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1st Meeting Agenda:

I. Department: Recap
a. Project Management
i. PMs
ii. Core Teams
b. Promotions and Marketing
i. Pools
ii. Training
iii. Code
iv. Inputs on how we can efficiently use the pool.
1. Solely for promotions?
2. Project Management?
3. Relations?
c. Relations
i. Business Cluster
iii. Partner Organizations (LM, ISDA, ADS, ALS Student Govt, UP Law Student Govt)
II. Projects
a. Law School Trip
i. Evaluation.
ii. UP and Ateneo?
iii. FEU??
iv. How to Accommodate if a lot would sign-up
v. Promotions Big 4 universities
b. Business Ethics Debate
i. Evaluation.
ii. Agreement with ADS; Payment, Division of work in terms of project
iii. Promotions Our pool + ADS (PDU group, IDEAS group)
iv. 50-50 profit, if we reach a certain # of participants
c. Business-Law Conference
i. Evaluation.
ii. Rebranding/Brand for next year
iii. Strategy for next year
1. Speakers to get
2. Planning phase
3. Promotions
4. Will we partner-up with organizations for hatak? 1 org per school?
III. Year-End Status (YES) Report with OSA last year
a. Core Competencies
i. Business-Law
ii. Business-Ethics
iii. Focus on Ethics
b. Sir Mikes advice
c. Vision for projects to be added next year
IV. Potential Projects
a. Social Climb: A Climb for social awareness and business ethics
i. Thoughts and Ideas
ii. Businesses in rural areas/mountains
iii. Tie-ups
1. Loyola Mountaineers
2. Foundation
b. Dive for a Cause
i. Ethics in Business (Fishing industry)
ii. Current condition of our marine life
iii. Awareness
iv. Tie ups
2. Foundation
c. Business Cluster Camp
i. Handled by BC pero we try to make the initiative
ii. Issues with BC projects last year
1. SOM Week vs. Zenith/Stellar
2. BC Orgs participation
d. Corporate Social Responsibility
i. Ideas.
ii. OSA: Org goals
V. Database?
b. COA
c. Partner Organizations
d. Organizations for Promotions
i. Business Orgs
ii. Pre-law orgs
iii. Ethics
iv. (BLC tedx level)

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