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ESTCIO PARTICIPAES S.A. Corporate Taxpayers ID (CNPJ) 08.807.

Publicly-held Company Company Registry (NIRE) 33.3.0028205-0


Pursuant to Article 12, Paragraph 4 of CVM Instruction 358 dated January 3, 2002, as
amended by CVM Instruction 449 dated March 16, 2007, Estcio Participaes S.A. (Estcio
or the Company) announces that the Company received from Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC
("Goldman Sachs"), a communication informing that, Goldman Sachs together with its affiliate
Goldman Sachs International (collectively, the "Goldman Entities"), a subsidiary of The
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. ("GSI"), entered into transactions that resulted in an aggregated
position equivalent to 27,192,851 ordinary shares issued by the Company, on November 9,
2017, corresponding to 8.55% of its total capital.

Rio de Janeiro, November 16, 2017.

Pedro Thompson
CEO and Investor Relations Officer
November 14, 2017 14 de Novembro de 2017

To Para
Estacio Participaroes S.A. Estacio Participa~oes S.A.
CNPJ/MF No. 08.807.432/0001-10 CNPJ/MF No. 08.807.432/0001-10
Attn.: Sr. Pedro Thompson Landeira de Oliveira Attn.: Pedro Thompson Landeira de Oliveira
Chief Executive Officer and Investor Relations Diretor Financeiro e de Rela~oes com Investidores

Av. Embaixador Abelardo Bueno, 199 - 6 andar Av. Embaixador Abelardo Bueno, 199 - 6 andar
CEP 22.775-040 CEP 22.775-040
Barra da Tijuca -Rio de Janeiro/RJ -Brasil Barra da Tijuca -Rio de Janeiro/RJ -Brasil

Ref.: Acquisition of Shares Ref.: Aquisi~ao de aloes

Dear Sir or Madam, Prezados Senhores e Senhoras,

Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC ("Goldman Sachs"), a Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC ("Goldman Sachs"), uma
New York limited liability company, registered as a limited liability company devidamente organizada e
broker-dealer and as an investment adviser existente de acordo com as leis do Estado de Nova
pursuant to the laws of the United States Securities torque e registrada como uma corretora e
and Exchange Commission, and a subsidiary of The consultors de investimentos conforme as leis da
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and enrolled with the Comissao de Cambio e Valores Mobiliarios dos
C.N.P.J. under No. CNPJ 05.987.216/0001-06, by Estados Unidos (United States Securities and
its undersigned legal representative, in fulfillment of Exchange Commission), e subsidiaria do The
the obligation set forth in article 12, Caput and 4, of Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. e inscrita no C.N.P.J.
CVM Normative Ruling No. 358, dated January 3, sob n CNPJ 05.987.216/0001-06, por seu
2002, as amended ("CVM 358"), hereby informs you representante legal abaixo assinado, em
that on November 9, 2017, Goldman Sachs together cumprimento ao que estabelece o artigo 12, Caput e
with its affiliate Goldman Sachs International 4, da Instru~ao CVM n 358, de 3 de Janeiro de
(collectively, the "Goldman Entities"), a subsidiary of 2002, conforme alterada ("Instru~ao CVM 358"),
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and enrolled with comunica que, em 9 de Novembro de 2017, a
the C.N.P.J. under No. 05.479.103/0001-08 ("GSI"), Goldman Sachs juntamente com sus afiliada
entered into transactions that resulted in an Goldman Sachs International (conjuntamente
aggregated position equivalent to 27,192,851 "Entidades Goldman"), uma subsidiaria da The
(twenty-seven million, one-hundred ninety-two Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. e inscrita no C.N.P.J.
thousand, and eight-hundred fifty-one) shares sob n 05.479.103/0001-08 ("GSI"), realizaram
issued by Estacio Participa~oes S.A. (the opera~oes que resultaram em uma posi~ao
"Com an '), or 8.55% (eight point fifty-five percent) agregada equivalente a 27.192.851 (vinte e sete
of the common shares issued by the Company. milhoes cento e noventa e doffs mil oitocentas e
cinquenta e uma) aloes de emissao de Estacio
Participa~oes S.A. (a "Companhia"), ou 8,55% (oito

virgula cinquenta e cinco por cento) das aloes
ordinarias de emissao da Companhia.
Detailed position below:
Posi~ao detalhada abaixo:

Reportable Summary / Resumo da Posi~ao

Common Shares /Aloes Ordinarias
Physically Settled / Liquida~ao Fisica
Short Positions
Posi~ao Vendida (vendas realizadas e doa~oes por
meio de emprestimos)
Long Positions
Posi~ao Comprada (posi~ao a vista) 10,969,988
Total %Holdings
Cash Settled Derivatives / Derivativos Liquida~ao Financeira
Long Positions
Posi~ao Comprada 20,161,200

Total %Holdings

This is a minority investment that does not involve a Este e um investimento minoritario que nao envolve
change in the composition of corporate control or a m udan~a na composi~ao do controle acionario ou
change in the management structure of the na altera~ao da estrutura administrativa da
Company. Currently, the Goldman Entities do not Companhia. Atualmente, as Entidades Goldman
target any quantity of the Company's shares. Other nao visam adquirir outras aloes da Companhia. As
than as disclosed herein, there are no convertible Entidades Goldman, ou quaisquer de suas afiliadas
debentures already held, directly or indirectly, by the ou controladas, nao detem, direta e/ou
Goldman Entities, nor any agreement or contract indiretamente, debentures conversiveis de emissao
regulating voting rights or the purchase and sale of da Companhia, bem como nao fazem parte de
securities issued by the Company, to which the nenhum contrato ou acordo dispondo sobre direito
Goldman Entities are a party. de voto ou sobre a compra e venda de valores
mobiliarios de emissao da Companhia.

In accordance with article 12, 6 of CVM 358, we Nos termos do artigo 12, 6 da Instru~ao CVM
request the Investor Relations Officer to kindly take 358, solicitamos ao Diretor de Rela~oes com
the necessary provisions for the immediate Investidores da Companhia a gentileza de que tome
transmission of the information contained herein to as providencias para a imediata transmissao das
CVM and to BM&FBOVESPA. informa~oes aqui contidas a CVM e a

We remain at your disposal should you need any Permanecemos a disposi~ao de V.Sas. para
further clarification of this matter. quaisquer esclarecimentos que se fa~am

Sincerely, Atenciosamente,

November 14, 2017 14 de Novembro de 2017

Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC

Yvette Kosic
Vice PresidentNice Presidente

Idman Sa hs International
Y /V ...

Yvette Kosic
Vice PresidentNice Presidente

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