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1 Class-12 |


1. If cosa is a root of 25x2 + 5x 12 = 0, 1 < x < 0, then the value of sin2a is ____.
12 24 20
(A) 12 (B) (C) (D)
25 25 25 25

2. Two planes are perpendicular to each other. One of them contains vectors a and b and the other

contains vectors c and d , then (a b ) (c d ) = ______.

(A) 1 (B) 0 (C) [a b c ]d (D) [b c d ]a

3. Mayank is waiting for Rishab. To do away with the monotony of waiting, he decides to take a work
under the following rule. He tosses a fair coin, if the coin falls with head upwards, he walks 10 m
north and if the coin falls with tail upwards, he walks 10 m south. The same process is repeated
after walking every 10 metres. The probability that Mayank will be back at the starting point after
walking exactly 100 meters, is _____.
(A) 1/4 (B) 63/256 (C) 61/256 (D) None of these

xy yz xz
4. If x2 + y2 + z2 = r2, then tan1 + tan1 + tan1 is equal to
zr xr yr
(A) p (B) p/2 (C) 0 (D) None of these

1/ 2
dx 2 dy 2
5. If x = f (t) cost + f (t)sint and y = f (t) sint + f (t) cost, then + dt = _____.
dt dt
(A) f (t) + f (t) + C (B) f (t) + f (t) + C (C) f (t) + f (t) + C (D) f (t) f (t) + C

1 1 1
6. If , , are in A.P., then
q+r r +p p+q
(A) p, q, r are in A.P. (B) p2, q2, r2 are in A.P.
(C) 1/p, 1/q, 1/r are in A.P. (D) None of these

x + a2 ab ac
7. For a, b, c R, f ( x ) = ab x + b2 bc is decreasing on
ac bc x +c
a2 + b2 + c 2 2
(A) , 0 (B) 0, (a2 + b2 + c 2 )
3 3
(C) (a2 + b2 + c 2 ), 0 (D) None of these

1 cos C cos B
8. If A, B, C are angles of a triangle, then value of cos C 1 cos A is ______.
cos B cos A 1
(A) cosA cosB cosC (B) sinA sinB sinC (C) 0 (D) None of these

1 x 2 2x + 4 9 32 x + 6 3 x + 4
9. If for x R, < 2 < 3, then lies between
3 x + 2x + 4 9 32 x 6 3 x + 4
1 1
(A) and 2 (B) and 3 (C) 0 and 2 (D) None of these
2 3
| Class-12 2

(4 x 1)3
, x0
x x2
10. The value of p for which the function f ( x ) = sin loge 1 + , may be continuous at
p 3
12(loge 4)3 , x=0
x = 0, is _____.
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) None of these

Logical and Analytical Reasoning

11. Write the English alphabet series in reverse order. At first cancel every second letter and then
select that letter which divides the remaining letters of the alphabet series in two equal parts. This
letter is _____.
(A) L (B) M (C) O (D) N

12. Read the following character sequence carefully and then answer the question given below it :
B C 4 6 D G $ M P 5 % R + V I 7 S 9 X A Z
Which of the following will come in place of the question mark in the following series?
C 4 D 6 G P M R ? I 9
(A) 5 R (B) + 7 (C) % + V (D) I V

13. In a certain code if a friend of mine is written as 4 9 1 6, mine lots of metal is written as
3 1 0 9 and a piece of metal is written as 7 1 6 3, then 8 7 3 would be written as _____.
(A) large metal piece (B) metal for friend (C) piece of advice (D) friend of mine

14. Sanchi goes to the Departmental Store, which is to the North of her house, 6 km away by an auto.
After the shopping she decides to visit her friend Latika, hence turns to the right and reaches her
friend's house which is 8 km away. From there she visits a bakery which is 6 km away, taking a
right turn. Finally, she turns to the right and phones up to the house to send the car.
In what direction should the driver take the car to pick up Sanchi to bring her back?
(A) West (B) East (C) South (D) North

15. Among P, Q, R, S and T, if R ranks as the second wealthiest person; Q is richer than only S. To
decide the wealthiest among them, which of the following statements is (are) necessary?
(i) P is wealthier than Q.
(ii) P, though wealthier than Q, is not as wealthy as T.
(iii) T is wealthier than Q.
(iv) R is wealthier than both P and Q.
(A) Only (ii) or only (i) and (iii) together (B) Either (ii) alone or (i) and (iii) together
(C) Only (iv) (D) Either (ii) alone or (iv) alone

16. Which of the following symbols should be placed in the blank spaces respectively (in the same
order from left to right) in order to complete the given expression in such a manner that N < K
definitely holds true?
(A) , = , > (B) , <, = (C) , =, < (D) >, , <

17. Pointing to a man in a photograph, a woman says, "He is the only son of the only daughter-in-law
of my only son's father." How is the man related to the woman?
(A) Son (B) Father (C) Son-in-law (D) Grandson
3 Class-12 |

18. During TVS Cup cricket match four friendsA, B, C and Dgathered at D's residence to watch a
one-day match on TV which team X was playing against Team Y. Each friend belongs to a different
stateE, F, G or Hand has different occupationsP, Q, R and S. Now study some more clues.
(i) Two of D's friends were A and the person whose occupation was Q.
(ii) B, who does not belong to the state G, is a team Y fan.
(iii) A's occupation is not P. All the persons are of the same sex.
(iv) The person who belongs to state H left for his home in disappointment soon after the team X openers
were dismissed for a duck in the first over.
(v) C and the person whose home state is E were in festive mood during the 47th over when team Y lost
their last wicket on 250, chasing a huge total of 300.
(vi) The person whose occupation is R watched the match till the last ball and was the last person to
go home.
(vii) The person whose home state is G is not associated with the occupation Q.
Who among the following persons is associated with Q ?
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

19. Read the following information carefully and answer the question given below:
Eight friends P, R, T, V, W, J, F and K are sitting around a circle facing the centre. T is third to the
right of F and second to the left of W, P and R are not neighbours of W. R is third to the right of
K. J is between W and K.
Which of the following is the correct position of V?
(A) Second to the left of R (B) Between T and P
(C) To the immediate right of W (D) To the immediate left of W

20. Three of the following four are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that
does not belong to that group?
(A) 3740 (B) 4635 (C) 5869 (D) 7946

Computers and information technology

21. The transmission of the data in both the directions simultaneously is made possible by devices
called _______.
(A) Multiplexer (B) Demultiplexer (C) Controller (D) Transmitters

22. "Windows for Workgroups" is an example of which of the following types of LAN?
(A) Dedicated Server LANs (B) Peer-to-Peer LANs
(C) Zero-Slot LANs (D) Cable based LANs

23. Which of the following interconnection device, operates at the Data Link Layer of the OSI reference
(A) Hub (B) Bridge (C) Routers (D) Gateway

24. Match the layers of OSI reference model given in column-I with their features in column-II.
Column-I Column-II
(p) Application layer (i) Set up, coordinates and terminates conversations
(q) Session layer (ii) Consists of two sublayers- MAC layer and LLC layer
(r) Transport layer (iii) Existence of FTP and Telnet
(s) Data link layer (iv) Responsible for end-to-end error recovery and flow control
(A) (p) (i), (q) (ii), (r) (iv), (s) (iii) (B) (p) (ii), (q) (iv), (r) (iii), (s) (i)
(C) (p) (iv), (q) (iii), (r) (i), (s) (ii) (D) (p) (iii), (q) (i), (r) (iv), (s) (ii)
| Class-12 4

25. Which of the following features of Windows 7, make the content of a window visible as shown
even if it is buried among stack of open windows?

(A) Aero Shake (B) Aero Peek (C) Aero Snap (D) Aero Poke

26. Which of the following memorymeasurement terms defines the amount of memory currently in
use for a process?
(A) Kernel Memory (B) Cache Memory (C) Working Set (D) Commit Charge

27. The piece of the network connections, that brings together different departments of a company
located at different geographical locations is ______.
(A) Network congestion (B) Network router (C) Network backbone (D) Network connector

28. Consider the following C++ program :

main( )
static int a[ ] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4};
static int *p[ ] = {a, a+1, a+2, a+3, a+4};
int **ptr;
ptr = p;
What would be its output?
(A) 111222333 (B) 111122233 (C) 111122133 (D) Error is displayed
5 Class-12 |

29. The member functions that deal with initializing and destroying class instances are _________.
(A) Mutator Functions (B) Accessor Functions (C) Manager Functions (D) Object Functions

30. What will be the output of the following program?

int main( )
clrscr( );
char string[ ] = "pointers and strings";
cout<< *(& string[2])<< "\n";
cout.write(string +5, 15).put('\n');
cout.write(string, 20).put('\n');
cout<< *(string +3) << "\n";
return 0;
(A) i (B) e
pointers and strings ers and strings
ers and strings pointers and strings
e n
(C) n (D) i
ers and strings ers and strings
pointers and strings pointers and strings
e n

31. The two's complement of (100110)2 + (11011)2 is _______.

(A) 010110 (B) 100110 (C) 111111 (D) 1000001

32. Which of the following is a secretive part of Google that experiments with ambitious future
(A) Google L (B) Google X (C) Google G (D) Google D

33. Which of the following handsets is based on Windows 8 operating system?

(A) Samsung Omnia 7 (B) Nokia Lumia 920 (C) Nokia Lumia 800 (D) HTC Titan

34. Which subdivision of SQL provides statements to enter, update, delete data and perform complex
queries on these tables?
(A) DDL (B) DML (C) Transaction Language (D) Both (A) and (B)

35. Consider the following "m" tasks with runtime r1, r2, .........., rm to be run on single processor
machine, which of the following algorithm will result in maximum throughput?
(A) Round-Robin Scheduling (B) Shortest-Job First Scheduling
(C) First Come First Serve Scheduling (D) Priority Scheduling

36. Which of the following firewall techniques applies security mechanism only when a connection is
established with a network?
(A) Packet filter (B) Application gateway (C) Circuit - level gateway (D) Proxy server

37. A pre-3G radio technology that allows improved data transmission rates as a backward-compatible
extension of GSM is ___________.
| Class-12 6

38. Which of the following integral protocol encapsulate and negotiate options for the multiple network
layers protocols ?

39. Which of the following is the associative container of C++?

(A) vector (B) map (C) list (D) stack

40. Which of the following is an example of logical tags of HTML?

(A) <b> This is National Cyber Olympiad </b> (B) <em> This is National Cyber Olympiad </em>
(C) <p> This is National Cyber Olympiad </p> (D) <center> This is National Cyber Olympiad </center>

41. You have to connect your home computers, laptops, playstation, iPad and mobile devices to your
home internet connection. Which of the following would be the most user friendly and economical
(A) WWAN (B) WLAN (C) Radio IP (D) VSAT

42. The SCSI bus connects devices using a ________ cable interface.
(A) Plug-n-play (B) Daisy chain (C) Un-terminated (D) Internal

43. It is U.S. based video sharing website on which users can upload, share and view videos. It was
founded by Jake Lodwick and Zach Klein in November 2004. Identify the website.

(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these

44. Which of the following connectors is used to power a CD-ROM or other

disc drives in a computer?
(A) DB-15
(B) Molex
(D) RJ-11

45. What is the output of the following C++ program?

#include <iostream.h>
int main( )
int numbers[5];
int *p;
p = numbers;
*p = 10;
*p = 20;
p = &numbers[2];
*p = 30;
p = numbers + 3;
*p = 40;
p = numbers;
*(p+4) = 50;
for(int n = 0; n < 3; n++)
cout << numbers [n] << ", ";
return 0;
(A) 10, 20, 30, (B) 10, 20, 30, 40 (C) 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 (D) None of these
7 Class-12 |

46. Number (39) when represented in 2s complement form is _____.

(A) 11011001 (B) 12111 (C) 110111 (D) None of these

47. What is the output of the following C++ program?

int main( )
int a, b;
a = (b = 2, b + 3);
return 0;
(A) 2 (B) Garbage Value (C) 5 (D) 3

48. DLC most often refers to what type of downloadable content?

(A) Virus definitions (B) System software updates
(C) Web browser plugins (D) Video game add-ons

49. While performing online transactions over the internet, which of the following technologies is used
to protect ecommerce pages?

50. Google Docs and TurboTax Online can be categorized as what type of software?
(A) Shareware (B) Vapourware (C) Commercial Software (D) SaaS

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