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Michael J.

Joncich, The Thermodynamic Properties

Bruce H. Solko,
ond John E. Bower of Ammonium Carbamate
Northern Illinois University
DeKolb, Illinois 601 IS
An experiment in heterogeneous

T h e determination of changes of the carbamate utilizing- an inner isoteniscope has been de-
Gibbs free energy (AG), entropy ( A S ) , and enthalpy scribed (7).
( A H ) from measurements of the dissociation pressures of We have recently introduced in the instructional
pure solid compounds has been applied to oxides ( I ) , .
" chemistrv laboratow an ex~erimentof this ~ ~

nitrides (t),carbonates ( S ) , and other compounds (4). type involving the decomposition of ammonium car-
Experimentally, this involves simply the measurement bamate in which measurements are made in the range
of the equilibrium pressure of the gas above the solid a t a 30-5O0C with an ordinary 0-50C degree) ther-
series of temperatures. For instructional purposes the mometer and utilizing an all glass apparatus. Very
dissociation pressure as a function of temperature of reproducible results are easily obtaiued in one labora-
carbonates (5) and halides (6) has been used but these tory period.
experiments require high temperature furnaces, thermo- With the apparatus shown in Figure 1, equilibrium is
couples, and potentiometers for temperature measure- reached in approximately 30 min.
ment and reach equilibrium very slowly. An experi-
ment for determination of the properties of ammonium Ammonium Carbamate Equilibrium
Measurements of the dissociation pressure of ammo-
nium carbamate which proceeds by the reaction:
NH4CO1NHds) * 2NHdg) + COdg)
have been carried out by a number of investigators (8-
I S ) . The most recent study of this compound by
Janjic (14) provided the incentive for including such an
experiment in our laboratory. We have experimented
with several different designs based on that of Janjic.
The one we have chosen is simple to construct, inexpen-
sive, easy to manipulate and is applicable to the study of
other equilibria of this type. Further, it has the advan-
tage that all of the solid and gas are a t thermal equilib-
rium with the constant temperature bath.
The dissociation of ammonium carbamate is treated
in detail in many elementary physical chemistry texts
( 1 5 ) . The equilibrium constant for the reaction is:
K, =~'~NH~PCOZ (1)
from which it follows that:

where P., is the total equilibrium pressure starting with

pure solid only.
The equilibrium may also be studied by admitting
definite known initial pressures of either NH3 or C 0 2 to
the evacuated vessel together with the solid. In such a
case, if x represents the initial pressure of NH3gas, it fol-
lows that

while if y represents an initial pressure of COz gas

Figure 1 . Dissociation presruro measurement apparatus. A, meter
stick; 8, 0-5O0C thermometer; C, " 0ring joint with clamp (not shown);
D, =ample container; E, stopcock.

598 / Journal of Chemical Education

Thermodynomic Considerations Table 1. Equilibrium Pressures at Various Temperatures,
Log Equilibrium Constants, and AGTO
The change in the standard Gihbs Free Energy AGOr
is then determined through the relationship A .
--O D r
Temp. Pressure cal
AG'T = -RT Ln K , (5) (C") (Tom) Loe K. mole-'

where K , is the thermodynamic equilibrium constant.

The average enthalpy change is determined from the

I t follows that the average enthalpy change, a", begins. S x to eight additional points can thus be ob-
may be obtained by graphing in K , versus 1/T and de- tained in one laboratory period. It is possible to em-
termining the slope, or from the equation ploy the time between points to perform another experi-
ment simultaneously.
A simpler system which may be used as a semiperma-
nent setup was also devised. In this case the possi-
The entropy change may then he determined a t any bility of leakage through the "0" ring joint or the stop-
temperature in this range through the relationship cock was eliminated. This system was identical to the
other except that the "0" ring joint was not present and
the sample was contained in glass tube D before it was
sealed to the rest of the system. The purging cycle was
The Experiment
carried out as described previously and the tubing was
Ammonium carbamate was used as purchased with- sealed off between D and E while under vacuum.
out further purification.'
The water jacket surrounding the sample container Results and Discussion
consists of a glass bottle large enough to surround the Table 1 and Figure 2 illustrate the experimental re-
necessary equipment (Fig. 1) as well as the clamp re- sults of the average of five student experiments chosen
quired to compress the "0" ring joint (C in Figure 1). at random. A11 P., points from these experiments were
The top of the bottle was fitted with a rubber stopper in plotted versus T and the equilibrium pressures at 30,35,
which three holes of the appropriate size were drilled. 40,45, and 50C were taken from the smooth curve con-
The largest tubing is 20 mm in diameter; the reaction structed. For each value of log K , the value of AGO
vessel is 15 rnrn in diameter. To keep the rubber was determined. A plot (Fig. 2) of log K , versus 1/T
stopper from springing out of place a clamp consisting of was then constructed.
two wooden collars (which could be bolted together)
may he necessary.
Prior to introduction of the sample the water jacket is
removed, the system is connected to a vacuum pump
through stopcock E, and the system is flamed gently
while being evacuated. The sample container is re-
moved, several grams of solid ammonium carbamate
added over a plug of glass wool, and the system is evacu-
ated for 10 min. The stopcock is closed and the solid
allowed to dissociate for 10 min. The system is evac-
uated again and the whole process repeated twice more.
Finally, while under evacuation the stopcock is closed,
the clamps and water jacket are put in place, and water
circulation from the constant temperature (*O.OlC)
bath is started. The bath is set for 30C initially.
Pressure readings may he taken at short intervals if it
is desired to study the rate of approach to equilibrium.
Otherwise only the final equilibrium pressure is re-
corded. Equilibrium is reached in approximately 30 Figure 2. Log K, *enus 1/T X 10' for emmonium carbarnolo in the
ternperdure rongo of 25-50C. Data ore for Janjic l14), rquares;
min. Each equilibrium pressure is corrected for the Bennett, e l d.,(131, triangles; and student valuer, circle..
temperature effect on the Hg column height. The
exact temperature is read from the thermometer in From the slope of the line in Figure 2, a0 is calcu-
proximity to the sample. The bath temperature is then lated to be 37.4 kcal mole-'.
raised by a small increment (3-5'C) and the series of Employing eqn. (8), AS"a t 25' is calculated to be
equilibrium pressures from 30 to 50C are obtained. 108.8 cal mole-' deg.-I.
Since the apparatus from one period to another does In Table 2 values of AG0(25'C), AS,O and hRo are
not actually require a new sample and re-evacuation, it
compared with values calculated from the data of
is a t equilibrium at room temperature when the student Janjic (Ib), Bennett (I$), and with values calculated
We found that the ammonium carbamate obtained from from thermodynamic data tables (16). The agreement
K & K Laboratories, Plainville, N. Y., provided the best results. is satisfactory. Our equilibrium pressures in many re-
Samples from several other sources were tried. peated trials were always larger than those of Janjic
Volume 44, Number 10, October 1967 / 599
Table 2. Comparison of Student and Literature Values of GREGORY, N. W., AND THACKREY, B. A,, J . Am. Chem. Soe.,
AGO, ASo, and AP(at 25'C) 72, 3176 (1950).
CAMPBELL, J. A,, J. CHEM.EDUC.,42, 489 (1965).
AGO @ AS" ROSE, J., "Advanced Physico-Chemical Experiments,"
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1964, p. 304.
Student Values 4943 37.4 108.8 SAL~BERQ, H. W., MORROW,J. I., AND COHEN,S. R.,
Janjic (14) 5100 38.7 113 "Laboratory Course in Physical Chemistry," Academic
Bennett (IS) 4840 36.6 106.5
Thermo. Tables (161 4878 38.1 111.2 Press, Inc., New York, 1966, pp. 242-3.
BRINER,E., J . Chim. Phys., 4, 267 (1906).
(14). Our data agree rather well with the results of France, 31, 307 (1922).
Bennett (IS) except in the lower part of the temperature BRIGGS,T. R., AND MIGIDICHIAN, ~.V., J. Phvs. Chem.,. 28, ~

1121 (1924).
range where our results are slightly lower. TOKUOKA, M., J . Agr. Chem. Soc. Japan, 10, 1333 (1934).
The authors are grateful for the assistance of Mr. E. EGAN.E. P.. P o n s . J. E.. AND POTTS.G. D.. Ind. Eno.
J. Hyland in the development of the equipment and to , . . .
the Dean's Fund of Northern Illinois University. BENNETT.R. N.., RITCRIE.
P. -~
, -~ D.., Roannnnn. - .
~ n o & , J., T m s . Famday Soe., 49, 925 (1953).
., A N D

Literature Cited JANJE,D., Helv. Chim. Acte, 47, 1879 (1964).

MARON, S. H., AND PRUTTON, C. F., "Principles of Physical
(1) OTTO,E. M., J. Electrochem. SOC.,112, 367 (1965). Chemistry," 4th Ed., The Macmillan Ca., New York,
(2) LORENZ, R., AND WOOLCOCK, J., Z. amrg. A11g. Chem., 176, 1965, pp. 246-7.
280 (1928). "Selected Values of Chemicd Thermodynemics Properties-
(3) LORENZ, 11.R.,AND JANZ, G. J., J . CHEM.EDUC.,40, 611 Part 1." Natl. Bureau Std. Tech. Note 27Ckl. Washins-
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600 / journal o f Chemical Educafian

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