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Ruth Newcomer (Lewis)

Taught: November 3, 2017 to peers

Chapter 2 Climate/Environment
in the Classroom

C.C. & State Standard(s): All of Domain 2 from Danielson Framework, a. Creating an
Environment of Respect and Rapport, 2e. Organizing Physical Space

Objective(s): Students will analyze and know how they want their classroom environment and
climate to be for their class. They will discuss their future classroom climate with each other.

Student Friendly Objective(s): I will talk with my peers and share ideas of how to create a great
classroom environment and climate for my students to learn and be successful.

Assessment: We will discuss what their ideal classroom will be and how they can implement this
into their classroom. Write down their ideas or any others that come from the discussion of how they
can make a great classroom environment and climate for their students.

Key Vocabulary: Self-efficiency (believing in oneself), emotional intelligence (a persons ability to

use his or her emotions intelligently), self-awareness (ones ability to sense and name a feeling when
it happens and also to put it into words), self-regulation (regulation of the self by the self, or ability
to adapt mental, emotional and physiological state to the task at hand)

Anticipatory Set: Think of a class you didnt like in high school or even college now. Why did you
dislike the class? What could the teacher have done to make it a better learning and classroom
experience for you?

Recall Prior Knowledge: We all completed the classroom/environment paper, so what are some of
the stategies you used to make a welcoming climate and environment in your classroom?

Input/Modeling: What do learners need to succeed? To feel included and that they can complete the
assignments that are given to them. Need to feel loved and appreciated. A teaching mindset is
important too in helping students to feel success. If we believe that the student cant learn, then they
wont. We need to be positive and supportive to our students so they will believe in themeslevs and
have self-efficiency.
Having a good classroom environment that is inviting and aids learning for the students is important.
Make sure their basic needs are met each day so they are open to learning and are not stressed in
school. How do we do this in our classrooms?
What are some ways we can make the classroom fun, respectful and build rapport with our students?
We can have fun with our students and help them learn as we provide hands-on experiences for
them. How do emotions play a role in learning? If a student does not feel safe, they will have trouble
learning. How do we help students to feel safe and welcome in our classroom? Make sure students
have friends, feel support and feel good in class and celebrate their learning. Making sure studenst
understand their own emotions is vital too to creating a safe and caring environment.
When students are aware and know of their self regulations or emotions and how to regulate them,
then they will know what they need to do to be calm, to be excited and how they learn or regulate
their emotions in the classroom. At times, students become restlesss or bored, but if they know that
they need to be alert, they can ask to get up for a minute to do a slow jog or go for a walk around the
hall for a minute to be ready for learning. Having students know how to manage their emotions is
important too, so the students can calm down to learn and keep friends in class. At times, we need to
model social skills too so students will know how to treat others and have good relationships. How
can you teach children self-regulation techniques in class? Breath in for 10 seconds or jog in place
for a minute if the student cannot sit still for a few more minutes.
How are your going to create a good classroom climate?
Look at the learning atmosphere-differentiated classroom
Physical and emotional atmosphere-lighting, cleanliness, orderliness and displays of students
work. Opportunities for social interactions and making sure there are challenges in class and
Use of the Arts-internet use, music in the class to increase learning-make sure this is okay for
all students
Laughter and celebrating learning-cheers or chants/activities (ex: Make a fist and raise arm in
the arm and yell Yes or High five! Or a round of applause (move hands in a circle while

Check for Understanding/Guided Practice: What have we learned from this discussion about having
a good classroom environment and climate? Write down some last notes or insights about what you
want to implement in your classroom to create the best classroom climate and environment.

Closure: Remember to implement these strategies into your future classroom to build respect and
rapport into your classroom and I know you will have successful students as you encourage and love
them into learning.

Independent Practice: Once students have mastered the content or skill, it is time to provide
reinforcement practice. It should provide for decontextualization: enough different contexts so that
the skill/concept may be applied to any relevant situationnot only the context which it was
originally learned.

Differentiated Instruction/Accommodations: Discussion will be appropriate for my students so

they are learning and collaborating on their ideas and knowledge of a classroom climate and
environment. To challenge advance students, I can have them help me teach the lesson a little. To
scaffold and support my more emerging students, have them use the book for some ideas as we
discuss this topic. Everyone will feel success and leave with more ideas to implement into their


Did I do my best?
How do I know that the students achieved the intended learning outcomes for the lesson?

What went well?

What would I do differently the next time I teach this or a lesson?

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