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Name : Darly Ofica

Class : V B
Subject : Sociolinguistics

1. What is Sociolinguistics ?
Answer : Sociolinguistics consists of two words, socio and linguistics. Socio means
people, community or society. Meanwhile, linguistics means study of language. Literally,
we can define Sociolinguistics is about between language and society. Sociolinguistics is
an interdisciplinary science which is concerned of two main aspects, language and
society. The aim of this study is, Sociolinguistics does not only investigate language and
community in certain regions, even anywhere. Sociolinguistics focuses on the effect of
society for language. Sociolinguistics has been increasingly important and a popular field
of study. Sociolinguistics does not only involve language and community, but also
touches languages aspects, terminology (involved in language), and intergroup,
interpersonal, religion, ethnography, culture, etc (involved in community). Gumperz in
Wardhaugh stated that sociolinguistics is an attempt to find correlation between social
structure and linguistics structure and to observe any changes that occurs. Social structure
itself may be measured by reference to such factors as social class and educational
background, and verbal behavior and performance may be related to these factors.

2. Why we do learn Sociolinguistics ?

Answer : the aims why we should learn sociolinguistics are we can understand more
about language usage, language diversity due to the diversification of language users and
the social level of language users, language attitudes, and loyalty to the integrity of the
language. By studying sociolinguistics, in addition to increasing our insights in linguistics
can also foster good language awareness and maintain the uniformity of language. Every
science, of course, has benefits in our lives, as well as sociolinguistics. The benefits of
sociolinguistics very much because the language as the object of study is a verbal
communication tool of humans who have certain rules. The benefits of sociolinguistic
knowledge in communicating such as provide guidance to us in communicating by
showing us what language, language, or style of language we use when we talk to certain
people, and in certain places, i teaching, sociolinguistics is useful in explaining the use of
language in accordance with the rules of language and social rules, and Sociolinguistics
can also contribute to overcoming political tensions due to the issue of national language
selection in multilingual countries.

3. What is the relation between language and society ?

Answer : Language as an arbitrary sound symbol system, is used by members of society

as communication tools, interacting and identifying. Language is so closely attached,
fused soul in every speaker in society. It is like a powerful weapon to influence the state
of society and society. The function of the language as tools for interacting or
communicating in the sense of a tool for conveying the mind, ideas, concepts or feelings
within the community are called language functions traditionally. Then it can be said the
relationship between the language and its users in this society is a sociolinguistic study.
Function of language in the broad sense can be used as a communication medium to
convey all symbols of culture among members of the community. The peculiarity of a
culture can only be manifested in some finite element in one culture. They are in its
language, art, and in the customs of the ceremony. Language and culture are heavily
loaded with cohesive and influential forces, and it is arguable that each one entity cannot
stand alone without the other.

4. Please mention and explain the branches of linguistics !

Answer : Linguistics has two fields, Pure linguistics and Applied Linguistics. Pure
Linguistics is a basic step before we come to next step in study of language. It consists
of :
Phonetics : It talks about how sounds are pronounced in various contexts. The Phonetics
is including to netral science, its mean phonetics is not only for a special language.
Because it describes pronunciation process. It teaches people to understand sounds that
are different in a language. Beside it, it also teaches people to produce sounds, how do
tongue, lip, vowel organ work, so that produce the sounds.
Phonology : A Science which talks about treasury of sounds (phoneme) and their
distribution of a language. It focuses on sounds of language as a smallest unit of structure
in a particular language. It discusses about function of sound to distinguish or identify
certain words. It also talks about sound-changes of a particular language development
Morphology is a part of Linguistics which discusses about structure, form, classification
of words. The Morphology focuses on morpheme.
Syntax : the largest level of structure is the clause, which can be analyzed into what are
called clause functions: subject, predicator, object, complement, and adverbial. (Charles
F. Meyer. Introduce to Linguistics. Pages 8)
Lexicology : Lexical is base words that usually well-known as base unit of vocabulary,
dictionary, syntax, and base unit for all part of languages. This lexical word in Linguistics
Literature is well-known lexeme.
Semantics : is the technical term used to refer to the study of meaning,

While Applied Linguistics study is a study of languages involving other fields of

science such as; sociolinguistic, pragmatic, psycholinguistic, and so forth

5. What is standard language ? giving an example !

Answer : Standard language is an official form of language. Kind of languages are
always artificially modified at least to some degree. Standard language is the way to use
language in official and formal situation as in newspapers and public speeches. The core
idea of standard language is to codify a public, particularly written language so that it is
accessible to every speaker of the language to be used in education, media and science.
Standard language is the correct form of language that is grammatically and syntactically
correct, and basically covers any form of language which is written and spoken correctly,
using Received Pronunciation.
Example :
Standard language : I have never done anything like that.
Non-standard language : I ain't never done nothin' like that
6. Elaborating the language, dialect, and accent please !
Answer :

Language : According to Kridalaksana (2005), language is a sound system that is agreed

upon for use by members of certain groups of people in cooperation, communication and
Language is a tool that human use to interact and socialize with other.
Language symbolizes the identity of a nation. One can identify a community group
through the language used. Therefore, the language problem can not be separated from
the life of its speaker community.
Dialect : dialect is the language variation of a group of speakers who are different from
other groups of speakers based on geography, social factors, and so on. The study of
dialectology is called dialectology, the field of study that works in mapping the dialect
limit of a language.
Accent : Accent is the language variation of a group of speakers who are different from
other groups of speakers based on only by pronunciation

7. Giving an example of formal language and informal language !

Answer :
Formal : The PKM project will not continue next month
Informal : The PKM project wont continue next month

8. What aspects of language are sociolinguistics interested in ?

Answer : Sociolinguistics are interested in explaining why people speak differently in
different social context. And the effect of social factors such as social distance, social
status, age, gender, class on language varieties such dialects, genres, register, etc, and
they are concerned with identifying the social function of languages and the way the are
used to convey social meanings.
9. When two or more people forum different language met and tried to communicate, what
should they do ?
a. Pidgin
b. Creole
c. Lingua Franca

Answer : They should communicate by speaking Lingua Franca.

10. Why do people switch and mix a language ?

Answer :
a. Speaker is bilingual or multilingual speaker.
b. Situation (expression, place, )
c. Interlocutors
d. The Presence of third speakers

11. Giving an example of code switching and code mixing !

Answer :
Code Switching
Jennie : Did you know WYWS drama end last nite ?
Key : I aint watch the drama last nite
Jennie : why ?
Key : I shouldve finish my assignment. Im stuck on the deadline
Jennie : Hahaha , that was your problem dude.

(suddenly a lady comes..)

Lasmi : hey Key, kamu sudah ngumpulin tugas makalah ? katanya harus di kumpul
paling lambat jam 10 nanti
Key : serius ? aku udah siap tapi belum ngumpulin. Makasih ya .
Lasmi : oke.
Code Mixing :
Stefan : oh my gosh,.
Dian : why ?
Steafan : file yang udah aku save pada hilang semua !
Dian : kok bisa ?
Stefan : I dont know. Kek nya kena virus.
Dian : scan aja dulu flashdish mu.
Stefan : malah Laptop ku yang error.
Dian : ya udah, beli baru aja flashdisk nya
Stefan : its easy to say. But, tugas aku nya loh
Dian : sabar.
Stefan : must be !

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