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Computers and Structures 82 (2004) 639651

Beam element formulation and solution procedure for

dynamic progressive collapse analysis
Griengsak Kaewkulchai, Eric B. Williamson *

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712-1076, USA

Received 24 December 2002; accepted 12 December 2003

A beam element formulation and solution procedure for progressive collapse analysis of planar frame structures is
presented. Unlike previous research, the current study addresses the signicance of dynamic load redistribution fol-
lowing the failure of one or more elements. The developed beam-column element utilizes a multi-linear, lumped
plasticity model, and it also accounts for the interaction of axial force and bending moment. Strength and stiness
degradation are included through use of a damage-dependent constitutive relationship. A damage index is used to
determine the onset of member failure. Following the failure of an element, the analysis continues in an ecient manner
through use of a modied member stiness procedure. This approach does not require the introduction of any addi-
tional degrees-of-freedom or modication of the element connectivity denitions. Finally, a methodology for updating
the state of a structure at the time of member failure is presented. Analysis results indicate that dynamic redistribution
of loads is a signicant feature of the progressive collapse problem and should be accounted for in order to avoid
estimates of capacity that are not conservative.
 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Progressive collapse; Structural dynamics; Nonlinear analysis; Building collapse; Damage; Software

1. Introduction researchers have considered the implications of dynamic

load redistribution in the response of frame structures
Progressive collapse, characterized by widespread during a collapse event (Hakuno and Meguro [3], Isobe
propagation of failure, can be triggered by the loss of a and Toi [4]). Furthermore, recent terrorist attacks
critical structural element or other localized damage to a against the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma
structure. Of key importance is the concept that the City in 1995, the US Embassy buildings in Africa in
resulting damage is disproportionate to the original 1998, and the World Trade Center in New York in 1993
cause. Progressive collapse of buildings has become an and 2001 have rekindled interest in the design of build-
important issue for structural design since the collapse of ings to resist progressive collapse.
the Ronan Point Apartment building in 1968. In this Based on research conducted during the 1970s, a
event, a gas explosion in an apartment near the top of direct design procedure known as the Alternate Load
the structure led to a vertical propagation of failures Path Method was recommended as a simplied analysis
from the upper oors to the foundation. Although there technique for investigating the potential of progressive
has been a signicant amount of research related to collapse in the design of building structures. Since then,
progressive collapse dating back to the early 1970s (e.g., this method has been integrated into several building
Breen [1], Leyendecker and Ellingwood [2]), few codes and provisions (IBC [5], DoD [6], GSA [7]) for
designing structures to resist progressive collapse. With
the Alternate Load Path Method, one or more load
Corresponding author. carrying members are assumed to fail and are removed

0045-7949/$ - see front matter  2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
640 G. Kaewkulchai, E.B. Williamson / Computers and Structures 82 (2004) 639651

from the structural model for the purposes of analysis. ments and axial force along the length of the element.
The remaining structure is then analyzed to determine if In comparison, a stiness-based element formulation
other member failures result. Because progressive col- would depend upon displacement interpolation func-
lapse is an extreme event with a low likelihood of tions that provide the necessary compatibility require-
occurrence, the design limit state is taken to be the ments. The eect of axial force on yield moment is also
prevention of widespread failure propagation. Accord- incorporated in the element formulation through a
ingly, unfactored loads are used, and strength reduction momentaxial force interaction relationship. To capture
factors are ignored. The procedure continues until there cyclic behavior, multi-linear forcedeformation rela-
are no further member failures or the structure remains tionships, as well as the modied Mrozs hardening rule,
capable of supporting its loads despite the loss of vari- are employed. For the current research, the original
ous structural components. As a result of using the beam-column element was modied to account for large
Alternate Load Path Method for progressive collapse displacements through introduction of a geometric sti-
analysis, information on static load redistribution for ness matrix. Thus, both nonlinear geometry (i.e., P D
the structure under consideration is obtained. One crit- eect) and nonlinear material behavior are considered.
icism of this method is that it fails to consider dynamic
eects that inevitably result following the failure of one 2.2. Damage model
or more load carrying members.
Pretlove et al. [8] discussed the importance of Many materials, including steel and concrete, expe-
dynamic load redistribution in their research on the rience strain softening under cyclic loading as a result of
progressive failure of a tension spoke wheel. These damage. The original beam-column element of Kim [12]
researchers demonstrated that a static analysis predict- incorporated these eects, in an empirical fashion, in the
ing a damaged structure to be safe from progressive formulation of the constitutive model. Thus, damage
failure may not be conservative if inertial eects are and inelasticity eects were coupled in the original
taken into consideration. The authors (Kaewkulchai and development. Various researchers, however, have pro-
Williamson [9]) also demonstrated the importance of posed that these eects be treated independently, and
considering inertial eects for frame structures through a observations of the response of various structural sys-
simple frame example. Although dynamic eects on the tems lend credibility to this approach. For example, it is
response of truss structures during progressive failure possible for a brittle system to sustain severe damage yet
have been presented in the research literature (Malla and show little plasticity. For this reason, the beam-column
Nalluri [10,11]), few researchers have considered dy- element of Kim was modied for the current research so
namic load redistribution in the progressive collapse that inelasticity and damage are considered separately.
analysis of frame structures. In this paper, we present Therefore, to track the evolution of damage, a model
the development of a beam-column element for use in representing its evolution is required.
progressive collapse analysis of 2-D frames. For this Several damage models have been proposed in the
research, inertial eects play a key role, and, thus, a literature that depend upon a damage index, D, having a
solution methodology for tracking the dynamic response value ranging from 0 (no damage) to 1 (total damage).
of a structure modeled with the developed beam-column Examples include those of Park and Ang [13] and Rao
element is presented. The procedure is computationally et al. [14] for concrete members, and models by Kra-
ecient and has the capability of determining the re- winkler and Zohrei [15], Ballio and Castiglioni [16], and
sponse of a frame in which members can fail at any time Azevedo and Calado [17] for steel members. For the
throughout the response history. current research, we propose a formulation that depends
linearly upon the maximum deformation and the accu-
mulated plastic energy. To wit, damage, D, is given by
2. Beam element formulation the formula

2.1. Inelastic beam-column element D aU d bW d 1

The beam-column element originally developed by where a, b are constant (material) parameters, U d is a
Kim [12] for the analysis of steel moment frames sub- function that depends upon the maximum deformation,
jected to earthquake excitation forms the foundation of and W d is a function that depends upon the accumu-
the element that was developed for the current study. lated plastic energy.
The element employs a lumped plasticity model in which By varying the values of a and b, one can represent
inelasticity is assumed to occur only at the element ends dierent rates of damage accumulation so that many of
or hinges. In addition, the element utilizes a exibility- the models presented in the literature can be represented
based formulation which relies on force interpolation (Williamson and Hjelmstad [18]). Because the damage-
functions that satisfy the equilibrium of bending mo- dependent response of frame members during a collapse
G. Kaewkulchai, E.B. Williamson / Computers and Structures 82 (2004) 639651 641
2 Da Fe 3
event is not known, the current model provides the 11
0 0
exibility to investigate the relative importance of the 6 Di Fe22 7
Fd 6
4 0 1Di
0 7
5 5
terms in the damage model. Thus, until data are avail- Dj Fe33
able to suggest a model of damage that may be better 0 0 1Dj
suited to collapse analysis than the current model, the
choice was made to use a simple model that could be where Di is the damage index at hinge i, Dj is the damage
varied so as to investigate how the evolution of damage index at hinge j, and Da is an axial damage index. The
aects the computed results. Therefore, unlike previous axial damage index Da is chosen as the larger value of Di
researchers, we allow a and b to vary as a function of the and Dj because we assume that, at the onset of failure,
properties of the structural system. both the axial and rotational stiness at the failed end go
The use of a damage index to indicate failure is to zero, thereby implying separation of the failed
preferable to an arbitrary rule that may be based on member end from the remainder of the intact structure.
some percentage reduction of strength or stiness. When Di or Dj is nonzero, the member stiness is
Extending the basic model to account for both axial and modied. As discussed below, the damage indices are
rotational components, a modied damage index at each updated at each time step throughout the analysis pro-
hinge can be expressed as cedure so that the development of damage aects the
  subsequent response as a function of time. Traditionally,
hmi dma hmi dma damage indices are viewed as simply a quantication of
Di ai
hy dy hy dy a design limit state. If the damage index exceeds a cer-
 iP a P i a P P  tain value, then one concludes that a member or struc-
Epi Epa Epi Epa
bi 2 ture is no longer able to function within the design
Eoi Eoa Eoi Eoa
specications. Under these circumstances, damage plays
where hm , hy are the maximum and the yield rotations a passive roledamage is recorded, but it does not aect
respectively, dma , dya are the maximum and the yield the evolution of the dynamic response. In this context
axial displacements, respectively, and Eo is the initial there is no need for more than an indirect connection
elastic energy prior to yield. The rst two terms within between physical damage and the damage index. In the
each set of the parentheses in Eq. (2) represent a basic present study, however, damage modies the structural
extension of the traditional Park and Ang [13] model in properties and hence contributes to the evolution of the
which damage is assumed to vary linearly as a function response. While this concept is not new (see, for exam-
of maximum deformation and hysteretic energy dissi- ple, work by Baber and Wen [21]), it is one that has not
pated. The last term within each set of parentheses ac- been used directly to evaluate structural performance.
counts for coupling between axial and exural behavior Because we incorporate the damage index in the con-
that is consistent with the constitutive model describing stitutive denition of the model, the stiness of the beam
the behavior of the plastic hinges. While other forms of member degrades as damage evolves. Note that for Di or
the damage index can be developed, the model adopted Dj 1, hinge i or j will have innite exibility (i.e., zero
for the present study oers a simple, yet eective way to stiness), and that hinge can be considered as discon-
account for the degradation of structural properties. nected or no longer attached to the structure. Thus,
Moreover, the parameters a and b can be calibrated with failure is assumed to take place at the member end in
experimental data of impulsively loaded beams to rep- which the damage index has achieved a value of one.
resent variable rates of damage accumulation. In addition to stiness degradation, the eect of
To incorporate the eects of stiness and strength strength degradation of the member is captured using
degradation at member hinges using the damage index, a the modied yield function as shown in Eq. (6).
simplied method suggested by Cipollina et al. [19] and


 My 6
Inglessis et al. [20] is implemented. With their approach, 1  D

the stiness matrix K of a beam member is obtained by

inverting the member exibility matrix F, which includes To illustrate the capabilities of the model, consider
a damage exibility matrix F d . Thus, the response of the cantilever beam shown in Fig. 1(a).
In this example, a W21 57 beam with Mp 4838 k-in
K F 1 3 and L 96 in, is subjected to a point load of P 40 kips
which is suddenly applied and then held constant
F Fe Fp Fd 4 throughout the duration of the response. Such a sce-
nario may be representative of a failed element impact-
In Eq. (4), F e is the elastic exibility matrix, and F p is ing a beam in a structure during a collapse event.
the plastic exibility matrix. The damage exibility The response of the beam as a function of time,
matrix F d , which is a function of damage indices and the assuming values of the nodal mass to be 0.05 kips-s2 /in,
elastic exibility of a beam member, is given by is shown in Fig. 1(b) for dierent rates of damage
642 G. Kaewkulchai, E.B. Williamson / Computers and Structures 82 (2004) 639651

Fig. 1. (a) W21 57 cantilever beam with a suddenly applied point load P . (b) Tip displacement response history with increasing values
of damage (a, b).

accumulation. This gure shows a wide range of re- 6000

Moment (k-in)
sponse parameters, ranging from zero damage (i.e., Damage Rate
a b 0), to severe damage (a b 0:09 for this
example). As might be expected, the response of the 4000
beam for this load case depends strongly upon the value
of a but weakly upon b. For cyclic loading, however, b
plays an important role (Williamson [22]). Because the 2000
0.00 0.01 0.02
load scenario prior to the initiation of a progressive Rotation, (rad)
collapse event can vary widely, the choice was made to
allow the damage model to depend upon the accumu- Fig. 2. Momentrotation (Mh) relationships for dierent rates
lated plastic energy. While progressive collapse can be of damage (a, b).
initiated by blast or impact, some researchers have
proposed that, in the context of retrotting older
structures in areas of high seismicity, it may also occur
as the result of an earthquake (Moehle et al. [23]). In 5.0
Tip deflection (in)

many cases, the costs associated with strengthening all

the columns in a building located in an earthquake-
prone region are prohibitive, and designers count on 0.0
system redundancy so that selected columns can be 0 5 10 15
strengthened while others are left in their original state. -2.5
As such, it is possible for collapse to initiate due to the
failure of an unprotected column, and it is important to Step number
have a damage model that accounts for cyclic loads so
that the state of the structure prior to the onset of col- Fig. 3. Deection input history for the W21 57 cantilever
lapse can be captured accurately. beam.
As seen in Fig. 1(b), faster rates of damage accu-
mulation (i.e., a and b increasing) give larger displace-
2.3. Member loads
ments and also provide more damping to the system.
Using the calculated tip displacements and end mo-
In the analysis of frame structures by the stiness
ments, momentrotation (Mh) relationships of the
method, loads acting on a member need to be replaced
support end for dierent rates of damage can be plotted
by equivalent joint loads through the use of xed end
as shown in Fig. 2. For comparison, the response of the
forces, RF . It is important to discuss the role of the xed
beam has also been computed for the applied cyclic
end forces in computing the nal internal forces of a
displacement history shown in Fig. 3. Plots of applied
member, R, using the equation
force versus deection are shown in Fig. 4. The results
shown in Figs. 1(b), 2, and 4 demonstrate the sensitivity R K  u RF 7
of the response to the values of a and b. These graphs
also give a clear view of the strength and stiness deg- where K is the member stiness matrix and u is the
radation of the beam hinge for dierent rates of damage displacement vector of the member. The xed end forces
accumulation. Clearly, the response demonstrated by RF of an elastic member for various types of member
the element is strongly dependent upon its loading loads can be easily found in the literature (i.e., Felton
history. and Nelson [24]). The relationship in Eq. (7) is appli-
G. Kaewkulchai, E.B. Williamson / Computers and Structures 82 (2004) 639651 643

80 80 conditions associated with the above example, assuming

Applied force (k) .

Applied force (k) .

constant EI, are
0 0 w0 0 and EIw00 0 k1 h1 at x 0 8a
-2 0 2 -2 0 2

wL 0 and EIw00 L k2 h2 at x L 8b

-80 -80
(a) Deflection, (in) (b) Deflection, (in) where h1 w0 0, and h2 w0 L for the EulerBernoulli
assumptions (i.e., no shear deformations). Introducing
80 80
the parameters k1 and k2 through Eq. (9)
Applied force (k) .

Applied force (k) .

k1 k1 and k2 k2 9
0 0 L L
-2 0 2 -2 0 2
the governing dierential equation can be solved by
-80 -80 successive integration to obtain the following equations:
(c) Deflection, (in) (d) Deflection, (in)
x4 x3 x2
EIwx q0 C1 C2 C3 x 10a
Fig. 4. Response of the damaged cantilever beam with dierent 24 6 2
rates of damage (a, b). (a) No damage (a b 0), (b) slow
damage (a b 0:01), (c) moderate damage (a b 0:03), q0 L q0 L 12 6k1 2k2 k1 k2
(d) severe damage (a b 0:1). C1   10b
4 4 12 4k1 4k2 k1 k2

cable for calculating elastic member forces, and it is q0 L2 6k1 k1 k2

C2 10c
commonly employed in matrix analysis of frame struc- 12 12 4k1 4k2 k1 k2
For inelastic response, however, using the conven- q0 L3 6 k2
tional xed end forces, RF , can lead to a violation of the C3 10d
12 12 4k1 4k2 k1 k2
yield function at the member ends because the sum of
the elastic RF and K  u may lead to internal forces R Finally, the xed end forces can be found by dierenti-
that exceed the yield limit. This problem becomes an ating Eq. (10a).
issue during the element state determination as described Generally, only the xed end moments MF1 and MF2
in Section 3.2. In general, the xed end forces are are needed because the xed end shears VF1 and VF2 can
dependent upon the hinge stiness, and the magnitude always be obtained by consideration of equilibrium for
of the xed end forces should vary as the stiness of the the beam member. Solving for the end moments yields
hinges at the member ends change. Fig. 5 shows the xed the following results:
end forces, RF , for a beam element in which the inelas- q0 L2 6k1 k1 k2

ticity of the member is accounted for by springs with MF1 11a
12 12 4k1 4k2 k1 k2
stiness k1 and k2 at each hinge.
For elastic response, k1 k2 1, and RF RF
(reactions of a xedxed beam). When k1 k2 0,  q0 L2 6k2 k1 k2
MF2  11b
plastic hinges have formed at both member ends, and RF 12 12 4k1 4k2 k1 k2
corresponds to the reactions of a simply supported Note that, for an elastic member, MF1 q0 L2 =12 and
beam. To derive the xed end forces RF for intermediate MF2 q0 L2 =12. Therefore, Eqs. (11a) and (11b) be-
values of stiness, one can start by solving the Euler come
Bernoulli beam equation for a exural member with end
springs and a uniform load q0 . The four boundary  6k1 MF1  k1 k2 MF2
MF1 12a
12 4k1 4k2 k1 k2

 6k2 MF2  k1 k2 MF1

MF2 12b
12 4k1 4k2 k1 k2

The same derivation for an inelastic beam member with

other types of member loads (i.e., concentrated and
trapezoidal loads can also be accomplished). Regardless
of the loading scenario, the nal equations will be ex-
actly as those appearing in Eqs. (12a) and (12b), where,
Fig. 5. An inelastic beam member with xed end forces RF . in general, MF1 and MF2 represent the elastic xed end
644 G. Kaewkulchai, E.B. Williamson / Computers and Structures 82 (2004) 639651

moments for the load case under consideration. Once

the xed end moments have been computed, the xed
end shears can be obtained by considering equilibrium
of the inelastic beam member. By using the modied
xed-end forces RF when computing inelastic member
forces, the problem of violating the yield function at the
ends of a member is avoided.

3. Solution procedure
Fig. 6. Element degrees of freedom for complete and essential
In this section, a detailed description of the meth- sets.
odology used to develop the computer program for
progressive collapse analysis of planar frame structures
deformations (r1 r3 ) are needed. Other forcedeforma-
is given.
tion variables can be used; the critical requirement is
that the system under consideration be free of rigid body
3.1. Solution method motion. For the beam element shown in Fig. 6, the
relative element forces associated with the essential set
The solution methodology incorporates an implicit are denoted by Q1 , Q2 , and Q3 .
direct integration scheme, the Newmark-beta method From linear geometry theory, the relationship be-
(Newmark [25]), for solving the governing equations of tween member displacements and member deformations
equilibrium described by Eq. (13). can be determined from the following expression
MU 00 CU 0 RInt RExt 13 rAu 14

In Eq. (13), U, U 0 and U 00 are the displacement, velocity where A the kinematic transformation matrix
and acceleration vectors, respectively, M and C are the 2 3
1 0 0 1 0 0
system mass and damping matrices, respectively, and
4 0 1=L 1 0 1=L 0 5
RInt and RExt are the internal and external force vectors.
0 1=L 0 0 1=L 1
For every time step, the well-known NewtonRaphson
method is employed for solving the nonlinear system of Subsequently, the internal forces associated with the
equations. Details of the methodology can be found in complete set R can be obtained from the relative element
many references including Bathe [26], Belytschko et al. forces by
[27], etc.
R AT  Q 15
3.2. Element state determination The following determination of the relative element
forces Q is with respect to an iteration step i in the
As described earlier, the beam-column element used
NewtonRaphson method during an incremental time
in the current study is a exibility-based element in
step of the Newmark-beta method.
which, during the determination of its internal forces,
equilibrium rather than compatibility is satised. The
1. Calculate the element deformation increments
determination of the element forces employs the current
Dri A  Dui .
element deformations in conjunction with the element 2. Calculate the relative element force increments
stiness matrix obtained from the last converged itera-
DQi K i1t  Dri .
tion step. More information on exibility-based ele-
3. Check if the current element forces Qi Qi1 DQi
ments can be found in the literature (e.g., Spacone et al. violate yield functions
[28], Neuenhofer and Filippou [29]). i(i) If there is no yielding, continue to Step 9.
Generally, a planar beam element consists of 6 de-
(ii) If yielding occurs, calculate a factor FAC (Fig.
grees of freedom (often referred to as the complete
7) for each yielded hinge as follows:
set) including two translations and one rotational dis- q
placement at each end (u1 u6 ), as shown in Fig. 6. In a My  M2 Fy  F 2
exibility-based formulation, however, rigid body mo- FAC q
tions need to be removed. Hence, the element response dM2 dF 2
can be described in terms of only three independent
degrees of freedom (referred to as the essential set). where dM and dF are the moment and axial force
Thus, only the axial deformation and two rotational increments at the yielded hinge.
G. Kaewkulchai, E.B. Williamson / Computers and Structures 82 (2004) 639651 645

Fig. 7. Yield surface and element force increments. Fig. 8. An element force increment with elasticperfectly plastic
material behavior. (a) Yielding during an incremental step, (b)
yielding at the end of an incremental step.

(iii) Calculate the hinge exibility matrix, F h , at each

hinge to account for yielding
gives exactly the yielding point as shown in Fig. 8(b), Eq.
nnT (17) is no longer needed. Nevertheless, a problem still
Fh T occurs in the next time step when using elastic xed end
n K pn
forces because of the same reason that yielding requires
where K p is the diagonal plastic stiness matrix of the no additional forces. To overcome this diculty, the
hinge. The plastic exibility matrix, F p , is obtained as modied xed end forces as described in Section 2.3 are
used so that the problem is automatically resolved. If at
F p F hi F hj
the end of an incremental step the yield point has not
(iv) Update the element exibility matrix, F been computed exactly (Fig. 8(a)), one can iterate on the
time step size until this situation is achieved. This ap-
F Fe Fp Fd proach, however, is computationally intensive as it re-
4. Obtain the partial force increments quires an iterative solution strategy, and yielding can
DQi FAC  DQi . happen often during the course of an analysis. To solve
5. Calculate the remaining deformation increments this problem eectively, a solution based on equivalent
D^ri 1  FAC  Dri . deformations is proposed.
6. Update the current stiness matrix K b i1 F 1 . Considering Eq. (16), the equivalent deformation
7. Obtain the additional force increments increments Drie , in conjunction with the current element
DQbi K b i1  D^ri . stiness matrix K i1
t , will need to give the same relative
8. Repeat Step 3. force increments DQi . Therefore, Drie can be obtained by
9. Calculate the internal element forces Ri AT  Qi . the expression
In this procedure, it is important to note that xed Drie K i1 i1
t fK t  Dri DM F g 18
end forces for an element with member loads have not
yet been included. To account for xed end forces, the With only minor modication, the element state
equations presented in Steps 2 and 7 need to be modi- determination can then be accomplished using Steps 19
ed. The required equations are expressed as as described earlier by using Eq. (16) and adding the
calculation of Drie in Step 2.
DQi K i1
t  Dri DM F 16 The following example demonstrates the procedure
for the state determination of an element with a uniform
bi K
DQ b i1  D^ri 1  FAC  DM  17 load q0 . The example is a xedxed beam consisting of
t F
two equal length elements. Because of symmetry, there is
where DM F f 0 DMF1 
g is a vector of xed only one degree of freedom, the vertical displacement
end forces that are calculated, as described previously, to U1 , as seen in Fig. 9(a). The solution, including bending
account for the hinge properties at the member ends. moment and shear diagrams, is shown in Fig. 9(b). Note
To illustrate the signicance of using the modied that yielding takes place at the middle node.
xed end forces M F as described above, consider the The procedure starts by using conventional matrix
response of an elasticperfectly plastic material as shown structural analysis to obtain the displacement U1
in Fig. 8(a). For such a case, the remaining portion of DU1 21093:75=EI for the xedxed beam with
xed end forces, 1  FAC  DM F cannot be applied to Dq0 10 kips. In this case, only one incremental step is
DQb i because yielding of the material requires no addi- required. For the element state determination, consider
tional forces. Note that if the end of an incremental step element #1,
646 G. Kaewkulchai, E.B. Williamson / Computers and Structures 82 (2004) 639651

3.3. Member failure

During an analysis, the damage index D is used to

determine the onset of member failure. Because each
hinge of a member experiences dierent load and
deformation histories, failure of member ends can hap-
pen at dierent times. As described in Section 2.2, when
Fig. 9. (a) A xedxed beam with a uniform load, (b) bending
moment and shear diagrams. the damage index of a hinge reaches a value of one, the
hinge may be assumed to separate completely from the
main structure (i.e., strength and stiness are reduced to
  zero). At this point, the failed hinge becomes discon-
1 1 1406:25 1
1. Calculate Dr A  Du EI
ft.   tinuous from its primary joint, but the hinge on the
1 1  562:5 opposite end of the member can still be intact. To con-
2. Calculate DQ K t Dr DM F
    562:5 tinue the analysis after failure of member hinges, an
187:5 750 additional node at the failed hinge may be introduced.
187:5 375   Because three new degrees of freedom are added to the
Obtain Dr1e K 1 1
t  DQ EI
ft. structure, the system of equations becomes larger.
3. 1
Check for yielding: Q DQ ; 375 k-ft > 250 k-ft, Hence, the analysis will require more computational
yielded. eort, particularly when there are many failed hinges. In
Calculate FAC 250 0:6667.   addition, changing the dimensions of all matrices is re-
375 500
4. Therefore, DQ1 FAC  DQ1 ft. quired, resulting in expensive computer time for trans-
250   ferring data between matrices. Also, new denitions for
1 element connectivity must be established. As a result of
5. Calculate D^r1 1   FAC
  Dre EI 0 ft.
the drawbacks associated with adding a new node to the
6. Update K b t 3EI 1 0 : denition of the structural model, in the current com-
L 0 0  
7. Calculate D Qb1 K b t  D^r1 187:5 k-ft. puter program the analysis continues in an ecient
0   manner through the use of a modied member stiness
8. Check for yielding: Q Q D Q b 1 687:5 k-ft; procedure with releases of end forces. A subroutine for
no yielding. 8 9 8 9 substructure analysis of failed members is implemented
> 62:5 >
> >
> 75 >> to achieve this goal. Systematically, this approach pro-
< = < =
T  687:5 0 vides a convenient means of keeping track of all failed
9. Calculate
8 R 9 A  Q V F
> 62:5 > > > 75 >
> 137:5 >> : ; > : >
; members, and the main analysis routine is not greatly
< = 250 0 altered.
: The modied member stiness approach utilizes a
> 12:5 >
> >
: ; condensation process of the stiness matrix based on
equilibrium of the member for degrees of freedom that
For element #2, the same procedure is applied and are released. The static condensation process for a
the same results are achieved due to symmetry. The next beam element is common and generally found in
step is to check for equilibrium of the system. For this structural analysis textbooks (i.e., Felton and Nelson
example, one need only consider nodal equilibrium of [24]). For the problem considered, all three degrees of
the center node. At this location, the system is out of freedom at either end of an element are released be-
equilibrium by 25 kips. Therefore, a 2nd iteration is cause of the failure of the end. When releasing one end,
needed for the beam with a point load of 25 kips acting the element forces at the released end become zero.
at the center node. From the matrix analysis, the addi- Moreover, the released end displacements can be
tional displacement is calculated as DU1 14062:5=EI determined from the remaining end displacements and
ft, and the additional member forces are computed to be the applied forces through use of the modied of the
DR f12:5; 187:5; 12:5; 0gT . Hence, U1 U1 DU1 element stiness matrix. Note that the xed end force
35156:25=EI ft, and vector RF must also be modied to reect the change of
end conditions.
8 9 For illustrative purpose, assume that failure takes
> 150 >
< = place at the right end of a beam-column element. For
R R DR this case, the incremental equilibrium equations of the
> 0 >
: ; element can be written as
DRc K cc jK cr Duc DRFc
which give the same results as given in Fig. 9(b). DRr K rc jK rr Dur DRFr
G. Kaewkulchai, E.B. Williamson / Computers and Structures 82 (2004) 639651 647

where subscripts c and r refer to contracted and Based on the discussion above, together with Eqs. (21),
released respectively. The contracted set consists of (23) and (26), the procedure for dynamic progressive
incremental force and displacement vectors corre- collapse analysis with the modied member stiness
sponding to the element degrees of freedom 1 through 3 approach only involves modication of the stiness
at the intact end. Likewise, the released set contains matrix and xed end forces of a failed member. Thus,
those for the element degrees of freedom 4 through 6 at Eq. (21) can be employed with the modied member
the released end. Because the released element force stiness matrix K cc and the modied xed-end force
vector DRr is zero, the released displacement vector Dur vector DRFc . These matrices correspond to the con-
can be written in terms of Duc as tracted degrees of freedom at the intact end, and they
can be determined form Eqs. (27) and (28).
Dur K rr 1 K rc Duc DRFr 20
K cc K eff cc  K eff cr K 1
eff rr K eff rc 27
As a result, the incremental equilibrium equations for
the contracted set can be expressed by DRFc DReff Fc  K eff cr K 1
eff rr DReff Fr 28
DRc K cc Duc DRFc 21 With K cc and DRFc , analysis after member failure can
where K cc K cc  K cr K 1 continue with little modication to the main analysis
rr K rc
is the modied member
stiness matrix, and DRFc DRFc  K cr K 1 routine because no new degrees of freedom are added to
rr DRFr is the
modied xed-end force vector. the system. At the end of a converged time step, the
It is interesting to observe that the relationships de- released displacement vector Dur at the failed end of the
rived in Eqs. (20) and (21) are based on static equili- member can be obtained from the contracted displace-
brium of the element, and therefore do not apply for ment vector Duc at the intact end using Eq. (25). Thus,
dynamic analyses. However, if the Newmark-beta using the approach just outlined, the assembly process
method is employed, similar equations, which are valid for the stiness matrix and the applied force vector of
for dynamic analyses, can be developed because the the main structure does not change. In addition, the
relationship among displacement, velocity, and acceler- equation solver still determines the same number of
ation is assumed known. Thus, the governing equations unknown degrees of freedom. Accordingly, the ap-
of dynamic equilibrium can be cast in terms of unknown proach is computationally ecient.
displacements. Accordingly, inertial eects in the re- To verify the modied member stiness approach,
sponse are accounted for, and the procedure outlined results obtained from a dynamic analysis using this ap-
above can be used with only slight modication. proach are compared with those obtained from a con-
The incremental equations of motion for a dynamic ventional dynamic analysis. For this purpose, the system
system, when combined with the Newmark-beta method, shown in Fig. 10(a) is considered. The system is a xed
can be written as xed beam consisting of two elements and two degrees
of freedom as shown. A point load P of 20 kips acts at
DPeff K eff DU 22 Node 2. For static equilibrium, the system has shear and
moment diagrams as shown in Fig. 10(b). To illustrate
in which K eff and DPeff are expressed by
the modied member stiness method, the right end of
K eff A1 M A4 C K 23 member 2 is assumed to fail abruptly so that the support
is no longer available to resist loads. For a conventional
DPeff DP MA2 v A3 a CA5 v A6 a 24 dynamic analysis, new degrees of freedom at Node 3
would need to be introduced. Hence, after failure at
where A1 A6 are the Newmark time integration con- Node 3, the structure can be analyzed by using a system
stants, v is the velocity vector, and a is the acceleration having four degrees of freedom with suddenly applied
vector. Because Eq. (22) is expressed in a form compa- forces S and M at Node 3 as shown in Fig. 11. For this
rable to Eq. (19), the released displacement vector Dur example, S 10 kips and M 300 k-in. For a dynamic
from Eq. (20) can be rewritten as
Dur K eff rr 1 K eff rc Duc DReff Fr 25

The derived equation for Dur is now based on dynamic

equilibrium, and therefore, inertial eects are accounted
for by using K eff and DReff F . Because the xed end forces
are the negative values of the applied forces, the eective
xed end force vector, DReff F , similarly to DPeff is given
Fig. 10. (a) A system with failure at Node 3, (b) bending
DReff F DRF  MA2 v A3 a  CA5 v A6 a 26 moment and shear diagrams.
648 G. Kaewkulchai, E.B. Williamson / Computers and Structures 82 (2004) 639651

matrices, as well as displacement, velocity and acceler-

ation vectors are updated at the end of each converged
time step. The stiness matrix of a member is updated to
account for material and geometric nonlinearities, while
the displacement, velocity, and acceleration vectors are
Fig. 11. An equivalent system with a suddenly applied force. updated to satisfy the equilibrium equations. Once the
solution (increments in the displacement vectors DU n ) is
obtained at an incremental time step n using the New-
analysis using the modied member stiness approach,
mark-beta method, the displacement, velocity, and
only two degrees of freedom are required because no
acceleration vectors at time tn1 are updated as follows,
new degrees of freedom are introduced to the system.
The response at the failed end can be obtained through U n1 U n DU n 29
Eq. (25).
For the dynamic analyses performed, Dt 0:01 s and vn1 vn A4 DU n  A5 vn  A6 an 30
mass 0.05 kips-s2 /in at each member end. In addition,
rotational inertia and damping are ignored. The results an1 an A1 DU n  A2 vn  A3 an 31
obtained from a conventional dynamic analysis and a
dynamic analysis using the modied member stiness Additional updating schemes, however, are required
approach are compared in Fig. 12. As seen in the graphs, at the time of member failure. Considering a node at the
the dierences between the displacement response his- point of intersection between one beam and two col-
tories obtained from the conventional dynamic analysis umns, fracture is assumed to occur at the beam hinge as
and the modied member stiness approach are negli- shown in Fig. 13. At the time of the beam hinges failure,
gible. Similarly, bending moments of members 1 and 2 the externally applied load vector RExt is modied to
obtained from the two approaches are nearly identical. include the internal forces Rb resulting from the failed
Hence, applying the modied member stiness approach beam end. The mass matrix M must also be modied
results in a simple, yet ecient routine for analyses of because the beam mass mb at the failed joint is no longer
frame structures after member failure. assembled into the mass matrix for the structure. Its
One important issue that needs to be addressed is the inertial eects are accounted for by use of the modied
impact of failed members on other portions of the stiness procedure described in the previous section. The
remaining structure. When a member fails, whether at
one or both ends, the failed ends move independently
from the main structure. Therefore, this member may
come into contact with another member. When contact
occurs, additional mass and impact forces are imposed
on the main structure. Currently, a solution method to
account for these eects is being studied and imple-
mented into the computer program.

3.4. Updating

Generally, in nonlinear dynamic analyses using the Fig. 13. Equilibrium of a node, (a) before fracture, (b) after
incremental equations of motion, member stiness fracture.

0.0 Dof 1 500

Displacement (in)

0.0 0.5 1.0

Moment (k-in)

-3.0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0

Dof 3 Mem2
-6.0 -500
(a) Time (s) (b) Time(s)

Conventional dynamic analysis

Modified memberstiffness approach

Fig. 12. Comparisons of computed results, (a) displacements for DOF 1 and 3, (b) bending moments of member 1 and 2 at Node 2.
G. Kaewkulchai, E.B. Williamson / Computers and Structures 82 (2004) 639651 649

tangent stiness matrix K t is also aected because of the 4. Frame example

loss of beam stiness. Furthermore, the proportional
damping matrix C needs to be updated using the mod- In this section, an example is given to demonstrate
ied M and K because Rayleigh damping has been as- the importance of including dynamic eects for pro-
sumed. These updating schemes physically represent the gressive collapse analysis. A two-bay, two-story frame
current state of the structural conguration. Note that, with xed supports (Fig. 14) has a uniform load of 0.4
for this particular case, only one fracture is presented. kips/in acting on the beams. The rst oor column on
Therefore, the updating is done only at the node con- the right side of the building is assumed to fail abruptly
necting to the failed hinge. If several hinge failures oc- by an abnormal load as indicated in Fig. 14(b). Fol-
cur, the same procedure is required at all nodes lowing failure of the column, the remaining frame is
connecting to failed hinges. analyzed from its original conguration using the
After hinge failures occur, jumps in acceleration at developed computer program. Both static and dynamic
the nodes connecting to the failed hinges will occur due analyses are performed, and the computed results are
to suddenly released forces. Displacements and veloci- compared. In the current example, the damage para-
ties, however, retain the same values. These jumps in meters are set equal to zero so that a direct comparison
acceleration are also essential in satisfying equilibrium can be made between the two analysis cases. For the
of the nodes. Considering the node shown in Fig. 13, the dynamic analysis, the uniform load is applied as a
equilibrium equations just before and after fracture can rectangular pulse over the course of the analysis, and the
be expressed as time step size is set to be 0.005 s. A beam mass of 0.124
kips-s2 /in at each end is used for all members. In addi-
ma fRb Rc1 Rc2 g 0 32
tion, rotational inertia and damping are ignored.
m0 a0 fRc1 Rc2 g 0 33 The results obtained from the static and dynamic
analyses are summarized and compared through Figs.
By adding and subtracting similar terms to both sides of 15 and 16, and Table 1. The vertical displacement at
Eq. (33), this equation can be rewritten as Node F is plotted versus time for both the elastic and
inelastic analyses. For the static analysis, the maximum
m0 fa  m01  Rc1 Rc2 m0 ag fRc1 Rc2 g 0 vertical displacement is equal to 2.65 in when elastic
34 behavior is assumed, and it is 4.74 in when inelastic re-
sponse is considered. For the dynamic analysis, the
From Eq. (32), fRc1 Rc2 m0 ag fRb mb ag. maximum vertical displacement obtained during the
Thus, Eq. (34) can be expressed using the following time history response is equal to 5.27 in for the elastic
expression case (Fig. 15(a)), and equal to 14.51 in for the inelastic
case (Fig. 15(b)). Fig. 16 shows plastic hinge locations
m0 fa m01  Rb mb ag fRc1 Rc2 g 0 35
obtained from the analyses. As can be seen from the
Eq. (35) indicates that the acceleration vector at the gure, including inertial eects results in a response
node under consideration changes abruptly by behavior with a greater number of plastic hinges. To
assess the varying degrees of plasticity, plastic hinge
Da m01  fRb mb ag 36 rotations at points 14 (Fig. 16) are compared for the
static and dynamic cases (Table 1).
for which the resulting acceleration vector equals In Table 1, dynamic increase factors (DIFs) are
a0 a Da m01  fRc1 Rc2 g 37 determined by computing the ratio of the maximum re-
sponse for the dynamic case versus the static case. As can
Therefore, at the onset of a beam hinges failure, the be seen from this table, the DIFs for the vertical dis-
current acceleration vector is updated according to Eq. placements are equal to 1.99 and 3.06 for the elastic and
(37). inelastic cases, respectively. Furthermore, the DIFs for

Fig. 14. Two-bay, two-story frame, (a) uniform load of 0.4 kips/in, (b) 1st oor column failure due to an abnormal load.
650 G. Kaewkulchai, E.B. Williamson / Computers and Structures 82 (2004) 639651

0 0
(a) (b)

Displacement (in)

Displacement (in)
0 1.5 0 1.5

-3 -8

-6 -16
Time (s) Time (s)
Static analysis Dynamic analysis

Fig. 15. Vertical displacements at Node F , (a) elastic analysis, (b) inelastic analysis.

demonstrate that a static analysis may not provide

conservative estimates of the collapse potential of frame
structures. This issue is important given that most cur-
rent design codes recommend the Alternate Load Path
Method, a static-based approach, as a simplied analy-
sis technique for determining whether or not a structure
is likely to collapse following the failure of a key com-
Fig. 16. Plastic hinges obtained from inelastic static and dy- ponent.
namic analyses. In order to overcome the limitations of the Alternate
Load Path Method, a framework for computing the
dynamic response of frame structures during a pro-
Table 1 gressive collapse event has been proposed. In this paper,
Comparison of analysis results a beam-column element formulation and solution pro-
Static Dynamic DIF cedure have been developed. The use of modied
analysis analysis xed-end forces and equivalent deformations has been
Vertical disp. (elastic) 2.65 5.27 1.99 employed to prevent violation of the yield function at
(Node F ) member ends when member loads are present during the
Vertical disp. (inelastic) 4.74 14.51 3.06 element state determination. A damage model has been
(Node F ) introduced to account for both strength and stiness
Plastic rotation (Point 1) 0.007 0.023 3.29 degradation. This approach has the advantage that
Plastic rotation (Point 2) 0.008 0.034 4.25 damage is computed explicitly so that the onset of
Plastic rotation (Point 3) 0.003 0.017 5.67
member failure is determined in a rational manner. The
Plastic rotation (Point 4) 0.012 0.038 3.17
rate of damage accumulation can be controlled through
two parameters associated with the damage model.
the plastic rotations range from 3.17 to 5.67. In this Perhaps the most signicant feature of the computer
example, the results demonstrate that accounting for program is the capability to continue an analysis after
dynamic eects of the response lead to greater inelastic member failure has occurred. While many explicit nite
deformations throughout the structure. Signicantly, the element codes oer this capability, few implicit codes do.
extent to which plasticity spreads from the site of the Therefore, the computational model developed for this
original member failure is much greater for the case of research oers the advantages of numerical stability,
the dynamic analysis in comparison to the static analysis. computational eciency because large time step sizes
(relative to explicit codes) can be used, and the ability to
compute the response of a structure after members have
5. Conclusions failed. To continue an analysis in an ecient manner
after failure of a member, the solution scheme makes use
Progressive collapse of buildings has been recognized of a modied member stiness procedure so that no new
as an important design consideration since the collapse nodes are introduced to the model. This approach has
of the Ronan Point Apartment building in 1968. Al- been eectively adapted from static condensation tech-
though a considerable amount of research related to niques to be used for dynamic analyses.
progressive collapse has been reported, few researchers While the research presented in this paper demon-
have addressed the importance of dynamic load redis- strates the essential aspects of dynamic progressive col-
tribution following the sudden failure of one or more lapse analysis, it is important to point out that
structural members. Results obtained in this research predicting progressive collapse behavior is a very com-
G. Kaewkulchai, E.B. Williamson / Computers and Structures 82 (2004) 639651 651

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