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Andria Starr Shadow Study/ IEP September 6, 2017

Analysis of Data

For confidentiality, I will be using a fictitious name for the student that I observed for a

full day. Billy is a first-grade boy who has an identified IEP. From shadowing him today I

observed many different things about him. He is very capable of sitting and listening he just

tends to get bored. When he is working on tasks he seeks approval from teachers and myself.

Throughout the day, he gets pulled out for speech and occupational therapy. He also has a push

in para-educator for math time. On occasion, he seems to get frustrated with a para and will show

this by placing his hand on his check and moaning. He is a very social child, loves to talk, and

likes to try to pop fingers. His speech is delayed but he is English speaking. From working with

him in all subjects I have noticed that he struggles with recognizing and writing some letters and

numbers. He will trace most. Some that he has mastered are the letters that are in his name and

the numbers one three and four. If you verbally ask him what sound a specific letter makes, he

can answer. Also, he works best when he is being worked with one-on-one with a teacher and

going one step at a time.


Some insights I gained on Billy is that he loves receiving positive reinforcement. When

he is struggling with a task, it is almost like it is more of a self-confidence thing versus the ability

to do it. When he does something right or even when he is struggling I give him positive

feedback. This seems to get him excited to do more. At times, he will even announce to the class

that he has done something all by himself. I also discovered that he comes from a lower income

family with four other siblings. This may create a lack of attention in his home life, so increasing

his attention at school could improve things also. I have concluded that if I continue with the

positive feedback and working one-on-one with him that he will gradually improve. He is
Andria Starr Shadow Study/ IEP September 6, 2017

capable of learning, he just needs a confidence boost and I feel that with patience and continued

work he will gain the confidence that will help him rise. Specific strategies would be some things

I am already doing. During math, I sit near him and two other students who struggle. I repeat

instructions to him in a whisper just to him and point to each step as I talk about it. If he is

unsure how to write a number I use a yellow marker or crayon and write it for him to trace. I

make sure he has a chance to write it himself first. When performing addition, I use

manipulatives or his fingers and he can do addition by himself if I continuously redirect him to

stay on task. With reading and spelling I guide him to the correct answers by sounding out words

slowly with him and segmenting them by using my finger and pointing. Additionally, by

showing him how I say the letters with my mouth. I believe that if I continue the way I have been

working with him, that he will continue to succeed. Just in the first three weeks he has improved

so much cognitively.

Individual Educational Plan

Student Name: Billy Date: September 7, IEP Review Date:


Goals/Objectives: (Write brief user friendly phrases for each goal. For example:
MATH: Multiply 2 digits x 2 digits; BEHAVIOR: Ask for help by raising hand)
Math: add two digits together without assistance
Spelling: recognize all letters of the alphabet and know their sounds

Student Strengths/Interests/Likes:
Present Levels: (Write brief statements as to current levels of pertinent
academics and behavior.)
Math: can add using manipulatives but gets distracted easily
One-on-one helps him to stay on task
Loves positive feedback
Andria Starr Shadow Study/ IEP September 6, 2017

(Include state testing levels)
Give extra time for testing
Supply one-on-one support
Adjust lessons to his ZPD
Resource Room Schedule:
Occupational therapy pull out in morning every other day
Speech therapy in evening every other day

Para educator Support in General Education Classroom

(Include times as well as responsibilities of the Para educator as they relate to this
There is a para that comes in in the morning, during math in early evening,
and one at the end of the day.
Depending on what the class is working on, the para will assist Billy along
with two other students.

Other: (special procedures, techniques, equipment, etc.)

Use light colored pencil to pre-write letters or numbers so that he can trace
Positive but stern attitude

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