Ss Di Lessonplanv 3

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(Use the bulleted information provided to write your lesson plan. Replace the bulleted text in each section below with
your text. Your text should be written in complete sentences, so be sure the bullets are deleted also. Numbers in
parentheses show the point value for each section of the lesson. Please do not change/delete any of the information in
the left-hand column. You may delete these instructions on each lesson plan.)

Name: Anita Marcelino

Lesson #: 1 Lesson Title: Games Around the World

Grade Level/Subject: 2nd grade Social Studies Topic: Culture

NCES/CCSS Standard and 2.C.1 Understand how various cultures influence communities
Objective (1)
Know and use various text features (e.g., captions, bold print,
subheadings, glossaries, indexes, electronic menus, icons) to locate
key facts or information in a text efficiently.

Revised Blooms level of For this lesson, the Blooms level would be Apply because students are
thinking/type of knowledge (1) using their knowledge about text features and are applying it to a poster
that they are creating to advertise for a game that could be played at the

Behavioral Objective (2) Students will meet the lesson objective by creating a poster about a game
that they want to be played at their school. Students must use text features
to help advertise this game to the school.
Objective Rationale (1) This content pertains to students lives by some of games that they play
and the origin of them. Although there are similar game, students get to
learn and try sports that are played around the world.

Prerequisite Knowledge and Students will needs to know what sports are and have prior knowledge of
Skills (1) a few text features such as bold print and captions.

Key Terms and Vocabulary Armor, bamboo, elastic, chestnut, Aztecs, Text features
Content and Strategies Instructional
1. Focus/Review (prepares Today, I will begin class with asking questions that List the
students for the lesson) (2) connect to students prior knowledge such as The other instructional
day that I was here, I heard you all talk about the strategies you
different traditions and cultures that are found here in will use in this
the United States. Can you think of any game that are section of the
played in a different country? lesson.

I heard really good answers to my question. Who likes

sports? What sport do you like? Wait for students to

We are going to read a book today called Games

Around the World. This is an informational text.
Revised for spring, 2012
We are going to do a picture walk but before we do, I
am going to need you to get a piece of paper and a
pencil out. We are going to make a T-chart and on the
first column, we are going to write Familiar and on the
other Unfamiliar. While we are looking through the
book, I want you to write what materials are familiar or
unfamiliar to you in the appropriate column.

2. Objective as stated for

students (helps students Today we are going to read a book different sports that are found around
set their own goals for the the world. By the end of the lesson, you will learn that there are many
lesson) (1) different sports that are played by different cultures.

3. Teacher Input (provides Today we are going to use the text features to locate List the
the content to students in a key facts or information in the text. Does anyone know instructional
teacher-directed manner) what a text feature is? Wait for response. strategies you
(3) will use in this
A text feature is any text, outside of the body text, that section of the
gives the reader true or factual information. What are lesson.
some examples of text features? Wait for response.

It looks like you some of you know a few text features.

What kind of books have text features? Does the book
we read have text features? Can someone find a text
feature from the book?

If students are not showing understanding of text

features, more examples would be given in a different
text that they are familiar with, such as a text book they

4. Guided Practice Students will work in a group of 5. All groups will List the
(scaffolded practice with have sticky notes and a text feature. Every group is to instructional
the content; helps students identify their assigned text feature throughout the book. strategies you
make sense of the content After every group had identified the text features, we will use in this
provided in Teacher will take a few minutes to talk about each text feature section of the
Input) (3) and the different examples. lesson.

Okay, now that we have read the book, you are going
to get in your assigned seats and you are going to be
given a book per group and sticky notes. Do not write
one the book or sticky notes. You will also be given a
specific text feature. It is up to you and your group to
place a sticky note where your text feature is being

5. Independent Practice Advertisement with text features

(application activities to These games seem fun! Did you find one that you would like to play?
help students use and Well, you are about to choose one game from the book that you think we
demonstrate what they could play at our school. You are going to make an advertisement for the
Revised for spring, 2012
have learned) (2) game. An advertisement needs certain things. Be sure to follow the
instructions that are on the board.
Your poster must have:
Instructions on how to play
The country where the game originates
Have at least 3 of the text features that were mentioned today

You will need to a piece of paper and color pencils.

6. Closure (provides a wrap- We learned a lot about games that are played around the world. We also
up for the lesson) (1) learned what text features are and how to find them. Does anyone want to
share their advertisement with the class?

7. Evaluation (How will you For formative assessment, I will check through observation and by asking
assess students learning questions such as what is a text feature? What type of books can we find
so that you can determine text features in? What is the purpose of text features?
if they met the objective of
the lesson?) (2) Students are expected to receive an 8 out of 10 points to demonstrate
3 points for having at least 3 text features (1 point each- 3
3 points for thorough instructions on how to play
4 points for including the country that the game originates from

Plans for Individual For students who need accommodations, there would be more visuals
Differences (differentiations such as having a copy of the book projected on the Smartboard. Another
needed for students) (1) accommodation that would take place is individualized help or guidance
that is tailored to the student needs.

Materials used in the lesson; Sticky notes

Resources used in developing 5 copies of the book Games Around the World
the lesson (1) Paper
Color pencils
Slide of instructions from SmartBoard

21st Century Skills (must be The 21st centery skills that are being addressed in this lesson are
in three lessons) communication and creativity. Students were communicating during
partner time when questions were asked during the read aloud. Students
also are showing creativity in this lesson by creating a poster, with text
features, of a game that they would like to play
Global Awareness (must be in The aspects of global awareness in this lesson are that students are
two lessons) developing respect for games that are played around the world. Although
some games are slightly different from the ones played in the US, we still
need to develop respect for others culture.
Culturally Responsive This lesson is culturally responsive in which students are learning about
Teaching (must be in three games that are played around the world. After reading a diverse book,
lessons) students are making a poster to promote one of the games that they would
like to play. This is also culturally responsive in which the student is
making an advertisement for a game at their school.
Overall alignment in the lesson (2):
Revised for spring, 2012
The behavioral objective must be aligned to the lesson objectives (NCES/CCSS).
The instructional activities must help students meet the behavioral objective and be successful on the
lesson assessment.
The lesson assessment must provide enough reliable and valid data so the teacher can determine if
each student has met the lesson objectives or not.

Add any instructional materials needed for the lesson here (worksheets, assessments, PowerPoints,
slides from SmartBoard programs, etc.) (2)

Materials that were used for this lesson are 5 copies of the book Games Around the World, notebook paper,
printer paper, color pencils, and pencils.

Revised for spring, 2012

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