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EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet

Observation Task 1: Differentiating Centers

Focus: Differentiating centers based activities in the early childhood classroom

Objective: To encourage student teachers to identify how classroom centers can be differentiated
to meet all student levels (Mastery, Developing and Emerging)

Procedure: Photograph and document the centers based activities implemented in the setting
during the course of the day and identify the learning outcomes the activities met

Table 1: Differentiating Centers

Observed learning Centers Description: Resources: International Differentiated Ability
(include photo): Learning Levels:
(list only what you
consider to be the
primary goals)
Writing center The children Books Know how to Mastery
learn how to Eraser write the letters trace the letters
write and they Pencil Developing
do it everyday find the letters in
Write a word that
include the letters

Table 2: Differentiating Centers

Observed learning Centers Description: Resources: International Differentiated Ability
(include photo): Learning Levels:
(list only what you
consider to be the
primary goals)
Drawing center The children Book Know how to Mastery
draw what Pencil connect between Draw shapes first and
they start to Pencil colors art and real life then try to make it
learn different
Draw what they can
see in front of them

Use their imagination
or memory in
EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet

Table 3: Differentiating Centers

Observed learning Centers Description: Resources: International Differentiated Ability
(include photo): Learning Levels:
(list only what you
consider to be the
primary goals)
Craft center The children Book Know how to Mastery
cut and glue Pencil connect between Have different paper
what they are Pencil colors objects and real colors shapes for the
crafting Paper colors life student to glue it and
Glue draw a smile on
Scissor Developing
Wooden cubes Give then a sample
to make one like it,
they will cute the
paper and glue it

Let the child connect
between his work
and the lesson

Reflections on Observation Task 1: Differentiating Centers

Read the questions below and write your answers

1. What are classroom learning centers?

Reading, writing, crafting, explore, play role.

2. What is the purpose of classroom learning centers?

Motived, extend, encourage, engage.

3. What is the role of the students while engaged during learning centers?
Do the activity and listen to instruction.

4. What is the role of the teacher as the students are engaged during learning

5. Do you feel it is important to offer tasks that are developmentally appropriate

for all student ability levels? Why / Why not?
Yes, because each child will have opportunity to do his own work without
help or without feeling uncomfortable.
EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet

Observation Task 2: Identifying Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN)

Special Educational Needs (SEN)

Focus: Identifying types of learning support needed for SEN students
Objective: To encourage student teachers to support and included the learning needs of identified
SEN students in the classroom
Procedure: Identify two children who have SEN and complete table 2 to highlight their needs and
identify support that is offered which facilitates their learning. If your class has no SEN students
you will need to go to a class that has SEN students in order to complete this task.

Table2: SEN Support for Students

Name Age IEP Area of Focus Type, range and frequency of support
provided / needed.

Runcy 5 years Possible ADHD: Daily Teacher Support with advice from
Target to try and sit still Learning Enhancement Teacher:
on the carpet for an agreed Sit next to the teacher
amount of time (5 minutes). provide a different activity to
Make her focus in circle make her feel engaged
area for (5 minutes). build a connect between the
lesson and what she likes
Listen to the instructor.
put her name in reward chart
Do the activities.
every day.

Reflections on Observation Task 2: Identifying Children with Special Educational

Needs (SEN)
Read the questions below and write your answers

1. What is the school policy for inclusion for SEN students in the school?
The school vision is to uphold and fulfill trust of providing our students with a unique
educational experience, inspiring a passion for seeking knowledge, and challenging students
to reach and maximize their academic and social potentials. The foundation of our mission is
built upon ensuring that our curriculum is developed appropriately, student-centered,
resource plentiful, and reflective. Thus, our students will be equipped with the necessary
skills and guidance to assume their role as productive citizens in the local and global
2. What accommodations were made for the identified SEN students in the
Modification of content
Reduction of content
Collaboration of class teacher and SEN teacher
EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet

Follow IEP objectives in classroom

Provision of shadow teacher if needed
Separate assessment for SEN students
3. Was there any assistive technology, other equipment or materials used with
the identified SEN students? If yes, please describe the equipment that was
used and what it was used for.
Yes, they were using equipment for identified SEN students but it was according to the
schedule of SEN students. As the school was following inclusion strategies so they used
different strategies with in the class and for used different intervention once in a week in
rehabilitation room. Within the classroom are:
Extra work sheets according to the topic studied in the class. Reduced content worksheets. SEN
teacher helps to understand the student
Within the Rehabilitation room are:
Writing practice work sheets according to the class content. Assistive tool to develop fine motor
skills. Blocks. Coloring. Cutting pasting. Repetition of concept
The equipment used for intervention are:
Charts. Worksheets. Paint Colors. Color papers. Blocks. Alphabets cards. Pictures. Matching
activities sheets. Assessment tools. Puzzles. Sand for writing. Videos. Toys for development skills
4. What teaching strategies did your MST use with the identified SEN students?
Different teaching strategies were used for SEN students.
Report writing
Reduction of content
Worksheets development
Quiz for assessment
5. Where there any other school staff that worked with the identified SEN
students? If yes, please explain their role and what they did with the
identified SEN student.

6. Do you think that SEN students should be included in the classroom or taught
in class specifically for SEN students? Why / Why not?

Yes, students can help each other to improve and develop with other
EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet

Observation Task 3: Supporting Learning through the Performing Arts: Music and

Focus: Understand the importance of using performing arts in the classroom to link with
academic subjects

Objective: To encourage student teachers to identify different ways that performing arts can be
used in academic subjects

Procedure: Identify two music and movement activities students performed in the classroom and
complete the table

Table 3: Music and Movement (Example)

Observed learning Centers Description: Objective International
(include photo): (Music & Movement) Learning Outcome:

They sit on carpet

and do the Movement: Children learn and show
how to be creative
movements of Fast-slow
Clap, stomp, walk, jump, shake hands

Relationship: students are collaborating with each other, aware

of movement and the contact with body part

Interpretation: students use their creativities to create their

EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet

Reflections on Observation Task 3: Supporting Learning through the Performing

Arts: Music and Movement

Read the questions below and choose one to answer

1. Some people view creative arts education as a luxury and do not help with
the building blocks of child development. In your opinion, what are the
benefits for children who are engaged in creative arts in school?
Having art lesson can help the students to improve and develop their skills. It helps to
develop the memory skill, it provides opportunities to all children to participate. Help
promote interpersonal skills, develop confidence and self-presentation skills, teach children
both self-reliance and collaboration. Moreover, the performance arts connect students to
themselves and each other, creating artwork is a personal experience. Art is one of the many
ways children express themselves, art is a way for children to communicate and show their
feelings, through art children will develop their fine motor skills.
EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet

Observation Task 4

Choose, justify and reflect on the selection of appropriate routines and explain practical aspects of
their implementation.
Reflect on how routines can impact classroom environment (pacing, preventive CRM,
student engagement)
Choose and justify the selection of appropriate routines (entering/leaving the class,
transitions, submitting work, resource distribution) in a range of contexts (ages, gender,
class size, school context, class dynamics, parental support)
Explain practical aspects of implementation (clear instructions consistency)

The task is made up of two activities:
Activity 1: Observing Classroom Routines and Procedures
Activity 2: Planning for/Developing Routines and

You are to complete BOTH Activity 1 AND Activity 2.

Activity One: Observing Classroom Routines and Procedures

Though there are many routines and procedures all over the school such as returning from assembly
or walking in the hallways, this task focuses on what happens inside of your classroom only.
During the first week of your teaching practice observe your MST and her/his classroom. Make a note
of five (5) routines that you see her/him use every day inside of the classroom. Fill in the table below
to describe EACH routine; when and where it is used; and what is the aim of the routine or the
student behavior that it hopes to achieve.
EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet

Name/Description Give the When and where Aim of the How did/do the students Document
of the routine. instructions the routine is routine learn about this routine? (If possible, take a photo
that the used? How is the routine
(what student of the routine as it is
routine reinforced?
uses (e.g. at the end of behaviour it happening, or of any
the school day etc.; hopes to (e.g. mentoring; classroom signs; display related to the
or to guide achieve) reminders by the teacher; use of
presentations after peer interaction by the teacher routine)
group work) to promote such behaviour etc.)
1 Greeting the Say Good When they start To be polite, First, the teacher greets them
students. morning their day in friendly and and ask about their days. Ask
and school, once they For respect all them to put their bags
put your are in classroom. students. outside.
bag outside Model the student who start
please, to do it.
thank you
2 Stand on the Standup on Whenever they To learn how to Its rules, they learn it after
centers lines. line if you have activity be organized. their first 2 weeks in school.
did all your center. Learn to
work collaborate.

3 Clean up She sings After doing their To learn how to Its rules, they learn it after
cleanup, activity center be organized. their first 2 weeks in school.
cleanup, Learn to
everybody collaborate.
EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet

4 Lineup She says When they need To learn how to Its rules, they learn it after
KG2G to go out the be organized their first 2 weeks in school.
lineup classroom and how to line If they lineup in right way she
according to gives them point for the
length reward system.
5 Tidy up She says, The end of the To learn how to Its rules, they learn it after
time to go day be organized their first 2 weeks in school.
home, tidy
up and take
your home

After the Task - Reflection

Reflect on the routine of the classroom and how it is was effective with the students? Explain how this routine will affect student learning in
a KG class.

Routine improve the child skills and make them feel safe because they know their day and wont feel afraid. Routine help the child to

develop the organize skills and memory skills. While their needs will be met and they ultimately have better, more predicable behavior.

Also, children will learn and understand time and time management.
EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet

Activity Two: Planning for/Developing Routines and Procedures

Plan the routines for one of your classes. The activity expects that you will teach the class. It may be a class that you teach for an observation by your
MST/MCT or just a practice class that you teach with the permission of your MST. The lesson can be incorporated as one of your formal observations if
your MST/MCT decides. In order to complete the activity, you are required (whether the lesson is one of your formal observations or not) to fill in and
submit the planning sheet below.
Before you begin to complete the table talk a little bit about the class/lesson in which this plan for routines is to be used. Include:
Lesson objectives
Main activities in the lesson
Grouping of students during each main activity
Behaviour expected during each activity (e.g. sharing resources; changing stations; presenting)
Where are the transitions in the lesson? What are they: (e.g. moving from plenary to group work between main activity one and main activity

Class/Year Routine Routine

Learning Objective of the The unevenness of the columns is deliberate
routine/procedure so that Ss dont think that x number of
(what it hopes to achieve) columns means that we are looking for x
routines. Rather, that they present routines
sufficient to the class activity.
Anecdotal Evidence After Stand on To learn how to be organized. It is a classroom rule to have
(e.g. pictures of your class during the teaching the Learn to collaborate. organize class
routine; posters of rules etc.) the centers
lesson lines.
Place in todays class (when will you After Tidy up To learn how to be organized after activity Students need to learn how to
perform the routine) end, the have organize classroom
How well did this routine work in todays In the Greeting To be polite, friendly and Students will be aware what they
class morning the For respect all students. will learn and work n classroom
EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet

If you had to teach this class over, how Then of Clean up To learn how to collaborate and organized Students will be aware that the
would you adjust this routine and why the and tidy lesson is end and they need to
class up clean and put back their materials

After the Task - Reflection

Choose 3 best practices you observed during your time in school. Reflect on these and consider why you could implement these in a UAE KG classroom
in the future. Explain how these practices will affect student learning in a KG class.

In school I liked to use, line up in center, tidy up and clean up. these rules teach the children how to collaborate and how to be

organized. It is important for the child to know predicable behavior and time management. My students did not really like to

stand on center and wait but in this way the will learn how to be patience. Also, it can help them in daily house life, students do

in home whatever they do in school. Cleaning can teach the students how to be polite, when they clean the classroom that mean

it is a respect for the teacher and them.

EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet

Informational Tasks

1- Look more closely at the instructions that the teacher gives while introducing the
learning centers:
Write the sentences of the instructions that the teacher gives.
Her instructions are very clear when you in center do all your work, raise your
hand if you finish and sit quietly, so your friend can keep working
1- KG2G line up line up clap KG2G to line up.
2- Raise your hand to answer and cross your legs in circle area to answer.
3- clean up KG2G clean up, clap
4- 123 eyes on me
Write your own instructions for one of your own lesson plans.
In circle area sit nicely, cross your legs, and be quiet, raise your hand to answer
or when you have a question
1- raise your hand and sit quietly
2- 123 all eyes on me
3- ABC all ears listen to me

2- Describe the purpose of diagnostic assessment.

A) Identify the diagnostic tests the teacher uses in your TP placement. These might be
check lists, written observations. Photograph blank diagnostics, scan, print and or
upload to your e-portfolio.
She like to use check list

B) Look over the diagnostics again and identify which diagnostics are norm referenced,
criterion referenced, comparison of students ability, comparison of student progress.
EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet

3- Classroom Management
1. Describe two times when your classroom management was successful. Describe the
situation, learning objective and what the students were doing. Why was your
management successful?

Classroom management is important for the teacher and the students. To finish the lesson on
time and all students were participating. In first class, all students were collaborating and work
in activities while Maha disturb her classroom mates so what I did is model other student
behavior and positive reinforcement by telling her if she sits I will put her in green light in
reward system. And she did a fantastic job. According to skinner reinforcements are the ways to
make education enjoyable and effective for all. Second, in my English lesson while my MST and
MCT observed me both agreed I had a time management. What I did was to let them students
work with some motivate, like work around and give positive comments, tap their shoulders
and praise them so show them I appreciate their work.

2. Describe something you would like to improve about your classroom management
(using routines, giving instructions, dealing with disruptive behavior, managing groups,)
Give suggestions (or talk to your MST or MCT) to improve your classroom management.
To improve my classroom management, my MCT told me I need to teach the students how to

use glue, cut paper and use papers. They are still learning and I need to teach them how to do it

before any activities.

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