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Observation Task 1: Differentiating Centers

Focus: Differentiating centers based activities in the early childhood classroom

Objective: To encourage student teachers to identify how classroom centers can be

differentiated to meet all student levels (Mastery, Developing and Emerging)

Procedure: Photograph and document the centers based activities implemented in the setting
during the course of the day and identify the learning outcomes the activities met

Table 1: Differentiating Centers

Observed learning Centers Description: Resources: International Differentiated Ability
(include photo): Learning Levels:
(list only what
you consider to
be the primary
The children Rubber cats. Recognize, count,
counting how Paper. and write Sort, write, and
many how Pencil. numbers. count.
many rubber Sort according sized
cat do they and colors.
have and Sort different colors
writing on the of rubber cats.
paper. Developing

Sort and write one

color and count to


Copying the number

on the paper.
Use number lines to

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