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Joint Learning Event on

Managing for Development Results

Briefing Note (draft) Risk Management

January 2010

Risk Management

With the current global debate on making international development more effective, risk
management is becoming increasingly important.
This briefing note provides a view on risk management within the broader MfDR agenda. It
should contribute to more effective (and efficient) management of risks and as such to
increased effectiveness of development interventions.

The document provides definitions of risk management, presents some key characteristics and
explains a framework for risk management.

Defining Risk Management crucial and vital to manage for

development results. The concept of risk
From literature1: management in itself is not new.
Recognizing that risk is everywhere and is
Risk management is the identification, substantially unavoidable, it follows that
assessment, and prioritization of risks management of risk is something not too
followed by coordinated and economical different from management of other
application of resources to minimize, aspects of a program or organization.
monitor, and control the probability and/or
impact of unfortunate events. Risks can All managerial decisions made have risk
come from uncertainty in financial markets, implications of some sort. Risk
project failures, legal liabilities, credit risk, management starts from elaboration and
accidents, natural causes and disasters as choice of interventions (project, program,
well as deliberate attacks from adversary. policy) during budget elaboration and goes
on until final evaluation to ensure an
From the OECD/DAC, but focused on risk efficient and relevant delivery of the results.
analysis: It is therefore best to be considered as
integral to good management practice, and
Risk analysis constitutes an analysis or an not as a separate activity.
assessment of factors that affect or are
likely to affect the successful achievement The heightened attention for risk
of an interventions objectives. A detailed management within MfDR can be best
examination of the potential unwanted and explained in the context of the need to
negative consequences to human life, produce and account for tangible and clear
health, property, or the environment posed results, while the nature of development
by development interventions; a systematic interventions are becoming less
process to provide information regarding predictable and development partners
such undesirable consequences; the deliberately are shifting away from a
process of quantification of the probabilities relatively high degree of control.
and expected impacts for identified risks.
Risk management encroaches indeed on at
In essence, the management of risks least 4 of the 5 central pillars of MfDR
enables to limit the negative impact (keeping leadership open for debate).
surrounding interventions, while Monitoring&Evaluation clearly holds a great
maximizing the expected results. Risk deal of risk management attention, while in
management as such proofs to be both planning and budgeting the focus is on the
1 identification and systematic evaluation of
Source: Douglas Hubbard the failure of risk
all risks to achieving the outputs, outcomes
management: Why its broken and How to fix itpg.
46, John Wiley &sons 2009. and impact.

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Joint Learning Event on
Managing for Development Results

Briefing Note (draft) Risk Management

January 2010

Defining only one good practice or can be wasted in dealing with risk that is
standard of risk management for not likely to occur. Spending too much time
development interventions is nevertheless assessing and managing unlikely risks can
not attainable. This is because the divert resources that could be used more
methods, definitions and goals vary widely beneficially. Prioritizing the risk
intrinsically and according to the context in management processes too highly could
which risk management is applied. In the keep an organization from ever completing
private sector alike, several risk a project or even getting started. This is
management standards have been especially true if other work is suspended
developed over the years. until the risk management process is
considered complete.
Some key characteristics of risk
management Pre-conditions: the following successful
applications prevail:
Use: it helps managers and policy makers - a demonstrated commitment to
in the process of identifying and controlling public accountability;
the exposure to risk of an intervention or - limited political interference in
activity. It also helps in the communication management decisions;
about risks, either to raise concern or to - an incentive structure that
prompt action; encourages public servants to
operate in the public interest;
Strength: is the systematic evaluation of - a degree of stability in staffing.
risks relating to planned activities in terms
of probability (of a threat or event actually Cultural aspects: International studies
happening) and its impact. This makes point to the fact that differences in culture,
informed choices about taking risks national as well as organizational cultures,
possible. It puts off a general tendency of do matter.
not admitting that risk is involved. Identified Some societies or organizations are
risks can be allocated to the strongly avoiding uncertainties. Uncertainty
individual/entity best placed to deal with it, avoidance is the extent to which the
so that prompt action can be undertaken in members of a society feel threatened by
the event of; uncertainty or unknown situations.
Societies with strong uncertainty avoidance
Risk Measurement: Risks are generally tend to avoid or prevent risks. Societies
measured by impacts times (x) probability. with low uncertainty avoidance often
Some types of risk, such as financial, can promote taking risks and challenging
be evaluated in numerical terms. Many activities are highly appreciated.
others can only be evaluated in subjective
ways. Also, any interdependencies or other High uncertainty avoiding organisations are
factors outside the immediate scope of the very much process oriented and function
risk analysis should be taken into like a closed normative system. Managers
consideration; should have all the answers, emotional
need for rules, inner urge to work hard,
Limitations: are that risk management is resistance to innovation, motivation by
to a large extent based on human security and esteem or belongingness,
estimates and decisions (and therefore belief in experts and specialisation.
often lacks consistency). When deficient While the organisations with weak
knowledge or experience are applied to a uncertainty avoidance are more result
situation, a risk may be entirely overlooked oriented and function as an open pragmatic
or under-, overestimated. Also, if risks are system. Managers may say they dont
improperly assessed and prioritized, time know the answer; there should be no more

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Joint Learning Event on
Managing for Development Results

Briefing Note (draft) Risk Management

January 2010

rules than strictly necessary, hard working makes cost-effective use of its risk
only when needed, tolerance for deviant process.
and innovative ideas and behaviour, 3. For the effective management of risks a
motivation by achievement and esteem or Risk Management Framework needs
belongingness, belief in generalists and to be developed. The framework
common sense. (Geert Hofstede, 1991. provides decision making processes
Cultures and Organisations: Software of that are understood by all involved and
the mind. McGraw-Hill, London) which are supported by the framework
of risk analysis and evaluation. The
These cultural dimensions are of course framework sets out the rules for: In the
critical in considering Managing for box below details are given about the
Development Results in general and risk management framework.
management of risks in particular.
A. Identifying risks and categorizing risks
Capacity: Another significant factor seems B. Assessing their probability and potential
the level of capacity, particularly at mid and impact
lower management levels to identify and C. Quantifying risks (not necessarily
analyse risks as well as to manage the
D. Deciding on how to deal with risks
relevant risks properly. E. Making decisions on risk management,
such as further risk reduction
F. Implementing decisions about risk
Guiding principles how to manage risks G. Evaluating how effectively risks are
Obviously, as explained above, risk H. Communication about risks
management should be an integral part of I. Engaging stakeholders throughout the
Managing for Development Results. process
Coming to effective risk management, a
series of well defined steps are developed A framework for management of risk sets
to support better decision making regarding the context in which risks will be identified,
risks, the so called Risk Process. assessed, controlled, monitored and
reviewed. It must be seamlessly integrated
1. The first phase in this process is about with everyday management and
identifying risks and making a Risk operational practices.
Analysis. It involves the identification
and systematic evaluation of all risks to Below the different practical steps of the
prevent the achieving of the results. Risk Framework will be further elaborated:
Risk analysis is carried out during the
planning stage or so-called design A. Identifying and Categorizing Risks
phase of an intervention.
2. Once identified and assessed, risk can Risk identification means establishing
be managed. This second phase in the exactly what is at risk for example,
process is called Risk Management. It agreed activities cannot be completed
is about identifying and implementing within the planned timeframe or budgets
ways to ensure that the risks identified are at risk of being overrun or withdrawn.
do not prevent or adversely impact the Risk has to be considered in a variety of
outcome of the activity. Important is to forms during the life cycle of an
be aware that risks may change over intervention.
time and new risks may occur. So risk
management should be regarded as a A risk analysis or assessment is generally
continuous process. However, it is comprised of two separate parts, that of
important to ensure that an organization Framing and Forecasting.

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Joint Learning Event on
Managing for Development Results

Briefing Note (draft) Risk Management

January 2010

FRAMING: The purpose of framing is to Risks are affected by a range of factors

capture the variety of issues that may be and are highly dependent on the country,
associated with a certain risk. The policy, and institutional context etc. in
identified risk may be different for the which the development intervention is
different stakeholders in the intervention. implemented. Interventions in a more
Framing places importance on the need for difficult, less predictable environment like,
all interested parties to share a common generally, in fragile states, are likely to be
understanding of the risk being addressed. of higher risk. One should take in to
During this process the stakeholders need consideration that there may be complex
to elaborate major assumptions, interactions between risks. A seemingly
conventions and procedural rules for the small risk may give rise to several
forecasting of risks. negative effects. Also, the overall impact of
FORECASTING: The objective of risk risks may be greater than the sum of the
forecasting is to provide the knowledge individual risks. It remains important during
base for decisions to be taken for instance the process of the identification of risks to
whether a policy decision should be taken consider the relation of the risks to the
in the face of risk and, if so, how the risk achievement of the results.
can be reduced or contained. Risk
forecasting is a scientific assessment of the There are many ways in which risks can be
risk and questions concerning its economic identified. Some of the most common
implications. A key component of this techniques are cause-and-effect diagrams,
process is the do no harm principle. What decision trees, critical path analysis, scatter
if the risk occurs, how much harm would it diagrams/radar charts and risk
do? identification workshops. Especially these
workshops have proven to be very effective
There are 3 types of risk: because they gather the necessary fields of
expertise together, involve relevant
1. Risk that arise from factors actually or stakeholders throughout the process, and
potentially under your control (e.g. poor speed up the process of risk identification
design, ineffective management and reaching agreement by consensus.
systems, poor performance by
contractors). The box offers a summary of the most
2. Risk that arises from factors in the wider common categories of risks with examples
policy and institutional environments of the nature of the source and effect
and controllable by decision makers issues. It is not comprehensive: different
elsewhere (e.g. poor policy activities and interventions will need to take
environment, lack of political wills into account different categories of risk.
institutional weaknesses).
3. Risk that are uncontrollable (e.g. natural
disasters, political instability, world

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Joint Learning Event on
Managing for Development Results

Briefing Note (draft) Risk Management

January 2010

Areas/categories where risk can be encountered and needs to be managed

To achieve benefits and To achieve and demonstrate true To avoid the impact of failure
exploit opportunities, governance and address other (perceived or actual) through
including incorporation (policy) guidelines material, reputational, financial,
of lessons-learned environmental, social, quality
To adapt to changes in
sector / beneficiairies needs Delivering Results To demonstrate
conformance to best
practice and
To maintain operations standards
continuity and delivering
results through adversity To comply with legal and
To control development of regulatory standards
new approaches and methods
To manage external through appropriate To manage
changes in culture, procurement and contractual partnerships, suppliers
political environment arrangements and ongoing
etc. performance delivery

Risk categories:
- External (e.g. environmental factors, political, societal factors)
- Financial (e.g. economic, financial, sectoral)
- Activity (e.g. technical, operational, infrastructure, legal,)
- Human Resources (e.g. organisational management, human factors)
Figure 1: Areas/categories where risk can be
encountered and needs to be managed

B and C. Assessing and quantifying

risks: probability and impact
The results of the assessments can be
presented in a risk assessment matrix. All
The output of the identification process (A)
risks evaluated as high probability and high
should be a list of the key risk factors that
impact should be addressed during the
could affect the success of the
intervention. The result of addressing risk
development intervention. The next step is
internally and externally as an integral part
to estimate their potential impact and
of the activity design is to create a risk
environment. The risk environment for
Probability means the evaluated almost all development interventions
likelihood of a particular threat or event includes for example political change (e.g.,
actually happening, including a commitment to agreed tasks, financial
consideration of the frequency with support for the work to undertake),
which this may arise. economic change (the ability of the donor
Impact in this respect means an to fund development activities), and
evaluated effect or result of a particular environmental change (the scale and
risk actually happening. The estimate frequency of humanitarian crisis).
should assess their individual and
collective potential for causing damage.

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Joint Learning Event on
Managing for Development Results

Briefing Note (draft) Risk Management

January 2010

Risk Matrix
Probability of occurrence

Frequent Small risk, no

measures necessary

Average risk, test

measures to minimize
Possible risk

High Risk, measures to

minimize risk
Unacceptable risk,
Seldom measures to minimize
risk urgently needed

Very seldom


Small Noticeable Critical Existence-

Harm potential


Figure 2: Risk matrix

D and E. Deciding on how to deal with Treat the risk by taking corrective
risks / risk response planning actions to reduce the probability or
impact of the risk. By far the greater
Once a risk assessment has been number of risks will belong to this
undertaken, or when it is being reviewed, it category. The purpose of treatment is
is important to develop actions that will be not necessarily to obviate the risk, but
put in place on how to best respond to risks more to contain it at an acceptable
that have been identified. Responses can level.
be developed in four ways: Terminate the risk by doing things
Transfer the risk or some aspect of risk differently thus removing the risk where
to the party best placed to manage it. it is feasible to do so.
This might be conventional insurance,
or by supporting a third part to take the For each risk it is to be decided which
risk in another way. response is most appropriate. Criteria that
Tolerate the risk, because the ability to are used to assess the responses are:
do anything about some risks may be effectiveness, efficiency, minimization of
limited or nothing can be done at a external side-effects, sustainability etc. For
reasonable cost to mitigate it. This this phase the term Risk appetite is
course of action is common for large relevant.
external risks, but they must continue to Risk appetite is the amount of risk to which
be tracked. Tolerance levels the organization is prepared to be exposed
determining how much risk can be before it judges action to be necessary. All
taken need to be set out and should identified risks have to be documented in a
inform the decisions made. so called risk register. It provides the

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Joint Learning Event on
Managing for Development Results

Briefing Note (draft) Risk Management

January 2010

basis for prioritization, action, control and G. Reviewing and evaluating how
reporting. The Risk Register must be effectively risks are managed
continually updated and reviewed A crucial component of effective risk
throughout the lifecycle of a development management is the review and the
intervention. evaluation. The regular reviewing and
evaluation of the risks should be an integral
F. Implementing decisions about risk part of each monitoring and evaluation
One of the most important steps of system of the intervention. Risk
implementing risk management is the management strategies should be
definition of the roles (and, if possible, assessed to determine how well risks have
named individuals) who are responsible, been managed, whether risks have actually
called Risk owner. A risk owner is a role or been identified and how effectively they
individual who is in a position to manage were treated. Recent studies have shown
the risk and ensure its control. Risk owners that there may be tendency to neglect the
can be internal or external to the proper management of risks. In risky
intervention situations there is often need to rush to find
quick solutions. There is a crucial need for
When managing risk one should also more systematic ex post evaluation, so that
consider the cost implication. The cost lessons learned can put in place new
should be accounted for separately from intuitions and methodologies for risk
the main program, setting aside a so-called assessment and management. A properly
risk allowance. This is a budget specifically maintained risk register should help here.
for the cost of managing risk, which The details in the register can be used to
includes: Development, maintenance and track and monitor the successful
dissemination of the risk policy, creation management as part of the activity to
and maintenance of the supporting deliver the required, anticipated benefits.
infrastructure for use across the Also quality assurance arrangements need
organization, development and/or to be established to ensure that risk
acquisition of relevant skills (including management reflects current good practice.
training) and loss of capability while

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Joint Learning Event on
Managing for Development Results

Briefing Note (draft) Risk Management

January 2010

Define a framework

Embed and review Identify the risks

Gain assurance about Identify probable risk owners


Implement responses Evaluate the risk

Set acceptable levels of risk

Identify suitable response to risk

Risk management Risk analysis

Figure 3. The Risk Management Framework

H and I. Risk communication Effective risk communication can foster

tolerance for conflicting viewpoints and
As MfDR includes proper communication provides the basis for their resolution.
around results, proper communication Ideally, risk communication, based on an a
around risks is important throughout the shared understanding of risk, can have a
entire life cycle of interventions. It should major impact on how well all involved are
enable the stakeholders, which are not prepared to cope with risk and react to
formally part of the process, to understand crises and disasters. Information on risk
the rationale of the results and decisions management further needs to flow within
from the risk framing and risk forecasting the program, to partners and other
phases. Moreover, it needs to help them to interested parties. Ensure that all involved
make informed choices about risk are aware, informed and understand their
balancing factual knowledge about risk with part in managing risk.
personal interests, concerns, beliefs and
resources when individuals or groups are Risk communication should therefore be
themselves involved in risk-related part and parcel of accountability
decision-making. mechanisms!

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Joint Learning Event on
Managing for Development Results

Briefing Note (draft) Risk Management

January 2010

Risk Management: Whos involved? Conclusion:

1. Senior managers and members of the Risk management is a crucial element of

organizations management board to whom MfDR. It enhances the partners in
governance is an important priority. development interventions to asses risk
Governance is linked to the accountability and put in place strategies to cope with
for the organizations actions, for which it these risks. It enables the partners to take
must demonstrate proper practice, evidence based and informed decisions
procedures and planning. about the interventions success and its aim
2. Staff involved in strategic planning who to achieve results.
will make deliberate choices about risks.
They will appraise different options for
meeting objectives by making trade-offs
about the mix of costs, benefits and risks.
3. Staff involved in policy/program/project
implementation who is managing the
intervention in the day tot day routine. The
focus here is on managing the program
risks that have already been identified,
together with continually scanning for
emerging risks as they develop and
managing those as well.

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Joint Learning Event on
Managing for Development Results

Briefing Note (draft) Risk Management

January 2010

Annex risk management checklists

1. Control questions 2. Action steps

- What are the key external and - Identify the risk you are or expect to
internal risks to our objectives? encounter.
- What is the impact and probability - Break the risks into different
of each risk? categories (such as external,
- Do we understand the financial, activity, human resources
interdependencies between risks? and also internal and external)
- Have we taken a long-term view, to - Set the risks into a risk matrix.
identify possible future risks? - Set the risks in a context of
- Who is the risk owner for each risk? opportunity so costs and benefits or
- How much of this risk can be payoffs can be examined together.
tolerated? - Sort the risks according to their
- Have we a clear way to report on importance (criticality).
the risk especially if it starts to - Evaluate the risks to establish 1)
escalate? the probability of those risks
- Have new risks emerged that occurring, 2) their potential impact
should be added to the risk matrix and 3) your attitude to those risks in
(and added to the risk strategy)? terms of willingness to accept them
- Has the probability of the risk or not.
occurring changed?
- Has the likely impact of the risk on
the policy altered?
- Should any changes be made to
plans or management strategies to
address the risk?
- Should the risk category of the
policy be altered?
- What is our overall exposure to

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