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Honors English 9 Weekly #9

October 24-27 , 2017

This Week in 102:

1. Monday No School
2. Tuesday Finish Iron Jawed Angels
How would you use the story of Alice Paul and the suffragist movement in an argumentative
essay on the topic of protests?
In what ways did Alice Paul protest throughout the film?
3. Wednesday Honors English 9 Portfolio
Creating a Google Site and posting assignments.
First formal reflection for the Persepolis Literary Analysis
4. Thursday SOAPSTone Reading with purpose.
We will break down Persepolis, Letter from Birmingham Jail and Iron Jawed Angels using
SOAPSTone to use this technique for understanding purpose of potential sources for an
argumentative essay.
1. Speaker

2. Occasion

3. Audience
4. Purpose

5. Subject

6. Tone

5. Friday SOAPSTone for Start of the Year Document Packet

We will break down ONE document in class, you will choose three others to do on your own.

Learning Objective for the Week:

Students will be able to respond in discussions and in writing, using personal, literal,
interpretative, and evaluative stances, to a film based on the topic of protest.
Students will b
Students will be able to engage in informal writing assignments (i.e. reader response, freewriting,
focused freewriting, prediction, response journals, dialectical notebook entries, and other pieces
of writing that they do not take through the entire writing process) by using a writers journal.

Students will be able to engage in formal writing assignments that require utilization of all stages
of the writing process by using the writers journal for pre-writing and rough drafts. This process
will end with a reflection on the experience of writing the essay.

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