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Monika [] javaresume2015@gmail.

Sr. JAVA / J2EE Developer - Wells Fargo

San Jose, CA - Contactez-moi via Indeed :

A Senior Java/J2ee Developer with 8 years of IT experience in Design, Development, Support and
Implementation of Web based applications using JAVA/J2EE Technologies (Core Java, JDBC, Servlets, JSP,
EJB, XML, JMS, Struts, Spring, JSF MVC Frameworks, SEAM, JUNIT, Hibernate, SWINGS, Applets, Ice
Faces, Java Web Services).
Expertise in Web-Development technologies including: AngularJs, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, CSS, JQuery,
XML, XSLT, XPATH, DOJO, AJAX, SOAP with W3C standards. Hands on experience in J2SE 1.3, 1.4, and
JEE 5.
Experience in Adobe 2.0/3.0, Blaze DS (Flex Data Services), Lifecycle Data Services.
Experience in javaPOS v1.3 which defined Java interfaces for three additional retail POS devices (Fiscal
Printer, PIN Pad and Remote Order Display), and JavaPOS v1.4.
Good working knowledge of web based GUI, SQL, DB design along with JQuery, Hibernate/iBatis.
Involved in implementation of various Design patterns including: Front Controller, Business Delegate, Data
Access Object, Composite View and MVC.
Highly proficient in developing Intranet/Internet technologies on the J2EE & Java platform with WebLogic,
JBOSS, WebSphere, Tomcat and Sun One App Servers.
Developed J2EE/JAVA apps using various IDE tools Eclipse, Intellij, WebSphere RAD.
Hands on experience in ANT, Maven, Anthillpro, Build Forge and Cruise Control.
Designed Use case Diagrams, Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Flow Charts and Deployment diagrams
using UML Rational Rose Tool.
Worked on different Version Control tools VSS, CVS, Harvest, Subversion and Clear Case.
Designed web applications effectively by utilizing XML, XSLT on DOM and SAX parsers.
Hands on experience in writing Complex SQL Queries, PL/SQL and Stored Procedures.
Development experience in UNIX, LINUX, AIX and Windows (Vista, XP, NT, 2000, 95) and Cloud based
virtual platforms.
Good understanding in business processes in retail, insurance, and fund, asset management, financial
Good experience with various Web/ Application Servers like IBM WebSphere, BEA WebLogic, JBOSS and
Apache Tomcat.
Experienced software developer skilled in all stages of SDLC - gathering and documenting requirements,
developing project plans, designing using OOD, OOP, UML and various design patterns, managing and
tracking project execution, prototyping and assisting with usability testing, developing and executing test
scenarios, releasing products to production, and maintaining product releases.
Responsible for project maintenance and supporting and solving technical and application issues.
Highly proficient in developing Object Oriented Design, Methodologies and applications in client/server and
distributed environments using J2EE architecture.


Language: JAVA 5/6, J2EE, PL/SQL, C, C++, UML, VB 6.0

Scripting: VBScript, JavaScript, JQuery, PERL, Shell-KSH, BASH, BEAN, AWK
RDBMS: Oracle [] SQL [] DB2, MySql, MS Access
Tools & Utilities: MS VSS, CVS, SVN, PVCS, Harvest, Anthill Pro, Ant, Maven, Log4J, Toad, Putty, MS Front
Page, JIRA, Fortify, Clover, WinSCP
Java Technologies: J2SDK, JDBC, SWINGS, JMS, JMail, Java Beans, JSP, Servlets, JAXP, SAAJ, JAXB,
Design Patterns: Model View Controller, Front Controller, Business Delegate, Composite View, Data Access
Objects and Data Transfer Objects, Single Responsibility
Architecture/Framework:Struts MVC, JSF, Spring MVC, Struts2, SEAM, RUP, .NET, AJAX
Application/Web Servers: WebLogic 9.1,10, WebSphere6.0, Oracle10G, Jboss3, 4, JRUN, Apache Tomcat
5, 6, IIS 5, Sun App Server.
Mapping Technologies: Hibernate3, iBatis, ER Studio, Rational Rose, SQL Developer.
Internet Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, ExtJs, VBScript, PHP, XML, XSLT, XPATH, SOAP, WSDL,
Middleware: EJB 2.0, JPA3, RMI
Distributed Computing: RMI, TCP/IP, FTP
IDE: WebSphere RAD, MyEclipse X, Intellij IDEA, MS VS, Jdeveloper 9


Sr. JAVA / J2EE Developer

Wells Fargo - Charlotte, NC - juillet 2013 - actuellement
Wells Fargo is a one of the world's largest financing company which provides banking, insurance, investments,
mortgage, and finances for consumers and commercials. A leading financial company, with $1.4 trillion assets
and more than 270,000 team members in more than 35 countries. Among all the financial services companies,
Wells Fargo is ranked first in market value in the U.S. and fourth in the world. Our vision "We want to satisfy
our customers' financial needs and help them succeed financially."
Involved in the complete development, testing and maintenance process of the application.
Maintained good rapport with Business Analyst and Business Users to identify information needs as per
business requirements.
Mentored team members and offshore team and to escalate the immediate attention areas in development
and testing for the time sensitive releases
Designing web pages for HTML files that supports AJAX component, Rich design time UI to use AJAX libraries
such as Dojo, jQuery.
Developed J2EE Backing Beans, Action Classes, and Action Mapping and Application facades and hibernate
classes to retrieve and submit using the JSF Framework.
Performed system analysis and design using OOA/OOD and UML diagrams.
Designed and developed a web-based client using Servlets, JSP, Tag Libraries, Java Script, HTML and XML
using Struts/Spring Framework.
Worked in the development of different Products with JSR 286 portlet specs and Spring framework in and
outside financial products, includes development of user accesses, SSO to internal and external apps
Calling different Web services for different products and worked with GSA (Google Search Appliance) to
search the content from different systems.
Used AngularJS for the two way data-binding allowing auto synchronization of models and views.
Created and designed UI wire frames in JSP tags and Extjs libraries for the applications with cross browser
compatibility, to maintain the easily accessible portal layouts.
Coordinated with LDAP, Security, QA teams to setup the Prospect users and Existing users and to validate
the certificates and access levels.
Used Rational Application Developer (RAD) as Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
Organizing "connections" between developers of Java POS retail applications and device services.
Supporting the software (Device Controls and JCL) currently available on the Java POS website
JavaScript, JQuery, DOJO was used for the client side validations.
Worked to resolve performance testing issues in different environments by debugging the existing code for
different products
Managing code in CMS for the developed code with different versions and assisting with Release
Management team for the deployment.
Used XML parsing techniques for data handling and JavaScript front-end pages.
Used Hibernate as the ORM tool to communicate with the database
Developed Persistence layer using Hibernate (domain layer) using Java classes and BIS using stateless
session beans incorporating session faade design pattern.
Involved in coding for the presentation layer using Apache Struts/Tiles Framework, AJAX, XML, XSLT and
Worked using MVC pattern
Developed Use Cases, High Level Design and Detailed Design documents
Involved in bug fixing, enhancements and production support of various applications
Worked with Oracle PL/SQL development and DBAs to create new database schema and porting data from
other databases
For the production issues, provided support by debugging the log files and fixing the code for the data issues.
Java , J2EE, JSP, Spring, JSR286, SOAP, HTML5, AJAX, ExtJs, JWS, WebLogic10, Oracle 10, UNIX,
Windows, DOJO, Shell, MyEclipse 6, AngularJS, Hibernate 3, Maven, Java POS, Toad 10, PVCS, RAD,
Weblogic, Websphere App Server, WebSphere Portal Server V6, putty, QC, GSA(Google Search Appliance)

Sr. Software Engineer

Barclays Capital - New York, NY - aot 2011 - juin 2013
Activities, positions and balances is the financial solutions for especially mortgage or mortgage originator with
in Barclay's wealth. ABP covers over I million positions daily within 60000 client, firm and street accounts
across 220000 products held multiple currencies and numerous exchange
Working in development of the PDMS application to provide the Java Interfaces in the SOA environment.
Created User Interface in DOJO/AJAX and Struts2 tags for different customized screens for each type of
Involved in creating UML Diagrams (Class and Sequence) during Design Phase. Designed with OOA/OOD
and use-case, documented in UML diagrams.
Developed JSPs for user interfaces to interact with business layer. Developed Servlets to communicate with
the other components under STRUTS Framework.
Involved in the development of the presentation tier using JSP, HTML, CSS, XML, XSL, JavaScript, Swing
and Servlets for login, find Subscriptions and create contract modules.
Involved in writing code for Form Beans, Java Actions, DTO and DAO for accessing business methods in
the business layer. Used J2EE web-services to get geographic data (city, country etc.) and EJBs for credit
card validation etc..
Used Hibernate (persistence framework) to implement the Database Access layer.
Implementation using Spring Framework along with POJO (Plain Old Java Objects) for achieving middle-
ware service delivery.
Simplified Hibernate session and transaction handling by writing a servlet filter.
Involved in creation and deployment of Enterprise Application. Part of the team responsible for creating the
architecture for staging environment for the Oracle database.
Used Struts2 tiles to display different types of template formats and contents.
Used SOAP and JWS to sending the notifications to each and every change in the operational process
including: user's information.
Implemented the security access rules for all types of users for different services applied.
Worked with Oracle PL/SQL development and DBAs to create new database schema and porting data from
other databases
Developed code to grant user authorizations for ALM based upon user authentication on LDAP server.
Also used IBM App Scan to Code Security and Clear Quest to issue tracking to move the applications quickly
to the servers.
Created data models for Provider Clearance and Qualification for the higher Reviews.
Working in writing batch programs to maintain Provider Search and Provider Directory.
Working along with Business Analysts to resolve the data conflicts and defects to make it more efficient in
System Integration with the other apps.
Created multiple types of reports by using the API classes to give accurate system utilization.
Developing Hibernate Criteria and sessions to achieve the Object Relational Mapping and easy maintenance
of data.
Processing batch jobs daily/weekly to build the application to the WebLogic server.
Java , J2EE, JSP, Struts2, SOAP, AJAX, JWS, WebLogic10, Oracle 10, UNIX, Windows, Shell, My Eclipse 6,
Hibernate 3, Maven2, DOJO, Toad 8, XML, Clear Quest, App scan, SVN

Sr. JAVA/Portal Developer

CNSI - Gaithersburg, MD - septembre 2010 - juillet 2011
Worked on developing the web application to automate the build and deploy of different applications.
Created Interface in Spring MVC for different customized build Environments, different Server groups.
Used Struts tiles and templates to display all the growing list of server agents lists and those details.
Implemented classes for giving User Interface layer to front end and backend to communicate with Oracle
and SQL Server databases.
Created customized application lifecycle models (ALM) for different financial (Credit Card, Net Banking,
System Authentication) applications.
Used MQSeries to develop messaging for different servers and users information.
Resolved issues while application running on the Production servers by applying Emergency patches with
the high severity changes.
Implemented the security access rules using the RUP process for different applications based upon user
roles including: developer, QA, BE etc.
Developed code to grant user authorizations for ALM based upon user authentication on LDAP server.
Also used Fortify to Code Security Scan and JIRA to issue tracking to move the applications quickly to the
Created multiple types of reports by using the API classes to give accurate system utilization.
Tracking application daily/weekly to check the database performance and coding the PL/SQL queries and
integrated Hibernate mappings for JDBC and SQL.
Processing batch jobs daily/weekly to build the applications.
Applied quick fixes to large document applications and Image scan checking applications for number of server
Worked with preflight builds before the application actual release in DEV environment to resolve the
integration errors.
Java , J2EE, JSF, Spring, WebSphere 6, Oracle 9i, SQL Server 2008, UNIX, Windows, AIX, Shell, MyEclipse6,
Hibernate 2, Maven2, Toad 8, XML, JIRA, Fortify, CVS NT, Harvest

Meta Minds Inc - Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh - aot 2007 - juillet 2010
Project: Pricing Management System (PM)
ACE Pricer is a web-based Pricing Management System used to provide dynamic pricing management
mechanism. It provides a web-based GUI to manage pricing rules across the company. It provides a
mechanism to integrate pricing data from several sources like spreadsheets, ERP, databases and legacy
systems into a flexible unified XML based format.
This project is developed for Robbins Bros., Diamond Jewelry merchants in USA, to their vendors to maintain
their schedules and market their business using World Wide Web. When the Vendors join with Robbins
Bros. vendor services they get great features like viewing their reports, and scheduling their appointments by
calendar tool, message center tool and also a great feature including the website creation tool.
Responsible for planning, designing with ER Studio and coding.
Designed and developed Site Hierarchy interface and other GUI Screen applications with java SWING.
The User interface for setting-up the website creation tool, configuration settings, pop-up Windows were
coded in JAVA SWING and DHTML and JavaScript.
Worked on Creating Form Bean, Action classes and Configuration files using Struts framework.
Implemented Validation framework for field validations.
Used Struts Internationalization provision in order to support.
Threads scheduling is used for the calendar tool.
Developed extensible XLST procedures for handling navigational trees of any depth.
Involved coding and review of the system.
Migrated C++ Image Viewer component for add -on features.
Involved for preparation of user entry screens and web forms.
Client side validations were done using JavaScript.
Worked on writing SQL Queries and PL/SQL Stored Procedures using Oracle 9i. Used JDBC for connectivity.
Deployed the application on using FTP to Linux OS.
Involved in unit testing and test cases.
Java, J2ee, SWING, C++, DHTML, Eclipse 3.0, ER Studio, Apache Tomcat,5.0.25, Struts 1.3, JDBC, JSP,
JavaScript, Oracle 9i, Oracle 10G, Linux, putty

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