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For the

Nov. 17

GOP Tax Overhaul: The House voted, 227

Y Y N N N -205, to reduce business and personal taxes
by $1.5 trillion through fiscal 2027 while
simplifying the tax code. A yes vote was to
pass HR 1 over Democratic arguments it is
skewed in favor of corporations, investment
firms and wealthy households.
State and Local Deductions: The House
Y Y N N N blocked, 234-193, a Democratic move to
effectively strip HR 1 (above) of its provisions
to end the federal deductibility of state and
local income and sales taxes and limit
property-tax deductions to $10,000. A yes
vote was to block the move.
Mine Safety Regulation: The Senate
N N confirmed, 52-48, David Zatezalo, a former
coal executive and miner, to head the Mine
Safety and Health Administration. A yes vote
backed the nominee over Democratic
criticism of his safety record while running
mines in Kentucky and West Virginia.
Comptroller of the Currency: Voting 54-43,
N N the Senate confirmed Joseph M. Otting to
head the Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency, an agency of the Treasury
Department that oversees national banks and
federal savings and loans. A yes vote was to
confirm the nominee.
KEY VOTES AHEAD 2017 Voterama in Congress
Congress is in Thanksgiving Day recess until the week of Nov. 27.

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