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Uniform Galvanic Crevice Filiform Pi ng Intergranular SSC LME MIC SCC HB-HE-HIC Fa gue Erosion Fre ng Index

Dierent Types of Corrosion

- Recogni on, Mechanisms & Preven on
Filiform Corrosion (Underlm Corrosion)
Recogni on
What is liform corrosion? Filiform corrosion is a special form of corrosion that occurs under some thin
coa ngs in the form of randomly distributed threadlike laments. Filiform corrosion is also known as
"underlm Corrosion" or "lamentary corrosion".

Filiform corrosion of a n-coated steel

Filiform corrosion occurs on metallic surfaces coated with a thin organic lm that is typically 0.1 mm thick.
The pa ern of corrosion a ack is characterized by the appearance of ne laments emana ng from one or

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more sources in semi-random direc ons. The laments are ne tunnels composed of corrosion products
underneath the bulged and cracked coa ng.

Filiform corrosion can be visually recognized without using a microscopy. Filiform corrosion has been
observed on surfaces of coated steel, magnesium, and aluminum with thin coa ngs of n, silver, gold,
phosphate, enamel, and lacquer. Filiform corrosion has also been observed on paper-backed aluminum

What causes liform corrosion? Filiform corrosion is a special case of crevice corrosion.

During propaga on, water is supplied to the head of the lament from the surrounding atmosphere by
osmo c ac on due to the high concentra on of dissolved ferrous ions on the surface of steel substrate.
Osmosis tends to remove water from the inac ve tail, because of the low concentra on of soluble salts
(iron has precipitated as ferric hydroxide).

Preven on
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How to prevent liform corrosion? Filiform corrosion or underlm corrosion can be prevented with the
following methods:

control the rela ve humidity

use bri le coa ngs

For more details

More details on liform corrosion or underlm corrosion are included in the following corrosion courses
which you can take as in-house training courses, course-on-demand, online courses or distance learning

Corrosion and Its Preven on (5-day module)

Corrosion, Metallurgy, Failure Analysis and Preven on (5 days)
Marine Corrosion, Causes and Preven on (2 days)
Materials Selec on and Corrosion (5 days)
Protec ve Coa ngs: Inspec on, Maintenance and Repair (3~6 days)

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