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November 21, 2014

First Believe, Then Achieve

by Joyce Meyer - posted November 20, 2014

Jesus replied, "This is the work (service) that God asks of you: that you believe in the One Whom He has sent [that you cleave to, trust, rely on, and have faith in
His Messenger]."
John 6:29
Many dedicated believers who love God have the same question for Him: "Father, what do You want me to do? If You will just show me what to do, I will gladly do

For many years, I was excessive when it came to being a "do-er." All anyone had to do was point me in the direction of something that needed to be done, and I
did itand I did my best to do it right. But what frustrated and confused me was when I did something "right" and it still did not work. I had not yet learned that
unless the Lord builds the house (unless He initiates and empowers an effort) that "they labor in vain who build it" (Ps. 127:1).
Today's scripture is Jesus' answer to a group of people who wanted to know what they were supposed to do to please God. They asked Him, "What are we to do,
that we may [habitually] be working the works of God?" We can sum up Jesus' response in one word: believe.

So many people, including myself and maybe you, too, think we are supposed to be achievers. This is true; we certainly are supposed to achieve and accomplish
things. But the way we achieve is to first believe. That frees us from worry and enables us to live victorious lives. We are called "believers," not "achievers," so let's
make sure we always believe first and then do what God leads us to do.

Love God Today: "Lord, I believe."

She complained, compared, and highlighted all the things she desired, but didnt have.


1. Happy People Dont Complain

2. Happy People Dont Compare

3. Happy People Dont Compete

So Your Life Didnt Turn Out the Way Youd Hoped

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