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Observation Task 2: Identifying Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN)

Special Educational Needs (SEN)

Focus: Identifying types of learning support needed for SEN students

Objective: To encourage student teachers to support and included the learning needs of
identified SEN students in the classroom

Procedure: Identify two children who have SEN and complete table 2 to highlight their needs
and identify support that is offered which facilitates their learning. If your class has no SEN
students you will need to go to a class that has SEN students in order to complete this task.

Table2: SEN Support for Students

Name Age IEP Area of Focus Type, range and frequency of support
provided / needed.

Ahmed 4yrs Target to let him sit and Daily Teacher Support with advice from
not move and talk too Learning Enhancement Teacher:
much for 10 minutes. Sit the child near the teacher.
Let the child be the helper hand.
Reward the child if he heard the
teacher rules and didnt move
too much.

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