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Name of Article: The Expansive (Dis)Integration of Electrical Engineering Education

Author: Brent k. Jesiek; Leah H. Jamieson
Journal Name: IEEE Access
Date of Article: 03/02/2017

The identity of an Electrical Engineer as a distinct discipline is a question that continues to

circulate. Other occupations such as computing, bioengineering, mechanical engineering, etc,
have emerged within the field making such topics cross-disciplinary. Due to many disciplines
crossing over, students do not have a clear understanding of the specialized knowledge acquired
by electrical engineers. Because of this, there are proceedings that suggest reform in the
education of electrical engineers. Such expansion in this acquired knowledge could possibly
answer many questions that many cannot answer such as to what end? and who benefits?
due to the misunderstanding to what being an electrical engineer is specifically.

Name of Article: Technology in education: Technology integration into the school's curriculum
Author: Bobby L. Culver
Year: 2017

Due to the advancement in technology, integrating technology in the schools curriculum is an

issue to consider and assess. Researching this rise in issue helps to inform teachers, education
leaders and those alike, on how it impacts the teaching and learning process within the
classroom. These studies also help to bridge the gap between technology used inside and
outside of the school. Examining these barriers can help to improve teaching and learning
practices. Not only does technology in education benefits the students, but also improves the
proficiency of the educator with such technologies.


Name of Article: Stem cell procedure could be next wave in sports medicine
Author: Alex Speier
Journal/Newspaper, etc.: Proquest
Year: 2017

Over the past decade, platelet-rich plasma injections have been a popular way to speed up the
recover process for athletes. Although it has been practiced for a while, stem cell procedures
have more promising results. With injuries to tendons that are not detached, stem cells would
encourage the body to heal that area of the injury. Tendons can be partially torn for years and/or
never heal fully due to the poor natural healing response to tissue. Stem cell treatments are a
way to deliver not only the proper chemicals in the popular plasma surgery, but also includes
healing cells to help reconstruct the tissue.

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