Wasteland 2 Guide

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Part 1: Arizona

Ranger Citadel 1
Following the opening cutscenes, your party will find themselves standing in front of the Rangers' leader, General
Vargas, while your comrades bury the recently deceased Captain Ace. Talk to Vargas and you will receive your
mission: upgrade radio towers with repeater units so that a threatening radio signal can be traced to its source. When
you ask about being allowed into the citadel towards the end of the conversation, you will get to try your xxxx ass
conversation skills. You won't be allowed in at this point regardless of which option you choose. When the
conversation is done, be sure to collect the SHOVEL lying on the ground nearby. You can try using it on Ace's grave if
you want to get chewed out by Vargas.

Head left from your starting point. You'll find the gate to the Ranger Citadel guarded by Grenadier Major Nur Gieblitz.
When you talk to him you'll get an xxxx ass conversation option. Choose this option and then reply "Interested"
followed by "Promise" to get the MISSISSIPPI MULE shotgun and 10 12 gauge shells. Near to Gieblitz is Corporal
Solveig Sefors who is a trader.

Cross the nearby bridge and pick up the can lying on the ground which will cause the goat to butt you. This is a piece
of junk which can be sold to traders. Next to the bridge is a water tank that you use to fill your canteens. The three
guys lounging on the ground are emergency recruits who can be used to replace any of your core ranger squad that
end up getting killed. I would advise reloading rather than using them since they are poorly optimized. You'll find more
details in the NPC Companions section of the guide.

While wandering around the area, be on the lookout for piles of dirt that you can use your shovel on. They contain junk
you can sell, ammo that you can use and scrap you can spend. Head left into the area with tents and talk to Captain
Angela Deth for background information. She's a character from the first Wasteland game and many of the
conversation options are about that game's plot. When you're done talking, Angela will offer to join you as a

Head back past the lounging recruits to explore the other side of the base. You'll see Ranger Brass Knucks cleaning
some graffiti. For the moment, just take note of his location. There is a locked gate (level 0) that can be picked or
forced. Beyond it, you'll find an ammo box on some sandbags and a large loot container. Sell any junk you've
gathered, return to the entrance of the compound (indicated by the star) and head out onto the world map.

The Wasteland (Arizona)

Traveling on the world map requires water; the further you travel without replenishing it, the lower your reserve will go.
When you run out, your squad will lose health. Water can be replenished at oases that you may find along the way
and at most settlements. While on the world map, you may be subject to a random encounter. These are generally
hostile but sometimes friendly. Hostile encounters can be avoided by training one of your squad in the Outdoorsman
skill. The Outdoorsman skill also serves to highlight unexplored areas near your location, the radius being dependent
upon skill level. Certain locations may only be revealed if one your squad also has high Perception. You will also come
across irradiated areas on your travels. These will require radiation suits to navigate unscathed. Radiation clouds have
numbers on them - this is the level of resistance required to avoid CON damage. Be aware that level 4 clouds are
instant death for the time being. When traveling the world map you are only shown a view of your current location and
immediate surroundings. To get a view of the entire map, press UP on the keypad. From the overview map, you can
select your destination using the keypad and then press X to plot your journey.

Arizona Traders
You have a chance of meeting one of three traders as you wander the world map: a woman selling medical supplies,
a woman selling powerful weapons at a discount and a mysterious explosives vendor with an attitude problem called
Dave Oshry. The latter will initially refuse to trade with you until you've done something notable, although you can
choose the "Buddy" conversation option to circumvent this. He'll get upset if you don't actually buy something. You
can make him back down with a Hard Ass check (level 5), pay him off or let your guns do the talking. Let's just say
that when I met him, he and his guards were kinda outmatched against a group of armed-to-the-teeth rangers.
Do not go south at this point. If you do, you will trigger some events that will force you down a certain path.

Head northeast from your starting point. You will notice that radiation clouds are blocking your way further north so
continue east. You will come across an oasis for replenishing your water. Shortly, you will come to the radio tower that
is the location of your your first quest.

Radio Tower
On the ground you will see a blood trail. Follow it until you reach a fork in the path. A short way ahead, you'll find a
bush that you can search for ACE'S RANGER STAR. Continue a short way further and you'll be forced into
conversation with a low-level thug called Spyke Alpha who tries to extort fifteen scrap from you. While it is tempting to
select the first conversation option and then kill him along with his dog, the xxxx Ass options (level 1 required) will
resolve this without you having to fight or pay up. If you take the Kiss Ass option, Spyke and his various cronies will
run off to join up with the rangers and you'll get some scrap as a reward.

Head into the compound that was previously blocked by Spyke and co. and examine the console at the base of the
radio tower. The wires can be repaired if one of your rangers has a level in Mechanical Repair (level 0 challenge).
Loot the container against the fence. The compound has two additional exits: an opening near to a yellow car and a
level 0 locked gate with an alarm. If you want to get a taste for combat, you can either pick the lock or Brute Force it.
This will cause the three raiders beyond to attack you. They're not too difficult. In the area where you fight these
ruffians, you can find a loot container.

Head back through the previously locked gate and head through the other exit where you will find a page from Ace's
logbook. Continue past a large palm tree where you will find a metal leg lying on the ground. A short distance from
where you found the leg, you'll find a cave entrance set into the canyon wall. Inside the cave you'll find a level 0
toaster which can be repaired to give you a can of SPRAY PAINT which you can exchange with Brass Knucks back at
base for A KUMITE HISTORY, a skill book that gives you +1 to your Brawling skill. If you examine the statue, each of
your squad members will receive a skill point, which is nice.

Return to where you found the metal leg and follow the trail of stains on the ground up past a makeshift dwelling with
two loot containers outside to another cave mouth. Inside, you'll have to fight a mutated toad which can be a
moderately tough enemy and whose attack can steal weapons. If you have any energy weapon users in your squad,
the toad counts as conductive so will take extra damage. After defeating it, you can retrieve any stolen weapons from
its corpse along with some junk to sell and another page from Ace's logbook. There is a broken robot near to where
you fight the toad. Examine it for some conversation from Angela. If you have the computer science skill, you can
retrieve some parts from it, although these would appear to be for a cut quest since there is no apparent use for the
synth parts. Nearby, you'll find a container with the two repeater units you're after. Examine the floor a short distance
up to find a piece of paper that will add the location of the Rail Nomads Camp to the world map when you examine it.
Radio in to HQ to report that you've found the repeaters which should provide enough XP for all your squad to gain a

Head out of the cave and south along the edge of the area to find a locked gate. If you have the Perception skill, you
will find that it is trapped. Disarm it if you can and then either pick or force the lock. In the area behind the gate you'll
find two containers, one of which is locked.

Ranger Citadel 2
If you recruited the raiders at the radio tower, you'll find Vargas licking them into shape. Talk to him to turn in the robot
leg and the logbook pages. Sell anything you want to sell to Sefors. You should have enough scrap to buy the
SHODDY RADIATION SUIT which gives +2 radiation protection to the entire squad. Equip the radiation suit and head
back out to the world map.

We're going to go and pick up some followers who are found in the Rail Nomads Camp. If you don't have any levels in
Demolitions, skip this section - we'll come back later. Don't take the direct route because the level 3 radiation is
extremely damaging, despite our massive 2 radiation resistance. Instead, head northwest through the gap and start
making your way round. You'll find an oasis after a short while. Go west from here to the mountain wall and head a
short way north to find a secret cache that unlocks the BETTER LEFT BURIED trophy. The contents of the cache are
literally worthless - hundreds of E.T. game cartridges. Take one though, because there's a guy in Rail Nomads Camp
who will pay well for it. Continue north through the weak radiation clouds to the next oasis which is at a fork in the
path. If you head northwest, you will locate an untouched cache. Return to the fork and head northeast. You will come
to another fork. The path north leads to another cache. Now head south and you'll find yourself at the Rail Nomads

Rail Nomads Camp 1

NOTE: Be careful about talking to strangers in this area lest you break certain quests later. Avoid fighting because
enemies will be much higher level than you.

As you enter the town, a girl called Jessie will run up to you and tell you about her friend Ralphy, who's in trouble.
Follow her down to the lake where you'll see a boy struggling in the water. You'll see two totem poles by the lakeside.
To rescue him, you'll need to tip over the second one using either Brute Force skill or your shovel. If you tip over the
first one or wait too long, Ralphy will drown. You can talk to him after for some background information; one of the
options has a level 4 Kiss Ass check. In the immediate area you'll find a well that you can use to refill your canteens
and there's also a dirt pile nearby. Head back across the bridge and then go north. You will come across a sign giving
directions to the Train Station and the Jungle. Take the jungle path. You'll see Jessie standing near a child's bicycle
that is blinking suspiciously. Keeping the rest of your squad at a safe distance, have your ranger with the Demolitions
skill attempt to disarm the level 3 bomb attached to the bike. If it blows up, no biggie - just have your field medic do
some emergency healing!

Return to the fork and head the other way into town. You're aiming for the Parker house which is the boxcar to the left
of the "No Trespassing" sign. Talk to Libby who will offer you her boy as a reward. Choose "We'll take him" to acquire
Ralphy as a companion. FYI, my squad now had enough XP for their next level up.

Now head up to the northernmost part of the settlement to the hobo town. Near to the yellow car you'll find another
recruitable companion, Scotchmo. Note that he has a minimum charisma requirement of twelve to recruit. Angela and
Ralphy have six between them so your four core rangers will need a total of six. If you meet the requirements, simply
open conversation and select "Yes" to recruit him. There are a couple of dirt piles in the area. Go round behind some
containers to a pool to find the remains of a ranger with the initials "H.R." along with his badge and logbook. The dead
ranger is Hell Razor, one of Vargas's erstwhile companions. You can return the badge and star to him for a reward.

Exit the hobo camp and head north to find a tortoise on its back. Use Animal Whisperer or Brute Force on it to right it.
This next bit will take a while - fifteen minutes or more. You need to follow the tortoise down to the bottom of the map
and then up a short way. When the tortoise reaches the end of its journey, it will die, revealing a dirt pile. This is
glitched, however. If you are unable to interact with the pile, simply save the game and reload. The cache typically
contains armour, a weapon, a mod and a trinket. Return to the main camp and follow the southern boundary. When
you can't go further, turn north. When you come to a slope, go up and then turn south. Keep going until you come to a
boxcar that you can enter. This houses Quarex and his videogame collection. You can give him an E.T. cartridge for
$1000, a trinket and some XP.

While following the tortoise, Scotchmo will have mentioned his stash (and may, indeed, have remarked on how close
you were). From Quarex's, head into the main settlement to the boxcar that serves as a bar. Now head west and go
up a short slope marked by a group of cacti. Walk north to the area marked on your map as "Junkie Camp". There are
four junkie gunslingers ahead. These guys are quite tough right now so I equipped a rocket launcher on my strongest
character and had him use that to take out all four at once after taking a shot with another character to start combat on
my terms. When they're defeated, walk past their corpses and make your way right up a slope to an area with derelict
containers and a yellow buffer. You'll see a loot container on the ground. Now head into the corner with the blue petrol
tanker to reveal a circular area on the ground that you can dig up to recover Scotchmo's stash of Snake Squeezins.
For an easy trophy, put them in the inventory of someone other than Scotchmo. He will steal all four in short order. Do
it again and when he steals the fifth, the SWEET, SWEET SQUEEZINS trophy will pop.

Go back to where Jessie is waiting and Ralphy will temporarily leave your party to talk to her. Just talk to him again to
re-recruit him when they're done. We've finished with this area for the time being so exit to the world map. Head back
to the Ranger Citadel, sell your loot, and make a hard save. The next part of your quest involves responding to one of
two distress calls. Going to the aid of one area excludes you from going to the aid of the other. If you're going for a
platinum trophy, saving Ag Center is required for the NOT MONKEYING AROUND trophy. Whichever path you
choose, make your way south from Ranger Citadel (locating an oasis on the way), wait for the distress calls and make
your choice. If you choose Highpool, skip the next sections and scroll down to Highpool. You can also choose not to
go to the aid of either settlement. If you choose this path, you will have to visit the remains of the settlements to
progress the story. See Highpool In Ruins and Ag Center In Ruins for more details.

You will pick up a fourth companion during the next quest which means you will need to dismiss one of your current
companions to be able to recruit her (and since both are good, you'll want to; refusing someone means they're gone
for good). If you don't yet have the WASTELAND JUSTICE trophy, do not dismiss Angela. I don't know whether it's a
glitch or intended behaviour, but she disappears from the game when you do this.

If / when you find them, keep one of the following items rather than selling them: Rabbit's Foot trinket, badger nutsack
and lipstick.

Ag Center
When you enter the area, you will find yourself at a fork in an old railway. When you advance a short distance you will
see a cutscene of a pod person exploding. The eastern branch of the railway will lead to an ammo chest and a
medicine container while the western one will take you to a dirt pile. Backtrack a little and you'll see a gap in the fence.
Head a short distance west to fight your first enemies: two supaflies and two megamaggots. Just to the north is the
entrance to the toolshed which has a tricky lock and isn't easy to bash open either. If you go round the building, you'll
find a much easier lock, although this door is booby-trapped. Inside, you'll find a medikit an ammo chest and a safe
(Computer Science).

Continue around the perimeter until you come to an open area. Here you'll have to fight two supaflies and three
megamaggots. Head down to the site entrance and take some stairs up to the upper level of a building to find an
ammo chest. The nearby door is locked and behind it is a safe.

Follow the eastern perimeter around to battle four giant rabbits. They may drop Rabbit's Foot trinkets. Hold onto at
least one of these because someone will want one much later in the game. Continue around the perimeter and you
will come to the entrance to the Central Complex and an enclosed pumpkin patch. The pumpkin patch has a gate that
can be forced open and a dirt pile. Be careful approaching the entrance because there is a pod. These explode and
infect any character caught within the blast radius with a fatal condition called Pod Infection. The best thing to do is
shoot them from a distance (use "target objects" with your combat wheel to highlight them). If you want the THEY
WALK AMONG US trophy, you will need to allow at least one member of your squad to get infected, however. If you
do get infected, part of this quest will involve synthesizing a cure so don't be too concerned. The blast from the pod
will destroy the vines blocking the door. Pick up a pod fragment from the remains. You're going to need ten of these.
Any number over is just junk, and not very valuable junk at that.

If you like, you can continue round to the corn maze where you'll find a dirt pile. When you're ready, head to the door
of the central complex and use the communicator to the right. Kathy Lawson will open the door for you. Walk forwards
and she will chew you out for coming to help her. Like, thanks! Anyway, your conversation gives you your quests: find
Rose, locate the malfunctioning computer, save everyone you can. Explore the conversation options to get the quest
to collect ten pod fragments. Asking about the radio dish will lead to an angry retort and a placatory Kiss Ass option.
When the conversation ends, Kathy will open up a couple of nearby doors. While you're here, talk to Matt Forrester.
Follow the "Badge" conversation option to learn that someone in the centre called Skinner knows more about Ace's
death. Matt also acts as a merchant. Next to the console is an ammo case.

Head through the open door to the right. The office on your left has a booby-trapped, locked door that is probably
beyond your capabilities at this point, so ignore it. Instead, go into the office on your right to find Rose. At the end of
the conversation, she will ask to join. You should probably make room since she is one of the best companions you
can recruit. There are a lot of safes to unlock which may influence your choice of whom to dismiss.. When you're done
talking, there are three loot containers and a medicine box. At the top of the room is a locked door which is relatively
easy to pick but hard to force. Inside this room is a booby-trapped safe with some excellent loot. Before leaving, pick
up the LAB JOURNAL from Rose's desk. Opposite Rose's office is another locked office with two loot containers
inside. If you pick the lock, Rose will tell you off.
A lot of paths are blocked by vegetation. If it's just vines blocking a door, you can clear them with a swing of a
machete. Thicker growth will require a grenade. Alternatively, wait and come back later when the plants are cleared by
progressing the quest.

Continue to the infirmary, the open area with beds. Here you'll see someone called Rachel turn into a pod person and
attack. Go to the door where Rose will open the airlock (if you don't have Rose in your party, you will have the
required code). This area is the East Greenhouse and has some researchers beset by enemies. Be wary of pods and
shoot them from a distance. You will have to fight three supaflies and three pod people. When the enemies are dead
and the researchers evacuated, destroy the remaining pods from a distance and gather the fragments. There are two
dirt piles to loot as well. There are two doorways blocked by overgrown vegetation. The one in the northwest corner
can be cleared with weapons, if you like, but this isn't necessary as you can get to the area that it leads to by a
different route. Return to the entrance lobby. At this point, I had ten fragments. Hand them into Kathy who will head off
to the lab.

Head down the western corridor. There's a broken door you can force. Be careful, because there's a pod inside.
There's a safe in here that gets opened when the pod explodes. The door next door is booby-trapped and locked. A
researcher called Winston is trapped by vines. Use Surgeon or Outdoorsman skills to free him. There's a medicine
container in here that you can loot. Leave and go round the corner into the kitchen area. There's a toaster on the
counter that contains a 7" SINGLE. Be sure to examine the bookshelf at the end of the area (southwest corner) for the
Outdoorsman skill book, THE PUP SCOUT FUNTIME CAMPING GUIDE. When you approach the door to the north,
be sure to examine the poster on the wall to its right for the POP IDOL trophy.

Head into the West Greenhouse. Hug the western wall as you do so because there's a pod a short way inside. Walk
around the perimeter carefully targeting any pods within range so that you can safely shoot them from a distance. In
the centre of the area, a researcher called Julio is being attacked by three giant rabbits. Talk to him for some
background information. When you're done talking. shoot the final pod near the radio dish and take a look. Seems we
need a way to clear the growth before we can use the radio. There's a dirt pile near the dish. You may notice that
there's a door leading north, but this simply leads to a path blocked by vegetation. The only thing we can do for the
moment is go and see how Kathy is doing back in the lab. She will tell you to fetch fungicide from the Mushroom
Caves in the basement.

Head up the corridor heading north from the entrance lobby. Be careful because there's a pod a shirt distance beyond
the doorway. Head through the door at the end. Take care because there is a pod in the northeast corner. The doors
to the east and west simply lead to blocked pathways that we've seen earlier so just head down into the basement.

You arrive in the computer room. Seems like the damned thing is malfunctioning. Use the computer science on the
large central console so that you can open all three airlocks. Next to the western passage you'll find a loot container
with the East Maintenance Keycard. Next to the eastern entrance is a safe containing the West Maintenance Keycard.

Go south into the Mushroom Caves. As you enter, there are three pods for you to shoot including one to your
immediate right. There are more pods in the caverns along with three supaflies and three pod people. There is a dirt
pile in the western part. In the south of the area you'll find a researcher trapped by vines whom you can free. In the
east of the area is a storeroom. Here you'll find the HERBICIDE energy weapon lying on the floor next to a dead
researcher along with two ammunition containers. There's also a locked door resistant to picking and forcing with
someone behind it. If you interact with the door you can talk to Skinner. Tell him you're the rangers and he'll unlock the
door. You can talk to him some more to learn that the merchant with Ace when he was killed was called Sammy Haas.
He'll also mention the possibility of sabotage. When you're done talking, Skinner will ask to tag along until you can get
him to safety. Be sure to collect the fungicide. Look on the bookshelf for HISTORY OF THE AG CENTER, PART 2.
There are a couple of loot containers too. There's a locked doorway blocked by vines (just target them with your
weapon). There's a booby trap just beyond the door, so have your demolitions guy disable it. You'll find a locked
container and a safe (Computer Science). Escort Skinner back to the entrance area and he'll make his own way

If you explore the south west portion of the caves, you'll fight a supafly, two megamaggots and a pod person, who is
what remains of Skinner's son, Sergio. Return to the main level of the central complex and give the fungicide to Kathy.
Kathy will give Matt the synthesized cure. She will then task you with shutting down the irrigation systems. Talk to Matt
to get the key to his office and the code to his safe (80085). While you're clearing out his office, be sure to grab
HISTORY OF THE AG CENTER, PART 1 from the bookshelf. The irrigation systems are in the East and West Field
areas accessible from the basement.

If you are lacking the necessary skills to clear the poison gas from the corridors in the basement, your party can tank
it. It's not too damaging and the poison effect has a very short duration when you're not being directly exposed to it.

Return to the basement, select a character who has either lockpick / safecracking or brute force skills and have him
head alone into the eastern ventilation shaft. That way, not all your party get poisoned. Note that there are fans in
here, only one of which is moving. Pick or force the door immediately on your right and duck into the maintenance
corridor that is clear of gas. Now walk along it a short distance and switch off the the third fan. If you examine the door
in front of you, you will see that it is an airlock door that cannot be opened because the door leading to the ventilation
shaft is jammed open. Head back into the poison gas and walk through the three immobile fans and then use
Safecracking or Brute Force on the open door to close it again. Continue along the ventilation shaft until you come to
a fan that is overgrown with vines. Simply use your weapon on it to unjam it. Return to the maintenance corridor and
walk along it, switching all five fans on. This will clear the ventilation shaft of gas. Return to your party. Opposite the
door to the maintenance corridor is a room with three supaflies and two megamaggots. There are also three pods in
here so be careful your squad doesn't get infected during the fighting. There is a researcher on the north wall trapped
by vines. On the desk, you'll see a container that requires Outdoorsman skill to open and contains GREEN HERBS
(Field Medic item - heals 20-30 CON). On the opposite side of the room is a similar container with RED HERBS,
although I found this to be glitched so that I was unable to collect them. In the corner of the room is a DNA sequencer
that costs a character 1 CON to use and which gives a report that you may or may not find amusing.

Return to the maintenance corridor, walk to the end and exit through the airlock door into the ventilation shaft. You'll
emerge the other side of the fifth fan. You'll see a door off to your right but the area that this leads to is blocked by
vegetation. There is also a pod in here so be careful. Instead, go through the opening and take the ladder up to the
East Field.

There's an ammo container near where you emerge and a loot container at the north end of this area. Go through the
only exit into the field itself. Head through the gap to the south where you'll have to fight a supafly and a megamaggot.
There are also three pods here. In the southwest corner you'll find a dirt pile. There's a door along the southern wall
that leads to a storage area with a loot container. There is another door in here blocked off by vegetation. You can
clear it with a grenade. The door behind is booby-trapped and locked. Inside you'll find a medikit, an ammo chest and
a bookshelf with HISTORY OF THE AG CENTER, PART 4. Head back out and go north and round to the southeast of
the area, looking out for pods on the way. You'll find a dirt pile by a water tower. In the open area, you'll find another
supafly and megamaggot. Break the vines blocking the door and unlock or force it. Open the safe in here (Computer
Science) for some random loot.

Head north and take the path between the corn patches. Free the trapped researcher here and head up the steps for
two loot containers. Go back down, shoot a couple of pods and then go behind the building. You'll have to fight two
supaflies and megamaggot. There's a skill statue to admire. Walk round to find Ryan Kornioff in a caged area. Talk to
him for background information and to inform him of Rachel's fate (the woman you saw transform into a pod person
and explode).

Go back down and east to a doorway blocked by vines. Go in and collect HISTORY OF THE AG CENTER, PART 3
from the bookshelf. There's a researcher here who needs rescuing and two loot containers, one of them locked. Go
through the door in the room to find a medicine container and a locked door leading back outside. Go out and dig up
the dirt pile by the silos. Rose will say something about the mutant seeds in the pigeon feed. Continue north, looking
out for pods on the way, kill the supafly and megamaggot in the north west corner and dig up the dirt pile. Follow the
northern perimeter to find another trapped researcher. Just past her are a supafly, a megamaggot and a number of
pods. When it's safe, dig up the dirt pile.

Go down the eastern side of the area. There's a hidden cache at the top. Hurry down south where you'll come across
six giant rabbits slaughtering cattle. If you engage them in battle, you can save most of the cows. If you have Brute
Force level 4, you can get the MOO, I SAY trophy here. There's a booby-trapped manure pile; you'll find several other
dollops of manure in the area. Go to the south east corner to find a cowshed with a locked door blocked by vines.
Inside you'll find a couple of loot containers and a safe that contains the gorilla suit required for the NOT MONKEYING
AROUND trophy.
In the north of this area is a booby-trapped safe behind some outhouses. At the top right is a building with a dead
body outside. Examining the body reveals he died from gunshot wounds. Hmm. There's also a loot container. Go
inside the building. There's a medical kit just inside the door. Head further in where you'll find Dr. Larsen surrounded
by corpses and under attack from two supaflies and two megamaggots. Examine the bodies to find that they've been
shot and then talk to Larsen. In case you weren't already suspicious, he reveals himself to be the saboteur and then
attacks. He can do a fair amount of damage to one of your rangers with his revolver and when he dies he explodes.
Loot his body for a gentleman's special interest magazine among other things. Turn the valve when you're done and
return to the basement.

Time to head to the West Field. The western ventilation shaft is also filled with poison gas. Have a character with
Lockpicking head into the shaft, unlock the door at the end and then return to the central area. Now have a character
with Computer Science or Mechanical Repair go in. Past the now-open door is a deactivated robot. When you activate
it, it will destroy the growth blocking the corridor. Now go forward and switch on the fan to clear the corridor. Return to
your party. In the now-clear corridor you'll see a door on your right blocked by vines. This leads to a morgue where
you can find two medikits. Further along is weakened stretch of wall that can be kicked in. In here you'll fight two pod
people and two supaflies while trying to avoid being infected by four pods. There's a weakened wall on the other side.
This is a way past the blockage if you are unable to activate the robot. At the end of the passage, turn the fan off if it is
on so that you can pass through, then head up the ladder to the West Field.

You find yourself in a room with an ammo box and a door blocked by vines. Exit through the door to be treated to a
cutscene of Honeydew Lewis taking out six giant rabbits. Collect the pigeon droppings from the coops on the left and
then make yourself known to him. He will volunteer his support for a while. Go round the building to find a locked door
to Sue's house. You'll find him lying on the floor but can revive him with Surgeon skill. When you talk to him you learn
he's inadvertently sent pigeons fed with infected seeds out into the wastes. Their destinations are added to your world
map. When you're done talking, there's a locked container to loot.

Now go through a door in the south of the area. This shed contains a pod which will destroy the loot in the nearby
containers when you shoot it. Near to where the pod was, pick up the FLOW REGULATOR. You'll need it to repair the
irrigation system. One end is blocked by plants.

Leave and head west. Between the building you've just been in and another one, you'll see a grave. Dig it up to
receive HARRY THE BUNNY MASTER'S AXE and some other loot. This isn't a usable weapon but can be exchanged
for something later. Go into the building next door. Here you'll find the pump generator that you can repair with the
flow regulator you just picked up. Go outside and head slightly north. You'll find yourself in battle with no fewer than
seven giant rabbits. Honeydew will leave you when they're dead. Be careful of pods in this area. In the area next to
the building with the generator you can find a dirt pile. In the southwest corner you'll find an alarmed door with an
electronic lock behind which is a loot container and a safe (Computer Science). In the northwest corner you'll find a
hidden cache with the GARDEN JOURNAL. Continue east to find another hidden cache. We're done here for the
moment so return to Kathy in the lab.

Kathy will task you with putting the serum in the reservoir in the East Greenhouse. On the way talk to Ryan in the
infirmary. A Smart Ass conversation option will turn him into a healer for your party. You can also use your Surgeon
skill on the people on the beds for a few extra XP. To find the reservoir, head up the east side of the greenhouse to
the door blocked by vegetation. Shoot it, go in and put the serum in the tank. This will have the effect of curing any of
your squad as well. There's a loot container in here along with a safe (Computer Science).

There are a few areas that have become accessible now we can clear the vegetation with gunfire. Between the
basement entrance and the west greenhouse is a small room with a bath and a loot container. The blocked off area in
the south of the mushroom caves reveals a pod and a dirt pile. Just before the ladder up to the East Field is a bunch
of vegetation that leads to a large chamber with a bunch of pods, three pod people, two supaflies and two
megamaggots. In the northeast corner of the room is a toaster with THE BLOOD STAFF. The south building in the
West Field has an additional area with a pod and a safe.

There's one last thing to do in the Ag Center: head back to the West Greenhouse and install the repeater in the radio
dish console. If you say goodbye to Kathy, she'll give you a couple of items. We have four doses of serum and there
are three places that need it.
Highpool In Ruins
North of your starting point are four gila monitors which are able to inflict a nasty poison status, so be careful when
taking them on in close combat. Head over to the west part of the town to find a hidden cache just before the rail track
ends. When you head a short way north you'll fight your first group of three wreckers, the people responsible for the
destruction here. FYI, the wreckers are conductive if you're using energy weapons. The next group of four are near to
Jess-Belle's house. When they're defeated go inside. You'll stumble across the leader of the wreckers, Jackhammer,
and a couple of goons threatening a civilian. Take them out (with assistance from the civilian) and have a chat. This
man is Sean Bergin and he's none too pleased too see you. For what it's worth, he's not much more pleased to see
you if you rescue Highpool. You can get the location of the Wrecker Stronghold from him. The eastern side is a
minefield, literally, so you may want to avoid it. Fighting in a minefield can be lethal. There are a number of loot
containers in the town centre if you fancy exploring. Note that one of them is alarmed.

When you're done exploring, head up the slope to the next level. If you take the path to the west, you'll fight a couple
of gila monitors. There's a safe among some lengths of pipe that you can loot. Return to the fork and head north and
east where you'll have to fight five gila monitors. There's a dirt pile in this area. Near the eastern wall is the remains of
a robot. Use Computer Science on it to retrieve a mystery synth part. Continue upwards to the area where the crane
should be. There are three named wreckers, Pole Axe, Dump Star and Pry Bar, arguing over loot. The chest they
were arguing over is booby-trapped. There's another chest on the concrete platform and three locked chests next to
the crane wreckage. Inspect the crane wreckage to have HQ tell you about a town called Damonta that has a radio
tower. They point you towards the Prison to get information as to the town's whereabouts. You can remove the RADIO
ANTENNA from the crane. There's nothing more to be done here so head back into the Wasteland.

The next section covers the Highpool path so skip forward to Wrecking Crew Stronghold to pick up the thread.

When you arrive you will see fleeing civilians. A short way ahead you'll spot a wrecker with his back to you. Shoot him
to initiate combat. Three more wreckers will join in. If you go up the east side of the settlement, you'll find that the area
has been mined. Therefore, head west instead. You'll pass a locked container, which is challenging to pick (level 4)
but easy to force. Next to the container is a body with a WRIST ROCKET. Just up from it, you'll encounter five
wreckers. Continue to the far west of the area to meet up with a trader called Wormy Jim standing by his caravan.
You'll find a hidden cache on the tracks just to the south.

Head north from Jim's and you'll come to Jess-Belle's House. There are five more wreckers slightly further ahead so
you may want to take them out before going in. In the area that you fight them, you'll find a makeshift mortar among
some crates. If you have levels in Demolitions, you can turn this against the wreckers. You'll also find two locked loot
containers alongside one with an alarm (which won't do anything because all nearby enemies are dead). To the side
of the house, you'll find a booby-trapped trash bag. When you're done looting, go into the house.

Inside you will immediately meet up with Jess-Belle who asks for help with three thugs who are trying to rob her. Open
the medicine box on the right wall and repair the toaster on the counter on the left (level 2) to receive CONTACT
LENSES. Loot the container on the round table and pick up THE BALLAD OF BOBBY & REX from the bookshelf.
Head round the corner to confront Pry Bar, Pole Axe and Dump Star, who will engage you in conversation.
You could let them leave with their ill-gotten gains, or you can dispense some rough justice or else scare them off with
the Hard Ass option. When they're gone, open the safe (level 2) to find A NOTE TO JESS-BELLE. The other container
in here is alarmed. When you tell Jess-Belle about the note, she will task you to recover her dowry.

Exit the house and head east through a gap in the wall to a garden area. This is the other side of the mined area that I
mentioned earlier so have your Demolitions specialist disarm all the mines. Now you can safely dig up the dirt piles.
Next to the hill leading up is a booby-trapped and locked gate (level 2), behind which is a dirt pile, a locked gun case
and a safe (Computer Science). Head up the hill into the main village where you'll come to a fork. Take the western
path first to meet up with Alexey Chulkin standing outside his RV. Resist the temptation to shoot him and instead
agree to deliver a note to his "soul mate". In the same area, you can find some chickens to charm with Animal
Whisperer (+1 luck) and a cache behind the hen house. Before leaving the area, you can find a despondent
townsperson by a concrete pipe whom you can encourage with with Hard Ass or Kiss Ass. In the rubble next to the
pipe is a safe (level 1). Return to the fork and take the other path to find some townsfolk battling six wreckers. When
they're dead, you'll find a dirt pile, a medikit and a loot container.

Continue heading east where you'll end up in a battle with three named enemies, Maul, Dead Fall and Jackhammer,
alongside a couple of wrecker goons. At the top of the area by the blue car, you'll find a lift control that will take you up
to Highpool proper. Here you will meet Sean Bergin who is a bit of a dick. When you ask about McNamara, you'll get a
Hard Ass option to find out that the townsfolk have been dealing with the Red Skorpions. You get a bunch of other
quests from this conversation: fix the irrigation system, restore power to the radio tower, wipe out the Wrecking Crew's
camp (which adds a location to your world map) and maybe, just maybe, influence the townsfolk to vote for someone
other than Bergin as the new mayor.

NOTE: There is a dog called Garoof wandering around here. Do not talk to it yet.

You'll find a water valve on the ground past a burning tree. Walk a little further and a townsperson called Mark
Stachowiak will run up and ask for help with his burning house. Use the valve on the large pipes nearby and then use
Mechanical Repair to douse the fire. Talk to Stachowiak when you're done. Head north past a building with red
window frames a statue of Alexey Chuklin which grants all your squad +1 skill point. You may want to hold off using it
because you'll acquire a new companion shortly. Go the far north of the area where you'll find a man called Adam
Doochin looking for his dog. Agree to help and he'll give you Garoof's chew toy. Nearby on one of the large metal
plates, you'll see a woman in a cage being tormented by children. Talk to her (you need to go to the side of the cage
to do this) and she asks you to get rid of her young tormentors. If you picked up the wrist rocket earlier, you can give it
to the kids along with some marbles. Otherwise they want cigarettes. If you don't have any, head into the nearby town
hall where you can buy some from the trader, Harold. Talk to him about snake squeezins to learn of a traveling
salesman called Sammy Haas who was with Ace when he was murdered. Behind Harold is an engine. To get the
water purifier working, you need to install the engine and then use the Mechanical Repair skill (level 4 challenge) on it.
A glitch means that this is way harder than it should be. If you highlight the purifier and then bring up the skill wheel
with L2, the highlight will jump to the door. I found that I had to stand next to Harold's desk to do it. When you've finally
managed it, talk to Harold for a reward of 100 scrap. You'll find Doc Warner at the end of the building. If any of your
characters have the Surgeon skill you can help him out. You can talk to him if you are able to select him and he will
heal you for free. Before you leave, check out the bookshelf by the door to receive THE LEGEND OF THE RED

Now go and give the children the cigarettes to get rid of them. Talk to Vulture's Cry and agree to let her join up. Now
all we need to do is free her. You can pick the lock and make Bergin even angrier or you can cajole / threaten him to
release her with the necessary conversation skills and he'll give you the key. When you free Vulture's Cry, you may
have to dismiss one of your companions first to make room for her. If you head back into the town hall, you can
intimidate Harold into giving back her stuff.

Now we can take care a couple of minor quests. Look out for a dog called Laddie hanging around with the juvies who
were previously hassling Vulture's Cry. This is Chilkin's "soul mate". Talk to him with someone who has the Animal
Whisperer skill and Laddie will give you a rock to take to Alexey. You can take care of this later. Use the chew toy on
Garoof (you'll find the dog near the crane if you've not encountered him already) and he'll start following you. Simply
walk over to Doochin who will be grateful to have his pooch back.

Head to where you found the shrine (it's on the eastern side of the area if you've forgotten). Next to it is an entrance to
the Highpool Underground. When you get inside ensure that only your Demolitions specialist is active and dispose of
any mines you may find. There are a bunch of dead bodies and body parts on the ground. You will also find guano in
the cave. This can later be sold at the Citadel for a profit. Cross the makeshift bridge. Near the campfire you'll find a
trapped chest with a mine next to it. When you've disarmed both traps you can pick or force the lock to obtain a couple
of grenades. When you've looted the chest, head over to the other side of the chamber with the large tent next to a
table and chairs. Here, you'll find a headless body with the Skorpion Key which you can use to open the chest if you
were unable to get it open by other means. To open the nearby safe (level 4), you can toss one of the grenades at it.
Inside, you'll find Jess's dowry: the GOLD ENGRAVED DERRINGER.

There's one last thing to do in here. At the south of the chamber you'll find a passageway with a broken robot. You can
use Computer Science (level 4) on it to obtain a part. Round the corner is a mine. After you've disarmed it, go to the
end of the passage to find a toaster (level 1) containing the MINIATURE LEG LAMP. Now return to the surface.
Before helping out Kate Preston, you may want to go and turn in the quests for Alexey Chelkin and Jess-Belle. After
delivering the message to Alexey, he will "open up his stash" and serve as a merchant.

Return to the top level of Highpool and go to the northwestern corner to find the other Highpool Underground
entrance. Go inside to meet up with Kate. You'll find that she's rather better disposed towards the rangers than old
sour-face back on the surface. She gives you quests to open four release valves and restore power to the radio tower.
You'll be fighting mutated cockroaches down here. They are able to inflict a nasty disease on any characters they hit
in melee. Energy weapon users should note that they are conductive.

In the room in which you start, you'll find a medikit and two exits. If you look at the map on the wall, you'll see that the
chambers are numbered 1-10. Some doors have a number above them indicating the numbered chamber that they
lead to. The doors in this room are number 2 (top) and 1 (right). Head through top exit first and then into a storeroom
where you'll find two chests (one locked), an alarmed safe, a medicine box and a valve sitting on a counter. Take the
valve with you, loot the containers and return to the entrance room. Now head through the eastern exit into a chamber
1 where you'll have to fight four cockroaches. In the side room is a safe. Head through the top left exit to find door 3
and go through. You cannot get through the exit at the top right of the room from this side. Take the exit in the north
wall (the one to the red-lit passage) and go through the door at the end. You'll emerge into chamber 6 where you'll
have to fight three more cockroaches. On the right hand wall, you'll find the two switches, the larger one of which
closes the circuit breaker while the other restores power to the radio. Exit north into another red passageway and go
through door 8 at the top. Take the door immediately to the right and go through doorway 7 at the end. The top left
door leads to the blocked passage way in the other underground area. The other leads to a passageway ending at
door 4. The chamber beyond has one of the four valves that you need to turn (1/4). Head back to the chamber marked
7 on your map and across into 8. Here you'll likely run into another couple of cockroaches. The exit to the north of the
chamber takes you to chamber 10 where you'll find that the irrigation pump needs a replacement valve. Fit the one
you picked up earlier (2/4). Return to chamber 8 and take the western passage to chamber 9 where you'll have to fight
three more cockroaches. Turn the valve in here (3/4). There is a locked chest in a side chamber. Exit to the south and
follow the passage round to the east and go through door 5. Here you'll fight three cockroaches. There are a couple of
loot containers and a valve (4/4). The eastern exit leads to chamber six where we've already been so exit to the south
and return to the entrance room. Activate the pump controls in here to get a little cutscene.

Return to the service to witness the election of the new mayor. Because of all the little and not-so-little things we've
done for the townsfolk, Kate is elected by an overwhelming majority. Afterwards go to the mayor's office and talk to
Kate to receive a couple of items. Now go to the crane and install the repeater unit. We're done here, so enter the pipe
next to the controls for a shortcut to the wasteland exit.

Ag Center In Ruins
Be extremely careful in this area. Mutated plants will explode as you approach them, infecting your rangers with a
disease that will ultimately kill them if left untreated. Shoot them from a distance to prevent this happening.You may
want to get one party member infected for the THEY WALK AMONG US trophy.

At your arrival point, you'll see two railway tracks heading in opposite directions. Take the path leading northeast. At
the end of the path you'll find a chest and a medicine box. Backtrack and head north through the gap in the fence.
Here you'll see Kathy Lawson trapped in a tree - you may remember the name from the increasingly frantic distress
calls received while you were fixing things in Highpool Underground. At the end of your conversation, Kathy will be
crushed by the vines holding her. Press forwards to find yourself in combat with a pair of supaflies and megamaggots.
In the east of the area you'll find some steps leading up to a ruined balcony, although the only thing you'll find here is
an ammo chest. In the northeast corner of the area, you'll find two supaflies and two pod people. Along the northern
boundary of the area you'll find the entrance to the Central Complex.

Just inside you'll meet up with Dr. Patrick Larsen. You can talk to him for some background information. When you're
done (or take the Hard Ass option during the conversation), he'll attack. He's kinda tough and will leave a couple of
rangers badly mauled since he goes first and shoots four times. When you kill him, he'll blow himself up, damaging
everyone within radius. Loot Larsen's body for four HISTORY OF THE AG. CENTER lore items and a gentleman's
special interest magazine among other items. You'll find an ammo chest next to Larsen's cubicle.
Head down the passage to the west. You'll see a door that can be forced which leads to a room containing a safe
(level 2). The next door along is trapped and needs to be picked or forced. The room contains a medicine chest. Next
to the doorway leading north at the end of the passage is a poster on the wall that you can examine for the POP IDOL
trophy. Be careful of exploding pods in the next area. Hug the western wall shooting any pods that you can target.
Inside the greenhouse you'll have to fight two supaflies and two infected pod people. There's a dirt pile in here that
provides some pretty decent loot. When you interact with the satellite dish controls, you'll realize that it's broken
beyond repair. HQ will radio alternate orders to locate a functioning radio tower in Damonta. Unfortunately, nobody
knows where it is, but you may be able to find the necessary information in the Prison, the old rangers HQ. Take the
RADIO CONTROLLER CIRCUIT from the control cabinet before you leave. Exit the complex.

Continue west to the area marked on your map as the corn maze. You'll fight three giant bunnies here. The area is
littered with exploding pods. There is a dirt pile in the northwest corner with some semi-decent loot. Continue around
the perimeter until you come to the entrance of the tool shed. You'll likely have to fight three pod people and two
supaflies here. In the toolshed you'll find an alarmed safe (Computer Science) and a medikit Exit through the other
door. There are a couple more exploding pods to take care of, then pick up the items on the ground. You'll find the
energy weapon HERBICIDE and the SERUM for curing the pod disease. There are ten doses. This is enough to cure
your entire squad leaving three doses for future plot purposes. We're done. Be careful of exploding pods on the way
out and before you leave, dig up the loot at the end of the western railway track.

When you reach the wasteland, you will receive new over the radio about an infected farm.
Part 1: Arizona (Continued)
Wrecking Crew Stronghold
Head south into the complex. You'll soon find yourself in battle with no fewer than seven wreckers, including two
sharpshooters on a building. A strategic approach should see them off with minimal damage. You'll find a dirt pile in
the camp area where you fight. In the south there's an ammo chest, a medikit, a dirt pile and a booby-trapped safe
(level 4). In the southeast corner, there's an ammo chest, a hidden cache and a skill statue to admire.

If you saved Ag Center, you will already have the next three locations marked on your map. Otherwise, you'll have
one. If you wander around the wasteland, radio calls will come in giving you the locations of the other two.

Infected Farm
This is found just west of the Ag Center on the world map. There are five pod people and two supaflies to fight.
There's a dirtpile where three of the cows are standing, an ammo chest by the farmhouse and a medikit and locked
chest in the north east part of the area. When you've finished exploring, add the serum to the reservoir and return to
the world map.

Infected Village
This is located just northeast of the Ag Center. Just north of the world map marker is a dirt pile. Just to the east is the
jailhouse with some citizens and the sheriff trapped behind a bound door. Use your machete on the vines. The sheriff
gives you the key and password (MAYBERRY) to his weapon cache. Leave and head east down the slope. There's
an ammo chest on a raised platform. Continue north to fight three infected supaflies and three infected pod people.
You'll find the reservoir near where you fight the enemies and the the north of here is the sheriff's house in which you'll
find a locked chest and a safe for which you have the combination. Exit and head up the slope to fight three more pod
people and two supaflies. There's a hidden cache in the northwest corner. Return to the world map.

Infected Pump Station

This is located to the south of the Ag Center through some mildly radioactive clouds. There's a dirt pile by the water
just north of the entrance. Head north where you'll witness a civilian turn into a pod person and attack. Continue north
into the pump station and kill the six infected pod people inside. The reservoir is in the northernmost part of the map.
Head back south Before returning to the wasteland, go across the walkway leading east to the warehouse area. There
are two infected pod people. When they're defeated you can loot the ammo chest and recover the hidden cache
(which will contain a decent weapon). Return to HQ.

Ranger Citadel 3
You'll be pleased to find that the Ranger Citadel is now open. As you enter, Captain Hunter of Team Delta will make
himself known to you. FYI, this is the squad that will sent to hunt you down if you start slaughtering innocents. There's
a trophy associated with that happening. Head right and you'll find yourself in the museum. The ranger in the entrance
is Flintlock Eggleston. He will take certain oddball items you find while questing and give you stuff in return. If you
saved Highpool, you will have a Mysterious Leg Lamp while if you saved Ag Center, you will have the Blood Staff and
Harry The Bunny Master's Axe. You also have Ace's Star. See the Flintlock Eggleston entry in
the Collectibles section for details of which items you can hand in and the reward you get. Collect five lore books
from one of the bookshelves in here: INTELLIGENCE REPORT, PART 2, MEMORIES OF MY TIME IN THE
RANGERS, PART 3 and THE HISTORY OF THE DESERT RANGERS, PARTS 1, 2 and 5. The bookshelf next to it
has the Toaster Repair skill book, FIX IT!. Examine the statue in the centre of the room for +1 skill point. The south
wall has some device that you can use Mechanical Repair on (level 4 challenge). The gun cabinet next to it can be
opened, but this will send all the NPC rangers hostile. The northeast corner has a toaster (level 5) that
contains...TOAST. Save your game before using the M-338 Davy Crockett tactical nuke next to it. Pressing the button
will get a game over and the WHAT DOES THIS BUTTON DO? trophy.
The door next to the nuke leads to the infirmary and Sgt. Sr. Erik Tidemann. Follow the "Pills" line of questioning to
learn of a possible cure for his cancer in a place called Darwin's Village. He'll pay top dollar for pain relievers and
when you've sold him ten he will give you THE HISTORY OF THE DESERT RANGERS, PART 4. He will also heal
your entire squad.

Continue around to talk to Sgt. Gilbert "Thrasher" Sagarra, the Rangers' cartographer. By choosing the relevant
conversation option, he'll mark Darwin Village on your map. Examine the bookshelf near his desk for INTELLIGENCE

Leave the museum and go north. The first door on the northern wall leads to an area with a number of exits that will
open up as the story progresses. The lower right exit leads to the brig. The central door takes you Lieutentant Min
Liang Tan. This guy sells explosive weapons and if you follow the "Help" conversation line, you'll find out that he pays
good money for any animal droppings you come across. The door in the north of his office is currently locked.

Return to the main part of the citadel. The next door along the north wall is the canteen. You'll find Corporal Evan
Havco sitting on a table by himself. This is the guy who will reward you for recruiting companions. You can choose
scrap or XP. Leave the canteen and follow the perimeter round to the office of Ethil Mercaptain (no-one seems to have
pointed out yet that her name is ethyl mercaptan, a particularly foul smelling substance). She's another character who
will take certain oddball items from you and reward you with requisition orders that can be exchanged for mundane or
unique items from her requisition stock. See the Ethil Mercaptan entry in the Collectibles section. After you talk to
Ethil, a nearby soldier called Robert Bowling will want to talk to you. He has a collection of unique weapons - variants
of powerful standard weapons, but since they all come with a 95% chance to jam, they're absolute garbage. If you
look at his stock, you can pursue the "Money" conversation line for a Smart Ass option which will make him open up
and give you a letter to take to his sister, Katy who's in the Rail Nomads Camp. Seems she's in some sort of trouble.
You can also get a later Kiss Ass option that will lead to Bowling heading off to help take care of his own family

The guy in the caged area is the quartermaster Sergeant Tobias Meison. He will pay top dollar for broken-down
weapon parts as well as serving as a general-purpose merchant. Close to his location is your storage chest. You can
keep any quest items here until the point in the game that they're needed.

Exit and go south and through the door into Vargas's office. Get MEMORIES OF MY TIME IN THE RANGERS,
PARTS 1 and 2 from the bookshelf. Turn in Hell Razor's logbook and badge for some XP and information You can
chat with Sergeant Wade Woodson about the radio signals. All the technical stuff is correct! You can also chat to
Vargas for background information.

Before we progress with the main plot, there are a few things to do. If you've not yet got the WASTELAND JUSTICE
trophy, travel to the Rail Nomads Camp with Angela in your party. Make your way to Gorkinovich's Bar and go in. Talk
to Samuel standing to the right of the bar, select the "Ace" conversation line and take the Hard Ass option. There's
also a Smart Ass option, but the skill requirement is higher. When you're done talking, Angela will murder him and the
trophy will pop.

Assuming you weren't able to open the toaster at the Radio Tower site, you can go and do this now. If you have high
perception (I had 6 at this point), a cave entrance will reveal itself as you walk down the path. In this cave are four
honey badgers feeding on a corpse. Honey badgers are tough opponents at this point in the game, so concentrate fire
to thin their numbers. If you find one of their scrotums, keep it for much later in the game. When they're defeated,
open the locked chest. Remember to give the Spray Paint to Brass Knucks. There are also a couple of non-quest
areas to explore on the world map.

Leve L'Upe Mine

You may stumble on the radio broadcast that gives the location while exploring the world map around Ag Center.
Some miners are trapped by hostile honey badgers. To reach the mines, head south from Ranger Citadel to the oasis,
take the west passage through the mountains. You can either go south to the mine or carry on traveling west. When
you get to the boundary go north a short way to find a Mysterious Shrine.
Be on the lookout for bat guano in the mine. It's worth good money back at the Citadel.
As you enter the mine area, there are a couple of people to talk to. Takayuki will mention his mother while Denis
Samenov will fill you in on the situation and give you some blasting caps. In the above-ground area are a dirt pile and
two chests, one of which is locked. Head into the mine when you're done. As you enter, you will get some dialogue
from one of the trapped miners. Head north into the mine to fight three honey badgers. There's a dirt pile here. You'll
find another in the north of the area. In the northeast of the caves, you'll fight another four badgers. There's a locked
chest in here. Follow the cave around to the south. There's a short passage off to the east containing a medikit.
Continue south to fight six honey badgers. A short tunnel in the west of the chamber leads to a hidden cache.
Continue around to the trapped miners, talk to Max Zhukov and then attach a blasting cap to the nearby wire. Use the
detonator and the trapped miners will run out. Follow them and talk to Denis Semenov for three grenades and some
scrap. Talk to Takayuki again for the opportunity to recruit him. Note that you have to select the "Debt" conversation
option for him to join up. If you talk to Max, he will mark the location of a shrine on your map. Which we've just been
to. Oh well, thanks anyway. Talk to Isaac Leibowitz who's a bit, well, weird. He has the Mechanical Repair skill book,
however, so we'll be returning here later. Near to the bunch of rescued miners is an ammo case.

Abandoned Railway
You'll find this location following a line southeast from Highpool. If you are playing on one of the higher difficulty levels,
avoid this area for the time being; the enemy robots will take you apart. There is a Mysterious Shrine that grants a
chunk of XP a short distance to the southeast, although beware of the level 4 radiation clouds if you don't have a
sufficient level of protection.

When you arrive at the site, you'll see that this is the scene of a massacre. Head a short way south and east to find
yourself battling your first group of robotic enemies: two killers, an octotron and a discobot. They're quite tough and
damaging, but worth a lot of XP. When you've finished them off, you can loot some bodies lying on the ground. Be
careful as you head south because the path between the railcars and the wall has been mined. On the other side of
the railcars is a loot container. Continue south keeping an eye out for a dirt pile and a locked chest. The southernmost
area is mined. In a blue container, you'll find a robot called Vax. Use computer science to have him join you as a
follower. As you head north again, you will fight three slicer dicer robots. These are tough, armoured and have a
variety of damaging attacks. Annoyingly, they explode for a great deal of damage when you do manage to take them
out. Vax has extremely powerful attacks that can destroy these enemies, but they will also destroy him very easily
since he only has 50 CON. If you are able to keep him in operation past this fight, he will stay with you. He can be
repaired (a little) with Mechanical Repair. In the area in which you fight the slicer dicers, you'll find a toaster that simply
gives up random loot when repaired. In the Destroyed Village area of the map is a safe with high quality loot and
there's a hidden cache between two ruined buildings to the north.

Happy Valley
You'll arrive in this area when you go to the Prison on the world map. This is an area controlled (and named) by the
Red Skorpion Militia (or RSM Enterprises, Inc.). Head east to find a booby-trapped safe. Return to the entrance to the
area and follow the road north. You'll see a dirt pile on your left. Nearby is Fred Darvis and an annoyed goat that you
can attempt to use Animal Whisperer on. Talk to Fred. Choose "Help" and you'll learn why his goat is so distressed!
Use Brute Force on his wagon to free it and then talk to him again. When you mention "Damonta", he'll tell you to talk
to someone called Red and give you a password for the turrets guarding his store. He'll also trade with you. Go west
from Fred's wagon and you'll find a body leaning against the rockface. Loot the FARMER'S DIARY, PART 1 from it.

Carry on north up the road and take the slope west. You'll arrive at the farm of William Brown. Talk to him to learn that
the RSM have stolen his pigs which you can offer to recover. He'll give you a different password for Red's turrets.
There are two piles of pig manure to grab. Go through the gap in the fence and then a short way down the slope to
find a locked chest which contains a FARMER'S DIARY, PART 2. Go back up and continue to the northwest of the
map to meet Anne Hegadus. She is seriously ill and wants you to kill her - you may already have heard her speaking
on the radio. If you do as she asks, you will have a confrontation with a boy called Bucky Brown as you leave. A Kiss
Ass conversation option will point out that you were only doing as she asked. The dresser by her bed contains A
FARMER'S DIARY, PART 3. As you go back down you'll see a locked gate in the fence. This opens up a path to Goat
Hill so that you can talk to Red.
It is possible to get to Red's place from the other side. This requires you either to survive two turrets or disable them
using a password that you have no way of knowing in-game.
Go through the gate an enter a cave with two honey badgers. The northwestern branch of the cave leads to a fight
with two toads and a honey badger. After they're defeated, pick the locked chest and the safe (Computer Science).
The other path heads southeast and leads to a fight will three waste wolves and a honey badger. When they're dead,
recover the hidden cache near the southern cave wall. The exit is in the southeast corner.

You will emerge into a minefield with a number of goats. This is an ideal place to acquire the GOAT HERDER trophy.
Clear the mines, empty the two loot containers and then go and find Red. To get to Damonta, you'll need to upgrade
your radiation suits. The person you need to see is Rick Baychowski and he's under arrest in the citadel. Do you
remember repairing the radio tower in the very first mission? It started emitting morse code which was, in fact, a
message from Rick. This gives you a "Brother" conversation option with Red that makes him acknowledge that he is
Rick's brother and he simply gives you the +4 suits. Red warns you about the turrets before you leave, but since you
can now approach them from behind, you can hack them with Computer Science and render them harmless. For
fewer XP, you can deactivate them with the console. There's a locked medikit to claim before you leave. The level 6
gate is hard to pick and not very easy to force either so you might have to go back through the cave anyway!

Go over to the southeast of the area. The first building you come to is the farm of Marco and Celia Caminada. If you
talk to Celia, you'll learn that their well is broken. You can fix it with Mechanical Repair (level 4) and then use it to top
up your canteens. Talk to Celia again to get a reward: a FAMAS assault rifle. To the northeast you'll find Tim Messer
who's burying his wife. Talk to him to find out exactly what sort of operation the RSM are running. There's a loot
container nearby. The ramp to the northeast is down but you can use Mechanical Repair (level 3) on the big forklift to
create a path. If you go up the path, you will find a skill statue up a slope to your left. At the top you'll have to fight a
pair of honey badgers. Your path will end in a fence that you can break down. This leads to Pitbull's shack which is
covered below.

Return to the main road and go up to the main settlement. The first person you run into is Cyril Verba, who feeds you
the corporate line on Happy Valley. Go north from Cyril to find some RSM thugs bullying a woman called Gladys.
Their leader, the assessor Chris VanOverbake, will engage you in conversation and try to extort $100 weapon tax
from you. You could pay it or you could loot his unique energy weapon, FINAL ASSESSMENT, from his remains.

There are a number of places to explore. If you head up to the central north part of the map, you will stumble upon a
safe buried in the ground. A short way north, you'll fight a couple of waste wolves. Go to where they emerged from to
find a computer terminal which can be hacked with Computer Science. This will allow direct entry into the Prison which
we don't want to go to just yet. Instead, go south a short distance to find a fence that you can brute force which allows
you to flank the RSM checkpoint marked on your map. Here you'll fight no fewer than seven militia soldiers, including
a couple of damaging heavy weapons guys. When they're dead, you'll find loot containers on the walkways and a level
4 alarmed safe next to a building. Head north past the Prison entrance to find a level 4 toaster nestled among some
rocks which contains some DESICCATED JUNIPER BERRIES.

Head southwest down the slope. You'll end up in an area marked on your map as Pitbull's Shack. There are four
locked slave pens with alarms on the gate, three which have live slaves, Page, Becky and Fritz. Becky and Fritz will
simply run off while Page will go looking for their captor, Pitbull, unless you tell her he's dead. The alarms on the gates
are level 4 while the locks are level 3. There's a medikit in an open container, a locked chest next to the shack and a
booby-trapped safe next to the bed. The trap and lock on the safe are both rather tough (level 6) and the loot inside is
mediocre so don't worry too much about getting it open. When you're done here, you can break down the fence to the
south but this will just lead back to the valley.

The Prison 1
You have two entrances into the Prison from Happy Valley, one on the west of the map and one on the east. The
western one will take you to the front gate and a minefield, while the eastern one leads to back entrance through a
fence that can be forced. Head forward to find yourself in a firefight with nine RSM members. You'll need to make
good use of the available cover here to emerge relatively unscathed. Loot the area when you're done - there's a
medikit, an ammo chest, a locked chest and a booby-trapped safe in the area with the spit, a medikit and a dirt pile on
the other side and an ammo chest in the north. The exit is in the north west.
You'll emerge into an area where you'll be fighting nine RSM and two guard dogs. Prioritize the heavies. When they're
dead, there are alarmed safes (one requiring Computer Science to unlock) to be looted. To the south is the transition
point back to Happy Valley. West from here is a minefield. In the southwest corner of the map is a hidden cache. Take
the western path to fight seven RSM guys at a checkpoint. One of the enemies has ANGER MANAGEMENT FOR
ANGRY MANAGERS. Loot an ammo chest and medikit when they're dead. Follow the path up and around to the
west. Fight off two RSM guys and two feral dogs. Carry on up the path and you will find yourself in area of vegetable
plots being tended to by fieldhands overseen by RSM. A short way in, you'll meet up with Jim Auwaerter who will feed
you the official line. In the enclosed area by the green tractor you'll meet Jobe, the legitimate owner of this farm who
has been reduced to bondage. He'll tell you about the RSM leader, Commander Danforth, whom he wants dead and
warns you about the turrets that guard the entrance to the prison. In the east section of the farm, look out for a red-
roofed kennel by an outbuilding. There's a chest nearby containing a FARMER'S DIARY, PART 4. There are a
number other loot containers and hidden caches in the area. The safes are alarmed.

In the western section of the farm, you'll see a fenced-in sty with Williams Brown's stolen pigs. When you kick open
the fence, battle will commence with thirteen overseers, Auwaerter and a feral dog. Return to the main path and
continue east. A short section of the path has been mined. Head up to the compound fence. There's an intercom you
can interact with to have an exchange with Danforth. Just inside the entrance is a robot that needs a tread replacing.
You can't go further at this point. Close to the entrance are some broken down cars. Here you'll find a level 4 toaster
containing PREPARATION G. You'll also see a body lying on the ground that you can loot. Turn round and head back
to Happy Valley.

On your way out, catch up with Farmer Brown for an XP reward. When you get back to the Wasteland, you'll get a
request from HQ to investigate a robot attack at the Radio Tower. When you get there you'll find six robots attacking
the antenna. Take them out.

Rick's RV
This section is optional if you already have the +4 radiation suits.

Back at the Citadel, you can now access the prison area and talk to Rick Baychowski. You will need to promise to free
him to get him to cooperate. Rick marks his RV on your map. When you arrive at the RV, Rick will ask to be allowed to
leave. If you allow him to go, he will give you a safe combination and disappear. As you cross the bridge, you will get a
radio call from HQ. If you have let Rick go, HQ will not be pleased. On the other side of the bridge you'll have to fight
four gila monitors. In the area that you fight the lizards, just off the main path, is a toaster containing a FADED
PHOTOGRAPH. At the end of the path, you'll find the RV and next to it is a safe containing the radiation suits you
need. If he's still with you, Rick gives you the combination (733). When you're done, you need to return him to Ranger

With the +4 radiation suits, you can go anywhere in Arizona. The only thing you have to do to progress the game is
make your way to Damonta. There are a couple of optional areas that you can go to first: in Rail Nomads Camp, you
can reconcile the feuding clans while in Darwin Village you can find the cure for cancer.

Rail Nomads Camp 2

There are multiple ways that you can reconcile two feuding factions. One of them involves stealing a sacred relic from
the Topekans and precipitating a massacre. Unfortunately, that path also comes with a trophy, so we'll cover it briefly.

Cat Burglar
This path requires levels in Alarm Disarming and Lockpicking. Go to the main Topekan settlement and head south.
You will pass a gate that is booby-trapped, alarmed and locked, all at a high level, so ignore this if you like. Continue
south and then turn east to find yourself at the back of the Meeting Hall with a humming generator. Disable the alarm
on it and then interact with it to switch it off and kill the lights in the Meeting Hall. Someone will be sent to investigate
so kill him. Now go back up to the main settlement and go up the ramp to the Meeting Hall and go in. The case that
you want is in the southern part of the hall. Simply follow the perimeter of the hall avoiding any contact with Topekans,
steal the spike and leave through the front door. This trophy should pop when you get outside. If you were able to
unlock it, you can go in through the side door which will start you off closer to your goal.
Topekan Settlement
If you've not rescued Ralphy / saved Jessie at this point, go to the section Rail Nomads Camp 1, follow the steps
there and then come back. Saves me repeating myself.

As you enter the settlement, you will see a dirt pile in the pool to your left and a loose fence that you can kick in if you
have high enough Brute Force skill (level 6). The level 3 chest behind it has decent loot. Follow the sign to "The
Jungle". When you come to a fork, continue east. You'll come to an area with some junkies who will hassle you, but
you can avoid conflict with a Kiss Ass conversation option. There's a dirt pile in the area that you can dig up. Follow
the tracks to the Northernmost point of the map where you'll find a group of radioactive mushrooms that you can

Return to the fork and take the path north. This leads to a graveyard. You can dig up the top right plot to reveal a
toaster containing the MEDAL OF HONOR. You can dig up the other plots, if you like, but these only contain worthless
junk and small amounts of scrap. The unmarked plot is where Scotchmo's wife was laid to rest. Digging her up will
cause him to turn on you.

Head to the main settlement. On your way, you will see an injured Topekan whom you can heal with the Surgeon skill
(level 4). Talk to him for background information about the feud. We have a letter for someone called Katy. Find her
boxcar on the map and go in. Take the Kiss Ass option to find out what's troubling her. The Red Skorpions have
forced her into debt bondage. At this point Pitbull will arrive to claim his property. You can either pay him off (500
scrap), let him take Katy or make the wasteland a better place by putting an end to him.

In the top collection of boxcars, we've already been into Ralphy's house and the one next door belongs to a family
sitting down to dinner. The one across the way from Ralphy's house is the Archive. You'll see the librarian dead on the
floor. There's a group of three bookcases on the back wall. If you have high enough Perception skill, you can collect
the Demolitions skillbook, DAWN FOR THE MIDNIGHT BOMBER. The boxcar behind the Archive is the place of
employment of Anna. If you do not yet have the NIGHT TO REMEMBER trophy, save your game and then keep
employing her services for 15 scrap until you catch something nasty and get the trophy.

Take the path heading south. You'll see an equestrain statue by the track. You can use the Animal Whisperer skill on
it to acquire a unique rat follower giving you +1 Intelligence. Continue and take the ramp heading east to arrive at the
meeting hall. Go in and meet the Topekan leader, Kekkahbah. Exhaust all conversation options. You will get a quest
to kill a group called the rail thieves and an admonishment not to interfere in their business. Be sure to take THE
STORY OF JOHN HENRY, PART 1 from a bookshelf but do not attempt to open any other container unless you want
to precipitate a bloodbath. Exit the hall and continue south, past a high level alarmed, booby-trapped and locked gate.
Veer round to the south east of the map. When you come to a yellow "Unino Pacific" locomotive, you'll see something
sparkling in the grass. This is THELWULF'S UTOPIA, a pre-war computer than you can give to Ethil back at the

The path northeast towards the river leads to a completely optional area, unless you allowed both Highpool and Ag
Center to be destroyed, in which case it's required. Be careful: the path immediately ahead is very heavily mined.
Continue to a metal bridge beyond which is a junkie camp, The junkies are hostile. Past them, you'll have to fight
waste wolves and toads and then you'll find a broken transmitter. If you have the parts you salvaged from the broken
transmitters in Highpool and Ag Center, you can get it working again. You can continue to explore this part of the map.
There are more minefields to navigate and more creatures to fight. In the northern part of this area you'll meet the
Provost, a mysterious figure who talks to you in Latin and joins you as a follower. He has the usual suicidal follower
artificial dumbness and a bad friendly-fire habit. When he dies, you can recover an item called the Owl of Minerva
from his corpse.

Follow the perimeter of the Topekan settlement west. Don't take the travel marker yet. Instead, head north to the main
street. The first boxcar on the right is Gorkinovich's Bar. Inside, talk to Samuel Haas to the right of the bar. When it
comes up, take the Hard Ass option to find out the circumstances of Ace's death. He'll also give you the rest of Ace's
logbook. Talk to Gorkinovich behind the bar. You can buy Snake Squeezins from him. If you buy one and engage him
in conversation again, you can mention that the quality is not very good. A Kiss Ass option will get Gorkinovich to
reveal the location of his distillery on the world map.
The building next door is the local trader's, Holliday Supplies. The whole place is wired with explosives. If you have
level 7 in demolitions, you can make a fair few XP defusing them all (save, though, because a critical failure will send
you to the game over screen). When the bombs are defused, none of the containers actually contain anything. You
can trade with Holliday behind the counter and you can also learn that the rail thieves stole some supplies from him.
Offer to recover them.

Opposite Holliday's go up the ramp and turn north to find yourself in an area with a number of abandoned boxcars.
The northernmost one contains a safe (level 4), a booby-trapped chest and a pile of weapons on the floor. The next
one along contains a safe (level 3). Go south to the final abandoned boxcar (the one with a red jerrycan by the steps).
In here, you'll find a box on a table with a cryptic "Engineer's note". This is supposedly a clue to the location of buried
treasure, but I don't believe that's true. The bookcase in here has THE STORY OF JOHN HENRY, PART 2 and you
can loot the booby-trapped safe (level 4 Demolitions / level 6 Safecracking) and the medikit on the floor before you

Continue south and you'll come to Quarex's arcade. Quarex restores pre-war videogame systems. If you ask whether
he wants help, he'll ask you to find a CD-i. There are a number of floppy discs lying around the place that you can pick
up, but don't serve any purpose in the game other than to clutter up your inventory. In case you're interested,
you can get into the gun case if you kill Quarex. It has a level 6 lock and contains a rather lousy Small Scope.

From Quarex's, head west to the boundary of the area and then north. The first boxcar you enter contains a first
edition DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF ELECTRIC SHEEP? on a shelf. You can give this to Flintlock back at the Citadel.
As you go north, the next boxcar you can enter is the place of business of the local drug dealer. When you talk to him,
you can give him the radioactive mushrooms. His inventory will now contain three doses of Roasted Scorpions which
apply the Chasing the Scorpion status effect (+2 Strength, -2 Awareness). If you're a tittle-tattle, you can rat on him to

We're done here, so go to the marker in the south and travel to the Atchison camp.

The Atchison Camp

This whole area is extensively mined so make sure that your Demolitions specialist is the active character. You start in
the northwest of the area. Head east from your starting point to fight five waste wolves. Continue east to a mined area.
There are also three toad enemies to contend with so let them come to you. Clear the mines and the follow the path
south to a rail thief camp with six enemies. When they're dead, you'll find Holliday's stolen supplies, two safes (one of
which is booby-trapped), a medikit and two locked chests. Leave the camp and return to the Crossroads area. From
here, you want to take a path heading southwest. A section of the path is mined and you may be hassled by some
toads. Past the mined section is another rail thief camp with four of the blighters. There are a couple of containers
here to loot: look out for booby traps and alarms. At the end of the path, cross the wooden bridge into another rail thief
camp with six more enemies. As always, be careful of alarms and booby traps when looting the chests. The final camp
is north along the western boundary of the map. The enemies may be spread out a little so you might not wipe them
all out in one go. Check your logbook to see when you have killed all the rail thieves in the area. Underneath the
bridge is a safe (level 4) with decent loot.

Follow the railtrack south and west. You'll stumble on a cache containing the unique FARSIGHT sniper rifle. Continue
west to find yourselves in the Atchison settlement. Talk to a woman called Melissa about the feud. State your intention
to make peace and she won't pursue her plan of killing the two clan leaders for the time being. The village well is
broken but can be fixed with Mechanical Repair (level 4). On the southern side of the village are a number of yurts you
can visit. The first is just a family home. The second is the location of Switchman Antiques. You can ask the proprietor,
Honest Jon, about the Medal of Honor if you have it and you can also buy a CD-i from him. You can either give this to
Quarex or to Ethil. The other items he has for sale have no purpose in-game. The third one along is abandoned and
has a weapons pile on the floor and a level 4 toaster nearby which contains the FERTLIZER SPRAYER.

Follow the perimeter round and you can go and speak to Chisel in his yurt. You'll be able to recruit him later. Finally,
head to the western end of the village and go into Casey James's hut. Collect THE STORY OF JOHN HENRY, PART
3 from the bookshelf and talk to him. When you unlock the "Jessie" conversation option, take it and follow it with the
"End the War" option and Casey will agree to make peace with the Topekans. Select the "Both" option to determine
the fate of the Golden Spike.
Make your tedious way back to the Topekan camp and then go the Meeting Hall to put Casey's terms to Kekkahbah.
Select "Deal", "Terms" and "One arm". Head back to the travel point to the Atchison camp and let Casey know of the
new condition and then talk to Kekkahbah again. If you've not already unlocked it, you will earn the PEACE ON THE
RAILS trophy.

Go to Holliday's and return his stolen supplies. Not only will he give a 50% discount on his prices, he will also give you
the Kiss Ass skillbook, THE RICHARD GRIECO STORY. If you like, you can now go and loot all the safes and
containers in the Meeting Hall without provoking a bloodbath. If you want to give the CD-i to Quarex, he'll give you
$100 and some XP.

As you head towards the world map, you will encounter Chisel who wants you to "arrest" him. If you need a big lunk to
whack things hard, he's OK.

We've got some business to take care of before heading to the next location. We have some items to hand in at the
Citadel. Give Ace's logbook to Vargas and he'll tell you to talk to Sagarra, Just FYI, Sagarra hasn't got anything to say
at this point so don't bother. Give thelwulf's Utopia and the CD-i to Ethil to unlock two unique weapons, THE
ROACH and THE NOTCH. Give the 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?' book for Flintlock for some XP. If you
saved the Ag Center, go to the West Field and give the Fertilizer Sprayer to Honeydew Lewis in exchange for some
Honeydew melons. These give +1 Charisma and +2 AP when used. The Charisma boost makes them useful for
recruiting certain companions.

Gorkinovich's Distillery
Since he took the trouble to mark it on your map, it would seem rude not to visit. When you arrive, you'll see Larry
threatened by a group of hobos. Talk to Larry and, if you have Scotchmo in your party, the situation will be defused
without violence or expense. Otherwise, you can make speech checks to get Larry to give them a barrel. Failing that,
you can buy them a barrel. Talk to Larry again when the hobos are gone. He tells you that Ben will sell you liquor at a
30% discount and that we might help his colleague Ivan out with a little problem. Ivan is standing by the gate to your
left. There's an infestation of honey badgers that needs taking care of. In the agave plantation, you'll find the first
group of six. You'll find the other group behind the large building in the north of the area. There's also a booby-trapped
safe here (level 6 lock) which has some decent loot. Return to Ivan to get the extra discount and then go and find Ben.
He's over by the door in the agave plantation. Follow the "Snake Squeezins" conversation line to give him the juniper
berries in exchange for three lots of Special Squeezins (+2 Luck, -1 Coordination). If / when you're back at the Rail
Nomad Camp, Gorkinovich will now give you a discount on his prices too.

Darwin Village
Although this is a completely optional area, coming here is required for no fewer than three trophies.

Follow the marker on your map from the Distillery. When you arrive, you'll quickly find yourself under attack from a
horde of plague victims - I counted eleven. Continue west and around up to the next square where you'll find another
ten plague victims after your brains. A short way north on the left is a skill statue. There's also a dirt pile in the
northeastern corner. Continue north to find the Facility Entrance. The door is high level (Safecracking 8 / Computer
Science 7). If you don't have the SINISTER LEGACY trophy and you have Rose with you, dismiss her from your party
temporarily; otherwise she'll lock you out of the trophy. To open the door, enter PROTEUS into the keypad. Doing so
will earn you the trophy. You will have seen the word if you examined the bust of Finster's head in the Citadel
museum. To be honest, besides metagaming, I'm not sure how one is supposed to make the connection. Anyway, if
you have Rose with you, she already knows the passphrase and will enter it for you. Go down through the trapdoor
into a bare room. You may want to make a savegame at this point. Not only will you be infected with the plague
shortly, but you'll want to avoid actions that will lock you out of recruiting one of the better companions.

Go through the doorway to be infected by the plague. This is another one with a countdown - around three hours. It
will lower your intelligence which means that you're liable to lose an AP in combat. Note, however, that we'll want to
avoid combat anyway. The next room along has a bunch of dead bodies on the floor along with a rather tough safe.
As you proceed, you will see a green woman called Jan in an isolation chamber. She and Rose will have an exchange
of words if Rose is in your party. She asks you to go to a lab one level down and turn on the purification system to
cure the plague. She also asks you not to kill the victims in the complex. Take the door opposite Jan and then take the
trapdoor down to the next level.

Examine the desk to your left to learn that it's Irwin Finster, not Erwin. Near the exit is a junk pile with a DISPLAY
SCREEN. This will come in useful much later. Don't go through the door. Instead, use Computer Science on the
console on the western wall, near the ladder you came down, to open up an alternate path. You want your
Demolitions specialist out in front here because the corridor is booby-trapped with three laser tripwires The door at the
end can be opened with level 7 Safecracking / Computer Science or you may have figured out the passphrase (hint:
it's not Erwin). There are another three laser tripwires in the corridor beyond and a large tank of chemicals blocking
your way that you should shoot from a distance. The door at the end is locked with a conventional lock (which means
that you can also kick it in).

Be careful in the next room. There are three automatic turrets. They have high armour and a lot of HP. Fortunately,
they are very slow so you may be able to take them out before they get a chance to attack. The loot container is
booby-trapped. The cage in the middle of the room has a tough lock (level 8 Safecracking / Computer Science). The
creature inside is called a Night Terror and will join you as a follower. If you feed it "candy" (which is any organic
matter be it an eyeball or a piece of poo), it will be happy. Do this enough times and you'll get the TASTY! trophy. The
exit requires level 5 Computer Science to open. There's an ammo chest in the room beyond along with a level 7 safe
(Alarm Disarming or Computer Science).

Leave this room through the vent to emerge into a short corridor. The door at the end is alarmed (level 5) but not
locked. Go through to find the purification device (a large structure that you can interact with) to your left. This will not
only cure your squad, but will render plague victims non-hostile. Take the door to the south and then another to come
to another room with now-harmless plague victims. The door to the west requires Safecracking / Lockpicking to open.
The large white cabinet contains THE CURE FOR CANCER. Just the thing for Tidemann back at the Citadel. Use
Computer Science on the computer on the desk to recover the WASTELAND DISK which you can give to Flintlock.
This also unlocks the KNOW YOUR ROOTS trophy. There's also a medikit, a locked chest and a safe to loot.

Leave and take the other door. Follow the passage around. Send your Demolitions specialist ahead because there are
two laser tripwires that need disarming. Eventually you'll arrive back at the ladder you came down earlier. Go up and
return to Jan. For not killing anyone, Jan will mark a shrine on your world map. She will also ask you to promise to not
reveal their presence to the outside world. Do so. The safe in here is a tough level 8. If you have the Medal of Honor,
examine it for the passphrase. The safe contains a Black List with two dead rangers' names on it. Although it looks
highly suspicious, it's either part of a dropped quest or a simple red herring since it has no purpose in the game.

Before you leave, check your party's collective charisma. Your target is 25. You can achieve this with spiked collars (I
had five at this point) and / or honeydew melons. If you are able to get your charisma high enough, Pizipi Joren will be
waiting when you emerge from the lab and will ask to join you.

Back on the world map, pay a visit to the Mysterious Shrine whose location Jan gave you. The shrine gives 525 XP
and there'a a locked container behind it. although it doesn't contain anything special. Back at the Citadel, you can tell
Vargas that Darwin is deserted for an XP bonus. Or you can go back on your word and reveal its secret. You can
exchange the Wasteland Disk with Flintlock for a WASTELAND FAN CLUB PIN. Give Tidemann the Cure For Cancer
and he will give you GREY'S ANATOMY, the Surgeon skillbook.

Canyon of Titan
Try not to get into fights with groups who have monk escorts in this area. If you do, your rangers are likely to lose their
clothes when they are caught in the explosion radius of a suiciding monk. If one of your characters is wearing the
gorilla outfit, take it off and have him go through this area in his pants!
You'll want Ralphy with you to unlock the FATEFUL REUNION trophy. You will have to deal with two factions who
want a nuclear weapon for their own purposes. The quest can play out three ways, each of which has an associated
trophy. If, somehow, you still have Angela in your squad, she will leave shortly for plot reasons.

Head either east from Highpool or northeast from The Prison into the level 4 radioactive clouds and you'll locate the
Canyon of Titan. Enter and walk a short way up the path. You will meet Jill Yates who asks for a medic. Have
someone with Surgeon skill attend to Doc who's lying on the ground. Doc will then act as a merchant selling medical
supplies. Talk to Jill Yates for background information and ask about her herd. She'll also ask you to find out what
happened to Bart, one of her wranglers. You can use Animal Whisperer on three cows still alive to calm them and Jill
will give you her...thanks. The injured cowboy on the ground among the cows is a much stiffer challenge to heal than
Doc was. I had a critical failure trying to revive him and everyone turned hostile. Nobody seems to care much when
you save scum and heal him. Strange.

Head east and south from Jill and her crew. You'll see a man called Tom shoot a raider. You can help him, but first
we'll have to go kill some honey badgers. Otherwise, the silly sod will get himself killed in an impressive display of
artificial stupidity. From Tom's position, hug the canyon wall and take the first turn leading south. Keep going south
and you'll encounter a group of four honey badgers. First time I tried this with Tom, he ran up to two honey badgers
and got himself bitten in half. To save time later, go to the far north to the area with the green pool where you'll meet a
Shadowy Figure. He turns out to be a representative of another faction operating in the area, the Diamondback Militia.
He reveals that the monks' deity, Titan, is a Titan II ICBM from before the war with a live warhead. You may guess that
this will feature heavily in your near-future questing. If you want to work with the DBM, you have to prove your
worthiness by locating their base. At the end of the end of the conversation, you get Kiss Ass and Smart Ass options
to get him to give you a key and the clue to look for Gadsden's Mark.

Head back to where you found Tom and talk to him to learn more about the Mad Monks. When you ask him whether
he wants help, he's unwilling to accept it but you can use a Kiss Ass or Hard Ass option to bring him round. Tom will
run off to the area where you just fought the honey badgers and will set about burying his wife (which is better than
getting himself slaughtered). Talk to Tom and he will give you the key to his lockbox. There's a container next to him
containing YOUR FRIEND THE GREAT GLOW. Search the cooking pot for some Banana Pudding (gives +3 AP for
five minutes). As you leave the area, take note of a breakable fence in your right beyond which is a safe containing the
EYE OF PROVIDENCE among other high quality loot. On your way out, you'll have to fight a group of four gila
monitors if you haven't already done so.

Take the eastern exit from the camp, but avoid the group to your north. Cross the wooden bridge into Outpost One.
The first monk you see is Ralphy's dad who goes by the name of Brother Ramiel. If Ralphy is with you, the FATEFUL
REUNION trophy will pop. Talk to Ramiel. You'll have three xxxx Ass options to persuade him to go home to his

Talk to Brother Franks and agree to pay tribute. Avoid telling him about the Diamondback Militia at this point. You'll be
tasked with collecting radioactive sludge to power the monks' nuke grenades. You'll also be given a monk escort,
Brother Shapiro. If the "Church Police" tried to shake you down, you can rat on them. If you want, you can trade with
Franks too. Be sure to buy the Cleric's Cross trinket from him.

Head north from Outpost One. The path ahead is mined. You'll find yourself in the Raider Fort. We could have
approached from the north if we'd gone around the north of the map, but then we'd have had to fight the raiders and
their monk escorts. However, because your squad has an escort, Titan's Peace applies and nobody will attack you.
Head up on the walkway to find a toaster containing a POCKET KNIFE. There are a couple of other containers to loot
in the area along with a fridge and a safe (Computer Science). As you exit the fort to the north, take care because the
path ahead is heavily mined.

Continue north. You will trigger a scene where a monk escorting someone called Sarah blows himself and a raider sky
high. She has her legs blown off in the blast and asks that you kill her. She will give you a locket for a man called
David Barnes in Damonta. Continue along the path and you will meet Brother Chavez burying a crate. You can
question him extensively for background information. He will also ask that you have someone in Outpost One send a
cart to help him. Continue round and you'll bump into a scumbag called Salt and his thuggish crew. This is the group I
told you to avoid earlier. They're running a shakedown operation, but your escort means that they'll leave you alone.
Take the path southeast past them leading back to Outpost One.

Hug the northern wall of the canyon and you'll find a locked gate. This leads to a path that goes under the bridge you
crossed earlier to get to Outpost One. At the end of the path is Badger's Den, an open area with five honey badgers.
Brother Shapiro shows the usual life-preserving instincts of a follower in this game, so you may need to heal him
afterwards. When they're dead, you can collect the sludge from the glowing green barrel. There's also a safe to loot.
Return to Outpost One to tell Brother Franks about Chavez.
It is possible to avoid confrontations with the DBM in this area. Don't go up to ridges where there are spies and avoid
the walkways to the south of Outpost One. This will make any initial dealings with the organization less
confrontational. The benefit of not antagonizing the DBM is the possibility of being able to recruit a rather rubbish
companion somewhat later.
From Outpost One, take the gate by Brother Franks. There's a path immediately to your right that goes to up to a bluff
overlooking the camp. Here you'll stumble upon three spies who will immediately commence hostilities. Head back
down to the path leading south and you'll see a tough fence on your right. Beyond it is an extremely tough gate that
leads to a locked crate and another tough fence. If you don't have a high level in Brute Force, ignore these - we'll go
round the other side. If you want to avoid a fight with DBM soldiers, you'll have to go through the fences - use high
explosives, if necessary. Otherwise if you follow the main path south, you'll come across four Diamondback Militia on
a walkway. They are immediately hostile so kill them. Continue south and you'll come to a fork in the road, with one
path heading west and the other south.

Take the path south. You'll come across three honey badgers guarding a goop barrel. Kill them and take it. Continue
south to another raider outpost where you'll find the third sludge barrel. Go through the camp and continue south to
find a locked gate. Behind it is Bart, the wrangler Jill asked you to find. You can let him follow you, if you like. Head
back towards Outpost One. When you get to the fork, Bart will leave you and you'll get a chunk of XP.

Take the path west. You'll see a fence which is one of the tough ones I mentioned earlier so you can safely ignore it.
Continue west to meet someone called Skunk Pig. You can agree to help him and there's a Kiss Ass option to get a
reward from him for doing so. Just lead him to Outpost One for some easy XP; if you asked for a reward, you'll receive
grenades and a medic pack. Return to where you found Pig and continue west. You'll overhear a raider called
Egodeath hassling some travellers. If you hurry and confront him, you can prevent their murder. There are Kiss Ass
and Hard Ass options to get the raiders to back off or you can pay 100 scrap. Make a note of the goop barrel for later.

Take the path leading south. Eventually, you'll find a bunch of bodies on the ground with a man called Gary Niger. Tell
him you're not responsible for the carnage and you can talk to him and trade; he'll simply run away otherwise. When
you're done, head up the ramp opposite where he's standing. This takes you to a skill statue. If you continue along
here, you'll just end up back in the raider outpost so head back to where you found Gary and go across the bridge.
You'll come across two traders, Tom M. and Alexey K. arguing over rights of way. Smart Ass and Hard Ass options
can resolve this peacefully. Further along the path, you'll fight four gila monitors.

There are three paths you can take here: north, southeast and southwest.Take the north path and follow it underneath
a bridge. The path will lead to a graveyard with three plots. Nearby is an alarmed safe. If you head up the slope from
here, you'll arrive at another sludge barrel. Make a note of its location in case you need it later. Return to the junction
and take the southwest path. You'll arrive in an area called the Abandoned Yard. Examine the mine cart here. Make a
note of the location but don't use the mine cart at this time. This is the entrance to the DBM base and your monk
escort will be killed if you do. Return to the junction and follow the path southeast and you'll meet a water trader,
Clyde, who asks you for water. They've been robbed by uniformed soldiers. You can ask them whether they need any
other help and he'll ask you to let the monks at the next outpost know of their plight. Continue until you find Brother
Gorsky. Tell him about the water traders. Head up the slope next to him to stumble upon three more spies who
promptly attack. Go past them across the bridge to find a dig site. This reveals a booby-trapped, locked container that
holds a high-quality weapon. Tell Gorsky about the cache to receive a couple of medic packs as a reward. Go through
the open gate and take the path to the travel marker.

Temple Of Titan
You'll find yourself at the outskirts of the temple. Go around the northern path. There's a cowboy called Dale who
needs some sludge as tribute so he can get back to his wife Betty Sue in Damonta. Or is it Betty Mae? Select the
"Sludge", "Tribute" and "Titan" options to make him slip up and give you Smart Ass conversation options to catch him
out. He'll come clean about trying to get a shipment to Damonta. He's a "pharmaceutical" dealer. Give him some
sludge and he'll give you an empty container and will agree to meet you inside the temple.

We need to find another sludge barrel. Head south across the bridge and walk past the raiders. You'll find a narrow
path next to a rickety building. Next to this same building by the wall is Tom's cache for which we have the key. Take
the path up and you'll arrive at an area with a bridge leading to a small island in a green pool. There's a fence here
that can be easily broken to give you access to a sludge barrel. Next this area is a ledge with a naked man called
Buck Dinges (who won't talk to you at this time) and a cache to dig up.

Head down the hill to the cowboy camp. You'll meet Mr. Taggart at the entrance with whom you can trade. He is the
key to the SON OF A MOTHERLESS GOAT trophy. Buy the three lots of Amigo Hats, Jackets and Pants and dress
up three of your rangers. Inside the camp are two dirt piles, one behind a locked gate, and a locked loot container.
Continue east to talk to Brother Roy Parsons who will take your tribute from you and allow you to enter the temple. If
you were unable to avoid killing any mad monks on your travels through the canyon, Parsons will task you with
fetching three more containers of sludge as penance. I already noted the locations of two containers back in the
canyon and there is another in the temple compound. To obtain this, go west to the area entrance and then go south.
You'll reach a split in the path, one heading downwards and the other up. The path down leads to a fight with some
DBM people and an entrance to the Temple underground which is not an area you want to go in just now. Instead,
take the path heading up past the raiders and then down into an area with wrecked cars. You'll find the barrel you
need at the end of this area.

Walk past Parsons and Brother Shapiro will leave you at this point. He says he will rejoin you if you need to go back
into the canyon and waits by the gate. Head to the north of the area to find the hospital. There are some patients you
can practise your Surgeon skills on and a couple of containers to loot. The monk standing at the entrance is Dr. Baum.
If you saved Highpool, you should have some contact lenses that you can give him and he will give you the Field
Medic skill book, 68W ADVANCED INDIVIDUAL TRAINING MANUAL, in return. Ask for the services of Dr. Kyle and
he'll take you to meet her. She refuses to augment any of your squad as a matter of policy but you can ask her about
prosthetics. Explore the conversation trees and take the Smart Ass responses as they come up. The "Techniques"
option will grant you the Computer Science skillbook, NEURAL NET PROCESSOR MANUAL. There are some
medikits in here that you can loot. Leave via the ladder when you're done. If you take one of the other exits, the monks
will turn hostile.

In the northeast corner of the area is Brother Staal. If you offer to help him, he'll give you three buckets and the offer to
exchange three lots of sludge for one nuclear grenade. If you've followed this guide, you'll have the location of three
sludge containers. If you don't avail yourself of the services of Brother Shapiro, all the raiders will attack you. They
shouldn't cause you major problems and the XP rewards are considerable. If you go back to the ledge where you
found Buck Dinges, you can also talk to him to learn that the monks' nuke is a dud. Bring the sludge back to Staal to
get a single dirty grenade as a reward. Whoopee!

As you head down the east side of the area, you'll be grabbed by Father Enola, the head of the order. He will tell you
that one of their order, Brother Wright, has gone rogue and has set off to Silo 7 to launch its nuclear weapon against
the temple. He wants you to stop this and send the weapon to the temple for safekeeping. Agreeing to help him does
not lock you into a path, so do so.

On the west side, you'll find Monk Lobber, a trader. The building next to him has a couple of containers that you can
loot. Just south of him you'll find Brother Nero sermonizing. Collect THE SERVANTS OF TITAN, PARTS 1-3 from the
bookshelves in his open air chapel. West of the chapel, you'll find a portaloo with some poo and Dale standing by an
entrance to the temple. He will give you the code for the door he's standing by if you say that you want to go
downstairs (60845). At this point, you may want to make a hard save.

Diamondback Militia Base

Although we've had dealings with a member of the Diamondback Militia (and possibly hostile dealings with rather
more than that), we've not yet spoken to their leader. Head back to the Canyon of Titan and the location of the DBM
base in the southwest corner of the map. There are two ways in. If you obtained the key from the Shadowy Figure,
use it on the booby-trapped, alarmed structure by the stacked barrels and then use Computer Science on the level 7
console. Alternatively, you can enter the combination - the Shadowy Figure gave it to you earlier. Otherwise, interact
with the mine cart. The rock face will slide open and Lt. Bridewell will emerge and engage you in conversation.
Tempting as it is, antagonizing her doesn't help. To deal with the DBM, you have to give up your weapons temporarily.
Enter the cavern. There's an unlocked safe to your left which you must not touch, unless you fancy fighting the DBM
guys with your bare hands. Enter the base. The person you're here to see is the irascible asshat behind the desk,
Sadler. There's an easy safe by his desk and no-one seems to mind if you help yourself. Talk to Sadler. If you've killed
any DBM personnel during your time in the canyon, he will be quite aggressive. Otherwise, he'll be reasonably
friendly. You will be given a Code Scrambler to use on the monks' nuke. Do not select the "Fake" option if you've
learned that the missile is fake - it won't make any difference and will terminate the conversation. Select the "Ass"
conversation option instead followed by "Cheeky" and "Haemorrhoids". This will allow you to exchange the
Preparation G for the CHARGED ROUND SNIPER RIFLE, a very good weapon for this stage of the game. Select the
"Pay" option to get a promise of free passage through the Canyon. If you've not killed any DBM personnel, you can
choose the "Not looking" option to decline Sadler's offer. This is one of the requirements for obtaining a certain recruit
later. If you have killed DBM, refusing Sadler's offer is not a realistic option. When you're done talking, follow Bridewell
outside to reclaim your weapons.
Part 1: Arizona (Continued)
Temple Underground
Have your rangers undress. Otherwise, they'll end up running around in their underwear anyway.
The easiest way into the underground is via the door next to Dale in the southwest corner of the main temple
compound. If you have the code, you can use it or you can use Safecracking / Computer Science to bypass it. Use the
hatch to enter the bunker. The door in front of you is alarmed. When you go through, you will hsve to fight two monk
gunners to your right and left. The corridor leading west has a tripwire that you need to disarm. The door leading west
is locked. Behind it are two suiciders and four regular monk enemies. The northern platform has a level 7 safe
(Computer Science) and four locked chests. The exit is alarmed and locked and the passageway beyond has a
tripwire. Head north and then west into the missile bunker. Follow the circular walkway clockwise to the end to find a
level 7 safe and a level 5 toaster containing some DEPLETED URANIUM. This can be given to Ethil to obtain the best
energy weapon in the game. Don't use the Scrambler at this point unless you're ready to begin committing yourself to
a path. Leave the missile chamber and take the corridor north, taking care to disarm the two tripwires. Contonue round
to a crossroads. The paths north and south are blocked. The path leading east has two more tripwires and ends in a
booby-trapped, alarmed and locked door. The booby trap is moderately challenging (level 7). When you go though,
you'll find yourself fighting a regular monk enemy and a suicider. The path to the west is blocked, the one to the south
leads back to the entrance we came in, while the eastern one leads towards the clinic and has a tripwire. The clinic
door is locked (level 7 lock). Breaking it down will not trigger a massacre, although you can start one if you love
mayhem. The path south leads to a storeroom. You could have taken the direct route from the entrance room, but that
door is rather challenging. There is a suicider inside and three more monk enemies. The door to central chamber is
alarmed and locked (level 8). If you walk round to the other side, you'll see the room's occupant, Brother Guano, who
has been imprisoned for being too fanatical. You can use the intercom to talk to him. If you were thinking of giving the
nuke to the monks, you may want to rethink your choice! Do not take the TITAN MUSEUM MISSILE BROCHURE
from the bookshelf until you are ready to make a decision.

There are a number of doors leading from this room. The eastern one leads to a fight with a gunner and a suicider.
The corridor north from here has a tripwire and leads to the clinic. The door east leads to another underground
entrance. If you take the ladder, you will emerge in the area where you may have fought some DBM earlier. The door
to the east is alarmed. The room beyond contains a suicider and two regular enemies. There are two toilets and three
lockers. If you exit to the surface, you won't be able to get back in the same way without killing the monks on the

Return to the storeroom. The southeastern door leads to a prison area. One of the doors can be easily forced. You'll
find a metal bed post under one of the mattresses. This is used in an alternate path where you allow yourself to be
arrested by the monks and refuse to help them. You can pick the doors for a few XP but there's nothing else here. The
southwestern door in the storeroom has a tripwire immediately past it. Rotate the camera so that you can see and
disarm it. It leads to another exit back to the surface, emerging in the chapel.

Choice time.

Use the scrambler on the missile

As soon as you use the scrambler on the missile, Father Enola and four monks will arrive and initiate hostilities.
They're not particularly tough. When you arrive at the surface, you will that the DBM are taking over the temple
complex and massacring everyone (including the Cowboy Camp, which I felt bad about!). There's some excellent
looting to be done, paticularly from Mr. Taggart and the rest of the cowboys. The DBM have not cleared out the
underground clinic and if you go down there, Kyle and three monk soldiers will attack you. The patients will also
appear as hostile, but you don't have to murder them in their beds. Captain Hogan has replaced the monk trader
(whose inventory you can loot and sell to Hogan). You'll probably need to lighten your load at this point.

Take the Titan Museum Missile Brochure from the bookshelf

This will cause Enola to appear and admit that the missile is a fake. He wants a real nuke to enforce Titan's Peace
and he still needs you to fetch it. You can agree to cooperate or you can trigger a bloodbath which will result in you
massacring everyone above and below ground. If you agree to Enola's terms, you keep your options open.
Do not attach the radio repeater to the radio tower just yet. Otherwise, you will be railroaded into the next act of the
game without having an opportunity to tie up a number of loose ends
Be aware that Damonta is overrun by robots so before continung the quest, I took a quick trip back to Ranger HQ to
sell weapon parts and turn in the Depleted Uranium for the GAMMA RAY BLASTER. You can take Shapiro back
through the canyon to avoid hassle or you can just wipe out any remaining raiders. If you have a squad member
trained in Heavy Weapons, pick up a cheap gun from a trader to exchange for a good machine gun later. When you're
ready to progress the game, head to the world map from the marker in the northeast corner of the Canyon of Titan.
Damonta is not marked on your map, but you'll find it near to the western boundary of the area you're in, roughly half
way between the Temple and the Silo 7 marker on your map. We're here to place a repeater on the town's radio

When you enter the town, HQ will remind you of the urgency of your mission. There are two paths you can take. The
path heading northeast doesn't go anywhere so take the one heading northwest. When it forks, take the path leading
northeast. You'll see a weak fence protected by an alarm to your left, beyond which is a 20mm turret. Disarm the
alarm, kick the fence in and scrap the turret. You'll see a chest on the path ahead. As you approach, you'll be jumped
by four octitrons. The chest is full of body parts.

The fence you broke down is a route into the main part of town but for the moment, return to the fork and take the
western path. You will see a lot of corpses around the place. You'll come to a T-junction where'll you'll have to fight
five robots: three killers, a discobot and an extremely tough Slicer Dicer. Fortunately, the burst mode of the Gamma
Ray Blaster makes short work of it.

Take the fork leading southeast which will bring you to a motel. You'll find the body of Howdy, the disagreeable
wrangler from Jill's crew. Go up the stairs and through the door in front of you to find a safe. Go back to the walkway
and take the next door along. You'll find Jill and Doc in here. Doc will still trade with you. Talk to Jill to learn more
about the robots. She'll ask you to find her cattle and will offer you Bart's help. Given the suicidal nature of followers in
this game, I wouldn't rate Bart's chances against a Slicer Dicer. Fortunately, you can agree to look for the cattle but
decline Bart's company.

Head north. Look out for a body against a stack of barrels to your right. You can recover THE HISTORY OF DAVIS-
MONATHAN AIR FORCE BASE from the corpse. Continue north. To your right you'll hear Red Baychowski, whom we
met earlier in Happy Valley. Ignore him for the moment. He's involved in a certain quest and will join you as a follower.
Which means that he'll most likely die since you haven't yet secured the town.

Hug the western boundary to find your path blocked by a fence. The fence is a level 7 challenge and is immune to
explosives so may be beyond your capabilities. Go east instead. You'll see the radio tower to your left and the airliner
that Red is stuck in down to your right. There are two robots attacking the door of the building by the radio tower.
Scrap them and use the intercom. Werewolf Wally (whose broadcasts you may have heard) will open the door. Ask
permission to use the radio tower. Wally will want you to clear the robot menace first. There are Hard Ass and Smart
Ass options to get around this, but that's not very heroic so agree to do so. If you saved Ag Center, you should have a
7" single. Choose the "Record", "Pay" and "Turntable" conversation options to exchange it for a TURNTABLE. You
can give the turntable to Ethil back at HQ. Collect the KPOW PLAYLIST FOR MONDAY JULY 21st from the floor
behind him.

Leave the radio tower and go south to a street that runs east-to-west. Head east. You'll see a couple of easy fences to
your left. There are enemies beyond them so continue east where you'll come to the hole in the fence you made
earlier (along with the remains of the turret you destroyed). Turn north and then west through the open archway.
There are six robot enemies beyond (if you'd kicked in the fence you'd have been fighting them at something of a
disadvantage). There are some bodies you can loot, a hidden cache to dig up and a locked container to loot. There
are two ways you can continue. If you back to the path, the way north is blocked by an easy fence. Alternatively, in the
alley there is a wall you can kick in, which will lead to the next destination as well. Go through the hole in the wall to
find yourself in the remains a go-go bar. There are a couple of bodies to loot in the first room you come to. Go through
the door to the north to find a robot attacking a fortune machine. If you destroy the robot quickly enough, you can use
the machine for $1. The door nearby leads back into town - you'd have come through it had you kicked down the
fence instead of the wall. Go through the door leading west into the main area. One of the bodies near the door is that
of Dale, the guy you helped out back at the Temple of Titan. A body in the south of the room has a unique
sledgehammer, THE ORDER. The northern wall can be kicked in easily.

Head through the new hole in the wall to find yourself in another alley. In the west is a fence that you can kick in. Don't
go through yet. Instead go east where you'll meet up with Clyde, the water trader you meet in the Canyon of Titan. He
still doesn't have any water because robots have attacked the Silent Spring Water Company. Offer to help and Clyde
will ask you to check that everyone inside is OK. You're on a timer for the next bit. You can't go through the front door
because it's barred. A garbage truck is blocking the entrance to the alley. You can go under it, but one or more of your
squad members are liable to catch tetanus. Your best bet is to go back through the hole in the wall into the nightclub
and out through the front door. Go north and scrap three octitrons, a discobot and a slicer dicer. Continue north a
short way and go through the side entrance of the water company. There are bodies everywhere and six robots to
fight. Pick the front door and report back to Clyde. He will be upset but will give you the Alarm Disarming skill book.
MODERN SECURITY SYSTEMS AND HOW TO IGNORE THEM. If you'd waited too long to get back to Clyde, you
would have found him and his party dead and would have missed out on the skill book. Head back inside to loot the
place. The westernmost of the two rooms contains the body of Sarah's paramour, David Barnes. You should have her
locket which you can use on his body for some XP. The same room contains a level 8 safe with reasonable loot and
there's a painting that you can give to Flintlock on an easel.

Leave through the side entrance and continue north. You'll see a woman called Hopi standing on a car trying to fight
off three robots. A fourth is trying to batter down the door to her workshop. When the robots are scrap, you can talk to
her for background information and trade with her. If you have any interest in machine guns and a gun (any gun) going
spare, you'll want to give it to Magee inside the workshop. In return, she will give you BIG BETTY, a powerful machine
gun that doesn't jam. You can come back later if you don't have a spare gun. You can use Computer Science on the
broken discobot, Jaime, to acquire it as a follower (it's a level 7 challenge).

Go west from Hopi and Magee's workshop. Take a path leading south when you're able to. You'll come to a diner with
five robots outside. The diner belongs to Carla and Hector Nguyen who are hiding in a back room. Don't try and open
their stash but do grab the DOGGIE BONES from the level 5 toaster in the kitchen area. The Nguyens' daughter, Binh,
is missing so offer to help find her. Go up the slope next to the diner to find a skill statue. Continue west to trigger a
massive battle against nine robots and a 20mm turret which will snipe you from afar. Fortunately, not all of the robots
come at once and they're all close combat models so you can pick them off from a distance. When the fighting is
done, you'll see a cornfield just to your south. There's a couple of corpses that you can loot. Continue north to the
northwest corner of the map. As you head north, look for a corpse near the pipeline. Collect the BLOOD-STAINED
JOURNAL from the body. Continue north. You'll come across three bodies surrounded by mines. Be careful, because
the mines are hard to see against the background. If you follow the perimeter north, you'll come to a Wasteland exit.

As you go east you'll find yourself in another major robot battle, including two Slicer Dicers. There's also a 20mm turret
that can snipe from you from a very great distance. A little further along on the northern edge of the map, you'll find
Jill's cows. If you don't already have the MOO, I SAY trophy, there are five of them... Assuming you don't have Bart
with you, you can use Animal Whisperer on them and they'll run off home. Continue east to find a large building called
The Hangar. Clear the mine in front of the door and go in.

Make a hard save because the next bit can be a little tricky. The construct behind the threat to the town, Tinker, is
holding the Nguyens' girl, Binh, hostage. Binh will end up dead if you don't play this right. Walk ahead to trigger a
cutscene. Tinker is operating on Binh while some robots patrol the area. The building is L-shaped. Around the corner
near the wall are a bunch of terminals, three of which you can interact with. Ideally, you'll put your computer expert
into solo mode and sneak round to the terminals avoiding the attention of the patrolling robot. Hack the large terminal,
then the small one against the wall. Less ideally, you'll be trying to do this in combat. Interacting with the second
terminal will trigger combat regardless. There are ten normal robot enemies and Tinker, who wields the unique Xenon
Cannon (hope none of your squad are in heavy armour). Take out the normal bots first, then reduce Tinker to half
health - one burst from the Gamma Ray Blaster should do the trick. At this point, Tinker will stop the fight promising
that the girl will die if you try to stop her. You can talk to Tinker at this point for some vague threats and not very
informative responses. Use Computer Science on the small terminal against the wall again which will disable Tinker's
ability to kill the girl from a distance. Tinker will attack again. Whittle her health down and she'll offer to surrender.
Hack the final terminal and Tinker will attack one last time. Binh should be saved and, if you have not already got it,
the GENTLE HEART trophy should pop.
Loot Tinker's corpse for her weapon, her finger and miscellaneous other body parts. Interact with Binh's chair to free
her - she'll make her own way home. An unlocked chest in the top right corner of the area has the #TRL-01553 TANK
TREAD, a BUSHNELL OCELOT (not Atari Lynx) handheld games console and some junk. You can use the tank tread
to repair the robot outside the prison while you can give the console either to Ethil or Quarex. There's also a locked
chest and a safe (Computer Science). The map on top of the crate will mark Silo 7 on your world map if, somehow,
you don't already have it. The guy in the cage is Lexicanium. You can open the door either with your skillz (level 8
lock) or Tinker's finger. When you talk to him, he will offer to join your party.

Report to the Nguyens for XP and permission to loot their stash: PICKLED DAIKON AND CARROTS 7, SLICED
JALAPEO 3 and SRINACHA. Report back to Werewolf Wally for the Damonta Tower Access Key. Head down
from Wally's to the airliner where Red is trapped and go inside. In the cabin, you'll find four robots trying to break down
the door to the cockpit. When they're destroyed, Red will open the door. He tells you about lost treasure on a crashed
Sierra Madre Air Freight airplane. If you have high Perception you don't need Red to find it, but you'll miss out on
some quest XP. If you agree, he will join you as a follower. Before leaving the town, return to the motel and report
back to Jill for some XP and a whopping 50 scrap. Leave the town through the southern Wasteland exit. Red will
complain, but the northern exit is a long walk.

Silo 7
Head to the northernmost point of the Wasteland and enter Silo 7. Head up the left path where you'll find a gap by
some aircraft wreckage that you can squeeze through. Enter the airliner at the end of the passage. Pick up the
DOUBLE SIX TRAGEDY REPORT on a crate. There are a couple of chests you can loot and hatch on the floor that
you can interact with. If you have very high Brute Force (~8), you can force it. There is, however, another way. Go
through the open door to the other plane section. Here you can find a level 5 toaster containing an AIRMAIL
CATALOG which can be given to Flintlock. You'll also find a locker with a screwdriver that can be used to lift the
hatch. If Red is with you, you can keep or your bargain or not, You can collect either 10 or 20 lumps of gold from the
hidden compartment. Red will either thank you or curse you and leave.

Leave the crash site and head towards the northern part of the map. You'll have to fight two automated 20mm turrets.
The path ahead is heavily mined, so take care. At the end of the path, enter the silo. Around the perimeter are some
loot containers, one booby-trapped, and a safe (Alarm Disarming or Computer Science). The level 8 safe by the
central console contains the WOPR BLASTER. Standing by the console is Brother Wright, who has been trying to
disarm the missile but has failed. You have a choice.

There isn't a good ending to the missile quest. The least worst is arguably sending the missile to the DBM, although a
belligerent paramilitary with a nuke is a bad thing and they extort a high price for their peacekeeping. Disarming the
missile may seem like doing the world a favour, but it breaks the Pax Titanica. Sending a working missile to a bomb-
worshipping death cult has predictable consequences.
Send the missile to the Monks
Choose to send the missile to the monks at the temple ("Send to Silo 8"). This will unlock the EMBRACE THE GLOW
trophy. Brother Wright will attack and you'll have to kill him. When you return to the temple, you will find that fanatics
have detonated the thing, leaving behind a smoking crater. Head west a short way and you will find Brother Heston
cursing his brethren for their folly and a potential recruit, Dan Q, who needs help getting out of here. Nearby you'll find
Brother Ekees who will fill you in on what just happened. When you've finished all conversation options, get far, far
away from him because he'll pretty soon detonate himself. Open up the toaster near where he was standing to receive

Send the missile to the DBM

Choose to send the missile to the Diamondback Militia ("Send to Repair Depot"). This will unlock the FIGHT FIRE
WITH FIRE trophy. Return to the temple. If you talked to Sadler in the DBM base and declined his request for
assistance, do the spiked collar / honeydew melon thing until your squad Charisma is 25, since you've jumped through
the necessary hoops to recruit Gary Wolfe. Talk to Sadler when you arrive and he will send you to the quartermaster
for your reward; unless you've done everything the DBM way, he'llalso tell you to leave straight after. The
quartermaster gives you a 50% discount on stock - I'd invest in some cheap 7.62mm and .45 ammo. As you leave the
temple vicinity, Deadeye Doran will extort a toll of 150 scrap (not exactly keeping their end of the deal) unless you co-
operated fully with Sadler (didn't kill any militiamen in the valley, put the scrambler on the fake nuke, sent the working
nuke to the DBM) and got a pass. If you refused to work with Sadler and you've met the other stringent conditions,
you'll bump into Gary "NaCl" Wolfe standing by a large tent. Just before the exit to the Wasteland, you'll find a level 5
toaster containing THE FLAME DELUGE CANTICLE.

Disarm the nuke.

Use Demolitions or Mechanical Repair on the thing. This will unlock the RED WIRE, BLUE WIRE trophy. You'll hear
some frantic radio messages. When you return to the temple, you will find that is has been overrun by a group calling
themselves the Chaos Raiders. Father Enola will curse you out and die. Head through the gate and fight off ten
raiders. Pick the lock on the gate to the west or force it. You'll have to fight Lt. Bridewell and three other DBM
members. Head east towards the area exit, kill a couple more chaos raiders and you'll meet a potential new recruit,
Corran Cain. If you head up the slope to the left, you can have the pleasure of killing six more raiders. There are three
more raiders just by the exit to the world map. Don't miss the toaster containing THE FLAME DELUGE CANTICLE on
your way out.

Repeater Unit
If you go back to ranger citadel, there are a number of things you can turn in. Give Ethil the Bushnell Ocelot and the
Turntable. The Turntable will add a number of tier 4 weapons to her inventory which are likely to be more powerful
than the weapons you're using currently. Note that you must spend any requisition points now or you will lose them.
Get your recruit XP bonuses from Hawco. Give the painting and airmail catalogue to Flintlock for XP. Report new
locations to Sagarra for XP. An alternative recipient for the Ocelot is Quarex in Rail Nomad who will give you $150 for
it. Leave and go to the L'Eve Lupe Mine and give the Flame Deluge Canticle to Isaac Liebowitz who will give you the
Mechanical Repair skill book, 1967 CHEVY IMPALA REPAIR MANUAL.

Return to Damonta and attach the repeater unit to the radio tower. The signal will be traced to California and you'll be
ordered back to base. As you emerge from Damonta Valley, HQ will radio you with regards to the Red Skorpion Militia
who are very, very upset about something and you are required to do something about Danforth. Shortly after you'll
hear Danforth on the radio accusing the rangers of poisoning his dogs.

The Prison 2
Return to Happy Valley. If you look in on the people you met before, they've all been murdered. Go to the Prison map.
As you approach (what is now) Jobe's Farm, you'll meet up with Jobe himself. He infected the dogs and said the
rangers were responsible. He's regretting it now and will give you the cure. There are two ways that this can play out:
peacefully and with extreme prejudice.

Cure the Dogs

This route will give you the Animal Whisperer skill book. Use the intercom to tell Danforth you have a cure for his
dogs. Go into the compound and meet Danforth face-to-face. As the conversation progresses follow the "Gang" and
"Respect" lines. You will then get Smart Ass options that give you the upper hand. Finish up with "How" followed by
"Advice". Cure Reina and then head to the kennels in the north of the compound. You'll be challenged by Hyaon
Darkhu who gives you his blessing to cure the dogs. Talk to the guy in the corner of the kennel area, Svargas Snake.
He's wearing a ranger badge on a collar around his neck - seems like he's a former ranger reduced to this pitiable
state. Talk to Hyaon again and mention "Doggie Treats". He'll give you the Animal Whisperer skill book, ANIMAL
HUSBANDRY FOR DUMMIES. Report back to Danforth. Now you can loot the area. There's an alarmed safe in the
east of the compound. In the south of the compound, you'll find an enclosure with a safe (computer science)
containing a FARMER'S DIARY, PART 5 and other loot, three chests (two locked) and a medikit. If you talk to Jobe on
the way out, he'll run off and get himself killed trying to take out Danforth. If you follow him, you can collect another
batch of dog plague cure from his body.

Kill Everyone
This route will provide justice for the Caminadas and the Browns and the beggar who needed skrip. Go to the gates
and use the tank tread on the Ready-Tek Tactical System (the defunct robot just inside the fence). Interact with the
robot and command it to target "Organic". Sorry! It's worth seeing that just the once. Select "Inorganic" and it will rush
forward and destroy the turrets. Go inside the compound and face the collected might of the Red Skorpions. I counted
21 enemies. You'll have to go looking since a lot remain hidden around corners and up on roofs. You can loot the
unique RED RYDER RIDES AGAIN shotgun from Danforth's corpse. There's an alarmed safe in the east of the
compound. In the south of the compound, you'll find an enclosure with a safe (Computer Science) containing a
FARMER'S DIARY, PART 5 and other loot, three chests (two locked) and a medikit. After orphaning Danforth's dogs,
you can go ahead and cure them - Reina is near Danforth's body while the other dogs are in pens in the north of the
compound. There doesn't seem to be any XP reward for doing so, however.

Leaving Arizona
If you're going for trophies, check that you've found all the hidden shrines and untouched caches in the Wasteland -
locations are given in the Collectibles section of the guide. If you've followed this walkthrough, you will have all 35
lore entries for Wasteland Historian. When you're ready to move on, head back to the Citadel. Go to the northernmost
room where Ethil and Vargas will be waiting for you. Make a hard save and talk to Vargas. You will be patched in to a
radio feed from Angela Deth in a helicopter above Los Angeles. It doesn't end well. You'll receive your new mission
briefing and can ask questions. Be sure to mention your resolution of the Red Skorpions issue for some XP. When
you're ready to leave, go through the now-open blast door to the helipad and climb aboard. Besides your active three
companions, you can take three more "spares" with you. Select "Ready to fly" when you're finally ready. You will be
treated to a slideshow and if this is your first playthrough, you will receive the WEST OF EDEN trophy.

Part 2: California
Ensure that your skills are up to scratch ASAP. The minimum viable level for speech skills is 8. Other skill challenges
will quickly start rising to level 10 and above.

Your 5.56 mm and .30-06 cal ammo will soon become obsolete. As will .38 cal. However, if you use SMGs, keep a
store of .38 cal in storage because a late game weapon takes it and the ammo is hard to find in California.

Santa Fe Springs 1
Head north and west from your starting position. You will see a ranger beset by four nuke pooches and two honey
badgers. Talk to the ranger, Dave Carlson, when they're dead. He tells you to find Woodson then secure the
perimeter. You can use Surgeon skill on him and give him the bad news or keep it to yourself. The building to
Carlson's immediate north contains a couple of locked chests and a medikit. Head to the larger building to the north
and walk around. There is one nuke pooch outside and three more inside. Your storage locker is inside here along
with a medikit. Go into the smaller room to the west to find Woodson. If any of your squad have leveled up, Woodson
can give them a field promotion. Back outside, you'll find Carlsson lying on the floor - presumably he's crawled here.
He emphasize the need to patch up the perimeter fence.

Exit the building and go north. You'll find a large pile of planks that you can grab to repair the fences. Go west a short
way until you see the shadow of a crane jib on the ground. Target objects and you should be able to highlight
something hanging from the jib. Shoot it down and claim your prize, the unique SABRA MARIE sniper rifle. Head north
from your current position to the fence. Kill four nuke pooches and two honey badgers. Patch the fence and Woodson
will contact you over the radio. You will also hear a broadcast from Matthias. Follow the perimeter fence west to the
next pack of hostile wildlife. Kill them and patch the fence. Woodson will now play you a sample broadcast from God's

From you current position, follow the path south. When it turns sharply west, get ready to fight because there's another
animal pack here. Patch the fence to the west to hear the Mannerites' world view. Head to the southern boundary to
patch the fence there. This time Woodson will play you the charming message from something calling itself Dugan.
You can't go east from here so head back north and turn east when the path forks. If you take the southern path
between the two containers, you'll find yourself in an area called the courtyard where there's nothing much to see.
Instead, take the next path south where you'll have to fight a larger pack of animals: five nuke pooches and three
honey badgers. Patch the final hole in the fence when they're dead. On your way back north, be sure to crack open
the level 6 toaster containing a LAW rocket and some scrap.

Return to where Woodson is waiting. Carlson is at death's door. Talk to him for more information about your mission:
attach a repeater to the radio tower in Griffith Park. To do that, you need to find 56 lb (7 bags) of cat litter to upgrade
your squad's radiation suits. You are also to respond to distress calls so as to win the hearts and minds of the people
of California. You are given three repeater units and the key to the gate in the south. On your way to the gate, you can
interact with the steam valve marked on your map to create a shortcut. When you are ready, head out into the
California Wasteland.

The Wasteland (California)

It's a little different to the Arizona wasteland - there's no water meter, for a start. A short distance in, Woodson will hail
you over the radio to check that it's working. Be aware that the random encounters are in a different league to the
ones in Arizona - hope your Outdoorsman skill is up to scratch!

There is a Mysterious Shrine a short way to the southeast. The statue grants +1 skill point. The door to the complex
behind cannot be picked, but the security system next to it can be circumvented with Computer Science. Note,
however, that this is a level 9 challenge so come back later if you don't have the points. Inside you'll find deactivated
turrets and many bodies on the floor. Most of them have indifferent loot apart from the corpse around the corner next
to a hatch in the floor. The hatch has a level 9 lock and cannot be forced. Go down. You'll find yourself in another
hallway with computers and more bodies on the ground. One of the bodies has the unique CHOICE amulet. Equip it
on a slow squad member to provide a huge boost to their lethality. There is one working terminal on the western wall
which you can interact with. Select "User Programs", "Journal" and "Proverbius" for a large XP bonus.

Los Alamitos
Avoid the green clouds in this area. Green clouds are never a good sign!
You'll come across this industrial site while exploring to the south of Santa Fe Springs. Turn to the west when you first
enter until you see Dekkar Firehawk injured on the ground. Tell him you're friendly and he'll ask for a medic and a dog
catcher. He has an injured leg and his dogs, Jake and Luke, have run off. You can use the Surgeon skill (level 6
challenge) to get him on his feet again. Now go east. There are five Dugan worker bots wandering around. They are
non-hostile until you disturb one of the piles on the ground. You might as well get your attack in first. Head up the east
side looting the rubbish piles. One of them will contain a good weapon. At the top you will find a level 6 toaster with a
SANFORD & SONS VHS. You'll also find the Provost standing around here. There is also the first of Firehawk's dogs,
Manic Jake, wandering around. Use Animal Whisperer on it to get it under control. You'll need level 6 in the skill to
have a decent chance of succeeding. Follow the perimeter round to a Dead End (marked as such on your map). The
second of Firehawk's dogs, Cool Luke, can be found here. Return Firehawk's dogs to him for 200 scrap and some XP.
You may want to come back here when you find the Dog Whistle in Long Beach and exchange it for 50 Hard Boiled

As you explore the area to the south of Santa Fe Springs, Woodson will come over the radio telling you about a
community in trouble and marking Cerritos on your map. Just west of your starting point you'll find an Old Farm
Woman standing by a fence. Cyborgs have stolen her cattle and killed her husband. There is a dirt pile next to the
building near her. Continue west. You'll see the husband's body. Take his unique assault rifle SWEETNESS. A short
distance away you'll meet Brother Mark-12, the cyborg responsible for the disturbance. When you tell him that you're
Desert Rangers, he and seven Evolved will attack. You can explore the northern part of the map but there's nothing
interesting here. Report back to the Old Farm Woman and she'll reward you with the Smart Ass skill book, A BRIEF
HISTORY OF TIME. Mention the rifle and she'll let you keep it. Go to the northern car lot where you'll find a trader,
Tom, and his retinue. He sells weapons that are almost certainly better than the ones you're using, although there's an
even better trader back at HQ. When you're done shopping, there's a booby-trapped junk pile in a corner and a level 6
safe (Computer Science) by the small house.

Santa Fe Springs 2
When you exit to the Wasteland, Woodson will hail you and tell you that you have a visitor back at base. When you
return to base, Pistol Pete and his crew will be standing just inside the entrance. There's a doctor who will heal you
fully for 20 scrap. The trader next to him has some top-of-the-line weapons and armour, along with superior medical
supplies and a decent stock of ammo. If you've done much fighting, you may be painfully aware that your Arizona-
grade weapons aren't really cutting it anymore. Finally, talk to Pete. Select the "Deal" option before "Help" if you want
to see his stock. He tells you that a band of ruffians have taken over his home town of Rodia. I'll assume that you don't
respond "Can't help". Pete will offer to join your party. You may want to drop off any cat litter that you've collected in
your storage trunk since the stuff is kinda heavy. There's also an area of the base that was previously closed to you
that you can explore. Head to the Crash Site. The helicopter has stopped burning which means you can squeeze
through the gap. You will be accosted by Adrian Gordon who will join you as a follower and spout inane nonsense
incessantly. He will, after fifteen minutes or so, give up and stop following you. There is a dirt pile near to where you
meet him. Head to the east of the area. You'll encounter a group of four honey badgers when you come to a fork in
the path. If you go north to where the badgers were, you'll find a dirt pile. Continue east a short way to find another
group of five honey badgers. There is nothing in the area that they emerged from.

Salt Lake Park

If you explore to the north of Santa Fe Springs, Woodson will tell you over the radio that a distress call has come from
a farm under attack by mutants and will mark this location on your map. When you arrive in the area, you'll see a
locked building to your left. You cannot open the door at this time. Instead, follow the path west and north until you
come to fence and an intercom. Alex Dupre will challenge you over the intercom. He is a trader, although he won't
make any direct contact with you. He'll demand 100 scrap to allow you even to see his wares. If you question that,
he'll mention his troubles. Select the "Honey badgers" option to help him out. Head to the northeast of the map where
you'll have to fight eight extremely tough honey badgers. Grab one of the tails when you're done to show as proof.
Pick up the bag of CAT LITTER from near the barn. Go round the side of the barn to find three piles of manure
(although the guy who pays good money for cow flop isn't here) and a dirt pile. I found a top notch trinket in it.

Return to the intercom and show Dupre the proof. He'll now trade without requiring a fee. Big deal! If you go through
his gate and approach his house, he will run out and fire an RPG-7 at you which will likely wipe out your entire party.
When you return to the Wasteland entrance you will be ambushed by four worker bots and a Meson Cannon, a mobile
heavy weapons platform. Although it looks scary, this thing is the secret to getting the door to the bunker open. What it
does is mark a single character and three turns later it will shoot. So long as the targeted character is not wearing
heavy armour, she should survive the blast. Have that character stand in front of the door. Concentrate on wiping out
the worker bots and then whittle down the Meson Cannon. It's kinda slow so you'll be skipping a fair few turns waiting
for the damned thing to shoot. Kill it when it does and then take the high quality loot from the bunker.

Rodia 1
As you arrive, you'll be treated to a cutscene of a thug called Bullet Grabber, murdering a civilian who questions the
entry fee to the town. You will also have to pay the entry fee of six bullets per person. You can, of course, refuse and
kill everyone. If so, skip this entire section; simply kill everyone, install a repeater unit and move on. Otherwise, pay up
and have a chat with Ms. Grabber for background information. There is a trader, Samuel, in the bottom left corner of
the entrance area, but his stock is inferior to the trader back at HQ.

Go into town. You'll be hassled by two low-lifes, Pokey and Gummy. Don't start shooting and they'll back off. The gate
to the Radio Tower is just to the north. However, it is guarded and if you hang around too long, you'll trigger a
bloodbath. All in good time, gentle reader! Keep a low profile for now. Walk west following the perimeter wall for a
short distance. You will hear a voice. If you zoom the camera out, you will see a man hanging in a cage. This is Mayor
Van Graas, late mayor of Rodia. He will tell you that the gang in charge of the town are the Leather Jerks. If you ask
about cat litter, he will point you in the direction of Dr. Horchata who's trying to deal with a sickness affecting the town.
He'll also point you in the direction of a bunch of "constituents" who may have Jerk-related problems: the saloon
owner, Ulric, the banker, Gekko, his son, Chris and the Limbo Town farming community.

If you go east, you'll find O'Biggun's HQ. You probably don't want to go there yet so go west. The first building you
come to is the casino. Talk to Ulric Keil behind the bar. You can get a very great deal of background information from
him. When you ask about the radio, he'll mention the names Dante and Virgil as leads. Select "Do Something" and
you'll get the suggestion to slip Pat The Axe (one of the Leather Jerk lieutenants) a Mickey Finn which would require
Chloral Hydrate from the clinic. Nip behind the bar and crack open a level 6 toaster to obtain a BIG BLACK DILDO.
Leave the casino, continue west and then turn north. This will bring you to the clinic.
Inside you'll meet Samga and Etheline who are worried about their son, Tom, who is affected by the sickness you've
head about. There are four examination rooms. The bottom left contains Tom and a medikit. The top right contains a
locked medikit and a safe that we'll come back to. The final one contains Hard Eight who doesn't want to talk to you.
Head through the curtain at the top and talk to Dr. Horchata. Ask about Chloral Hydrate. You can take an xxxx Ass
option to get what you want or you can agree to help. He wants a working microscope from the Mannerties' Hospital in
Angel Oracle. Ask about cat litter and he'll promise you half his supply if you help cure the plague.

Leave the clinic, go north and turn east down the street that runs behind the casino. You can explore the Shanty Town
in the west but there really is nothing to see except misery. You can nip in the Bank of Cordite on on your left. The
locked door on the right is OK. This leads to the office of Mr. Gekko. You can talk to him to get some background
information. The locked door on the left will precipitate mass slaughter if you manage to unlock it.

Continue along the street to the next house. This belongs to a possum farmer named Dante. When you go in, you'll
witness an argument between him and his wife, Beatrice. Ask about cat litter and he'll want a favour; help cure the
sickness that's plaguing the town. If you agree to get his wife back from the Jerks and take her to his tool shed, he'll
promise you the Heyman Hot Potato (an incendiary device) as a reward.

If you want the Hell Bent For Leather trophy, you must talk to Chris in the distillery and accept his quest
The large building at the end of the street is the distillery which is where Van Graas said his son would be. Tell the
guard that you have orders from Lt. Dengler and he'll let you in. Go over to the right of the buillding and examine the
table with the flasks. You'll be challenged by one of the Jerk lieutenants, Peter "The Hairy Greek" Tzanetos. A Kiss
Ass option gets him off your back. Select the "Tequila" conversation line to find that Tzanetos drinks only distilled
water from a flask he carries. When you're done talking, take an empty flask from the table. The top right of the room
has a booby-trapped safe, inside of which is a Sewer Key, Chris's Notebook and a trinket. Go into the small room in
the corner to find Chris Van Graas in bed with a Jerkette. Not only is he not a prisoner, he has ambitions. He wants
you to kill Dengler and his father. Note: there is a trophy for this and refusing Chris at this point will lock you out of it,
so say "Yes".

Leave the distillery and head north and west behind Dante's possum pen. The area is mined and there is a hidden
cache. You can't continue west so turn around, go round Dante's house and then north up the path between his house
and the bank. You will pass an ivy-covered building to your right. This is the toolshed that Dante mentioned. Pick the
lock (level 8). The shed contains a booby-trapped safe.

Go north and walk clockwise around the crater perimeter. After a short distance, you'll see Jess tending a vegetable
patch. Make a note of her location. Continue around to the end to find Virgil who is worried about his possum, Satan.
Offer to help find Satan and you'll receive some possum snacks.

Go down into the crater and go clockwise around. You'll hear a distress call and HQ will order you to investigate,
marking Santa Monica on your map. You should find yourself by the well at this point. Fill your empty flask to receive
Dirty Water. Do not drink the water yourself or you'll get Worm Disease. Continue around until you find Satan, give him
a possum snack and lead him back to Virgil. Talk to Virgil again. If you follow the "Radio" conversation tree, he'll agree
to repair the radio if you can prove to Dante that Beatrice is no good for him.

Walk the other way around the perimeter of the crater and you'll end up at Wilia's farm. Talk to her to find out that
she's Pistol Pete's wife; I'm assuming that Pete's not in your party because he's rubbish, but if he is, he and Wilia will
have a moment. Ask about the "White possum" and you can have her turn Pogo into tainted possum steak. O'Biggun
likes possum steak. Collect the bag of CAT LITTER from behind where she's standing.

Go back down into the crater and head to the paved area in the north. Use the sewer key on the manhole cover (or
pick / force it) and go down. You'ff find a bag of CAT LITTER at the bottom of the ladder. You'll also fight a somewhat
tough gila monitor called Cobzilla. Loot the unique fist weapon UPCHUCKER from its body. Head south down the
sewer. Stop before you can turn the corner because there's a laser tripwire that needs to be disarmed (level 8
Demolitions). Go up the ladder and you'll emerge in the bank vault. The door ahead is alarmed and locked (level 8
Safecracking). Open it and go inside. The deposit boxes are locked; most contain ammo but one contains the BOOZE
RECIPE while another contains the Safecracking skill book THE MYSTERY OF AL CAPONE'S VAULT. The safe
contains moderately decent loot. If you leave by the vault door, bad things will happen so exit via the sewer.
The locked central area of town has some very desirable items. To gain access, you need to be working for the Jerks.
That doesn't mean that you actually have to do anything for them. Pay a visit to the distillery, find Tzanetos and give
him the bottle of dirty water. When payback time comes around, he will be greatly weakened. Leave and make your
way to Jerk HQ on the east side of town and tell the guards that you're here for a job.

The first person that you see when you walk through the door is the cleaner, May. Take the Kiss Ass option to let her
know that you're here to help. She'll tell you that if you rid the town of its Jerk problem, she'll give you the location of a
hidden stash along with the key needed to access it. She'll also offer to lock a bunch of Jerks in a room so they can't
run to their comrades' assistance. The top right room of the building has two locked chests that you can loot without
anyone objecting. Go through the doorway by May and into the lounge to be meet Denger and O'Biggun. Collect A
BRIEF HISTORY OF THE WATTS TOWERS from the bookshelf. Don't give the tainted possum steak to O'Biggun yet.
Talk to Dengler. Telling him he's "Wrong" won't get you very far. Select "Not wrong", either option and "Work". You'll
receive some agave cuttings which you are to sell to Jess in the crater for forty bullets. When you're done talking to
Dengler, Beatrice will sashay in and say she saw you at Dante's. Dengler doesn't care.

As you leave Jerk HQ, an announcement will come over the tannoy about a synth attack on the gates. There are three
of them and they're moderately tough. Energy weapons will cut them down to size, though. Go back into town and talk
to one of the Jerks outside the tower gate. The gates will open and you'll be allowed inside. The buildng on the west
has a booby-trapped, locked door. It also contains an ornery guard dog, but killing it doesn't anger the Jerks. There
are three locked containers inside. The upper building on the east has an alarmed door. One assumes that this is the
Jerks' kitchen. There is a toaster containing HAIR AND SHOULDERS. The lower east building is also alarmed. This is
the Jerks' barracks and contains a chest and a medikit.

Go find Jess on the western side of the Crater. If you want to be nice, take the Kiss Ass option followed by the offer to
pay the forty bullets yourself. However, you resolve this, report back to Dengler for an XP reward. Next up, he wants
the tequila recipe which you already have. Then he'll tell you to try and force the location of Dante's stash from him.
Select "Not Ready". Go out and find Beatrice who is standing near May. Tell her to look for Dante's stash in his tool

To wrap Rodia up neatly, we'll need to go to Angel Oracle first. There's also some urgent business that needs taking
care of in Santa Monica so head there first.

Santa Monica
When you enter the town, you will witness Preacher L. Jinto of God's Militia about to carry out a public execution for
the crime of eating shellfish. Select the "Sin" conversation line and follow it up with the Hard Ass option to start the
shooting. Otherwise, you'll be witnesses to the massacre of all the gathered townsfolk at the hands of religious
fanatics. When you appoach the truck, choose solo mode for your fastest, toughest character. If you entire squad
starts the fight on top of the flatbed truck, you're pretty much sitting ducks. There are seven enemies and they are
pretty tough and well armed. Alternatively, just start shooting the God's Militia so that you start the fight on your terms.
If this is your first playthrough, you will unlock the EZEKIEL 18:20 trophy. Jinto has a bag of ZEOLITE on his body.
This will be required to upgrade your radiation suits much later. Now you can loot the area. There's a medikit at the
entrance to the Flea Market. The safe in the market square is a level 12 challenge (10% base chance of success with
level 10 Computer Science) but can also be opened with level 10 Alarm Disarming (base 60% chance). The southeast
corner has a level 10 toaster which contains a Pooka Shell Necklace. And I have no idea why the unlock challenges
are so extreme, since the loot is modest.

Angel Oracle 1
We are here to collect a few quest items needed to sort out Rodia. We'll be back to do everything else later.
This place is named after the Los Angeles MemOrial Colisseum, trivia fans. When you arrive, you will be greeted over
the tannoy. An obvious feature of the entrance area is the gallows from which hang a number of retired raiders. You
can loot their bodies for a few scrap if you're so inclined. Next to the gallows is a coil of rope. Just to the east of the
guards is a tree with a child stuck up it. Use the rope on it to help her down. She tells you to look up her parents in the
cafeteria. Continue east through the gap in the wall. Hidden away in the shadows is a pathetic figure called The
Gooch who mentions that he doesn't want to be food. Hmm. If you contine east you will find a hostile and surprisingly
tough pig, Fapa, whose signifance I'm not aware of. Guard Darla asks you to arrange for some water to be sent to her
since she can't leave her post.

To the west is a graveyard. There is a booby-trapped, locked container in a structure with common loot. Next to it is a
skill point statue. There's a fence that you can kick down that leads to an area called the Badger Den where - surprise!
- you have to fight six honey badgers. Besides a rubbish pile wih common loot, there's nothing else here.

Go make yourself known to Guard Llywelyn at the gate. Mention Sandra (the child you rescued) and you'll receive 50
scrap. Select "Hobo" and a guard will be dispatched to take the Gooch to the hospital. Mention Guard Darla and you'll
receive a canteen. The gate to Angel Oracle will be opened. Return to Darla's post and place the canteen in the
bucket. Next to the guard post is a breakable wall. This leads to a pigpen with six hostile porkers. There is a level 8
toaster on one of the car bonnets that contains three BABY RUTH chocolate bars. There's also a booby-trapped level
10 safe (Computer Science) that contains decent loot.

Go through the gates. Before you're allowed into the town proper, you'll be given a basic manners test by Stephen
Dubich. Hmm, how do you refer to a stranger? Next, the rules of the town will be explained by Sheriff Marshall. Go
through the door to the east of the sheriff to find Sam "The Cook" Posten working in a kitchen He needs to find a
toaster heating element. You can also pursue the "Food" conversation line to get a Smart Ass option for some insight.
You'll find Sandra's parents nearby who will give you a Ration Ticket. There's an alarmed, locked door to an enclosed
area; ignore it for the moment. Follow the perimeter of the stadium around to arrive at the hospital. Go inside.

Just inside the door, you'll find Nurse Flinkman who sells medical supplies and who will pay premium prices for badger
tails, roach abdomens, frog eyes and lizard eggs. You can talk to Sam who complains about a man called Gitlin
attacking him. He also says that Gitlin is a thief and gives you three names: Paladino, Nurse Finkmann and Lindy Lou.
There are patients on the bed for you to practise your Surgeon skills - beware of critical failures turning the town
hostile. The Gooch is here and rebukes you for telling on him. The person we're here to see, Dr. Edwinson, is in the
middle of the room. Pursue the "Hobo" line to find out about Mad Man disease, caused by eating human flesh. To
stamp out the practice, you'll need to convinve Mr. Manners himself to stop. He also mentions the meat lockers that
someone might sabotage. File all this away for later. We're here for a microscope so choose that conversation line.
You'll have Smart Ass and Hard Ass options to persuade him to lend it to you. If you can't make the speech checks,
you can steal it. The side room contains medical supplies if you want to loot them.

Go west round to the other side of the stadium and go into the restrooms there. You'll see a safe in a cubicle with a
challenging (level 11) lock. Unfortunately, the safe can't be blown open with explosives. If you are able to get it open,
there's a chance that it contains the TOOLKIT, one of the best trinkets in the game, providing +2 to no fewer than
three skills.

There are a couple of items we can turn in before we leave. Go back to the entrance and then take the steps north
into the central area. Immediately to your left is Osmond, the trader. She has some nice items and you can use your
ration ticket to get one of them for 1 scrap. Go around from Osmond to find a locked chest (level 7) you can loot. A
short distance further round brings you to Deputy Mona Shera. You can give her the photograph you've been carrying
since Rick's RV and she'll give you a Neutron Projector in return. Walk round to the other side of the central area.
You'll pass three locked toilets. The two on either side contain pretty much what you'd expect but the middle one,
which has a level 10 lock, contains loot. Talk to Mr. Paladino standing nearby and he'll ask you for a favour: he wants
some denture paste and he'll mark the location of a dentist on your world map, in a place called Brentwood. Just past
Paladino, you'll find Arjuna Rabindranath who is bewailing the dandruff that got him a reprimand. In a community
where reprimands can be fatal, this is not a good thing. Give him the Hair and Shoulders you found in Rodia and he'll
give you the Perception skill book, V FOR VENDETTA, and 50 scrap.

We're done with Angel Oracle for the time being. Return to Rodia. If you want to do everything in Angel Oracle first,
skip ahead to Angel Oracle 2.

Rodia 2
If you really, really want the Barter skill book, you may want to hold off completing Rodia for the time being. Mr. Gekko
exchanges the book for an item that you can't get until later and when you restore Van Graas as mayor, he will vanish.
You can get into Hollywood by completing Angel Oracle.
Make the hospital your first stop. Horchata will give you the Chloral Hydrate we need for Pat's mickey. He'll also give
you a hook to use on the well to fish out whatever's been infecting the water. Go to the well and use the hook on it to
fish out a synth body crawling with worms. Return to Horchata via the casino so that you can slip Pat a mickey.
Mention the Chloral Hydrate to Ulric and he'll exchange it for poisoned drink. You may have to "talk" to Pat a couple of
times to wake him up. Then give him the drink. Go to the hospital and tell Horchata that you found an Evolved in the
well and he'll give you some disinfectant. Go to the well and use the disnfectant on it. Go back to Horchata to receive
your CAT LITTER reward.

Go to Dante's house and claim your bag of CAT LITTER. Tell him that Beatrice is plotting against him. Now go to Jerk
HQ. The first person you want to talk to is O'Biggun. Give him a Baby Ruth and he'll give you the Brute Force skill
book, REFRIGERATOR PERRY: THE BIOGRAPHY. Now you can give him the tainted possum steak. Talk to Dengler
and this time respond "Ready". Dante is standing outside the window listening; select "Offer" so that Dante can learn
what's planned. Go to Dante's house and speak to him. He'll give you your reward then run back to Virgil. If you talk to
Virgil, he'll say that we need to get rid of the Leather Jerks so that he can fix the radio.

Now that we've poisoned all three lieutenants we can drive the Leather Jerks out of town. You don't have to kill every
last one, but why deny yourself the XP? Just go systematically through the town killing every group and individual that
you come across. Your entire squad will probably level up twice during the process. Be sure to grab the unique
handgun CLIPPER from Dengler's corpse. When the Jerks are dead, go to the Tower enclosure and interact with the
crane controls to let the mayor down. If this is your first playthrough, the UNDER OLD MANAGEMENT trophy will

Go to the Mayor's office and get the location of the buried treasure from May. FYI, it's back in Santa Monica. Visit Van
Graas in his office to receive his gratitude and a request to tell Mr. Manners in Angel Oracle that Rodia is ready to
trade again. And you're free to use the radio tower if you can get it working. Visit Virgil up in the Crater and make your
way to the radio tower. Virgil will run up and fix it and you can attach a repeater. Before leaving town, go and see Ulric
Keil in the casino who will give you the unique shotgun, Hobbet's Problem Solver.

If you come back to Rodia somehat later, the cure will have taken effect and Horchata will heal you for free.

A New Mayor?
You may recall that Van Graas's no-good son, Chris, wanted you to kill his father. Simply shoot Van Graas, go to
Chris's room in the distllery and receive your generous reward of 100 scrap. And the HELL BENT FOR LEATHER
trophy. Then reload a previous save because Chris is a very bad person.

A New Companion
When you return to HQ, you will see someone waiting for you at the gates. This is Brother Thomas, formerly of God's
Militia. He's OK for a companion, although a little on the slow side.

Long Beach
If you come to this location early, do not attempt to take on the Children of the Citadel. They are extremely tough and
require high level weaponry. My advice would be to grab the Weaponsmithing skill book and come back later.
You may have discovered some additional locations in your wanderings around Los Angeles. These don't take very
long to clear out. First up is Long Beach. If you've not discovered it, head west-southwest of Rodia until you do. When
you enter, you'll find a group of Hobos milling around. Talk to the Old Man. He'll trade you a map marker for 3 scrap.
You could take the Hard Ass aproach to extort the information from him. Regardless, Seal Beach will be marked on
your map. If you have the VHS tape from Los Alamitos, you can follow the "Here" conversation line to discover that
the old man has a working TV but nothing to watch. He will give you the Weaponsmithing skill book, ANARCHIST'S
COOKBOOK for the tape. You can also trade with him for ammo and medical supplies.

Head west and you'll be addressed by a CotC soldier who wants you to protect him from Dugan's robots. Erm, OK? If
you want to fight right now, you can tell him that you're rangers. You can get quite a lot of background info from him
first. Your choice as to whether to work with them or not. If you choose to fight, there are eight enemies and, as you
may have figured out by now, CotC enemies are pretty tough but sometimes drop awesome stuff.

Go to the south of the area. You'll find five worker bots and a Meson Cannon. Would you believe it, there is also an
impassable door here. Do what we did before: wipe out the worker bots ASAP and have the marked character stand
in front of the door and get shot by the Meson Cannon. When the enemies are dead, grab the great loot from the
bunker. The locked chest is level 10 and there are another two containers and two medikits. Where the Meson
Cannon was standing is a bag of CAT LITTER. From where you are, head north until you come to a shop frontage.
Here you'll find a level 8 toaster containing a DOG WHISTLE (which you can give to Dekkar Firehawk back in Los
Part 2: California (Continued)
Playa Del Rey
Grab the Display Screen that you found in Darwin Village and go explore the western area of the section of the world
map blocked by level 5 and 6 radiation clouds. You will hear a distress call to the Mannerites in Angel Oracle.
Woodson orders you to respond and marks Playa Del Rey on your map. When you arrive at the settlement, head
south from your starting point. You'll come to the scene of a massacre. Take note of the Ranger Star on the wall
nearby. Head east, looting bodies on the way. Look out for an extremely wrecked car that you can "examine" for the
remains of a synthetic arm. There's another Ranger Star painted on a shipping container nearby. When you get within
range, you will be challenged by one of the Civility Enforcers. You can respond with a Hard Ass option or identify
yourselves. You can use the arm as proof to prevent hostilities breaking out if you are diplomatic in your responses:
"No", "Truth", "Planted". Or you can just kill them - there are five of them and they're not that tough. You'll find a bag of
CAT LITTER lying on the ground nearby. Behind a grey shipping container near a yellow car is a terminal that you can
repair with the Display Screen. Use Computer Science on it first for some bonus XP. You can, in theory, repair the
terminal using Mechanical Repair instead of the display screen, but it's a level 11 challenge. This will mark a
Mysterious Shrine on your world map in a location in the southwest currently inaccessible to you. Before you leave the
area, look for a nearby ladder up to the roof of a ramshackle building. Here you'll find a level 8 toaster containing a
pair of GLOVES.

Baldwin Hills
Some time after witnessing the massacre at Playa Del Rey, you will hear a distress call to the Mannerites requesting
help against a school attack. When you enter, you will find a massacre underway and eight Children of the Citadel
cyborg ruffians standing at a barricade with their backs towards you. When you're done killing and looting, approach
the barricade and talk to Roger Lee. It should be obvious that the Hard Ass option is the wrong answer. Point out that
the attackers are CotC instead. At this point, a bunch of Civility Enforcers show up and Lee sticks up for you. Talk to
the Enforcer captain. Not only is your reputation with the Mannerites restored, but the CotC have been exposed. He
will also give you the Hard Ass skill book, R. LEE ERNEY: A YELLING MAN'S MAN. Talk to Roger Lee again and he
will offer you the contents of a safe that they've been unable to open. Grab to the medikit near the barrier then explore
the town. In the south of the settlement is a booby-trapped chest (level 8 Demolitions). The safe (level 10) is in the
east of the area contains...a bag of CAT LITTER!. The northern area has a toaster (level 8) containing a 761 METRO
BUS SCHEDULE. There's a trader in town selling ammo and medical supplies and a doctor who will heal you for free.
Very kind of her!

Upgrading Your Radiation Suits

You should now have (more than) enough cat litter to upgrade your radiation suits. Head back to HQ and hand seven
bags to Woodson. He'll start working on the upgrade. When you next go out onto the World Map, Woodson will notify
you of a distress call from Whittier.

You need to clear this location to get your upgraded suits. When you arrive, a man will come running from behind a
cabin, apologize and be cut down by a synth sharpshooter. The synth will be joined by eight CotC thugs. Prioritize the
synth because it's the most dangerous enemy and then concentrate fire to take out the other enemies. When they're
dead, you'll find three dirt piles to dig up and a medikit and bag of CAT LITTER (which you probably don't need) in
front of the cabin.

Return To HQ
Back on the world map, Woodson will tell you that your suits are ready. Return to Woodson. When you get your
upgraded suits, six workerbots will attack. Remember to equip your +5 rad suits when you're done and place the old
+4 suits in your storage. 5 radiation resistance is sufficient to get through the clouds to your north, but not the +6
clouds to the south. Woodson tells you that you'll need medical grade zeolite for that to be possible.

Mysterious Shrine
The Mysterious Shrine that you obtained the location for in Playa Del Rey is now accessible. Near your starting point
are six Flies of Unusual Size. When they're dead, you can find a skill statue and a path up to a beached submarine.
Loot the corpse at the foot of the path for the unique (but useless) UNREQUITED LOVE machete along with a
BLOOD-STAINED JOURNAL. Go up into the submarine and read the Research logs for a big chunk of XP.

If you want to get some high level items, skip ahead to Hollywood and follow the instructions there.

Brentwood Dentist
Before returning to Angel Oracle, you might want to go and pick up some denture paste. You'll need some painkillers
for this. If you don't have any, the trader back at HQ will sell you some. Just west of your arrival point are three hostile
workerbots. Get your attacks in first. Just across the bridge is a trader, Justa Bill. Nearby is Curly Bill, a cowboy who
wants to be an assassin. You may have a use for him later so don't choose the "Fresh Start" conversation option
because then you'll have to kill him. Inside the building is Bill the Dentist. He'll trade you painkillers for Denture Paste.
If you don't have any painkillers, there a chest behind the building that you can pick (level 10) or force (level 8) which
contains the Denture Paste you need.

Angel Oracle 2
Go into the central area and round the "prison" (the area with squares marked on the ground) and talk to the prisoner,
Jonathan Gitlin, the assailant of Sam and supposed thief. He says that Sam has wrongfully accused him of stealing
three items: a watch from Mr. Paladino, a tool bag from Lindy Lou and medical supplies from Nurse Finkman. Select
"Favor" to agree to help him. Go around to the other side and talk to Paladino. Give him the Denture Paste if you have
it to receive a Kevlar Suit in return. Ask him about the theft and he'll mention muddy bootprints. He didn't see anything,

Now go to the enclosure in the north. Here you'll find Fletcher, the guest of honour at the upcoming execution. He'll
ask for a moment of your time. He says his "crimes" were a result of depression and asks you to talk to his wife,
Elizaveta and to appeal to Mr. Manners on his behalf.

Make someone whom you don't mind losing for a little while your active character. Make sure it isn't your Demolitions
specialist. Well volunteered, Ralphy!
Head up the stairs towards the entrance. As you go, you'll get a call from Woodson concerning a distress call from
Culver City Brothel. God's Militia are taking a very active stance against sin again. At the top of the stairs, you will be
detained by Sheriff Marshall. Fletcher has gone and she thinks you're responsible. She holds your party leader
hostage pending the return of Fletcher, alive. As a reward for returning him, you're promised use of the radio. Go back
to the detention area and examine the cage to find a little blood. Talk to the guard who'll mention a trail. There is a
level 10 Hard Ass option that gets you some additional information.

Now go and talk to the Civility Enforcer Captain. You'll find his office just to the west of the town entrance, He'll tell that
two Enforcer uniforms were missing briefly. When they were returned, the boots were dirty, suggesting that the
uniforms weren't borrowed by Mannerites. While you're here it would seem rude not to loot the alarmed safe (level 8
Alarm Disarming / Level 10 Safecracking) behind the curtain to the left for the unique FLUX REAVER axe. Go back
down the stairs and head west past the prison area and go through the gates to the farm. Walk round to the area just
behind the cage. As you approach them, you should see a trail of footprints highlighted. Follow it. Along the way, you'll
see Fletcher's wife, Elizaveta, standing by a pond. Follow the "Fletcher" and "Shocked" conversation lines to learn that
she helped spring him from his cell. Select "Away" and you'll get a Hard Ass option that opens up additional options.
Seems that Tori Robbinson coerced her into having sex with Mr. Manners for blackmail material. Manners, in turn,
wanted more from Elizaveta than a brief affair so had Fletcher condemned on trumped-up charges to get him out of
the way.

A short way down from Elizaveta standing by a cornfield is Roger Yee. Ask him about the tracks and visitors to get two
names: Nick Chauvin and Gene Cronk. Open the safe behind him for two lots of Poppy Syrup.

Continue to follow the footprints until they end at a pair of ventilation shafts. The woman next to them is Lindy Lou,
Ask about the theft of her tool bag and she'll tell you that she found a bloody glove near where she lost it and directs
you to Doc Edwinson to see whether anyone has come in with a hand injury. Ask about the ventilators and she'll ask
you to go to the general store to get the necessary spare parts.

Head over to the pen in the west. Here you'll find Ethan White unsuccessfully trying to milk goats. If, like me, you let
your squadmate with the shovel get taken hostage, there's a spare on the ground. Ethan is having trouble with the
goats because of his cold hands. If you have the gloves from the toaster in Playa Del Rey, you can give them to him in
exchange for three bottles of milk.

Gene Cronk is standing by the water tower which is found in the place where the trail of footprints began. A Smart Ass
option will get him to mark the location where Fletcher was taken on your map. Leave the farm area. Get the ventilator
parts from the trader as you're passing. You can talk to Tori Robbinson in the eating area now and she'll be a little
more chatty than previously. Head to the Wasteland. You have two areas marked on your map: Culver City Brothel to
the northwest and Fletcher's Hideout to the east.

Culver City Brothel & Fletcher's Hideout

Go to the Culver City Brothel first and walk up the street to meet Zoe and Doe, two of the establishment's employees
who will fill you in on what's going on. There are eight God's Militia inside. When they're dead, you can open the level
10 safe in main room. There's a skill statue at the back of the building but you may want to wait until you get your
other squad member back. Report back to Zoe. From now on their services are on the house!

Now go to Fletcher's Hideout. There are two workerbots outside the front of the safehouse and two more either side.
When the robots are defeated, go around the outside of the building clearing away the mines. At the back, you'll find a
locked shipping container with a locked chest inside. This contains the unique fungo bat, TRUTH. If you have Chisel
with you, he can use this and it's a decent weapon. Inside the hideout is a medikit, two ammo boxes and a tricky safe
(level 11). If you are unable to get it open, you can go round to the side of the house and shoot the gas cannister there
which will blow the doors off. Understandably, Fletcher is unwilling to return with you but agrees to do so when you tell
him about the hostage situation.

Return to Angel Oracle. Fletcher will run off and your squadmate will be returned to you. If the past two encounters
have left you battered and bruised, you can go to the hospital and get some healing. You can ask Doc Edwinson
about a hand wound but it doesn't get you anywhere. Ask Nurse Finkmann about a theft. The theft occurred in the
ladies' toilets. There are toilets on the west side of town where you can use the vent to go down into the sewers.

When you descend, go to the end of the first passage and turn right. Follow the path round. The pipes leaking steam
can be dealt with using either Brute Force or Mechanical Repair (level 8). You'll end up in a storeroom. You'll find a
dead body and a partially dismantled synth. The synth has a Note from Malachi on its body which shows that the dead
man stole the items to effect repairs on it. The dead human has his ID on him; his name was Runyon Pearson. You'll
find all the stolen items next to the synth. At the bottom of the room is a level 8 toaster containing BABY WIPES.

Return and go past the entrance passage. Make your way to a large room where you'll fight a couple of cockroaches.
You'll find a bag of CAT LITTER on one of the shelves. You can explore the rest of the sewers but there is isn't really
anything to find. The ladder on the east side emerges in Mr. Manners' office where you maybe don't want to go just
yet so return to the surface the way that you came in. Go back to Nurse Finkman and give her the stolen supplies.
You can also sell any cockraoch abdomens you picked up for reasonable money. Head back towards the centre and
reporrt to Sheriff Marshall that you've found the culprit for the thefts. Jonathan is released and if you find him near
Osmond's stall, he'll give you a suit of power armour. Find Lindy Lou in the fields and give her the ventilator parts to
receive a RODIA TICKET. This would have gotten you back into Rodia without paying bullets but since Bullet Grabber
is dead along with all the other Leather Jerks, it is now worthless. Give her the tool bag and tell her the thief's identity
for some XP and scrap. Walk over to the goat pen. You'll see that Stargos, the man who was shovelling manure
earlier, has fallen in. Pull him out and he'll give you his Climbing Boots which you can give to Sandra in the eating
area for some XP. Finally, return Paladino's watch to him.

Make a hard save because there are a number of ways that Fletcher's execution can pan out. Go down the steps and
into the execution area.

Working With Tori Robbinson

Do nothing. When poor Fletcher has met his grisly end, Tori will announce to the crowd that Fletcher's death was for
the benefit of Mr. Manners. The crowd will grow angry and he will run off. If this is your first playthrough, the SELF
ACTUALIZED trophy will pop. Now go visit Tori in Mr. Manners' old office just past the prison. There are two bags of
CAT LITTER for the taking. You can tell Tori that the Mayor of Rodia is interested in trade and she'll tell you that she
isn't; you do get an XP bonus, though. Select the "Handle" conversation option and she'll mark the Los Angeles
Aqueduct on your map. You're to go there, kill Manners and bring back his head. Go to the passage that leads south
from the office. A man called Glenn Goa will attack you. When he's dead, you can attach a repeater to the radio

Los Angeles Aqueduct

The path ahead from your starting point is mined. You'll remove an awful lot of them before you get past them. In the
north of the map, look out for a level 8 toaster on some concrete blocks. It contains the TOASTER HEATING
ELEMENT for Sam back in Angel Oracle. Locate Mr. Manners on your map. When you meet him, he will ask you to
spare him. If you choose not to, you will have to fight him and eleven of his followers. Look out for the rocketeer. When
the killing is done, grab Mr. Manners' head and his white suit. In the northwest corner of the map, you'll find Manners'
stash: a gun case, two medikits and two safes, one alarmed.

Return to Angel Oracle with the head and give it to Tori for your reward: GETTING PEOPLE TO FALL IN LINE, the
Leadership skill book.

Working With Mr. Manners

Interrupt Mr. Manners during his speech. Select "Service" followed by "Prisoner" and you'll get Kiss Ass / Smart Ass
options, either to give Fletcher another chance or reform the harsh laws. If you now keep quiet, both options result in
Fletcher being exiled, the crowd leaving and Mr. Manners asking to speak to you. If you interrupt him while he is
making, his exile speech, you can reveal the plot against him. If your speech skills aren't up to the challenge, simply
reveal the plot against him and be done with it. Either way, if this is your first playthrough, the HOW RUDE trophy will
pop. Mr. Manners will now make a speech (that you cannot interrupt) which will result in Tori fleeing for her life and the
rest of the Robbinsons follow her. Fletcher and Elizaveta are reconciled.

Go and meet Mr. Manners in his office past the prison. You can obtain another trophy by making Mr. Manners eschew
cannibalism. Select "Eating" followed by "Proof" to point out that Ed Gooch's brain was destroyed by eating human
flesh. Mr. Manners will promise that Courtesy Meat won't be served any longer and you'll get the CIVILIZED trophy.
Alternatively, you can follow the "Cannibals" line down to "Avoid" for Mr. Manners to be prepared to accept beef
instead. You'll receive an Intent To Trade note. You can still select the "Proof" option. Select "Rodia Trade" for an XP
bonus. You've probably had a piece of toast in your inventory for ages (you'd have obtained it when you first gained
access to the Ranger Citadel). You can offer this to Mr. Manners and receive 500 scrap in return (and some more
XP). You are now able to use the radio. Go down the hallway to the south and fit a repeater to the transmitter.

You are also now allowed into the Armory. This contains some really good loot. After a short while you should over the
tannoy that Tori an her companions have managed to escape and Mr. Manners will ask to see you again. He wants
you to neutralize Tori, politely but finally. Agree and he'll mark the Los Angeles Aqueduct on your map.

Los Angeles Aqueduct

Leave Angel Oracle. If you have the Intent To Trade notice, head for Brentwood Dentist and talk to Curly Bill when you
get there. Ask for a sample and you'll get an extremely fresh one. Now make your way to the Los Angeles Aqueduct.
When you arrive, you'll find that the way ahead is mined. In fact, the entire east side of the map is mined so it will take
a while to disarm them all. As you make your way along the channel in the north of the map, you'll come across a level
8 toaster on a concrete slab. This contains a TOASTER HEATING ELEMENT. The northwest corner is also mined
(level 10 Demolitions) and and is the location of the Robbinsons' stash. There's a level 10 locked chest, two medikits
and two safes, one requiring level 10 Safecracking, the other level 10 Computer Science or level 8 Alarm Disarming.
The safes contain high tier trinkets and other good stuff.

Now go and find Tori. She will threaten and cajole to be allowed to leave. You can let her go or not. If you choose to
eliminate her, you'll be fighting Tori and ten Robbinson footsoldiers. Be aware that one of them has a rocket launcher,
so single her out for special attention. When they're all dead, be sure to take Tori's head. Return to Angel Oracle. Give
the Heating Element to Sam Posten and he'll give you five lots of Mystery Meat. Finally, go to see Mr. Manners and
give him Tori's head. He'll give you 500 scrap and the Leadership skill book, GETTING PEOPLE TO FALL IN LINE, as
a reward. Tell him about the cattle trader, Curly Bill, for an XP reward. Tell him that Sam's toaster has been repaired
and he'll finally let you help yourself to the two bags of CAT LITTER on the shelf.

A New Companion
Leave Angel Oracle and go to Rodia to report back to Mayor Van Graas. Go back to HQ and you'll find that someone
else has been attracted by your growing fame. This is Ertan, who specializes in heavy machine guns. Not only is he
quite good, if you're looking for his particular set of skills, he's the last person you'll be able to recruit. Grab the the
Rabbit's Foot / Nutsack / Lipstick items that I said to keep way back. We're off to Hollywood with the aim of attaching
the final repeater unit to the radio tower in Griffith Park.

La Cienega
I didn't receive this distress call on every playthrough. God's Militia are up to their usual tricks. Head quickly up the
main street and attack before they start murdering the civilians they've kidnapped. There are five of them and they're
no more than moderately tough. The militia leader, Jim Beavins, has a bag of ZEOLITE on his body. Head north to
find a safe among some wrecked cars. It's a rather absurd level 12 Alarm Disarming challenge to open and contains a
high tier trinket. In the west of the town, look for a bus shelter with a level 10 toaster containing the A.D. WEALTHY
BATTLEMASTER BOMBER, a bass guitar that you can exchange for a nice trinket later.

I received this distress call while heading towards Hollywood. When you arrive, Igg Humperdinck will tell you about the
synth smashing his stuff. Head into the compound to be trated to a cutscene of the "synth" which is, in fact, a giant
4000 HP scorpitron. The tail attack of this beast will reduce any ally to low health so your medic will be busy. The
scorpitron will also launch projectiles that turn into mini-scorpitrons. Take these out when they become bothersome,
but concentrate on the main foe. There are two locked trunks. One of them is a near impossible lock (level 12) but it
can be forced rather more easily (level 10 Brute Force). It doesn't contain anything amazing. Report back to Igg and
he'll open up his inventory, which is notable for having the ultimate light and heavy armours. You'll get a 10% discount
too. They'll also mark the location of a Mysterious Shrine on your map.

Mannerites On Nearby Rooftops

This is a special Wasteland random encounter that you may have while traveling between Angel Oracle and
Hollywood. You may notice that it is rather hard to avoid (50% chance at 10 Outdoorsman). You will be fighting
someone called Stolls and six cannibals. You can loot the unique TOXX CLAWS fist weapon and STOLLS' JOURNAL
from his body.

Working For Matthias

If you're going for all trophies, there's an annoying one to get out of the way. Make a hard save because we'll be
coming back here later. Go to Hollywood and walk to the northeast corner of the map. There you'll find a computer
through which you can talk to Matthias. Choose non-antagonistic responses and then select the "Join" option.
Matthias will have some nasty tasks for you. It seems that killing all the Leather Jerks has satisified his plans for Rodia
so agree to murder the majority of people in Angel Oracle. When you've done that, return to Hollywood and get your
next task. Which is to murder the majority of people in Hollywood and Griffith Park. FYI, an entry to Griffith Park can
be opened just to the left of the Matthias terminal. You can use Brute Force on a pile of rocks. Be warned: the
enemies in the Bastion Of Faith are very tough indeed. The final task is to return to HQ and murder poor Woodson.
After you've done that, trudge all the way back to Hollywood to talk to Matthias again. He will give you the +6 radiation
suits. Equip them and head down to Seal Beach. Go the gates of the citadel where you'll see another Matthias
terminal. Talk to it, die in a nuclear explosion and get the I AM LEGEND trophy. Now reload that save you made
earlier and go to Hollywood.

If you've skipped ahead with the intention of picking up some high level weapons and what have you, be aware that
you cannot access Hollywood until you have completed the quest line for Rodia or Angel Oracle. Even if you have the
resources to upgrade your radiation suits, they will not be "ready" until you attach a repeater to one or other of the
radio towers.

If you're here for items rather than questing, here's a quick rundown of the good stuff that you can get without breaking

Go to Rambeau's and exchange the Pocket Knife for This Is A Knife

Go to Los Feliz / Gauntlet of Samson and get Galileo's Telescope
Enter the Bastion of Faith and buy the top grade weapons from the Priest Sprayer
Pick up the Combat Shooting skill book from the Church Ecstatic headquarters
Exchange Galileo's Telescope for the Eviscerator in Salt Lake Park
Rescue Josie from the Hollywood Sewers for the Lockpicking skill book (opens up the Master Thief perk)
A short distance to the north of your starting point, pick up WELCOME TO HOLLYWOOD from the ground. There's a
trader, Ratboy, ahead of you but he won't talk to you until you buy a piece of junk from him. He doesn't tell you
anything particularly useful, anyway. Just up and left from him, you'll find Ma Brown. Her establishment, The Brown
Crown, has been closed down by the Hollywood Chamber Of Commerce. You can offer to talk to Officer Lam on her

East from Ma Brown and Ratboy is a manhole cover leading to a location called Swifty's Office. Enter and go down the
passage. You'll arrive in a room with slave pens. Swifty and four goons will instantly attack. Liberate Swifty's sewer
key from his body - this will unlock doors and chests in this area if your skills aren't up to it. The doors to the cages are
all booby-trapped. One of the cells has two locked chests, one of which contains Swifty's Ledger. This document
implicates Duke Schwag in the slavery operation.

Exit the sewer and head west, You'll see a distressed person called Mary who needs help. Follow her into the
cemetery and kill the pigs who have attacked some mourners. This is a timed subquest and the game makes
it stupidly hard to target the damned things - you have to cycle through over a dozen friendly targets until a pig gets
targeted. Meanwhile, they're slaughtering people. Using L1 rather than R1 to cycle through targets helps. You'll then
see a cutscene of Heidi and three prostitutes burying one of their colleagues murdered by God's Militia. There is a skill
statue in the cemetery to admire. Close to the location marked on your map as Raji's Camp, you'll find THE TEN
COMMANDMENTS OF JAMES KING lying on the ground. You can talk to Raji for some background information. If
you have the Battlemaster Bomber from La Cienega, you can exchange it with him for a unique trinket, the ANARCHY
PATCH. In the south of the cemetery, you'll find the gravedigger, Johhny Maloney. He needs some help eliminating
some creatures. Head west to fight four bloodbeasts and two toads. Near where you fight the beasts is a booby-
trapped, alarmed level 10 safe with OK loot. Report back to Maloney for some XP.

Officer Lam can be found on the other side of the street to the cemetery entrance. Follow the Ma Brown conversation
thread and you get a Smart Ass option to resolve the issue. It'll cost you 100 scrap, though. You can report in to Ma
Brown for some extra XP and a bit of ammo. Head north from Ma Brown's position. You'll pass a Children of the
Citadel recruiter. If you like, you can talk to him to take the Voight-Kampff test. Continue north to arrive at a
crossroads. The way east leads to a transit point for Los Feliz. Ignore the Hotel California for the moment. The
northeast corner is the location of the Matthias terminal. Ignore that too, but head west to a playground. Underneath
the swings you'll find a level 8 toaster containing the WALK OF FAME STAR. This is used to repair a fence in Rodia.
In the bottom left corner of the same area, hidden in the bushes, is a booby-trapped level 8 safe containing some
MANNY WONG PHOTOS. Turn around and you'll find the entrance to Rambeau's Gun Shop. There is an alarmed,
booby-trapped, locked chest in the lobby. Talk to Rambeau and select the "Knife" option to exchange the Pocket Knife
you found in Titan Valley for the unique bladed weapon, THIS IS A KNIFE. This is the second best bladed weapon in
the game, or the best if your melee specialist does not have 6 Strength. Rambeau will also sell you some high level

The next time you visit Rodia, Examine the damaged section of wall near the trader, Samuel. Use the Walk of Fame
Star on it and then talk to one of the guards to receive the CROWD CONTROL SHOTGUN.
Leave Rambeau's shop and head west along the street to Manny's Chinese Casino. You can talk to the Manny's head
of security, Grauman, but he doesn't have a lot to say. Talk to the owner, Manny Wong, in the top right corner of the
gaming area. When he asks you whether you are officers of the law, respond "Yes" and he'll ask you to help recover
some stolen chips. The culprits are in Los Feliz, an area that Hollywood denizens cannot go into. Mention "Illicit
photos" to learn that Grauman has been blackmailing him. Give Manny the photos.

Cross the street to where Martha and George are standing. Have a squad member put on the Pooka Shell Necklace if
you have it and talk to Martha. This will enable a conversation option that allows you to exchange the necklace for a
dozen POT COOKIES. Martha will provide healing services if you need them. Talk to George to learn that his store,
High Ground, is closed due to a cockroach infestation. He'll also tel you about the scourge of Salt, sold at the Hotel
California. Ask whether he wants help and you can go into his shop to clear out the bugs. Inside, you will find a whole
bunch of dead cockroaches and the author of their demise, a little puppy. Talk to it. There's a Hard Ass option, but
maybe not one you want to take, The other option will have the dog join you as a follower. The level 8 toaster in the
corner contains a GLASS GECKO BONG. If he's still around, Mr. Gekko back in Rodia will exchange this for the
Barter skill book. Otherwise, it's just so much junk. Report back to George for a small reward. The shop will now open.
A couple a short way to the east of the shop will take the puppy off your hands with a Kiss Ass conversation option. Or
you could keep it - it's quite effective in combat.

Go south from High Ground. Ignore Heidi's Hollywood Hideaway for the moment and continue to Schwag's Drug Store
in the southwest. Go inside and talk to the waitress nearest to the entrance, Flo. She hints about trafficking in the
town. Mention Swifty and she'll say to meet her in the cemetery. Kick down Schwag's door (or pick it using Computer
Science - it's a level 11 challenge) and confront Schwag. He and his goons will attack you. Loot the unique
INFERNATOR shotgun from the Duke's corpse. There's a locked and booby-trapped chest, containing a high tier
weapon, and an alarmed, booby-trapped level 10 safe in the office. The safe contains Duke Schwag's Ledger,
providing hard evidence of Schwag's involvement in the slave trade. Go to the cemetery You'll find Flo standing by a
large tomb. Tell her that Schwag is dead and she'll take over ownership of the diner. Any maybe run it along more
ethical lines.

Go north from Schwag's to Hedi's Hideaway. Talk to Heidi Hollander. You can turn in the evidence of slavery to her.
I'm not sure what good it does. Offer to help and she'll tell you about God's Militia. Select the "Help" option again and
she'll ask you to talk to her lieutenant, Veronica, to see whether she is in love. To find Veronica, go through the door in
the top right corner to enter the dungeon. There are two doors leading from the entrance. The top left one (looking at
your map) is booby-trapped and locked. There is a bodyguard behind the door who is instantly hostile. The other door
in here cannot be opened by normal means, but if you interact with the statue to the side of the bookshelf, it will open.
This is Heidi's bedroom. Examine the desk and you'll get a code, 12345. Inside the booby-trapped safe is a Salt Lab
Key Card. There's an entrance to the Hollywood Sewers here. Ignore it for the moment. Backtrack and go through the
other door where you'll find Veronica. Talk to Veronica and select "Indulge" followed by "Master Sargeant". There is a
corridor to the north of her with doors leading off it. The second on the right belongs to Master Sargeant. Talk to him
and select the "Phallus" option followed by "Deign" to exchange the Big Black Dildo for the unique blunt weapon,
SPIKE BAT OF SHAME. By this point in the game, it is utterly useless. You get some XP too, which is something.
Return to Veronica. Pursue the conversation line "Veronica", "Heidi" and you get a Smart Ass option followed by Hard
Ass / Kiss Ass options to get her to be more forthcoming about the drug and slavery issues. Take the "Slavery" line
followed by "Interested" and she'll tell you about her lover, the Broken Man, and ask you to locate him, because she's
not seen him for some time. Select the "HCC" line to get a Smart Ass option followed by a Kiss Ass one. Leave the
brothel. If you tell Heidi about Veronica, you will lock yourself out of certain quest lines (and a trophy) so I would
suggest that you don't.

Time to visit the Hotel California. Talk to Don behind the counter who will tell you that there are no vacancies. Talk to
him again and he and his two goons will attack. When they're dead, pick or force the gate. Behind it is a patch of
weakened wall that you can break through (level 10 Brute Force). There is a locked weapons chest and a booby-
trapped level 10 safe behind it. There are two exits, one to the north and one to the west. The western exit will simply
take you back out onto the street so go through the northern one. You'll emerge into an area guarded by the Beast
and the Mini Beast. Get your attacks in first! There is a level 10 safe, a medikit and a booby-trapped, locked ammo
crate to loot. Use the code you obtained from Heidi's bedroom (or your skillz: level 11 Safecracking / level 10
Computer Science) on the locked door and then descend into the Hollywood Sewers.

Hollywood Sewers
There is a laser tripwire just north of your starting position. At the crossroads, you'll find a loot container just to the
north. Go west, south and west again. At the T-junction, you'll find two locked chests just to the south. Just to the north
is a laser tripwire; disarm it. This next bit is a little tricky so make a save. Loot the chests and then hide most of your
party up the northern passage. Now have one character sneak west where they can overhear the conversation of two
salt thugs. When the thugs say they're going to try the lockers again, have the solo character hide in the northern
passage. The thugs will see that the chests have been looted and mention "Bob". At this point, a new location,
Redondo Beach, will be marked on your map. When they finish talking, you can safely kill them. This is the only
opportunity to get Redondo Beach marked on your map so reload if you trigger combat prematurely, Visting the
location is required for a trophy. Now go to the wall that the two thugs were standing in front of. You can kick it in (level
11 Brute Force challenge) or blow it up. Look out for a bin bag with loot. At the end of the passage is an old computer
with an innoccuous-looking big red button. Press it to see the screen shake and receive the YOU PRESSED THE
BUTTON trophy. It also unlocks a new map location, Irvine.

Go up the northern passage. At the top is a moderately tough encounter against six salt thugs. When they're dead,
disable the tripwires immediately to the east and west. There is a rubbish pile to loot in the western passage. The wall
blocking the eastern passage can be forced. Follow the passage around to the north. There's a tripwire just in front of
a booby-trapped, locked gate. Just in front of you are three locked chests, an unlocked chest and three medikits.
There are two more chests in a corner. The passage to the west leads to a crossroads. The south is blocked by rubble
and the north leads to Heidi's bedroom. Continue west and disable another tripwire. The passage turns north and
ends at a booby-trapped, locked gate. Go through to find Crazy Uncle Vilpula standing next to a toaster. Talk to him.
There's a Smart Ass option for some bonus XP, but he wants you to fix the toaster. The toaster is a level 10 challenge
and contains nothing special. Uncle Vilpula gives you a Salt Lab Keycard (which you already have) in return for fixing
it so you may not want to bother.

Follow the passage north from Uncle Vilpula, disaming a tripwire along the way. Continue as it turns east and ends at
the Salt Lab door which you can use a keycard on. Or you can try your skillz - it's a level 11 challenge. The lab
contains nine salt workers. They're not as tough as the thugs, fortunately. When they're dead, there's an alarmed,
booby-trapped safe to loot and a chest in the top right corner. The safe should contain a top tier trinket. If you feel it is
your moral duty to do so, you can destroy the salt tanks by shooting them. Stand well back, though, because they
explode violently. Leave the lab. Do not take the passage to the east because you will be poisoned by the water.
Instead, backtrack to the Salt Thug Cache and take the passage east, after picking the booby-trapped gate.

Rotate the camera to get a decent view because there is a tripwire immediately inside the eastern passage. You'll
come to a T-junction. To the north is another salt thug guardpost with six thugs. You can ignore them if you're feeling
bruised. Don't continue north from the guardpost because you'll be in the poisoned water. Instead, return to the T-
junction and go east and then south. This will bring you to a junkie camp. The junkies are harmless. One of the people
here, Josie, is in serious need of medical attention. You need level 10 Surgeon to have a decent chance of healing
her. When she's on her feet, she'll ask you to take her to Raji (the guy in the cemetery who calls you pigs). She will
join you as a follower. We've finished in the sewers so return to the Hotel California.

Return Josie to Raji in the cemetery and he'll give you the Lockpicking skill book, ESCAPE ARTISTRY FOR
ASSHOLES. He will now be a little less antagonistic. Leave Hollywood to do a little exploring.

As you enter the area, you'll be met by Aaron Chwatt who engages you in conversation, somewhat agressively. You
have options for all speech skills as to why you should be here. This place is glitched - squad mates get "stuck on the
scenery" and don't follow the party leader. There is also no area map. You can enter the building to the left of Chwatt if
you go round it, but there's nothing in there. Instead, have your lockpicking squad member go solo around the building
to his right and pick the level 10 lock on the door. You'll find another computer with a red button. Press it and return to
the area entrance to see a cutscene of Chwatt telling you that you've doomed everyone. FYI, Aaron Chwatt was a
performer whose nickname was "Red Buttons". I kinda wish that the devs had made this easter egg more
comprehensible and less buggy.

Redondo Beach
When you arrive you'll see someone called Bob looking for his family heirloom. There's a level 10 Hard Ass
conversation option you can take to give everyone an XP boost. Resist the temptation since we can do better. This
next bit is tedious. Put your shovel-carrying squad mate in solo mode and get digging. There are 123 patches to dig
up. One of the patches near the wrecked car in the east of the area will contain BOB'S STATUE. Every other one
contains junk. If you don't have the related trophy, keep digging! When you've dug up all but one, the TOO MUCH
TIME ON YER HANDS trophy will pop. Dig up the last one anyway. Give Bob his statue for a decent XP boost and a
Death Ray energy weapon. Tell him you've dug up all the holes for another XP boost and 3000 scrap.

Los Feliz
Return to Hollywood and make your way to the transition point in the east of the town and cross into Los Feliz. Go to
your right to find Jason Zeng, a dealer selling weapons and trinkets for people wishing to run the gauntlet to the
Bastion of Faith. To the north is Edwin, a Salvation Church member who will give you directions and background
information. A short distance to the northwest of Edwin is a skill statue to admire.

The street to the west doesn't have anything of interest other than a Wasteland exit. You can go to the northwest to
hear some sermonizing. There's a dig pile near the stage. Otherwise the only place of interest is the inn, Laban's Rest.
Go in. Collect THE GRIFFITH OBSERVATORY: A HISTORY from the bookshelf. There's a level 8 toaster on the bar
which contains the HOUSE OF PIES MENU. There's someone called Chris by the bar. He's the guy who supposedly
stole poker chips from Manny. He's also a cross dresser, a fact that you can use to get the chips back from him
without resorting to threats. Talk to Julianne at the bar for background info. You can trade with her as well. In a little
room off to the side, you will find Alex Bermudez. He initially pretends to be an aspirant, but if you select the "Faking"
conversation option, he'll come clean: he's looking for his brother who was enslaved by the militia. You can then
accept him as a follower.

Return to the bar and go through the door to the north. There's a bona fide unpickable safe here. Since it can't be
opened with either skill or explosives, I'll tell you the combination: 24278375. It contains the unique (and useless)
SMG, HLK, the unique (and somewhat more useful) scope mod, CAPPEN RPCDX, THE STORY OF SAMSON,
PART 3 and some other loot. The door to the right is locked. The room beyond contains two level 8 locked chests, one
of them booby-trapped. The trapped chest contains a suitcase of poker chips. So that makes two. The door opposite
is the surgery of Doc Cleric who provides free healing. There's a medikit in here too.

Leave the inn and go to the north east corner of the area to find a hidden cache. Go to the north for the exit to the
Gauntlet of Samson. Talk to Gundersson at the entrance. For the short version, select "Aspirant" followed by "Try" and
"Ready". Go through the gate and enter Griffith Park.

Gauntlet of Samson
You can also get to the Bastion of Faith through a shortcut next to the Matthias terminal in North Hollywood. Just use
Brute Force on the pile of rocks nearby.
As you enter Griffith Park, you will find yourself in battle with three honey badgers and three bloodbeasts. From your
entrance point head east until you come to the camp of Billy and his crew. Don't take the Hard Ass option when you
talk to them. If you ask about God's Militia you can learn that this group have a problem with the HSP which is why
they're here in the first place. Offer to help them square things back in Hollywood. Return to the entrance of the area
and head east until you reach a fork in the path. Take the one leading northwest. The path ahead is mined and there
are enemies nearby. Clear what you can and then let the beasts come to you. There are around ten of them, a mixture
of badgers, toads and bloodbeasts. Continue northwest to the northern edge of the map where you'll find a level 8
toaster nestled in the grass, containing GALILEO'S TELESCOPE. In the northwestern corner, you'll find a hidden
cache. Head down the western side. You'll pass the Bastion Gate; ignore it for the moment. Head east along the
southern edge of the map. You'll go through a heavily mined area; look out for a container with snake squeezins -
they'll be useful in a little while.

We'll turn in a few things before continuing the quest. Go back to Hollywood and talk to Officer Lam. To let Billy and
friends back into Hollywood, Lam asks you for three random items. Wouldn't you know it, it's the three items you've
been hoarding for most of the game. Give them to him for a modest XP bonus. Go up to Manny and give him the
poker chips for a larger XP bonus plus some scrap. Find Maloney in the cemetery and give him the House of Pies
Menu and receive the DIAMOND-ENCRUSTED SHOVEL in return. This is really just a valuable which you can sell for
scrap. Leave Hollywood and make your way to Salt Lake Park. Talk to Alex Dupre over the intercom and give him the
telescope you found in Griffith Park. In return he'll give you the unique EVISCERATOR SMG. This is the best
submachine gun in the game but uses .38 cal ammo which is a little hard to come by in California.

Return to Griffith Park and tell Billy that everything's square in Hollywood. He and his buddies will run off and you'll
receive a modest XP reward. Hmm, I'm not sure that was worth carting round a badger's scrotum for the majority of
the game. Head west to the Bastion Gate and talk to Knight Captain Garza. To get past, you will have to fight Garza
and his four goons. The fight ends when you reduce Garza to 0 health (you won't kill him at this point). Kill his four
pals for some extra XP first, though. Talk to Garza again, interact with the door controls and go inside.

Bastion Of Faith
There's an ammo chest just to the south of your starting point. Continue south past the Knight Ecstatic who calls you
scum and Alex will be reunited with his brother, Luis. Alex goes to wait at Laban's Rest for Luis to join him when
you've freed the penitents. There's a chest and medikit in the penitents' area. Head north past the gate, collecting an
ammo chest along the way. You'll be hailed by a woman called Maggie. Select "No" when she asks you whether
you're going to join the Militia. Follow her round the back of the shop and talk to her again. Select the "Escape" option
and you'll get a Kiss Ass option to make her open up. She's another one who won't leave until all the penitents can
leave as well. Select "Home" and you can trade her the 761 Metro Bus Schedule for a GOD'S MILITIA CENSER. You
can then grill her for background info. In particular she'll give you two names: Fealty Mayweather, the wife of the head
of the Salvation Church and Sanctity White, a paladin with a drink problem. She'll also mention that the head of the
Church Vigilant, Ascension McDade, has changed recently. Finally, the three church leaders are at each others'

West from where Maggie was standing is a gate leading north and an enclosure that you're warned off from entering.
If you go around to the left side of the enclosure, there's a stand that you can unlock from the safe side of the fence.
You'll be able to grab SIMMS' EYE from it. In the south of this area is a skill statue. Now go and talk to Sister Yee by
the western gates for background information. Head through the door behind her into the observatory.

As you go through the door, you will be stopped by Sanctity White who will demand one item of illicit alcohol from you.
If you don't have any alcohol, don't walk forward. Instead, turn left and go through the door to the south. This will take
you to the roof of the observatory where you'll find a booby-trapped, locked chest containing some booze. Give White
some alcohol and he will walk off, drinking it. The Priest Sprayer sells weapons and ammo and has the top tier
weapons of all categories in stock. Buy them now if you don't already have them. Don't touch the locked chests by him
unless you want to trigger a bloodbath. In the northwest corner of this room is a healer. There are three chambers that
lead off the central one.

You may want to make a hard save at this point, particularly if going for trophies. The most rewarding path is to work
with the leader of the Church Vigilant, McDade, and Veronica. Alternative paths are to work with the leader of the
Church Militant, Retribution Jones, and destroy Hollywood and to work with Malediction Mayweather which results in
the deaths of all the church leaders.
Go to the red room in the north. There are cages with human occupants all round the edge of the room. If you'd
arrived via the short cut in North Hollywood, this is where you would have emerged. McDade is standing at his desk.
Select the "Broken Man" option and he'll come clean. You can agree to go to Veronica on his behalf. He is very
forthcoming about the shortcomings of the church organization. Ask about joining the Church Vigilant and he'll be
sceptical of your motives. However, he's willing to deal with you as his enemy's enemy and wants you to find evidence
of Malediction Mayweather's corruption and bring it to him. In return, you'll get access to the Radio Tower.

Go to the chapel in the south. Grab THE STORY OF SAMSON, PARTS 2, 3 and 4 from the bookshelves in here.
Speak to Retribution Jones. Unlike McDade, he is most certainly not plagued with doubt. His main beef is that
Mayweather is delaying the destruction of Hollywood. Ask to join the Church Militant and he'll ask you to find evidence
of Mayweather's corruption and bring it to him.

Go to the ten-sided chamber to the west. Fealty Mayweather is standing at her desk. Take note of the two sets of
bookshelves back-to-back. Assuming your Perception is high enough (and if it isn't, why isn't it?) you can examine the
pair furthest from Fealty and collect KILLING FOR MORONS, the Combat Shooting skill book. This book grants its
reader ten levels in the skill, giving them a 100% critical hit rate with any weapon apart from energy weapons. If you
have a squad member trained in Heavy Weapons, you may want to use the book on him. We are nearing the end
game and there is an end game machine gun that will be ridiculously overpowered with a 100% critical hit rate.
Otherwise, the best bang for your buck is a Blunt Weapons user since they have both a low critical hit rate and a high
critical hit damage multiplier. Using the book on a squad member will unlock the BLAST FROM THE PAST trophy.
There is another bookshelf in the room from which you can grab THE STORY OF SAMSON, PART 1.

If you're undecided who to use the Combat Shooting book on, there is a comparison table that you may find useful:
Direct Weapon Comparisons (100% critical hit rate)
Talk to Fealty Mayweather and say that you're interested in joining the Church Ecstatic and Maledicition Mayweather
will come in, allowing you to pursue his quest path should you want to. Ask about her black eye and then take the
"Ring" Smart Ass option. Show her Simms' eye, tell her that Sanctity White killed him, and then ask for evidence
against Malediction. She will fetch what you need. You can exhaust her other conversation options, if you like.

Talk to Malediction Mayweather and agree to his terms. He wants you to kill the two other leaders of the church and
make it look as though the other was responsible. He will give you two incriminating items. If you try to make a bargain
to use the radio tower, he won't hear of it. We're at a point of no return so make a different hard save.

Working for Mayweather

Go to the Militant Quarters. Put the sunglasses on the table that you can interact with and get ready for a tough fight
against Jones and his acolytes. You can loot Jones's Spectrum Assault Vest and Dragon's Claws from his corpse. Go
north and grab some free healing from Nurse Betty. Go into the Vigilant Quarters and place the armour on the desk
next to McDade. This fight is a bit easier, being just McDade on his own. He can still do some serious damage with his
fists, though, and he's likely to attack first. A round of reprise attacks from your squad should see him biting the dust
easily enough, however. The caged victims make for an extremely appreciative audience as well. You can loot
another Spectrum Assault Vest and Dragon's Claws from his corpse. Return to Mayweather who's a dirty, double-
crossing deal breaker. You'll be fighting Mayweather, a paladin, someone from the Church Vigilant, someone from the
Church Militant and, for some reason, poor Fealty Mayweather. When Malediction Mayweather falls, the RELIGIOUS
PERSECUTION trophy will pop. Collect a set of Pseudo-Chitin Armor, a Spaz 12 shotgun and the Bastion Radio
Tower Gate Key from Mayweather's corpse.

Working for Jones

Take Fealty's evidence to Retribution Jones. You can now make a deal with him to use the radio tower. A cutscene
will ensue where Jones kills Mayweather and McDade agrees not challenge Jones's authority. If this is your first
playthrough, the DIVINE RETRIBUTION trophy will pop. Jones will set out to wipe out the inhabitants of Hollywood.
Collect a set of Pseudo-Chitin Armor, a Spaz 12 shotgun and the Bastion Radio Tower Gate Key from Mayweather's

Working for McDade

Take Fealty's evidence to Ascension McDade. A cutscene will ensue where McDade kills Mayweather and Jones
agrees not challenge McDade's authority. Talk to McDade for an XP reward. Collect a set of Pseudo-Chitin Armor, a
Spaz 12 shotgun and the Bastion Radio Tower Gate Key from Mayweather's corpse.

Attach the Repeater

However you played the leadership rivalry in the Salvation Church, you have a key to the radio tower. Exit the
observatory and go to the gate at the north of the enclosure. Acrimonious Smith will give you leave to go through.
Follow the linear path to the tower. Nearby, you'll find a locked chest and medikit and three bags of ZEOLITE on a
shelf. The booby-trapped safe (level 11) contains two more bags. If you are unable to pick the safe, you can simply
blow it open. Attach the final repeater to the radio tower. Woodson will get Arizona HQ on the radio. He will then tell
you that you need fifty pounds (five bags) of zeolite to upgrade your suits. That's lucky!

Upgrade Radiation Suits

Leave Griffith Park. The zeolite is kinda heavy so I'd suggest you return to HQ. Give the five bags of zeolite to
Woodson and he'll give you the Ultimate Radiation Suits.
Hollywood Part 2
I'm assuming that you're following the path where you worked with McDade, since this leads to the best outcome and
unlocks a gold trophy. If you're slaughtering the innocent folk of Hollywood on behalf of Retribution Jones, you're on
your own!

Go to Hollywood and visit Veronica. Tell her that Ascension McDade is her "Broken Man" and that he loves her.
McDade will appear dressed somewhat differently to when you last saw him! To avert war between the Salvation
Church and Hollywood, McDade suggests that you engineer the election of Veronica as the leader of the HCC. To do
this, you must obtain the votes of the majority of the HCC. Time to call in some favours: Flo, George and Martha and
Manny are in the bag; all you need to do is go and ask them. Next stop is Rambeau's. Make a save outside his shop
because this bit glitched the first time I did it. Select the "Peace" conversation option and he'll ask you to investigate
who's been stealing his guns. When you've finished talking, you'll see a cutscene of one of Rambeau's guards, Jason,
nipping out of the back door. Follow him and you'll see that he's selling weapons to a synth, FG13. If you do nothing,
FG13 will murder Jason so move forward and engage FG13 in combat. Talk to Jason and choose the "Come with us"
option, followed by a Hard Ass option and Jason will join you as a follower. Report back to Rambeau who will shoot
Jason and promise his vote for Veronica.

Return to Veronica and tell her that you've secured sufficient votes. Veronica will head off to the vote. Follow her
upstairs and go though the door in the south of the entrance area. Heidi will be voted out and Veronica will take her
place as chairperson of the HCC. McDade and Fealty Mayweather will come to negotiate. Prostitution and recreational
drug use will be tolerated. Slavery and salt addiction are to be erased. In return the penitents are to be freed. Talk to
Veronica who tasks you with tracking Heidi down. Go to Heidi's bedroom and head down into the sewers. You will find
Heidi in the salt lab dealing with a synth called Sensauri. Turns out Heidi was the drugs kingpin all along and in
cahoots with the Children of the Citadel to boot. When she and Sensauri are dead, go and find Veronica in the council
chamber again. She will give you 1000 scrap and tell you to meet McDade by the Los Feliz entrance.

McDade will tell you that Jones has rebelled against his authority. Two things are required: destroy the meson cannon
by the Penitents' Camp and kill Retribution Jones and his knights. Take McDade's advice and use the secret tunnel.
Simply use Brute Force on the pile of rocks next to the Matthias terminal in North Hollywood and go through. You'll
emerge in McDade's chamber. All the prisoners are still in their cages so maybe McDade isn't completely reformed.
Go into the central area. The Priest Sprayer and Nurse Betty will automatically be hostile. Help yourself to the
Sprayer's inventory after his demise. You can also help yourself to the contents of the boxes where the Priest Sprayer
was doing business - they contain high tier weapons.

Head outside. Everyone is marked as hostile, but the only things you want to take out are the meson cannon and the
five Ecstatic Knights by the Penitent Quarters. Go into the pen and talk to Luis. He and his fellow slaves will make
their escape. Head up the west side of the area past the gate and talk to Maggie. She will go and join the escaped
penitents. Go back into the observatory avoiding further combat. You now have to eliminate Retribution Jones and the
ten Knight Paladins with him in the Militant Quarters. Remember to grab the Spectrum Assault Vest and Dragon's
Claws from Jones's body. Some of the dead paladins may have high tier weapons about their former persons.

Go to the Ecstatic Quarters to witness Veronica and McDade signing a peace treaty. If this is your first playthrough,
you will receive the SINNERS AND SAINTS trophy. McDade will also reward you with 3000 scrap. Erm, thanks but
we're running out of things to spend it on! Leave the observatory. Everyone is still hostile. At least we can see what
was in the chest in the Paladin Barracks that we couldn't access earlier. I found a Spectrum Assault Vest which was

Leave through the main gates and take the Los Feliz exit from Griffith Park. Go into Laban's Rest and listen to the
conversation between Luis and Alex for some XP. Go pick up anything you might need from Santa Fe Springs (such
as the gorilla suit) and get ready to wrap things up in California.

The New Citadel

Cross the level 6 radiation belt that was previously blocking access to Seal Beach. As you cross, your radar should
pick up an untouched cache. Assuming you found all the others, this will unlock the SCAVENGER trophy. Enter Seal
Beach. As you enter the area, you'll meet Mad-Money Mike who has the idea of selling toy robots to real robots. You
can follow him to a group of synths led by a CotC disciple, TonZa, and see where his scheme leads him. Talk to
TonZa yourself if you like. She'll give you a questionnaire which results in hostilities breaking out. She's not dangerous
but the three synth guards are pretty tough.

Head east. Look out for a man standing outside a portaloo. If you have the Baby Wipes from the Angel Oracle sewers
you can give them to him in exchange for some XP and 500 scrap. Go past the guards at the gate and witness Rev.
Thomas orienting a group of new recruits. When he sees you, he orders the new recruits to kill you. Only Thomas and
the two guards are dangerous. The sixteen recruits have no weapons so can't hurt you. They grant 100 XP each,
though. You can gain access to the New Citadel interior from here. However, there's an alternative way in and
something to pick up first.

Head southwest from the orientation area until you come to a mined clearing. Clear the mines and walk forward to
claim two unlocked loot containers. One of them contains YOUR GOLDEN FUTURE. If you got the Stolls encounter in
the California Wasteland, reading this should unlock the WASTELAND HISTORIAN trophy. Otherwise, you'll have to
wait a bit.

Walk over to the west of the area. You'll pass what is presumably the downed Team Foxtrot helicopter. Go a little
further to encounter Johnnie Zipper and Dweezle who are arguing about something. Seems that one of them's
working for the synths and the other is working against. One will lead you into a trap while the other won't. In case you
can't figure it out, Dweezle is the bad guy. Follow Johnnie inside. He'll point out a terminal that you can use to lock
some enemies in a room. Or you could, y'know, just kill them instead. There are five CotC soldiers and a synth. When
they're dead there's a booby-trapped loot container. There's nothing else here so use the travel marker to descend
into the New Citadel interior.
Part 2: California (Continued)
New Citadel Interior
SPOILER: Lexicanium will go rogue in every fight. Dismiss him.
Head north and then east from your starting point. You'll arrive at a crossroads. The north and south paths have laser
tripwires that need disarming. Go to the chamber to the north, where you'll have a moderately tricky encounter with
eight CotC enemies and a synth. Some of the enemies will be on elevated ground. Fortunately, there is plenty of
cover. On the upper right is a weapons case with a level 12 lock. Follow the path round to a level 10 booby-trapped
door which you can open either with Safecracking or Computer Science. You will emerge at a crossroads. Don't take
the north path yet. Go south to the large central chamber. You'll find yourself up against ten CotC enemies, including
three heavy gunners on a raised platform who can do quite a lot of damage if you don't take them out quickly. When
they're dead, seek out the level 10 toaster in the southwest corner of the room which contains a DAT TAPE. Return to
the northern crossroads and continue east. You'll find another booby-trapped, locked door (level 8). Go through to the
north east chamber. There are eight CotC enemies in here, including a dangerous synth sharpshooter and a heavy
gunner who lurks around the corner on one of the walkways.

When you leave this chamber to the south take care because there are two laser tripwires in your path. To your east is
an exit to the orientation area on the surface. Continue south to the southeast chamber. You're in the Operating Room
and there are a bunch of medikits that you can loot. Further in are eight CotC enemies. When they are dead look out
for a container with a level 12 lock in the southeast corner which contains the unique M41A assault rifle. Go west into
the southwest chamber. Keep your eyes peeled for a chest with a level 12 Demolitions challenge that contains an
RPG-7. Follow the path round to the north where you'll have to fight seven CotC enemies. Look on your map and note
how the chamber is shaped a little like a 't'. Just below the cross against the eastern wall is a locker which contains
THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MATTHIAS. This will unlock the WASTELAND HISTORIAN trophy if the previous
book didn't.

We're done exploring. Go to the northern corridor. At the end is a locked door. You will emerge into a factory area
where they're building scorpitrons. A cutscene will play introducing Dugan, whose robots you've been fighting. There'll
be some revelations from him and Matthias. Then Dugan will leave you to fight seven industrial robots and a meson
cannon. When they're scrap, follow Dugan through the door and use the travel marker to return to the surface.

You will emerge in the main yard of the New Citadel. Dugan will declare that he has to kill you himself and will attack
with two industrial robots. Six CotC footsoldiers will join in the fun. Dugan has 2500 HP, but by now your combined
firepower should be able to reduce him to scrap before you get a chance to see what he's capable of. When they're all
dead, loot Durgan's remains, go onto the helipad in the east and climb aboard. We're off back to Arizona. The BACK
WHERE IT ALL BEGAN trophy will pop.

Part 3: Return To Arizona

Ranger Citadel In Ruins
The place is looking worse than when you saw it last. Vargas will greet you, fill you in on what's been happening and
join your squad. You can turn his offer of help down, but he's required for a trophy. Walk around the place. A whole
bunch of people we helped want to join up for the final battle. Since they'll have the usual follower artificial stupidity,
you may want to think twice about taking them up on their offers. Darnforth and Sadler are quite capable fighters, as it
happens, but Jan rather less so. Kekkahbah is required for the best possible ending. Melissa (from the Atchison
camp) will join you regardless. Fred Darvis will trade with you and he has all the top tier weapons and armour if you're
missing any. Open the trunk by him to collect THE 3, an extremely powerful, unique heavy machine gun. If you taught
your Heavy Weapons expert the Combat Shooting skill, this gun can do around 2800 damage in a single burst. If you
saved Highpool, you can talk to Kate Preston to receive five lots of HIGHPOOL ENERGY WATER.

Be sure to find Ethil Mercaptan. Give her the DAT tape and she will give you four unique weapon mods: a
Remember to dress a ranger in the gorilla costume if this is your first playthough. Move slightly forward from Ethil's
position and you'll see a ranger called Jek being gunned down by a scorcherer. This giant robot has 3500 HP and a
nasty flame attack. Precision strikes to its CPU should make short work of it.

Head forward and listen to Matthias witter on for what seems like an age. The entrance to the Citadel is guarded by
five synths and a meson cannon. Scrap them and head in. The doors are sealed behind you. Once more, you get
some taunting from Matthias. Given the number of eff-bombs dropped in the game, I wonder why one doesn't get the
option simply to tell him to eff off. Instead, the only conversation options are ones where he gets to sound superior.
Annoying. You can explore the ground floor of the Citadel. The door to the northern part is sealed for plot reasons.
There are no enemies here and everyone's dead. Your destination is the elevator near the entrance. Go down into the
previously unseen lower level of the Citadel.

SPOILER: If Lexicanium and / or Rose are in your party, remove their equipment.
Citadel Lower Level
There's only one path forward. You will be treated to a cutscene where the Cochise AI takes over Matthias and the
synths surrounding him, along with Rose / Lexicanium if they're in your party. They're partly synthetic, see? Dick
move, game! As befits the final battle in the game, this is a tough one. You start at an extreme positional
disadvantage; your enemies are arrayed on the platform with the Cochise AI and you're down below. Make your way
forwards to the platform while eliminating enemies. Prioritise the synth sharpshooters since they can spoil your
strategy in a single turn. I find headshots with the anti-materiel and M41A rifles to be just the ticket here! You can also
try armshots to destroy their weapons. Don't worry about any former companions. You have at least two followers who
will kill them. If Vargas dies, and you don't yet have the related trophy, reload. The shell formerly known as Matthias is
no threat. In all, you'll fight fifteen synths. Fortunately, not all at once since more arrive as the battle progresses.

When everything is scrap, don't hang around to hear the Cochise AI explain its plans. Don't worry, you'll get to hear
them as you run through the Citadel to put a stop to them. If you dawdle, you will hear a countdown as the Cochise AI
starts taking over the Citadel computer system. At this point, you will have around 100 seconds to avoid a bad ending.
Go to the northeast corner and use the travel point. Use Computer Science on the terminal to unlock the door. You'll
find yourself in the northern part of the main level of Ranger Citadel. Ethil is there with a helicopter, but don't take it
(unless you want to see a slightly different bad ending). Instead, make your way to Min's former workshop (the
explosives guy, remember?). His door is locked but not challenging. Go through another locked door to find the jury-
rigged nuke. Examine it and choose the "Sacrifice" option followed by "Time". Vargas will stay behind and detonate
the nuke. You'll get the GENERAL AND A GENTLEMAN trophyl. Assuming a squad member was wearing the gorilla
suit and you followed the rest of this walkthrough, you'll also get NOT MONKEYING AROUND followed by a shiny
platinum trophy. Congratulations! Enjoy reading the results of your endeavours.

On future playthroughs, Kekkahbah can volunteer to stay behind. So can Corran Cain if he is a companion. If you
choose the "Detonate" option, sacrificing everyone, the ending will be distinctly suboptimal.

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