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Total number of printed pages - 3 B. Tech ‘PEEE 5407 Seventh Semester Examination — 2012 INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION AND CONTROL Full Marks —-70 Time : 3 Hours Answer Question No. 1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest. The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks. 1. Answer the following questions : 2x10 (a) (b) (c) (a) (e) (f) (h) Mention the controller action that reduces the overshoot in response toa step input. Define ‘Ultimate gain’ and ‘Ultimate Period’ of a process. Write the mathematical expression of a digital PID controller employing velocity PID algorithm. Write the expression of mathematical model of process reaction curve. Suggest control action fora process where secondary variable responds to the disturbance sooner than the primary variable so that the effect of disturbance can be nullified before it propagates into the primary variable. List the major functions of an adaptive control process. Write basic principle of operation of a solenoid. Write advantages of a programmable logic controller in comparison to electromechanical relays. PTO. 7. (a) Following parameters are given fora tank: area = 0.1 m?, heightat steady state is 1.0 m when discharge is 0.16 x 10™°m’/s and is given by Wh. If inflow is suddenly increased to 0.2 x 10°? ms find the height of tank after 10min at steady state. 5 (b) Derive the response of a non-interacting two tank system with linear resistance element. Assume system parameters wherever required 5 A water tank is gradually losing heat, and its temperature drops by 2°K per minute. When the heater is on, the system gains temperature at 4°K per minute. A two position controller has 0.5 mm control lag and a neutral zone of +4% about aset point of 323 °K. Plot the temperature versus time graph and find the oscilia- tion period. Assume att =0 temperature is at set point and the heater is off. 10 Error.curve rises linearly to 1% in 0.5 min and remains fixed at 1%. K, is 2,K, is 1 min and K, is 0.5 min”, P, is 0%. Find the controller output at t=0, 0.6min and 1,0 min, when controller is operating at (a) PD (b) PI. 545 Using Z-N-method of tuning find tuned parameters of PID controllers for a pss process having its transfer function as, (s Payee a)* All other elements in the contro! loop have unity transfer function. 10 (a) Show that the stability of feedback configuration is not disturbed by the addition of feed-forward controller. 5 b) Draw a cascade contro! scheme to jacketed reactor in which hot oil is ‘supplied to the jacket. Reactor temperature is the primary variable and jacket temperature is secondary variable. 5 (a) Explain cavitation and flashing phenomena with the help of diagram. 5 PEEE 5407 2 Contd, Write brief notes on any two : 5x2 (a) Digital PID-controller (b) Adaptive control system (c) Realtime operating system. Total number of printed pages -3 B.Tech PEEE 5407 Seventh Semester Examination — 2013 INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION AND CONTROL BRANCH: AEIE, MECH, IEE, EEE, ETC, EC, MME, MM QUESTION CODE: C- 209 Full Marks -70 Time : 3 Hours Answer Question No. 1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest. The the right-hand margin indicate marks. 1. Answer the following questions: 2x10 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (g) (h) (i) * Differentiate between open-loop and closed-loop system, taking the example ofa Oven. identity the process element which with step input takes the system output to increase /decrease continuously. Compare the two position and multi-position control system. Which is a single mode controller that cannot be used alone and why ? What are advantages of using the substitution method over Routh criteria for finding stability ? Draw the basic flapper nozzle system, Whatis the need of fixed orifice on a flapper nozzle system ? How does Schmitt trigger help in reducing the effect of noise on switching ? List the advantages and disadvantages of feed-forward and feedback control configuration. Whatis the need of self-latching in a ladder diagram ? in what ways PLC are different from general purpose computers ? PT.O. 3. (a) Howis offset eliminated with the help of integral control mode ? 5 (b) Avelocity control system has a range of 220 to 460 mms. Ifthe set point is at 320 mm/s and the measured value is 315 mm/s, Calculate the error as percentage of span. 5 4. Using Ziegler and Nichol method of tuning find tuned parameters of PID controllers 086 fora process having its transfer function as Gos _ All other elements in the contro! loop have unity transfer function. 10. 5. (a) What do you mean by integral wind up under actuator saturation ? Also discuss a scheme for anti-reset windup. 5 (b) How does flow rate affect the differential pressure drop across the valves ? Compare sensitivities of the three valve characteristics. 5 6. Draw a PLC ladder diagram to realize the following: when the garage door is opened a light is switched on, after the garage door is closed the light remains on for 60'sec, Use T_,to allow the driver to go inside the garage. Explain function of each rung, 10. 7, (a). Three tanks containing oil have to be monitored continuously. Design a warning system to light up whenever two or more tanks are empty. A NO ‘switch at the bottom of each tank gets energized whenever a tank is found. 7 (b) What are the distinguishing features of DCS 7 6 8. Answer any two of the following questions : 5x2 (a) Define Valve Cavitation’s and flashing. (b) Explain Control Valve Sizing. (c) Explain Equal percentage control Valve (d) Write short note on Adaptive Control System, PEEE 5407 2 -¢ (b) How does flow rate affect the differential pressure drop across the valves ? Compare sensitivities of the three valve characteristics. 5 Draw a PLC ladder diagram to realize the following : when the garage door is opened alight is switched on after the garage door isclosed the light remains on for 60 sec, Use Tof to allow the driver to go inside the garage. Explain function each rung. 10 Total number of printed pages— 2 B.Tech PEEE 5407 Seventh Semester Regular Examination — 2014 INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION AND CONTROL BRANCH(S) : AEIE, EC, EEE, ETC, IEE QUESTION CODE : H 327 Full Marks —70 Time : 3 Hours. Answer Question No. 1 which is compulsory and any five from the resi. The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks. 1. Answer the following questions : 2x10 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) ( (9) (h) (i) 0) 2 (@) (b) What do you mean by a process and write about characteristics of process which are responsible for time lag ? Acontroller output's a 4 to 20 mA signal to control motor speed from 1211 to 400 rpm with a linear dependence. Calculate : (i) the current corresponding to 275 rpm and (ii) express the result as the percentage of controller output. Make comparison between Proportional, Integral and Derivative Control. What do you mean by ‘Tuning of a controller’ and why is it required ? With the help of a diagram, explain the use of auctioneering control in catalytic tubular reactor. ‘Show that stability of feedback configuration is not disturbed by the addition of feed-forward mode. Whatis the need of self latching in ladder diagram ? What do mean by scan cycle of a PLC ? Explain the importance of control valve sizing. List the advantage of feed-forward control configuration. What is the pri nciple characteristic of the first-order processes and what causes the appearance of a purely capacitive process ? 5 Compare two position and multi-position control mode. 5 PTO. a6 ar as b) a) b) a) b) control, Write the advantages and disadvantages of feed-forward control, Briefly analyze the feed-fonward-feedback control loop with it's block diagram and after analysis write down the observations. Explain cavitation and flashing phenomena with diagram. How application ratio is related to these phenomena? Briefly explain all about relay and solenoid as electrical actuator necessary in process control and automation. Write down the steps to realize a real world connection in PLO ladder diagram. Explain with an example. A lighting control system is to be developed. The system will be controlled by four switches, SW1, SW2, SW3, and SW4. These switches will control the lighting in a room based on the following criteria 1, Any of three of the switches SW1, SW2, and SW, if tumed ON can turn the lighting on, but all three switches must be OFF before the lighting will turn OFF. 2. The fourth switch SW4 is a Master Control Switch. If this switch is in the ON position, the lights will be OFF and none of the other three switches have any control. Problem: Design the wiring diagram for the controller connections, assign the inputs and outputs and develop the ladder diagram which will accomplish the task. With “neat. sketch explain the architecture and functional requirements of DCS. What is the structure of a centralised control system? Write down its advantages and disadvantages. Write short notes on any two: Adaptive control system Real time operating system Position and velocity algorithm in PID controller Control valve sizing (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5x 2) Total Number of Pages: 2 7" Semester Regular / Back Examination 2015-16 INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION AND CONTROL BRANCH: AEIE,EC,EEE,ETC,IEE,MECH Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 70 Q.CODE: T582 B.TECH PEEES5407 Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest. Qi a) b) s) e) 9) h) iy i) b) Q3 a) Q4 a) The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks. Answer the following questions: Considering an example of air conditioner, differentiate between an open loop system and a closed loop system. Define process time lag and write down the different process characteristics which are responsible for this in a process Define direct and reverse action of a controller with example. Which single control mode can't be Used alone and why? Define cross over frequency and how it is related with “ultimate gain’ and ‘ultimate period” of a process. Expiain the benefits of a Direct Digital Controller. Explain the use of feed-forward contro! configuration in @ heat exchanger. Define a control valve and write it’s function in a loop. Write down the advantages of PLC in comparison to Blectrochemical relays Write down the advantages of DCS (at least four)? Describe the characteristics of P, | and D controller. Write down the advantages of each single mode over each other. A certain thermometer has a time constant of 22 sec and initially it is at a temperature of 25° C. It is suddenly exposed to 103° C. Determine the time it would required to reach 95.2% of the step size and also calculate the temperature at this time The variation of efror voltage with respect to time is given by the following relation E,=1.8t% 0-1 sec g =1.8-% 1-3 sec 3-5 sec rea the controller output with K, =5, K, =0.4 sec’ and K, =0.3 sec taking offset Py=22% when controller is (1) Pl mode and (2) PD mode. Compare the properties of feed-forward control and feedback (2x10) (5) (5) (10) (5) (i) (i) 2 (a) (b) (b) (b) 5. fa) (b) 6. (a) (b) 7. (a) (b) Distinguish between distributed control and centralised control (in few sentences). What do you understand by real-time programming ? Describe the characteristics of proportional control, integral control and derivative control. Write suitability and limitation of their applications in process control. 5 Discuss the effects of (i) lower value of proportional band (ii) shorter value of integration time. 5 Briefly describe tuning method based on process reaction curve. 5 Briefly describe method of tuning using quarter-decay ratioresponse. 5 Draw block diagram of a cascade contro! system and describe the functions of each unit. Write characteristics of cascade control. 5 Compare properties of feed-forward control and feedback control. Write the advantages and disadvantages of feed-forward control 5 Briefly describe various selective control techniques used in process control system. 5 Briefly describe construction and operation of control valves and solenoids. 5 Describe architecture and operation of programmable logic controllers. 5 Describe advantages and functional requirements of centralised control system. 5 Give an example of multi-tasking process. Draw and describe state transition diagram of tasks. 5 Describe functions of mailboxes, semaphores and regions related to inter-task communication. 5 PEEE 5407 2 Contd. Total Number of Pages:2 7" Semester Regular / Back Examination 2016-17 INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION AND CONTROL BRANCH(S): AEIE, ECE, EIE, ETC, IEE Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 70 Q.CODE: Y361 Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest. The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks. ai Answer the following questions: (2 x 10) a) What do you mean by the word ‘control’? Explain types of control with example. b) Draw the schematic diagram of an open loop system and write down some of its characteristics ¢) Write down the advantages and disadvantages of a feed-forward control configuration. d) Explain the benefits of a Direct Digital Controller. e) Make a comparison between proportional, Integral and Derivative control mode of a controller. f) Make a list of major functions of an adaptive control process. g) Explain the use of a control valve as an “engineered resistance” in the control loop. h) Define "Cavitation". Write down the methods to eliminate cavitation i) What is the requirement of self latching in ladder diagram? j) What is the “Interrupt” in computer control? Q2 a) Derive the step response of a first order process. Draw its output (6) and explain the properties of the output. b) Accertain thermometer has a time constant of 21 sec and initially it is (4) at a temperature of 25° C. It is suddenly exposed to 120° C, Determine the time it would required to reach 97.5% of the step size and also calculate the temperature at this time. Q3 a) Describe the tuning method based on process reaction curve (4) b) Using Ziegler and Nichols method of tuning, find the tuned (6) parameters of PID controller for process having transfer function as ———.. all other elements in control loop have unity transfer (s+2)(2s+3) function. Use Pade's approximation. page 1 a4 Qs Q6 Q7 a8 a) b) a) b) a) b) a) b) Draw a cascade control scheme to a Jacketed Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) and compare it with conventional feedback control scheme on a CSTR. Explain the use of feed-forward control for a heat exchanger. Derive the difference equation of w(k) vs.e(k) for PID control using trapezoidal rule for integration term. Find the change in output at third sample for the following data: K, = 4, sampling time =0.53 sec, reset rate =6 sec", derivative time = 7 sec, e,=0 , e, = 1.2 and e, =28 Briefly explain the various configurations of ratio Control. Write down the benefits of direct digital control (DDC). Explain one algorithm to realize a DDC. In a tunnel there are four proximity sensors SW, SW2 , SW, and SWs. When the vehicle passes sensor SW), the light L; glows. When the vehicle passes sensor SW; the light L; goes OFF and the light Lz glows. When the vehicle passes sensor SWa the light L2 goes OFF and the light Lz glows. When the vehicle finally passes the sensor SW, the light Lz also goes OFF. Design the PLC ladder program for this situation. Describe the architecture and operation of programmable logic controller. Write down the six features provided by Process Operator Console ina DOS. Write short notes on any two: | Distributed control system D-controller Override control Control valve sizing (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5x 2) page

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