BA II Grammar Model Test Paper

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II Model Test Paper

1. Complete the following sentences using the appropriate non-finite forms

of verbs in the brackets.

a) She decided ................. a film. (see)

b) Frankly (speak) the girl needed a blue ball.
c) He avoids (meet) girls.
d) . dogs seldom bite. (bark)
e) (do) my work, I began to play.
f) He . (pretend) to be ill.
g) It is not good (learn) essays by heart.
h) I have some duties . (perform)
i) Children enjoy .. (listen) to stories.
j) You had better (stop) talking.

2. Punctuate the following passage:

ladies and gentlemen you will observe that i have with this gentlemans
permission broken his watch burnt his collar smashed his pectacles and danced
on his hat if he will give me the further permission to paint green stripes on his
overcoat or to tie his suspenders ina knot i shall be delighted to entertain you if
not the performance is at an end

3. Do as directed:

a) He failed to my great surprise. (Transform into complex)

b) When I was told the name, my heart sank. (Change into Compound)
c) He put aside the cards and sat down. (Change into Simple)
d) It is too hot to move about. (Remove too)
e) As soon as the clock struck four, I got up to study. (Replace as soon as
by no sooner did-than)
f) No man is infallible. (Transform into affirmative)
g) What flashing teeth he has! (Change into assertive)
h) This book costs fifty rupees. (Substitute verb costs with noun)
i) The police was searching Sindhus house. (Change to Passive)

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