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ELTECdata # 100

Introduction To
Infrared Pyroelectric


2 3000K
Relative Intensities and
1 Wavelength Distributions of
Tungsten Filament and People

MAX = (m)
-2 300K





0.1 1 10 100 1000


Use Infrared: Its Already There "wavelength of maximum energy" of make them work is not. Moreover,
a blackbody at about 2,900 Kelvin both thermistors and thermopiles are
Pyroelectric detectors make mid- (4,700oF) which is the temperature of generally found wanting in terms of
range infrared affordable. You use an incandescent bulbs white-hot fila- si g na l st re ng t h an d sp ee d o f
what is already there 100% ment. response.
natural and harmless.
To use the infrared emitted from Pyroelectrics are todays practical
You can use the invisible glow of ourselves or objects that we can choice for broad-band IR detection.
objects and people to detect, count, touch, wavelengths well beyond 1 Pyroelectrics offer technical ad-
monitor, locate, activate, conserve, micrometer and especially those vantages in signal strength, speed of
protect, or warn. It is passive technol- around 10 micrometers must be response and in minimizing intercon-
ogy. detected. necting circuitry. And, as has hap-
pened with other components, use of
Beyond Photodiodes Pyroelectrics Are Practical more sophisticated production techni-
ques pioneered at ELTEC INSTRU-
Visible light goes from 0.4 to 0.7 Detection of mid-range infrared is MENTS, INC., has increased the
micrometers on the wavelength not new. Thermistors and ther- availability of lithium tantalate
spectrum. Beyond that is infrared. mopiles (thin-film thermocouples) pyroelectric detectors while lowering
Photodiodes are inexpensive and have long been available. Although cost.
practical even to 1 micrometer. But, these components are relatively inex-
1 micrometer corresponds to the pensive, the circuitry required to
The Pyroelectric Effect: sion of like charge). Hence "pyro", for
fire, plus electric !
The Material

If a material has an internal electri-

cal symmetry, its neutral. If its un-
symmetrical like water it has a
permanent electric dipole. Most un-
symmetrical materials in bulk have a
zero dipole effect because of a ran-
dom or self-cancelling arrangement.

o Infrared input to detector (step)



Water is unsymmetrical

+ + +

Heated tourmaline develops Response of pyroelectric detector

electric charges

Pyroelectric isnt thermo-electric. The nature of the pyroelectric
In a thermoelectric device, like a ther- detector makes it both fast and useful.
Dipoles acting in unison mocouple, a steady voltage is Since every object is emitting infrared
produced when two junctions of dis- light, every object is a transmitter.
similar metals are held at steady but And since the infrared detector
There are some unsymmetrical d if f ere nt t em pera tu res. In a responds to infrared, it is a receiver.
materials which maintain a net dipole pyroelectric device, a change in An intruder entering a room is like an
orientation even in bulk. Heating temperature creates a change in invisible light being turned on; the
such a material (within limits) doesnt polarization. "Electrical polarization" detector responds to the change in
randomize the dipoles, but rotates is just another way of saying "electri- infrared light, generating a useful sig-
them in unison and thus maintains a cal charge". The charge is collected nal. A glass object (transparent in the
polarization. Since this occurs in the by electrodes on the crystal. So the visible and near-infrared) may pass
absence of an external electric field, "open circuit" Voltage = (Q, charge) / right through a light beam undetected,
it is called spontaneous polarization. (C, crystal capacitance). but its infrared emissions will identify
it every time. In short, wherever
Dipoles will act in unison to an In THEORY, if the crystal were theres a change in infrared light,
upper temperature point called the levitated in a vacuum in a perfectly theres a potential pyroelectric ap-
Curie point. Lithium tantalate is a reflective Dewar, at infinite im- plication.
practical pyroelectric material be- pedance (and some other condi-
cause it has a Curie point of 610o C. tions), and a thermal step function
Also, lithium tantalate is a very applied, the voltage would follow the Light
responsive synthetic crystal with an step function.
established, long-term stability. Electrodes Crystal
In REALITY, the crystal has a ther-
The Pyroelectric Effect: Simplified mal time constant, so it will quickly
thermalize to its environment (return
T he G re eks di scovere d t he to ambient) after a step input. This
pyroelectric effect 23 centuries ago. releases the strain on the crystal lat-
They observed that when tourmaline tice and the crystal "reabsorbs" the Pyroelectric
Detector Capacitor Generator
was placed in hot ashes, it first at- electrons as the lattice returns to its
tracted and then repelled them neutral state. Thus, "step function in,"
(charge generation ... attraction by "voltage pulse out."
induction ... contact/reversal ... repul-

Page 100-2
The Pyroelectric Detector increase in output signal. It can have
a "flatter" frequency response and
A thin wafer of lithium tantalate has that response can be set independent
electrodes deposited on both faces. of the crystal. Unfortunately, the
The electrodes gather the charge noise characteristics of the operation-
which is unable to leak through be- al amplifier limit the signal-to-noise
cause the material is such a good ratio and the operating voltage and
dielectric (insulator). In its simplest current requirements are greater.
form, the pyroelectric detector is both
a capacitor and a charge generator (in NOTE: Although the voltage (Field
response to infrared light striking a Effect Transistor) or current (Op Amp)
face, being absorbed as heat, creat- circuits can be added externally to the
ing change in polarization). And all basic detector package, it is ac-
this at room temperature, without the complished with the addition of stray
need for cooling or electrical biasing. capacitance, susceptibility to EMI,
testing problems, expense and pos-
Electrical Considerations sibly a compromise in reliability. To
circumvent these problems, detectors
Think of a pyroelectric detector as a are offered with the FET and ap-
tiny flat-plate Active Capacitor. Typi- propriate load resistor or op amp and
ca l ca pa ci t an ce i s abo ut 30 appropriate feedback resistor in the
picofarads. Insulation resistance is detector package.
5x1012 Ohms. So, except in laser
applications, the extreme source im-
pedance makes use of the crystal by
itself impractical. PRACTICAL
pyroelectrics contain either a JFET
source follower (Voltage Mode) or a Detector connected with source Detector connected with a current
transimpedance amplifier (Current follower to voltage converter

For a rough idea of the signal you CS

might get using a pyroelectric detec- RF
tor, use the following formula:

V responsivity = (current respon- +

sivity)(effective impedance)

I (R/1+(2fRC)2)

for I, use 0.5 to 1 microamp per watt

for R, use either your load resistor value

or feedback resistor value
The voltage follower is basically a The current to voltage converter
for C, use detector capacitance for Volt- FET connected as a source follower. can be an operational amplifier con-
age Mode (typically 30 pF) or use nected as shown.
stray feedback capacitance for
Current Mode (typically 0.03 pF) In this configuration, the voltage In this configuration the voltage out-
output will be: put will be:
The formula is very useful to get an
approximation of voltage responsivity RV = Ri Z eff Ao RV = Ri ZF
at different frequencies (modulation where RV = voltage response in V/W where ZF = lumped impedance of
rates). Ri = current responsivity feedback loop including
Z eff = lumped impedance of RF and CS, stray feedback
B o t h o f t h es e am p l if ica ti on crystal, RL, and stray loop resistance and capa-
schemes have positive and negative capacitance at the input citance
features. The voltage mode circuit Ao = follower gain (approx. 0.8)
will generally yield the best signal to
noise ratio and it can operate at a very
small supply voltage and current.
However, it does not have a large
output responsivity and output
response will be frequency depend-
ent (unless a low value RL is used).
The current mode offers a substantial

Page 100-3
Laser Applications Demystifying D-Star Even though the concepts of NEP
and D* were created to facilitate ap-
In high speed or fast pulse applica- The ultimate sensitivity of an in- ples-to-apples comparisons, practical
tions with a great deal of incident frared detector is determined by the pyroelectric detector performance is
power, the detector can be operated signal-to-noise ratio. No matter how area-dependent rather than square-
without an impedance converter. If precise or noise-free the amplification root-of-the-area-dependent (see
pulse resolution is required, the scheme, there is a point where the ELTECdata #103). Consequently,
detector can be loaded down with a output signal cannot be distinguished direct comparison of different detec-
resistor the value of which is deter- from background noise. This point, tors with different sizes is still difficult.
mined by the speed of the event to be when related back to the responsivity Also, the temperature of the sensor is
monitored. In this case, responsivity of the detector gives the minimum often not specified (and some other
is RV. The detector can also be used detectable power level. In IR jargon, types of IR sensors are very tempera-
as an energy monitor by loading the this is called "Noise Equivalent ture dependent) and also some
output with a capacitor. In this case, Power" or NEP. It is defined as: devices have outputs which are not
responsivity is RE. linear with input power.
Noise Watts
NEP = =
Responsivity Hz
RV= R i RL
Note that the NEP for any given
detector is dependent on wavelength,
operating frequency, noise center fre-
quency, noise bandwidth (usually 1
Ri CD RL Hz), and temperature. For example:

NEP = 2.2 x 10-10
Circuit for pulse resolution in (500oK, 20Hz, 1 Hz, RT)
high power applications
The source temperature is 500oK
and implies the optical bandwidth; 20
Hz is the operating frequency and
noise center frequency; 1 Hz is the
Ri noise bandwidth; RT (25oC) is the
RE = temperature of the sensor.
Since minimum noise power is
desired, the smaller the NEP the bet-
ter. Unfortunately, sensor manufac-
Ri CD CL turers want to complicate sensor
performance factors even further by
also specifying a parameter called D-
Star (D*). This parameter normalizes
the NEPs to a given constant detector
area. This permits all detectors to be
Circuit for energy monitor of
compared on an equivalent basis.
high power pulses
D* =
where Ad = area of detector in cm2.

The larger the D* the better.

As with NEP, D* must be specified

for wavelength, frequency, noise
bandwidth and temperature. For ex-

D* = 2.8 x 108 cm Hz
(10.6 m, 10 Hz, 1 Hz BW, RT)

Page 100-4
.320 INCH
(8.13 MM)

.190 INCH
(4.83 MM)






(lollipop top;
full bottom)
(3 loops)



Page 100-5
Temperature (oC)








Radiation W/cm2
Emitted Black Body

0.01 0.04 0.03

0.1 1 5 10 15 20

Wavelength (m)

The top abscissa on the curve 25% of all energy in wavelengths energy given in watts per square cen-
above shows an objects temperature shorter than the wavelength of maxi- timeter of surface on the ordinate
while the bottom abscissa shows the mum energy and 75% in the longer axis. The value given are for a true
wavelength of the maximum energy wavelengths. blackbody and the value for any real
for an object at the corresponding object will be a percentage repre-
temperature. Note that there is al- The curve within the coordinate senting the ratio of the actual radiation
ways a distribution of energy over all system relates the temperature/max- emitted to the energy emitted by a
wavelengths for any object with about imum wavelength to the total emitted blackbody at the same temperature.

NOTICE: The information provided herein is believed to be reliable. However, ELTEC Instruments, Inc. assumes no responsiblity for inaccuracies
or omissions. ELTEC Instruments, Inc. assumes no responsibilities for the use of the information, and all use of such information shall be entirely
at the Users own risk. Publication of this information does not imply any authority or license for its use nor for any infringement of patents or rights
of others which may result from its use.

ELTEC Instruments, Inc. P.O. Box 9610 Daytona Beach, Florida 32120-9610 U.S.A.
Tel (USA and Canada): (800) 874-7780 Tel (Outside USA): (386) 252-0411 Fax: (386) 258-3791
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ELTEC INSTRUMENTS, INC. 03/2006 Printed in U.S.A. Form DN100 (E-07/2009)

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