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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 42914294

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Finite difference solution of the one-dimensional advectiondiffusion equation

with variable coefcients in semi-innite media
Svetislav Savovic a,, Alexandar Djordjevich b
Faculty of Science, R. Domanovica 12, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia
City University of Hong Kong, 83 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: One-dimensional advectiondiffusion equation with variable coefcients in semi-innite media is solved
Received 1 March 2012 using explicit nite difference method for three dispersion problems: (i) solute dispersion along steady
Accepted 29 March 2012 ow through inhomogeneous medium, (ii) temporally dependent solute dispersion along uniform ow
Available online 18 April 2012
through homogeneous medium, and (iii) solute dispersion along temporally dependent unsteady ow
through inhomogeneous medium. The continuous point source of uniform nature is considered at the
Keywords: origin of the medium. Results are compared to analytical solutions reported in the literature and good
Advectiondiffusion equation
agreement was found. We have shown that explicit nite difference method is effective and accurate
Finite difference method
for solving advectiondiffusion equation with variable coefcients in semi-innite media, which is espe-
cially important when arbitrary initial and boundary conditions are required.
2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction analytical solutions of hydro-dynamic dispersion are available only

for special cases [26]. Numerical solutions have to be obtained for
With respect to the importance of hydro-dynamic dispersion realistic engineering problems [710].
process studies in water quality management and pollution con- Most of the secondary pollutants formed in the air, surface
trol, particularly in aquifers, dispersion has been referred to as a water, or groundwater by chemical interactions among primary
hydraulic mixing process by which waste concentrations are atten- pollutants (emitted from the source) and normal medium constit-
uated while the waste pollutants are being transported down- uents cause dispersion of solute particles along uniform ow to be
stream. The concentration distribution in space and time is time dependent. Moreover, some large subsurface formations
described by a partial differential equation of parabolic type exhibit variable dispersivity properties as a function of time and/
known as the advectiondiffusion equation. This equation is simi- or distance along uniform ow. It may also happen with a certain
larly important in studies of soil physics, bio-physics, petroleum tracer (e.g. fertilizer nutrients or pesticides) for its ability to diffuse
engineering, and chemical engineering, to name a few. For exam- along a uniform ow of the medium (soil column) to be increasing
ple, it could be used to assess concentration levels, at a particular or decreasing with time, thus further emphasising the time-
location and in a particular season, of male gametophytes (pollen dependent character of the process. Hence, one-dimensional
grains) of parthenium (carrot grass) or other air pollutants includ- advectiondiffusion equation with variable coefcients [11] is
ing suspended particulate matter that cause bronchial disorders. solved in this work in semi-innite media using explicit nite
The same equation could also be used to determine concentration difference method. The solution is given for three dispersion prob-
levels of toxic, reactive or radioactive pollutants (such as those lems: (i) solute dispersion along steady ow through inhomoge-
from uranium ore) causing serious depletion of water organisms neous medium, (ii) temporally dependent solute dispersion along
(ora and fauna) in a downstream body of a water [1]. Such studies uniform ow through homogenous medium, and (iii) solute dis-
play an important role in the understanding and implementation persion along temporally dependent unsteady ow through inho-
of the remedial environmental management. mogeneous medium. Such studies can facilitate, among others,
In the context of pollution dispersion along groundwater, this degradation-assessments of air and water environments, including
equation has been solved analytically and numerically using appro- underground hydro-environments, that are subject to the advec-
priate initial and boundary conditions. Even in one-dimension, tive diffusive transport of pollutant tracers from point sources. A
smokestack or drainage outlet in a riverbed, are examples of these
point sources. Problems extending beyond manmade pollution
Corresponding author. Fax: +381 34 335040. could similarly be analyzed, like the salt water intrusion, or
E-mail address: (S. Savovic). evapotranspiration.

0017-9310/$ - see front matter 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
4292 S. Savovic, A. Djordjevich / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 42914294

2. Advectiondiffusion equation where m is a coefcient having dimension reciprocal to time. Hence,

D0 and u0 in Eq. (2) may be referred to as the initial dispersion coef-
A one-dimensional advectiondiffusion partial differential cient and uniform velocity, respectively, whereas m may be con-
equation is [11]: sidered proportional to u20 =D0 . For the initial condition (4) and
  boundary conditions (5) and (6), analytical solution of advection
@Cx; t @ @Cx; t
Dx; t  ux; tCx; t 1 diffusion equation (2) is [11]:
@t @x @x " ! !#
x   x
C0  u0 T
f mt u0 x u0 T
f mt
where C(x, t) is the dispersing solute concentration at position x Cx; t erfc p exp erfc p
along the longitudinal direction at time t. When D and u are con-
2 2 D0 T D0 f mt 2 D0 T
stants, they are then called dispersion coefcient and uniform ow 9
velocity, respectively. Eq. (1) can be rewritten as:
where T can be written in terms of t using the following transforma-
@Cx; t @ @Cx; t tion for an expression of f(mt):
D0 f1 x; t  u0 f2 x; tCx; t 2 Z
@t @x @x t
T 10
In the above equation, D0 and u0 are constants whose dimensions 0 f mt
depend upon the expressions f1(x, t) and f2(x, t). Analytical solutions
of Eq. (2) have been reported recently for the following three hydro-
2.3. Dispersion along unsteady ow through inhomogeneous medium
dynamic dispersion problems [11]: (i) solute dispersion through
inhomogeneous medium, (ii) temporally dependent solute disper-
To predict the concentration along an unsteady ow through
sion along uniform and steady ow, and (iii) dispersion along un-
inhomogeneous medium, it is assumed here that the inhomogene-
steady ow through inhomogeneous medium. These solutions
ity causes a linear increase in velocity dened by Eq. (3), and that
pertain to the semi-innite medium that is solute free initially. A
dispersion is proportional to square of the velocity [16]. Moreover,
continuous point source of uniform nature is then introduced at
as ow varies with time, dispersion has a similar temporal depen-
the origin of the medium.
dence. Therefore, the following expressions in (1) are considered in
degenerate forms [11]:
2.1. Dispersion through inhomogeneous medium
f1 x; t f mt1 ax2 and f 2 x; t f mt1 ax 11
The inhomogeneity of the medium causes variation in the ow In the case with a uniform input and for the initial condition (4) and
velocity. A variation of increasing nature has been considered by boundary conditions (5) and (6), the solution is the same as that for
Kumar et al. [11]. It is also assumed that the dispersion parameter (7). The only difference is that T 0 f mtdt replaces the time
is proportional to square of the velocity. Thus for Eq. (2), it is: variable t.

f1 x; t 1 ax2 and f 2 x; t 1 ax 3
3. Numerical method
where the parameter a with dimension of (length) accounts for
the medium inhomogeneity. The initially solute-free state of the Analytical solutions of advectiondiffusion equations with lim-
semi-innite medium implies the following initial condition: ited initial and boundary conditions have limited applicability and
are very lengthy. Employing numerical methods does not have
Cx; t 0; x P 0; t0 4
such limitations and also offers exibility, especially for arbitrary
Because a continuous input concentration is introduced at the ori- initial distribution and boundary conditions [13,14].
gin, whereas the concentration gradient at innity is assumed to In order to use the explicit difference method to solve Eq. (2),
be zero, the following boundary conditions are obtained: this equation is rst rewritten in the following form:
Cx; t C 0 ; x 0; t>0 5 @Cx; t @f1 x; t @Cx; t
D0  u0 f2 x; t D0 f1 x; t
@Cx; t @t @x @x
0; x ! 1; tP0 6
@x @ 2 Cx; t @f2 x; t
  u0 Cx; t 12
Analytical solution of the advectiondiffusion equation (2) under @x2 @x
these conditions is [11]: Procedure for solving Eq. (12) using explicit nite difference meth-
     od (EFDM) will be shown next. To facilitate verication, this will be
C0 ln1 ax p ln1 ax p
Cx; t 1 ax1 erfc p  b t 1 axd erfc p b t done on the same three dispersion problems that were recently
2 2a D0 t 2a D0 t
solved analytically by Kumar et al. [11].

where 3.1. Dispersion through inhomogeneous medium

x20 u0 aD0 u0 For the case of a solute dispersion with f1(x, t) = (1 + ax)2,
x0 au0  a2 D0 ; b au0 p and d
4a2 D0 2 D0 aD0 through an inhomogeneous, semi-innite, and initially solute-free
medium with f2(x, t) = (1 + ax), in the presence of a continuous in-
put concentration at the origin of the domain, and with the vanish-
2.2. Temporally dependent dispersion along uniform and steady ow
ing concentration gradient in the innity (6) [11], Eq. (12) can be
written as:
Temporally dependent solute dispersion from a continuous
uniform point source is considered along a uniform and steady
@Cx; t @Cx; t
longitudinal ow in a semi-innite, homogeneous, and initially 1 ax2aD0  u0  D0 1 ax2
solute-free medium. As in the previous studies [10,12]: @t @x
@ 2 Cx; t
f1 x; t f mt and f 2 x; t 1 8   u0 aCx; t 13
S. Savovic, A. Djordjevich / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 42914294 4293

As already stated, the EFDM is applied to solve the diffusion Eq. The initial condition (4) and boundary conditions (5) and (6) can in
(13). The central difference scheme was used to represent the term the nite difference form be expressed by Eqs. (16)(18),
@ 2 Cx; t=@x2 and @Cx; t=@x and a forward difference scheme for respectively.
the derivative term @Cx; t=@t [15]. With these substitutions, If, on the other hand, f1(x, t) = f(mt) = (1 + mt)1, then Eq. (12) in
Eq. (13) transforms into: its nal-difference form can be expressed as:
C i;j1 Ei  F i C i1;j 1  2Ei  GC i;j Ei F i C i1;j 14 C i;j1 M i;j  Ni;j C i1;j 1  2Mi;j  Pj C i;j Mi;j
where indexes i and j refer to the discrete step lengths Dx and Dt for Ni;j C i1;j 23
the coordinate x and time t, respectively, and where
D0 1 axi 2 Dt 2aD0  u0 1 axi Dt
Ei ; Fi ; G u0 aDt 15
Dx2 2Dx D0 1 axi 2 Dt 2aD0  u0 1 axi Dt
M i;j ; Ni;j ;
Eq. (14) represents a formula for Ci,j+1 at the (i, j + 1)th mesh point in 1 mt j Dx2 1 mt j 2Dx
terms of known values along the jth time row. The truncation error u0 aDt
for the difference Eq. (5) is O(Dt, Dx2). Using a small-enough value 1 mt j
of Dt and Dx, the truncation error can be reduced until the accuracy
The initial condition (4) and boundary conditions (5) and (6) in the
achieved is within the error tolerance [15].
nite difference form in this case are given by Eqs. (16)(18),
The initial condition (4) for Eq. (13) can be expressed in the
nite difference form as:
C i;0 0; x P 0; t0 16
4. Numerical and analytical results
Boundary conditions (5) and (6) rewritten in the nite difference
form are: Numerical solutions of the rst problem obtained by solving Eq.
(13) using EFDM are shown in Fig. 1 for the same set of input data
C 0;j C 0 ; x 0; t>0 17 previously used by Kumar et al. [11] C0 = 1.0, D0 = 0.71 km2/year,
C N;j C N1;j ; x ! x1 ; tP0 18 u0 = 0.60 km/year and a = 1 km1. The concentration values are
shown in longitudinal region 0 6 x 6 1 km at different times. In
where N = x1/Dx is the grid dimension in the x direction and x1 is
Eq. (18), we used x1 = 20 km as the distance at which there is no
the distance in direction x at which oC/ox = 0 (x1 replaces x ? 1
further change in the concentration C(x, t) (the same value for x1
in Eq. (3)).
is used for all three problems analyzed). Increasing x1 further
affected the solution only slightly but greatly increased the grid
3.2. Temporally dependent dispersion along uniform and steady ow
size and, therefore, the computation time. In the numerical calcu-
lations, the step lengths Dz = 0.1 km and Dt = 0.0001 year have
In the case with a temporally dependent solute dispersion from
been used to achieve the stability of the nite difference scheme.
a continuous uniform point source along a uniform and steady ow
In Fig. 1, lled squares represent analytical solution (7) of the
in a longitudinal semi-innite homogeneous and initially solute
advectiondiffusion Eq. (2). A good agreement between the numer-
free medium, the following form of the advectiondiffusion equa-
ical and analytical solution is obtained. The deviations are less than
tion (12) is obtained considering that f1(x, t) = f(mt) = exp(mt) in (8)
0.05% (the same accuracy has been achieved in all the three prob-
lems analyzed).
@Cx; t @Cx; t @ 2 Cx; t Fig. 2 shows the numerical solution for the second problem ob-
u0 D0 expmt 19
@t @x @x2 tained by solving Eq. (13) using EFDM. The input data was C0 = 1.0,
D0 = 1.71 km2/year, u0 = 1.60 km/year and m = 0.1 year1 [11]. In
Eq. (19) in the nite difference form can be written as:
the numerical calculations, the step lengths Dz = 0.1 km and
C i;j1 Hj  IC i1;j 1  2Hj C i;j Hj IC i1;j 20 Dt = 0.00001 year have been used to achieve the stability of the -
nite difference scheme.
Fig. 3 shows the numerical solution for the third problem ob-
D0 expmtj Dt u0 Dt tained by solving Eq. (13) using EFDM, where f(mt) = 1  sin(mt)
Hj ; I
Dx2 2Dx is assumed. The concentration values are shown in longitudinal
The initial condition (4) and boundary conditions (5) and (6) in the region 0 6 x 6 1 km for different times. The following input data
nite difference form in this case are given in Eqs. (16)(18),
0.8 t=0.7 (yr)
3.3. Dispersion along unsteady ow through inhomogeneous medium t=1.0 (yr)
t=1.3 (yr)
Assuming an unsteady ow through an inhomogeneous med-

ium that varies with time as f1(x, t) = f(mt) = (1  sin(mt)), for the 0.5
linear and quadratic relations dened by (3) [11,16], Eq. (12) can 0.4
t=0.1 (yr) t=0.4 (yr)
be written in its nal-difference form as: 0.3
C i;j1 J i;j  K i;j C i1;j 1  2J i;j  Lj C i;j J i;j K i;j C i1;j 21
where 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
D0 1 axi 1  sin mt j Dt 2aD0  u0 1 axi 1  sin mt j Dt x (km)
J i;j ; K i;j ;
D x2 2Dx
Fig. 1. Numerical solution for the solute dispersion with uniform input along a ow
Lj u0 a1  sin mt j Dt
of velocity u = u0(1+ax) and D / u2, for a = 1.0 km1. Solid squares represent
22 analytical solution.
4294 S. Savovic, A. Djordjevich / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 42914294

1.0 and m = 10 year1. It can be observed from Figs. 3 and 4 that a

t=0.50 (yr) t=0.65 (yr) slower increase in solute concentration along unsteady ow
0.8 through an inhomogeneous medium is obtained in the case when
0.7 f(m, t) is the inverse function of time relative to the case when
0.6 f(m, t) is a periodic function of time.
t=0.35 (yr) It is evident that any expressions deemed appropriate for f1(x, t)
0.5 t=0.2 (yr)

t=0.05 (yr) and f2(x, t) may be employed in Eq. (2) in place of the ones used
above to illustrate the explicit nite difference approach to model-
ing of three problems of hydro-dynamic dispersion.
0.0 5. Conclusion
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
x (km) Numerical solutions using explicit nite difference method are
obtained for one-dimensional advectiondiffusion equation with
Fig. 2. Numerical solution for the temporally dependent dispersion from a uniform
variable coefcients in semi-innite media for three dispersion
input and along a uniform ow for f(mt) = exp(mt), for m = 0.1 year1. Solid squares
represent analytical solution. problems: (i) solute dispersion along steady ow through inhomo-
geneous medium, (ii) temporally dependent solute dispersion along
uniform ow through homogenous medium, and (iii) solute disper-
sion along temporally dependent unsteady ow through inhomoge-
neous medium. The continuous point source of uniform nature is
0.8 t=0.8 (yr)
t=1.1 (yr) considered at the origin of the medium. Results are compared to ana-
0.7 lytical solutions reported in the literature and good agreement was
t=1.4 (yr)
0.6 found. The explicit nite difference method used in this work for
0.5 solving advectiondiffusion equation with variable coefcients in

0.4 semi-innite media can be used with arbitrary initial and boundary
t=0.2 (yr) t=0.5 (yr)
0.3 conditions as well as with variations of dispersion and velocity.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
The work described in this paper was supported by the Serbian
x (km)
Ministry of Education and Science under Grant No. 171011.
Fig. 3. Concentration distribution pattern of uniform continuous input along a
sinusoidally varying, unsteady ow f(mt) = 1  sin(mt), for m = 10.0 year1, through
inhomogeneous medium. Solid squares represent analytical solution.

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