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KP. Jampang GG.

Johar Rt 003 RW 004 Kelurahan Jampang Kecamatan Kemang

Mobile : 085695541746

Att : Mr Nico July, 20th 2017

PT Elektra Inti Perkasa

Herewith we propose quote for the following items:

No Model Description Price

1) Raw materials made from multiplex 18 mm

2) include 4 pcs electrical outlet
1 Meeting table Rp. 30.000.000,-
3) Coated with paint duco
4) Length x width x Height : 6 m x 1,55 m x 0,75 m

Note :

1. The price we provide includes the installation and delivery of the product.

2. The price we provide without tax

Best Regards

Caressa Aljupri

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