Nov 17 Second Supplement To Motion For Reconsideration-Avery-Zellner PDF

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evidence that Barb hired a person to make deletions of incriminating evidence prior

to the computer being seized by the police on April 21, 2006.

Mr. Avery has attached to this amended supplement the affidavit of Brad A.

Dassey. (Affidavit of Brad A. Dassey, attached and incorporated herein as

Exhibit 3). Brad is the half-brother of Bryan, Bobby, Blaine, and Brendan and

Barb's stepson. (See, Exhibit 3 at ,r 2). Brad avers that he had a conversation with

Barb during a trip to visit Brendan at the Sheboygan County Jail. Barb stated that

she had hired someone to "re-format" her home computer, and she wanted to know if

"re-formatting" would remove what was on the computer. (See, Exhibit 3 at ,r 3).
Barb stated that she had the "re-formatting" done shortly before the auth rities

seized her computer. (See, Exhibit 3 at ii 4). During her conversation with Brad,

Barb admitted that she did not want anyone to see what was on her computer. (See,

Exhibit 3 at ,r,r 4-5).

Brad further states that he contacted the authorities after this conversation

because he thought that Barb was trying to remove evidence relevant to Ms.

Halbach's murder. (See, Exhibit 3 at ,r 6). The authorities interviewed Brad after he

reported this information, but he was not called as a witness, by either side, to

testify at Mr. Avery's or Brendan's trials. (See, Exhibit 3 at ,r,r 8-9).

The new forensic examination of Barb's computer corroborates the affidavit of

Brad. Mr. Hunt, who used 2017 technology to examine the computer, detected eight

periods in 2005, close to the date of the murder, for which files are missmg and

"presumably deleted from the Dassey computer:" August 23-26; August 28-

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