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Dear Parents, CA Ed Code 51210

I am pleased to be sending this It is not a secret that our society as a

letter to you and I am very excited at the whole is becoming more and more unfit.
opportunity to help teach your children This large rise in obesity is having a
the value of physical education not only serious impact on the health of our
this year, but for the rest of their lives. children. CA Ed Code 51210 is a step in
Physical Education (P.E.) is so important the right direction towards fighting this
for your child and this exposure at a growing problem from a young age.
young age can hopefully influence a Studies support this idea and continue to
long and healthy lifestyle for the years to show that a vast majority of children
come. Integrating P.E. into different today are unfit. This code states that
aspect of a childs schooling not only children in grades 1-6 should have at
leads to healthy habits, but it can also least 200 minutes of physical activity
reinforce the learning process and can every 10 schooldays. Studies have
even make learning more shown that childhood obesity and related
illness has more than doubled in the past
30 years and is continuing to get worse.
Nearly 40 percent of children between
the ages of 5-8 have health conditions
that drastically increase the likelihood of
heart disease. CA Ed Code 51210 is an
enjoyable. attempt to bring awareness to this
Giving your children a mindset for good growing issue and begin to give our
health at a young age is crucial in students the proper physical education
developing a healthy future and I am that they need and deserve.
very proud to have that honor this year.

Mr. Collison
Class Rules
1. BE PREPARED for class (wear proper clothes and footwear for Physical
2. LISTEN while the teacher is talking.
3. RESPECT your teacher, classmates, and equipment.
4. Always give your BEST EFFORT!
5. Be SAFE!
1. First Offence: Verbal Warning
2. Second Offence: Lose 5 minutes of activity time
3. Third Offence: Lose the remainder of the activity time for that day.
4. Fourth Offence: Call home to parents and parent- teacher conference if
5. Final Offence: Office Referral

Parent Signature_______________________________________________

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