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0 Financial Plan
NOTE: Include footnotes to justify assumptions to construct the numbers
1.1. 5-Year Profit & Loss Projection

2017 % 2018 % 2019 % 2020 % 2021 %

Sales 1,762,895 100.00%

1,939,185 100.00% 2,327,021 100.00% 3,025,128 100.00% 4,235,179 100.00%
Cost of Goods Sold
(COGS) 235,081 258,589 13.33% 310,307 13.33% 403,399 13.33% 564,759 13.33%
Gross Profit 1,527,814 86.67% 1,680,596
86.67% 2,016,714 86.67% 2,621,729 86.67% 3,670,420 86.67%

Operating Expenses
Salary (Office &
720,373 40.86%
Overhead) 792,410 40.86% 950,892 40.86% 1,236,160 53.12% 1,730,624 74.37%
Payroll (taxes etc.) 210,555 231,611 11.94% 277,933 11.94% 361,312 15.53% 505,837 21.74%
Outside Services 14,353 15,788 0.81% 18,946 0.81% 24,630 1.06% 34,482 1.48%
Supplies (off and
operation) 8,655 9,521 0.49% 11,425 0.49% 14,852 0.64% 20,793 0.89%
Repairs/ Maintenance 21,678 23,846 1.23% 28,615 1.23% 37,199 1.60% 52,079 2.24%
Company Branding 10,756 11,832 0.61% 14,198 0.61% 18,457 0.79% 25,840 1.11%
Car, Delivery and Travel 35,434 38,977 2.01% 46,773 2.01% 60,805 2.61% 85,127 3.66%
Accounting and Legal 27,676 30,444 1.57% 36,532 1.57% 47,492 2.04% 66,489 2.86%
Rent 345,000 379,500 19.57% 455,400 19.57% 592,020 25.44% 828,828 35.62%
Telephone 59,765 65,742 3.39% 78,890 3.39% 102,557 4.41% 143,579 6.17%
Utilities 143,223 157,545 8.12% 189,054 8.12% 245,771 10.56% 344,079 14.79%
Insurance 146,464 161,110 8.31% 193,332 8.31% 251,332 10.80% 351,865 15.12%
Taxes (real estate etc.) 18,963 20,859 1.08% 25,031 1.08% 32,541 1.40% 45,557 1.96%
1,762,895 100.00%
Total Expenses 1,939,185 100.00% 2,327,021 100.00% 3,025,128 130.00% 4,235,179 182.00%

Net Profit Before Tax (235,081) (258,589) (310,307) (403,399) (564,759)

Income Taxes 176,233 193,856 232,628 302,416 423,382

Net Profit After Tax (411,314) (452,445) (542,935) (705,815) (988,141)

Owner Draw/
Dividends 13 15 16 17
Adj. to Retained
Earnings (452,458) (542,950) (705,831) (988,158)
1.2. Income Statement

For the year ended September 2017

Fiscal Year Ended
(RM'000) Sept 30, 2017 Sept 30, 2016
Revenue 1,762,895 999,500
Other Income 270,245 197,443
Staff Costs -135,210 -139,075
Depreciation -59,233 -52,333
Other operating expenses -110,649 -86,930
Profit from operations 1,728,048 918,605
Finance costs -200,234 -159,938
Profit before taxation 1,527,814 758,667
Taxation -176,233 -120,346
Profit for the year 1,351,581 638,321

Net dividends per ordinary share (sen) 15 13

1.3. Historical Income Statement

For the year ended September 2016

Fiscal Year Ended

Sept 30, 2016 Sept 30, 2015

Revenue 999,500 854,334
Other Income 197,443 143,984
Staff Costs -139,075 -121,765
Depreciation -52,333 -43,988
Other operating expenses -86,930 -76,930
Profit from operations 918,605 755,635
Finance costs -159,938 -139,677
Profit before taxation 758,667 615,958
Taxation -120,346 -111,389
Profit for the year 638,321 504,569

Net dividends per ordinary share (sen) 13 12

See accompanying Notes to the Financial Statements

1.4. Balance Sheet

1.5. Cash-flow Projection
1.6. Notes to the Financial Statements

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