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Group Planning -- Research Project : Learning Your Planets

Teacher Name: Mrs. Leonvega

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Objectives This section there No grading Scale: No grading scale: No grading scale: A
will no differential Explore WebQuest Gather information model of our Solar
grading scale: Pick research material. on planets and make System is a
research partners. a presentation to requirement for this
3-4 members in each present. project. You will
group. have 2 months to
Group Timeline Group independently Group independently Group independently Group needs adult
develops a develops a timeline develops a timeline help to develop a
reasonable, describing when describing when timeline AND/OR
complete timeline most parts of the most parts of the several students in
describing when work will be done. All work will be done. the group cannot
different parts of the students in group Most students can independently
work (e.g.,planning, can independently independently describe the high
research, first draft, describe the high describe the high points of the
final draft) will be points of the points of the timeline.
done. All students in timeline. timeline.
group can
describe the high
points of the
Delegation of Each student in the Each student in the Each student in the One or more
Responsibility group can clearly group can clearly group can, with students in the group
explain what explain what minimal prompting cannot clearly
information is information s/he is from peers, clearly explain what
needed by the responsible for explain what information they are
group, what locating. information s/he is responsible for
information s/he is responsible for locating.
responsible for locating.
locating, and when
the information is
Grading Scale 100-90 Complete 89-80 Good work but 79-70 Some work on 69-0 Incomplete
Model and Detailed not excellent. If work planets; not very work. No work is a 0
information on is not as good as the detailed; sloppy
planet. Each student rest o the group then information. Model is
will be graded I will be able to tell not up to par with the
individually on his or who put the time and rest of group. Just
her work. Needs to effort into project. enough work done to
be equal work and pass.
Sources Sources will be
provided. Everyone
will have the same
sources so there is 11/16/2017
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no differential

Date Created: November 14, 2017

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