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Sterline Lorjuste

E Block
November 3, 2017
Night Essay
The Life Of Elie Wiesel Commented [1]: FORM - throughout.

The Auschwitz, it was a concentration camp that took Jewish people

from their home and bring them to this camp where they all were
separated from their families. Night,by Elie Wiesel the main characters Commented [2]: ATTN

are Elie, Moshe the Beadle, Mr. Wiesel. Elie was 16 years old when he Commented [3]: FORM
Commented [4]: you need a space about a period.
started experiencing the cruelty of the world he was raised in, when him
and his family was taken from their home and brought to a concentration Commented [5]: WERE - TENSE. Fix throughout.

camp where they were completely dehumanized.

Throughout their journey in the concentration camp the Jewish prisoners Commented [6]: is this a new paragraph? Your thesis
statement should come at the end of the introduction.
were forced to fight for their survival which led them to act cruelly
towards others, even their own families. This indicates to us that human Commented [7]: space after a comma

beings and their relationships can easily be broken when they are in a
dishonorable situation. Their love can simply be forgotten. Commented [8]: RO

The concentration camp had a big impact on Elies life throughout the
camp because Weisel was becoming more of a bystander and more Commented [9]: huh?

selfish towards his dad and the others on the camp when his dad got beat Commented [10]: when?

by the SS officers and he didnt do anything to help his father . Elie

watched some of the Jews on the camp act mean towards others and still Commented [11]: WC!

didnt try to defend them keep her quiet! Make that madwoman shut Commented [12]: seperate sentence, CON, TRAN
and LEAD
up. Shes not the only one here ( Elie 26). The Jewish people were Commented [13]: CAP and fix the other capitalization
being mean to a lady named Mrs. Schachter they beat her to keep her errors throughout.

from screaming. Commented [14]: when and this needs to come before
the quote.
No one did anything to keep the others from hurting her all though they
all were going through the same situations but they still ended up hurting
one another and no one talk them out of it. Commented [15]: DB!

Families were leaving their own family behind because of the situation Commented [16]: is this a new paragraph? You need
to indent new paragraphs.
they were in all they cared about was themselves and the process of Commented [17]: RO
surviving on the camp it was heartbroken for some of them His son Commented [18]: shouldn't this be about the effect?
had seen him losing ground, sliding back to the rear column. He had I'm very confused.

seen him. And he had continued to run in front, letting the distance Commented [19]: CON, TENSE, LEAD

between them become greater ( Elie 91). Rabbi Eliahou's son had left
him all alone in the cold during the evacuation on the camp he
abandoned his own father. Commented [20]: NSA

Families were forgetting their own families the world had changed them Commented [21]: indent? Is this a new paragraph?

into heartless people. Throughout the camp families had stayed together
and support each other through their difficulties but all that had come to
an end when they started to give up on the people who cared for them
and loved them the most. Commented [22]: good - fix tense and then more of
People on the camp were harshly treated with disrespect their rights
were taking away from them they were compel to do things. They were
forced to give every valuable things that ever belonged to them they
were forced to give them away in a rasping way Anyone who is found
to have gold silver or watches must turn them in now. Anyone who will
be found to have any of these Will be shot on the spot ( Wiesel 24).The
Jewish people were dehumanized because they were unable to keep any
of the items that made them unique and fighting for their survival had
made them act cruel towards others.The German officers constantly
betrayed the Jewish people when they came into their town and take
away their identity My father was crying. It was the first time I saw
him crying. I had never thought it possible ( wiesel 19). Wiesel and his
parents and siblings were command to leave their house and everything
The fact that people were being treated badly cause them to change how
they act towards others. Forwarding to moving to the concentration
camp leaving everything that mattered and made them more human
behind their selves had vanished
The jews were incapable of functioning because they no longer felt like
they were human
When the jews were taken from their home and brought to the camp
they had their identity taken away from them they were being separated
into groups Those whose numbers had been noted were standing apart,
abandoned by the whole world. Some were silently weeping ( wiesel
72). The people felt like they didnt matter that the world had abandoned
them and no love was being shown to them. The jews had been
completely wiped away from they were becoming less of themselves I
couldnt help thinking that there were two of us: my body and I. And I
hated that body ( Wiesel 85).Everyone was losing faith in themselves
Elie and the prisoner's life were roughly
During Elie and the prisoner's life throughout the concentration camp
they roughly fought for their survival which had led them to react brutal
towards their families and friends they became inhuman that they lose
their love relationship with their families.
Throughout the camp Elie had hanged on to his dad's side when others
would have given up on their own father through the hard situations but
Elie chooses not to,Humanity had been a big impact on everyone's life in
the camp specially when their identities were being taken away from
them. From time to time the prisoners were losing their faith in who they
were and who they've become.
sometimes in life we tend to give up on the ones who cares and has been
there for us we sometimes don't realize how much effort they've put into
making sure we are safe my example is from Rabbi Eliahou and his son,
his son had abandoned him and fought him for a piece of bread but what
he didn't realize was that his dad was trying to save him the piece of
bread. Commented [23]: it is impossible for me to give you
feedback here because I can't tell which paragraph is
which, is there are paragraphs, and what the purpose
is for each group of sentences.

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