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STIW2043: Mobile Programming

Semester 1 2017/2018
School of Computing, CAS, UUM
Lab 4

Develop sqlite database application that uses 5 data input and implement basic Create, Read
(search), Update, Delete operations, Show. One of the data input must be in integer value. On
the layout part, one of the input must be come from a spinner. Each operation must
implement the following.
o Check field entry
o Check key data duplicate
o Conformation dialog
o Clear field entry
o Toast on successfully inserting a data
o Refresh listview
o Inputbox
o Check key data available
o Conformation dialog
o Toast on successfully deleting a data
o Refresh listview
o Inputbox for search
o Search data based on key data
o Show all the data on your layout
o Produce toast if the data is not found
o Show the found data on listview
o Check key data to be updated available
o Update all the data except key data
o Produce toast on successfully updated the data
o Refresh listview
Show data
o Show data in Listview
o List all the key data in the database in a listview
o Create, delete and update data should refresh the listview.
o Click on the listview the selected data will appear on your edittext.
Additional marks
o Implement multicolumn listview. Show all your important data in multi
column listview.
All operations above must be implemented in one layout only.

Submit the following

- Printed report
o Printed
o Printed and graphical layout
o Atleast 5 printed running application interface screenshot.
- Upload and zip project file and name the zip file with your <matricno-lab4>.zip to
UUM Learning.

Evaluation will be based on

- Interface design
- Code efficiency
- No running error
- Correct use of component

Late submission will be not accepted.

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