle running
public policy from Oxford University and Obama tor<:a 1n
Voto Latino's poht1cal
Harvard Univel's1tys Kennedy SchOO, of Florida, overseeing all
strc.1tegy and national
Government campaigns as Vice Presidel\t of Politics of President Obamas
erfo,ts to win the
Jnd Campaigns. Her CaPttol Hill career
spans over seven years 1n the Office of the states 29 el&ctoral
NEERA TANDEN Democratic Le<1der Senator Harry Reid.
votes Pnor to being
President and CEO appointed as Obama For Amel'ica-Florida
In her final year's on the Hill, she was p.)l't
Center for American Progress State Director. Walker served as the
of the senior leg,slative staff c;1dvising the
Organizing for America-Florida State
leader on strategy, m&cha and pohcy that
Nee(a Tanden is the d1sproportionatefy affe<:ted Latino. AAPI Director In 2010. Walker served in a senior
president and CEO of and 1mm1grant commun,ties. le.adership role as the 2010 Coordinated
the Center for Amencan Campaign Director. Ashley served as
Progress and the <:enter the Deputy State Director fo( the 2008
for Amcrjcan Progress Obcl1na campaign in Florida As a result
Action Fund Tanden of her le.:idership in Oemocrat1c pohtics
has also servod ,n and her involvement in President Obamas
both the Obama and organization since early 2007. Campa,gns
and Elections ma9a21ne named her as one
of the Top SO Democratic influencers in SIMONE WARD politics: African-American politics urban
Florida politics Before coming to Flo-r1da. poht1cs and policy American poht1cal
Execut ive Di rector
Ashley served the Ob<1ma campaign development: community organizing and
Womens Effec t Fund
through a v<1riety of senior roles 1n early social movements; al"ld soc1<ll science
primary states. 11"1 the 2006 campaign methodology.
Simone Ward is
cycle. Ashley mc1naged the successful the former national
str1te senc1te campaign of Jeremy Ring. politic.<11 director of
who toppled an entrenched incumbent THE HON. TOM WOLF
the Democratic Senate Governor
11"1 Btoward County, Florida Prior to this. Campa,gn Committee.
Ashley \VOrked in the Tallahassee and State of Pennsylvania
and was Hillary Clinton
Miam Lakes offices of U.S. Senator Bob campaign's Florida
Graham. Ashley earned a B.A. in Sociology Whether as a bu$ioess
State Director in the
from Indiana uruvers1ty and an M.S. in owner or goverl"lor.
2016 election. She 1s
International Affairs from Florida State Tom Wolf is a leader
a well-regarded veteran of Democratic
Un1vers1ty. A native of Indiana Ashle> 1s consistently taking
campaigns. having worked worked 01) the status quo
married to Tyler Brunelle and hves in Fort previously as campaign manager for
Lauderdale, Flond.1 and trying to help
Natalie Tennants Senate c.ampaign 1n
middle class families
West V1rg1n1a and several positions at the Tom Wolf grew up
Democratic National committee. including York. Pennsylvania
MUTHONI WAMBU KRAAL Director of African Amenc.Jn Outreach and
and attended college at Dartmouth.
Vice President for National then National const1tuel'1cy Director. She
but he interrupted his studies to join
Outreach and Tra ining was campaign manager for Sen. Barbara
the Pe.ace Corps before returning to
EMI LY'S List Mikulski 1n Maryland in 2010. .and before
f1n1sh his degree. later. he e<1rned
that worked for Planned Parenthood and
graduate degrees from the uruvers1ty
Ms. Wttmbu has over a EMILY'S List
of London and the Massachusetts
decade of experience Institute of Technology. Before he was
1n politics She worked governor. Tom was the owner of the Wolf
for the Democratic DORIAN T. WARREN Orgal"l1lilt1on. a distributor of lumbE'.!r ,!u)d
Congression<1I Campc)1gn President other build ng products As governor.
Committee rc111s,ng Center for Community Change Action Tom has made historic investments 1n
money for candidates Vice President education. increased career and technical
and Congressional education. expanded Medicaid to more
Center for Community Change
incumbents in tough than 720,000 Pennsylvanians, and reduced
races; coopened and ran a womanowned Dorian T W;,trren is a the commonwealth's uninsured rate to
fundra,s1n9 consulting shop that serviced Fellow at the Roosevelt its lowest point in history. He has also
cliel"lts at every level of political office. Institute. an MSNBC stood VP to Washington aocl Harrisburg
served as the PAC coordinator for the AFL Contributor, and Center Republicans every step of the way by
CIO. and served as the deputy political for community Change stopping legislation that would cnmin;,tlii:e
director for thenU.S. Senator Joe Bidens Action President and abortion and defund Planned P;,trenthOod.
presidential campaign More recently, Center for Commvrnty and he hcls Joined other governors
Ms. Wambu was the deputy campaign Change Vice president 1n fighting Trump's efforts to repeal
mal"lager and pohtical director for then He is the Host and Obamacarc and dismantle Medicaid
St.:ite Senator Kay Hagan's- successful race Executive Producer of Nerd1ng Out on
against U.S. Senator Elizabeth Oole in MSNBC's digrtal pfatform. sh1ft.msnbc.
North Carohna Wambu went on to serve com. A scholar of ineQuahty and Am,erican FELICIA WONG
as Senator H.)Qans interim state directof. politics, he taught for over a decade al President and CEO
In the fc)II of 2009, she joined the EMILY'S the uruvers1ty of Chicago and Columbia Roosevelt In stitute
List family as the fegiooal POP director University, where he was Co01rector
for the central and western re,g1on. Ms. of the C'umbia University Program on Fehc1a Wong is the
Wambu holds a B.A. 1n JOurnahsm from Labor Law and Policy, and serves as a President and CEO
Howard University in wash1ngton. D.C She Research AssociatE! at the Institute for of the Roosevelt
is a member of Delta S1grna Theta Sorority, Institute. ,,hich seeks
Research in African-American Studies.
tncorPorated and a lifetime member of A native ChicagO.Jn. warren received his to re-im,ag1ne the
the Amencan Council of Young Political B.A. from the University of Illinois and h,s social and economic
Leaders (ACYPL) M.A. c1nd Ph.D. 1n political science from p01icu~s of i=ranklin and
Yale university. He has re<::eived research Eleanor Roosevelt for
fellowships and grants from the t=ord the 21st century. She
F'oundation. CUNY's Murphy Institute. has helped lead the Roosevelt lnstitt..,tes
the Public Welfare Foundation. Open work on a rewriting the rules agenda. a
Society Foundations, and the Russell Sage comprehensive economic program and
Foundation. His research and teaching narrative that has become increa<;ingly
intere'::lt!. include labor organizing, politically 1nnuontia1. Wong came to the
politics & pohcy; race and ethnic Jnst1tutG from the Democracy Alliance.
and previously ran operations and
product development at a venture-funded
education services company Her public
servic(> includes cl White House FellO\VSh1p
1n the Office of the Attorney General and
a POiiticai appointment ,n the Office of the
Secretary of the Navy. She holds c\ Ph.D.
111 po/1t1cal science from the University
of Cahf0<1,1.a. Berkeley. Her doctoral
dissertation on the role of race and
framing in K-12 pobhc education politics
received the 2000 American Political
Science Association award 1n Race.
Ethnicity, and Politics. She is a co-author of
the forthcoming Re111rite the Racial Rules
Sui/cling an inclusive American Economy

Vice President of Organizing
& Field Programs
California Calls

Karla Zombro is the Vice

President of Orgcini.ting
& Field Programs at
California Calls. Since
2009. Karla has led
st.Jtew1de organizing,
and Integrated Voter
Engagcn,cnt (IVE)
to grow a base of 700.000 s1..1pport1ve
voters. Currently she is focused on the
Million Voters ProJect (MVP). a gro\ving
alhance of 7 statewide networks (ACCE.
AAPI~ for Civic Empowerment. CHIRLA.
MIV. PICO Cahfornia and Y-Vote) and two
regional tables. Inland Empowerment and
the Orange County Civic Engagement.
MVP is chanq,n9 the California Electorato
by moving community-led IVE ..,trategies
to.- ne\v level of scale and turning out
more new o1nd infrequent voters than
ever before. In the first year of worl<, MVP
contactod over 1 million voters and earned
out the largest field program in C<ilifornia
during the November 2016 election. During
her 25 years ,n organizing, Zombro has
worked 1n a variety of roles at SCOPE and
Justice for J.:in,tors at SEIU Local 1877.


0 Villa PoOI
a Jacuzzi
. G

(see detailed floor map)

Bob's Steak
& Chop House

(see detailed floor map)


- - LA COSTA - -

Y LL 1 C


Office I
I Restrooms~
-- '
;, '
Poinsettia I

5alon Salon 5alon
: Poinsettia II Bcllcony
H G F 7
'' Terrace

~c,---------L ....... L........ ' Poinsettia Ill

5alon ,. Coastal
E Events Center

-------------------------------- Del Sol

- -- --.. ------- - ----Vista Terrace
-- - ---- -..........
----------,----------,---------- Golf View ..............
' Azalea ;' .. i,i~......, Marigold ''
Salon 5alon 5alon
,, Terrace Terrace / Terrace \ Terrace ''
C B '''
A -,
', ' '
'' '
-- ;, - ;, - - Orchid '\ ':
Terrace \ ,

-- J.,;
Las ' II
' Las
Palmas ,' Palmas
II ' I
:' Costa Del Sol

-- '
- -
Side Terrace

The DA Staff Office is located In the Marioold Room. DA
Staff are available from 8:00 a.m . - 9:00 p.m . daily to assist
conference guests.


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