Maths Adv 10

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1. If the amount of money that Cristina makes in a month is $720,the amount of

years she needs to work to earn $50 400 is

2. The number which makes the sentence below true is

3 = 70 10 2 - 14

3. 6 men take 28 minutes to dig a hole which is 456 cubic meters in volume.
Which answer is the closest to the time it would take for 18 men to dig a hole
of the same volume.
4. A student was asked to list some of the properties of a parallelogram:
The student wrote:
1) It has two axes of symmetry.
2) The diagonals are different length.
3) Opposite sides are both parallel and equal in length.

The properties he wrote were correct in part:

5. Which of the following 3D objects does this description represent?

The object has 5 faces, 5 vertices and 8 edges. 4 of its edges are the same
length and meet at one point. Of the remaining 4 edges, 2 of its edges are of
the same length (not necessarily the same as any other) and the other 2 are
the same length (also not the same as any other edge).

6. 95% of number is 285. The number is

7. Bret thinks of a number. He squares the number, and then doubles the result
and then triples the previous result. If the final number is 96, the number Bret
was initially thinking of is

8. 17 2 + 3 (3 2.5) =

9. If A and B are digits, and the number A33B is divisible by 3 and 7, A and B are

10. The number of axes of symbols for this figure is

11. If you knew that 345 1289 = 444 705. The easiest way to find 1035 1289 is.

12. The Perimeter and area of this figure is

13. A quarter of the difference between 1/5 and 1/10 is

(Use the following graph for Questions 14 16)

The number of families with children on Wisteria Lane

14. How many families have 2 or less children in them on Wisteria Lane?
15. The number of families with no children as a percentage of all the families on
Wisteria Lane is

16. The total number of children on Wisteria Lane is

17. The direction which is 225 degrees, anticlockwise from East is

18. The number ? needed to complete the pattern is

19. The percentage of the circle coloured yellow is closest to


20. The shape which is the odd one out is

21. Three times a certain number added to 5 and then divided by 2 is equal to 5.5.
The starting number is

22. The volume of a petrol tank which can hold 45 785 L in cubic centimetres is
(Hint: 1000L=1 cubic m)

23. The perimeter of a rectangle. Which has its length being three times its
breadth, is 48 cm. The area of the rectangle in sq millimetres is
24. If three consecutive odd numbers add to 51, the middle number is:

25. A large solid is formed with ten cubes, each of side 3 cm, placed in a row along
a table. The surface area of the whole solid is

26. What is the best approximation for:

15.8 22.95

27. 72 and one half bars of gold are equally shared among 5 individuals one of
whom is Gregg. Gregg then takes the gold to the bank and trades them for
cash. He then has to divide the money equally with his family of 4 and himself
who each get $98.05. The amount to the nearest dollar, which the original 72
and one half bars of gold, is worth is

28. Which of the following angles is the odd one out

29. The following is a changing pattern of the shape of sticks. The first shape is
formed by putting three sticks into the shape of a triangle. Each consecutive
shape is formed by adding two sticks to the previous shape to form another
triangle as below.

The first shape contains 3 sticks (1 triangle), the next contains 3 + 2 = 5 sticks (2
triangles), and the third shape contains 5 + 2 = 7 sticks (3 triangles) as above.
Find the amount of sticks needed to form 50 triangles.
30. I bought 10 apples from the market for $15.60. I sold them all at my shop for
$18.40. The profit I made per apple is

31. The meaning of birth rate is number of births per 1000 people per year. If a
Fairfax has a population of 132 500 and Sussex, 165 500, and the birth rate is in
both towns is 18, the difference in the number of babies born in one year
between the towns is

32. The range is defined as the difference between the highest score and the
lowest score. The mode is the score that occurs the most. The mean is the
average of the scores.
2, 3, 3, 3, 5, 6, 10, 12, 12, 14
For the following scores the answer to:
4 mode + range mean
33. The number Five hundred and six thousand and four, rounded off to the
nearest ten thousand is

34. In a dancing competition, a couple obtained an average score of 7.8 for the
first 6 rounds. In the next stage they scored a total of 45 for the 6 rounds. The
couples overall average for the whole competition is closest to

35. If 17.5 kg of prawns cost $18.60, then 1.75 kg shrimp, which cost 3 times as
much as prawns, cost
36. The following is the list of hot food outside the tuck shop:
Sausage rolls: $1.15
Meat Pie: $ 1.45
Two Pizza slices: $1.40
Muffin: $1.65
The change Ill get from a $10 note if I buy 5 pizza slices, a sausage roll and a
muffin is:

37. The number of times one quarter goes into seventeen and three quarters is

38. A farming property which covers an area of 17 hectares is sold at an auction, so

that each sq centimetre of land is worth 0.4 cents. The price which the property
was sold at was
(Hint: 1 Hectare = 10 000 sq m)
39. The following is a changing pattern of the shape of sticks. The first shape is
formed by putting three sticks into the shape of a triangle. Each consecutive
shape is formed by adding two sticks to the previous shape to form another
triangle as below.

The first shape contains 3 sticks (1 triangle), the next contains 3 + 2 = 5 sticks (2
triangles), and the third shape contains 5 + 2 = 7 sticks (3 triangles) as above.
How many triangles in the above pattern can be formed with 49 sticks?

40. 1.7 0.17 is the same as

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