OTL Implementation Steps

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Name - Regular Hours, Overtime
Classification - Earning
Type - Non-recurring
Input values - Pay value, Hours
2. Element set
Type - Run
3. Alternate Name Definition
Type - Payroll Elements
Prompt - ( any name )
4. Application set
Name - Payroll
5. Retrieval Rule
Name - Payroll
Process Name - BEE Retrieval Process
Application - Payroll
Status - Approved
6. Retrieval Rule Group
Name - (Any Name)
Retrieval Name - Payroll
Process Name - BEE Retrieval Process
7. Recurring Period
Name - (Any Name)
Period Type - Week
Start Date - <01-Jan-2006>
8. Approval Period
Name - (Any Name)
Application - Payroll
Recurring Period - <Name from step 7.>
9. Approval Style
Name - (Any Name)
Application - Payroll
Sequence - 10
Type - HR Supervisor
From Date - <01-Jan-2006>
10. Preference
a) Time Card Period
Preference - Self-service timecard period for worker
Time Card Period- <Name from step 7.>
b) Approval Period
Preference - Time Store Approval Period
Approval Period - <Name from step 8.>
c) Approval Style
Preference - Time Store Approval Style
Approval Style - <Name from step 9.>
Override Approval Style - <Name from step 9.>
d) Timecard Layout
Preference - Self-service timecard, review and confirmation la
yout pages.
Timecard Layout - Payroll Timecard Layout
Review Layout - Payroll Review Layout
Confirm. Layout - Payroll Confirmation Layout
e) Timecard Status Allowing Edit
Preference - Self-service timecard status that allows edi
Status Allowing Edit - New Working Rejected
Past No. of days - Payroll Review Layout
Ftuture No. of dayas - Payroll Confirmation Layout
f) Application Set
Preference - Time Store Application Set
Application Set - Payroll

g) Retrieval Rule
Preference - Time Store Retrieval Rule Group
Group Name - <Name fro step 6.>

h) Alternate Name
Preference - Self-service Time Store Altername set define
d for user
Time Card Altername 1 - <Name fro step 3.>

11. Eligibility Criteria

Name of Rule - (Any Name)
Name of Branch - <Preference Name from step 10.>
Linked by - Person (All employee, Location, organization etc.)
Linked To - <Person Name>
Precedence - 10
From Date - <01-Jan-2006>

12. Submit Concurrent program "Generate Flexfield and Mapping Information"

Parameters -
1. Delete Definition - No
2. Element Set - <Name from step 2.>
3. Effective Date - <01-Jan-2006>
4. Include Cost Flex. - Yes
5. Include Group Flex. - Yes
6. Include Job Flex. - Yes
7. Include Position Flex. - Yes
8. Include Expenditure Item Flexfield - Yes

13. Employee --> Go to OTL Self-service Responsibility to log timecard

Manager --> Go to OTL Timecard Approval Responsibility to approve timecard

14. Tansfer Time from OTL to BEE

Submit Concurrent program "Tansfer Time from OTL to BEE"
Parameters -
1. Start Date -
2. End Date -
3. GRE -
4. Organization -
5. Location -
6. Payroll -
7. Employee Name -
8. Retrieval Transaction Code - <Required>
9. Batch Selection - <Required>
10. Batch Reference -
11. New Batch Reference -
12. Status in BEE - Unprocessed etc.
13. Change since - <Required>

15. Verify BEE in Payroll Responsibility, click elements lines.

16. Verify Element Entry window

17. Time entry validation rules

Time Entry rules are used to setup validations while employees enter timecar
To display a warning message to their employees when the total of Regular Ho
urs entered for a week exceeds 40.
a) Time Category -
Name - <Any Name>
Operator - OR
Mapping Component - Dummy Element Context
Value - <Any Name> --Regular Hours

b) Time Entry Rules -

Name - <Any Name>
Usages - Submission
Mapping -
From Date - <01-Jan-2006>
Period - <Any Name>
Time Category - <Name from step 17. a) >
Max Hours - 40
Reference Period - 40

c) Time Entry Rule Group -

Name - <Any Name>
Time Entry Rule Name - <Name from step 17. b)>
Outcome - Warning / Error

d) Set the preference Time Store Time Entry Rules

Time Entry Rule -
Preference - Time Store Time Entry Rules
Time Entry Rule - <Name from step 17. c) >

The following warning message is displayed in the Timecard if the total time ent
ered by Paul for the week exceeds 40 hours.
The warning message can be turned to Error by changing the outcome field in Time
Entry Rule Groups form.

/* ******************************************************************
Author : Garry Payton-McDowall
Description : Implement standard rule for period maximum based on
requirements from WTD
Contexts : None
Explanation : The formula is passed a resource_id, data and
period maximum values to check if the resource has
exceeded working x number of hours in a given period
****************************************************************** */
/* Change History:
Date Author Comments
------------ -------------- ------------------------------------
29-NOV-2000 GPaytonM Initial creation
Initialise Variables which can be null
default for db_pre_period_start is ' '
default for db_pre_period_end is ' '
default for db_post_period_start is ' '
default for db_post_period_end is ' '
default for db_ref_period_start is ' '
default for db_ref_period_end is ' '
/* ******************************************************************
****************************************************************** */
INPUTS ARE resource_id (number)
, submission_date (text)
, period (number)
, period_maximum (number)
, reference_period (number)
, db_pre_period_start (text)
, db_pre_period_end (text)
, db_post_period_start (text)
, db_post_period_end (text)
, db_ref_period_start (text)
, db_ref_period_end (text)
, duration_in_days (number)
, timecard_hrs (number)
/* ****************************************************************
**************************************************************** */
IF ( period_max (resource_id, submission_date,
period_maximum, period, reference_period,
db_pre_period_start, db_pre_period_end,
db_post_period_start, db_post_period_end,
db_ref_period_start, db_ref_period_end,
duration_in_days, timecard_hrs ) = 1 )
rule_status = 'S'
( rule_status = 'E'
/* ****************************************************************
**************************************************************** */
RETURN rule_status, message1

18. Setting up Approval Rules

Time card is routed for supervisor approval only when the total Overtime hou
rs in a week exeeds 14hours.
The timecard would be autoapproved if the Overtime hours is <= 14
a) Time Category -
Name - <Any Name>
Operator - OR
Mapping Component - Dummy Element Context
Value - <Any Name> --Overtime Hours

b) Time Entry Rules -

Name - <Any Name>
Usages - Submission
Mapping -
From Date - <01-Jan-2006>
Time Category - <Name from step 18. a) >
Max Hours - 14

c) Approval Style -
Name - (Any Name)
Application - Payroll
Sequence - 10
Type - HR Supervisor
From Date - <01-Jan-2006>
Rule - <Name from step 18. b) >
Application - Payroll
Set Preference -
d) Approval Style
Preference - Time Store Approval Style
Approval Style - <Name from 18. c)>
Override Approval Style -

Paul has entered 6 hours of overtime and submitted the time card.
In this scenario the timecard gets auto approved as the total overtime for the p
eriod is 6 which is lesser than 14.
Paul has now entered 20 hours of overtime and submitted the time card.
In this scenario the timecard is sent to his supervisor (Bill) for approval as t
he total overtime hours for the period is greater than 14.

/* ******************************************************************
Author : Garry Payton-McDowall
Description : Implements simple hours test for approvals
Contexts : None
Explanation : The formula is passed a resource id, period start and
period end and maximum hours. Period start and end
are the application period start and end dates.
If the maximum hours is less than the number of hours
over the period specified then the formula returns
TO APPROVE equal to Y to initiate the approval process
****************************************************************** */
/* Change History:
Date Author Comments
------------ -------------- ------------------------------------
29-NOV-2000 GPaytonM Initial creation
Initialise Variables which can be null
default for db_pre_period_start is ' '
default for db_pre_period_end is ' '
default for db_post_period_start is ' '
default for db_post_period_end is ' '
default for db_ref_period_start is ' '
default for db_ref_period_end is ' '
default for reference_period is 1
default for duration_in_days is 1
default for period is 1
default for timecard_hrs is 0
default for period_maximum is 0
/* ******************************************************************
****************************************************************** */
INPUTS ARE resource_id (number)
, submission_date (text)
, period (number)
, period_maximum (number)
, reference_period (number)
, db_pre_period_start (text)
, db_pre_period_end (text)
, db_post_period_start (text)
, db_post_period_end (text)
, db_ref_period_start (text)
, db_ref_period_end (text)
, duration_in_days (number)
, timecard_hrs (number)
/* ****************************************************************
**************************************************************** */
IF ( period_max (resource_id, submission_date,
period_maximum, period, reference_period,
db_pre_period_start, db_pre_period_end,
db_post_period_start, db_post_period_end,
db_ref_period_start, db_ref_period_end,
duration_in_days, timecard_hrs ) = 1 )
to_approve = 'N'
to_approve = 'Y'
/* ****************************************************************
**************************************************************** */
RETURN to_approve

19. Oracle Time and Labor Rules (OTLR)

Would like to have rules setup for automatic explosion of timecards based o
n certain policies.
No. of Hours Hours Type Comment
--------------- ----------- -------
0 to 8 hours Regular Time Employe
es are paid for upto 8 hours of regular pay
8 to 12 hours Overtime Employe
es are paid overtime for the no of hours worked beyond 8 and upto 12
OTL allows setting up of above rules through Earnings policy.

a) Element Time Information -

Element Name - Regular Hours
Earning Category - Regular Earning
Element Name - Overtime Hours
Earning Category - Overtime Earning

b) Earning Group -
Name - <Any Name>
Earning Type - Regular Hours
Overtime Hours

c) Holiday Calender -
Name - <Any Name>
Earning Type - Vacation Pay
Holiday days - New Year 01-Jan-2006 8 Hours
Independence Day 15-Aug-2006 8 Hours
Labor Day 01-May-2006 8 Hours

d) Earning Policy -
Name - <Any Name>
Type - Daily Overtime Earning
Holiday Calender - <Name from step 19. c) >
Earning Group - <Name from step 19. b) >
Daily weekly base and overtime rule
Name Type Earning Type Hours
------ ----- ------------ ------
Regular Daily Earning Regular Hours 8
Overtime Daily Earning Overtime Hours 12
Holiday Holiday Earning Weekend Hours 999

e) Assignment Time Information -

Assignment Number - <Any Name>
Full Name - <>
Autogen Hours Y N - No
Roration Policy -
Earning Policy - <Name from step 19. d) >
Shift Diff. Policy -
Hour Deduction Policy -

Set Preference OTL Rules Evaluation to Yes

d) OTL Rule Evaluation

Preference - Self service Preference to allo
w Rules Evaluation
Evaluate OTL Rule - Yes
Note :-If you have set OTL Rules Evaluation to "Yes" OTL data first
moves from Timestore to PUI and then to BEE screen.
Approval Rule for rules evaluation - Payroll
Overtime recurring period -
Set the Timecard Review Layout to Payroll OTLR Details Review Layout
Timecard Layout
Preference - Self-service timecard, review and confirmation
layout pages.
Timecard Layout - Payroll Timecard Layout
Review Layout - Payroll OTLR Details Review Layout
Confirm. Layout - Payroll Confirmation Layout

Say entered 20 hours for regular hours then this time record gets splitted into
two hours type
8 Hours for regular hours
12 Hours for overtime hours
Note :-If you have set OTL Rules Evaluation to "Yes" OTL data first moves from
Timestore to PUI and then to BEE screen.
Navigate to OTL Application Developer OTL Time Accounting Time Accounting-> Entry/Va
lidation/Approval ->Query in Batch Field as PAUL%
As you can see the Timecard data has moved to PUI after Transfer Time From OTL t
o BEE is run.
(Run Valiodate For BEE) Now this Data needs to be validated.
(Run Transfer to BEE) Now you can finally move the data to BEE.Inorder to do t
hat you need to run the Transfer To BEE.
You can see the BATCH STATUS= "Transferred To BEE" in the above screen shot.
This Data can be now be Interfaced to Payroll
You need to again validate/transfer in BEE (Payroll module)

Integration between Timecard and HR Absences

Why we need this?
-When workers use both the modules, absences recorded in HR Absences should be r
eflected on the time cards.
-Worker should also be allowed to modify the time card to reflect any changes an
d synchronized back to the absence module.
This is required to avoid conflicting and duplicate entries in these two modules

This would help organizations to ensure accuracy of pay calculations.

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