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Magpily, Andrei Paul S.


5.8 According to a study published by a group of University of Massachusetts sociologists,

60% of the Valium users in the state of Massachusetts first took Valium for psychological
problems. Find the probability that among the next 8 users from this state who are
(a) exactly 3 began taking Valium for psychological problems;
(b) at least 5 began taking Valium for problems that were not psychological.

5.10 A nationwide survey of college seniors by the University of Michigan revealed that
almost 70% disapprove of daily pot smoking, according to a report in Parade. If 12 seniors
are selected at random and asked their opinion, find the probability that the number who
disapprove of smoking pot daily is
(a) anywhere from 7 to 9;
(b) at most 5;
(c) not less than 8.

5.21 The surface of a circular dart board has a small center circle called the bulls-eye and
20 pie-shaped regions numbered from 1 to 20. Each of the pie-shaped regions is further
divided into three parts such that a person throwing a dart that lands in a specific region
scores the value of the number, double the number, or triple the number, depending on
which of the three parts the dart hits. If a person hits the bulls-eye with probability 0.01, hits
a double with probability 0.10, hits a triple with probability 0.05, and misses the dart board
with probability 0.02, what is the probability that 7 throws will result in no bulls-eyes, no
triples, a double twice, and a complete miss once?

5.30 To avoid detection at customs, a traveler places 6 narcotic tablets in a bottle

containing 9 vitamin tablets that are similar in appearance. If the customs official selects 3
of the tablets at random for analysis, what is the probability that the traveler will be arrested
for illegal possession of narcotics?

5.31 A random committee of size 3 is selected from 4 doctors and 2 nurses. Write a formula
for the probability distribution of the random variable X representing the number of doctors
on the committee. Find P(2 X 3).

5.55 The probability that a student pilot passes the written test for a private pilots license
is 0.7. Find the probability that a given student will pass the test
(a) on the third try;
(b) before the fourth try.

5.58 A certain area of the eastern United States is, on average, hit by 6 hurricanes a year.
Find the probability that in a given year that area will be hit by
(a) fewer than 4 hurricanes;
(b) anywhere from 6 to 8 hurricanes.

5.59 Suppose the probability that any given person will believe a tale about the
transgressions of a famous actress is 0.8. What is the probability that
(a) the sixth person to hear this tale is the fourth one to believe it?
(b) the third person to hear this tale is the first one to believe it?

5.62 The probability that a student at a local high school fails the screening test for scoliosis
(curvature of the spine) is known to be 0.004. Of the next 1875 students at the school who
are screened for scoliosis, find the probability that
(a) fewer than 5 fail the test;
(b) 8, 9, or 10 fail the test.

3.7 The total number of hours, measured in units of 100 hours, that a family runs a vacuum
cleaner over a period of one year is a continuous random variable X that has the density

x, 0 < x < 1,
f(x) = 2 x, 1 x < 2,
0, elsewhere.

6.14 The finished inside diameter of a piston ring is normally distributed with a mean of 10
centimeters and a standard deviation of 0.03 centimeter.
(a) What proportion of rings will have inside diameters exceeding 10.075 centimeters?
(b) What is the probability that a piston ring will have an inside diameter between 9.97 and
10.03 centimeters?
(c) Below what value of inside diameter will 15% of the piston rings fall?

6.17 The average life of a certain type of small motor is 10 years with a standard deviation
of 2 years. The manufacturer replaces free all motors that fail while under guarantee. If she
is willing to replace only 3% of the motors that fail, how long a guarantee should be offered?
Assume that the lifetime of a motor follows a normal distribution.

6.40 In a certain city, the daily consumption of water (in millions of liters) follows
approximately a gamma distribution with = 2 and = 3. If the daily capacity of that city is
9 million liters of water, what is the probability that on any given day the water supply is

6.55 Computer response time is an important application of the gamma and exponential
Suppose that a study of a certain computer system reveals that the response time, in
seconds, has an exponential distribution with a mean of 3 seconds.
(a) What is the probability that response time exceeds 5 seconds?
(b) What is the probability that response time exceeds 10 seconds?

5.8 For n = 8 and p = 0.6, we have

(a) P(X = 3) = b(3; 8, 0.6) = P(X 3) P(X 2) = 0.1737 0.0498 =
(b) P(X 5) = 1 P(X 4) = 1 0.4059 = 0.5941.

5.10 From Table A.1 with n = 12 and p = 0.7, we have

(a) P(7 X 9) = P(X 9) P(X 6) = 0.7472 0.1178 = 0.6294.
(b) P(X 5) = 0.0386.
(c) P(X 8) = 1 P(X 7) = 1 0.2763 = 0.7237.
5.21 Using the multinomial distribution with required probability is

0, 0, 1, 4, 2 (0.02)(0.82)4(0.1)2 = 0.0095.

5.30 P(X 1) = 1 P(X = 0) = 1 h(0; 15, 3, 6) = 1 (6C0)(9C3)/(15C3 )= 53/65 .

5.31 Using the hypergeometric distribution, we get h(2; 9, 6, 4) =(4C2)(5c4)

(9c6)= 5/14 .

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