Players Magazine - November 2017

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ke ae . x qi! Bo tana a. ize TSM Ms ania alia ne de OP : B Sy ‘e 2 as y r a i ) as a é Ps o ci , a Covergirl BAA DANCEHALL — _—— A word from the editor Hot issue.. Winter i here anda lot of new beautiful models and features are here, We are looking forward to showing youll our stunring models. And remember that ‘many ofthe models have thei own personal webpages at Players Magazine ‘here youcan see and fallow the models and see all thet private stuf, sit wo playersmagazinenet to seeall the model private pcs & videos Enjoy the issue! Thomas Samsoe Fedor in Chief PLAYERS mecezine May 2017 |#11 Editor in chief Thomas Samsoe Layout, design, editorial Thomas Samsoe Webdesign/Webmaster: Morten Denully Advertising: sale@playersmagazinenet Contributing Photographers: Mike Prado Chris Lennon Eric gemini Louie Angeles Gary Miller er: Mike Prado KILLIE Kile , let us ask you a few questions! Are you single ‘or do you have a boyfriend? iam single How did your ‘modeling career start? i started it 4 years ago for fun doing photoshoot with friends then i start publishing my pictures into magazine I did a couple modelling trip i went to spain miami and now in going 10 NYC.. I want to push my career to the next level and travel the more as ican What do you do when you're not modeling? I work as a dancer and i travel alot | travel almost every month i went to college in tourism i like discovering new stuff and meeting new people . I also go to the gym :) part of you body are you most proud of? i like myself as iam . Especially In this industry itis very important self esteem What type of man can make you soft? {like honest and loyal men . We are in a world where is all about money and nobody have value anymore so when {imect a gentleman it really make me soft How important is sex to you? itis very important when i like someone but irather have no sex than having sex with random men or men who fuck alot of girls. iam OCD i am really picky with who i have sex with What is a good date to you? good question been long time i didnt have a good date .. iam really busy and often by myself but iam not picky its ‘more with who you i am that matter What is your greatest fear ? failure , because it demonstrates a fault within myself What are you goals in modeling: i want fo travel all around the world and do photoshoot in nice locations . I want to do more hosting and music videos. Do you have a seeret talent people don’t know about? Tama pretty good dancer :) ‘Where would your ideal vacation b i want to go all around i think its important to see every country and ‘experience new culture ‘Turn on and turn off in a man ? {like loyal and honest men . I like ‘men with ambition whos able to make his own money and not depend on his women . Liars and manipulator really ‘tum me off COVER MODEL Sea. Nia yA AM) > 4 Crome cea ry Ese sac Pees Hooters Calendar girl Etc eee Si ees Deu — Boe ened eer ee Photographer Chris Lennon PLAYERS MAGAZINE PLAYERS MAGAZINE TOP 6 TRENDING NEW YEAR S EVE DESTINATIONS OF 2017-2018 MEXICO. 1 GUADALAJARA, 2 Book a stay or voyage on over to Jake's Hotel on Treasure Beach. It's home to one ‘Top attractions: 7 of the island’s biggest NYE parties. «de Sufi. Tome Mezeal. I has an al of aber ated wth 70 aio Cua aban Agia brands of mezeal Taste your way liu © s “ill midnight (and beyond), Make ‘St Par sure you get there early, though— Won't break so easily (but vena space with riotously obviously try not 1 stash into good Dd walls too oe...) Guadalajara Cathedral ‘One month, 10 weeks, or three months Where to stay: Eden Gardens Wellness Resort & Spa Terra Nova All Suite Hotel The Spanish Court Hotel Best time to book: ‘One month out Where to stay: Top attract Devon House Bob Marley Museum Krystal Urban Guadalajara NH Collection Guadalajara Centro Histirico Del Carmen Concept Hotel 3 AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS A Public wansportation usually Top attract gets bogged down by about Museum Square Spam, on New Year's Eve Anne Fra Dam Square because there ae just so many House people. Be strategic about your night. Bar hop to places within walking distance, or hunker down in one spot When to book: 10 weeks out Where to stay: NHI Colle Grand Hote I Centre Amste rasnapolsky Hotels Amsterdam MEXICO CITY, MEXICO Spend your night in Zs square. There are a plethora of food music, and booze to start 2018 with Where to stay: NH Collection Mexico City Reforma Galeria ‘Top attractions National Museum of Anthropology Pla Palace of Fine Arts de la Consttucion alo, the city’s main ha ba 5 LISBON, PORTUGAL Don't be alarmed if the percussive banging ensues even after the fireworks die down. I's ‘When to book: Three months out ‘Where to stay Corinthia Hotel Lisbon Fontecruz Lisboa Autograph Collect Epic Sana Lisboa Hotel BARCELONA, SPAL Keep a bag of grapes on hand—12, to be exact, Once the clock strikes midnight, eat them one ata time for good luck When to book: Six weeks out Where to st Eurostars Grand Marina Agel Hotel Barcelona & Urban Spa (adults Hotel Ciutadella ‘Top attractions: Sagrada Familia La Rambla Pare Gitell PLAYERS MAGAZINE Cece ice ea eer ure eo Tet area) Pees ema PLAYERS MAGAZINE | |) _ PLAYERS MAGAZINE ai - PLAYERS MAGAZINE | | _ PLAYERS MAGAZINE » MAKES I UF fey _4_ PLAYERS MAGAZINE A PLAVERS MAGAZINE Guys can’t kee their eyes offa woman when she’s arching her back Guess that’s one explanation for twerking. Whether she's constantly texting you or always touching your Le arm in conversation, there are more than a few signs that i indicate a woman is into you. But what about the things that attract you to her? Sure, you probably have a romantic “type" that you tend to look for, While there are also a few red flags you should definitely keep an eye out for. ‘And now science has discovered one thing a woman does that almost always grabs a guy's attention, andi’ surprisingly simple: Men are naturally drawn toward women who are arch ing their backs In the study, researchers used six different computer-generat- ed 3D models of a woman's upper body, each with a slightly different curve of the back. The models were then shown to ‘more than 80 college-age men and women (all wearing eye- tracking technology), who were asked to rate the attractive- ness of each posture. The findings? The more arched the back of the 3D model, the more attractive it was rated by both men and women. Using the eye-tracking data, researchers also found that men often focused their attention on both the model's hips and backside. ‘And while we can't say wee completely shocked, it does provide a bit more insight as to why models like Abigail Ratchford (known as the*Queen of Curves") and Demi Rose Mawby draw mi lions of followers to their Instagram accounts. bth ORAL SEX common mistakes guys make during cunnilingus rat sex can be tricky: so7e vate rnay think they have all The ight moves, wher in fact they’ doing it all wrong: Wie most research indicates nat ental stimulation s Wy oF WoTST tna carorgaam. tat doesnt mean torerjrould only spend afew 98070 mon sore and expect tet POPES dont Maing a woman come tke Se sate and the only thing worse oe an erat ora sexi not ening 2 CRE our partner at al: ot knowing a woman's ‘anatomy Let's be honest — sometimes vers take a ong time to find wromants clit. That said. knowledge ayer ana being famtiar wath 1S female Power ay oni oily ad your cause. TEST arate is all 00 are: accor ing 9 tna oltars Female Org2s™ SUNY Cosmeromen sa thei ares COU. 507 Sap them achieve OTSAST™. ST 38% thinge isis, an2) they TAY NOE DET theo smutate thet paveners worse YOu THAT WOMEN We asked women to tell us the most atall ot rubbing the lito= tis the right Way: ‘Yes, itis possible for Youto iterally rub a roman the wrong way. $015 UP Wjou to figure out what wars t0yPfor your partner. The citorts est ery sensitive area, and wher Med rroked too hard, it ean acti Fhe, Um, no thaniks, thats OK) ve retate your enthusiast aperctualty hurts, Please StoP.” said Katie, 35 ot communicat ng, Sometimes t takes a ttle Bit of ‘courage to speak UP Grd tell your partnet ers anit working fr YOU NPR sat gy ts soumportant emer Trats ation sey. bom sie that come bedroom And Ws monary use ore your panei 84S NT tomate Spoed up wah someone 2 we aera over the course of RM GOS backs ane, he dat once ask Me Ne dot rit Twas enjoying mse” 20k 25, said ‘ont assume if you go down, Sra wornan, she'll go down, or you. often, there is the Sesumption if you go down, aneutyeone, they will do the ‘put the truth is, not everyone mung the favor. People Have (te, So dont assume that YOU SO inst gn a woman, she'l go down om Yo dom ge you might be disappomntes aeytomect your partner ater eves t wry tomes, Zoventurous than you sn ane shea Taguce atoy ora diferent Postion ‘erathe bedroom, ive it awhith geitup. Getting caught we emual rut ist fUn fr aSyone- ithe sex gets Bor” Wry for you, odds are twill ioe boring for her 001 Jou ind yourself inthis postion So get you find yo rying new things can make econ exciting for both you and Our partner. aes 43 UGS del Shi ty A "a ai eae th ne Ree, a e Ngati to what y er a i Yous cu emt ee lam a sagittarius, determined, compassionated caring person. | love music, travelling & work out Photo: Eric Gemini Photo Facebook: eric.gemini 92 Instagram: @ ericgeminiphoto Are you single or do you have a boyfriend? Thave a boyfriend If work was no longer an option and you had plenty of money, what would you do all day? Beach life! ‘What's one thing you did as a kid that you miss most today? Building snowmen and making snow angeles ‘What's the most spontaneous thing you ever done? ‘Skinny dipping in Mexico at night. What type of man can make you soft? Its all in the eyes and the voice How important is sex to you? giggles* Very important ‘What is a good date to you? Good food, wine, comfort & conversation ‘Tum ons & Turn offs in a man? Tum ons:Guyliner, accents, long hair ~Tum offs: Arrogance, excessive body hair What are your goals in modeling? To continue to be the best me i can and to continue to modeling, Do you have a secret talent people don’t know about? can whistle really loud... “called” a cab i NYC & a garbage truck stopped! ‘What part of your body are you most proud of? My legs and eyes PLAYERS MAGAZINE _ PLAYERS MAGAZINE DO YOU SMOKE Weed might increase, not lower, your sex drive, anew study found. PLAYERS MAGAZINE People who smoke ‘marijuana regularly definitely need tobe wary of the many effects weed ‘may have on their bodies. One thing they probably don't have to be concerned about? ‘Their sex drives. People who say they smoke weed every day also say they hhave more sex, according to a new study from Stanford University Doctors and scientists had previously voiced concerns that blazing up may kill your sex drive. But Stanford researchers, analyzed data from more than 50,000 people between the ages of 25 and 45 Via the National Survey of Family Growth, and they found that the frequent smokers definitely fired up their sex lives along, with their vapes and bongs. Nonsmoking women reported knocking boots an average of six times during the previous four weeks, while daily tokers said they did it just more than seven times. For men, the numbers are similar: Nonusers did the dirty an average of 5.6 times over the previous four weeks, while those who smoked daily reported 6.9 times. That's about 20% more sexual Intercouse for team Reefer Madness. “Frequent marijuana use doesn't seem to Impair sexual motivation or performance. If anything, it's associated with increased coltal frequency’ said senior study author Michael Eisenberg, assistant professor of urology, according to the university press release. (Make a note: The next time someone suspects you're having sex more often, just say you're dealing with a bout of increased coital frequency") ‘The results dor't prove that pot actually causes higher sex drives, but they do hint att, according to Eisenberg, This is the firs study to look atthe relationship between marijuana and sex frequency inthe United States, but its about time, considering an estimated nearly 25 million American adults use it, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. “The overall trend we saw applied to people of both sexes and all races, ages, education levels, income groups, and religions, every health status, whether they were married or single and whether or not they had kids’ Eisenberg said. EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT CTD ASTRE ery Jo) A mindfuck in its truest form, here’s how to engage in a perfect “the art of out-of-body pleasure” fall the ways to have sex—in the shower, with an interactive toy and your favorite porno, in the raunchiest positions Imaginable—there's probably fone you've never tried. We'll bet you've never even heard of it 's called “astral sex” And yeah, Its definitely no missionary position ‘Astral sex occurs when your soul leaves your body and you connect consciously with an astral being in a way that arouses you sexually and allows you to experience blissful sexual release Got all that? The concept of astral sexinvolves engaging in dream sex by entering a non-physical realm of exstence—a space where psychic and paranormal phenomena (bet younever thought about getting down with a demon) are thought to exist, so you can engage in an out-of-body experience. You're not physically having sex, but astral sex creates the same intense pleasure you'd feel if you were."in fact, astral sexis usually ‘more intense and more pleasurable than anything you can experience while in your body. Buckle up, and keep an open mind. Things are about to get weird, How to engage in astral sex you want to participate in astral sex, you need to learn how to consciously astral project or lucid dream. You have to wake up your energetic body while keeping your physical body asleep. Creating this separation requires a lot of mental practice and training, (Obviously) Some people use meditation, repetitive affirmations, and visual cues to help spur lucid dreaming, and bring them to the transitional state between being awake and asleep called “hypnagogia” Lucid dreaming occurs in the early stages of sleep, when sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming are most likely to happen. Ifyou've ever had a particularly vivid dream in which you «an control your actions, you've had a lucid dream. Sleep paralysis is actually the easiest, most common way to have astral sex. To have astral sex with a being, you need their consent”"Then you can merge your astral body with theirs to begin the process of energy sharing, which will either be sexual or blissful” Again, this is a spiritual practice that takes a long time to perfect, so don't expect tolie down in bed, and start having astral sex with someone..or something, PLAYERS MAGAZINE ARE YOU OUR NEXT COVERGIRL WWIW.PLAYERSMAGAZINE.NET

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