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ht The Archmages Handbook for Mage: The Ascension’ Mage KING oF QUESTING. By Deird're Brooks and Adam McCandliss —s WS: Z Credits Spe Rich “Stuffed ad Yik ial Thanks to: pines Stewart ighest standard jont Alleen E, Miles Greg “Babylon Market" Fountain, for traveling . ‘Artz Richate Clark, Jeff Holt, Leif Aloe Sbekiman hugh modes and photos and promotional 0 ty some x thing new and different = = Cover Art: Jasin Felrx Fred “Chicks Hare Me" Yelk, who's decided to sell 8 much more difficult — and lucrative — product Pauline “Chicks Rule" Benney, who built th wworicar the slevench hour nnd evan pave te 4 credit (that J didn't deserve). ‘An! Matt “Vanished without a Trace" Milberger who may have disappeared but won't be forgot Best of luck in your new venues; friends. cen E. Miles Cover Design, Layout and Typesetting: Ai the GAME STUDIO 1999 White Wolf Publishing, ine. All sghts reserved, Reproduction without rhe written permitsion of the publisher ts expressly forbidden, except for the purposes of reviews, and for blank chanicter sheets, which may be reproduced for personal use only. White Woll, Vanipite the Masquerid, Vampire the Dark Ages, Mage the Ascension, World of Darknes and Aberrant are registered tdemacks of White Wolf Publishing, Ine. All rigts reserved. Werewol! the Apocalypse Wait the Oblivion, Changeling che Dreaming, Hunter the Reckoning, Werewulf the Wild West, Mage the Sorcerer Wraith the Geeat War, Trinity, Masters ofthe Art, Book of Mirrors, The Enagile Path, Ends of Empire, Mage Tarot eck, Axis Mundi, Lhe Spitit Ways, Book of the Weaver, Baok of Shadows and Initiates of the Arcare trademarks of White Wolf Publishing, Ine, Al rights reserved. All characters, names, pluces and text herein ane copsrighted by White Wolt Publisher wr feference ta any company ot product in these mises isnot a challenge to the trademark or copwrieht This hook uses the supernatural for settings, characters and themes. All mystical und supernatural elements are ction and intended for entertainment purposes only, Render discretion is advised, 454-WO For a free White Wolf catalog call |-B0¢ Check out White Walfontine at www. white-wolf.comy ale-gxmes,whitewolf andl frp.storyteller PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 1 Masters af the Ate 4 ID Were = TPP Table of Contents Prelude: A Narrow World 4 Introduction 8 Chapter One: Retrospect 12 Chapter Two: Threshold 24 Chapter Three: Archmastery 32 Chapter Four: Ascension 50 Appendix: The Keys to the Oniverse 64 Contents Prelude: A Narrow World Chandra hovered in the void of the Steading, her silvéry globe intermittently reflecting the sigils on her Hermetic robes Derpwithin thesphere, colorsswirled ancl exploded. Stars spat outward from the center, and the mercurial surface of the haskethall-siedsorb drifted like clouds, first offermy-n glimpse inside, then cor cealing the workd within, Kyle huddled uncomfortably next tothe Archmistress-The sged woman wich her sti, wtiiee hatrand soeteenth-€enttiry mannerisms was jist a hctle two disturbing for her to he dealt-with equitably. By ing hirn off guardyshe claimed, she'd fare him to think for himaelf in every moment he spent in her presence. Kyle didn’t much cate for the idea, but he couldn't argue. He'd learned more watching her than he hacl in the las six months of digiing through arcane formulae or chewing the lat with Lee Ani in the blackness, Kyle leaned tan! to regard the globe more closely.. Chandra rin wand across. the reflective sphere. Certainly, tHe ‘Archmiseress no longer required such accoutrements, bursty were a familiar link to a world. long igo surpassed, The thoughtofsuch power, plusthe Steading’s lack of apparent dimension or direction, made Kyle slightly nauseous. This isthe Primi essence,” Chandra said. "Many within che Order worild have you see it asa force that oti bull to your will. an outside flow. “The Prime flows through your Pattern, of course, burthey teach you that thee ate other flows of Prime; ones:that you tap to create or change.” Kylenodded, novsure whiat Clundlncwaspeetingit This was only his second year among the Hermetics. If he'concentrated intently, pene the better pairt of an hour-wrestling with those damned Enochian phases and had somedine help him along, he could see and sometimes even direct the flow of Quintessence. “The idea of external flows or pieces of Prime is misléading. All Prime is connected, as this exercise shows, The uitiversé is one Prime. Prime floyts into all, things-Even the Prime that is not part of your Parrern is part of you. just as your nte pare of the imiverse.” Kylenodded, still notcompletely understanding. 1 ‘wip all;philosophical anyway; what was she getting at, and why.was the globe important? Indicating che sphere as if reading his mind — which shemighthave been daing, forall Kyle knew — Chandra continued her lesson, “This universe — yes, its om entire pocket universe — was built several thousand of our years ago. AS you watch it, sense its Prime nature. See that the energy inside of itis all the same. Every st, every being that comes to exis within, flows from the same soutue: Tlie is uke miture of Prime. It we eternal.” Chandra was one of the best-regarded experps of Prime study, Kyle had no idea why she'deven agreed to tutor him, Asfaras he could tell, be wasso farbelow hee level of skill chatshe was wasting her time: Squinting at the ball, he focused onthe flow of energy, the Patterns: collapsing and forming, Lasidagntite galaxies whirled, spinning out Quititessence th luminescent strimds Whole civiljsattins rose and fell. Acthe edges, the ball \tself wari folded mass of enengy, a universe closed off fi uifetit There the cnetigy seethed, throwing ult and feelings nit fed on the reality af the larger “iiniverse. Kyle leaned back «bit, struggling to see deeper into the surface of the elobe, Kylesmniled as henotieed the connectionsof Pine. “Lean see the lines,” he said, “T's a universe like curs Tinean, there’ nothing special about it, except thatit's so complex I don’ know uw anyone could make something like that." Chandra pressed het lips tightly’ regether. She Expelled a sudden breath into the blackness. of thé Steadingand continued herexplanation: “Even lcould » not create something of this delicacy. The poineis not tosce the Quintessence within. The point isto under: stand itssingilarity. Did you note the border berween that universe and our own?” "Yes," Kyle mused, thinking again about the ebh of energy. “Ir’s like a wall, bac it's tied somehow. Like i's really just a loldcd-up piece-of paper, or the universe isa long thread orsomething and that wall is just u pile of the theead.” Chandra nodded with approval. "Good. You see, once you recognize this singularity, you come to realize that all thingsare the you. And by the Law of Congruity —" “—if they're all the saine as me," Kyle finished, then Lean affect themas | affect myself." “That is the nature’ of out‘eraft. Not épells. Not altering reality: Burthe change of the univetseand the selfall at once.” Chandra rap a hand over the sphere for emphasis, chen uttered a tow, sibilant noise. Light ore through the darkness of the Steading as she ‘opened a door to the spirit realms, floating easily through. Kyle waved hisarms inefféecually and moved to follow. Chandra grabbed him and pulled himalong, though Kyle knew that she cotild have simply snared Jim with magteal force. Once though che gash, Kyle's body recriefted fe Self, He sprawled with a heavy "Ooft" upon a cobbled road. He wasnow in Chanira’s Realm, nor the Stending” ‘The road was nothing more than an illusion, a con- struct of Chundra’s choosing, but as far as his ribs were concemed, iewas rock. Chart removed a seal from a chain about her neck and spoke the gash closed. As Kyle dusted the stubborn dirt off his legs, she walleed along the quaint ‘onil toa large wooden manor, another construct of her private Realin, Ryle fallowed obediently, wondering, when he'd see home again. “You would do well tei ask more questicins, We do not huve forcver to eoiitinue these studies, and yous must return to your normal life from time To time," Chandra sad, Kyle shrugged. “Pdunino. On the one haind, Prfine theory is pretty easy. Bur T wouldn't know how to scare manipulating it like that. mean, its like theoretical physics. Lf you don't have to actually do anyching with FP ponagpe fer arorpAF go wlth flow Chandra blitiked and paufed, then tilted herhead slightlyasShe stopped, abserbing Kyle's modem idiom. “Go with the flow. | ike thar} suppose, chen, that you will neect practice, But you should find something worth doing and i youl to achieve.” “What about that universe youshowed me? Hiaw does it work! | mean. | know whar you said ahour it being Prime woven into a new creation and all, but the snotual ritual and stuf..." ‘A slight smile touched Chandra's weathered face, “Lidon'c know how it's done, but it is a worthy goal, 1 ‘uspect it's one you might achieve." Kyleblinked, ten aba. “If you dan’t know haw tormake tt, then who did?” Chandra abruptly resumed her trek ro the manor. “Youdid Fifteen hundred years ago. And you must do: it again. But first, you will learn from me. Then you. can leave the universe for my mentary tiv the Come along. You've gor a lot of work to do if going to.teach me." _ Rjle stdpped in istiacks,then nushedro catch up. Magic was rately easy, and it looked like it wash'tgaing ‘to get any easier, In his mind, a new. universe was: already beginning to form. = [Wee Introduction Selon inthe air back cme of the coe shop Mark ond Str Lawrence did't ook eribly out af place — he former tx miieary gab, he ler sm dpc fermaliear. Sirvctnded Hy stienis,ih it A culures and caffeine, they weve just another magician witha pul. We'ce both seen what happens wien some ple of patrons in the trendy shop, partially led by indoor plants as they lunged in mismatched ebirs ata bane ip rable ‘Ma hap his face carefully neural she surrendered che book. Sir Lawrence kept guarded expression the cloth bidng nud we were prepa ought journal. Perhaps that was “I hope youre igh. don't want wher sume kids ico fis head that he cin briny sown the ence linsed open the book. hassinea blank fiicpase nllars of Heaven in sx ay steps assembled diagrams, writings and pictures om the Sin Lawrence shot Mark a bri gether from disparate sonrces, the ces told stories amd pan veri ne his Chair to yet u bit mine Cu his head a bit then toolew sp of coffee. His "i when he € Vm sil collective grasp, cir when few get i one take shorteuts an the vot to taped the table For em hat this tome should jrevent. Those whe scam all cher, Ment cam x rig their students fom the long road — bette dan twarking hard to comceal his excitement o nd. The brink lessons, pre teolf was nor ternbly remarkable, with sir n old even how it had started hey pee ‘My earlier book lowing pages. Patched gave them the means to survive the di pictures. Most wiiddl uo realy saderstnd the new 0 find. the book a collection of werusual tales or senfashomable sack. "ull already have progressed beyond the net or de erdded once ta Mark, then defily closed shake Heaven, as you put it. And the others... would by placed ie his clonh bag helped in amy case. This ton't for'the thousands lois dflcult enough avthout having to metke it all yp understand. 1's for the few who de individuat ase ge J. “There's yo sensein people making Merk abled, casting hiseyes vars the cyoun at he coffe the same m me tadiseuss th shop. Amid the confusion and babble, pattems. einer: mysteries lly addressed bein.” thoughts, shared hopes, fears and fangs. Any vine ofthese Intention = people could be mage someday, or an Archmaster, perhaps the herald of Ascension, Bue todery, the work was dome — the was and pictrres of the book that might someday lead these same people tm eniightersmen: How to Ose this Book you've seen some of those other magical h otind. I've beet mentioned in some and I've penned bits of others. 'm Mark Gillan, rogue, adap and jyenénal pain in the reat. In this book, I'm, your notions about the POWER af tions like texts floating toexplode and ask ques. What does it mean to be one of the must powerful Vianopires have their ancient elders, werewolves their legends and reincarnated heroes; but even the humblese cof the world to her desives: The rising luminaries of Mastery rearrange the Patterns of the universe itself, their thoughts resoeatinuacrosseosmi aries and the spirit of Creation, Certainly, th rue can twist the fab in tune With the universe. and so potent in directing its achieve feats of near-godhood, But not withour consequences. ven as: yous tne the world inside-out, the power of magic changes you. External ‘control mirrors internal evolution. Magic isnot. quick and easy path ro power; it in demanding study that, unchecked, consumes your life. And the more ynaedraw nipan and emdy the transformation ithe universe, the mate it changes you in return, What humanity remains ina mage who can alter the fundamentals of Heaven and Earth! Forces unleashed fur inward and transform you inte something heyand the fragile moreal whe was once born to a slumbering world. The Archmye—the enagician so powerful andle thar hee curward power misrors an inward focus — urd srands the primal tverce ve such 4 degre that her knowledg only by the forms she uses describe it. The Archmage walks the path to control the With this that trap so many other great mages, | ssiembled this volume so that you could leata the wisdom that Archmage wok, you havea chance t woud the pitt AE cn lcs. The Archmage’spowca tive, but they're hollow when they come at the cost of Ascension. Read carefully. Learn, To use the colloquialism ofa rather tomantically minded friend, embeace the jour: ite end Oh, and a word of warning: T: with grain of ce everyting in here It Little enough is known about the Archanasters and their ilk that you can just as easily take anything in-here aw suppesition instead of fact. You might featn the hand way that deesn’t work the way that we said it did So watch out 10 Masters the Art NO 2 Words from the Real Writers Port nartative and part exposition, Masters ofthe Art ccuries wisdom ftom various great witards and provisles powerful new material for your games: See through the eye Of the winard theroselers; understand the flaws that even they posiess: Then let this new perspective come full circle into yourchronicte. Asyou've noticed, parts ofthis book can be found in the World of Darkness warning te the power-hungry: Orher elements are best kapt tets for later discovery. Bithet way, let the narrative carry you into your own story Mood: With Greatness, Loss An Archmnaiter has achieved the greatest heights of magical knowledge, yetin the process has bypassed the steps to tue enkightenment. The mood of this book is one of loss he mage’s lass of innocence, of sanityy af potential, An Axchmaye can never recover his missed opportunities. No "amount of great power can overcome the flaws Look into the heart of the Archmage and you see a person who ha seyoendeved 3 great gilt for understanding for the power to control. Even those who realize this know that too late to go batk andl repair it —and such realization drive e self many (like Porthos) to madres ‘Theme Hubris often drives the mage to greater fents of Mastery So, too, does insecurity or even simple curiosity. The mage who wants wo know how ings work learns powerful magic tndeed, but misses the journey ofself-discovery. These mages Impose themselves upon the universe instead of lear theirplace-asa partof Creation. The conflict hece i inte weiss external: the Archmage extemalizes himself, becom: Inga separate piece instend of realising that all experience is fundamentally internal. Finding a road va personal enlight enment while still using magic to deal with a world chit tae upoe the cafes of living is x tough balancing act. Ne wonder 30 few mages Ascend] —the tmik is too demanding (Qver and over again, the mage must choose between exter nnal manipulation and int image hats chaisen the external and is now tapped by the same rules he imposes on reality, But can any less-enlightened mage learn the distinction andsurvivea world outside her contra The cycle continues: The Fundamentals Thisbook containsall you everneedéd toknowabout Axchmages: their powers, their magien! know allies and enemies, the places they travel and the ways they interact with their peers. You'll also see the path to edge, their DL Ascension, the tole of the h huveroworry Oraclesand the Inst chances to Byard lifemy netal? Magic sa work of nt, not 9 evrevl, Thi chaprer explores the problems Va escape the human iepulse to control. Step wisely, for ance the magic transforms’ you, 4 no turing back Chapter One: Retrospect swhenthey see es en Z the ye formative yours an notable steps that lead downs the path to Archmastery Thou potential love is incredible ora-eirdden hie wislor Mage Chapter: Four details the mysterious s even Archmagesiiss A he reward is great, the aren't sure what, exactly, Ascen: 1 perhaps it can i : x really i oF whae 4€ mean be turned to a more productive nd. Leam to vee those with the it'ya trueand teal yout Learn shoue the journey thar elevate signs of greatness. o i the Avatar and the role of the Chapter Two: Threshold discusses the elevation ofa Mas- er to Agchmaster. Each the greatest und mo cchmasters of the a Appendist The Keye tothe its greatest S fs Universe examines the Arch Hho, but Spheres, the levels of Mastery Atchmaster ar 2 P beyond anything known to ost sr ore, Few ta Enrtlsly mages, and ths eighty iickins claim such an exalted : powers char Archmuges wild title; many would, yet true Here you'll find diverse informa Archmasters know helt own tion bout allies and encmic fiomuthw pretenders. What makes that would challenge even an a Mastersntevatsue Archmaster: Archmaster, and guidelines for Chapter Three: ee RUMEN crescing Aschyage character Archmastery describes the ev —if you date erydhy conven of Archmayes: Usethiswisdomin xxl faith You thought that just because you'tean Archmage, you didn’t Rememiber, the pnth is inside Introduction = epic elrospect inge to seek the exalted natus vision in approachin of Archmage! Whatpusheshertoclmbrothe with her skills and heiwhts of enlightenment and answer ty this question varies 28 RAF nsec 2 watches for the next plateats She rorep, with a preference for her own ntes clase to A cower! The has little use lc puch asthe Ever ifshe never sands out in vivid relief when compared to herpeer hone this rath. Thisisn't the sort ofchoice amystic makes caruilly. Rather, itis The mage who walks this road fide her «ork truly adrivetharcan betraced back tothe Awaken* —gyotiumental. The obstacles in her path may seem greater venearlicr.A mage withsueh than the evennial reward, The sacrifices ate cavtly and the a calling can find satisfaction only in true syecesses ate gare. Rivals impecle her progress, while inh Mastery of her chosen art rman beings try to lure her to their masters with promises of tinyfromtheday pawerandknowledge She must visitemtetied Umbral Real understand sven in such sbruties is thowe Thehopelul Archmage iy see hee de of her Awakening, even if she does not nin nt her approach to magical and ilosophiea! issues, may hint at things, The poten: ren easy to spot. She asks questions thier whus desire the Atchmaye's power never consider and often shows great in ur Doissetep, Death, madness Chapter One: Retguct Every Seeking is a painful experience, They turn you inside our and force you face up Kknow how much you don’t mnewsure up ta Yourself before you know how 1 inprove. Y Most mages never make it pase rhe ist two oF J] three Seckings before they stop tying, die of olence, or simply stagnate, but of Archmngrdonniden’ stayrclaw- short of death and old age ot cand ing their way upward for anythine sometimes even that can’t stop them). Seckings are tests adminiscered by the Avatar. T reflect your shortcoming and destiny tt larger-than-life symbolistn. A Sceling guides a potential Archmage through a demonstration of those aspects of his life thar hee rehe can mave on qualitatively diferent from the Since an Archmage has alveady self-discovery, her later c develop « frased through many gates « Seekings sn Anny fess ny Seckings ran they shouild he ‘ngholds upamino Tinls indeed, focusing upon deeply ingrained — the ria worth and character — alt ¢ Storytellin EY an Are} * When chinage Seeking him cross ing the wil eke the profi Mf Atchosagedom (Arete 64), be diffu symbolism and subtlety can cially for ome wha iy Previous Seckings, ‘this " pls the past and he ales arm cull el hm doesn’ have it handed ta im, bute lwuniquely ited va ties Hee me to sicceed — Provided he mH toil tbe abwolite,hivuriee titig and his f ns failure Storyrellers ae eae ticularly difficudy ai oss, a determination unstoprab hake Archmage radite. OF cours but never ety. Sincethe Sqn faced. sh penalty tate ordrwing together a mesh of even the lois las inca formidable obstacle. Narurally, sich goedeceplaying Ach aa cet developed ey sificu(anddangerous) dream quests rue tear efort, avthe hacked janes bar yeldequally great insight, sometimesevenfortlling be allowed tp eign a eebPRvandin facta ep avecingt at nuage's fuure. A newly Awakened mage might sée shadows of adangerous enemy yet ta be encountered (or even born), An experienced mage visits memories of old friends and sees manifold paths to future possibilities The italy reflect your destiny as well as focus it, while ke choices challenge your sense cf morality and self, This is the forge thaw tempers the Archmage determination andl will As alvvays, an. Archinaigé ist pass the before moving to the new trials ofa Seeking. These early otmuances of your previous Seckings, ose things thar you have siready heen taught. Often, the challenges expen det duration, pushing you toward a greater commitment to the ary vitues. An apprentice may facea simple fearduring repeated pet ensure that you learned nearly Seeking, while an Archmage must not only confront tut fen, but alk-ovetcome it under tie terrors fullest ion, You not only need to overcome flaws in your chameter or payehe, but understand their nature and fight to turn therm into vireues. Few possess the self-miatery to face vwoeh nc Avatars The Avatar te every mage's friend, lover tortientét age parent, sibling, mentor and enemy. This isdaubly so fora potential Archmaye. His Avatae drives him to the heights 1 Monersoi che Are Player takes the the charieter. character, chisugh—¢ age 1 case the pl Book of Mirrors, np, $3.52 Such 3 journey tHe cut the flies Weeflart to bet ig foibles of Reme rab a ete’ teen ly anid sat Seeking needstochalent Hons butitdoes't econ et (0 te-cvalunee his own eat mee liye and Store ete andhispercey Parr of a game For genetal informationn, S, ” Seekings, refer to dhe of enlightenment, often with little concem for his physi: cal well-being This isn't the drawback it may seem, as am Arch can take care of his own healch. Still, he is advised to watch where he steps when he treads this pals, He must keep his Avatars demands in perspective Though hie Avatar may persist, he won't if he ignores material details apt to the Avatar’s demands or ys bad hina A may help affcient strength ofcharcter to Many mages learn to even resist thom. This tant ah abwudding Archmage build successfully uchieve his goals. Those who fail offen do so spectacularly. The drive to became wm Archmage is not ID. something less mage, wk Ir you're not cestain wheth in mind for you, i probably de cir Avatar has ts fate eu Destiny's chi his calling On the other hand, Archmagedam isn’t solely the the Avatar. Dedie nt keys at all, N lesa Hf the ma ‘Find the diseiplin ily, the stronger the will, th impeant rele, but noe an all-con uch Avacar has its ows way pushing. Mast fit intoa ps fair yr with th ences, Suillthen pay attention to your Avatar, the more yin find thit particularpertonality ofitsown, Archm i thelr Avatars hold sh s from earlier times and past lives ategory— you sh soften discover amd previous lives as Archmage Dynamic Very few Dynamic Avatars see sie dae pt unlikely, though, doesn't mean it never happens. A cof change and exploration, a mystic with a Dyn may very well find bis impeartant but thedestiution, A Dynamic appears drivers to what magh that only make-sunse in ind a Dynamic mage longer ay wo this lofry goal, Even achieve his goal than series, bait the trip probably much more ec Patiern vote clue sees Tike acs hhodically plotscout each step and tries to articpy reach challenge along the way. Pattern magestenidte behest practicalund grouridedof irl They weneratly dun’t love distraction interferes. Naturally, strange niche: 0 the one hand, they ar a great deal « Ultey yrasess change and haye gone throu sdvanvement, On due uiliet their notion standing to in Jer the tsivere As the saying ingmore like our her greatest strengths itil she path to Ascension Primordial How ean aimage whose Avatar takes the fee of goa fail vo seck Atclumagedom? She tends to be the most enigmatic among the enlightened, Such s mystic may find a roadmap bees fern mage reinforces agg of hee elsonen, Chapter One: Retospect 13 SS (AES { practically laid ue for her if she cakes the time to look. Unforrumately, such paths tend co snirror the Avatar's ex: pression. Imagine trac path to enlightenment, ar the strength of wall t takes to die and feéum —all fora bit of wisdom. Questing The Questing Avitar i tog likely to drive a may seek the power and knowledge of an Archmage —not that this standard forall Questing Avatars. The mage with such ari Avatar finds his work cut out for him. He takes a journey of epic proportions, with a cleaely defined yoal. He ws but that’s not the important part His Avatar drives him a rake the first step, Until he does, he fins litle peace 2 Odin or Inanna always make it ra the en {In some ways, though, «1 Questing Archmage goes avy, In the earch for uiinuted poser, mast Archmages miss the uunlimiced understanding. As utesult, they lose sight ofthe porh, focwing more and morecna partteular goal and. nudferingfromamvopia thar prevents Aecension. The Quest may find total comprehension of a Sphere, but that does hirtle good when he fi eva ing Archmage Is the larger quest Infinite Thoughr there were only four Essences! Well, nly four sctually manif w Avatars are by their reat le direction. This means that the Avatar has a limited understanding — a erippled means to the ene of Ascenion. Since the Avatar is in many ways the pawer leeund magic 1 dnesn'® make Iya fund moves in a sense for it te: have « single, skewed way of looking at thinge. Avatars are nthing more than shards of Prime. They're patticulurly potent, and they sometinaes seem to have their own conssiouenest« yet they er nothing withoucatuachment toa mage. They don't have st mind in ve way that a person does. Since they ate frigments of universal energy, they reflect only a piccé of that universe if you will Each Avamr thoo “the big picture Specific R mage of would be impossible, but ‘oF Ascension each Avatar shows only a permricular facade. Is thought thar 2 mage who Ascends finally unlivcks ther dion usious of de Avatars imiversal reflect ‘encompass fon the cosmos: That'ajust a theory, though —thete's no real way to test it. The Infinite Essence will probably never be seen in a living, breathing but i's there nomedieless. Aftor all, the tiniven reflected in every bit of Prime. Thus, ench Avatar contains, fn some Fashion, 1 picture of the whole the every perspecri “don't believe in faeries!" Jon'c believe in Avatars! So yin 16 Mameevol the Aut Some miges never talk to their inner conicionsness. Others see visions of angels or dead relatives or phantom lovers or what have-you. Th isnt just a spiricor soul — it's conceps, a concept of enlightenment You just pick a way eo see that enlighten ‘ofthe demon that drives you or the treasute that tantal ses you, "Avatar" ia convenient way to personify this drive. So 4 “genie or a host of other terms, Some visions ive very active, and indeed, the Avatar sometimes “remembers experiences from othet lives, though this may simply be the Avatar reflecting knowledge from its former incirnatic An Archmage d lieve in Avacars. He tas to accept that he's reflection of reality, and the magic is in changing the image in the mirror. Change Yyourtel, change the reflection, change the universe What is the Avatar? Some see Avatars as angels or incarnate gods. Others as strange spirits, visions oc abstrict concepts. Many Avatars show Aotarlingdegrccofvelfawarciessanu uicuivution, though they have no trie conscionsness or mind i Lumen terms 1! — your vision The Avatar seems to be essentially w shard of Prime energy, tied te the a theotise that itisupiece of the Pure Ones, oné of thie ancient entities of early Creation, vareness of x bumass soul. Some mystics rtunly, seme Avatars show a distinct tendency to certain actions, personalities or tani- festations, and occasionally. two or more A\ re specific Cumacteristics that lend mages te believe thein ‘elated in some way. Sull, the Avatarowes its consciousness to the human soul, Archmages philoscph prebiend sel thar, just as man intelligence allows the universe ta regarel and com. the Avutur ta pieewof Prime that lens thie trick of selfawareness from the soul Each Avatar picks soul wo follow: When someone dies, the Avatar often disappears for'n time, only te revurface sharing w nw life, In this tashiots, mages remember “past lives" und their Avatars evidence behaviors influenced by ancient personalities: A mige who dies and somichow re. tus finds himself bereft of hi thought thar powerful ma from wherever they reside such a prodigious feat re from lif, so death ist ele. Ot cours fev ininges acvially grasp the sublime narure of the Avatar, and arguments bout tts capacities remain. Is it possible chat the Avatar is actually a piece of om What ifthe Avatarteally isan angel orspirit tied to whuman soul! Perhaps the old. gods faiths died out, becominy the patrons andy mmeder hetes. U the Prime fragments ehemselves ties f9 the cosmos; wc could draw back ati Avatar ‘between lives," but the uth af iis 2 mystery. The Avatae lear watural conclusion of thi found new homes when their ers of their derstanding of Avatars is as incemplete as = Life in the Halls of Power You simply can’t gain the recognition of theing «Master or an Archmage if you don’t AA have the respect of your colleagues. You must know whe your friends and enemies are and how eo ultivare chem properly. Unfortunataly for the hopeful Archmage, politics are a dan. stourreality nt the uppereshelons. Teachieve Your lofty goal, you need allies, access to your Tmdition’s Mbrasies and, at the vary Was, sufficient clout m keep your enemies ar bay, No magica society is ever ne big happy family. The Traditions ‘The competition is fierce and deadly, Even if you av the rivalries between different Traditions, there's pl he found within each Tradition’s tanks, There are many aves of teachers holding back: promising pupils, of deadly rivalries building within a teacher's class. Even 50, it's pos sible ty succeed if one: knows the fast track aid Keen in mind tha ereapect getranage mich farther with his superiors than does an adaiaharnituse Akashic Brotherhood Enlisheenmaen Js what HB Akash Bh about. Gv one achance and hellglk abourianer peaccbyed éxploring the meaning of one's dharma) Akishics Who make it to the rank of Master ate bites tile /and’ yiag beyond their apparent age, AX) eve mMIBEF of the Enstherhood, you would never find nceeprinae were you lord your satus overothersorshow anpdegtee of arrogance. Yourdeeds and Knowledge speak for-yay; you need not belabor the point. Celestial Chorus) cach Chorister is aehgrd in the One's song, the Archmages are entire mslodiesyiig avoid disharmony, you tmnt know your plaé® within, the Tradition and exalt it Working against iytmony ati life is noithe way to. advance here. Infighting doesn’t getiu neerly pear ns cooperation does, so iggeB@t (or yout vork jie jouefelloigehoristers to sine a soe, Despite appeliances, gms isnot she way to g0. Ifyou get tied up in rule god ignote theipeneaning, you never understand the steps t@ibecgumig’@n Archmage. You also wir callongsiesrespeet Cult of Eestasy Au Bestatie follows the spinit of the Cole of Ananda She cvoidh cauing unnecestary hemelane ner nlme lenge ose ers and dogs not acta if magic gives her the right te rule. If youneed helpon the way, you finda teacher you ean trust — tnd make certain thyf Vou eit Big, you give the teacher what hws juves you What yulnced Acme sell gone hen the teacher hits aggh ng further twoffer the Bestal=setlests Thigh exifical mément for you ns joundaph ip efgruid ances Minatestatics tend ta be very independent bit en utifartunate oF umprepared mage might find ir dificult make hoeaien path Ht you want fergectemsedioliedn your ear, irs easy: br the Cade uf Amanda it tajour waver. £ is. ‘You can try to expla EhOBWho could help you most and tos them aside when they/are of no further use. You may even show disapprovilaf fellow Culvsts' morals. Needlesst say, this the quick todd fo ostracism, Branding or wor Dreamspeakers especr the spéithail he ip enldd Aghomnan docs not itmpose himse} cine tiem). He oves dutedy sd with wisdom. He hovian bir géneh errs, ind they honor him in rum. if harms Yhe spine fds shes divrespec or hiselders,nnd jongetsnebheredllvinhecanexnect nothing from his Trudiate ‘You can greathyiibrove youechinGsmen Dreamspeaker by leaming alichiat Yt cary alia Ue xpi even as you macer the ability w-anteraer With shem. shaman who lakes the tine 0 leah the. lnind GUS BE Usb! society cams more race dane who wily esto use che ute force of magia power an-get Ty ware Remember, the shaman forges aspen! vemmpacecta eng the agers ofthe spintsin the material welds foasxcharae/ they grant favot to their servitor. The Drag apeier seer the Dream, not the other way armund, no Giateerhow powerful you bec Euthanatos Euthanatol are about karmic balance — cutting aveay the dead flesh so thardilemaindeas flourish, equ costs and gains with metal reypemsibili, Do not murderer or alld Jao bosnle yous OF vital sropoctance in this Tradition lit sense of responaility, especially for a Master or Apehimige. You must a@fbuimt fe the conse: suc a oc ta hd lose your way==la@k:at Vootinas tof hiveiimple of x fallen deathimage. Tp revhin death is to forzet that i pede To forget why the good dedh ie important —cemtediatmiasiraltoxcther — jameriliete respect. Thue Fuchataioie Masiesite gentle souls whotundetstand the hec edit hithlesines, tt do not abuse it Order of Hermes “The Hermetic recagites the peckinarder und kno hic status within it, He does not buck the system unless the Chaptet One: Retrospect 1] A ithe Orlet uae. Heal kwours that Archmagedogigiibeaa pretty much get away with anything. Ihe fils to yep igeais peers, xivals, enemies and saperions, he Findiegiicul oii it knowledge necessangi¥elnw his wah tp, The Order Mii igs¥@8Meyacelghs than any other Tradition. The glge hp leepethsis ty mindland stays inline result ie good he stniction ot The mgfeo aks Sane igfke MGRarslio Varens ww Cristi his facil acoepeande ofthe crimedyt Helokae — dloeysfsivive loriQeROURH to iecome an Agghmaze, or won sieve I ice TERE. Hermevic Archimmipes are amondiigdycatest weathers toe tiesTradiionsSagthere's 9 responsl PH dione tegen cage stingy with his insights, Mecmnsir his progres stp ed Achieving MARRBRy 2s 2 Herta’ tedious balancing likes ha ai diy. Although dhe Order prises political ncumen, che Agehmiaze serves a renter cause Porthos Fitz Emap Sons of Ether The Sons of Ether valu rough th You must tndevelop yourown theories. Modern science has lot it way, with research becoming mere Order's politics and di 2 fence. The ideal path munis begins with the ability t develop n browd knowledge from which snore Etherite who ilelizes can move ahead of more limited sete nor enough to Know what, has hefare, you rmust also. know wim 1s to come, You inst create what is to come. What is scientific without vision? What isleaming, without the drive eact ape tt The cream of ‘the was, what isand what hall be and brinygthe wotld something unforeseen and dinique You must, above all, develop a unifying theory, a framework within which to per Without form your experiment hypothesis, all experime context. This sa challenging task, ws you must develop-a working model f the uni rh lights 4 new perspective, but ili Inconporates the ald. You tnuse turn the dross and spew that the Technocrats produce into yorething beneficial tp Sleeper society This takes publis ne. Youl must await your eppornunity to Peadigna, present your th ite of consequence that your theory is 1 1S Mastets of thie Art 1c but ale viable. Youftust subject yourself to peer review and criticism. An thers would be embarrassed 0 present her grand theory to HE Pordidiema review board only co lesemhe had aveelénked a fal flaw cay in Bee wok. I iecannor withiimdlthe scrutiny of oth you! Werk surely cannot wfigtnfithe Technoctatie Consens Despite AUeRImlearly Lal pth, may fall ogtray. Some al rmaagsh nBRSE und prototypes (ott gR¥alW op studene ind present is Ariginal esearch, A few ustopufous types imilk the “golden, aoose” for years, leading the poor Student with Lies sind promises.’ Ochery/staply rakesehar's cig ier the cnginators. Jon Eehoritatuppares her own wig by unjustly rearing afore the Weg of other, she docan'bBet-vepyit, Mavericksare welcome ard encour- aged witha theSons af Ether, bit sugh bebay or has limits Unothialeperimignts tnd capelegeiniguction ofanger: cous tgtinology ean daouth to my agecentit' efiatation, Though the name thay [Od gy 10 believe otherwise, itis possible for women to idvange within the Sons of Ether ‘ny stomimn with the propre ethic may advance as far as omiy man Verbena Verbena aten't goo conicémed with tithes oc sank, Outsideof Tradition circles, the witehestuurely acknowledge such formalities. A Werbena cams respect and standing h the preservation of old ways, the adaptation to new tage an the balance between the ewo, You must ceapect the seape of the power you seek, and understand your ‘esponsiidity ise NE wel, noe WHEREVER URAWEVRE ON ike, Miia rrusthe preted With reverence. There litte, Verbatent parry Amie wesbe 1 rool more important 1 tii yor eldepsespect than i (80 show that you can spout eRe ath as anyone ese can, Respect is earned by deeds, hem erds. Youmust not corrupt nature, not can you forget that yor fiom the earth and shall return to it. You should sotand thst blood is stered thing and not to be used lightly. Taking mnocheysbkgd=onlife —without consent or ned isa twisting the art Paes dBW from the Wyle. The Verbena sie tovexale Iie Virtual Adepis Vii dep ASN SPURARBE yo i ices isc thejunenife "STS era Bis’ eal ain neither are V-ASwho buy ince tha BA Teyo knowin you're doing, yous grown up cHough stop showingatthow kewl ‘jou ate, stinking HLttive Wars or idling dikciissiont broups for arguments USEC kicks. YoU iinnensediin file rmation, a witness ro the efey @Pduta withing Giver He Bens of global telecommunicattonte ‘The best ofthe VA@hren’ekiddharing out in parents’ basemenrs waiting for D3mOHEI5d Elie to come around and single thers with modemtéables. IF you want to impress the Virtual Adepr jon Gods, you rnust make infor ‘mation avarlable and desirable, The Hacker Ethic isonly the beginning. Information isn't the only thing that wants tohe frees ignorance is sill i the race Furthermare, the Adepts ure not just about sterearypes pside. They're ahout embracing the bleeding edge. Adepts haves vision of a future that’s not yet real but exists uly it te mingl — vietual reality ts jos Die way puters, express such a dream, ‘The truly Elite grap thar future and make ta reality Surgical strikes are much more effective than random flaming. An Adepe must lea which Webslingers have th most ered and pay anentton! An Elite mentor probably won't repeat himself if misunderstood the first tim The Technoeracy, Ln theory tahould beeawytor those widhidemonstrate competence sige thtqughsshe Enlighiesedinagitncrecy. In truth. the Tethnnémry is no more enligbtene) in sch snatters this the Tradiionas Ie best then, to know your supervises SEO at ain lay. 2A ABBA if you want ateew tole real supencience, Technocenti:ven't prom ted sisnply for dist science. Orie tight receive a jprome on beeative crganizational compar Shee anther yffiega up rhe ladde hrecause sve hits a fayate Ble relation hip with her superiors “The emily competent Baflghnened Séiantiats enc 1 remain in the field ot the Tabotatory wheve ders ills can be mas eficctively pur to use Iteration X Innovate! Take the technology to a new level, bring yur brcdlthiratiehs intel tie Coihsenadsy Dian fall belind the comperitiniy don't tagnente nid move nf sll, dom ® live tbl Ghat on’ re yin eo do. While yet satay the Broyeatme se) Conaptollery hele proceeding advice! shudieaykesp’ in mind that tommeally gioter such reehimijves yuu tmust iJerstand ky they ire limp rant bebias wharebepesn io, Nlecarar ver hestne » Master Cmdr fou complete comfortity dhs remember Sar ukeliqur'nazsy ew ray gun ablitette ats Lean Ujghts You'e spake! pet Todi tail guess ap bch fee pba Bh a ByBes- moisten sore ldwebudget honor movie, Look toond developments) with real snd. practical ses i the mlindlanc.ijorld- 1 maystake:yealecade HF two 8c nite the Conaibsua but orberwine the Masses inay never dope tt ‘Work iene Convention as well — willie bepheshe who dédins theynyetrsreneciionvofryeuralaietaions? ‘Will vougain general acceptance foryourdeviee nor, you probably won't become a Master Compteolle Chaptet One: Retrospect 19. NA Rake LC gf | LSS 2w World Order, sil a Ree h your: sone eam Pepe cn: rand your ung Pea Wal chee fis hr mn Urtle cubiel eee (emer AMIE ASTM cele Perceptitn shapes, a : ot Torution tnd sll shang ow nin d through euention’ pe. Deo isskioryoursk your standing, Never waver in. youre Bragg ror sng. (question your superiors wiehy 5 inypuch a cage. Deo not give prepared ro défend your actig yprowal, rvenonsu ppc Sorte pertains . hitect Hfithe NewNWokld Order: reanyphnigan the ction is blood: tote way to influence ce gg ea EH he pet be «Hsin renting cect thr aa crf nd i Isuamanity hagas nae J to undéseund information irs sands farce, prea nce iiy¥ouncelto Prageni gucsonto caragtsplicing ow bir in aaa ape er iorvvunis feogand digosaur DNS Tow Brealenewffound when The NWO hppasdlites..00 venake SCIONS been rmceaf she human ‘Convention land direct your hole. As sch it emma competition iS Sihordinates ode Sa lal Sve (hence, We i by your accomplshnet Bu aoprpriae as log as the ages ne sme Sp raNare appropriate a a Other Groups & Word from the Crooked Man, Children of Anciéne sowieige EVES layer abou the bg od (0 ealighte Hollow One “eninent, Maybe ‘anfew ofthom make it the ‘stratesphere. Op oct aan She rate ° Pear ftiiybe the Burl Sith cult comes alongandl whaccs fem] mina MS Oba repicsenrnie eae Pe ne ete as wpecy, we it these = pe ie PUKE to ofee seine Bai asians acl Team, bi Were kicked wae for nor neke invita © peuple: conform fey ight on! 1 think that ce ns Clones witht the aloeemen: en Picee look ie mniracieshimens da ell uci eae ein eae Took like we Te getting to od or to vist Idon'thave Stange tac we disappear ov fae Hollow Ones Staite: Chie int move ey. sorbed world ad poenny 3 1 eotitend wi ond Bis wli-ak, Psccime a magical ae but Wit Probably mone We ger there? ike | me ktiow shat wie doweg thant fcking paint hes Hays the ld fees A PmnetiCa:Prictice. There 1a tor ones Gar lo¥S wmony os, burt lear done Sell ech fuiet Ov Dvvthay and dep ins any help. ya gee atthe onsthasclues one rtaa ‘niche notice We td Bick up, and you back oi "Iie oe lou all sconte, Gorge Hhelpin Hrtet, probably Crafts Nbt to cut-aapericey a that any of these tuys ever: it f= orsign ts Tite Mh ca tha las pe ception, cc thm ule onistly have better thi he sanythiig, xe Wwhat-nige. Thay, they gor there het eta help cach other ag Ot Wise thiey'l he dead, Payhe Hat’san esapeseg™ gy ce koowT don’t everbaneic rose them, Theseauye are had ewes Ht Wi Lg wast becalne dn fo do tsstuly study, sad, Oh YER ahd show deference anid train natetcies. Phe daseren Bi Cole he won't ger Anpwhete: Rebellion: is Rot tleraead Urphans These Kits ate lucky they make BOIME Piokic, Yet alone iFchey Jerre ‘ny tally Cal tyicks If Fone te OF these needs rane Helo ahd half x clue, oie be afraid 19 iv 9 Mele guidonce. We otras should stick tupether Remember, laaid fo howd dim the fay Prove himself over Bim 0 anyone: elie tnubtweirthy. No need Ph B there: Archmage; alli hag ‘two month after 2 le plane uit tne erate se fut yer Ek rent OF Year neceasey Dorit eat ‘mt yo ley. cere Hes ‘ORIVE a gridded sunt Ta Mirtorstinde Many Progenitors have ridden a good distance on the bucks of their subordinates, but you'll never get as far as Research Director let it, f you da so, Someone catchesoneventuily, and then you're explaining yourself, front of review board for you. Don’ tengineer better ways to spread superviri it's had for the population. Don't build goofy monsters—aure, you get momentary thrill, burin the long nun. where's the henehit to e Masses The Progenitors exist to improve humanity's lot. Never forget th AP itor must begomgyen architect of Tie, not a noters and Killing fanchines. Syndicate The Symiic ane fa the) Laan @ alsbyelys “invisible branch.” Nother ameaten Bag mo etc onhwe Masse, The Syndigare influeneesrhnt they wacch, what ehiey buy and what theywear, Sure, Tedgesnfedecide the specifies, bur ir oows eabuch people in therihtplaces that s wodge here, a nudge thidke nnd poof! — hemllives go up next yen Keeptthe Masses entertained nnd distracted. Give them Camel Cah, and pro wregtlingg. Younecd vision vo do it correctly. balk 20/15 Vision Within capital "V." You ave to krow Where imubhiow yids eet Don't look at the money — it’s just gigame. Look atte etfecr. how toget the even further in debs, greareBurlkeep in mind that they are Ifyou can figure ventions yourallies and can't hesqueeted roo tightly or there won'the any blood left. Maintaining that tulance is the mark of presidential material Lose track of the pulse of modem culture and you're finished, Doo'e ask too of shadaws in the Syndicatag@nd'the veers don’t like anyone lookin too closely {ahi not lated for it Syndicate reps don't just do popeiiitate Tip alin work for the ihier Gon wéhitvions®\\Mhen it elim ost do gu jobs Void Engineers ‘Thettiite 9 many fidsoiblelGarcers/in,ae Void Engi neers t's in fos diich is best fyaubra had for the DSEATG or beyond ¥Su need the pad vctbial “pioneer spirit” co mike it thats = nctthat itdecs yolrmuch yood SEA Tigiihere you spend maitolijgus tigue behind desk. If yodfWwant to ger and make like Captain Kirk. Explore — intentellat sc the Waby che undersea abyss: Find what's hidden and dit ‘out, Stretch the limits and map new territory. Discover new places nnd define them, Once you're on the DSEATC youkeep the VE out there, keep: Wy. questions — there are a Ihe ditty Jon't on the re, take whatever jabyou've gor es time to mike Even ifye 1 Vision alive For those who are. Learning The Archmage docs rt tive by magic nlone She must lio attend to her mundane life. exactly as | say it, How ean you comprehend the esoteric mysteries ofthe uni #-you can’ hold dawn regula jb? You are human, fer all. Take time to-watch the Imean 1 sunset, look for shapes in the clouds or even have a relationship, Have a care that your nunddani friends don't suffer wher magic in vvadies your Iie; it can seriously degrade your morale Pay close arsention to your life in che Sleepers’ world I's vitally smporaane 1 retain perspective, to understand tHhardesrte your abiay w crack muannatus with ale iekot awit youre nota god. Youcertainlydon'thaveany excuse tonet like one To excel asa mage, you must lear everything you can. You wane tormaster the sectets of matter! Stucky 1t I don't mean just the magical sie. There'smuch tobe learned about rmagic from # mundane angle. Th learnsomethingfrom every momentofliving, Attendclases, raid your favorite bookstore and move ia to yout local library. Iris simply impossible t possess too much know! edge rmunelanie as you do the magical. Friends and Family Charity, as they say, begins ar home. If » mage can't maintain a friendship, how can she master the secrets of the mind? The obvious answer s that she can't. Humans are social creatures, and the person wha curs herself aff fram meaningful contact loses couch with her own life. This is frighteningly 1sy to do — consider how many Etherites spend entire years You should apend at least as much rime with the in lal or how many Hermetics get lost in their libraries. Try to balance such magical pursuits with social pursuits — make n friendship, mise a family Conversely, amageunderstandsthar her lfesylecan bring fharn to those atound her if she isn’t careful. More than one mage has found a gouse replaced with a clone, rakes hostage ot even killed in some lethal crossfire, Often, family or friends are caught due to the mages supernatural activities but some times even mages are subject to mundane vicissitudes. Barer may ouec mpeg dhrvatyecmage cnn ‘wark to keep her friends and family well-disposed to het. It’s easy to get caughe up in u quest ro petition Ragachak Grand Chapter One: Retrospect 21 LD. Wa Slayer of the Seventh Portal, forseveral weeks or months but what barppens when you get home? Explanations are ver tainly Do you reveal your nature to your family? Iso, what effect does this Have on your relationship?) What about fivends! What if your fiends think you'tecrazy, or worse yet, tullotherpeople? Ifyou keep yourmaturchidden, how do you plan lon What if your significant other de= tides that you're cheating on hirn? Whar if he picks up and moves while you're gone? W's lificult for an active mage to maintain any kind of ‘elationship, buc the reward is word the effore Frans can besa case the stess that surrounds the lif of a mage. A sympathetic friend need m he aware thor you're Awakened, but ifhe is, the above risks apply, Be careful chat your ftend isn’t sume kind of plant or pp fortheopporition (whoever that may be), The last thing 2 betrayal from. thi fone bse ety valve, and conversations cat any mage needs ofall, your frienes and family are your reminder of what te mieans to Be Hurmin. Who'd ever want to be that rundanet Well, you were once. Magic acts according your desites and your emotions: If you lose sight of your humanity: your magic wor Ihuman existence —even youe own, Your friends ate your ieuge lifeline co the “real” world and t the plight of the Sleepers to whom we wish to bring Holding a lob Thin iy not as easy as tr seems. Many of the same in ways that are anathema to indlorstancting Jificulties mentioned for relationships 2 rpplicable tw the workplace, Where a friend might Your exp round-the-world cour” after you vebeen gone fortwo months questing for the Sacred Och he acy tneloratncting svand dedieation that in concert with magical of Macando. an employer may n Holding-« job of any sort take most mages simply cana studies, OF comin, the nearly unemployed mage may devide at Leanna this poine to uppity mind conerol to avoid his fate, discourage this course enough. While it may work fern time, inevitably such conttols wear offand the resule may be-mueh erin Sie lnerberance sna leas ip unable to attend to other aspects of his Iie. Ev sick. activity sakin to tape. This may be acceptable to Nephandh and Marauders, but most Traditionalists andl Technoctats know herter—thnce whodan'rhave with Sleeporsociety. Their Masters rend to mike sute of this, too. ff you wreak havoe cin the local Sleepers with -your enchantments, sacnet of lacer someore will make you pay the piper, het x memh Tradition beinging punish ment or 8 Technocrat investigating and eleminating the problem deviant.” 22 Masters ott the importance Archmage fins ne otras. There's a Your players Buorte make it teereatingy se Storytelting the yy esrect off nt 00d she will fing undane Side magical hat » hopeful she succeeds Oddds ng extend her life span. ls orcenturies iy attain = nd that’s after the time least nine year, life, but vonsider dos. With lice, id methoxy according at int min, e's hese i actully lise a fea live sever levies Ie events arwind hy sent oe ane = yearn, the Grand, Hary nts of kar comes ty ‘mindy Even the id. ofthe biimn ‘ephiandi uindersranct ages haves bur ne “hime cont Without a nn m foundstion in f ineopOH whic ‘rthly matcees; ain to hull Mistery, story lines juse don’ ‘More punch soenee in go Ntting Horizon i shopping mall Ment to hog 1 yourself IF-you wan tf ely on mun Thisit not anni cour focusing so E18 tun a vin lane aspects of life, Now it muct be said that many Teehnoceats have an acvaritage hers in thar their jobs are dir ted ta thai dries ay Scientists (or the Union, It must not be forgorten that these are duties .A Technuocrat who finds asuxlden need to chase alien invaders had best clear sich an exenrsion with has superiors hat makes ie A resoureefil mage finds a line of w ssier to maintain a flexible schedule. You'll find many Virtual Adepis who work as independent techtiieal consul ante, Other well excupations huhu feelauce angling and just about any form of self-employment. There are scl deadlines to meer and schedules to manage, but at least you. have more contol over your work situation Su why budher holding down a job? A. Master or Archroaster can certainly conjume or noquire just about anythinghe needs, However, ajob providesseveral tangible smu to connections and resources Second; aregular cotllly benefits Fito, i's as a ihn de deaf gic blowin your Fl — if you have nosraal job and seer li ole ure more likely go overloak your athe find elsewhere: travel or access to special materials ind fho may have useful mundane knowledge or even the opportunity to scout lot potential apprentices andallies. Don’t think of tas work — think of teas an apportunity information, authority over specialist 5 time to the more you need wakened doesn'tmean l Archmage. Mastery of Spheres does not necesar- knowledge ofthe universe and its workings. Even ue hows to bebe ein wart, Evena Weaponsmith far Iteration X must and the underpinnings of nuclear physics before he he next model fusion rifle to return to achool, Cereal stage of Sleeper universites to pick from anel dn't he too difficult fora dete entry. Not should it be a challeng Unabral ed mage to gain maintain decent fades. [r'schildishly easy for any mage to clseat — but really how do you learn? ‘ou could use Cortesp ates; Mind p his skill, Spi allies to find litele “helpe answer key — but this teaches you nothing, except how tc tuse your magic in an unethical fashion te locate the instructo to take it from The rewards of «food education will list yous lfertne — 08 several lifetime ary effort to leam lays the invaluable groundwork for the first step inti Archinagedom. IF you cannot sit throu teonamy, you certainly can't spend decades or centutie mastering the techniques to rearran Individual study can be usefu las well. ¥ by the lecturer's bi ‘ you can study at. your personal discipline becomes an isue, If you lose interest In your studies of ancient religions alter a few weeks, you can't expect to master your chosen field of magic. Problems dk occasionally crop up as needed texts may be unavailable, Locating obscure books can be quite a chore Chapter One: Retrospect WN LL Were goal nay be nearly incompeehensible to nc re Very teal. I's entitely uppstopelate va 1h sale, oF the ance offre. An investigation into the How does a Master know when he's become fun Archmage! When other Archrmages ledge his ill. Sura, be might he able 2c California into the secan, rical underpinnings of all yeality és not ‘moon ouofits orbit, burdoes that really mean he’s the best of the best! Nor at ull tuncarmon. Others might try to answer cemaits question The qualitisathar maleea tmic Mech ‘Whi is Ascunsion important?” or "What ist ike te exp J. Thefirstand most important is tence the life of snather being 4 sense of cesponsibility. All actions hive The third iisite is a stesire to continue learn kecan change ing about the universe. Something mew awaits the ‘i es.and thections Arch consequences, and the nctions Archn ze who carelessly applica vulgar magic when subtler mystics of such potency is are posuble, wr is indisereet around Sleepers ct Finally, the factar most mages eo chreinies of Arcension." would hot bea good carididitefor ann Archmage is taw power. The simple truth ie that without dom, A mage who carefully cultivates the world the lus Claas, no une wil take ary mage ys lhimately creates the seriou whem he tes ro assume te man(fe of Arciumaster 1 when they see Archms around him. reshaping 1 gs reality he desires (even if only om small scale) arid is far Na Tradl dlog.or Convension will acceprenyotatees hettor Archmage matetial, the upper ranks if he fails ro show these qualities: White The second yuulity of Aichumasiery is suibition. While the trappirigs’e! the: babiey ¢emain the daite fib an Archmage mast curh his nections for the health of the — group to g cosmos, this doese't near that he hus up aspirations, An Chapter Two; Threshold Het ile explanation of how to make it from Maser to Archmage, and some advice to keep in ind asyou walk the arduous ond to glory. Respunsibilily ‘This isso important! If you haven't devel al responsibility by the time you've heen onfirmed m0 Mastes, you probably ver will Responsibility is the understanding that your actions have consequences which may resonate actoss Heaven and Earth. You've probably heard the saying, “power cartapts absolute power corrupts absolutely"? t's true, bur the corollary, “power requltes res fbsolure power requires abschire responsibility” also tre. Igrene the latter andl you fall t0 the former. We de not need another Vootmaas on our hans Show shat your not only understand daw conwequences exist, but also that you prepare for them. A good Archmage takes care that no situation gets aur of contro}. We don't want the other side (whichever that may be) ra bring out their big gums anal stat booting ayans the Horio i some kind of cosmically ineffable magical duel. They don't wane this either, so don't make it necessary. Thisisn'tastmplemasreroffleximgyourmagical muscles, wither. Ieulso applies to how you wet in public, what opitivons you express and other simular yocin! concerns. An offhand comment may spark nn idealogteal wor within your Trad tion that lasts for decadesy Read Porthos work, The Fragite Path for guod example. Thete’sa tendency for people to see Archmuges in ont of ‘wo lights — either as beings 2o ineredibly powerful thar they cando whateverthey want, or30 constrained by radition and their potential destructiveness that they dare nor make i move, Neither completely accurate. An Archmage hns the potential tow 1, bur you don't hecaine an Archmage through capricious exercises of power. Archmage ofall sorts realize that i any ona ehem ict ato hand, rwocrthree others would come down on hia prettyquickly. Asaresul, responsibility isthe judicious cours. Every Archmage pur cm thal eb impress! Inst rome agenda; each knows thar he ng corpse. [hiss it’ important ne cut exactly when and where to act, and how far to go The simple \deline of acting juicionsl the “reflexive creda.” Young mages sometimes call tt the "Vol War eect”: Ait Archmage dare not use his fll power lest he initiate a chain of events that oblitetstes him and everything for which he fights. It applies to all-mages, but Archmastery push around such cosmic fotee inlindt actions cian have great consequences, tv of tweakiny the cosmos, hat even thelr The credo is Archmages push, and push lind, and the universe shoves back with equal force 26 Masters of the Are Sometimes, an Archmage’ full power may be needed, bur the preferred respotise is minimum force for maximum gain When youcan mum your enemies to ash with a whisper bur they ean do the same, you choose your words mast carefully Ambition Does itteally need to be said that if you don't wane the powel, you prolishly never yecitt Well ies rue. Even the humblest Akashic Brother stil seeks ro master himself and the world. around him. I speak of healthy ambition here Don't plot co:advance by assassinating your superiors First of all, they'll see you coming and turn you into u lawn grome Second, without their approval you never earn recognition: Still, you mast show a willingness to learn and master ‘your Tradition’s (or Conyention's) secrets . You must also show respect for these seerots. They're fitly impartant in the ‘grand scheme of things, 60 you can't treat them like a tabloid you houghrat aconwenience store, When | talleaboutsecrets I don't simply mean mastenng che Spheres: The Heemetics have lists of spire names, the Verbena have backdoors every’ where, the Virtunl Adepts have some plicesm webspace that you simply would not believe unless you see them and the Euthanarosknow afew truths nhourdeath andtheunderworld ould rum any-mortalshaarwhite. Theteare the putv iow h inghividual Tradition, and they don't share —nioe just alousy, bur cut of responsibility. Often, the training ‘regimen of aparticulur Tradition eliminates those apprentices who don't respect the group's secrots and predilections: An outsider with dangerous knowledge may net have the grown ingto use it properly or responsibly, You must kraow that they are secrets, and understand why, if you wi esoteric Tuecessary to) Arehiraigediom. Thirst for Knowledge Ir yous have ner interest in seccets, why ate your yout Tradition? What's so important that to unearth the ws do nt have the tume to master the appropriate lore! Hf you cannot be hothered ro leam, you never cam the respect you nee advancement. Sure hing x rngueicamajer Jat honlinap, but being aslick-ass bastard is worse. You must be passionate about your knowledge if you are 10 master its depth ‘You newd to leur abour those aspects of the world that sapport your magical learning. This tige inte uimbition and stagnancy. You should always maintain an active life of the ‘mind,” to avoid traps caused by preconceptions anil poorly considered prejudice. There is always something new 10 lean anew opie to ed Archmagesare expected to havea wide base of Asa Master, you should already have such a kase have thedepth expected owhedge but do you » Archmage aswell? A Master may EE | SS bbe expected to know the major figures of every Umbral Coure, bur an Archmage would know the names of every spirits well, Demonstrated ignorance will yet_you nowhere fas ne, it might get younsassinated, Before you take aflense pur yourself in an Anchmage’s place. Would you want sore buifoon bestrurching your Tradition’s name? Sometimes t's to “elean up" ab Avoid nvettal stasis. Yes; i's easy to become hide nd — while thar won'c uly bar you from ycement, in active mind gives you a definite advan novation can get you further than same tried and hols — bus du uve ignore tase etther, They ure tied and true for a reason Power The secrets of mystic might are what you've beent waiting for. riaht? Whardoesit mean tolmavean Archmage! power! Wel. fiet you have to be a Master, which isnorhing to sneeze at, Once you're there. vou have to bre: the normal limitations, You must be use the power wisely, educated enough eo know what you us enough to actually reach for it Jus be careful tha sl That's easy far any of tm: Parndlox wil ger you first if you don't sow down. By now, you must have seen 9 major pumaclox back {ash right? Some cacky mage calls on forbidden powers and sponsible eniough to riced and amb 1 den'e burr 1a man in wrinkled white silt comes ane rakes hirs away, ‘or Farandwee locks hin in a hoxor perhap she just explodes im some psychedelic light show. These types are self selecting, true; but for Archmages i's even wa backlash ic nasty fara Disciple or Adopt, im what it must be like for an Archmage. The hubris required to change Earth's gravitational or majnetic fields is unbelievable in itself, bur the correspanding fv to wipe outa small nasion (whe ened alesdy?) actlash right be en sto say this has not hapy Archmastery carriesenough torque to perform some tuly terrifying manipulations of the world. However, Paradox and che combined forees of other Atchmages can just aa easily preventorreversesuch manipulations, An Archmage snus he subtle and careful ifhe’stoeflece wide-ranging change overan area or time; There's no point to phenumenal power if Action Given chat “Arclamagés could pend all of thet time counteting one another's Effects, and that responsible use of power isa prerequisite to recognition by other Archmages, it would he Archmage-to-be is stuck in a bind. She can’t Just fire off Effects left and right to impress her peers. Sitring on her haumehes, though, won't gether recognized ‘The answer is appropriate action, the cumulative of esponsibility and power, & Master often settles yalaiagy yuutes dome hy can't just buy and be an Archmag, 3 ni Meo, The hete comple answeristhan leg Renee at tobe a real Acchne ee " Weal Atchriage jie en Backman oman Poltcian. He pene a pe extensivetihnan ‘ery volume wer i: You eat The vals eed the Pontos dn 2 eholan a teat eat disse, pen io of tin na of tine sayy ‘i Detey: ls doubtul duane ered pen gett befne be ded. He ed Bi etary shan Eat Aa when Pat thioughowr the Tellus Hechag allies pre h any Ima a8 well enieinies too!) t's Reve and prob Real Aaah MESH si Trad Ve safe bet tharhe worked Shim ftom Ear, fod gers im mane Sk nany interme eeper lek an to study the abo the time The time i take ot only includes th "magical technique, by the skills snd Kew kewwlediges: nee Sere sel. Even at lowe ho's going ts be Science 1 is really gu Build up the muni eter: along with the hac Sn ny 10 Befece tg de ro under jel the te a wl ihe ethuta, rogenitrw tified t . tit Sphe hae ‘riloccry Gnd placate chem ME 8 8 me Abo, being un Archmasterrency the lle Archmase oblem. Such gc any Jo linprepred to hand ane of the pn experience tha ‘ichmatey theoretic ham & few cecdes of study Archmage in diffeene un ety, they hinages ha fanny-come-lately NE UP to take fie none Achieving into a routine without taking gia powerhere and a lice magic there, guingapprentices of hhis Tradition, The Atchmage risks mor There's song tendency to tik that “ip al To, someone else ean di it better, or just undo it brut gaitas more r Archmage doesn’t let this stop her from taking action anyway! Instead, the Archmage chootes what's important to hes abana. Iigie cannes favn will Rf yuu dort love the will to use ms ainly won't make it as an Archunage. ic it defense of yout awn beliefs, then This n't to say that the Masters are useless — far from it However, a Master typicully uses powers tn estublishd fashions, toachieve predictable results in his field of special ined study. The Archmage doesnt limit hersefto such a pains. Instead, she takes chances, shilis hertnterestuomewareas where herbeliescarry weight Instead of ast teaching afew apprentices and wnting tations on the basics of the Spheres, the Archmage gees out sxpands her repertoire Chapter Two: Threshold there and finds out what's going. ars in the cosmos, decides ‘what needs to be done, and then takes action to do it! The Archmage embodies the dynamism that ani ‘mates most mages. So wheat happens? Mages are, by their nnature, heralds of change, bringing new ideas and ore ations to light. But along the way, they become infected with» rbeliefthat they're deingall eight, thar they know what they need to know, that they have found a comformble stopping point Archmages get stuck in # different form of stasis: the tendeney to look at the universe through dine paiticulat ler —and to enforce the set of belies that viewpoint implies instead of exploring new ways of thinking. Yet chat very focus on also elevates them to the extremes of power and understanding within theie chosen fields Degrees of Potential What's the real difference between a Master anelan Archmage! Aren't Masrers ale power ful, ambitious, responsible and scholarly? Yes, they are. So what really separates the twot The Master Inany Tradition. the Master isthe primary authority . He's carved a place for himself within his Tradition chat gives hia broad die setion, He has his Tradition’s resources behind him, along with potential aid from the caught up in Tradition politics and the Ascension Wi vers. The Master is probably He may not be happy wher nowhere 1s, but there's really Without the driving need fo enlightenment, he'll noveralvance Cine Mastermay choose nat ro extend het life, while another may simply lack the desire to pursue further study This 6 nor 4 flaw, mind you, Thete's fo shame in ‘topping at any given pour. I's simply that the Archmage (sn’t satisfied unless he is constantly progressing. A Master i a pubic figure amang the nine Traditions hc devote himself 1 his studies, bur be is gencmlly available. Thin uw rot co say thar Adepis aud Disciples can always petition the Master, but sather that itis fgencrally possible to at Mate cepects him t yet a message through. The tacit roleof leadership, and his Tradition act the pare, Ir is expected but not required that a Master have apprentices, This commitment siphons time from personal iinprovement, making Archmagedom even lesa likely. Since Avcluayes ave unuilly abroad or unvalved: in dangerdus ind Disciples lack the skal to rain apprentices; the Position of authority 1 thrust upon the Ma Perhapsccne ofthe meist telling differences betwee tie Master aud the Archmage i in Earthly life. While Masters often spend quite bitof time in Horizon realms or exploring serange spiritual dimensions, they sell tenet ro retern ¢0 Earth from time to tie —to deal with apprentices to check up on enortal friends and contacts, or even just for fun. Paradox iy a concern, or course, and many Masters tind it -gnrding their Sphere or Tradition is 28 Masters of the Art difficult co return for too long. Still, they usually m some communication with the world Finally, « Master may be-satiafled with Mastery of rw o thitee Spheres, rarely nore than fot. Sich sll ts formidable but comparatively limited. A Master may even len the ipheres incidentally, simply as a result of experience while trying to accomplish less magically oriented goals. Cersain| the congtant use and refinement of magic leads ti greater Understanding: | mage can become a Master of x Sphere just by exercising itspowersconstantl forseveral years. However, Mastery is genetally the koundary of such develop the sake Of total understanding, becoming an Archmage requiresdedicated study into theunderpinningsofthe Spheres The Archmage She may not be the primary authesity within the Trad tion, but that’s inainly because she hits other things 19 do, When she offers her viewpoint, Listans. They might not agree, but they do pay attention, F the Archmage, the difference \y a matwer of scope. The Archmage u can bet that everyone Master may only wish to name the stars, but dl nttempts to grasp thetn, For n Archmage, these ate ourlinnits, jo up sigue sad nhever ny. timing back. The deepest secrets of may bhdden simply so chat she can experience the challenge of finding them. ‘An Arcinnate tends to be somewhat reclusive, ot at least prefers to appear so, While she is known within the ‘Traditions, she mrely reveals herself except when absolutely necessary. An Archmage'spresence alone isen. Lpples. This, she wkessteps to conceal her identity. Citten aan Archmage isso far removed from het Tradition’s day-t0 dlay operationsthat few, ifany, individualseven know where she might be or how to contact her. Since an apprentice is a distraction from her studies and tasks, an Archmage seldom takes a student. However, due to the prospect's destiny or talent, it may be necessary thar she accept someone for instruction. Apprentices of Archmages ate willy exceptional in some way, slated for greatness and impressive deeds. Even so, an Archmage often leaves an apprentice m thecareofatmasted Master oreven hishimn assist =: a Disciple. With their prociv potentenemiesandl world-shattering magi hazardous ta an apprentice’ ies towed dn gerons Realms, mnost Archmages lth ‘mally, the Archmage often Mastets many Sphetes: Her toad sth burmaylead-toamore satisfying end. The more an Archmage studies, the mote it becor Cusps and Transitions .EE apparent that the Spheres ate arbitary distinctions of ach unified cosmos; to unavel the subline mys Spheres, she forms of magic wot have « profound understand rare Ar 1y with every Sphere Jhmage who hasn't develaped sone pre After decades of eye-stmining arcana and har rowing Seekings, you've finally mastered your chosen magical field What now? You're only halfway there. Now you need your future peers — un 1 You must eonvinee te the recognition mtimich ting prog tive titanschit inferior to theirs, hus emu you the right to “Archmage irown competence, thaw dhe aide Mastery Notall Archmage have ree power. Many simply master Sphere after S; kl leave even an Adept of Life from broad understandiny he Most ‘pane from the toe xesker Keepin mind that ple recitation of thelr titles e breathless, Recognition com This the point of deeormen Judgment IwraN Mastery of num acceptance, Power is merely one factor among many Metaphysics and Meditations ‘An Archmage’s viewpoint undergoes a profound eve lution as he takes the tep beyond Mastery, This isn’ the simple additions of new powers this arserul, but w refine nent if lis perapective. T table happens when nclesper Awakens. The Archmay amental levels of tealtty h ith what they metn and bow Spheresddoesn't necessarily guanintee nets aici before, With Pattern mi he may fully eomprebiend anipaate shew, Foc Prime, learn how vo draw upon the vast stores of potential put, Mastery of € ans to surmount barriers, tn ways he cher mages anly the¢ dence may previously thonghit binpusible mes ann Archtnaye, she summoned before « committee of othe i Why she fees Worthy tn join thet august XY tanks Ie Just happens one day that she’ sven as an Archmage, perlaps because of herMis- tery of the Spheresorher extensive knowledge fester fields, Thewhy isn'ras important as thewhen. Theacknowledgement sfiilyqu although it might be seen as high drama to onlookers. e's usually as simple as another Archmaye greeting hes issn equal You carr be certain that @’ Master on the threshold of Archmagedom draws the notice of his superiors. fan Archmuster pavs speelal attention to a uiven Master, tt might signify impending recognition (umless. of course, he's just keepin tabs on 4 loose cannon). On rare-oceasions;an mage announces that a prospect has proven her worth J passed into che exalted ranks. Usually, thenew Archm fs left to establish his own reputation. Once you've made it to the top, of ours, that shouldn't be much of w problem, Rejection For thoseamitioussoulswhosstrive foracknowhedgenent, refectich ion real poi). A mage wha in an actempt to gain (or force) recogniticn tan Likely gamertespect. The nite of Archmagec: bettors decide that she is ‘ur Archmage neswhen theaspitane’ y,and not bef. Clamaring for ptomiotion oveals.a nage eye heeitieans; sherequites the validation of outside authority for her claims Sometimes, a hopelinl Archmage newer receives ac ceptance. For whitever reasuin, she's {ust not sven as Archmage materi a Master who lacks the requisite qualitie punned by most mages he meets. Word ge danger oF an annoy within hee peer group. wow good she iswith the Spheres; to everyone, she ean’tfind Common Reasons for Rejection Deatth of Responsibility A mage with the potential to crack the universe, but without the sense to use such power resportsibly, iv a danger Chapter Two: Thteshold 29 to everyone, Such mages don’t last long. O hand together and squash them. tf mage hasn't learned responsiblity by the neh Atelunaye, he never getethe-clu. In sone ease, these empl powerhouseswind up wreaking massivehavoc, devasaing Horizon Realms oF shaking up Sleeper society. Masters of | Traditions gather t practices, andl more poten athand necessary. Recent arived to whisk avaay an fender meat, imprisonment gr some oth ether 10 stop suck abominable chmoages are all za0 plad ta Lend entity bel whether to death, udge- fate, one can only imagine. And, of eoitte, if othier miages den’t purilsh joss ine sponsibility, Paradcrx wil Lack of Ambition Those without motivat arely achieve Archi mage who lacks the drive for perfection just standing doesn't have the necessary devotion to p rmandin, inion aan Archmage means showing up in the right places and saying the right things. An unambitious mage doesn't stand out from her peets, doesn't yet things done and doesn’t strike other Atelanages as someone who can wue the de rch-Spheres, Furthermore, te advance the cause of Ascension, Ever wonder why so many Archmages seem strange downright loony? Each one has his own personal ayenda, driven to the extremesofsomecne who understand very underpinnings of the cosmos. There a: sitting Archmages: a candid: no fence we who doesn'e share cheir commitment fominari n't have a place among the Mages with weak Avatars and little Destiny about t tend to he less ambitions. Mare mori vated individ that their Avatar or Destiny pushes-them into confromta tions, foreing them to uke a hand. A mage without such imperuy must forge his own furure. He must delve inte Sleeper sociery and history to find so im bhim as wrong. Or he ear look to the spirit worlds for invpiration, He must search uneil something yanks hi hheareatrings and compels him to take action No Thirst for Knowledge Incurious mages rarely even become Masters, much les Archinages. While practice and constant use are sometis we Mastery, the Arch-Spl fervent need to know how things moak. enough to achi There' litle that can be done ifa mage lacks this drive He may get things done, but can’t puzzle our the Spheres or be active and helpful, bur he Justdoestr have hie evadusiasin ee urterike w few devades of tedious research required to learn. the fuduments of the ts this aimed at me in some fashion’ Jit because f'm more fnuerasted im dotng the right ehing thas te phestemg:meredib powers... — Mark Masters of the Ark =. | A fw mages suffer some trauma — often related en a failed Seckingorabuse atthe hands of Nephandi, Marauders or le dition mages — eh vinces them ro give upy magic entirely, They mighe still use their powery here and there, but ure tow hust or frightened seck furtherlearning. Helping sucha recluse takescare, work and successful Seeking, Find gut what drove him cogive up and convince hinn of his ability to reclaign fis destiny than-compassionate T con: Finally, some mages may understand the Spheres but neglect mundane learring. Why study history or sociology when you con be study arcane magic! The answer, of course, iy thar = mage must understand the world if he hopes tex change i Imagine that you want to change somesmall wpect of Sleeper sociery, to get. a particularidea ingrained in people's heads. Ifyou'rean Archmaster of Mind, you could just plant the idea in people's thoughts. However, such 9 crude mar nipulation leaves them wondering where this sudden inspiration came from, or forgetting abour t entirely since it sprang sinbidden co tho mind and leaves juet ns eaxily. ‘what people already think, how soc nd alter few thoughts here and there te mike the change, Onty by understanding the normal world san you hope to make a differancs pases Mages who don't understand the natural stites of the wold in depth rend to get themselves blown up anyway, as An ‘dlucated— mony Masters tnke itupont thernselves to ensure that their studentsace educated enough abe able wo take responsihility fortheiractions, A mage who they push toa hard agatnst the boundaries of plait scorns such knowledge is being itresponsible with her pow- ers, ana everyone known where that Lead Insullicéent Power Face it: Ifa mage doesn't have the Acch-Spheres, the connections and the potent trappings of Mastery, he just can't chm dhe rungs. By Fich mage studies his magical capabilities ina WP] specific, individualway. A mage learns howto A doeverythingwithin one artwowaysof think- ig. Eads Timi seal lowing a the universe, Through such tain ing, the budding mage lens to describe magic in specific forms, thus learning more abou it The Archmage directs his otudy and focuses, ecoming highly: specialized in sone areas Eventually, the Archmage's parndigm creates a complete, functional model of reality. Through that language of pa ddigey the Atchmagecan deseribeanyphenomenon of mngic pe. iffexcii may of one with all che ambition and knowledge, of ‘course, lack of power isa surmountable problem. Along the way, enost mages erente their ov Sanceums, bul a few Talismans, recruit some lliesand piss offsormeenemies. The trick ts pinpoutting weaknesses it for them. I Av instance, he may never have w great faciiry with Prime: If he’s atienared his own Tradition or cur same bad deals, he some cases, this easy: if a mage has a weal may never have political clout. The Archmage candidate finds ways to wark around these flaws, Even if he can't fx things himself, there's someone around who ex. The coy mas is infinite and power is ubiquitous — with enough exe's alwys a solution, nplacency me Masters ger stuck in arut. They develop a pattem afbehuvior,u set of preferred urcas of influence and study, To become an Archm A mage beyins ay an agent of change, but the human mind must excegorie aed form patterns, Nat any willworkers end up focusing on cerrain aspects of their paradigm, on the things that work best, Bur taking aetion means taking risks and expanding your capabilities. This mean practice, study and the aceaaional failute, Must mage cxpectally Masters, ate loath to borker with such ¢ They get others to do it for them The true Archmage avoids complacency by ooking for new ways to apply old knowledge. The Archmage takes hit paradigm asa bass for farther understanding ofthe unjvere. Anything from dusty old romes ro conversations with Uy bbral Lords ls fair game in the quest for new knowledge. The ideu is wy eduke up a wage unl force htt oa of fits abitua ways, to make hin look at his weaknessey und overcome them instead of always relying on othen Closing Thoughts Some mages don't go this route, deliberately cxting dale much jargon. Aluhouh a paral is useful for daca ing magi, its limiting by nature. When a mage chooses a of one oF twa paradigns, Some mages fight to understand reality from every angle, r0.eas aside the formative notions af their mngical youth anurading. They lenin we i pap business-speak. These latter sorts generally don't Reeon Archmages, They have a different destiny ‘af a more complete un, “think outside the bus, a More ahour this later: Chpret Two: Threshold DWN Chapter Three: Archmastery Mortal Ties th your family? ! special an he found it Of couse dy isto easy task why theres i thetes Th Most hie these strange Resteny thin Sea handle, That ABS° Of exceptional type: gut NUR tO stick Joe Average on 4 ouavicy, kaste floating Phasing spac for A thi freely interact with eitieener wth windanca Hele threat it Pa lc default, able pit I rohandle TE a premt bridge feng, Way for an Aslan Ni a litte ind Archi 7 pin anal keep oturally sich chatae ‘A humans nel mortal life, i ' Sonsider morcal Me Perspective le, Cone hate tee lor Wg O80 i a pe a the Hs, o en anyone nays something ar ce cAtOmIcle. Noe thoe outta 9 normaly esicate 0 the mast of be cosmo naa tt of time rather thin space. The best way to keep yourself nnd irl is forcible, daly reminder that most people donot shite your lofty perspective. 'simportant to ritain empathy as you get old Otherwise, you, lose track of thac essential vitality thar enakes you human. Some farsighted Archmages cultivate their human families as tetainers, evel generation replacing the last ners to extend the lives of friends and Thete are as many means of eoping as there are Archmages who need them — prc Moving On Even Others ase theie farly ly more, ly, Paradox will peeve you (icine vetueimy 1 Earth, Ie might take two or three etenturies, but eveneuslly youll just find tt too painful to stay. This happens everyone who lives lony era ish, so- don't worry abourie a9 smithy Sticking around boa fatal mistake, A simple rove w control trafic cin turn ints) a disustrous backlash thar sends you and everyone within 16 squire blocks to your own private hell. That’ the upri lure Uutwes tn die Hor plenty of nat Realms. You ent find even normal humans. It's ut_of the question to bring friends and family. co Horizon Realn when you relocate: How do you think so nuctiof umuunity tualteacty onietn the Honizon?Concordia sane humans within rts walls; and ie was certainly a hospitable home ro Archmages. The Tech any there —y alone hid several th 34 Masters of the Att nocracy has equivalent bases, such as the Cop, which pro. ¢ mors living space than anyone knows what to do with, They Knew the Risks (Ordid they? While i's wood to keep close ties to otfaes for your emotional health, what happens when some Blacl Haat deeides i'd be u great coups to bri Shrele? e's suicidal to hie you sta ingyou before the Inner ron. Instead, he works “on everyone around you, Whardayou de when your beloved spouseofm been shipped offtosomeConstiuct? Do you rush to the rescue? Better hope your execution s flaviless. One slip and she dies For someone of such power, your greatest weaknesvesate these things most important to you, like loved one have to proreet them from enemies, hazard ‘even incidental harm. lf Al Aswad sends wake you up, odds nee good that the surrounding neighbs hood doesn’t weather the results, Many Atchmages avoid this hy setring up their families in elaborately deferided Realins.I'you hae powerful guar dans, spirits and magical wards surrounding your home, te tells others thavsomeone potent lives there — but aso that ‘vou mean business, Sure. thete's alwys some to bust imto the Archmage’s tower, but the compan? Lace Ene eo f Horigon Reewlms) even the fuurnanity. 1.3 feve Tr dicoonected from ; shor ier pes ilveady mee pecause of Resonance, Ma fo ingoaibe, Been s jst humans: Archimsis sxgcertate thi oe I Mes problem. ; ee el a cumulative + oo jeflect dvs tenslericy, ase amulet | (gnaxirmutn +4) 10 rottls in’ es eS ae ‘of human bebavie e Be epi pete se ocean cremroctions ot SACP ceveryi2 years spent ol Sta anges donor cout, FN vetemyatics are ot FS epee ce Kane ie yevantery ane coundet “ coe ‘sittemnages 1s the lent tated Tiina acclimated ‘Re wery hati ° “ ‘Another problem that plazest a goss se mi ret 1 Nihon appro Her ine TENE 60 fo tre iculty to comsiden- a Het) To reflect this; adhd +1 deff sley 4 ily nal ait, eat sak eng diay ro smal ose eae fa rT lng de ier for the purposes OMT ian fects can be avoided if the hee werd z De unbens Thisdoesn’e mean she spe ie te café, but that abe actually eho iyo ers. The ict nel seve 27 ee Aprig as an effort is made #© spent ln solati00, = more people that explode in the process the less du you have to scare off If your friends and family ae asses safely sed to remen ber to check up on them every now and again. If another Archmage stope in... well, I've mentioned whar happens when two Archmages throw down, haven't I? Alternately, you might try hiding: your wssociatioms. Oddly enough, the old comic hook convention of the secre identity really works. Why are rotally mysterious, with big sabes or concealing gadgets to hide their features? Why do they craft names and avoid dliscussing their pasts! nobody knowsanything abot you ho one can track down your friends and family. A few powerful deflective spells over:an area—oreven the people question — and nobody's even looking for thera ensconced in your little world, then you just lo yourthink somany Azchmages All you have to vurry about is getung your: ass fried wher the inevitable "bigger fish” comes along to mess with, your relatives, But every mage has to deal with that! Leave Me Alone Whar happens if you decide to cut offal contact and live alone nt From experience, [know this sabud choice. Archanaget need human contact. Otheiwise, it be comes difficult to deal with or understand Sleepers — you might Hortaon Real Supernatural Ties Despite the potential danger, you might find compantonship among others who dwell in the shadows, Yes, a vampire is bloodsuekiing fend, but he's also one of the few enitive whe night be old enough counderstand what you're tall Hunting up other supernarural beings ight nc be the safest ne smartest thing rode ‘One might ery tc kill you just because you interrupted his dinner. However, other supernaturals some- of information. times make useful allies ors Vampires The undead can be thick on the ground speaking. They can make new vampires fas count them nd some aren't afeaid ro -omparatively than you can, do 50. When ther happens, seek companionship elsewhere. Vampires are divided into lineages sharing character ‘sties or common interests. These lines often wnr against eoch to offret the boredom of ye xeason, never underestimate immortality. Regasdless of their vieiousness With haar in-m J, some are amenable to-apprenchs Certain ancients are unwilling t maintain toe friendships ‘with other vampires and find usa welcome diversion, This respected, Voorraas cut himself aveay from the world, dealing ly his assasins and the uccasional cons. His perspec en and unrealistic. When an Archmaye's perception sdistorted, whar does thar doto the world around hiro? A sociopach wi power isthe why The worse case scenario for such disconnected ‘Atehinage is the potential for Qui of conte possibly leading hima x0 become y Marauder. Thi the dangez of Nephandic influence. Without w stabilizing con: nection, it's easy to walk the steps to servitude If you think it could newer happen ta vo the Nephandi consider A.rchmages to be what risky — pris. Make yourself a tempeing target might find yourself on the wrong side of the Ascension, Wir Speakingof Ascension, whar do you think happens t somecine who losessighe ot her heginnings? Awakening gift you with wonderful powers and knowledge, sure, but you'r always human, Seekings get you ccan all Loe become 1 het semamiber thas Valuuble — if womne ms, bt ht of the human perspective in your tush eemage. By recaining human ties, you keep your mind on the hig picture. When there's noth the magic, you're a Marauder — and you can't Aacension after all, a human Journey, hack lists precisely ns long at it takes you to become embed in 1 vampiric plot. My:advice? Don't. Do not pa friendship, and do not allow her to presume upon your. ‘Once you's invelvud you basome a liability Young vampires (undead le likely to mast you, bur they ack ps bic older (a cercury or to) is gene than a century) ane the most ective. A vampire who's ly stuii! Warning! Crossover aia fi Yeah, we ‘eonatantly harp on {RE = s va i ee etal ceppape don't OH ETE T y gs her, and that there's no Fel ea ts abt on ee and Mage ad Wie oe Taelge coat te game sure. Doin 0! 0 sperma, vada es oe oat chet Jhand, Aschinages know # lot uy. Sonia op all the it shige These camagee te sige sandal ator hana ae cea be fires than the average ies to khOw INO abour vamp nage does. Spi aa soi cove sing ore Sel ve Werewol Oe appens {© ped assume tha ny nse ecco aug TAS ot othe thou iy Mae that if youre ut : lay een cor nontat a Ye 12 auamaicaly tw the Tec fo at Cont ee un rn 7 N \\\ \ bhusy strigsling for power within ber lineage. Only one wlao has seen the rigeund fi tochat,as lon = pe Yatnpires are bo a zt Followers of Set leek for a.variety of reasons the worshap of their! descent or no, the a{wuitions willhavethe timeandinclination happens and try nov tc be: Another vampitie religious order, this one foeised on Sutekh. Orso th Assamite Many of these vampiric assassins aresurprisingly mmtieu lite and educated, a bit b owerful allies wich the proper eff Malkavians Always show deference far at A ssamit The most dangerous I've encountered yet, The ml re J Mallavianas ure ineslligents perceptive and, hunw eatindy in wipity ont other vampires than in killing humans, and 1 too much — sometimes about you. My fist encounter with can't nbjece to that fone of these wastiot by my desin, He app out something ['d done the month hel Brujah In any event, the Molkaviatl"vemetistu cause of other have trenchnt besobad excepttluatt ‘On the other hand, a Brujab's temper iy After an eneounte terrible to behold. It’s a frightening thin to eee these chanting nursery thyt political ins Treat Mafkavians with extreme caution St) Masters of the Ar Tremere This line was once w house of Heres and many of the eldest recall the days before their forced transformation into Hoodaickers: Soine are bitte bit othéis Welcome the oppor- tury to catch up on Awakened affairs. One such lives ir. Vienna —a friendly sort, but I don’t visie unannounced, Th remete ute the most likely of all the Lineages to ings of use tus, As companions? The Assamiresand re prubably herter chi know Brujah (Oh, and little wend of ware The Orderisstill kinda miffed shout the Tremere. They're not mentioned in polite tion when Hermetics ate around. Tzimisce Possibly the most alien ofthe vampires, but the closest toys im outlook, That f ene me. Ub fe spent many 2 Transylvanian night discussing events af ages past with a Trimasce lord's easy to forget just how bizare he is until his thrce-armed se 1 The Teinmisce have soine stull proficiency with sorcery somehow tied ny their ancient homeland. They alo follow a Philosphy predicated on moving past thetr vampiric cue. To imisce. humanity #sn oucmoded conscepe. She might lrty berween hers wary — the end sounds imilarbut the road is very different ant arrives with des al-aral ons, Other Lineages Thee ane thes, ine they ee mainly coved with i or trafficking with creatures best avoided. Werewolves ‘Your typical werewolf doesn't hat with is He's t00 busy fighting against the forces of "comp: tio" dnd may label you ab such a force. Is better to let sleeping dogs lie. The most powerful among them are very comservntive i vith others. By “conservative” | ‘xenophobic: Never approach theirNodes, whieh are appari) oly to them. With my warnings in mind, here tre the six types you nigh fire most spprouchabl Bu ne Gnawers Apparently, the typical Bone Gnawesteually homeles, fly and lem tho well-informed, prays and willing ineted. She! i work in a mutually beneficial relationship. Unlike vampires, i you're on her good sie, she's honest about fe. Bye get on ber had side, fil a way to make up or never enum, Bone Gaawers nike grudges and betrayal very seriously Children of Gaia The toot peaceful of werewulves. Note tht in this con- esbeforehe rips yourarins cans he apa and shoves thern down your thisat, Establishing friend goesa long way toware preventing puch mishaps The Children uvesome insights into pend fulfilment, ecology and ype af life Just don't get daunk at ov oftheir festivities. Silent Striders They talk to anyone but you should n iations with the Follswers of Set —chey ill each other 6 sight, Beyond that, association with 1 Silent Strider quite beneficial. She's usually very good at mangporting and locating objects for you, und may even philosophical, Sinco they hail from Egypt snd lsep the lore from their past, they possess surprising weelth of information on things magical. mention any Stargazers fall stews, Sir she with un Archmage. M 1 likely to yeu higher realms of conciousness, much as we do. In fact, the ever met war during a brief sojourn shtewgh the nore rarefied reaches of the Astral Unite, | wa startled at first, bot after» long conversation, we established 3 friendship that hns Insted through three of hit incarnations ate, This odd form of long: he time invested in the friendsluyy more valuable. Theurges TT ell nel rewohe spend a lot of time with spirits and the spirit world. Although: Mi verralis Fane ameciraceyteenrrhe Ma Ua re tot aeat to it nsince they delve int (which can be quite disconcerting i y smont Theurges ean enllaspon the spirits there fr aid. wonderful eompuninns for conversats mmystleal philosophy, burt they can get pretty esoter they're coming from such « different paradign Archnuige may not understand dete inmighits, Althngh a lly suspiclousefour kinel at fis, they open upafter and friendly overtures. They are usually willing to bamer information if you introshice ther to afew feierelly spirits that youknow. On the debit holy laces, you may find yourself gutted. Step carefully Okfena Piasibly ie « inystiealtothesmeextent htt the Stargeets are philesophical Apparently, many spenel their lives watching. over pov utfook On the oh 5 We ride —epeclall sp the wars trang oder hun if younte near oe poculin oF die wits. The Ubtein ae spirits corruptions and thar aliects th ofa if we've respectful and willing ro help & May I suspect they can smell it on us. This fascination leads to fruitful ulluances, ‘When dealing with an Uktena, never ditecunt his insight 1nd thase who practice st fucknate the Uktena, Chater Three: Atchinitery 47 Ss aN ID. WZ 2 EY . 5 Sit some Splats Are Missing Bubasti therate. Not even This de of Darkness: swith everybody pts World ft Mont get slang wiht ‘wonderful repositories of such. If you meet one, she probably eben chang ole woul ner 0 came lokiag or you, Ever so, Bubesti make interesting cove any stipe slona niever finished prantons und mexhaustible sources of arcane mysteries. ve met \ eet and the Red Ta i \ the Impergtum and Taint make erst co ‘only one so far, while visting Egyps. She was losking for some = Sorne clans These cats love secret Tore aed find Archmages to be the Harbingers of Sls sr ets cha, itu ‘ i the Harney onl ofc eh ta. unset ithe ame panics ot Futana on TT ET ee to note of particular Nephandus Lhd isues with, We've maintained it contact since then, nd sull amas nt what she knows Crossovers Redux £ Now if only I could get her to share more of eocesnetinmt i COrax in ies with oh yen, Even mapa ie ry envugh to comprehend ther Even aa vsammainly-tosocial venes der every naw and eet Tlie span of rerumed and DS sort of a ome outside the Akuma re me wat sie Indispensible: I've kept track of. particularcabal run by woreravens: the Hermetic Oder of Swift Light, Despite the name, they do no magical esearch. However, cheydo ferret ‘out information quite readily, so don't deal with one if you have deep secrets you don want thera tohave, On the other eqn se ‘band, you might distract one with the skeletons in somedsne fom humanity that ere pips no further elie’s closet, Of course ‘Acchinage takes thet Fess i definitely dis- enemies than it's wo 7 flict wer superna definitely eh reawort 6 that 50 y courage Oi her creatures at pull afi Ao E he justean’ cs eae oP 1 i dpavaonage, mee Asha ees oT Tt rangle — whic he canioc s8fy St re projects his Effects fom wht Dt ove spits aut novice and i atrempen to ebeat chem, of swith some , conit’sbest to imix interact fine to ialk to a vampire there's plenngy iss common ive incon wys, the separadon ae ‘beisnes about. A wise wet Be approach might earn yor mone h Archmage is telly Soar itsbeen worth it, Once you «Corax ona voll chutup. By the thine you pet tired of listenin you. have a ton of infiemation ec throuyh. Corus have amazing intelligence network. Ifa Com sees it ax signi cant, he remembers ic Justin ease he needs it Later. ‘The Cornx havea unique language of cultural references, kenninge and to translate it ules lea, Dor not atternpt rat 10 break all ts, ci ds wih nds rue, but amy ater a othet supe inanurals: bas. seftOUs You can tially ind these coyuiees in the Dee deca pen mat 08 ot in VEE Ching why | dn kam, Be crea a Noha te ere. A suitably EEE sopra frtendly, bur may decide to teach you a litle hurl ‘ol trouble fOF TARE) ity. Like her fatherftotem, dhe Trickstes, she ix a prankster. smagicbesovet (BE [don't mean water balloons in the fee either, Pu talking bout dangerous stuff like you see in Road Runner curtoe except thoe her pranks are eal . ‘ ‘can make a lot dhs out th J yraithe tained grou atic perwets te ca s would be jx wha ths tome ne go total ecu Ifa Nuwisha decides you're worth hanging around she Technora gees "ee cactus lk ea he a deci ck i pees eis eran sate 2 con your ener. Nusa ee beau, pl sere Linden Steeer won: tet ofe eh ould na be i td Daeness cut Ty acenrion, The Nhwisha disinguidy beween a iho able Meenas em bons" rato ea keson) mak pete i Thguld above all make sense. srievous harm to body or ego). Hope thar you'te never the recipient ofa trick Ifshe pranks you, you probably it. Laugh with her and move.on Other Shapeshifters Wraiths Acidle fora the raging engines of destruction we like to You! call *wetewolven!” there are other more approachable looking for them. Wraith 1 shapeshifting breeds, Nor all ne exncrly friendly to us, but une sms willing to listen and when they do they not likely to find the restless oud unless you go Atnntink ra chet ouside af reality, primarily our of necessity. If you want to speak with you have ta go to his neighborhood — usually W actually seek us out. 38 Masters of die At Zin ou, know thar and that Stygia in oF the dead has ayes have wi IF vou've mead th Great Mae fallesa. The Dark tostare with, Sui, ales Fads of Empire, = stom is going strong Umbra was pretty the land und consistency, Mi time of Oxpheuis, Hee able to ry theriselveg anon Not any mere. The Malina i pi chick hae svccynacnis the Basa force. Thisswonn wid hredsthe aber ‘nto Oblivien-tainted shard: In thy fan be bert aguinst the casters will When a mage uses magic in the srself may decide to play ureund sy stroma nie heleiomep ‘ts owns ed there since nowledge they Whitling eypbex ithe ile fromone Barather rainy, five indicates the sound barrier in wrnch-buildinyy, Great War for Mackerom fiaelerom winds are fonce five, Hil lesshowtile. Decide on chin 8 given place, and add Effect thar a tage cnt hun this cumber itensityofthe M two to that nye that score enerates i warp effect mage gets a warp eect, the ie ise eameel warp ef effect. The tna ay witling chaos of The player ¢ 0% each point age bulwarks his ‘The s Spenr cancels une war, Eifect with the ray th applies any leftover wa We i wo the effects into by Oblivion. etc ap to split che warp atlonsoranply them ascne iy rodecitle whether several minor alter na er Al is Sos oats Scie iene Pe husvelingake wk Ua es you asd ceby ate ie you could create a body, nied eres See oie ceied ox eheon, crteee fal for the experience oes ole retin ofr dad some ¥ a Fate tata yu Chaney. "These dk spits tans ve you Chay, Tes dk ts hr len prey to their base impubyes and are ee f humanity, Avoid them at. all cost edisape prock latte Dhark Umber Gite yet tele, vet Sooner ot later, you mess wpa join lands with terrible ofthe Shadowlands He chinos, map (ryelF Melserom, the tomy the Effect. Mael- the Maelstrom, the Dont even try using Bato, ‘Although thar ts seems lice the ett for dealin Mormitelf sha 20 potent. Chan isn’t easly cone) Heil, even away fro the Mink bee lives lls any failures or ance Has Polat of Thar (forthe whole ie, {ie} Mote than five pointsoe eine es thatthe age Proughly inetd with Enaec Hy Is now nothing mone Ie mage hecarnes A nage can use mij pest blocs where the Marl om Iredoxd Entropy csky, che mage te proba fying to ida matural ull thie crete one. lace taf the We With Maelstrom, thes uF of te boule, vases Entropy iy th e energy, and thant shell of » Spectre: So play rice le without the warp iva hauneor Mi d Oat. Since bly Best served by ibe stobti instead of weteinpe Ne wan Example: Seuck, in the, Maelstrom after» NSE SCHON with pa te a Tacs lad rallery sa Lawreice i pull off a defensive Forces Exfec to shield ie om rating a3, ates a warp effec Moreunighe. The Macliry Comes 4p 5 oF less gener (eon ents 7.5.4, 4.2. See UOffiedty'S), the 7 and the § gens: ake gomersawar effect. Thea geri while ot generating der ge cde np effects. Sr Lard spline fragt of fur wep effec. The Serene, deci hae Hone of malig several lade changes he Eifece self thotoughly cltsed: instead of Betting a shield 6f lche ‘hap. dels the Mereurgh’'s ack ge Lower finds half dan aati by an oozing, swampy mone Laud davknese tha offers EMROBIS him aay from the tide orld wich smh Pay magi eth t. The player rol, Effect fatty louse 00 slctesies. Thy Drtection bl als hering embrace restless dead. Worse still, the Dark gar egy ae the Avi slit lly torn to shreds by hel lish winds and spectral debris Changelings cos “The feof old have lng snes dpa sean you make the ata teed ar a on uve afew shor Mare than oxce, I visited o relat pale pal tance of one, be ate left pat verything about i he has forgotten ¢ Bu ceva cance No nage I onal oe ak a eps tases eheoeeit Tesanctemaee tigre na bet The ke wan tombs fe et 9 Chapter Three: Archmastery 3 NK phere OF the ds Whit a mage hot per age 4 wd) Faeties axe magic unlike our enn: They weave dreams ana illusions into Glamours that mask and befuddle, Once iets re porent allies of ours. New, their illusions barely serve m hile them from mortal eyes. Perhaps conly in thee lost faerie known, but such Realms are locked outside of time and space, captured in sioments of teardrops: They are simul and sa ly car their crue measure be ecusly terrifying, wench Others Avide from whe relatively nus sdibed abive, below ite sme rare types who have slipped through the cnicks, ous supernatisrals de- Sorcerers. Sotne say hat vorecrets practice a lesser magic. This nor mean they Inek insight. te fat, given the likes yedge- magician” must deal with, she's ns your typical“ leamed more about subtlety with mugic than your average Traditions mage. Pay arrention and you mi thing, fhesdes, whe seen fae colder than they appear. Pethaps two or three have found a On aslightly different note, ve met af A ‘manner of tmmorcality th itself is worth more than any e subject to Paradox. That in ung else can imagine: Ultimately, if someone enn use imagie, what does it matter how iC works? Ifa sorcerer speak incaritations und kes gestures and the world bends co his will, then he is a ‘om. A few Masters who study Avatars and Prime energy make the conceited claim thar hedge wizards are fnfenin «other nziyes because they do not have Awakeried Avatars, yet still they perform feats of magic passed down, from the Mythic Ages. Bo nor underestimare them, Mummies Thecloses thingtia reaeimmorrl Ihave ever éneci tered. I saw Sahura dic with my own eyes ext down by vampitie eneines: nape my sips wher he returned to renew our acquaintance some two centuries lier, appr ently none the worse for weat. According to Sahura, itis some powerul spell long lost 0 time. ad be tempre research a similar eect, excepe that ve sen wht Sai can do with his own version of mayic. While it is certainly potent it isulo limited, [prefer my own path fo Ascension Sallam powerful ally — agsiming you an find orie, They ate almost as rare as the Butast Quests and Tasks An Archmage is a living legend —a mortal with the power of ademigod. Thesimple tasks of Adepts and Disciples are not for her. She's sgenetally dot biger lish wo try. Her powe matched by the challenges she faces, “The usual reasons Archimage v sally forch and storm the gates of Hel ethops he needs to study a Bygone or find 1 particular Ubrood 1c leam the Fitth Dake of name, Whatever the details the goal is never lees weer commonplace. The typical Archmage's quest ls an adven. tie il myehie prope Unortunately, these tips are not only epic bue so ‘With great rewards conse great risks, The Fifth ly doesn’t want his ame known to every Duke of Archmage who comes dawn the pike; even one is too many 1 to find traps, warding, concealments and anything Ise an Unbrood Loe eary bring to beat to stop you from you could always ask politely. Bearding the Dragon An Archmage often has questions that nevereven exis 1 Master's mind, Mast hbsaries —most other sources of lor, ‘infact — probably aren't sufficient foran Arckunage’sneeds 40 Mastets of the Art How can you find the secrets to further your Archnstery of magic? One possibility isto seek an Oracle if they exist at all. Of course, there's no guarantee you ean atand what one has to say. You could pay a visit toa word, ae they i embody truths enigtnus of elaborate profundity, Their natroly spe cialized viewpoirits probably make them nearly as incomprehensible as Oracles lms might hold the answer — especially a Shard Realm, Where better to improve your Archaastery of Life that the Shard Realm of Pethaps ane af the many Rea self? Access to the Shard Realm of Correspondence was lost when the Hermetic College on Mus fell. Rediscov ering the entrance to the City of Brass is iself 2 quest worthy of am Archmage. ‘On dhesubject of finding things, Moune Qafis turmoted to be in che Digital Web, Are the rumors true? To find out ‘would be an amazing coup, Alea, the lnscaf Doissetep Traditions. With the deaths of so many Masters and Archmages atong with the loys of the ere resources, it’s questionable whether the Order of Hermes ean aver ecrwer: Establishing Dojssezup task equal to any Archmage, even those few 1 tarribls blow to the Chantey’s tharary aqua iscertsinly who survived the original's destruction Methods of Madness Like coincidental snd vulgar Effects, the methods an Archmage uses to achieve hur gous can be subtle oF overt Numeroxspossiilitiesexisteach method. No Archmage limits hier espunses. She has access to apprentices, allies, follow ‘vast mulgical powernnd a store of knowledge an elder vampire would envy, #4 thingat her disposal to solve proble The Subfle Touch Not évery problem requires overt magical frespownr. Le such a respons ‘exercise lesobyiousresources to deal with difficulteituations. Most Archinasters gather quite an entourage: studeni mugeswhowish to attach their fortunes tos, cansors (som of whom have been with him for decades or centuries what's good for the taster...) and casual azquitintances: Some even sponsor young cabals, especially if thiey are competent wad efficient oie Achecmgg lane st) uses every ue comte her way. is rarely necessiry, Atchmages can Irs simple for the Archmage 1 have theve allies o° followers perform favors for him. Whether th interfering with enemy activities, finding an important talisman oF ntaal or even rumormongeringdeperdson ue atuation jind the mdividuals involyed. Another possibiliry \sthe publication or spresdingof infinmarion that might be advantageous tothe Arch the aforementioned journal Tae Fragile Path ‘An Archmage’s influence is boar felt through interme: Jiaresand indirectactions. Such moves are moreslifficul always apparent. No Archinuge is d stranger to the concept of the “red herring The Sledgehammer Conversely, sometimes yeu need to pull out the stops and go in with all Spheres blasig. Lhe problena with thes ronch is that it flushes out enenties willing to use their Spheres just as forcefully. The result is w devastating wan, sometimes on the scale of nuclear conflagention, This level of conflict is heavily discouraged and préter= blyavoided. Use tas last-ditch gambic when everything else has utterly failed. Achat point, when total desperation sets in, it really what happens. Personal defense can justify such af extreme regponse; how élse can you repel a massed Nephandl invasion When Archmiges move fram cold war to hot, the landscape suffers, The rapidly as possible involve countes, and their purpose in n reso shoul leave the area as Despite the warnings abave, such unrestrained conflict happens more often than anyon expects,anddoesn'talwarys Archmage’s death, Of course. the Archmase a the firs-sign of wouble doesn’tlive Yorug enougti to seaintain thar habit, Exceptions fo the Rule ly Leads to es There Not every use of the Arch Spheres nccess ‘outright no-holds-barred conflict berween Arch adaubtleapplicaticn thot make them useful ay long as you're not on Earth, The voeeasional delicate uw of such power ean he manages! with a ort esl In general, the most common use of Archmigic bs i corrective action; preventing sertous magical mishapy from hecoming anymore destructive. When an Archmays derail the time Line or drops a lamin other Archmages are quick t0 rectify the situation. N n degree rffimesee, lvrhe careful the sealpel doe dy needs the sort of Paradox backlash that results when such drastic manipulations get out of hand. It's « cold war ‘everyone has an agenda, but noone pulisinat cheb theit enemies do the same al bets ae off. There, you can roll up your sleeves and get exackin with woddeshovtering spells. The relative flexibility of the universe in the unformed vol migntes Parad, Besley if worlds in some backwater In the far-out Realms of the Unibra, of cours you're out bioforming barre ‘comer of the yalaxy, who cares? ls nat like you're ntepping Mistakes Jachenegt We le srt he fold have bye stage long before becominyyan Archmaye. The cons of mistake terror. These are easily aw lusices are mich greater with this narrow margin of feds long as the Archmage watches his step and doesn’t take msh action, Never Start a War You Can't Afford to Lose Don upp force the wrong place or tise. While e's certainly poss le fora few Archiringesta get tether andi Nll-B our of the Horizon, it is a colosally stupid action. First is murder chmage can end th bbutoes thar thousands of hum ona whim? The consequences of such an action are tetible the Technogracy has ts own Atehunages (Arch-Seien fits?) nd hey cearr owiftly; Imaging a war seroe: ts Horizon, annibillating centuries-old Realms and Chantries, slaughtering hundeeds of Mages — for what gain? The Ascension War cannot be won through Wviolence Think Tactically An Archmage can forget that he is not che oaly ‘Archmaster around. He may overlook u possible enciny, fll w cultivate a new fricad, or neglect to siray a neutral Everyone an Archmage meets might he friend, ally, pawn, Chapter Uhre: Anchmiitery 41 enemy; spy ot m should pay atte ote than one of the above. An Arch ion to everyone Ie meets Watch Your Back Finally nd this one isso stupid it's arming anyone ft —an Archmage must watch her back. Con- tantly. Even when she's asleep fuils tod Here's the bad news. Even a responible, ater tive Archmagecan find himselfin danger. Trouble ‘doesn't always wait for you tocome looking fort. Somes, it comes Hooking for you. I don't ‘mean annoying dlstaerions, | mean threat sould rend enrie Realms if given the chance Genel, upto you tf the probe Trouble isn’t the only thing that comes looking for Archmasters. An Arche reality nexus": if something telly stranige hap- y happens around an Archmage. While always life threatening, this effect can he very discon- citing for evervone involved Mages The most cornmon opposition Archmasters encounter is other mages. Their rank 1s less important than their Presence. They threaten, annoy, offer service, ask fo teach ing, spy, cy fo kal, temp, convert, or otherwise subvert Archm Sometimes, they useseveral approaches at once nly natural, given the nature of Archmages, They serve us lightning rads for fortune aswell as fate. While the potential far death of injury ts uncredible, 49 is the d. An offhand lecture might lead t0 4 new hie Sphered cr pethaps an insight into the pens, it probabl This is potential rew undetstaridiig 0 politics of Umbral Courts Rivals Ne ‘veryorie cares to face competitors directly, lent of all other Atchmuiges, Petry pambits such as sabotaye und theftareonly the tipaf the iceberg. Inter.Chanry espionage fs distressingly common among the Traditions, and the iveen rival Archmages are very steep, ‘These struggles ean happen within one easily ast stakes Shantry just as tween two, The potential danger increases peo metrically ifdite enemies live next door m each other. The teal risk dsn'r the cold war but the danger of apen confice Bach Archmage is generally surrounded by consors, appren- al tucesanid other hangers-on who mighe be willing toface forces in direct combat, Escalation leads ta the Archina et, The safest courte of action her Realm or planet tu be on. haat point isto ‘Masters the Art especially when she's SP A | a ep. It's impossible to guess when somecne might decide that the Archmage has become lability. An enemy may send usp agent with to possess a trusted ally of activate n sleeper nthe Archmage’s entusage. The attack ean come from anywhere at any time. This relates co che previnus point, but bears stressing. One moment of inat tention, and it’s all ov Trials and Tribulations Fortunately, Doiswrep ie the only auch canfrontation in int memory. The sxiden violence between the rival factions within the ancient Chantry, combined with it presence in the Shade Realm of Forces, made foe a lar diyplay of destructive energy —and the loss of the most competent mages in the Traditions. Most Archmage the dangers of these con. frontations and prefer to work subély. While even t faced can burn fer cent conflict under wren, the preferred medium for sin “counting coup.” I's hetter to injure your enemy by depriving him of necessiry resources or diseupeing delicate experiments. Some Archinages consider this a nec ‘soeary part of learn Code Duello Most conflicts between hem involv ‘ovnlookeny ‘ffoets bud , Archiniayes, Mearcane con teat nf ‘OF visibly imprese iy ty impeeve ey lighting andl densi ‘rasiontandi groin tenn lethal magi. invisible ond thespee ati. Past challenges faa gS. weating down plats ua thelatestpceablevinhleluege chesand real conflict the the envitunmen ey 3 avoritee include: rae uelist totems th * Begin w mes can be the fiese household nord * There'kalya duet. The first Arch ¥en certain spo inten: alter em Naturally, the ine small pare of : other's True Ni sue Name. The thet forget hisopponent's vrintleting lethal danage To eration cate Nigh to s0e why NYE Hos aks: theshapeshitt em then the other . This continnas at the other » evoke “enough WS oom For gclasies I h mage assumes. fo form 8 detent the firs ioe Finda fore nged chenses the form th om che dak teat cuits An Ar a a8 Archmage song erwutly elec hee complished. Wscomenhan in which you know Your thechullenger pain readin, other neil HOF precisely Fille, bucmost Archmage others can challenge them. These sules of engagement are formal snd explicit, sire any breach of eriquette might lead twa terible conflagration. “These ground rules don’t make for nize conflicts, but do mule far mostly Bloodless exchanges Finally, on Archmage who takes offense at another can. chullenge him to some kind of magical duel —Certamen, a stapeshifting coutest, ot sine other arcane test of Spheres White these challenges are seldom vislent, they are pro founuly dsuarbing to observe. These duels are sometimes ta the death. Sich a rane challenge may be adisguteed sesastation auesup, but hat, gumbit ie pretty risky. Usually, they’ fought over some bseuie philosophical hypothess Tempters Despite expectations; a Nephandus won't introdace hinvelfis such, nor he likely ta launch hordes of ven tentacled beastsatan Archmage —unlesshe intendsto offer that he may gaits Our tus ‘This is subtle nd invasive threat: A Nephands works his way into an Archmage pesing as a cmior or come thinigelse. Once h'sfound niche, he ‘viens his inthience. Given sufficient tite and flawless stealth, he may successfully corrupt even an Archrange: student —iF Nephardic Archmages do-exist and are the most likely their sights on corrupting a fellow Archmaster. With powers simifar to those of bis target, the Nephandu ts termifying threat Even mote dangerous are those found in the darkent comers af the Deep Umbra, bevond the farthest reaches the ‘Void Engineers and Sons of Ether have explored, They travel in packs with strange beasts compsed. of Entropy-tainted energies. On nccasion, thes blasphemous gatherings drive screaming storms the se of worlds ahead e them. These ‘of black stone riddled with tunnels that twist and steteh alimost at random, token by gigantic cayerns thar span thousands of miles The sateropnings ate immeasurably expansive, stetching upward beyond any distance rhe eye ean see. Thase wha have tried to find the surnmit, alony with those why have explored the parks sometimes lair in peculier outeroppin tunnels too deeply have never retumed. Even Carrespon: tion fail here physical reflections of holesin the fabric of the universe itself. nce pet wots that the tunnels are the Nephandi ofany stripe see Archmages not-as enemies bur as potential tools, There are few confident enough in their abilities to approach an Archmage and make a direct offer, The wise Archmage turns deaf ears to such a temp ress, for she doesn't approach withour something to offer. ‘The price for auch favors is all too dear, Don’t underest ate the Nephandli. Thevean be aspotent asany Archmaze and have knowledge of twisted Spheres only glimpsed in the most rerrible of nightmares Only those who are 190 far gone to see-anything but the mmind-blastig glory of their incomprchensible may tempe ditecr conflict. Than consequence and less threat ly, they are usnally Archmages know more abour — well, anything use abour everyone else. That's you can't got there on magic slone, after all. Other m un what Archmages hve pickes! up. They pop in a requirement for advice, wisdom, or several decades of training (if they have the patience fori) Avice is ea oat give che supplicant whit he wants and away with him Of cours, i's possible that hesiouldn’t have certain information, or that hell ya someone who has even fess nted for ar: Ln such childishly simple to mistead Prospective app No Archmage has the time to tan a relative theav along to sutices re ere dlfivult ta eal with a act ge myctic is probably nor auitable for such exaining Now, i rarely obvious whether the candidate has poten: tial, hut there are several ways vo find out The first is to send the pour foo! on acquest to find soive Juiek-Lauack ov vtties, Make ceri die pice seems appopel ately impor litte high drama, and watch how he deals with the moter and afterward. Or pethupwuter the secand orthind such tis suitability is at imamediacey cheat jn 1o the mage before sending him off Fit 1s iswelevant whethor the a it Disciple, Adept ot Master, What's imporvant is her drive to learn the seers ain Archmage can impart her long-term value te your pits. If shi turns aut to be a'spy planted by a hated rival, don't turn her away immediarely, [rated eon: vert her. If-she' valuable enous Strange Beasts Mages. aren't the Archmaster only. vistors. The Ueohear alusble enough ro use ayn spy, she the Bygones and other peculiar beasty unknown, to lester mystics alse Such creaeu out of some enmity, maybe previous invensnatiou ward ne of the Archi Soma powaell Limbeood sabe h rclunae i the only one who can understand whae it's sayin A Bygone might ced another refuge from the udvati ing waves of disbelief that forced it into the Ur firt place. Perhaps its hime wastnvaded by Technocratsand it requires el in removing thera, Thy threat must be try rave ifs Bygone comes to an Arch fot adsisrance. ‘Vises from Dyes caus als Le bende. Pesluns n some past exeunsion, the Archmageslewadrigon'smare, and naw the beast is back for revenge. A dragon is na theeat to igre, even Chaptet Three: Archmarery 43 focan Archmage. Whatif,on bis lat visit othe Egyptian Court, the Arctumapefongtto give proper respectsto Tahiti lfthe god takes offense dangerous struggle for survival sanity ex ensue— who wanes to fight-a war with the god uf knowledge? Weirdne ely plo agaist him, the Nephandi work twice as hard to recruse him and hall the Unbral C Aside from that, there's the every facet of an Archmage’s life is fraughe with omens and hidden meas” Most leeper can vurts tweed his assltanice with some see things nc While this may seem fascinating at First, consider what lc must be like after a century or two. Every time you turn arouind, the landscape rearranges itself into secret messages for your viewing pleasure. You eat’t ignore these signs, ns theyall have meaning. Unfortunately, you can't be sure they weren't Caused by Quiet, either Signs and Portents Not everything that hyppens around the vehmage iy 0 ny events can be interpreted asomens, Anvthing to the pattems af broken: glass can be significant, Seeing an owl cx se may foreshadow an upecmning event in the Arelamye's life; pethaps:an nppren ist be punished, oF Wome, someone fs hunting him, ‘Omens mre possibly side eects of ehe Archmage's Reso Hanee, which may shape even tsaround him to provide insight Inve past, present or fumare events It i fonts tc spend too tating nc a on therm, or Quiet tosses ent very already hapyencd) Her the eve i hther. or Cit tomes on pened). Tailor snc event hac signs until the residing is too muddled ew comprehend. ce characters: know bese mi ‘mens to the Splicres Resonance apaitase like nothing eles gost SISER.t0 Appropriate tov and leis: dtamatieay Avi mute does. so the i. Resonance isthe acu pvoke it for empha, M lanes inert of mage's workings. The more she grows ir. ower and knowledge, the greater effect Rewtance has upon, wings. ‘The omens described above: are one side {esonanice is moe peotound than vague xg. Fe her san effcet But Archmage, her Resonance eaintseverythingaroundher. It may le inthe power crackling about her, or the fact tht she just scema to know whar everyone around her is abouc to do, shan that B. bevi _ har a's nates fects the people an Archmage meets, how they react wher, what her personality and movement seem Uke and even how th una her om particularly dst ‘weather patterns change a ays. The environment efter reflect hus emotions If he ant Archiintress of Forces, her wrath may manifests 4 thunderstorm with howling winds. If she is competent with Life, others around her experience increased health, rapid heal lace suum turn geeen again (Fonly for u sho \ iF recewery frown iBness The drying Isaves 0 ly, Resonance i subtle, « nearly invisible under- that colors the events of the Archmage’s life. Ie 44 Masters the Art Uterprerations Storytelin, Sins and S$ Omens Ss and portenes regis subtle fee pledgeot svtubollem, mates oa and a decen, sien youdrogne F Dt Feder or futare et_ might atch font ofthe liver sae EA Spcilly Bt pettectly ints the cones back One interestin 1 EUTent ste line technique YOU Watt 9 for at! description op of that cand. Ifo in’ mind, use the ead shone’ Hotdirectly uc aay clemens may find thatthe ‘ay be more fect Consider whur And bare yo Henificance € thn ntdeck eshadow, cy 1 draw a card the next scene on have no ace aspiration ‘Aton the card i imagerYinspires othe off The Mage Tarot Deck (Ghavices es abeate forthe World of baat, aligned with a in ng facts SECC Ne oF Aveta Other divinarory th Nordic tunes dri ‘both hin bollan, The | Ching me colors, cn Compu the: events You nes sell, but ye symbols that: Plug) aes imag ess Each suit i anu correspond. ak udefal. THis J Uhing Hy foe inepiratiiyan Smet with. sssosiariong and more directions, pati mitt thet Archenges tenia ethan siren iC the ae Morals. IF the py fren celaetons abirmore Very tMlee the ®t Perception + Enigma rel, invoke ay ai ety Wide fall exp. vents, but {depending om wheiber the con pot slowly draws others to her hecuse it's mecessay, tt ean draw friends just as easily asenemies. Resonance fien teflects her desites nd fears with equal emphasis, The degree of in ence Resonance exerts generally relies to the Mastery the Archmage has achieved While all maves are touched to seam esol inform your mage — — youremotions, drivesand me Atchinages carry such powerthat Resonance flows imo even withoutthe presence of magic. An Archmage’ pesonality ie emblazoned upon her like a print sgn. Anybody who mer Porthos Ris-Empress got the fist impression that he wie 9 lunatic:he was. Archmages have worked such powerful magic for so long that they have been imevocably changed by their awn, Effects even ifthey don't elise it- The Resonance chat nore an Archmage's ourward Efeets in her youth renuens home redouble her most vibrant or terrify ronality tits, Af all the Atcliagehasepencswmuch time changingthe universe that the magic, which reflecs inward change at the same time, has only enhanced her unique traits until they blaze with the of ll the cosmic workings she's done Paradox Panidox isthe biggest hurcle thar every Archmage faces, z long enough to become itt Atchmage peneeates Paradox you never tose. Ror the te fewr centuries, thisijn’t enough ro bar you from Earth, but the risks should be sufficient to dissuade you from wing vulgar magic. The price for such hubris is swift and painful. The use bf Arch-Spheres alone meks up a large amount of regardless of the subtiety with which they’re wielded. andl very few overcome it-Just liv Eventual Horizon Ri ourie, this bis ts own déawbiaeks, sch as wolation from tmuinstreum human yociety, but the benefitsare great —risk- free experimentation rnd study, forinstance,ortheenbibity to take a walk withour suffering minor backlashes: Life in che Harisin leads some (0 simply forget all subtlety when using magic, though, which can be unfortunate on those few secasions these Archmages recur to Batth it simply becomes easier to relocate to ns where Paradox is ao longer an ime: Of Most Axchmasters tend toward a subtle « ly the safest possible with the Arel of magic) as regitdless of venvie. Subtlety Isn't Spheres, m0 ir's heit to be careful about when and where they are ited. The exeecise of seh exalted forces enay summon more than mere Parades. “The grent quest, of ewe, bs tn find same way to get ed of Paradox. I's a bane to mages of all sorts, and even the Technweracy suf 1 ts own peculiar version of Paradox, yes hand in hand with the Awakening. Vauw pites, ghosts, pennyante sorcerers—none of them have to ral swith Parar Paradox g ff them ate hiemans who have Awakened to their fall mystic potential, ble 0 reshape reality by sculpeing their own souls Sowhat'san Archmage to do? Along with the po mold Quinteccence comer the backlash resigting hero also accepts the limi This n't ropay that Paradox is insirmenuntabl, though, While Pardo arises whicr » mage pushes the universe to hard, the umiverse inl alc his ways of compensating. The clever mage is subtle — avoiding Paradox in the first place but every mag due acl Removing Paradox “Thefast way to deal with Parador isthrough Prine magi Paradox seems to come when a ay tealy The univer aya thi son shapes his Avatar to shape the cos However, Quisitessence isthe very Anyone who accepts the power of magic one of Paradox and its effects swith sine or later: webs, and when the mage Paradox. respond inghlock af existence (Chigpier Pluce: Avchunasiery aa = y the Skin ‘tu vemove perma but u's fat When You Pee Aw : unas kriow a WAY few Achim pagical castigatiOn sent Pont When. a Pa he mage stoners thet than thecomanion asanent Paradox, hit z forces 1 Follows ering frees. flows the first temthe place ified version of the Olgal re “Phe wnsivee! a modifies vanent Paradox by burning sn stip away Pere maar ae. fn ge terms, €8F ie Thistemoves a potnr of peers Aye cans fff parts of bis Av ‘Avatar layed off ike Par -ajoptsis treatment eo Shil, forthe ie sfeeatiat dente Newaless toy, Ava sad ist mas teusnd tassel “Aeclumasterof Spur, the answer ith sea pleasant awe a ee overran Avtar dame here's nai known Way can ena ssiistacion,Andnobxi'srarewhat bapeens © edi pis cvce uneven severed. Antoun mn the ented ‘of Paradox, (eee jh yeah: And rocking; up 0 anv db ts, reer Aye'se concemed abot your Ay punch of Avatar dots just 86 an resvaseorycelling RAE re Tes up to che Storyteller to cud make sie that rerifice comes acs if player they pot two's gor. the dot mcrae whis as poten Avatars an 10 {raver occurs tn play iS With Quintes: ett, Paden can sometimes be tricked, smoothing ont the ripples in reality a if te say “Thiele the wry i's supposed jo be.” Granted, this only works for small Ef nobody has sence torun around casting Arch-Spheres and Paradox: thet way to handle Paradox, Mout ly potent spirits, bound to the mage ich wpecial pacts. A few can ubsorb Paradox energy, blunting its effects, This isn't ue ofall familiars, thou, anal often. their capacities ave sorely limited Now, the real question: how does one manage ro deal with pecmanent manifestations of Paradox? Although Younger maages rometimes suffer explosions of strangeness, Acchmages tend to draw lasting manifestations of the weird. Aller your own Pattem too thoroughly, live too long, lay dowa wu muiny aber sings just won't be cts ind before you know it one ght for yout, ever again Resourceful Archmages fini ways to deal with even the pprohlemsot permanent Paradox. Some pices in the Telhutian fate natural wellsprings of poner snd possibility, where i's possible to wash away one's “cosmic sins.” Rumor alus has it thata mage can strip off Paradox if he ents away the part of hhimself to which i's attached —thouzh how anyone would do this s subject of speculation, In the end, permanent Paradoneis ulmost inevitable. li's manageable, but learn te live with It. Cutting a Deal Unfortimarely, there are relative few opto Archmage who watts to aetively maintain an cence. The most wellknown are the reports af powerful Uimbiood who can onsume peraianent Paradone inthe same snanner that a familinr ean consume the les persistent kind. ins for the These creatures, assuming they exist ar all, aren't mmored to be helpful or beneficent Indeed, they're known for demanding payment for every service rendered. These eres tures, the rms say like to take mages is familias. midox is to these bicarre Umbrood what Quintessence is to mages. They might accep Parades. in exchange for some kind of service most Archmages prefer to avoid centuries of servirude or handing 0 Dealing with these simply living with the P Places of Power The dual problems of Paradox and competing mages eventually push Archmagesto the He torn They aren’ usualy satisfied to just hay around at the local Ho n Realm, however. They search for places offer new insights {nto the structure ofthe Tellurian (Otice yois've becoime ari Archana, you'll probably be bored with all the same old hang- wuts; (09. Besides, whe wants to live in some wded comer of the Umbm where you're rubbing shoulders the siff-maff that randomly Awakened? I's not lke magic selectively draws out the best of humanity, nfter il 40 Masters of the Att Locked Out! Ona of the moct peeing problem) among Avtuniges (and even Masters) today isthe recent changx tee. In the past; the Gauntlet served ay a simple barrier between th ud Speitual worlds. Now, t's» dan setons, shearing forcs that pashesout mageainde¥cn injures unfornimate Avatar This development arase ftom the recent turn in the Underworld, Some damn fool decided ta set off a ghostly snukein the landsof he dend, The resulting Maelstrom blew apart hundreds of Avatars, and now the shards of soul fragments skitrer along the surface of the Gauntlet in a spirit-rending, acything gue to the Gaurt- rd The Avatar Winds