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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Journal of Control Science and Engineering

Volume 2012, Article ID 846458, 13 pages

Research Article
Nonlinear Dynamic Model-Based Adaptive Control of
a Solenoid-Valve System

DongBin Lee, Peiman Naseradinmousavi, and C. Nataraj

Department of Mechanical Engineering and Center for Nonlinear Dynamics & Control (CENDAC), Villanova University,
Villanova, PA 19085, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to DongBin Lee,

Received 6 December 2011; Revised 8 March 2012; Accepted 30 March 2012

Academic Editor: Lili Ma

Copyright 2012 DongBin Lee et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

In this paper, a nonlinear model-based adaptive control approach is proposed for a solenoid-valve system. The challenge is that
solenoids and butterfly valves have uncertainties in multiple parameters in the nonlinear model; various kinds of physical appear-
ance such as size and stroke, dynamic parameters including inertia, damping, and torque coecients, and operational parameters
especially, pipe diameters and flow velocities. These uncertainties are making the system not only dicult to adjust to the environ-
ment, but also further complicated to develop the appropriate control approach for meeting the system objectives. The main con-
tribution of this research is the application of adaptive control theory and Lyapunov-type stability approach to design a controller
for a dynamic model of the solenoid-valve system in the presence of those uncertainties. The control objectives such as set-point
regulation, parameter compensation, and stability are supposed to be simultaneously accomplished. The error signals are first for-
mulated based on the nonlinear dynamic models and then the control input is developed using the Lyapunov stability-type analysis
to obtain the error bounded while overcoming the uncertainties. The parameter groups are updated by adaptation laws using a
projection algorithm. Numerical simulation results are shown to demonstrate good performance of the proposed nonlinear model-
based adaptive approach and to compare the performance of the same solenoid-valve system with a non-adaptive method as well.

1. Introduction displacement [6, 7]. The use of an intelligent approach [8, 9]

such as adaptive, robust, optimal, or nonlinear control of the
In order to achieve advanced automation [1] in systems actuator-valve machinery systems will benefit a wide spec-
such as marine vessels or ship-based machinery system [2], trum of nonlinear systems, compensating for nonlinearities
solenoid actuators and valves are often used [3] to increase [10] and dynamic characteristics. This approach will not only
survivability and capability. One typical type of actuator decrease the amount of cost and casualties but also improve
driven by solenoids is shown in Figure 1, which is operated by the performance of the mechatronic system. To investigate
the electromagnetic force. The electric-driven solenoid valve the particular application, it is important to emphasize
system [4] and its sophisticated control can provide high lev- the nonlinear dynamic modeling analysis of such actuator-
els of automation in large systems. The useful function of the valve systems because the accuracy and reliability of these
solenoid-valve, once an electrical signal (current or voltage) systems depend highly on the mathematical system modeling
is applied, is to activate a mechanical motion such as dis- [11] and its validation. In [12], the authors developed and
placement or rotation via the solenoid magnetic forces and analyzed the nonlinear dynamic model of a solenoid-valve
torques. The proportional solenoids normally require inte- system; the reader is also referred to [13, 14] for recent mod-
grated electronics for controlling the plunger to give such a eling and analysis of solenoid actuators.
signal. Hydrodynamic torque of a butterfly valve comprises This paper will focus on model-based nonlinear adaptive
the core knowledge of fluid valve system design [5], and control of an actuator-butterfly valve. The solenoid-valve
it is known that most of the valves in real systems have system is described based on the exact model knowledge
strongly nonlinear characteristics between the force and of the system. Figure 1 shows the integrated system, which
2 Journal of Control Science and Engineering

valve modeling
 (see [5, 15]) and the two subterms, lifting

force CL = 1.1 sin((/90)3 180) and drag force CD = 3 cos ,
are nonlinear functions of the valve angle rotation (t). The
hydrodynamic torque Th is obtained by reviewing three-


dimensional hydrodynamic torque coecient based on [7,
16] as Th = (8/3)D3p VO2 Tc ()[(VJ /VO )()]2 , where both

Tc () and (VJ /VO )() depend on the closing angle () of the
butterfly valve and D3p term is a nonlinear term according
to the pipe size. Solving the two equations in (1) with the
x contact force, Fc (t), and substituting the magnetic force,
Fmag (t), into the equation yields
k B1
Disk Pinion    
m + 2 rg x + B1 + 22 rg x + krg x
rg rg
VJ (2)
V0 5 Dp
C2 N 2
= rg i2 Ttot ,
2(C1 + C2 x)2

Figure 1: System Configuration. where the magnetic force Fmag = (C2 N 2 /2(C1 + C2 x)2 )i2
used to lift the plunger of the solenoid actuator. The actuator
is a current-controlled solenoid [15], proportional to the
square of the current i(t), and C1 , C2 are reluctances of
consists of an electric-driven solenoid and a butterfly valve. the magnetic paths, obtained from the geometry of electric
The valve operates by solenoids that use a magnetic coil actuator [4, 15]. It is assumed that the pinion and the valve
to move a movable plunger connected with the valve stem are moving at the same speed, that is, the gear ratio is 1 : 1 and
by means of a gear train and linkage. The control input x(t) = rg is the simple geometric relationship between the
is designed by substituting the current signal from the displacement of the pinion and the valve angle. Hence, the
model of the electromagnetic force, pulling the plunger, and current source i2 (t) is substituted for designing the closed-
then controlling the angular position of the butterfly valve. loop control input, u(t), and then the following equation is
The system has uncertainties in multiple parameters in the obtained:
dynamic model, which requires the system to continuously
adjust to the environment and consequently requires adap- J B
tation for sustainability and capability. The integrated system m + 2 rg x + B1 + 22 rg x + krg x
rg rg
is highly nonlinear in addition to its parameter uncertainties. (3)
Hence, an adaptation law is proposed [8, 9, 17] and an C2 N 2
adaptive control method is developed for the solenoid-valve = rg u Ttot .
2(C1 + C2 x)2
system in multiple parametric uncertainties. A closed-loop
stable controller is designed for the set-point trajectory For the subsequent controller design, multiplying (3)
tracking by introducing a Lyapunov-based stability analysis with the inverse term of the control input, 2(C1 + C2 x)2 /
[9] based on the error signals of the nonlinear solenoid-valve (rg C2 N 2 ), yields a compact form of the dynamic equation as
system. The numerical results in the simulation are used for
initial verification and performance evaluation. M(x, )x + C(x, )x + D(x, )x = u B(Tb + Th ), (4)

2. Model-Based Nonlinear System where describes a lumped expression of parameters

obtained from (3) and (4), where each parameter is shown
2.1. System Model. The dynamic equations of motion of the in Table 2 and the substituted terms are defined as follows:
plunger and butterfly valve are given by [15]  
J 2(C1 + C2 x)2
mx + B1 x + kx = Fmag Fc , M(x, ) = m + 2 rg B, B= ,
rg rg C2 N 2
(1) (5)
J a + B2 = rg Fc Ttot ,  
C(x, ) = B1 + 22 rg B, D(x, ) = krg B.
where x(t) is the displacement of the solenoid plunger, (t) is rg
the angle of butterfly disk, and Ttot (t) is the sum of the hydro-
dynamic and bearing torques expressed as Ttot = Tb + Th . 2.2. Error Signals Formulation. The following set-point con-
The bearing torque is given as Tb = (/8)Ds D2p Pv CR (), trol approach is used. Let xd (t) define the set-point trajectory

where the bearing toque coecient, CR () = CL2 + CD2 = and then the error can be defined as
e xd x, e = xd x, e = xd x,
(1.1 sin((/90)3 180))2 + ( 3 cos )2 , is obtained from the (6)
Journal of Control Science and Engineering 3

90 Table 1: Regression and parameter estimation terms.

80 No. Terms No. Terms
70 W101 xd W113 CR ()x
: valve rotation angle (deg)

W102 xd x W114 Tc ()[VJ ()/VO ]2 x2
W103 xd x2 W115 CR ()x2
W104 x W116 xe
40 W105 xx W117 xe
30 W106 xx2 W118 xxe
W107 x W119 xxe
W108 x2 W120 e
10 W109 x3 W121 1 e
0 W110 Tc ()[VJ ()/VO ]2 W122 1 xe
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
W111 CR () W123 1 x2 e
Time (s)
W112 Tc ()[VJ ()/VO ]2 x
Dp = 5 Dp = 7 101

s 2C 12 /(C 2 N
M 2) 113
T b1 4C 1 /(r g N 2 )
Dp = 6 Dp = 8

s 4C 1 / N
M 2 114
T h1 2C 2 /(r g N 2 )
Figure 2: Valve rotation angle (t) (adaptive approach). 103

s 2C 2 / N
M 2 115
T b1 2C 2 /(r g N 2 )
C s 2C 12 /(C 2 N 2 ) 116

s 2C 1 / N
M 2
C s 4C 1 / N 2 117
Ms 2C1 / N 2

where xd (t) and xd (t) are the first and second time derivatives 106
C s 2C 2 / N 2 118

s 2C 2 / N
M 2
of xd (t), which are assumed to be bounded. Premultiplying 107
C 12 /(C 2 N
k2 2) 119

s 2C 2 / N
M 2
e(t) in the last error signal of (6) with M(x, ) yields 108
k4C 1 / N 2 120
M(x, )e = M(x, )xd M(x, )x. Substituting M(x, )x in
C 2 / N
k2 2 121

s 2C 12 /(C 2 N
M 2)
(4) into the above equation produces
T h1 2C 12 /(r g C 2 N 2 ) 122

Ms 4C1 / N 2
M(x, )e = M(x, )xd + C(x, )x + D(x, )x u 111
T b1 2C 12 /(r g C 2 N 2 ) 123

s 2C 2 / N
M 2
+ B(Tb + Th ). 112
T h1 4C 1 /(r g N 2 )

A filtered error signal and its derivative are defined as

Table 2: List of simulation parameters.
r e + 1 e, r = e + 1 e, (8)
m J rg B1 B2 k N Pv
where 1 + is a positive adjustable control gain. Multi-
0.1 1.04e6 1e2 10 20 4e2 8.8e3 0.5
plying (8) with M(x, ) and then substituting for M(x, )e(t)
in (7) yields C1 C2 Dp VO Ds p
1.57e6 6.32e8 1e3 5 8 3.7 0.1 0.1 23
M(x, )r = M(x, )xd + C(x, )x + D(x, )x u
1 1 (9)
+ B(Tb + Th ) + M(x, )1 e + e 2 e,
rg2 rg constant parameter vector and  p is the estimated
constant parameter vector (see Table 1). Dierentiating (10)
where the last term e(t)/rg2 is added and subtracted for fur- yields
ther development of the control design based on Lyapunovs
1 1
 T 1 ,
V = r T M r + r T Mr + eT e + 2 eT e (11)
3. Lyapunov-Based Adaptive Feedback Control 2 rg

Let V (t) be a Lyapunov candidate function

where the time derivative of the inertia matrix is obtained
1  T 1

 , as M = (m + J/rg2 )(4(C1 + C2 x)/N 2 )x, where B = (4(C1 +
V = r T Mr + eT e + eT e + (10)
2 C2 x)/rg N 2 )x, eT e = (1/rg2 )eT e as e d = xd /rg
where the last term of the Lyapunov candidate function, = x/rg = e/rg , e d = xd /rg x/rg = e/rg , in which the
I p p , is a constant diagonal matrix with the gain value , error signals of the valve angle, e (t), can be defined using
I p p is a p p identity matrix, and the parameter estimation the geometric relationship and (t)  comes from the
error, , is defined as  = , where  p is a known definition of . 
4 Journal of Control Science and Engineering

0.016 0.015


x: plunger displacement (m)

x: plunger displacement (m)





0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Time (s) Time (s)

Dp = 5 Dp = 7 Dp = 5 Dp = 7
Dp = 6 Dp = 8 Dp = 6 Dp = 8

Figure 3: Plunger displacement x(t) (adaptive approach). Figure 5: Plunger displacement x(t) (no adaptation scheme).

: valve rotation angle (deg)

r(t): filtered error

0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Time (s)
Time (s)
Dp = 5 Dp = 7
Dp = 5 Dp = 7 Dp = 6 Dp = 8
Dp = 6 Dp = 8
Figure 6: Filtered Error r(t) (adaptive approach).
Figure 4: Valve rotation angle (t) (no adaptation scheme).

in (8). Then, combining the parameterized terms in (12) and

3.1. Design of Control Input. Substituting M(x, )r(t) into substituting them into W yields
(11) yields
1 1
W = M xd + C x + Dx + B(Tb + Th ) + M1 e + e + Mr,
  rg2 2
V = r T M xd + C x + Dx u + B(Tb + Th ) + M1 e + e (13)
where W(xd , x, x, r, , e, e) 1 p is a known regression
(e + e)T e 1 T 1
 T 1 , vector, which is shown in the left side of Table 1 via the
+ r Mr + eT e + 2 eT e
rg2 2 rg process given later (see (17)) and as the nominal value of
(12) the lumped parameter vector. Rearranging (12) produces

eT e
 T 1 ,
where the last term in (9) premultiplied by r(t) came out of V = r T (W u) + eT e (14)
the parenthesis in (12) and is used for the definition of r(t) rg2
Journal of Control Science and Engineering 5

0.08 150


e(t): displacement error (m)

u(t): control input (A2 )

0.05 100



0.02 50


0.01 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Time (s) Time (s)

Dp = 5 Dp = 7 Dp = 5 Dp = 7
Dp = 6 Dp = 8 Dp = 6 Dp = 8

Figure 7: Displacement tracking error e(t) (adaptive approach). Figure 9: Control input u(t) equivalent to square current i2 (t)[A2 ].

0.08 104
x : the rate of displacement (m/s)

Fmag : electromagnetic force (N)


0.03 4

0.02 3

0.01 2

0 1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Time (s)
Time (s)
Dp = 5 Dp = 7
Dp = 6 Dp = 8 Dp = 5 Dp = 7
Dp = 6 Dp = 8
Figure 8: The rate of displacement x(t).
Figure 10: Electromagnetic force Fmag (t).

where eT e/rg2 is canceled in the last second term in (12), of M, C, D, B(Tb1 + Th1 ), M1 , 1/rg2 , and M, which is defined
having the opposite sign because they are scalar, eT e = eT e. as
The control input can be designed based on Lyapunov  2 
stability analysis, making V negative definite to be shown in =M B T b1 CR ()+ T h1 Tc ()

xd + C x+ Dx+
W ()
the end, as VO

1 e+ 1 1

+ k1 r + e,
u = W (15) + M e+ Mr,
r g2 2
where r(t) is a feedback error term, k1 is a positive constant (16)
as the control gain, e(t) is another feedback error term added
) =
where the estimated parameter sets are given as M(x,
to cancel the term having the opposite sign, eT e, outside the 2
parenthesis by utilizing the definition of r(t) given in (8), and (m 2 2 ) =
+ J/ r g )r g B, where B = 2(C1 + C2 x) / r g C2 N , C(x,
W captures the uncertainties associated with the elements (B 1 + B 2 / r g2 )r g B, ) = k r g B,
D(x, T b1 = (/8) D
2p P v ,
6 Journal of Control Science and Engineering

250 0.03

Tt = Th + Tb : total torque (Nm)


Tc (): torque coecients




0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Time (s) Time (s)

Dp = 5 Dp = 7 Dp = 5 Dp = 7
Dp = 6 Dp = 8 Dp = 6 Dp = 8

Figure 11: Total torque Tt (t). Figure 12: Hydrodynamic torque coecient Tc ().

VJ /VO (): the ratio of mean flow and jet velocities

and T h1 = (8/3) D 3p V
O2 . In order to develop the estimate
parameter vector in (16), we need to first define the 140

regression and the estimate terms. Thus, the first term, M

xd ,
in (16) can be defined as
   2 100
J 2 C 1 + C 2 x

+ 2 r g
M xd = m xd 80
r g r g C 2 N 2

s 2C1 xd + M
s 4C1 xxd + M

s 2C2 x2 xd 40

C2 N 2 N 2

s 2C1 0
C 2 N 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Time (s)
2 x
4 C 1
= dx x x d x d Ms ,

N 2 Dp = 5 Dp = 7

W101 W103 2
Dp = 6 Dp = 8
2 C

 N  Figure 13: The ratio of VJ and VO : (VJ /VO )().

where M
s = (m + J/ r g2 ), C s = (B 1 + B 2 / r g2 ) (this is shown in
Table 1), and r g , C 1 , or C 2 are canceled. W101 W103 are the j (t) are the estimated parameters as shown in Table 1
measurable regression terms and 101 103 is the estimat-
and j are the lower and upper bounds of the
ed parameters, defined in Table 1, respectively. Similarly to j
(17), the rest of the terms in (16) are also given in Table 1. estimated parameters, respectively, which will be set to the
amount of percentage of their true values. The vector j (t)
3.2. Online Adaptation Laws for Parameter Updates. The is designed to update using a projection-based algorithm as
following is constructed to define the known upper and

lower bounds but with an unknown parameter of (t) in the
sense that

j (t) (18) j = Proj W T r,
j , (19)
Journal of Control Science and Engineering 7

105 101 103 102

1.5 8.952

1.4 8.95

1.3 8.948

1.2 8.946

1.1 8.944
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Time (s) Time (s)

103 104
1.8027 20.1071




1.8027 20.1068
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Time (s) Time (s)

Dp = 5 Dp = 7 Dp = 5 Dp = 7
Dp = 6 Dp = 8 Dp = 6 Dp = 8

Figure 14: Parameter estimates: 104 .

where Proj{} is the projection operator [8] and each lumped Thus, substituting u(t) in (15) into V in (13) yields
parameter is adaptively updated using the adaptation laws
[17] for online estimation of unknown parameter as follows:  r T k1 r (e + e)T e eT e
 T 1
V = r T W + eT e
j = Proj W T r,
Proj 1 .
 T W T r 1
= r k1 r 1 + 2 eT e +

W T r j >
if ,
j <


 is defined as
Here, W

j =
, if W T r > 0,
W T r
 = M(x
! d + 1 e) + Cx + Dx
 + BTh1 Tc ()
j W ()


j =
j , if W T r 0,
W T r
if 1!

+ BTb1 CR () + rg e + Mr,


0 elsewhere. ! = M M,
C = C C,
D  = D D,
BTh1 =
where M
BTh1 B Th1 , BTb1 = BTb1 BTb1 , rg = 1/rg2 1/ r g2 ,
8 Journal of Control Science and Engineering

104 105 106 106






0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Time (s) Time (s)

107 108
0.0404 32.4128

0.0403 32.4128

0.0402 32.4128

0.0401 32.4128

0.04 32.4127
0 1 2 3 4 0 2 4
Time (s) Time (s)

Dp = 5 Dp = 7 Dp = 5 Dp = 7
Dp = 6 Dp = 8 Dp = 6 Dp = 8

Figure 15: Parameter estimates: 108 .

! = M M,
and M
in which T = (8/3) D 3p V
O2 and T b1 = Remark 1. According to the analysis from (11) to (25) of
(/8) D sD 
2p P v . Actually, (t) can be expressed, for exam- V , the property of V , and the control law of (15) with the
parameter updates of (19) and the projection-based method
ple, using the definitions of in (16), as follows: owing to the
of update laws of (20), it is straightforward to derive a
subsequent adaptation law, the time derivative of V (t) yields conclusion that the tracking error vector z(t) in (25) is driven
a negative definite function except the origin and upper to zero. Thus, the set-point errors r(t), e(t), and e (t) also
bound by  in (10)
vanish and the parameter estimation error vector
1 is bounded where , defined after (10), is bounded due to
V k1
1 + 2
2 ,
(23) the projection-based update method and the constant known
parameter, . Owing to the bounds of r(t), e(t) in (8), e(t)
which can be written as is bounded and then x(t), resulting in (t), and x(t) are
bounded, respectively, where all desired trajectories such as
V k2
2 , (24)
xd (t) and xd (t) are assumed to be bounded. M(), B(), C(),
where k2 = min{k1 , (1 + 1/rg2 )} is a positive constant and and D() matrices in (4) are bounded because (due to
) and x(t) are bounded, and B and M after (11) are also
z = r T , eT . (25) bounded owing to the bounds of x(t). Ttot is thus bounded
because (t) is bounded. Hence, W() and the control input
Using Barbalats lemma [18], the set-point tracking error u(t) are bounded and, thus, the current is bounded. This

0, thus
0 and
0 as t . leads to the boundedness of x(t) in the dynamic model given
Journal of Control Science and Engineering 9

109 110




0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Time (s) Time (s)

108 111 112

2.5 800

2 600

1.5 400

1 200

0.5 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 2 4
Time (s) Time (s)

Dp = 5 Dp = 7 Dp = 5 Dp = 7
Dp = 6 Dp = 8 Dp = 6 Dp = 8

Figure 16: Parameter estimates: 112 .

in (4), which enables the boundedness of e(t) in (6), and then the parameters are set to 30% for the simulation results
the set-point tracking error dynamics r(t) in (8) is bounded. provided here. The determined parameter vectors Tc () and
Therefore, we can conclude that all signals are bounded. [VJ /VO ]() of the butterfly valve model are borrowed from
[16] for the simulation given as look-up tables from the
Remark 2. W in (16) where the known regression W(xd , x, experimental data. The amount of upper and lower variation
x, r, , e, e) 123 terms and the parameter estimates of the unknown parameter sets is 30% of their real values.
23 are given in this system as in Table 1. The control gains were chosen selectively as = 10, k1 =
250, and 1 = 1.0 for all cases. MATLAB and Simulink are
4. Simulation Results used for the simulation. The desired set-point distance of the
solenoid, xd (t), is given as A (1 eBt ), where A = 0.0148
Based on the dynamic model in (4), the numerical sim- and B = 5.
ulation is performed to verify the proposed controllers A typical parameter set for this simulation is given by
with consistently changing parameter values. The parameter Table 2. Figures 2 and 3 show the rotation of the valve angle
values can be divided into two categories: operational values and the actual displacement of the plunger, respectively. This
such as D p and VO and uncertain values such as B1 , B2 , adaptive control approach shows better results compared to
and . After the flow velocity VO is kept on 3.7 [m/s], the the results obtained from the previous research [15] using
pipe diameter D p shown in Table 2 is used to vary from 5 nonadaptive method, which are shown in Figures 4 and 5 for
inches to 8 inches as D p = {5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0} [in], where the displacement of the plunger and the angle of the butterfly
D p = {0.1270, 0.1524, 0.1778, 0.2032}[m], by assuming that valve. The developed mathematical model is the same as
the pipe or transmission lines are dierent according to that of adaptive method based on the nonlinear models and
their applications. With each D p size, the variations of all the new specific approach in this paper is that the error
10 Journal of Control Science and Engineering

105 113 105 114

2 2

1.5 1.5

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Time (s) Time (s)

103 115 103 116

4 4.474

3 4.4735

2 4.473

1 4.4725
0 1 2 3 4 0 2 4
Time (s) Time (s)

Dp = 5 Dp = 7 Dp = 5 Dp = 7
Dp = 6 Dp = 8 Dp = 6 Dp = 8

Figure 17: Parameter estimates: 116 .

signals are formulated by introducing the desired trajectory shown in Figure 12 and the ratio of input and output jet
to reducing the displacement error in the adaptive method velocities shown in Figure 13 are changed for every 5 of the
while overcoming the complicated parametric uncertainties. butterfly angle. As the strokes are increased by the control
And also the response of the adaptive method shows that the input, the angles get larger and then accordingly the value
motion process is more consistent in both variables, showing of the inlet jet velocity increases, which aects the slower
overdamped phenomena and short rising times, and then motion of the strokes and angles but the variables (strokes
it quickly reaches the steady state. The actual movement is and angles) reach the steady state and the ratio as well.
smoother and faster while all the parameters are varying 30% The challenge is that most parameter terms in Table 1 are
in each flow velocity. combined and lumped together due to the dynamic model
Figures 6 and 7 are the filtered error r(t), defined in (8), in the presence of parameter uncertainty and the model is
and set-point error e(t), given in (6), respectively. Figure 8 complicated owing to the control objectives, set-point regu-
shows the rate of the displacement to Figure 3. From Figure 8, lation, and parametric adaptation. As given in the right side
all figures are presented without the notation of the adaptive of Table 1, the unknown bounded parameter estimate vector
approach. Figure 9 shows the control input u(t) of the sole- 23 is shown in Figures 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19. It can
noid actuator for each pipe diameter, D p , designed in (15) be seen that the parameters such as 101, 110, 111, 113, 116,
with the nonlinear adaptive controller by substituting the 118, and 121 are quickly updated in the form of premultipli-
square of the current, i2 (t). The electromagnetic force Fmag (t) cation by its regression term, W and go to steady state. Thus,
given in (2) and the total torque Tt (t) given in (1) by sum- they are more parametric-centric terms and related to the
ming up the hydrodynamic and bearing torques are plotted i filtered error r(t). The parameters such as 102, 103, 104, 105,
n Figures 10 and 11, respectively. The torque coecient Tc (t) 117, 119, and 122 are updated according to the motion of
Journal of Control Science and Engineering 11

103 117 118

4.4731 1.8027

4.473 1.8027

4.473 1.8027

4.473 1.8027
0 2 4 0 1 2 3 4
Time (s) Time (s)

119 104 120





1.8027 1
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Time (s) Time (s)

Dp = 5 Dp = 7 Dp = 5 Dp = 7
Dp = 6 Dp = 8 Dp = 6 Dp = 8

Figure 18: Parameter estimates: 120 .

the angle and stroke of the solenoid-butterfly valve system. error while adapting to the environment in the presence of
Some parameters such as 106, 112, 114, and 115 are not complex uncertainties such as dierent physical appearances,
updated but other parameters such as 107, 108, and 120 keep uncertain parameters, operational characteristics, and para-
getting updated. Any parameters changing their values must metric nonlinear dynamic models.
be related to the control objective because these terms are The parameter estimation for the unknown bounded
incorporated into the control input in the form of the esti- parameters is performed using a projection algorithm whose
mates. output yields the upper and lower bounds. Numerical
simulation is used to verify the performance of the proposed
5. Conclusion and Future Work approach to show its eectiveness by comparing to the
same dynamic model without adaptation from the previous
For developing advanced automation systems such as ship- research; when compared to the nonadaptive method, the
based hydraulic systems, a typical solenoid-butterfly valve, responses of the plunger displacement and the rotating
which is driven by electromagnetic, fluid mechanics, and angle are steadier, smoother, and faster. Future work will
hydrodynamic forces and torques, is chosen as a continuation be focused on demonstrating the results of hardware-in-the-
of previous research and an adaptive stable control approach loop or experiments for the nonlinear solenoid valve system
with adaptation laws is developed accounting for uncertain- as well as applying the suggested adaptive method based on
ties in multiple parameters on the nonlinear dynamic model. Lyapunov-based control approach to the real-world system.
A stable adaptive controller of the solenoid-valve system is Further research on developing control techniques using
designed positioning the angle of the butterfly valve via a robust or optimal method would be continued to overcome
Lyapunov-based approach. The approach yields bounded nonlinearities such as hysteresis or nonlinear dynamics.
12 Journal of Control Science and Engineering

105 121 103 122

1.5 8.9459

1.4 8.9459

1.3 8.9459

1.2 8.9459

1.1 8.9459
0 2 4 0 1 2 3 4
Time (s) Time (s)





0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Time (s)

Dp = 5 Dp = 7
Dp = 6 Dp = 8

Figure 19: Parameter estimates: 123 .

Nomenclature Tc (): Hydrodynamic torque coecient as a

B1 , B2 : Damping coecients of the function of the valve angle ()
solenoid and butterfly valve, Tb , Th : Bearing and hydrodynamic torques,
respectively (Ns/m) respectively (Nm)
C1 , C2 : Reluctances of the magnetic paths VJ , VO , (VJ /VO )(): Jet velocity, mean flow velocity, and
obtained from plunger geometry of their ratio as a function of the valve
solenoid actuator angle (), respectively.
CR (): Bearing torque coecient as a
function of the valve angle () Acknowledgments
Ds : Stem diameter (m)
Dp: Pipe diameter (inch or m) This research is supported by the Oce of Naval Research
Fmag : Magnetic force (N) (N00014-08-1-0435), which the authors gratefully acknowl-
Fc : Contact force or resultant force edge. Thanks are in particular due to Mr. Anthony Seman
Fr (N) III. The authors would also like to thank Dr. Stephen Mastro
i: Current of solenoid actuator (A) and Mr. Frank Ferrese of Naval Surface Warfare Center
J: Inertia moment (kgm2 ) (NSWC, Philadelphia) for help with many aspects of the
k: Spring stiness (N/m) paper. They are grateful to the anonymous reviewer for
m: Mass of solenoid plunger (kg) critical comments, which led to substantial improvement of
: Friction coecient of bearing area the paper.
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